How to make Chicken Lo Mein PLUS MUCKBANG

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hey guys it's Gina I'm back today I'm gonna show you guys how to make chicken lo mein and I'm also going to show you how to make pork fried wontons here's what you'll need now the first thing that we'll need is we will need I have three chicken breasts here okay and what I've done was I've sliced them let me show you what the slice looks like okay I'll slice them just about like that okay you will need chicken you will need ground pork for your fried wontons and you will need walnuts okay you will need linguini alright let me show you what the linguini looks like and I get the thin kind okay this is what we're gonna use for our lo mein noodles this is very thin alright you will need chopped up garlic alright you need for clothes for the lo mein and you need three cloves for the pork one comes alright you will need ginger okay I just have a pre chopped up fresh ginger here you will need a stir sauce soy sauce cornstarch and of course green onions now over here I have two frying pans okay and the one over here I'm going to start my pork and this one here I'm gonna do my chicken now let me show you i precooked my linguine noodles alright and I've rinsed them I've rinsed them in cold water to stop the cooking process okay so they've been rinsed them they're setting aside first thing that I would like to do let's zoom in here is we're gonna go ahead and marinate our chicken and get our chicken going guys literally it's 10 o'clock at night we have an 8 we've been busy all day but that's ok I'm gonna finish our night off with a beautiful beautiful dinner that everyone's gonna love okay right here I'm putting the cornstarch in okay and I'm going to put cornstarch in with our pork also okay it'll make your pork and your chick chicken nice and tender and give it a velvety texture okay and now we'll give measurements in the description below all right there's that okay and then we need soy sauce for the boat for the chicken in the pork alright just like so that's enough now there's one ingredient I forgot to tell you about that pinch of sugar in there it really makes a difference okay and it counteracts with that soy sauce okay there's that all right let's get this mixed up just like so get that cornstarch sitting there guys just like this all right well let this sit for a good five five to seven minutes and then we'll start to fry this up okay yes there we go beautiful any time you make stir-fry or any Asian dishes you always want to make sure you use cornstarch on your meat or you can also use baking soda baking soda has the same effect there we go let's just set this aside all right let's bring our pork in and mix that sugar soy sauce and cornstarch up mix it up well okay mix it up well just like this all right now I got two bags of the coleslaw mix because we're going to put the cabbage in with our pork and of course you have cabbage in with your low Ming so I bought two bags all right beautiful just like this guys all right I don't need to let the pork sit right now yes we're going to come over here to our pinion for our fried pork wontons all right let me zoom in very closely to the pinion there we go now what we're going to do let's go ahead on the bottom of the pan okay it's just a tiny bit now I'm gonna put this gender' in here if you don't have this kind use fresh ginger okay ginger we need get that in there just like so now anytime you do the garlic and the ginger you cook it until it's nice and fragrant okay when is fragrant you know it's nice and close okay that's what you're looking for beautiful okay we're almost there right you never want to touch your garlic and ginger too long because that that garlic will tend to get very bitter okay we're not looking for that here we go looking to get that perfume out you smell that this gives off okay now edwood are just like the boy it smells good already I love the smell of ginger and garlic beautiful now we have this on a medium heat okay it doesn't take long for this work to cook at all now you're gonna come over to this pin and I'm gonna turn my heat up to medium-high and we're gonna get this chicken going guys this is a very fast simple meal so much fun to make and everyone loves it guys the adults love it the children love it everyone loves this I cannot wait I work tomorrow tomorrow Saturday this is my weekend the work but I'm definitely gonna take some of this to work guys definitely all right there's that you're gonna get much keep this going just like so all right beautiful [Music] all right chicken carry salmonella you know what anyone getting sick you always wash your hands after you're done yeah let's see if I can get a picture of the two cooking beautiful we got our pork going we got our chicken going after that walk gets to the point where it's almost done I'm gonna throw some hopeful mix in there now honestly guys if you want it to you're more than welcome to cut your own cabbage up but what's better way to pick up a bag of coleslaw mix it's already you know like already shredded up for you they have carrots in it you know it's kind of like a notebook he just grabbed that $0.99 bag and you don't have to worry about cutting up a pizza head 11 I mean a head of cabbage sighs seriously this garlic this ginger and that pork with that oil guys it's Anna its perfume in my home it smells so good if you all have never taste it ground pork before you absolutely love but make sure you do like I do take that cornstarch mitt little bit of sugar and soy sauce and put that in here guys we watch the taste it again it's just beautiful let me turn my chicken up a little bit okay it's getting ready to go awesome now I'm gonna grab my bag we're gonna pull all in with our pork okay and our filling for our crap one time's our uncle's just about set yeah let's go ahead we're gonna put some of the cabbages okay I'm like I said this cabbage has carrots in with it that's what we're gonna stuff our warm times with beautiful all right check me out guys we're going to put a little bit of oyster sauce in here now when you say oyster sauce guys please believe me when I tell you this this was not taste like oysters so don't worry about that okay it does not taste like oysters all right it's so flavorful and they use this in Asian cooking that's about a tablespoon guys and this is a very distinct flavor but yet it gives them so much flavor there we go okay now we only need to let this cabbage cook just for a few minutes just to wilt it a little bit because once we flip this in the wrappers they will cook very quickly and the inside will continue to cook okay there we go this is the inside of our fried wonton 101 very simple very simple now at this point if you guys want it to see the minutes with maybe black pepper you could okay beautiful here in just a few minutes that will be done all right now I'm gonna chime in on this on our chicken guys beautiful here we come chicken alright the chicken is cooking up just like so just like we want it to beautiful and it's gonna be so tender and velvety guys because we put that cornstarch on there mmm and so juicy yes okay guys just let that go I'm gonna let this chicken get nice and brown then I'll come back okay everybody let's check in on our beautiful chicken I want to turn it down a little bit let's turn it beautiful see that that's what we're running back this is exactly what we're one okay and then we're gonna cook this twice because once we get everything you know like into our wok we're going to re-add our chicken let me look at this guys this is our filling for our fried pork wontons I've tasted it it is so good that oh so tasty that packing we very tasty right now right just let this chicken go for just a little bit I'll be right back in the wool assemble large chicken lumping hey everyone I'm back our beautiful chicken is done this chicken didn't take but it's at 11 minutes and it's done I've tasted it it's so velvety and it's so soft has that same texture that you get when you go to get takeout and you know how their meat is just so smooth that's that corn starch guys and if you don't have corn starch you can use baking soda it will have the same effect okay chicken done alright I'm going to set that aside now bring our walk into the equation let me wipe my stove off I love for my stove to be clean guys all right now here's what we're going to do let's put up some oil into the wok just like so all right I need to pour some of that oil out okay give me one second and I'll do that right now that a little too much oil in there but that's okay we can pour it out beautiful okay let's let this oil get nice of her okay the first thing that we're gonna do is let this oil get nice and warm I'm gonna come over here and I need to chop up some of these beautiful green onions or scallions whatever you may call them all right now let's get some of these chopped while our oil heats up and you want the green part and you want the white part okay just like so guys nothing hard I don't make any hard dishes in this kitchen everything that I make is so easy to make guys I promise you when I tell you that so easy and so much fun all right I'm also going to cut these but I'm gonna cut them a little bit bigger all right just like so all right set those aside and put some of these dark ones in with our mix beautiful okay those are for garnish all right this here will be for the inside of the dish all right oh well is nice and warm we'll heat it up as I should say I need to raise my camera a little bit so we can see down in there very well beautiful okay so now we're gonna go ahead get our garlic in get it all in there and we're gonna put some ginger in there alright and like I said earlier once the garlic and ginger gets nice and perfumed before in the to dark you go ahead and start adding your other ingredients all right beautiful just let it cook let it cook and the next thing that we're going to do is on a full hour bag close Little Mix out because that's going isn't it what's the flavor that's walk by get that wok nice and flavored with the ginger now we're gonna put our cabbage you carrots in just like so now from here everything happens so fast dice okay let's come over to our green onions we're gonna grab this part that has the white end agree and we're gonna throw it in the pan okay like I said that bunch over there is gonna be for garnish all right come back over here beautiful and I want to steer steer that around just like so guys here's where the love starts to happen guys if you all have never tasted chicken lo mein try this recipe make it for your family make it for your grandma make it for your husband or your wife they will absolutely love you for this guys this dish this dish is amazing believe me when I tell you it's so good so tasty so much fun and so easy look at this beautiful so now in here we have our oil we have our ginger and garlic we have our green onions and our cabinet carrots all right doing just what we want it to do okay now over here I'm gonna grab my oyster sauce and soy sauce cannot make lemon without moisture sauce and soy sauce here we built thighs here in a few minutes we'll be adding our noodles beautiful yes okay see how this is nice and wilted what we're gonna do at this point we're gonna go ahead and grab our noodles and we're gonna start putting newpsie I have them in a strainer see that there and I rinse them in cold water and they've just been sitting now make sure you don't cook your noodles all the way because they're going to continue to cook in here okay so we're going to put some of these noodles in just like so and kind of separate them you know if your stick together just separate them no problem okay I'm making a big batch here guys I'm sieving a lot of people tonight so I use 2 1 pound packages of the linguine noodles absolutely usually I have leftover noodles when I make this but it's okay I'll usually take those leftover noodles and you know make something else out of it beautiful oh oh I seem house so good oh look at this isn't this beautiful beautiful I think I'm gonna give myself a little bit more noodles and I'll call it a day for that there we go awesome so now now for our beautiful chicken the chicken is going back in here we go guys yes mm-hmm dishes calling my name guys this is one of my husband's favorite meals he absolutely loves this meal guys great yeah soy sauce we need to have soy sauce okay so I go ahead and get some soy sauce put in there like I said I'll give you the ingredients the measurements on the ingredients in the description below okay there's soy sauce now we'll get us some oyster sauce in now this oyster sauce you have to kind of shake it a little just like so oh I loved it mmm love the taste of that moisture sauce guys it is amazing mmm okay I'm making a mess now I'm getting a little excited let me wipe my stove off guys mmm okay check this out guys check this out beautiful this right here chicken romaine 101 if you've never tried it you have to make it guys thank you you have to make this it's so tasty you will never go back out to Chinese takeout to buy this you'll be making it at home once you try this recipe mmm look at that Oh Oh smells so good okay all right you get that mess off my stove beautiful okay I'm gonna taste this and if I feel like I need more oysters sauce or more soy sauce than I'll do just that great let me go in with my fork guys and I'll let you know hmm I taste so good and guess what guys I totally forgot one of the most important ingredients and I'm gonna get it right now mmm that's tasty here's my ingredient guys like what's wrong with me tonight trust me well you have to have sesame oil when you make this and I'm so glad that God helped me remember this ingredient I would have hated to give you guys this recipe without the sesame oil you cannot make this without sesame oil guys that's what makes this dish guys right there is our beautiful sesame oil last but not least the sesame oil oh this is such a tasty dish guys now I'm gonna taste it with that sesame oil and I'm gonna let you know what it tastes like guys hmm look at that meat in there look at those big chunks of meat and the meat is so velvety and tender guys oh I am over here getting so excited okay hold on here we go I gotta try it all right come on noodles work with me mmm that's it guys that is it mmm chicken lo mein 101 check it out fast mmm okay I'm gonna put a lid on this and set this aside all right look at that guys look at that and set this aside this is done now for our fried wontons here's what you'll need for that you will need the mixture that we made with the pork and you will need wonton wrappers okay give me just a second I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back now for I'm going to show you how to make a pork fried wonton here's what you need to do let me show you the wonton and what it looks like okay just like that all right what we're gonna do I have water here alright just going to dip my finger in and I'm gonna go across the sides meanwhile I have some oil on the stove okay get all of the corners go up every edge just like that all right then you grab you a small amount of the pork alright the pork and cabbage just like this now watch me guys watch me closely I'm gonna bring that side up just like that alright then we're gonna bring this up and you seal your sides okay just like that all right now let me show you what this looks like and make sure you pinch it so it seals okay cuz we don't want any of these busting open when you go to put them in your hot oil okay see that that's exactly what it's supposed to look like okay I'm gonna do a few more of these after I get a couple more done I'll be ready to fry these up and I'll show you be back okay everybody might Willis just about heat it up but what I wanted to do I wanted to show you how to do another one of these just in case you didn't catch the first one okay grab your wonton dip your fingers in the water and go around just like this go around every side with a little bit of water alright that way you can make sure that the seals up then you're just gonna grab a little bit of your feeling whatever you're feeling maybe okay you don't need a whole lot okay let's see oh just about that much alright now we're gonna pull these corners up here just like that push them together alright and we're gonna pull this one up push it up there seal the sides pull this one up till the sides okay that's how we make our wontons here in the Youngs house okay see that it's so simple all right and this is the effect that you'll have just like that all right okay everyone I'm back now what we're gonna do let's go ahead and put our pork fried wontons in the oil okay check this out guys so simple check this out now I did one or two and I had my son do the other ones for me so it's very easy very easy to fold these it's a no fuss no stress recipe very simple to do and everyone loves it guys now you can see see how they're starting to kind of pop up like that that's what you're looking for guys okay don't worry about that okay grab the pork wontons I have these on a medium-high heat I don't want to turn them up too high okay because I don't want to take risk the chance of them journey okay so we'll let these go for a little bit and I'll be soon as they start to get dressed okay everybody let's check in on our fried pork wontons look at that look at this guys just what we're wanting and seemayer to the point where we can actually turn them if you want that top to get a little bit more browner some of them will flip over and give you give you some problems but for the most point is you know very simple look at this this right here is what you want guys this here I have a crab rangoon video check it out because this is exactly how I fold my crab rangoon oh and those crab raccoons guys oh my goodness it's like it's to die for you guys hear me I'm getting ready take these out taking this one out look at that one beautiful you take them out when you're ready okay when you get to golden brown color that you like you take them out okay beautiful this is what you're learning guys this feeling that we use today is similar to my feeling that I use for a gross my pork a gross all right let me turn my stove off bags I'm gonna plate this up and then you guys will get to see me eat this beautiful food that we have here I'll be right back hey guys I'm back now it's time to taste this beautiful chicken lo mein look at that guys and our beautiful crab rack I keep wanting to say crab rangoon guys I must have crab records on my mind I'll have to make some our beautiful pork fried wontons let's look at them guys in it beautiful okay let's give them a try all right and I have sweet and sour sauce no guys like I think it was like a week and a half ago I made a sweet and sour pork video and I show you in that sweet and sour pork video how to make the sweet and sour sauce check it out guys first thing I want to do is try these fried wontons guys this right here oh my gosh okay look at the inside of there look at this guy's [Music] listen to that crunch guys boom that's what you're wanting these are so good guys you hear me mmm so delicious okay let's go in taste this beautiful lo mein look at that meat guys nice and tender and smooth and velvety mmm I got to taste that meat again guys look at this mmm-hmm guys this recipe is so good [Music] that's good guys mmm check me out guys [Music] this right here guys smack yo mama good you hear me it's so delicious look down in there guys look at that goodness hmm hands down so delicious guys hmm hmm I'm so pleased with this meal guys it's so easy it's so easy to make guys hmm if you guys enjoyed this recipe you mean thumbs up if you have if you all haven't subscribed or you know someone that needs subscribe give them my information so that they can subscribe and they can see these good videos and as always god bless have a great night thank you all for watching mmm seriously guys I really I can't stop eating this huh mmm so good guys so good mmm God bless you all and thank you all for watching I appreciate every single one of you guys I thank you for watching I enjoy the comments have a good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 292,984
Rating: 4.9082313 out of 5
Id: tddhl8qQmE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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