How to Make: The Best Ever Dinner Rolls

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[Music] hi welcome to Chris cook for you too let's get started with today's recipe all right now this is the buttery dinner roll that you would put on your Thanksgiving table and you will be proud of it and you will see it disappear so let's get started with the ingredients that you're going to need you will need sugar flour butter warm water milk salt eggs and I want to show you this this is active yeast make certain that you do not get the wrong one you don't want instant yeast you want active dry yeast so I'm gonna go away and get myself prepared it's real simple real easy but I think that your guests and your family are really going to love this one simple to make but this is the one that you will go with for that holiday table now we're still trying to prepare that holiday table but you gonna get some raves out of your dishes that are going to be on the table so let's get started okay now I'm doing a double batch so I'm gonna go ahead and start this and then I'm going to talk here it is this is very hot milk this is two cups of very hot milk so this is one stick of butter I'm going to go ahead and put my butter into that hot milk so it can go ahead and start to warm now this is a double batch that I'm doing more than likely your family will only require a single batch I'm gonna show you the pan that I'm going to use but it's better to make a double batch because the morning after we normally have leftovers from Thanksgiving and a lot of times you can make a ham sandwich with the dinner roll in the ham that's really really good as what someone's just like whatever it is choice of beverage that your family have that will be enough for the next morning's breakfast so I'm gonna go ahead and show you how this is done now I'm going to use my mixer you don't have to use a mixer you can do this with your hand now this is 1/2 of a cup of warm water into my empty mixing bowl I'm gonna go ahead and add my two containers of active dry yeast I just put it in one and now I'm going to put the other now I'm going to stir this for a little while just so it can dissolve now it's going to once I've stirred this so it can dissolve then I'm gonna let this sit for ten minutes so it can start to foam up and that will after it foams up then and my milk cools down a little bit then I'm gonna add my milk mixture to this and I'm gonna meet you at my mixing bowl and I'm gonna go ahead and let my mixing bowl do my meeting okay instead of me doing it okay so I have to look I was trying to show that to the camera but I'm gonna go ahead and look over in here okay now you have to make certain that your yeast is well mixed in with your water your warm water you don't want it hot and you definitely don't want it cold now all you want to do is to just mix this together just until it dissolves that takes roughly about two minutes that's all you're gonna need three minutes at the most just to mix this then you're gonna set it aside for 10 minutes and let it start to foam up then once it foams up you're gonna go ahead and add the rest now you can follow these same ingredients that I am showing you you can follow this tutorial if your gonna make a double batch that way you know that it will be foolproof okay but if you're gonna make a single batch you can still follow the tutorial just cut all of the ingredients in half and what our probably post is for a single batch okay see I have that well blend it together and then I'm gonna let it sit so it can go ahead and it can foam up now this is my hot milk that was warmed water and yeast but this is hot milk okay now you only want to bring it to just the just before the beginning boil you definitely don't want a rolling boil don't do that just before the beginning boy so I've already added in there my one stick of butter and one stick of butter is really a half of a cup of butter I start that now I'm gonna go ahead and add a half a cup of sugar because what you want to do is you want to dissolve the sugar in this so I have the milk and I have the sugar in and I'm stirring just so my sugar can dissolved now I'm gonna go ahead and add to taste two teaspoons I'm sorry of salt okay and this is a very simple recipe but this is a very good recipe and if you can do it you definitely want your dinner rolls on your table no and I don't do dinner rolls I do use a brand called roads and you get them from Walmart that's eight I'm sorry that's our H Oh des roads I used those and they are yeast rolls and they rise up but they're not as good as your homemade rolls but they're a great substitute so you can use it okay that has dissolved but the thing is it's not cool enough so I have to allow this to cool a bit before I can add it to my yeast mixture so I'm gonna allow this to cool I'm gonna show you when I get ready to add it to my yeast mixture and I'm going to meet you at my mixing bowl now from this point you will only add your eggs before you're gonna a chance to the liquid part then you're gonna slowly add 8 cups of flour if and that's all-purpose flour if you were using just what a single batch then you would only add 4 cups of flour but we're doing a double batch so I'm gonna add 8 cups of flour meanwhile you want to grease the bottom of your baking pan and you want to grease a bowl in order to allow your rolls to rise in the bowl so you can grease the baking pan a little bit later but right now you should grease your bowl and get ready to knead this and you want to knead it I'm like I said I'm gonna use my mixer but I'll meet you at the mixer be right there okay now we're back and I'm at the blender and I'm getting ready to need all of this together and this dear form up a little bit but because I'm constantly stirring that's why you really don't see it but this has dissolved well so now and my milk mixture has cooled so I'm going to go ahead and I'm gonna add these two together now once I add these two together then I'm going to go ahead and beat my two eggs I'm gonna add two eggs to my milk mixture and my active dry yeast now once I've done that I'm gonna give this a slight mix and then I'm going to start to add my flour one cup at a time once I put this on my mixer okay now sitting off to this side I have now sitting off to this side I have some additional flour but this is the flour that I'm going to need when I get ready to lay it out and to make it into an actual dinner roll now I'm going to add my flour and I have eight cups of flour because again I'm making a double batch I'm going to add my flour one cup at a time and I'm going to continue to add this flower until it's all gone any flower that's trapped on the top of the meeting blade I'll go ahead and I'll get that off at the end now this is easy it's simple not a lot of work in it but you do want to have this if you don't want to buy a dinner roll and like I say it the one that I use when I'm going to purchase a dinner roll so that well mark these roads I will post it this Rho des and it's in like the frozen food section [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's gonna be a little bit sticky but that's okay because it's wanting to in well greased Bowl when you get done [Applause] using flour outset okay gonna use that [Applause] okay look at that that has balled up very well [Applause] it would be just about a couple more yeah it's done [Applause] so I'm gonna take this I'm gonna stop it and I have my mixer on the load the lowest speed that you have okay stop it here is my well greased bowl see you can still see the grease now I'm gonna put this in this bowl okay now I'm gonna put this in this bowl and I'm gonna allow this to rise for about an hour and a half to two hours okay so while this is rising you can go ahead and do everything else that you need to get done in your kitchen but I guarantee you try it you're gonna like it now you staying with me the whole time so you see exactly what it is that you need to do every time there was the stage that I need to go to you were here to actually see that stage okay now once I put this in the bowl I'm gonna get a little bit then I'm gonna turn it over because of the oil now see it that's because this saddest oil now I'm gonna let this sad oil up okay now I'm gonna cover this with a piece of plastic and if you don't have plastic don't worry about it okay just cover it with whatever towel you have and then I'm gonna take a towel this child's really and I'm gonna put this over and you're gonna sit this in a warm part in your home so it's a lot of cooking going on so it's a warm part in your home now for me I'm gonna sit mine right here cuz this is warm and I'm gonna allow it to sit there and go ahead and rest about an hour to an hour and a half well an hour and a half to two hours then when I get the next break that I get from cooking my meal then I'll bring you back but keep in mind that it is rising for about two hours I'll bring you back and then we'll go ahead and form it okay now I'm at my stove because I removed this from my toaster and I put it in my microwave because my microwave was not getting a lot of use today and what it's not getting another use use on a particular day this is where would be the warmest so if you have a microwave would probably be the warmest now you see it has rything so what I'm gonna do is punch it Craig that's to take it down so I can rewrite on the pan I'll meet you at the table okay now I'm back and I'm getting ready to need this now I told you that I was and a lot more than just the normal recipe so the pan that I'm going to try to feel here is 15 inches in length by 12 inches across which is width and the height of it is 2 inches so if you're gonna use the size pan that I'm using that is the measurements or you can just pretty much look at this and a lot of you can probably feel your way with what pan you want to use now I'm gonna go ahead and put just a little flour down on my cutting board and you don't want to use a lot of flour because the more flour you use if the texture of it will not be as fluffy then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna take this out of and see it rolled right out because we had oiled it and what I'm going to do is to knead this for five minutes so I'm gonna show you how to knead you need back just pushing it you fold it and you push it away from you now most people will do this by using the palm part of their hand doesn't really matter if you use your fingers or the palm part of your hand and I'm gonna do this for about five minutes and when I finish doing this for about five minutes I'm gonna bring it back and then I'm gonna cut it and I'm going to put it in the pan be right back okay now I'm back and I have been kneading this roughly about five minutes so it's ready so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna bring it out just a little bit on this cutting board and then I'm going to cut myself four equal pieces or what I feel is equal it's one this is about two because I have a lot of bulk and it's gonna be sticky to tell you that now but one of the things you can do is put some flour on your knife and see it'll cut a whole lot easier okay so now that I have that for the first part I'm gonna put just a little bit more flour down on my cutting board and flour helps to prevent the the sticking and I'm gonna flatten this out with my hands now you don't have to use gloves and you're gonna get message so I wouldn't put on my sunday clothes you know I mean you're in the kitchen cooking you're preparing you know for your dinner so you're gonna get messy anyway this stands about three quarters of an inch so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and try to make them all equal so I'm gonna cut off pieces that are what I think is equal now they don't have to be totally equal but I mean try to equal them as much as you possibly can so this is like about this is about four inches so it'd be like a two by four inch or you can make of any kind of what you want to this particular recipe will stand so however you want to make your dinner rolls it will stand even if you want to make it on Crescent style it will still stand so you're gonna ball this and once your ball it you're just gonna take it and pinch it backwards see what I'm doing you're gonna pinch your backless that means that you're taking a little bit you're bringing it back you're stuffing it underneath see what I did you're stuffing it okay so once you get that ball produced you're gonna go ahead and put it into your baking pan okay you got four sides when you take this out it looks like a square in perfect square you get a square then you're gonna tuck each side underneath you're gonna tuck it and when you tuck it you're pushing it with your finger back up so you're tucking and pushing you're tucking and pushing you're tucking and pushing you're tucking and pushing and then you're gonna ball it with your hand see how I balled it then you're gonna put it down into your pan try to have them all the same size again you can roll it I'm used to doing it so you can roll it and you can do the same thing just tuck it go around tucking it but if it's easier for you to look at the square and just know that you have to fold all ends of it then go ahead and do that okay now once you get that done push it back up like a ball tuck that little bit that you have underneath put it into your pan and like I said you don't have to use this technique you can use any technique that you want this may be a little bit easier you because you can see your four corners so go ahead and tuck it backwards and push it up in that backwards part you're gonna push it you're gonna push it up in there so it's still helping to form a ball see what I'm saying okay then why should get your ball because they all come out uniform if you do it that way okay now you're not gonna put them close together gonna give yourself a little bit of space because they're gonna rise up inside of this pane so I'll continue to do this until I get it done now this is not a easy technique for you do whatever is easy all the way down to okay there you go and when I when I squeeze that little bit then I take that little bitty extra and I push it up in there so I'm making like a ball but I've squeezed up the insect now if this is an easier way for you like that to cut them smaller and then just place them in your pan then do that if that's easier for you if it's easier to leave this side then do it but remember when you put them in your pan if you're gonna use this technique when you put it in your pan leave yourself some room okay leave yourself some room right there so that they'll have room enough to rise up so I'm gonna go away and I'm gonna finish I'm gonna get all of this in the pan and when I get it in the pan I'll bring it back show you what it looks like pre-heat your oven at 375 degrees get it ready okay you're gonna put this back you're gonna put this back and let it rise for like another 30 minutes but right at the end of the thirty minute process get your oven preheated because the only thing else we have to do is put some a little bit of butter glaze on top of it and I'm getting it ready to go in the other so I'll be back when I get when I get them all finished in the pan I'll be right back okay now we're back I'm working on my first pan and as you can see the ones on this hand have already started to rise so what I'm gonna do is to cover them like you saw me first with the plastic wrap if you don't have plastic wrap don't worry about it and then with the dish towel I'm gonna sit them in a warm place which is going to be my microwave for about 30 more minutes then I'll take them out I'm gonna get ready to taking my brushing with butter and put them in the oven I will bring you back and show you that remember when you get almost to the end of your 30 minutes then start your oven to to be preheating at 375 degrees now this pan held roughly 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 about 42 dinner rolls that's gonna be enough for you to serve your Thanksgiving table and have a couple of leftovers for the next morning but I tell you and you serve it with a ham biscuit or whatever you want to but I tell you this is a fantastic recipe and I think that the more the merrier so the more you make the more that your family will have to enjoy and you can also take them after you've gone ahead and cook them you can always freeze them and then serve them at a later date just heat them up in the microwave so I'm gonna go ahead and put this pan away inside the microwave I'm working on my second pan now I'll bring you back in 30 35 minutes and show you what it looks like be right out about thirty thirty minutes let's just see how they look okay see how they rose okay so this is how they're supposed to do see they've gotten at least twice the size maybe three times this ass actually okay so then I'm gonna just smear just a little butter on the top of them okay and I'm gonna put them in the oven 375 degrees for roughly about 1718 minutes no longer than that okay and when they start just to get a little bit golden brown I'm gonna go ahead and take them out okay so I'm gonna stick my Marvin now and I bring you back in about 16 to 18 minutes be right back okay now we're back and they're ready to come out of the oven all righty there they are they came out really really good it's at that point that you want to not only drizzle you want to saturate with butter okay you don't want to get them too dark so this color is really good now this will complement any any Thanksgiving table now as I've told you here's your dinner rolls that you want to put on your Thanksgiving table next up I think we're going to be doing the giblet gravy so you always want to get your turkey like one week out because that's when you're going to get the better price right now they're 99 cent a pound they may go down to 17 ounce and a pound if you want to chance that but when you get your turkey allow it to stay in your refrigerator for at least five days and slow fall and that way you could take your giblets out so we can get ready for the giblet gravy and you can make that five days out now I'm gonna go ahead and pull a couple out of here and these are very hot cuz you see I just took them out now I want you to look at something on these this is hot I want you to look at how light and how full they are to those dinner rolls you stick with me I'm gonna get you through a fantastic Thanksgiving Day holiday when it comes to cooking and preparing that meal these look excellent they're light they're standing tall this is exactly what you want on your Thanksgiving Day table now I made these and enough time I made them out so that you will be able to go ahead and practice if you need to make certain that it's on your Thanksgiving table next up is gonna be giblet gravy we're working on Thanksgiving Day holiday and it's gonna be a fantastic meal and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you - bye [Music] you
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 1,457,860
Rating: 4.8761053 out of 5
Keywords: dinner rolls, holiday, thanksgiving, yeast, butter
Id: _vH9GTyC3hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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