How to Make: Philly Cheesesteak, Shrimp, and Chicken Egg Rolls

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hi welcome to Crisco for you too today I have a treat for you because we're getting ready to get snowed in it is not too much I can do outside anyway so I'm going to do just stockpile some videos so that I can have some things that I can show you at a later time but today I'm going to do egg rolls now I do have an egg roll recipe online but this is going to be with a little different flavor so let's get started here I have the ingredients that you're going to need in order to make your basic egg roll to do your basic egg roll you're going to need wraps and you can get whatever kind you know they sell in your you know local grocery store here we have all different times and I think it's about two dollars and something to get the reps you're going to need shredded cabbage yes that's what you do it with you do with shredded cabbage and this is the cabbage that you use in order to make the coleslaw make certain that you get the one that has the carrots on the inside of it you're going to need bean sprouts now I prefer fresh bringing sprouts but I didn't they didn't have any in my grocery store so I just got the canned bean sprouts and the one that I got is valetroy you can use any brand you really want to you'll need some cut and I've already chopped up my green onions so let me just reiterate this in order to make your basic egg roll the ingredients that you're going to need is your wraps I'm going to need your shredded coleslaw your bean sprouts and your onions that you're going to need okay and then you can branch out from there now you can make an egg roll anything that you want any type meats that you have leftover you can go ahead and use them to make your egg rolls so tonight I'm going to be using some shrimp I have shrimp in my fries I'm going to use shrimp I had some rotisserie chicken which was some oven roasted chicken that I had in my freezer now the ingredients that I'm going to need for this is going to be or the Seas is going to be salt and pepper I'm going to need ginger garlic salt not garlic powder garlic salt I'm going to need soy sauce and I'm going to need a little bit of chicken broth now I'm going to put the ingredients I'll list them at the bottom so you'll know exactly what to do but I'm going to put a twist on this today so this is just going to be a basic egg roll that I'm making here but I'm going to branch in a different direction with this I'm going to also make a Philly cheesesteak egg roll that's right we're snowed in nothing else to do so I can come up with some recipes for you now what I did here with my onion is I just took and cut the onion in half and then the only thing I did was just slice the onion down now once I got this onion all sliced down okay go back and get that little bit of piece okay I just took it and I broke it a loose see exactly what I did I just broke it a loose because I'm going to saute up all of these ingredients and I'll show you that you know at the stove I'm going to saute them up in order to make my egg rolls now I did the same thing with my green pepper I just sliced my green pepper down the long way and then once and you use little thin strips not you know huge restricts just look thin strips okay once I sliced it down the long way then I took it and I just cut it in half okay now I'm going to be sauteing this up but I'm just showing you exactly how to cut it and already cut some of these for the sake of time and then I like the sweetness in your red bell peppers so inside of the chilies cheat I'm sorry the Philly cheesesteak egg rolls it's going to be red and green bell peppers and onions sauteed now the cheese that I'm going to use for this Philly cheesesteak egg rolled and I'll show you how to put it together is going to be provolone so all you need you can use any kind of cheese that you want I prefer provolone in this dish so I'm going to be using that because we can get a little bit of pull and very good takes from that now you can use your stir fried steak that you find in the store but this was just little strips of steak that I found in my local Walmart so I'm going to be using that but they do sell a pre-cut a stir fry steak that you can use now for this the way I'm going to do it and suggest I'm going to take three slices of this and the only thing I'm going to do is to just strip the steak okay I'm going to cut strip it so that will give me some a lot of pieces that I can put inside of my egg roll now I'm going to go away and finish cutting up all of these ingredients I just wanted to show it to you see how that piece is so I'm going to finish up cutting up all of these ingredients and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to stir I'm going to get stir fry it so when I get ready to go to the stove to go to the stove to stir fry it I'll bring you right back and show you that process and we're going to be making some some real real good appetizers tonight which is going to be all different kinds of egg rolls okay and I'm at the stove and I'm getting ready to do the shredded cabbage so we're just going to take all of our cabbage there's no water in here we're going to take all of our cabbage and we're going to put it inside of the container now you can probably hear a little bit of a sizzle I didn't put anything in there no water okay and if you got some big pieces don't worry about it because they'll all just shred down so there's nothing in there but just the cabbage now to that I'm going to add the two tablespoons of chicken stock that's going to cook the cabbage and it's only two tablespoons of chicken stock that I added now to that I'm going to add my ginger my soy sauce and my garlic salt not powder salt now you can salt and pepper this to taste if you need to now this is going to cook five minutes no more than five minutes that's all I'm going to cook it just until I break down this cabbage because what I want this cabbage to do is to just cook up get a little bit of a will to it and then we're going to use that now I'm also going to go ahead and add my green onions these are garden onions that I'm adding to this now remember I told you this is the base for for your egg rolls okay so this is going to stay in cup itself and you really don't need to add any more liquids to it because you know that the cabbage is only water anyway now I'm going to go ahead and put in some of my bean sprouts we're not going to use all of not put the rest of them up that's about a half a can of beans problem I like being sprouts so if you want to use less or use more that's totally up to you now I'm going to allow this to cook for about five minutes now what I'm also going to do while I'm cooking that is I'm going to take a little just a little bit of my olive oil and I'm going to put it on that on that shrimp and stir it just a little bit okay and in this pan I'm going to go ahead and let those shrimp go ahead and start to sautee okay so in one pan I have the returning heat up a little bit in one pan I'm sauteing my shrimp over here and I'm going to go ahead and cook up the cabbage now this is going to take me about five minutes I want to saute all of my meat but I want to show you when I do the beef strips so I'll saute up the shrimp and then um I'll probably just saute up the chicken because that's roasted chicken it's not going to take that much for that and I'm already over here doing the cabbage portion of this so once I get this done about five minutes is all it'll take I'll be right back this took me about five minutes see it and that's done as you can see there's no water in here do not add any more liquids okay it took me less time to do this than idea for the shrimp's to saute up and you know shrimps are very quick so I'm just going to move this to the back of the stove I'm going to bring the shrimps over and move up this skillet so that I can show you how to do the steak now I'm just going to go ahead and finish sauteing up these trap that shouldn't take that long I'm going to get my skillet hot and then I'll show you how to do the state portion of it as a matter of fact if you can look at these shrimp they're almost ready now it is something that I did want to tell you when it comes to big pieces of cabbage if you find big pieces of cabbage over in your your cabbage mix then just go ahead and take that out because you're not going to use big pieces like this to go inside of your egg roll now this is this is really pretty much ready you can sit over here by the heat for a little while but it's pretty much ready now taste your cabbage mixture make sure you don't need any other ingredients if you do the only thing you will need a salt and pepper and you can salt and pepper to taste so and that will be fine I want your shrimp turned pink which is the way that you see them now your shrimp is really done okay I just want to make certain that I've got every piece that is down to that shrimp you know the pink color now what I did do is I did I you saw me when I cut mine up you can cut it up before you cook it or after you cook it it really doesn't make any difference that's just a personal preference so I just went ahead and cut mine up before I cooked it so this is now ready so I'm going to move this to the back of my stove and allow it to just continue to like steam cook and I'm going to bring this over leader saddle now I'm going to get ready to saute up my vegetables now it may take this skillet a little while to get hot I'm going to go ahead and add some a little bit of oil to the skillet and that's going to be roughly about probably a tablespoon full and you don't need a lot just going to need enough to saute up your vegetables just make sure that your skillet is is really hot okay now to saute up my vegetables then I'll go ahead and add my onion that's not hot enough it's getting hot though you can use spoon from here so go ahead and add on there so I've got my red bell pepper in my onions and now I'm going to put in our green pepper I'm going to salt and pepper to taste you don't need a lot of seasonings because I mean you just need enough to just saute this up but keep in mind that you're also going to be sauteing up your steaks so you might want to just add a little bit more for your steak so any Sony pepper and salt that's all you need in your pepper and just salt I'm going to saute these up for a few minutes allow them to get limp just like you did your cabbage you'd be amazed at the things that you can do with a little bit of ingredients that really taste good you don't need a whole lot of ingredients like I told you with snow then anyway so I might as well make like three or four dishes so that I can put them online because it's not too much in the kitchen area especially when it comes to African American things that I really don't know how to do you know and if I don't and you all have a favorite recipe and I'll tell you the sent it to me I pretty much know what mix you know dishes taste good so when I say send it to me just send it to me and I can take out and put in what it is that I like and then cook it and share it with others and I have had a lot of you all and I appreciate that I've had a lot of you all to try my recipes and I enjoy getting feedback from you guys because you're always sending me feedback saying oh my brother Steph dish was so good or that dish tastes good or I follow during your instructions to the tea and my dish came out just like yours that means a lot to me because that means that what I'm trying you I'm trying what I'm trying and what I'm trying to teach you or make sure that you can share the same thing that I would share but not share with my family what I'm trying to teach you that just simply means that you're getting it and that's important to me and some people will even say well ibz ate it I didn't use this and I did that I use this and that instead that's a good thing because what that does is that makes it your own okay that will make it your own now I'm going to mix these up anyway but right now what I'm going to do and I own let me say this before I forget I did save something a little bit of that steak because I'm going to show you how to make a real Philly cheesesteak and I had my restaurant that was one of the specialties of the restaurant is Philly cheese steak and chicken cheesesteak so I'm really really good at those and I saved some of the ingredients so that I can make one let's show you exactly what makes a good Philly cheesesteak just like they were doing in the regular restaurant now I'm going to go ahead and put my beat down in the centre of this home now I'm going to add a little bit of the salt and pepper to this me because all of your ingredients should be seasoned and seasoned well or to your liking I'm not big on a lot of salt but that doesn't stop you and the reason why I kept my vegetables in the skillet is because my vegetable still need to cook and I'm going to eventually stir this all together but the reason why I have it in the center is because my steak needs a lot more cooking than my vegetables do and as you can see this is minute steak it only takes a little while and because we have them cut into these small pieces they're going to cook even that much faster now the juices from the steak is going to help to continue to saute up these vegetables so now when I mix everything in I'm going to get the flavors of the steak that's going to be on my peppers as well as my onions and it does not take a whole lot of meat if you have any leftover meat in your refrigerator take it and turn it into a meal don't just throw it out or don't or even you can freeze it and then turn it to a meal as an at a later date now I'm going to go ahead because this is about cooked enough if you like us to be you know a little bit more well done I eat my new medium medium well anyway but if you want to live in more done just get it a little bit more done but this is pretty much all of the pink is going out of this meat so I'm going to go ahead and mix my vegetables with my steak and I'm going to continue to stir it and cook on this as fast this is great for your tailgate parties if you're going to have a tailgate party or if you're just going to have some friends over you know this is a good thing to have out because when they get the munchies and they want to eat make up some quick egg rolls and it smells very very good okay now you say with me the whole time and you can see that this is a very fast dish because it did not take me long to do it so I have my shrimp on the back of the stove and they're ready okay not going to use the juices just going to use the shrimp so I'll drain this I have over here in this pan I have what is the base which is my cabbage and my being slow and that's ready do not over water that make sure if you don't put too much water now and here I've sauteed up my steak in my onion and that's right so what I'm going to do now is to meet you at the sink and we're going to roll these up and get them ready to cook them off be right back okay now we're back so I'm going to start to mix the vegetables in with the meat so what we're going to do is I didn't saute up to the roasted chicken because I only had a small amount of it so I'm just going to go ahead and pour it in wet the vegetables and then I'm going to stir it and I've already told you that if you needed to add any more seasonings you would have checked your vegetables to make certain that they're seasoned properly if not you would add more salt and pepper that's really all you're gonna need to just the salt and pepper so now that I've done the chicken I'm going to go ahead and mix up to be the Philly cheesesteak okay so and you want to make certain that you get meat and what your vegetables when you get ready to make your egg rolls so that should be easy to do now that I have looks like a mess here now that I have that all add it in okay and mixed up I'm going to do the same with my shrimp and I'm going to mix up just up now you saw the time that it took me to saute it was roughly only about five minutes to saute up these vegetables and to saute up the meat so I don't have that mix now this last Bowl what I'm going to do with that is I'm going to take everything that I have left over and I'm going to mix it in that last bowl and that's going to be like a surprise egg roll so let's get started on how you would put this together you're going to need some warm water and just a little bowl of warm water will do then you're going to need to take your wraps out now you're going to sit this like a diamond in front of you and you only need one wrap so you're going to take it and you're going to sit it like a diamond in front of you I'm going to need a cutting board Briona bring your cutting board before I can put this down okay so now that I have everything better the only thing that I have to do is to go ahead and to UM and to lay this down okay I didn't want to move to get one so I'll send her so here you have your egg roll you're going to lay it like a diamond that's the way I have it laid like a diamond so I'm going to start with the shrimp you're going to put a little bit of the mix into your egg roll now make certain that that diamond part is right down to you make certain that you get enough meat as well as enough vegetables in this okay so if you see I have a healthy amount of shrimp in there and I also have a lot of vegetables in there but I had a lot of shrimp anyway so then what you're going to do is you're going to take and you're going to roll this up and make it tight okay you're going to do a diaper fold so that means that you would bring this in make sure that you have no openings on the side so you're going to bring this in and then you're going to bring this in no openings on the side because you don't want the juices to drip out into the oil you're going to roll it a little bit and then you're going to take the water and the water excess glue and you're going to seal it okay see that now when you do that what you're going to do is to make certain that the side that you sealed put it down while you make the rest of them so I'm going to go ahead and do a couple more for you you're going to sit it down in like a diamond shape okay then you're going to go ahead and put in some of your shrimp and your vegetables and this meant this meal would if you do it with leftovers you can get away with spending roughly about six dollars for all of the ingredients that you're going to need then you're going to add some shrimp to that you can cut your shrimp smaller if you want to I mean it doesn't matter it's really a personal preference and then once you get that in then you make sure that you have a apple amount of vegetables as well as the same when it comes to shrimp okay and you're putting it just just about equal with these two lines then you're going to bring this up push it so you can fold it tight you're going to do a diaper fold your ends have to be tight they have to be close because if they're not closed then that's going to get into the oil and you're going to have a great big mess so then you're going to close this side as well and once you close it you're going to roll it that's roughly about a roll and a half then you're going to take and you're going to put down the water to seal it then you're going to take it and you're going to place it there because keeping man it's still sealing now because what I do what I have is I have it turned down on that seal side see so I just turned it like that so it's still sealing now now I'm going to do a couple of the I've showed you with the shrimp okay chicken you're going to do it roughly the same way but make certain when you do this that you keep everything lined up so you know what it's what so I know that this row is going to be shrimp okay and then I know that this role this role will be probably be chicken and then my next role will be the Philly cheesesteak now because I've showed you with the shrimp how the chicken is to be done both of those are going to be the same done the same way I'm going to move over and just show you how to do the Philly cheesesteak okay now with the Philly cheesesteak I'm going to show you two ways to do this okay this is just going to be the straight Philly cheesesteak way okay so all I have in here is just steak onions red peppers that's all I had okay so I put down some of that now I took my provolone cheese and I just stacked three stacks together and then I just stripped cut it okay so now I'm going to take the provolone cheese and I'm going to lay it on top of my ingredients for my Philly cheesesteak egg roll now once I get it laid on top I'm doing it the same way that I did the rest I'm going to fold up tight I'm going to bring this in diaper fol I'm going to bring this side in diaper fold I'm going to roll it when I get to the end I'm going to do it with my water there you have okay took quite quite well okay so I'm going to put that down I'm going to do one more that I'm going to go away and get them all done now this one is just a regular Philly cheesesteak because in here I have just the onions like I told you two green and red peppers and the meat but for a variety steak sake you also saw me put the cabbage into some of them because cabbage and state goes well together okay so I have that I'm going to take my cheese let on top you can use as much or as little cheese as you want okay once I lay it on top I'm going to bring this up push everything in I'm going to bring my sides in like a diaper fold I'm going to roll it a times and a half I'm going to glue this and now it's ready okay when I glue the back portion I'm going to sit it down on the glued side now my the ones that I mixed with the cabbage is going to be no different only thing you have to do if you've got people that some don't eat shrimp some don't eat steak some don't eat chicken that's the reason why you need to know where each one is but if everybody eats everything then you can just put them in fry them up and serve them now this one I did with the green peppers and the cabbage as well as with the meat so I'm going to take some of this now you see the green peppers the cabbage and the meat and I'm going to do this just like a regular egg roll okay now you can do this with cheese or you can do it without cheese I'll do some with cheese I'll do some without cheese I'll go ahead and show you this one with cheese put a strip of cheese on it you put one or two it doesn't matter roll it up tuck it in bring it over bring it over okay then I roll it up one and a half folds use my water to glue it and there you got it okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go away and get all of these all done up and once I get them all done up we'll be ready to come back and fry them up so I'll be right back okay now I'm at the stove and as you can see all of them have been already rolled and some of them especially for my son is this one it's kind of big but that's fine so I got this one sitting here and I had a little bit of the red pepper on the outside so I just want to pull that off and then I have some data filled with cheese they're sitting here okay and then the rest of them they're just regular so I'm going to lower them into my oil which appears not to be hot enough so there it goes okay I can turn it up just a little bit okay and it does not take these long to cook at all so you don't want to crowd them inside of the pan but you do want to put them in what they'll have room enough to fry up okay so I'm going to put like about six in here maybe seven and I'm going to allow it to fry up and then once they fry up I'll come right back not only takes a short brown so I'm going to be here until they really cook up and you do want you to have your grease a little hot but this was all a little bit hotter but this was almost to the point where I needed it to be so I just went ahead and did it so once these fry up I'll be right back okay now I'm back Inez he'll fry it up rather nicely so I'm going to go ahead and remove them from the oil and put them on the sheet I have that mati I'll cookie sheet over here next to me so I'm going to put them on there so I can drain and what I'm going to do is continue to fry these up and once I get all of them ready then I'm going to come back and show you what they look like and I didn't want to tell you because when I started at you know my greaseless memories had to come up to temperature this is where you want it you want it to sound like a light rain when you put them in okay so that's the way my grease is sounding now so I'm just putting them in and you don't want to cry them again okay so I'm going to stay here until I get all of them fried up and then once I get them all fried up I'll come back and show you what they look like you write that hack and I'm just going to cut open on one of them for you I don't know which one I'm going to get that's shrimp okay because my family eats everything so it really doesn't matter I didn't have to separate man like you may have to separate yours looks like the only thing that I'm getting is just a shrimp we try one down from this in I have more luck okay this has beef shrimp and chicken in it okay so I was able to cut up three I couldn't get one that had the Philly cheesecake I'm sorry the Philly cheesesteak inside filling inside of it but I was able to get these and you can serve them with your favorite dipping sauce and today I'm going to use a coconut mango sauce okay so that's all that we have for you today Chris is making egg rolls all type of egg rolls chicken egg rolls steak egg rolls Philly cheesesteak egg rolls and of course shrimp egg rolls okay and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you too and please don't forget to check out my book at my website bye you
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 276,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egg rolls, shrimp, beef, chicken, cabbage, bean spouts
Id: o3CfDyvCX34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2016
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