Yeast Dinner Rolls NO KNEAD just like Grandma sewards

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hi everybody today I'm gonna show you all how to make yeast dinner rolls now this dinner roll is an Oni dinner roll so that's great anytime you can find a no need dinner roll that's the recipe for you last time I needed some some dough I lost about 20 pounds here's what you're going to need first thing that you're going to need is two packages of your yeast 1/4 cup of granulated sugar 1 and 1/3 cup of lukewarm water or milk 4 cups of flour 1 teaspoon of salt 1 large egg and you will need 5 tablespoons of melted butter now we're using our stand-up mixer today I have my camera at a different angle than I usually have it at because I want to get down into this mixer so my camera is up high right now okay so the first thing that we want to do I have four cups of flour in here you'll also need these four cups of flour now what we need to do is I have the one in one but one in one thirds cup of lukewarm water we're going to add one teaspoon of sugar okay and that sugar is going to help to let's let's give it a little mix that sugar is going to help to activate our yeast okay it kind of feeds off of the sugar alright let's go ahead and add our two packages of yeast into this lukewarm water and you want to make sure that your water is warm but you do not want to have that water be hot because what will happen if that water is hot it will kill the yeast and the yeast will never get active for you okay so what you're looking for is for this yeast to get nice and frothy what will happen is it will start to activate and it'll give you like a real frothy look okay so we're gonna give that maybe a good eight to ten minutes and it'll start frothing up okay let me get all of that yeast off of my rubber spatula so I can go down into here okay great we'll just set that aside okay now we have our four cups of flour we're going to go ahead into our flour we're going to add a teaspoon of salt just like so we're going to add one fourths cup of white granulated sugar just like so okay in then we're going to add one large egg right on in there okay now what we need to do let's go ahead and turn this mixture or beater on all right I'm gonna turn it on slow so let's start it off on this very slow mixing up okay meanwhile our yeast if you can see down in there is starting to froth up but it's not ready yet okay alright just mix this just a little bit let me stop that alright what I want to do is I want to scrape down my sides because I want to make sure that all of my ingredients get nice and mixed in I'm so excited about this dinner roll guys now my grandmother my grandma Seward she used to make a yeast roll and she would make it for Christmas and she would make it for Thanksgiving and it was like the best it was to die for rolls right so I told myself after my grandmother couldn't make them anymore I told myself that I'm going to learn how to make these I'm gonna make these or tradition in my house and then I can pass them on to my family okay I'm gonna turn this back on for a second guys just so low just like that guy's awesome and you don't have to turn it up on high okay there's no need to turn it up on the high right now I'm getting that egg mixed in and that's salt okay okay awesome let's turn this get that off of there now here's the yeast look at this guys you see that froth see how frothy that is that's what we're looking for so now we're gonna go ahead and add our yeast mixture and take your rubber spatula and get all of that goodness out of there guys get all of that yeast and that warm water out of there we need all of it okay just like this now let's mix this turn it on just a low speed is fine okay so now yeah you'll see it to start getting a little clumpy which is just what you're wanting now we're going to add the melted the five tablespoons of melted butter and you can add it while your mixture is going get it all in there and now this is going to be a sticky dough guys it's going to be sticky okay you know there's some those that are really dry and then there's some let me turn this off for a second guys and then there's some dough's that are really dry what I need to do let me get all of this out of the out of here and then I'm going to change to the hook okay I'm gonna take this off the whisk and turn into my hook in just a second because I want to use the hook because what I want to happen with this dough is I want to see when this dough forms a ball okay and it's easy to show when you're using the hook attachment okay so let's scrape all of this goodness off just like this guys this yeast smells so good a lot of people are intimidated when when you know when you say I you know make a yeast dough but guess what it's so easy it's so simple like it's hassle-free it's mistake-free you cannot mess it up okay let's get this off just like that guys touch our put our hook on here our dough hook all right are you on there yes all right now turn this on and when our dough turns into a ball that dough is ready guys okay now let's turn it on slow and we'll see the dough form into a ball it'll start to hook one two that connect onto that hook and pull off of the size that's just what your warning awesome it's doing exactly what we wanted to do guys cama turn it up just a little bit not too high but just a little there we go but they need to beat down into there because I've seen some flower that hasn't been mixed up so I turned it up just a little there we go awesome let's let it go for a little bit longer what better way to make a yeast dinner roll and you don't have to need it guys this is awesome and yet it's gonna be so fluffy so light and so fluffy beautiful okay now if you can look down in here you see that all of that dough is connect it to this hook that right there that's what you're wanting that means you've done something right okay let's go ahead and turn this off okay take a look at it guys perfect perfect perfect all right let me get my ball everyone I have I have this bowl here I'm just gonna grease it up well because we're gonna put our dough down into here okay and this is what our dough is gonna rise in all right don't cut too much oil just enough oil to coat it okay all right there's my bowl let me wipe my hands off guys I'll be right back the smell of nice guys the smell of this beautiful dough is to die for I wish I had like a air freshener an air freshener of yeast oh that would be kind of weird now I admit that would be kind of weird okay here's what we're gon do all right now I'm gonna take a little bit of flour just a little bit of flour guys and when I tell you a little bit just a little tiny bit we're gonna put it here on this calendar I'm gonna go ahead let's see if I can get this there we go awesome let's get this dough out of here everyone okay and I'm gonna set that dough right there on that flour okay and all I'm gonna do I'm just gonna turn my dough once of this flour just a few times no kneading guy no kneading at all I just wanna get it to the point where it's not let me get a little bit more flour where it's not too too too too sticky okay and that's it guys this is our dough how simple all right just that extra flour off this feels so great guys oh this could be therapy it's so soft and so beautiful check this out guys isn't that beautiful okay now we're going to put our dough into this greased bowl okay now I flipped it over and now what we're gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and wet this tea towel tea towel kitchen towel whatever you want to call it I'm gonna wet it with nice warm water I don't want to wring it out very well and we're gonna set this dough in the oven the oven is not turned on the oven has not been preheated I'm just gonna put it in the ovens who protect it from any drafts or any cold air that might come into the kitchen okay so now what I'm doing is I'm wetting my tea towel I'm wringing it out nice and well okay cuz we don't want any water from this tea towel to go into our dough so wring it out well and then you lay it right on top of this beautiful dough then we're going to put our dough in the oven and we're going to let it rise for about an hour okay just like this guys all right that's a nice warm towel guys let's get this in the oven so that it can rise and then in an hour we'll be back to check on our dough I'll see you when I come back guy okay everyone we're back our dough has risen in the oven cold oven the oven was not preheated or anything like that and our dough should have rise let's go ahead and look at this together oh wow beautiful that's what we're now what you need to do is you want to punch it a few times just like this and what that does is it releases air bubbles okay that's enough right there maybe one more okay now my calendar is impeccably clean I've clean my counters very well we're going to pick this or take this out of our grease Bowl all right and it feels so beautiful guys let me zoom in it feels just like a baby's bottom it is so beautiful therapeutic guys this is so soft and it smells so good all right now here's what we're gonna do we're going to write here I have a cook a cake pan all right now I've put a little nymph oil in here and I've greased it on the sides and everything and right here on my sides I've left extra because what we're gonna do when we take our rolls out all we need to do is grab these sides and just pull the aluminum foil off and our rolls will come out with it very simply and easily all right here's what we're gonna do everyone I don't know why I keep smacking that that's like I I feel like I need to smack it all right here's what we're gonna do and try to make them the same size it might not be easy to make them all the same size unless you're using like an ice cream scoop or something I'm just gonna kind of eyeball it and now what I'm doing is I'm gathering gathering everything so they can be nice and smooth bring it to the bottom and kind of twist it and push it in okay and I'll do that again and then let's see let me see do you guys have can you see my let's see okay now you can see my baking dish and start putting them in just like so hold on one second I'm gonna get I need to get a lid to cover this rice I'm making white rice okay all right so just pinch some off just like so and see how it's all over the place didn't just gather those parts in gather those parts in just like this all right maybe twist them if you want and just push it in okay you have a nice smooth ball just like so try your best to make them the same size and we'll put them in here now with this dough what's great about this dough guys is this dough does not have to rise again if you put this in the oven right away as soon as you're done okay but or you can rise it again now I'm gonna rise it again okay so after I get these in here right see that guys after I get these in here I'm gonna set them back in the oven to rise one more time but like I said you do not I know I'm repeating myself you do not have to rise these for a second time as long as you put them directly in the oven as soon as you're done you know forming these balls okay all right so see that just kind of twist it push it in you got a beautiful ball okay just like so I'm not sure exactly how many this will make but we'll just see as we go okay look at this dough guys it's just beautiful just perfect and this is gonna make the most tasty yeast roll that you've ever had we're going to call these rolls grandma suet rolls because I've never tasted such a beautiful roll then my grandma Seward's rolls this recipe I hope that this recipe hold on guys I hope that this recipe blesses you all and your family and you can make this a tradition in your family okay just do this twist it push it beautiful balls just like so okay now what I'll do I want to put my video on pause while I continue to fill the rest of the pan up okay and then soon as it's done I'll be right back guys okay everyone let me show you what I have I didn't have enough room in my baking pan over there so I have another little pan I just put the last two in there and make sure you a butter or oil your pan or you know if you use a little nut oil like me go ahead and butter or oil it now what I'm gonna do well well just put it this way if you want to go ahead and throw them in the oven you throw them in right now but if not and you want to do like me you can throw them in the oven make sure your oven is not a 1 okay we're going to do it the same way like we did earlier and we're gonna cover it with our tea towel okay your kitchen towel and go and throw it back in the oven for about 35 minutes and let these rise one more time okay let me show you here's what we got guys look at that that's quite a bit we're gonna go ahead and cover these up just like this guys no fuss just cover it up we're gonna throw those in the oven and I'm gonna sweep my camera back guys give me just a second sorry we'll put these in the oven and let them rise one more time and I'll be back okay okay guys let me just show you our yeast rolls in they're rising in there like I said about 35 minutes you know you have the other one that has to when I'm at the bottom and I'll come back when their Frizzle okay everyone I'm back it's only been 35 minutes now look at those guys what a difference see that now I have my oven heating up on 400 degrees we're gonna cook our yeast roast at 400 degrees for 20 to 22 minutes no longer okay let this oven heat up and I'll be back guys okay everyone what we're gonna do while our oven is heating up my oven will beep for me when it's preheated to what I need it to do so while I'm waiting on that I'm gonna go ahead and put some melted butter onto my rolls not enough not a lot just to know just a little tad bit just like so okay all right because we're gonna butter these rolls again when they come out okay look at this guy's I am super super super excited about this my mouth is watering I'm thinking of all the memories of when I went to Chillicothe to visit my grandma Seward and she would be having maybe Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner and all I could think about was getting to these yeast rolls guys and I also also one more thing that I wanted was I wanted my grandma scalloped corn you talking about good guys oh I need it was these roles in the sickness in the scalloped corn and I was set I was so happy and then there's so many foods that my grandmother was such a good cook so many other foods that she made that was just to die for guys okay here's this oh my grandma had a a dog - I don't know what kind of dog that was guys he was white and he was fluffy he was beautiful but he scared the crap out of me every time I wit guys I was so so so scared of this little dog I think I want to say his name was taffy I could be wrong but I was scared of that little sucker and every time I got there he would bark and I'm thinking like really this little teeny dog is scaring me he scared me half to death guys okay it looks like I'm gonna have my oven is telling me I have six more minutes and my oven will be preheated and then we'll put these in the oven and I'll be back okay everyone my oven is pretty that preheated I'm sorry and we're gonna go ahead and throw these in four hundred twenty two twenty two minutes I'll be back okay guys our yeast rolls have came out of the oven they cook for 20 minutes now we're gonna put on some butter guys and you know what remember those two that I had in the pan one of them's going already guys I could not help myself I had to I just had to it and it is so good I didn't even put butter on it guys it was so delicious oh my goodness guys look at this one this here mm-hmm this takes me back guys how beautiful the smell in my house it smells so good let's turn these bad boys over so I can reach the other side get that beautiful butter on there guys now if you want it to you could make a honey butter just by using butter a few tablespoons of butter some honey and maybe like two teaspoons of powdered sugar but I'm telling you guys this doesn't need anything but this butter it's delicious to die for I'm so glad I could share this recipe with you all in a few minutes I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna give it about five minutes and then I'll take these out and try them and let you know what they taste like be back let me zoom in guys so you can see that isn't that beautiful yes beautiful okay guys it's been five minutes let's go ahead and take these rolls out I'm gonna show you just how quick and easy these will come out of the pan just by using the aluminum foil and hanging it off the side okay this should work very simply just like this look at that guys you know that that's what we're looking for isn't that beautiful so simple guys and one thing I didn't tell you guys seriously one thing I did not tell you is that you do not have to use a stand-up mixer for this you don't have to use a handheld mixer for this guys you can mix this up by hand with no problem and these will in they'll turn out the same way guys just follow this recipe to the teeth and they will turn out for you guys now let me show you something let me show you something they should be very easy to pull apart guys oh my goodness oh my goodness look at that look how look how they stand tall look at that look at this don't they stand so tall and they're so beautiful and yet so fluffy guys seriously check it out look at the bottom beautiful beautiful this here is what I call a yeast row okay let me show you one more okay we'll pull apart one more and like I said they should pull apart with no problem ain't that something isn't that something eyes oh man and now for the taste tester all right I'm gonna slather me just a tiny bit more butter look guys uh all right I'm going in I cannot take this mm-hmm [Music] there is no no better you throw out there guys this one here this is the one you want this is the one you want for your holidays for your Sunday dinner mmm it's still good mmm and it's not too sweet but it has a little hint of that sugar mmm that fresh yeast guys amazing and like I said guys you can also use milk and if you didn't want to use the water okay if you all enjoyed this recipe give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed subscribe to my channel and tell your family and friends to subscribe and as always have a good night god bless and thank you so much for watching
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 586,446
Rating: 4.9002361 out of 5
Id: 65BnMWHfJQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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