CHIMICHANGAS | Homemade Beef and Cheese Chimichangas Recipe

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[Music] okay to get started with my beef chimichangas I am going to use 1 pound of lean ground beef this is a 90 lean meat to 10 percent fat ratio I'm also using half of a small onion diced 1/4 teaspoon of ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon of granulated garlic powder 1 teaspoon of chili powder I'm also using 1/2 teaspoon of granulated onion powder and I'm going to use 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/4 teaspoon of cracked black pepper you can do those things to taste ok so here I have a skillet preheating and I have added 1 tablespoon of oil and now I am going to saute my chopped onion I'll also add a pinch of salt and that'll just help sweat them out and saute better I'll do this until they start getting a little bit golden brown and translucent now if you do not like using raw onion in your recipes or even sauteing them you can exclude this but I like to use it when I'm sauteing and browning ground beef my onions are sauteed and have a little tinge of cold and brown color so now I'm going to add my ground beef and you can definitely use like an 80/20 ratio just make sure to drain the fat but I like using a nine ninety ten ratio it helps eliminate some of that fat so I've broken up my ground beef and now I'm going to add my salt again I'm going to add somewhere between 1/2 teaspoon to a full teaspoon you want to add it to your preference I'm also going to add the other dry seasonings and spices now if you do not have some of these spices you can definitely use what you have you could even use maybe a prepackaged taco seasoning if you like that or just salt and pepper it's up to you I'm just going to season this sort of like a taco seasoning sometimes I like to add bell pepper to this and potatoes and some make somewhat of a peak ideal and if you don't know what that is it's basic like a mexican-style hash with veggies in it with the ground beef but today I'm just using ground beef but you can definitely play around with other fresh ingredients to add to your ground beef filling okay so now that my ground beef is completely broken apart cooked through and somewhat brown I am going to set it aside and I'm going to start working on my beans now this is a beef and cheese chimichanga but I like to add beans now if you are not a fan of beans you don't have to add it but what I'm doing today is using some leftover chata beans that I made these are well-seasoned but if you're using canned pinto beans you want to season it to your preference and add what you like but these are well seasoned so here I have a pan preheating and I am going to add around a tablespoon of lard now if you do not want to use lard you can use some oil and if you just don't want to use any type of fat in this add a little bit of water and just work it in until you're able to mash all of your beans so I'm not going to use much liquid in this because I do want it to be a stiff texture I don't want it runny because then it'll just ooze all over the place when you're trying to assemble your chimichangas so I I want to make sure I don't add too much liquid to the pan so I'm kind of guessing at the amount of beans I'm going to make today but I would say use around 2 cups of cooked pinto beans and seasoned the way you like or if you made a pot of chowder beans and you had some leftover like I do and I always have leftover beans I like to freeze them maybe around 2 cups of pinto beans and once they've heated through I'm going to start mashing them and here you can see that there's really not a lot of liquid and it is going to thicken once you start mashing and cooking these beans so right about here is a good texture to the beans because as they set and cool they're going to get really thick again I don't want these or runny when I'm trying to put the chimichangas together so you want them to be thick okay so my beans are done and I want to set them and let them cool once the meat and the beans are cooled I'm ready to assemble my chimichangas and today I'm using store-bought flour tortillas now if you want to do the homemade version of this I will link my other video below and there are several brands and different types of flour tortillas at the store I went with this brand they seemed to be semi cooked and I wanted to see how they come out with this recipe I'm also going to use 8 ounces of sharp cheddar cheese I have some shredded and some cut into chunks because in the last video you guys mentioned you want to see how it is shredded and here is my cold ground beef and the beans in this you can see the beans are definitely thick so they'll be easy to assemble they won't lose all over the place so now it's time to assemble them and again if you want to see my homemade flour tortilla chimichanga recipe I'll link it below so now I am going to speed things up a bit and start assembling the chimichangas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I managed to assemble eight chimichangas now to answer some of the comments and questions you had from my last chimichanga video I am going to do a couple of things I'm going to bake to fry two and then I'm going to freeze these four I'm going to put them in the freezer for two hours once they are frozen just like they are right here I'm going to put them in the ziplock bag and I'll store them for later and I just wanted to show you that yes you can definitely prepare these ahead of time freeze them pay no mind to my messy freezer and then you can bake them later but for now I'm going to bake - these are not frozen by the way these are the ones that we just made I'm going to bake two of them and I will be baking these in a preheated oven at 425 degrees for 20 minutes and I'm not even going to brush them with oil if you really want them crispy and you want to bake them in the oven you can spray them with Pam or brush them with oil but I'm not doing any of that I just want to show you what it's like to bake them just to give you an idea for those that are curious and for the other two I'm going to fry them and of course I'm using my scientific method of checking the temperature of the oil just tossing something in if it starts to fry and float I'm gonna start frying but you definitely want to fry these at somewhere between 350 to 375 degrees Fahrenheit okay so I've added the oil it's preheated so now I'm going to lay this seam side down and I didn't put a toothpick if you're not one to just really fuss with your chimichanga and the oil you can put a toothpick to make sure that stays closed but what I like to do is place it seems side down in the hot oil and just hold it there for around 30 seconds just to make sure that it fries closed and I will say this I normally make my own flour tortillas and I cook them and they stay soft and pliable and I really don't have an issue having to hold it down for long but with these store-bought ones these in particular maybe the softer ones might not do this but these seem to be semi cooked not all the way through and they kind of seem less pliable I find that I kind of have to baby it a little bit more so if you're using that type of flour store-bought flour tortilla then you might have to hold it in place a little longer just bear that in mind and another question and comment that you guys had was if you could deep-fry these again if you deep fry them unless you close them or maybe freeze them first to make sure they stay in place you might have a big mess on your hand they might open up now as you can see this one kind of wants to open up so I'm holding it so you might opt to use a softer flour tortilla from the store if you don't want to make your own so maybe that'll help you guys in the comment section if you have some of those questions these are some of the things you might face when you're trying to fry these you'll want to fry these until everything is golden brown and crispy that may take a couple of minutes or maybe less it just depends how hot you have your oil so these are done I'm going to remove them from the oil and they are definitely crispy and crunchy and this one sort of started to burn and overcook but it's okay it's still edible it's just gonna be really crunchy okay so my baked and fried chimichangas are done and as you can see these are really crunchy and crispy on the exterior and actually the baked ones turned out crunchy as well they didn't get that deep golden-brown fried color but if you want and maybe a healthier option to a not so healthy chimichanga there you go I also wanted to show you that I baked these while they were frozen and I did notice I had to cook them in extra five minutes so again I'm baking these at 425 degrees Fahrenheit and the ones that that I made and baked right away I cooked them for 20 minutes but these it took 25 and as you can see the inside is completely warmed or heated through the cheese is melty so that's a good cook time if you want to cook these while they're still frozen okay I'm going to make this easy avocado salsa here I'll be using a 1/2 cup of this Mexican cream table cream you could use sour cream in place of that I'm also using some avocado dip that I need to use these are 3 2 ounce container you can just use one large fresh avocado I'm also using a half cup of green salsa this is leftover southside that i had in the fridge you can use a store-bought kind if you like and some fresh Ceylon throw I'm just going to pop this into the blender give it a whirl and it's just going to be this creamy avocado salsa dip it's really delicious okay so another thing I wanted to address is in the last video I saw a lot of comments saying that that's not how you make a chimichanga you have to dress it with this and pour this on top of it well you definitely can do that if that's what you like but my family they like to crunch on the chimichanga they like to dip it and crunch and I kind of agree I feel like if you dress it and pour things over it it kind of gets soggy by the time you're done with it but definitely if that's the way you like to garnish it you want to do it that way because it's you eating it so here we're going to dip it in this delicious avocado salsa but again I always say do what you prefer so the chimichangas are done and it's time to eat so I hope you guys give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching you
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 244,586
Rating: 4.8959332 out of 5
Keywords: Recipes, Easy recipes, how to, Soft Flour Tortillas, Christmas, Family meals, step by step recipes, how to make chimichangas, chimichanga recipe, how to cook, fried burrito, mexican recipes, chicken chimichangas, burrito recipe, fried burrito recipe, recipes with ground beef, cheesy chicken chimichangas, cheesy beef chimichangas recipe, simply mama cooks
Id: p0SL6B4pBuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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