Seafood Gumbo Recipe | #SoulFoodSunday

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[Applause] what's good at everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling and today we're doing a seafood gumbo and we're doing it with me a B hey listen this is like super simple you know what I mean ah hey you know what I'm not even gonna say a super simple what I'm gonna do is we're gonna take the mystery out for those you guys that don't know just how easy it is to make you know a seafood gumbo right you know what it really is all in the room listen that's what we're gonna spend our time with in this video we just want to I'm getting ready to show it to you so you guys can see it and I'm a walking guys through that process listen it's just time that's all it is the rest of the ingredients cook like any other dish that I've made but listen that's what's so scary about seafood gumbo or just a word gumbo period so with that being said I'm not going to over talk it because listen we're gonna talk in this video and we friend to make it happen y'all let's get it okay here we go these are all the ingredients you know lined up don't let this intimidate you you know I mean it's a few ingredients sure but it's a lot of just dumping and go right so now I'm going to start off by showing you guys you know the shrimp these are the shrimp as you can see already peel devein them and look at the sauce you can see by the size on my hand and this right here you can just see how big they're all right so this is about three pounds now I took the shells because you guys know I'm saving the shells right we're gonna use the shells that came from that what we gonna do is we gonna make a you know we're gonna use this and we're gonna cook this down to get that seafood taste right so you want to save these also so whatever you peel you know you just want to save your shells now next thing here we got 1 cup of all-purpose flour then we got 1/2 a cup this is 1/2 a cup of canola oil you guys can use vegetable oil whatever oil you like to use I'm going to use canola on this one then of course you know we got both of these bell peppers right obviously we got a yellow and we got a green and then we going you know where we're gonna dice these and we're gonna dice them you know so they did a little bit on the finest all right here's everybody's favorite look the W sauce and listen you know we've seen right you don't be making that gumbo right so check it out you guys should have known automatically I might have that Creole kid do you guys can use whatever type of Creole or Cajun seasoning you like but this is my choice right here and don't forget as you see on the screen I put a discount right there that's a 10% discount if you use the code a BTN you guys got to get that you see that I'll cook with it a lot and I'll put it on a lot of things it doesn't just have to be seafood you know like a nothing like that you can put it on this and I'm mixing in my chicken everything here we got a half a cup of butter this is salted butter minced garlic thyme and then here we got big leaves as you can see we got three bay leaves now we got celery I'm just gonna cut them down in the middle and then we're gonna chop these we want to get about a cup of this here we got green onions then we got parsley now this is that curly parsley you know either parsley you guys have at your local grocery store it out of work just fine you want to get yourself about at least a quarter cut so I'll start with just a measure to make sure I got enough and then right here I got 12 ounces of beer this and you guys can use just about any type of beer if you would like you know I just happen to go buy a pickle just Sam Adams you know this is that Boston lager that's what I'm used today now here you'll see I got some king crab you know it's up to you guys look at how big this is just by looking at my hand you can see the size right hey this is gonna make for some good meat right here you really want to see something big look at this claw I did I know you guys probably already know you know this king crab is expensive you know I mean this right here I don't even want to say how much it was but that's what it is listen this for just me you know what I mean so this is me and then if you serving it you guys can just served it with some snow crab legs that's just right here coming he's close to clusters and then we go ahead these we'll get these rinsed off cleaned up and we'll add this to it at the end right okay now as I was putting up the seafood because you want to keep that refrigerated right you know so I can prep my veggies I went in there and then I remember look this is what's missing you know what you can't say this without having old you know some some kind of andouille sausage check this out this is a chicken andouille sausage hey I got like maybe I don't know somewhere right around a pound and a half I just took out a bunch of links and we gonna cut these up and we gonna slice but listen I'll tell you this if you ask me in my opinion this is a must and for all you guys that don't eat a you know like pork there's chicken andouille sausage this is the way to go okay here you just see me you know going ahead just starting off to show you guys how I prep you know my veggies so you can see the listen I cut my celery down the middle right then I bunch them up together and then I just go ahead and give them a chop now one thing that you don't see this and there's gonna be a yellow onion but we don't have 1 cup of finely diced yellow onions also ok now you got all your ingredients laid out right you got your veggies those are prepped everything right so once you have that done what you want to do is get yourself a pot right you won't go ahead and put your put your pot we're gonna go ahead and start off on medium-high what I'm gonna do is now you know we had a half a cup of butter what I did was just cut it in half we're gonna start with 1/4 cup of butter first you just want to melt that down and then what we want to do is we want to get our our shells right shells from our shrimp we're gonna go ahead and just add that to it now didn't get yourself like a you know wooden spoon this works best man it protects us all protects all of your pots things like that and what we gonna do is we just gonna cook this down once this melts then what we're gonna do is we're gonna add you know sixty four houses right these it so I'm I had two of these or the chicken broth now you want to go ahead and start adding your chicken broth now we add in sixty four you know houses of the chicken broth right so you just want to keep stirring it and then you can see some of the butter we just want to get everything completely melted so now what you want to do is you want to bring it to a boil right as you can see boiling real nice so what i'ma do is now I'm gonna reduce this down to a simmer I'm gonna go ahead and just cover it and then we're gonna simmer it for let's just say about 15 minutes we'll go from there look you can see that right there that's what you should be looking for right there that's nice so I'll go ahead and put the top on I'm gonna set a timer for 15 minutes and then we'll move on to the next step Alexa set a timer for 15 minutes [Music] now here you guys can see I'm just cutting these down you know it's just like some slices nice sized slices it's up to you know certain size before we gonna do is we gonna brown these right so I'm just showing you this right now I'm not gonna bore you guys but you guys got to picture you can do it however you want you can cut them in quarters you know I mean halves have circles or whatever now as you can see these are already done right but what I want to do is I want to show you let me see if I can get this up in the camera focus on that you see the flavor see all of the seasons inside of this and again this is a chicken andouille sausage hey this right here is what's gonna give us real flavor okay what you don't see is look I don't have my camera facing it but you can see just a little piece of it right here just at the Dutch oven right I still got that going on and it's going for that 15 minute timer we got it simmering now what you want to do is this is gonna be the pot that we're gonna cook everything in so I'm gonna go ahead and start putting some heat into this and I got it on like a medium-high heat what we want to do is take our sausage that we just you know slice we're gonna drop it in here like that and what we gonna do is we don't Brown it so once it comes up you start getting it you know high we're just gonna move this around and we're just gonna make sure that we get a little brown on it get them to sweat release some of that flavor inside of this then we're gonna move over to the next step for those you guys have had in Dooley's sausage man you know what it smells like right now another thing is I probably didn't I forgot to mention this but you can use any type of sausage that you like if you can't get in doing going use any of those smoked sausages listen that's what we're gonna get a lot of this flavor wrap now you can see right here as the pot starts to heat up you can see those slices right there and they're gonna start to brown and if you look at the bottom of the pot a lot of the juices and the goodness that's coming from that end dewy sausage starts releasing into the pot so then you just want to get yourself a strainer tongs or whatever you need so that you you know that oily goodness down at the bottom now just go ahead and add your oil right after you get your oil don't forget we're left over with another quarter cup of butter right so you want to put that in there then you just want to stir it around and just notice how like when I'm moving them around I'm scraping the bottom of my pot too so listen you know that's that flavor down there now once the butter is completely melted you know just keep moving it around now we're gonna introduce our flour right so listen we're gonna do everything like in increments so you're noticing I do just a little bit at a time right so I put a little bit in there you know what I mean I keep moving it around it kind of like thickens up a little bit and I just keep you know moving it around keep mixing I don't like to you know stop you just want to keep going once you get it mixed then you add a little bit more and remember just listen a little bit just key you know I mean because you can always fix whatever you know if you don't just dump something in there now once you're done what we're gonna do is we're gonna cook this and we're gonna cook this for about 30 to 40 minutes now after you got everything nice and creamy look after the first 10 minutes look at the color I want you guys to pay attention to the color you can see it right now you know I mean I just mix it I'm constantly scraping that bottom and I'm not scraping it hard cause it's gonna come up once we put our veggies in there but we just keep moving it back and forth and now you can see what it looks like after this second 10 minutes right so we've been cooking this down for a total of 20 minutes and then here now look where we got this was after 30 minutes to ask what you lookin for you guys and when I say you got a trusted process that's what we got to do now after 30 minutes now you see me starting to add my veggies now we always going to add our onions first right cuz they take a little bit longer to break down so what we do is we add that and we cook that for 5 minutes after 5 minutes then we come with the rest of the remainder of veggies right so we put those in there so remember look the onions got the first 5 and then after that then you come with the rest of your veggies so your onions was on 5 and then they get they go to 10 while your rest of your bell pepper and your other veggies they on that first 5 you know real simple now we're gonna cook that down left for a total of five minutes so after being 10 minutes of cooking all of these veggies down missing foot one minute we want to add our minced garlic and we're just gonna have that and like I said it's just 1 minute just move that around get it going set a timer and count to 60 however you guys want to do it and after 1 minute then go ahead crack open your beer and let's get that incorporated now as you see listen when you put that in there look just notice I want you guys really good pay attention in what I do with that the bottom of that uh with that square is wooden spoon you know I mean and look at the bottom of their plant paying now because when you put some veggies you know the acids and stuff from that it just picks up everything on the bottom once you got that stirred in and you did it and it's mixed early go ahead get yourself a strainer and you remember we made that shrimp stock right now we just pour that on top and now it's like self-explanatory you got it now I know everybody you see they listen your confidence should be up it's all good that right here now once it's mixed thoroughly then we get ready to introduce our dry ingredients right that'll be our casing you know our Cajun seasoning you know Cajun Creole seasoning after that then we're gonna come with our you know our W sauce and then last but not least we're gonna go ahead and add our time put that in there and you want to give it a stir and then you know what now we gonna add you know our sausage you can see it coming together and believe me with your nose you know right now you got a real gumbo on your hands and after this sausage the only thing you have left is your bay leaves right so after you just give it a you know a quick whirl with your wooden spoon go ahead add your bay leaf and just give it a good good stir and after that we want to start bringing the temperature back up so we can achieve a boil now you can see we got it up to a boil you want to give it a stir right you can see those big leaves on top you can see everything in there look our veggies our sausage now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna reduce it down to a simmer I'm a cover it we're gonna set a timer for the first 30 minutes and then we're gonna come back to it and we don't give it another stir and we're just gonna see how it is we just want to get it down to a simmer now after has been simmering for a total of 90 minutes once it's done I went ahead and uncovered it and what you see right now is I'm just taking out you know I'm taking out your big leagues right so once those are out now we're gonna add our green onions you remember the tops of the green onions look we're just gonna add those and then we're gonna add some parsley right now listen I say some of the parsley you know for the hand cuz I like to do a little bit you know garnish right so go ahead mix that up and then get your what you want to do is you want to get your shrimp and then you start adding your shrimp to your gumbo right now here's what I'm gonna tell you listen you only want to cook you for about five to seven minutes and I'm gonna show you in just one second just how it should look after about seven minutes take a look at this a and it's still under the fire that's key so listen you just stir it around at the end of seven minutes or five minutes it depends on how hot you have your fire underneath and now how's your gumbo is go ahead and look at that right there that's what you want to look for once it looks like that now it's time to introduce you know our crab leg now listen if you went to crab if you went to you what lump crab me you can use that you can add that now but or you can add like I'm doing right now just a crab legs either and I'm gonna say this listen those are some big big legs you know I mean when it come to that king crab you know you got to have a pot big enough and in the snow crab you see what I'm doing I'm just breaking them out two knuckles and let's not take the end where that cluster where it forms that little cluster part right there I'll break that off and drop that in there too that doesn't do nothing but add a now here you just go ahead I'm gonna show you what I do when I do some planing you go ahead and use one of those measuring bowls that you have you know when you do your ingredients spray it with some nonstick and spray and then go ahead and pack it with some rice and then add it in the middle grab yourself a ladle and now you just want to start adding around on the edge right you can see the sausage that right there you can see the shrimp but you guys are getting it you know picking out some pieces just something they look real nice now look I made this like this just you know just like give you guys that restaurant feel but this is what it's like when you go to a high-end restaurant you go ahead and get a gumbo you look just like that you know so you remember that parsley now you just want to go ahead and hit it with a little bit of that garnish and the rest of it is uh hey I can't say nothing else about it but boom there you have it seafood gumbo at its best all right so you've seen it you know what this video is really about just like you know letting go or whatever you know whatever you thought about before just trying to come into it you know it is like regular you know what I mean don't be I guess all that what I'm trying to say is this what I'm trying to say you got to trust the process I just wanted to show you so it might be like a little long I just wanted to show you guys so you know what it looks like you know step by step you saw the money shot you even got a chance to see how I do when I try to plate it you can look at that you can look at them high-end restaurants you can make this in your house and I promise you it don't need nothing else so here it is the gear you know what I mean and uh hey listen I'm gonna give me something right now I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with your spoon and listen if you what I like about this right here listening with these herbs and the cooking process when you serve it over rice listen it mellows it out and it's real nice so cheers everybody [Music] if you gotta live down here by me now they got a spot called Harold and Bill's hey listen it's hey we got this in our you know our own kitchen now now let me go ahead and try this the shrimp mm listen I'm not gonna eat none of these crab cuz listen you know my hands got to get dirty and all that and I just ain't gonna do that on camera but I will tell you this try it you guys let me know what you think about that down in the comment section below and we'll go from there now if you new to my channel let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and like this video and tell everybody out here there's a channel out here that simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said you see I keep smiling right I'm about to get it piece and I'm out
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Views: 842,442
Rating: 4.9491401 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, gumbo, seafood gumbo, seafood gumbo recipe, gumbo recipe, how to make seafood gumbo, cajun gumbo, louisiana gumbo, louisiana creole cuisine, #soulfoodsunday, creole gumbo, creole kick seasoning, seafood, shrimp gumbo, king crab, snow crab, best gumbo recipe, make gumbo, authentic gumbo recipe, how to make gumbo, recipe for gumbo, roux, creole, shrimp, creole style gumbo recipe, how to make creole style gumbo, food, cooking, new orleans, eat
Id: XuiKYWb7s5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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