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[Music] to get started I am going to be marinating some chicken here I have some diced chicken thighs this is around six ounces of chicken thighs normally in this recipe I use eight ounces or half a pound of chicken today I only used two pieces of chicken thighs that came out to around six ounces so I'm going to make a char siew marinade so I'm starting off with two tablespoons of hoisin sauce next I will be using one tablespoon of ketchup now you can definitely change the ratio of these ingredients to suit your preference and taste but this is a good place to start now I'm going to add one tablespoon of honey here I have one tablespoon of cooking rice wine you can use white wine and if you don't have any wines to use you can use a little bit of vinegar I'm also going to be adding some five-spice seasoning and white pepper here I have an eighth of a teaspoon but ultimately I doubled it to add a quarter teaspoon of Chinese five-spice powder and a quarter teaspoon of white pepper now I'm just going to combine and mix all of the ingredients together and you can allow this to marinate overnight I'm actually just going to let it marinate for around an hour and a half okay so next I'm going to season and marinate my ground pork here I have eight ounces of ground pork this is a leaner side of ground pork you could also substitute this with ground chicken ground turkey if you don't want pork now I'm going to add a half teaspoon of minced fresh ginger and one garlic clove minced right into the meat I'm also going to be adding the whites of scallion I basically used two scallion stalks and just minced it and I separated the whites from the green tops so I'm adding around a tablespoon of the whites into the ground pork mixture next I'm adding a quarter teaspoon of white pepper if you don't have white pepper just use black that's fine I'm also going to be adding two teaspoons of cornstarch I'm also going to be adding one tablespoon of rice wine and one and a half tablespoons of soy sauce you can adjust the saltiness in this marinade by just using less soy sauce or a low sodium option now I am just going to give this a good mix and combine everything well and allow it to just marinate for at least an hour again if you want to prepare this ahead of time and do it the night before that works too next I'm going to be using napa cabbage basically I've taken the leaves apart and trim them a bit and gave it a good rinse this is a pound and a half of napa cabbage and I am going to chop the stems and separate the leaves and chop that and cook it separately so here are the leaves and the stem part I'm going to cook that longer so that's why I want it to separate it and I'll show you how I do that here in a minute okay so here I have a pan preheating I have a little bit of oil in here maybe around a tablespoon and now I'm going to brown and cook my ground pork first so ultimately what I'm doing is basically sauteing and cooking the filling of this egg roll and it's really simple I'm going to cook it in stages you might be thinking wouldn't it be easier to just cook the ground pork and the chicken together but they kind of have two different flavor profiles and I kind of want to keep it that way but you can do what's convenient for you so my ground pork is already browned and cooked through so I'm just going to remove it from the pan and as you can see there is tons of flavor and the brown bits at the bottom of the pan don't wash that leave that in I'll get to that in a second okay now I'm going to start sautéing my napa cabbage here I'm adding a little bit more oil and then I'm going to start by sauteing the chopped stems of the napa cabbage I want to give those a head start so they can soften first before adding the tender leaves here I'm going to be adding probably around two tablespoons of the whites of a scallion this will also just add another layer of flavor to this and now I'm going to add those chopped stems again I'm going to be cooking these out for around three minutes before I add the rest of the napa cabbage this actually gives the eggroll texture and you definitely can fill your egg roll with whatever veggies you like braised vegetables bean sprouts julienne carrot I know I've seen some people use a bag of the coleslaw like the fresh coleslaw mixes and saute that which is basically cabbage and carrot together you could add white onion to this right now I'm going to add probably around 1/2 teaspoon or maybe somewhere between 1/4 teaspoon and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and this is going to help sweat out the napa cabbage you want to make sure you saute all of the ingredients to rid of any water the less water you have going into your egg roll filling the better off you will be it'll maintain a crunch better so that's what I'm doing here and as you can see once I added the salt to the napa cabbage it starts to sweat out any water content and it starts to pick up the Fond at the bottom of the pan this is exactly what I wanted to do so I have been sauteing that for around 3 to 5 minutes now I'm going to add the rest of the napa cabbage which are the leaf tops and I'm going to give this a saute for around another minute basically until everything's wilted and sauteed well by the way I've been making this recipe for these egg rolls for quite some time the resource I used for this recipe is an old YouTube video of basically someone filming their mother how to make egg rolls and I can't even tell you the name of the YouTube channel because I think it's just someone's random YouTube account from long ago I will leave the link to that video I just love it it's one of my favorite YouTube videos as far as and it's not even a recipe it's just someone filming their mom making egg rolls it's really cool anyways I will leave that link below this video ok so basically I've added some oil continue to heat the pan and now I am going to cook my marinated chicken thighs this is going to basically mimic Chinese barbecue you can use pork I like to use chicken and it is done so I'm going to remove this from the pan and add it to the rest of my ingredients and of course in hindsight I realized I probably should have just added all the ingredients to this pan and mix it together but just to give you an idea of how everything looks so now I'm just going to combine it well and pretty much that's it now again if you want different veggies or a different type of meat in this go for it but this is my favorite combination and again I got this idea from that YouTube video I saw long ago and I've just been making it this way ever since okay so that is combined well and I'm going to allow it to come to room temperature so once it's room temperature I'm going to start assembling these egg rolls here I have my filling I have one large egg scrambled and then I am using these egg rolls spring roll wrappers this is 16 ounces to make a dozen I'm probably only going to use around 8 ounces or half of this package and these are the square ones I think I have round ones as well but I always end up getting these so basically to do this you're going to wrap it like a burrito I'm using around 3 tablespoons of filling like three heaping tablespoons of this filling right in the center and again this will give you 12 by the way my husband ate a scoop of this filling off-camera so I might not get a dozen but we shall see okay so now I'm just going to tuck in two sides and then take the side closest to me roll it over and then give it a pull back that will tighten the roll and then just make sure you're tucking in the sides as you finish out the roll and once you get to that corner you're going to take your egg wash and this is what's going to seal the egg roll you just give it a light coating of that egg wash and then finish the roll and that is it and I like to place these seam side down on my pan and just so it doesn't stick to what you're putting it on you can sprinkle some cornstarch on the bottom so that it doesn't stick when it's when you're ready to fry it because sometimes I find the dough will just sit there and kind of get sticky and stick to whatever you have these egg rolls sitting on so bear that in mind okay so I'm going to keep making these egg rolls and I'm going to speed things up a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so here I have all of my egg rolls rolled out they are not perfect but it'll do and I didn't quite get a dozen but the recipe that I will put below the description of this video definitely gives you a dozen egg rolls so I have oil preheating I just put probably a half inch of oil at the bottom of this ten inch pan and I am going to be frying four egg rolls at a time and you want to make sure your fry oil comes up to at least 350 degrees Fahrenheit and I am going to be frying these egg rolls between three to five minutes basically everything's cooked you just want to fry the wrapper on the exterior until it's a deep golden brown color now I will say this if you have your fried temperature too hot your egg rolls are going to brown on the outside part of the egg roll but the inside wrapper will stay raw so that's kind of a tricky thing and also if you find that your oil is splattering too much it's probably because liquid is coming out of the egg roll so that's another thing to watch for so anyways three to five minutes for these egg rolls and I have to move my camera back because as you can see some of that liquid is popping in the hot oil but it's okay it happens so I'm just going to give these a turn and just make sure that they're brown on all sides again somewhere between three to five minutes maybe more closer to five you just want to make sure that they cook all the way through as far as the the wrapper okay so I managed to survive through the frying of these egg rolls and they look perfect they are a perfect color the texture is going to be crunchy and crispy but in the meantime I am going to make a duck sauce which is one of my favorite sauces to dunk egg rolls in you know those little orange packets they give it with the soy sauce so yeah here I literally have the tiniest amount of oil in a pan a nonstick pan by the way and I'm adding a little bit of fresh ginger ultimately I added a half teaspoon of crushed minced ginger you can add more or less it's up to you next I'm going to be adding 1/2 cup of apricot preserve you could also use peach preserve or even pineapple but I'm using apricot why because if you get those little orange packets that you get when you order egg rolls if you turn it around it has apricot preserve in it so that's why I like to use it and this recipe is really super easy it's not difficult at all I'm not really adding any secret ingredients here I basically came up with this by looking at that packet with things that I had in my pantry now I'm going to add a quarter cup of water give that a mix and then I'm going to add one tablespoon of rice vinegar that is going to give it that salary punch that you want in a good sweet and sour sauce and if you find that you want it less hour then maybe start with two teaspoons and if you want it more than go up a quarter teaspoon basically you are going to find the happy ratio of these ingredients so I allow this to simmer for around a minute just at a gentle simmer and that is it this sauce is done it's super easy and it goes great with these egg rolls and now for the taste test let's give it a good dunk in this duck sauce and hear that crunch it's seriously so crunchy and delicious and another thing that we like to do is actually take some of this duck sauce and pour soy sauce right in the center and just to mix it up for that sweet sour and salty perfect bite and I'm going to go ahead and have my husband take another bite so I can show you what the inside looks like I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching you
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 337,916
Rating: 4.9007525 out of 5
Keywords: Easy recipes, how to, Gochujang Mama, Homecooked, Summer, Family meals, egg roll, egg roll recipe, how to make egg rolls, easy egg roll recipe, best egg roll recipe, egg rolls recipe, chinese egg rolls recipe, how to make egg roll, homemade egg roll, authentic chinese egg rolls, chinese take out recipe, easy egg rolls recipe, chinese restaurant egg rolls, chinese food, chinese food (cuisine), easy recipe, recipes for dinner, the easiest eggrolls recipe, summer recipes
Id: WLcKzapk06o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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