How To Make Chimichangas | Cheesy Chicken Chimichangas | Chimichanga Recipe

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[Music] okay to get started with my chimichangas i am going to make the chicken i'm making chicken chimichangas today actually chicken and cheese so here i have one point eight two pounds let's just say two pounds of chicken breast i just added one chicken bouillon cube to the water and I'm just going to boil my chicken and cook it you can virtually fill your chimichanga with any protein or meat of your choice sometimes I like to do beef cheese and beans sometimes beef with potato and cheese but today I am going to do some shredded chicken and cheese it's my kids favorite so he's eating it he and my husband so I'm going to do what they like alrighty so my chicken is done so I'm going to remove it from the water by the way the water left in the pot is is a perfect broth to say for future recipes like rice or soups or gravies but anyways back to the chicken okay so my chicken just got out of the boiling pot of water or broth so I'm going to use my tongs but I'm also an advocate by using kitchen shears this really helps as well to trim it down and cut it or you can use the to fork method which is an easy way to shred the chicken when you can't handle it with your hands so I'm going to do that until all of my chicken is shredded okay so all of my chicken is shredded so now I'm going to season it I am going to be using one and a half teaspoons of chili powder I'm also going to add 1/2 teaspoon of granulated garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon of granulated onion powder I'm going to put that right in by the way you can definitely use more if you like or different spices I'm also using 1/4 teaspoon of ground cumin you can definitely add more if that's too little for you and salt to taste and I know I did boil this with that boy young cube but the chicken is did not end up salty so that's why I'm adding salt to salt to taste again you can season this any way that you like you can also add maybe some sauteed onions and bell peppers some tomato add a drained can of Rotel I do different variations of this now I'm also going to add a couple tablespoons of that broth because it is chicken breast and I don't want it to dry out by the time I need it so just a couple of tablespoons it doesn't really need to be mushy and wet because I am going to deep fry this and that'll help lessen any splatter when you're frying it so my chicken breast is done I'm going to set it aside until I need it now I'm going to make homemade flour tortillas again if you want to use store-bought that is fine but I like to make them homemade so here I have three cups of all-purpose flour I've added one teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of baking powder I'm going to mix that together then I'm going to add 1/3 cup of lard or shortening then I'm going to add one cup of very hot water as hot as my hands can take it by the way if you want detailed instructions on how I made the flour tortillas I will leave the recipe link in the description below this video and you can watch the detail the recipe video for these so basically while I'm mixing my dough I'm going to start kneading it until the dough is smooth then I'm going to separate it into dough balls now if you're following my homemade flour tortilla video typically I separate the dough balls into twelve to fourteen to make that amount of 30s but I do want these to be at least nine inches round I want them a little bit larger so instead of dividing the dough into 12 to 14 I'm dividing it into ten 30s that'll will allow me to roll them out big enough now I'm not making ten chimichangas I typically make eight and the two extra go to my youngest son because he likes tacos he doesn't like chimichangas but anyways so I wanted to show you when you are rolling out the dough mind you you can skip through this if you are going to use store-bought our 30s which is very convenient because they do sell them large enough like the burrito size but if you do want to try your hand at making them on your own this is what I'm doing so you notice they are sort of miss shapen they're not perfectly round that's okay because we are folding these and these are going to be larger than what I typically make them so they do kind of get harder to roll out because you're rolling them out thin and large so once I'm done rolling it out with my rolling pin I'm actually going to take it in my hand and I'm going to start sort of stretching it to make it a little bit larger and here when I'm stretching it you might find that whoops you rip part of it and there might be a hole no worries all you have to do is just pinch the dough back these do not have to be perfect because we're going to fold them into basically burritos okay and now I'm using the largest skillet that I have to make these in if you have a large griddle fantastic but I actually have this is the largest skillet I have to cook these in and pay no mind to my shirt I know it was dusted with flour I could not find my apron we've been packing the house recently and a lot of things I could not find but you know it's what I do sometimes cooking in the kitchen gets messy okay so I'm going to cook these through and normally I like them to bubble and get really Airy but that's not necessary because again we are going to fold these up and fry them so don't fuss with it too much and you don't want to overcook it so if you feel like it's not bubbling up and it's it's okay just make sure that it's cooked through but it's still foldable and bendable without breaking okay so all of my tortillas are cooked and done and I just want to show you how easily they fold and Bend without breaking and that's exactly the texture that you'll need to make these so if you don't trust your 30 M making skills I still encourage you to try it but maybe buy a store-bought pack of burrito size 30 s just as a back-up plan okay so now that those are done my chickens done these are done now I'm going to just prepare my cheese I'm using an 8 ounce block of cheese actually this is just half of a 16 ounce block of cheese and I my cheese of choice is Colby jack cheese you can do cheddar Monterey Jack use the cheese of your choice but what I'm going to do since I'm making 8 chimichangas I'm going to cut these into 8 slices and if I had to guess if it's eight ounces cut it into one ounce slices you want a good chunk of cheese because it's gonna you know be cheesy and chicken on the interior on the inside of this chimichanga so my cheese is ready so I'm setting up a station and I am ready to put these together by the way when you're rolling these out you definitely can use like kitchen gloves but I find fussing with gloves for some reason when I'm rolling burritos just doesn't work out so clean hands it is all I'm going to do is take my flour tortilla fill it with some of the chicken at right in the center I'm going to place a slice of that Colby jack cheese right on top of that and then I'm going to add a little more chicken on top now when you're folding these burrito style because basically that's what a chimichanga is for those of you going what is a chimichanga it's a deep-fried burrito so when you fold this you once you fold it over like this you want to pull it back a little bit and that'll give you a tighter roll so you pull it back a little bit and then you tuck in those sides and fold it over now you'll notice right here there's like a little pocket that's open I'm going to go ahead and tuck that right in basically a tighter roll will ensure that grease doesn't get in there it unfolds in the pan so once I folded it over I'm just going to place it on a baking sheet seam side down and that'll just hold it in place while I make the rest [Music] okay so once you are done rolling out all of the chimichangas you'll want to start preheating your oil so the oil of my choice because I know sometimes you guys ask what kind of oil I'm using I use vegetable oil that I buy from Costco that's exactly what I use as a fry oil I know there are I do get a lot of comments that like things like vegetable or canola oil are not healthy choices of oil to use so definitely use the oil that is convenient for you either way whichever oil you use make sure it can come up to a high smoke point without burning so right now I've just placed a wooden chopstick in the oil once it starts bubbling around the edge I know the oil is hot enough to fry now if that is not a good enough test for you be sure to use a fry thermometer and it comes up to the temperature of 350 degrees no more than 375 oh and you'll start burning things but 350 is a good fry temp so I'm placing this seam side down and I'm holding it in place again I want to make sure this doesn't come unraveled in the pan so once I hold it down for around 10 to 15 seconds I'll feel comfortable enough to just add the next one without holding this in place the reason why I do that is because if I just place it in the pan it might start curling and tipping over and it won't fry evenly or flat it will come undone and that grease will seep in there so I want to make sure again that's why you want to ensure a tighter roll on your burrito and when you place it in the pan you want to make sure that the seam fries shut before you let it go so the pan that I'm using is around 8 or 9 inch stainless steel flat bottomed pan and the oil I didn't measure the amount of oil but it's right under an inch deep in this pan so that's to give you an idea of what I'm frying this is not a deep fry it's more of a shallow fry because I think if you deep fry they will come unraveled unless you're holding them in the deep fryer then you let them go but I find this method convenient so I am only going to fry these for not even a minute on each side basically what we're doing here is trying to achieve a crunchy texture and golden-brown color a deep golden brown color so depending on how hot you have your oil will determine how long you're going to cook these again everything is cooked on the inside without frying these it's a burrito that you can eat so you're just looking for a crunchy texture and deep golden-brown color so these are done and I am going to set them right on a baking sheet that I placed a cooling rack on the inside and that will just allow any residual oil to run off into the baking sheet so I'm going to continue frying my chimichangas up and then I'll show you what they look like okay so all of my chimichangas are done and I want you to hear the crispy crunchy exterior it's literally like tapping on glass and that's exactly the point of deep-frying a burrito you can add any sauce garnish that you like and I want to show you the interior it's full of chicken and cheese and it's super delicious I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 2,934,558
Rating: 4.8971682 out of 5
Keywords: Easy recipes, Gochujang Mama, Soft Flour Tortillas, Homecooked, chimichangas, cheesy recipes, chicken and cheese recipes, crunchy burrito, deep fried burrito, easy chimichanga recipe, how to make chimichangas, mexican food, mexican recipes, chicken chimichanga, fried burrito recipe, cooking show, step by step recipes, tex mex food recipes, learn to cook, cheesy chicken burrito, como hacer chimichangas de pollo, super bowl food, deadpool chimichangas, simply mama cooks
Id: nJU0_XfEoXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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