Chicken Mushroom Chimichanga - How to Make a Chimichanga (Oven Fried Burrito)

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love this is chef john from food wishes comm with chicken and mushroom chimichangas that's right I know it's about chimichenga but it's pronounced chimichanga nobody really knows why and while most people think this is an example of Mexican food it is not this is a 100% American invention and when you consider what it is a deep-fried burrito I guess that makes sense and another thing that makes sense how easy these are to make and how incredibly delicious they come out so let me show you how to put these together step 1 we're going to make our filling so in a heavy-duty skillet set on medium-high heat with a little bit of vegetable oil we're going to toss in some diced onions some diced green peppers I'm using poblano love the poblano and also some sliced mushrooms and what we're going to do here is give these a pretty good browning before we add our chicken and of course to help that process along we're going to give it a big pinch of salt as you know that's going to draw out the moisture that's going to evaporate and then eventually as we saute these will start to brown and I know you want a time but I can't always give you times I don't know how long that's going to take it could be five minutes could be 15 minutes but it doesn't really matter just keep sauteing them on a medium-high until they look like this and when that happens it means it's time for the chicken so we're going to do is we're going to make a little space in the center just move all those peppers onions and mushrooms around the outside around the outside around the outside and we'll go ahead and leave this on medium-high we'll drizzle in a little more vegetable oil and then we're going to go ahead and brown our chunks of chicken breast so I'm using raw chicken breast here just cut up in like 1/2 inch pieces this will also work with boneless skinless thighs which I probably like better but you people seem to prefer the chicken breasts more so that's why I went with this time and while that bottom starts to sear let's go ahead and season this up of course we're going to use some salt and then some kind of chili powder Chipotle would be a great choice hot smoked paprika maybe maybe some ancho chili powder something like that we'll also do a pinch of cumin and a little bit of dry Mexican oregano I pretty much put that in every Mexican recipe I make you guys even Mexican recipes like this that aren't Mexican so we'll season that up a little bit and we'll give that a mix and all we're doing is like a little stir fry in the center there you have to worry about turning every piece and brown and them perfectly we're just going to get some color on them and we're only going to cook this for a couple minutes because these are going to get baked also and we don't want that meat to dry out and once that chicken has a little bit of color on it we'll go ahead mix that all together and that feeling is pretty much done although I want to do one more optional step that is mandatory go ahead and turn off your heat and sprinkle in a little bit of cold water just like a tablespoon or two and of course that's going to deglaze that font from the bottom of the pan in other words that's going to dissolve and release all that beautiful caramelization from the bottom and then we'll simply transfer that into a mixing bowl and let it cool to just warm you don't have to let it cool to room temperature but it shouldn't be hot because the next step here is we're going to add our shredded cheese and if it's too too hot that cheese will melt and it'll just be harder to stir and work with so let it cool down a little and then we'll add our cheese I'm going to use a pepper jack which I think works perfectly here and then that's pretty much sad of course you're going to taste and adjust the seasoning I ended up adding a little bit of cayenne and a little more salt and then a tiny pinch of black pepper and once you're happy with how your filling looks and taste we're going to move on to assembly and we're going to go ahead and wrap our filling in a large flour tortilla but before we do we got to warm it up in a dry pan on medium heat not too much just a minute or two on each side all we're looking for it to be is warm and pliable because we need to be able to fold this without it cracking so once it warms up its going to lose that stiffness and you'll be able to do this with it and by the way kids and most adults don't use your bare fingers I'm just doing that to demonstrate you use tongs and spatulas okay and then once our tortilla is warm and pliable we're going to go ahead and flop that on the table and proceeded to fold these up so we're going to take one quarter of our filling and we're going to pile it right in the center of that tortilla and then we'll take the edge and fold it over just like that until it just goes past our filling and then before we do the final folds I want you to paint on some egg white that's going to help seal everything some people just use plain water I like the egg white and then once you've painted that with egg white all you're going to do is fold in both ends towards the center and then we're just going to turn that over like that and you're going to have a fairly perfect rectangular package and once we folded up our Quattro chimichangas we are ready to deep-fry except we're not going to deep-fry we're going to really really shallow fry so in a heavy bottomed skillet over medium heat and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil we're just going to brown these on both sides until golden maybe two or three minutes aside but be careful these are going in the oven so you don't need to get them too browned we just want to give an Head Start so something like that and then after we brown those for a couple minutes on each side we're going to transfer those to baking sheets and then to finish these are going to go in a 400 degree oven for about 12 to 15 minutes or until puffed up golden brown and generally looking like this and I know it's hard to hear because of the oven fan but that outside really is going to get crispy so I really see no need to make a big mess trying to deep-fry these I think as long as you Brown first this other method works beautifully and at that point we are ready to serve our chimichanga and I do not like to do too much here maybe a spoon of guacamole some sour cream and a little bit of salsa some pico de gallo and yes since you made the chicken mushroom chimichanga from scratch we're gonna let you buy the salsa and the guacamole from the taqueria down the street like I did that is totally fine no one's gonna complain and then last but not least a little fresh cilantro and that chicken mushroom chili cheese chimichanga is ready to eat check it out you got that beautiful moist chicken made to taste even Meteor with those earthy mushrooms and of course our chiles and pepper jack cheese so the center is all nice and spicy and warm and gooey and it's all encased in that beautiful crispy tortilla just a gorgeous combination of tasted textures so if you're looking for something interesting and delicious to do with large flour tortillas besides making a wrap man do I hate wraps worst sandwich ever so if you're looking for something to do with flour tortillas besides that I really hope you give this a try soon head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 661,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chimichanga (Dish), Chicken, Cheese, Chicken Meat (Ingredient), Burrito (Dish), Food, Cooking, Frying (Dish), Recipe, chef, john, foodwishes, tex mex, Restaurant, lunch
Id: Daz77TnVCno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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