The Best Chiles Rellenos Step by Step | Views recipe/ La mejor Receta de Chiles Rellenos Paso a paso

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hello and welcome today I'm gonna show you how to make chiles rellenos if you guys are keto squad i'ma leave some suggestions in the description area for you along with the full recipe on how to make some delicious Mexican chili rellenos okay so if you guys are interested in learning how to make this and let me tell you I'm keeping some common errors in the recipe so you can see how to fix them okay so if you're interested please keep watching okay what we're gonna do first is we are gonna roast our chilies okay and we're gonna roast them until they're completely charred all around that's gonna take you about 4 to 5 minutes depending on your burner if you do not have a gas burner you can do this on a pan I'm not really good at that but it does work I've seen my mom do it and when I do it on the oven it just I don't roast them while they over they get mushy so what we want if we just want to quick roast on the outside charred and we we don't want Archie lit too soft okay so we're gonna do that quickly I'll show you when I turn it and I'm gonna move it along quickly for you guys because we do have a few steps here with a lot of details okay friends it's been about two minutes I'm gonna go ahead and turn it over and this is the char that we're looking for all around and I'm gonna warn you your house is gonna smell delicious even people that don't like chili recipes or anything like that they smell this chili and they're gonna be like what is that especially to all my non Mexican friends I usually don't cook like this let me know what your family tells you when you're cooking so I'm going to continue roasting this for two minutes and I'll see you guys on the tray okay so my Chili's are roasted I didn't want to overcrowd this and show you guys I wanted to be very gentle for those of you guys that don't know how to do this step so what I do now at this point when I've roasted all my chilies I put them in a bag you can put them in a paper bag fold them in some type of paper and set it aside for 10-15 minutes what its gonna have to do it's gonna help it steam up and easy for you to peel that outsides now you can choose to peel your Chili's however you want some folks got mad because I rinse some sometimes and sometimes I do have time to take it to take the peel off with my hands and a paper towel and things like that but I'm going to tell you this home cooking when you have a big family and you have a busy family like we do here in the States I'm gonna rinse it okay so I'll see you guys in just a moment for our next step okay friends you're gonna pick your favorite pan you're gonna add a little bit of oil that's gonna be to your discretion because I know my pen needs a certain amount and your pen might need more or less just roll with that okay once you boil DUP your pan you're gonna add your ground beef and start breaking it down you can make it with any kind of drug you tried that cannot be beat like this or any fat I know just make it comfortable for your home that's how I would roll with it for this part you only want to sprinkle a little bit of salt not that much just to sprinkle that's why I'm not even to give you guys the portion I'm gonna say just sprinkle it would like the tip of your fingers like a little pinch and sprinkle it on the top you don't wanna make this part too salty so I'm gonna let this cook a little bit before we get started adding our ingredients okay so if you guys in just a moment okay this has been cooking for about four minutes most of the redness for Miami is gone so I'm gonna make a little pile in the middle and I'm gonna go ahead and add my chopped garlic and onion I'm gonna add my Anaheim pepper if you don't have Anaheim do the best you can because if Anaheim really does give it a good flavor but I'm sure that not everybody has access to it so if you don't have access to Anaheim try with a bell pepper it's gonna change the flavor profile but it'll still work and now we're gonna add our finely chopped potato just into small tiny tiny tiny little pieces and when you chop the potato that's fine just like you guys are fine fine this ends up cooking a lot faster so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and cook this for another four minutes with the lid on okay so I'll see you guys shortly okay friends while this is cooking in the back for us I'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of oil use the oil that you feel comfortable with okay and once your pan is hot enough you're gonna add and saute your garlic and your onion again I'm gonna repeat to you guys everything that you guys need and the amounts is going to be in the description area [Music] as soon as the onion garlic makes together you guys already know that smell whoo it is bomb calm because I'm old like that so I'm just gonna cook this for another 45 seconds to 1 minute and you want to make sure you have it on a medium medium low heat because you don't want your garlic to burn you burn your garlic it kind of starts changing the flavor profile so you want to be careful and delicate with that once your onions start getting translucent you want to go ahead and add your Anaheim pepper you've got a good little stir here comes our tomato and I'm gonna continue to cook this until it softens up once you see your Tomatoes are super soft and you kind of end up getting a little bit of a crust on your pan then you're gonna be ready for your next step so I'm gonna go ahead and saute keep sauteing this on a very low heat in the back let me switch real quick so we can finish off our our ground beef okay ok so I currently have my heat on a medium heat and this is the part where you want to add your cumin you don't have human you can skip this step but based on how it looks I'm going to be adding a little bit more cumin for me I'm going to leave the recommendation for you guys but I eyeball my cumin and I need a little bit more we love this stuff so I'm going to go ahead and cook this meat you have another two to three minutes the potatoes are almost ready and if you notice I keep I keep my flavors for each step that I take a little bit lighter than the other one because for this dish the flavor is going to come from a little broth that we're gonna make for it okay so I'm just gonna go ahead and set this to the back switch switch off a little bit and then continue with our recipe okay friends that took me about six minutes to get to the softness I want and that crust on the bottom of the pan that's gonna give this broth a delicious flavor so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to add two cups of water and if you need more broth or for the recipes that you like make sure you double the portions that I've recommended for you guys listen I know some of your mom's grandma's family members made this and they leave everything soaking in the broth I'm not one of those I have a family with sensory and I personally will I've been known to gag when I have it that way so I when I'm at home I make it the way that I like and you guys will see how I serve it so once you've added your water add your uh your booze yon it's your go me on and I'm gonna go ahead and let this cook for about I want to say eight more minutes okay so I'll see you guys when this broth is ready and show you guys our next step okay friends it's been about four minutes and I'm going to show you guys how I modified my recipe so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add two tablespoons of tomato sauce okay long turn around turn around mom yes you guys you guys don't ever want to see my mom and I in the kitchen like going at it with the recipe cuz we like we battle it out yeah it's like kitchen battle then I crawl out of the kitchen when that's happening yeah so let me mix that around because I really like the thickness that the tomato sauce gives it so start off with two tablespoons like my recommendation and then work your way up from there just don't go a lot like if you feel like you want more add one more tablespoon at a time and take it easy you should never add your whole can in here okay so let me go ahead and finish cooking this and I'll see you guys in just a moment okay friends it's been a total about eight minutes now we're gonna do our next step you're gonna get your Mexican oregano and I put my pepper blend in here at the same time and just really just make into a little powder form okay pour it in and the Mexican oregano a little goes a long way so the measurement at half start with that and then just start adding small amounts as well cool that smells good already and now that I'm gonna turn off my pan I'm gonna add my desired amount of cidade but if you can't handle it skip it but it definitely really brings this dish together you guys know now you seal on throw like it's lettuce so now that we have all the things we're gonna need I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to crack your eggs we're gonna get it cracking you guys I think that's the hardest step for a lot of people but I'm going to show you how to simplify it and get it perfect every time okay friends so what I have here is I have divided my egg whites and my yolks well we're these are room temperature so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start beating up some egg whites okay they are large eggs that I'm using but you guys make it comfortable for your home one two three let go we have to do it again you guys age right cousin even plug girl okay you guys ready just again one two three oh oh that was lame are you doing a pea under right ready eyes oh one two three let's go - let go her let's go get sorry let's do this [Music] [Music] I know you guys are excited you see foam you know what I'm gonna say keep going you're not ready yet [Music] [Music] [Music] what do we been here about two minutes just about you see a little peak you're not ready I am using this on a high speed I start off slow medium and then I blast it and that's what this has been going on we got a blast this a little bit longer okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah it looked good see that we want the hard fluff like the hard peaks we don't want the superlight ones because we want this to hold up when we get to our next portion so it's gonna take you about four five minutes depending on your blending or if you're doing this by hand it might take you a little bit longer okay [Music] right okay friends so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go ahead and add our egg yolks to our egg whites okay we're going to fold them in before I do that I want to talk to you guys about your flour content I've made this with about two tablespoons of flour before today I'm going to be using this right here I have measured as 1/4 so we'll see about how much of that I'm going to use okay give that a good little fold think enough to crack them you know are the eggs with temperature yeah they are room temperature okay so now when you have the eggs mixed a little bit in here fold it in not mixed I'm gonna start sprinkling my my flour in okay so if you're watching your flower that you're using you want to keep it a little bit lighter just know that I have done it I'll link it below and the first time I made cheetahs or animals fully on my own so proud of myself you guys watched it let me know it's really good yeah it really is it's an intimidating dish to to make I think at first a lot of the times I tell you guys you guys have watched your mom's and your grandma's make it by happy really done it yourself before you're putting judgment on anybody else and you know what like you are humbled when you make dishes like this you're like all right you have a little bit more respect for you grab my your family members but yeah it is it intimidating recipe but you guys got this you really do okay so just keep folding and if you guys already know how to do this and you do it a different way congratulations I'm proud of you this is how I am I'm doing it and making it comfortable for my home okay [Music] you have to keep a like hand right cuz you don't want to yeah you don't want to mix it you just want to like fold it in and I know it gets like frustrating for some people you don't have the patience for it just just know it's gonna be worth it okay come in the middle come around and fold just like that - all my Kido squat out there for your portion you know what I was looking at the at the flour carbs and like one tablespoon of flour or two if you were gonna use this and it's way less than like the cauliflower flour which I despise its disgusting it just smells really rough it's horrible even when I cooked I was like no growing and touching this I cannot make those be out of that that's ridiculous but I'm not trying to offend you guys when I say that it's just for me that was just i like almond flour yeah yeah that would work so you guys can use that for this portion okay you know I don't like you guys to miss out on anything so just keep folding that and gently and we're gonna happen to as soon as we're done here we're gonna go in and move fast okay [Music] so we're pretty much set with this I'll meet you guys over at the stove for our next step okay okay friends what you're going to need is you're gonna need a little bit of flour okay and you want to coat the outside of your chili with the flour that way when we put the egg batter over it it sticks and you're not gonna have any complications okay because if you have any moisture it's just gonna melt off plain butter and I'm the nice lady that takes out those big seeds so you don't have to bite into it I really dislike that growing up so you like the seeds keep them in for me I think that everybody enjoys it better without biting into the seeds and I think a lot of people are just scared to like step outside of the complete traditional rule of things you know yeah I didn't even know that there were seeds in there until I got older really sure all I needed it okay someone's in yes I'm just gonna line them up right here pretty much okay this is a part where we're gonna fill our chili as much as you want just don't get too crazy about it fill it enough to where you'll be able to seal it okay and then as far as cheese I'm gonna leave options for you today I'm using the Mexican cheese blend cuz I know that that's what most of you have accessible to you and I want you guys to feel like you can make this recipe okay cuz you can and depending on your chili some of them will slice open on their own I actually didn't cut a knife through any of these they were easy to just put my thumb through it when I was taking out the seeds if you have a difficult time with them closing you can use what is it the toothpicks mm-hmm but challenge yourself you can do it and if you don't want to do any of the filling you can just fill it up with cheese do my favorite one is the shrimp cheese lover you know yep I love it I love it oh that one has a little bit of a home here all right I'm gonna have to do a chopstick chops to go toothpick with that you rinse my fingers real quick all right guys this is gonna be a smooth one we're gonna dip them in and then we're gonna transfer it over to the pan quickly now let me see if my pen is ready before I start with my batter no that's a fun fun okay so if you get one that's completely busted like this don't challenge yourself on that one put a toothpick and then just keep an eye on the one that has that okay cause this is like super soft right here [Music] make sure you take that out so nobody gets on the injured list okay don't wear your sweater just kidding no so I go that's okay we're not giving that advice we want you guys to heal your relationship got a new crop okay all right my oil is ready I usually test it with a little piece so now that we did that I'm gonna go ahead and come in here okay spoon spatula whatever you have at hand cover that hole okay so make sure you have it nice and sealed put it in and you're just gonna fold this over okay just like that cuz you got to be really gentle or else it's gonna get very difficult for you usually I come from under and I'm gonna try and put it over to the pate real quick okay I mean to the pan one two three all right am I on the pan here yeah okay I'm gonna check my other two let's see how we're doing if it's ready to turn over which I am for this guy and be very gentle when turning over my heats on a medium low especially cuz I'm using a cast iron but you are gonna need another spatula to kind of turn this okay so you've never done this before be kind to yourself cuz even me that I've been since that one last time we did it I still make them and I still have my own personal complications with these and it just depends on the chila depends on the season it depends on how runny your eggs are and how fresh they are there's a lot of things so don't don't feel bad at all okay [Music] and you have to be super careful too because egg burns real easy so just make sure that it's warm enough just write it and you're not burning your you're not burning great you give this one another turn just to make sure that I got everything that I needed done this is a messy recipe I don't care how perfect people are it's messy and not your name messy okay the single bundle yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so that that's ready for us I'm gonna start taking this one out so that I can finish up the other ones that I have there I think I have a little bit of a raw section here let me let me help it all nice and fluffy yeah I think it's not something at that side so if you get that little part just for me I know that I need to hit it up a little bit more these are so massive all right this one's ready to get out apparently I'm doing things with my left now all right so let me get started on my other ones you're just on the Penry and I'm watching you stuff these okay stuff these Chili's stuff that Chili's okay so let me go ahead and put my whole hands in here don't act like you guys don't know you know that if you weren't on here on the camera I'd probably round this all up with my own hands there's nothing wrong with that you come on your hands are clean and you're Emily vamanos ready do this quick whoo this is more my style than jiggling right here so if you guys have a little bit of a hard time when you're flipping it go over with the oil like this and don't even risk it yeah don't risk it I think I was trying to finish up and I put two on one and usually if you do one at a time you do really well with that okay do you guys think I'm not gonna show you how to do them with a toothpick I sure am those are a little bit of a nightmare okay no this one isn't the special one coming oh yeah this was special so come in here with a little spatula help yourself with another little gadget and turn it over you know what move over that cheesy let's do that you guys know I'm old okay that's thick they can do see what's up oh yeah I know I dropped a few pounds you guys don't even tell me thick and juicy anymore what are you gonna cook in a bikini girl don't even get me started on that tickles like I'm just like I'm barely working on getting a bikini this idiot wants me to work a bikini to cook you imagine getting oil on my feeders you know his mama didn't even feed him girl shut up to all the respectful gentlemen yeah you know masculine energy yeah oh yeah just help yourself wherever you see spots that are needed you're in control in this catchin all right this one's coming out ready now let me get close for this nightmare over here that we're gonna have let me let me show you because this this little guy is torn apart from everywhere I'm gonna have to re do this one I see Mia girl this thing is falling apart I'm gonna save it somehow all right we're a little for the flower here and let me turn my heat down a bit okay so what I'm gonna do is to save myself a little time cuz my eggs are starting to get runny it's hot in here I'm gonna go ahead and go this way with my hand and yes I wanted to get my hands into it I do it so just put a little bit of this so you can start and it's not falling into your batter because these are complicated there's no reason why you can't use it you know so go ahead I don't think people would throw that you think so yeah some people get really frustrated I know that I have been that person that cooks and I'm like yeah like I want to take off with my horse you know you're like it sounds right so use a spatula something heavy and bring it over okay and if you see a little hole in the beginning let's go ahead and cover it like that save it save it slide through but my hands are quick earthquake single by guys I went into survival mode you would have been proud of me we had everything packed when you were to go and we all passed you know what the thing is that like maybe about two three years ago I started getting on these survival kicks and pretty much I pretty much talked my whole family bring me an extra pair of clothing water I recently bought and right pretty pricey but I'm gonna slowly stock up on that which white cans race girl ken rice Celeste you like 30 years and like even if there's like a water disaster or something like it's not gonna get in the can so we have cows if she no do and kenza right that's right that's Bob those right free something elsea yeah I can do without Sophia's girl but rice me you ready no me do we have beans yes dehydrated beans here they're probably like shook this girl really does like food yeah [Music] for real so like I have like feminine products ready you guys yeah I know I I had girl I even have like a medical like military-grade medical bag okay I have like scissors I have things to stop blood clots yeah I just don't have antibiotics because I haven't gotten sick in a really long time alright so just take your time with that cheese and make sure that you've coated all the parts that need cooking for the egg and cake cake damn I want cake yeah egg cooks quickly so don't keep it here too long and move it along I just say the cheetah who's being imported super I know then the thing is that arms like you they're too long well do you know how many people are gonna make this for the first time and be like my cheetah fell apart save it yeah okay alright got a little bit of this little battery here that I'm just gonna continue with this other one that's torn apart okay okay this one I'm just gonna make with cheese that's it solo con queso do you guys have Kissel fresco that's the traditional way of doing it which somebody's probably in the comments I didn't watch the whole videos and I rag on me about but just sold for this for what fat guys good if you can't get ahold of those mozzarella blend works good the Mexican pre-shredded bank I'm using the Costco one all of these are great okay we know some Jews can get pricey so if you're making this for a big family just use what you what you can yeah I mean unless it's like Christmas dinner or something you ready here we go you really do have to help yourself with a little bit of a spatula guys okay so I'm gonna finish cooking this one and I'll meet you guys on the island so I can show you how I prepare the whole combination yeah good now that we prepared everything our sauce is divine and I'm gonna pour it over remember how I mentioned that I don't like my achieve its super soggy but I definitely enjoy all the flavor for those other people that don't like the soggy you can serve it to them like this if you like it the way you're traditionally having it where it's soaked then you can just pull your Chile's in the pot and then get them out when they're ready oh gosh that's the most so delicious Camila yes ma'am see for me that's enough broth but I know for some people it's not so let me go ahead and take a taste okay friends I just show you how to make these to those animals now we're gonna go ahead and dig in ready look at that deliciousness and I know some of you that never made this Herbie like how do you know if the egg is raw the egg is the easiest thing to cook and we're gonna eat it I'm glad that I mean a lot of these because I can scarf them down really quick oh heavens this is amazing that's why the Philly you don't need to overdo it because the sauce and the cheetah and the balance of this is what's gonna make it for you somebody's like cheese just swallowing not chewing you know it's remarkable the things that people say about eating like they've never had anything soft they just swallow you know girl I could Rico okay okay guys let me hurry up and finish it I really like I really liked you Lorena like this that's the thing with Mexican food you just keep going to town on it okay so I hope you guys drink all your outfit ice cut today so you're indulging just like this Lucy you ready to come in girl hold on guys let me get let my dog in hmm where was I hmm you know what just those few bites I almost finish the whole chili mm-hmm gotta go stylist Tom Arnold my napkin is does it matter right now how am I good really yeah if I look labels over Conor I know what I'm saying okay friends if you're new to the channel and you haven't subscribed please take the time to subscribe click that bell when it pops up for notifications and I'm excited to continue cooking with you guys on that note I'll see you guys tomorrow bye I do
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 949,379
Rating: 4.8732209 out of 5
Keywords: chilles rellenos, chiles rellenos english recipe, chilles rellenos ground beef, how to make chiles rellenos, how to make the best perfect chile rellenos, chiles rellenos, how to make chiles rellenos mexican style, how to make chile rellenos, mexican chiles rellenos, chile rellenos, views on the road, chile relleno recipe, chilli relleno recipe, chili relleno, how to make chile rellenos sauce, tacos de chile relleno mexico, views on the road chile rellenos, en caldo
Id: 7j27dSWkrQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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