How to make Shrimp & Chicken Eggrolls

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hi everybody everybody I'm back and today today Gina young is going to show you all how to make egg rolls today when I make these egg rolls I'm going to use ground chicken and I'm also going to use white shrimp and we're going to put them together if you wanted to make egg rolls and have your meat separate absolutely you can okay you can do chicken egg rolls or you can just do shrimp egg rolls you can put whatever kind of meat you would like to put in your egg rolls here's what you love me you will need egg roll wrappers and here's what they look like and I'm going to show you all how easily these can be wrapped you will need coleslaw mix and it just came in a bag in the produce section and I put a little bit of green parsley in there okay you're gonna need corn starch as well as soy sauce vegetable oil ground ginger and you will need a fresh clove of garlic now when I make egg rolls because I've made egg rolls with fresh ginger and I really don't enjoy the taste of the fresh ginger in my egg roll but when I make egg rolls with ground ginger it's absolutely amazing so I always use ground ginger in my egg rolls alright this here is just a cup of cold water that we're going to use to seal up our egg roll wrappers okay over here I have some oil this is just vegetable oil feel free to use whatever kind of oil you'd like to use okay and honestly I don't suggest using olive oil because olive oil burns at a high temperature and we're going to turn this up pretty high so that we can fry these all right so the first thing that I want to do I'm gonna put these in a refrigerator until I'm ready to use them let's go ahead and chop up our beautiful shrimp that we have here you can chop yours up fine or you can do yours like I'm doing mine I'm gonna bring us a little closer to the camera so that you all can see I've peeled and deveined my shrimp but here's the pieces that I like to use let me show you see that there I like to taste chunks into my egg roll now there are some people that like to once they put the filling in they'll go ahead and put maybe two nice big shrimp just like this right on top of the filling and roll it up because they like to see the big you know the big piece of shrimp but I'm not gonna do it that way I like for my shrimp to be mixed all in okay so we're gonna chop it up just like so I hope that you all are having a great week a great work week I hope you all have had a good day today I'm so excited to be able to show you all how to do this and how simple how simple it is I have already showed you all how I like to make my Philly cheesesteak egg rolls now it's time for the chicken and shrimp this one here is gonna send you head over heels you hear me absolutely it is and what we're gonna do with the shrimp is we are going to cook the shrimp once you see that your chicken is almost done then we're gonna go ahead and add our shrimp in okay because you don't have to cook shrimp very long plus it's gonna be cooked inside of the wrapper as well okay so I'm going to show you how we're gonna do this here in just a second okay I got two more to chop up I'm gonna chop up our garlic just like so if you all haven't had a chance to check out my video for the what did I make today guys I did the smothered potatoes if you haven't seen that video check it out because it is absolutely awesome those potatoes were it was a lot of time to make so now I'm gonna go in and I want to chop up my garlic just want to give it a smash this is a big piece of garlic I don't believe I'm gonna use that this whole clove here that's a big piece there we go when you do that that helps to take off the skin of the garlic if you don't smack it that way you'll be pilling for days trying to get that skin off of there so let's chop up let's use half of it alright this other half I'll use it tomorrow for something okay and you just want to chop it up as fine as you can okay in this manner and I'm going to get a frying pan so that we can start cooking our ingredients there are some people that don't like to cook their ingredients only their meat but me personally I like to cook my cabbage I like to cook my coleslaw mix absolutely I do okay that's fine enough just like so because we're going to saute that up before we cook on meat let's bring this oil aside all right let's get some oil in there turn this up onto a medium high heat that's enough oil and you want to put your garlic in there and start to saute it up a little bit once it starts to get some color before it gets too dark you want to put your chicken in your ground chicken all right okay while our garlic starts to get nice and sauteed up let's go ahead and marinate our chicken I'm going to show you how I like to season it we're gonna use the ground ginger you don't have to use a lot that just a little bit will go a long way let me bring that up to the camera so you can see just that much right there it goes a long way trust me when I tell you this okay we're going to use some soy sauce soy sauce is gonna be your salt okay that's enough and then you're gonna put of course the cornstarch the cornstarch is going to serve as a tenderizer for your meat it's gonna help and velvet the meat and get it nice and tender and keep it juicy okay this right here that's about all you're gonna need all right then we're gonna mix that in well so you put ginger you put soy sauce and cornstarch okay no fresh no fresh ginger all right just like this let's get it well incorporated and you want this to sit for at least five minutes before you put it into the pan with the garlic okay our garlic is doing just beautiful over here okay right before it gets too dark I'll move the whole pan off of the stove okay so that the garlic doesn't continue to cook beautiful you're going to continue to mix this we wanted to set for five minutes before we mix it in with our beautiful garlic I'm taking the garlic off of the burner I'm moving the whole pan I'm just moving it aside okay beautiful I'll come back in five minutes okay let's go ahead and you want to put your chicken right on into the pan put the sauteed garlic in the oil just like so and as you cook it up you want to try to chop it up as much as you can because listen here when I try to make meatballs here so you mashed it up as much as you can all right normally I like to wait so when it's mostly cooked then you can go in and chop it up okay once this is almost done then we'll go in and put our shrimp in okay and then after once the shrimp goes in you're gonna put the cost and that coleslaw mix only has to cook just about maybe three to five minutes because you don't want to cook that coleslaw mix all the way because it will continue to cook in the egg roll wrapper okay and it doesn't take any time for that to cook see this here beautiful there's nothing like the smell of ground chicken soy sauce and ginger the smell is amazing my goodness oh yeah I don't feel like a lot of people use ground chicken enough and here's the thing it's awesome especially if you know how to cook it and not overcook it it's amazing absolutely it is okay I'm just chopping up our ground chicken buddy doesn't smell good my goodness that smells so good now see those of you that's never worked with ground chicken you're not gonna see that dark brown color like you would ground beef okay it doesn't get that color all right so I'm just trying to chop it up as much as I can you're not gonna be able to chop it up all the way and that's fine just do what you can all right there we go beautiful blue that smells good my goodness and then so I also I went out and bought sweet and sour sauce that I'm gonna put into my ramekin I'll go ahead and put that in my ramekin now we'll get that out the way so we can have it for dipping sauce now I do make a homemade sweet and sour sauce the question is have you all seen my video for my sweet and sour pork I did a sweet and sour pork video and I show in that video how I make my homemade sweet and sour sauce so if you haven't seen that video that's the perfect time to look at it let me know what you think about my sauce my sweet and sour sauce is out rageous do you hear me it tops Oh oh man I was getting ready to say on tops all the restaurants out there I'm not gonna say that but I tell you one thing is good who is good okay so now what we're gonna do let's go ahead and take our shrimp all right we're gonna put your shrimp in there I'm gonna wash my hands and then you're going to and you don't have to seasoned the shrimp if you want it to you can but this is gonna be so flavorful you really don't have to season that shrimp okay man that looks good you can use the ground pork if you want it to absolutely you can have a question for you all have you all seen my video for my crab raccoons it's been a while since I made them I might just do another video for you all for the crab raccoons they are amazing okay see now that our shrimp is almost cooked let's go ahead and put our coleslaw mix in and make sure that your coleslaw mix doesn't have anything like apples because nowadays they make coleslaw with apples and raisins and all kinds of different things make sure that you have just regular coleslaw okay undressed with no seasoning on it all I put in there was a little bit of dried parsley and that's it this right here is our very simple very simple filling but here's the thing it tastes so good it tastes so good here we go now this isn't gonna go along from here once you put the coleslaw in you're not gonna cook it long remember I told you all that the coleslaw will finish cooking inside of the wrapper okay as well as your shrimp it will continue to cook in the eggroll wrapper when we fry it now make sure that your oil is deep enough you have enough room to fry your egg rolls I'll probably do four egg rolls at a time but you don't want to overcrowd that pan because if you overcrowd your pan there's a chance that they can stick together and get soggy and we don't want that to happen okay so if you have to do your egg rolls in batches okay that's just fine no problem let me show you all something I'm gonna grab a shrimp just to show you what they're looking like if I can grab one there's one of our shrimp and you can see that it's starting to get nice and cooked alright beautiful but the thing is I want to let this mixture sit on the counter for probably about maybe ten to fifteen minutes before I start to roll up my egg rolls okay and make sure when you do this as well don't use a lot of oil when you saute up your garlic because you don't want for your filling to be oily that's the last thing that we want right beautiful this right here is done okay I'm gonna bring it close to the camera so that you often see what it's looking like tears are filling Gina young style nice and beautiful it's healthy all right now we set it on the counter we let it cool down we take our egg roll wrappers out and get ready okay everybody let's get started I'm gonna show you all how to do a couple of these and then I'll do the others off-camera okay so you want to grab one and you want to turn it diagonal is that is that right you want to turn it diamond-shaped turn it so it looks like a diamond towards you okay you can use your hands if you want hey you put you some gloves on you can do it barehanded whatever you like to do just grab you some filling okay check me up guys don't get crazy with the fill-a-need there you don't want to put too much and then you can't close it okay put just enough in there can you see the meat then can you all see the shrimp okay we got a good picture beautiful I'm gonna put a little bit more feeling just like so let's see I need room for my camera and I need room for my my hands okay if you're the person that wants to put the shrimp on here you can do whole shrimp right here and here and then start wrapping first thing that you want to do is this okay see that we took the sides we did this okay and then you want to bring up this side bring your feeling back and you just start rolling okay just start to roll in this manner okay now when you get right here where it looks like there's a triangle there you take a little bit of that cold water you put it right there and you wrap this bad boy and pull it tight pull it tight now okay and you have your egg roll you can come back through and seal it just like so there's one done and out the way if you have any pieces that open just kind of wet it and smooth it out and it'll close no problem okay just like that now that can be kept in the refrigerator okay it can be kept in the freezer as well let's go ahead and get you some more filling let's bring it back a little further this time okay instead of right in the middle I'm not a perfectionist at this but it gets us a gross you all understand that that shrimp I want to eat that shrimp so bad all right we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna bring this up we're gonna pull that filling towards us and we're just gonna start rolling these bad boys you hear me and right where this diamond shows up again or the triangle just go ahead and roll it into it this way in this manner and then you take your hands once again and seal the ends up we got two egg rolls done and out the way okay I'm gonna do a couple more and then I'm gonna show you how to fry these up okay everybody so we have egg rolls here's what I did I decided I felt like I need it to use two of the wrappers so I just stacked two of the wrappers on top of each other and did it the same way okay that way I feel like using two I don't have to worry about them breaking apart or anything or the filling coming out and we're all set only thing I'm waiting on right now I'm just dipping my fingers in some water to seal up the edges only thing that I'm waiting on right now is for my oil to get nice and hot and then we're gonna fry these bad boys up we're gonna pray over them I'm gonna give them a taste and I'm gonna let y'all know what it tastes like okay everybody now it's time to go ahead put your egg rolls right on in there be careful because you don't want to splatter yourself or anyone that's in the kitchen around you medium-high heat don't turn it up too high okay as you don't want these to Brown too fast you want them to be that nice golden brown color that we all love okay I think let's see I wonder if I can fit these all in there let's go ahead and just start off with these ones okay and these ones here I'm just gonna put these in the freezer for later [Music] medium-high heat they will be done in no time very quick right very quick and simple who doesn't love an egg roll I pull up me and my dad we would always get Chinese food and we always had to have you have to have that shrimp egg roll and we had to have one ton soup and shrimp fried rice so I grew up eating egg rolls and I absolutely loved them to today absolutely I do I can't find my little thing that I was going to use to turn it but I guess this knife will do beautiful see that there you keep a good eye on these cuz you don't want any burn marks okay just turn them as often as you want okay everybody let's go in and give them a nice turn once again see that they're beautiful that's that color that's that color right there I have some strawberry lemonade here the video might seem like it's taken longer that's because I can press video I'm sorry I press pause and I'm editing and things like that but really this has only been four minutes in there golden brown all the way around I just want to make sure they have that deep color that I love god bless these egg rolls Lord we thank you for this meal today we thank you for your love I'm your mercy and your understanding send your angels down just around this day at night and your Holy Spirit to help us make the decisions give us peace of our minds Lord we thank you for everything please forgive us amen here if you all enjoyed this video [Music] make sure you subscribe make sure you click on notification bill ga-young uploads one of these awesome recipes oh [Music] yeah one more minute and I'm taking them out and we're gonna okay everybody take a look egg rolls 101 you never made these before you might want to make them if you don't you are totally missing out give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video give me a thumbs up if you hated the video mm-hmm why not oh yeah alright going in I started off with four I only have two they they came and they came and robbed me they robbed me for my egg rolls now here's what I like to do though seriously I want to cut down into one so you can see the crunch so you can hear the crunch and you can see the inside okay let's do that nice and crispy now remember I used two wrappers okay look how beautiful look just how beautiful you'll see that give this a try and let me know what you think try making these when you have your next get-together watch how well they go over whoo-whee you're making better taste guys oh good girl has did it again let's give this a try we've already prayed over our food first you got to dunk it you kind of put you some sweet and sour sauce mmm I'm going in guys look at that big piece of shrimp waiting just waiting on me to devour it that's okay I'm coming I'm coming to get you mmm I'm gonna give you all one more bite and then I'm gonna sit down so I can enjoy this got a bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a good night good night make you some
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 163,705
Rating: 4.9207067 out of 5
Keywords: #shrimp&chickeneggrolls #inthekitchenwithginayoung #Godisgreat #Godisgoodallthetime
Id: fwSHXrjWPnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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