How to Make: Assorted Egg Rolls

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[Music] hi welcome to Crisco for you too today I'm going to be doing egg rolls now I know it looks like I have a ton of ingredients out here but I will explain everything to you and egg rolls are really really easy to do so I don't think that there's going to be a lot that will confuse you it's really really simple so we're going to get started in a minute but I want to go back to what I told you in our last video in an upcoming video I will be doing AQ & A during the Q & A I will be giving away prizes we're going to have a whole lot of fun that night just to show you my appreciation for you being my loyal supporters and for you coming back to my channel to view the things that I am cooking and even for the comments that you leave me below that lets me know that you appreciate what it is that I'm doing well I want to show you that I appreciate you so this is something that you want to mark on your calendar and you want to be mindful of that date and you want to show up that night for that Q&A now even though I have not given you the date and I will give you the date in an upcoming video it's going to happen within the next three weeks sometimes within the next three weeks but I'll give you enough time in order for you to prepare by putting that date on your calendar and it's going to happen in the evening time I also told you something that's very important that I need you to remember that is to pay attention because the things that you're going to see over the next you know few videos or whatever pay attention that's all I'm going to say about that but I'm going to add something else to that today and that is loyalty is rewarded now I know that what I'm saying does not make a lot of sense but loyalty is rewarded and pay attention now let's get started with the ingredients that we're going to need in order to make these egg rolls now what I've done is I've taken some things from my freezers I've handed my freezer death I really you know I'm going to make this this these egg rolls from and it's just some items that I've had and I've just kept in the freezer so I'm not going to do it the traditional way I'm going to use my leftovers so my leftovers include a pork roast that I had in my refrigerator I'm going to be cutting that up it includes some leftover chicken that I have and it includes some steak that I have now to that I'm going to add some shrimp so what it actually means is that I'm going to have chicken and gross steak egg roll roast egg rolls or I'm going to have pork egg roll and I want to have shrimp egg rolls so anything that you have in your freezer that you might want to use that you've been holding on to like I've been holding on to this rope for probably about a month and a half now so anything that you have in your freedom that you want to use or if you just want to buy some ingredients in order to make egg roll that's fine you don't have to always do a traditional egg roll I have been doing I have seen a growth being made from mozzarella stick you know egg rolls and I'm going to show that in a later video I've also seen desserts being made from the egg roll wrap part of it so there's all types of ways to make egg rolls and this is just a couple of ways I think you're truly going to enjoy so let's get started with the ingredients that you're going to need you're going to need coleslaw just a bag of coleslaw now I like to use the old-fashioned coleslaw which is this one and the only thing you see in there just the carrots and the cabbage but they also have the tricolor coleslaw so that's going to be the regular cabbage the purple cabbage and is going to be the carrot so it really doesn't make a difference most of your egg rolls you're going to see you're going to see it this way but it doesn't matter which one you get you're only going to need one bag of that you want to meet ginger you're going to need fresh bean sprouts but they have been yet my supervisor so I just went ahead and got can so the only thing I'm going to do is to just rinse this off rinse the liquid off of it and then go ahead and stir it in with my egg roll you're going to need garlic salt they did not have garlic salt so I'm going to make my own and garlic salt is just three parts garlic powder one part salt so that you can remember if you need it at a later time you're going to need chicken broth soy sauce green onions of course whatever type meats you want to use and you're going to need some egg roll rest and this is what egg roll wraps look like and this is sold in your local supermarket as well and I think it's for under $2 so those are the ingredients that you're going to need in order to make your egg rolls I'll show you how to cut the shrimp but shrimp brilliant just dicing the shrimp up and just dicing the treat up so I'll come right back and I'll just show you that part of it now what you see sitting over to this side I'm going to make a sweet and sour sauce now you don't have to do that you can use I need egg rolls I really love the appetizers that you use on game night or you know if you're watching like a football game or tailgate party something like that but you just have the party and just simply serving hors d'oeuvres or you're serving appetizers then egg rolls is a perfect complement to that table but if you want to go one step further and make a sweet and sour sauce with it for it then this is the ingredients that you will need you will need white vinegar sugar cornstarch water and what you get your red coloring from is just your food color now you can make the red coloring if you want to use the food color or you can leave it out there optional it doesn't make a difference but traditionally you see it being done where it's red in color and that's because they're using the red food color so what I want to do is go away get ready to dice up my meat I'm going to show you how I do that and then we're going to get ready to together these egg rolls I think you're truly going to enjoy them now remember pay attention and loyalty is rewarded be right back okay now I'm back I'm getting ready to cut this mean I just want to show you okay now the mistake that's already kind of cute cut okay and it's in this little dish so that's already done now what I want to do is I want to show you how to do the garlic salt so remember I said that it was three parts of garlic powder and one part of salt I didn't have a right measuring on things so using 1/2 something all you do is just stir together and there you have your garlic salt now you may see some green leaves down and some of them they just added a little bit of parsley that's something you want to do you can if not you don't really have to so now that I've done that I'm going to get into how you would go ahead and cut your meat first here is I've already diced up some green onion so that you're going to put into the mixture as well and that stuff so now this is the pork that I had in my freezer and it came from a pork roast so the only thing I'm going to do I did keep one with some fat on it that's this one you're going to take off that little bit of fat if you see any that's a little piece of fat I'm just going to go ahead and take that little piece of fowl and then the only thing you're going to do is to just cut your meat up okay and what you're actually doing is you're just kind of like stripping it so you could put meat all through your egg roll okay so you see how I kind of strip that and that's the way I'm going to do all of this meat that I have sitting back here whatever I see on my roast or any meat that you may use you see a little bit of fat you want to take that off because you want them to taste total meat when it comes to you making these and then you're just going to strip your meat down into small pieces that's just so they'll be meat throughout your egg roll now when it came to my chicken I had now if I had some boneless chicken breast I would use it I didn't have any boneless chicken breast what I had was some left over fried chicken and this is the chicken drawn so what I'm going to do is to just I did take the skin off okay wherever they were skinned I took it off any part where you see the breaded fried part I don't use that take that and discard it here is the chicken so I'm just going to take the little strips of chicken meat like this and I'm just going to go ahead and slice that down now the way you're going to know the difference there what meat you have is you're going to put them in separate bowls so I have bowls sitting off to the side that I'm going to be mixing in so I have one with my shrimp in it one with my chicken in every one with my beef in it and one of our pork in it now you don't need a lot of meat in order to make an egg roll you can even make vegetarian egg rolls but here I'm using a hint of meat which is what you get inside of the egg roll is meat and vegetables so I'm using a hint of meat now if you want to be traditional which is that you want to just go ahead and use make it authentic by just doing a shrimp egg roll or pull pork and roll or beef egg roll you can do that but if you have leftover food you're in your freezer why not go ahead and use it okay or in your refrigerator why not go ahead and use it now here I have some shrimp and what the shrimp that's the only thing that I'm going to saute and what I'm going to do with the shrimp is I'm going to take a little bit of butter I'm going to put it in a small skillet and I'm going to saute these up for roughly about one to two minutes now as you can see this has already been deveined and this has already been cleaned I did wash them but I'm going to go ahead and just cut that shrimp in half and once I cut it in half then I'm going to chop it maybe twice and that's it that's all I'm going to do to the shrimp and that way I will have and I'm going to continue to do all of it that way I will have bites of shrimp over inside of my egg roll I'm going to do one more so I'm going to cut it down and I'm going to cut it and I'm going to cut it up okay now that I've shown you how it is that I'm going to be you know dicing up my meat I'm going to go away continue to get all of this means all cut up and then once I get it all cut up I'll take you to the next step okay I'll be right back now one thing I do want to show you if you want bigger pieces of shrimp you don't have to dice it down you can just cut them in half and then leave it and the only thing I did there was still have the end on it and that's just to give me security when I'm holding it so that I don't swipe down on my finger and I'm going to cut it in half like that like you're going to butterfly but you're going to take it all the way through and then I'm going to go ahead and take the bottom portion out so now you got a little bit bigger pieces of meat how you cut up your meat that's at your discretion okay so I'm going to go away and then move forward to the next step be right back and I'm going to go ahead and - sweet-and-sour sauce and here I put my pot on sauce pot on the heat and I'm going to have this is medium-high heat and I'm going to go ahead and add a cup of water now I'm going to save that for because this is a cup and 1/4 and I will put your ingredients to your recipe down at the bottom but this is the fourth of a cup of water that I'm leaving in here so I'll put 1 cup of water in the pot to that I'm going to go ahead and add one cup of sugar and to that I'm going to go ahead and add 1/4 of a cup of white vinegar okay now I'm going to allow this all to come up to a boil and once that comes up to a boil then I'm going to go ahead and add my next ingredient now while I'm waiting for this to come up to a boil I'm going to go ahead and mix together reporters in a smaller Cup that 1/4 cup of water that I had and I'm going to add to that three heaping tablespoon of corn starch which I showed you at the table okay so that's 1/2 and that's three now I'm going to stir this together and the reason why putting it into this water inside of my measuring cup is because I wanted to go ahead and to dissolve and I wanted to dissolve as you can see I don't want it to dissolve with nuts in it okay so I'm going to clear all of that out right now okay and as you can see because there was one that's decided the little spoon and it just went ahead and dissolve now once I get that devolved I'm going to go ahead and add some dashes of my my food color my red food coloring now this is not this is optional but this is really not something that you really need to do but if you got a problem with it being the same color then you can go ahead and do it so I'm going to add like about three drops of that just to go ahead and turn it now I might add a couple more drops now once this comes up to the boil then it's okay for me to go ahead and to start adding my cornstarch this is very simple I'm going to head it off now I'm going to turn this actually at this point I can go ahead and turn it off because it does not take a long time for your corn starch to mix in now I'm going to add just a little bit more water to this because this is very thick see how thick I have it so I'm going to add just a little bit more water to it and if yours is this thick if that's how thick you want it that's fine but I add it maybe about a half okay maybe about 1/4 and I make it a half a cup of water more yeah so I've added just another half a cup of water to that now this is not a thick I'm sorry it's not the color look it looks pinkish so at this point I'm going to go ahead and add some more food coloring I added about four more drops of food coloring in there [Music] okay now that's ready okay that's my sauce that's going to go on my egg rolls now if this is still too thick for you you can go ahead and add just a little bit more water because what is holding it the stick is your cornstarch but if you add just a little bit more water what child do so there really does make a difference at this point the more sauce that I have that will go perfectly with my egg rolls so to that I'm just going to add just a little bit more of the food coloring altogether I may have added about a teaspoon full of food coloring maybe a little bit less now that's it the sauce is made okay and there it is okay okay now we're going to go ahead and cook together our cabbage so we're going to go ahead and add our bag of cabbage to the pot now I have another bag sitting over here that was a bag that I showed you at the table just so I had a little bit of that because you know I got more than just your average amount of egg rolls always cook them a little bit more okay so now that I've added that I want to go ahead and add these just get me a spatula I want to add my chicken stock and here I have three tablespoons of chicken stock not a lot of chicken stock now to that chicken stock I'm going to go ahead and add my ginger you know and a lot of times people will say well the ingredients that you said in the recipe that's not the ingredients that I see listed at the bottom anybody that has been with me for any length of time you notice I cook for more than just a normal family which would be two four maybe six people I cook for more than that I cook for eleven people so my meals are always going to be different than what you see written at the bottom but follow the ingredients that I write down those are the ingredients for the recipe that you should be following not what you see me do what you see me do is just a tutorial on telling you how to put it together but you don't follow my instructions as far as me preparing my meal for my household and we have to eat the meal that I prepare online this is my garlic salt whenever possible you don't have to make it you can go ahead and just buy your garlic salt but I don't use garlic salt in my in my home I really that's something that I don't use a lot of you run across a big piece like that to go ahead and take it out if you want to cut it up you can but I'm not now as you know cabbage shrinks relatively fast so what you saw me put in is not what I'm going to end up with okay now I do have my sauce in the back looking good looking real good then I have my cooking oil over here that's getting ready for me to deep fat fry my egg rolls once I put them together these are the onions that you saw me cut up and all of this does not take a lot of time so this is going to be really really fast now the only other ingredient that I'm going to add to this medium-high on the heat I just want to hear them turn it up just a little bit I'm going to go ahead and add my soy sauce my soy sauce I had two tablespoons full of soy sauce so I'm going to go ahead and add that now I'm going to allow this to cook just until it reduces down which really will not take that long walk it reduces down it takes maybe about three to four minutes if it takes that long once it reduces down just going and then getting that piece of cabbage a bigger piece of cabbage that I see over in there before it gets too hot for me to put my hand in there I'm going ahead and take it down and if you mean if you see some take it out if you don't don't you don't need a lot of water to cook cabbage because cabbage is really it's a water vegetable so it's going to really cook in its own juices so if you have a little bit of water that's really enough now I'm going to go ahead and continue to cook this for about another minute and then after that minute is up I'll bring you okay now I'm back I came back real quick cuz I forgot to put my bean sprouts in they were sitting over on my counter so I'm just going to go ahead and put them in now I like being sprout so I probably end up putting in that whole can of bean sprouts if you just want to put half of yours in you can I have not read it in more water than that barking at you here in the back that's just my officer Maximilian so just you know act like you don't hear him but you can see you're getting just a little bit more juices see them just a little bit more and that's coming from your cabbage I'm going to go ahead and add all of my beads drop so I have four bowls here I have a small amount of the steak I have the pork which is going to be my largest really amount of egg rolls coming from the port then I have a little bit of chicken pieces and of course I have the shrimp so what I am going to do is to just go ahead and put some of each one of my vegetables or my cabbage drop them stuff okay I'm going to go ahead and put a little bit in each one of these okay and I'm just going to put enough just to for the amount of meat that I'm actually using so okay now I'm getting ready to go ahead and put these egg rolls together and here is my egg roll wrap so I'm just going to take them out because I probably use all of this from you talking about roughly about 20 over in here some assistance over to the side and then I want to show you these are actually they have a little bit of flour on it so what that's going to actually do is to keep it you know from actually sticking before you actually want it to or stick it to keep it from sticking in the package so what you're going to do is you're going to lay this out like a diamond in front of you okay once you lay it out like a diamond you're going to go ahead and fill it but whatever you're going to put in it and I have like I have the shrimp and I have the pork the beef and I have a vegetarian so I have all of that stuff all put together some we'll put a little bit more now if you need to know what it's what like you need to separate them and know where the shrimp are where the pork are it would be advisable for you to just put a trade down and then put all the one type in one order fry them together and do the same with the next batch in the next batch but if it doesn't matter to you how they're there you just I mean your family eats every every different type then just go ahead and do it this way now make certain that this is cool so once you put it down on to your wrap you're going to go ahead and put in a mouth that's comfortable for like a couple of bites a couple of comfortable bites okay so then you're going to do like a diaper fold you're going to bring this one up and over then you're going to take the side and you're going to bring it in now when you bring this side in make sure that there is no space right here so you're going to bring this in then you're going to bring this side in then you're going to bring it up making certain that these ends right here are not exposed okay where something will drop out now you're going to take a little bit of warm water you're going to pray this place warm water there and you're going to place warm water here you're going to continue to roll and that's going to seal it and that's your egg roll now what you're going to do is with the seal side you're going to place it down on whatever it is wherever you're going to put it until you finish doing all all of them and that's going to help to continue to make certain that that's filled when you get ready to drop it into the hot oil so I'm going to do a couple more on camera and then I'm going to go off and finish this because I have quite a bit you're going to go take and put down whatever you use and these happen to be shrimp so you're going to put down some of your mixture make certain that you get enough meat in it as well as vegetables but then to have a comfortable taste you don't want to open it up and then there's no meat in it okay not unless you're making vegetarian ones so once you put that down you're going to roll this up you're doing a diaper fold so you're going to and you know that the diaper fold is tri so you're going to go ahead roll this up in pinch it back like push it back so you can make certain it as tight and it's not loose inside then you're going to bring this side in you're going to bring this side in you're going to put some water warm water here in here just to mix them you can seal it and you're going to roll it making certain that these two ends are inside so that nothing will come out once you do that okay then you're going to go ahead and put it on whatever it is that you're going to be laying it until you finish doing all of them now I'm going to do one more because I need to tell you why I'm doing certain things so here's the third one make sure you don't have any juices inside of it you know try to have it you know try to drain your bruises and you do some time as much as you possibly can okay so once you get it in and these are quite a bit because of the way I've chopped my shrimp these is a quite I mean you got a healthy amount of shrimp for it to be just a two or three bites type of meal or appetizer so you're going to roll it up tight make sure next tight you're going to bring this in you're going to bring this in you're going to put your water down here so you can seal it then you're going to roll it up now I want to show you something when I got right here you saw me do this okay you saw me pull it back to me what was I doing I was just making certain that that was filled okay that's all I was doing is making certain that that was seal now it's going to be sealed but for me that's just extra secure or security to make certain that it's actually really sealed when I get it down to that point so I'm going to do one more and then I'm going to go away that's quite a bit of shrimp because I got quite a bit of shrimp in there okay so bring it up there it is bring it in bring it in more water and continue to feel it push it to me that's instead of using my hands I just pushed it to me and that feels it just as much see don't have to worry about place it down on my baking sheet okay I'm going to go away I'm going to finish doing these and I'll be back as soon as I get them done and we'll do the final part of this and that's going ahead and deep-frying it be right back okay so now I'm getting ready to cook the art egg rolls I finished all of them actually this is the second day that's why you see just a little bit of moisture because when I did this last night then I decided I wanted to go somewhere and so I said I'll just finish off cooking them today so I'm going to go ahead and just drop them into the grease right now okay sounds of this a little bit okay and it doesn't take a long time for a grill to cook so now if it made a difference with you um so that now if this head but if they all have been looking like they should have looked yesterday they would have been you know you would have seen just a little bit of flour on it but this is okay now if this had been looking like I'm sorry if you had like different types and you want to put them a certain way you could have just put them necessary with what I mean by that if you had chicken and then you have pork you had shrimp and you wanted to just put it in you know so you would remember what was what then you would have separate them and then you would also separated when you take them out but for me I don't really need to do that because we'll just eat whatever we pick up that's what we will just go ahead and eat so I'm going to allow these to just cook for you know a few minutes maybe about three minutes then I'm going to take it out so that's about it when I get ready to take it out then I'll bring you back show you what it looks like okay now it's been about two minutes and these are ready to come out and I remember every thing on the inside of these egg rolls is already cooked so the only thing I had to do was to just cook the outer part of the shell which is what I did because the cabbage was already cooked so actually the only thing you're really doing is treating the cabbage and you're heating the there you go and you're heating the leeks that you lay up putting in [Music] all right so I took about two minutes in order for me to cook it and if you look at it see how nice they came out no problem so I'm going to finish up this batch and I'll bring you back one more time and then I'll finish up the the last bet and you have it on like your stove is on a medium-high heat so you don't have to worry about that but it's only like a two three minute process when you get ready to brown it just make certain that your greaseless is hot enough and as you can see you still hearing that rain sound that I told you about make certain that you're hearing that when you get ready to fry that's your clue that you have your stove on the right temperature and everything should be fine I'll be right back okay it's been about two more minutes and these already okay in the reason why have the paper towel down as I'm cleaning out that little bit of grease they're moving inside of me I'm getting that off of me up a road okay now you hear that pop that's a pop that you don't want to hear when you're getting ready to put them into the infancy oil in to get into the oil and the reason for that is because if you're hearing that pop when you put it in that means that your grease is too hot now the reason why you heard it you know right then is because maybe a little bit of the juice may have came out of the egg roll and you may have heard of something that I probably didn't you reference items I probably should have or something and that's the reason why you heard it but if you are putting your egg rolls in the grease and you have to duck and dodge your oil is way too hot you see what these I am not having to duck and dodge okay okay now you know I have maybe one more best but I can show you because this takes I mean this is so fast when you're actually browning them up these were the first three that I put in and look at them they're already brown now through this you've been with me through this process so you know okay that these are brought it up very very fast if you had a clock or he was watching a timer you would see it's about one to two minutes and then they're all browned up okay you don't have to keep you know turning and turning and turning but if you want to I mean you can if you feel like you're not getting totally brown on one side and I'm only keeping you here this time so that you can really time me from the time that I put the egg rolls in up until the time that I'm taking it out it's roughly been about two minutes no longer than two minutes and these are ready okay see they're browned up and these were probably the first ones that I put in is a very fast to cook because you're only browning the others okay now I'm back and all of the egg rolls are completed as you can see so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to cut into a couple of them and I don't know what it is I'm going to get because I didn't separate man okay so I don't know okay that looks like that's pork we'll shoot one more time and I'll see if I can get a shrimp or something maybe xn oh I did I got a shrimp so there it is here is your difference you've got to try the recipe for the sweet and sour sauce this is so good and look at how it cooks that oh my goodness that is so good and I'm going to lay one more down okay there you have it I'm really going to I never try my dishes on laughs but I'm going to try this for you because lobby - I wish I had seen them when she tried my learning certificate on first real card this is really good I think if you try this as an appetizer so just as something that you want to get your family for quick snacks I think you're really going to enjoy it here chris is making egg rolls and there's a different sauce boy very quick very simple very easy to make that's what Chris is doing tonight she's making egg rolls and as always thank you for watching Chris cope for you - bye [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 60,314
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: egg rolls, assorted egg rolls, beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, food, cooking, chinse food, tutorial
Id: ylRTF7JlWy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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