Potato Cakes | Tortitas De Papa Y Queso

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hello and welcome today I'm preparing some potato cakes potato patties don't FIFA the Papa and the wonderful thing about this dish is that it's super versatile for breakfast lunch or dinner so your feelings can accommodate your mood what I mean by that is that you can choose whatever protein you like to really satisfy your flavor palate did I say that right you guys know I'm always tongue-twisted but today I'm gonna be filling these with cheese and pepperoni cuz you guys know my kids have been such sweethearts we're in a good little room right now so I'm gonna have some pepperoni to their meals and what I'm using today is I'm gonna be using turkey pepperoni so I'm chopping these pepperonis finely just so that when my kids might into it they're not biting in and pulling on pepperoni or if you're using like shredded chicken and the ground beef is pretty easy its ground beef so just a quick little chop and wash that let me see if I can fit it guys you guys know I always pick the smallest little things and this recipe is very versatile as far as the amounts that I'm using here but I'll give you guys an estimated amount in the description area where you can find the full details for the recipe so you can screenshot it print it out make it comfortable for your home friends okay so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna cut our potatoes into smaller pieces that way when we boil it it boils quickly you don't have to wait around that long and you can use any potatoes that you have russet potatoes Yukon Gold are these nice red potatoes that I have so I'm just gonna go ahead and cut all the potatoes and there is no uniform you guys already know my cooking I have a lot of things to do with my kids and my household and keep it clean so I just go for it I give it a quick chop I haven't seen much of a difference from size and I mean beating my family so they're very forgiving if it's not perfect I shouldn't really they shouldn't I mean I know you guys aren't watching me because I'm a pro at cutting slash well you know you guys ask me a lot about the knives make sure you look at that Mazon storefront because that's where I lean most of the things that I do find that's available for you guys but I really like this knife because I am getting older and I do notice I have like arthritis in my hands and this knife is sharp and very light because I have a few other knives that users are super heavy of course not my not my ninja one yes it's wood it's really light the blades light and it chops everything I need I mean you guys saw how I went through that fish all right so I'm gonna strain this water and I'll meet you guys at my stove so that we can go ahead and start boiling these potatoes to your pot of boiling water you want to add some salt and I would say start with about half a teaspoon of salt just so that we can start the flavor process for our potatoes because you don't want them to be blend and what about for that back pot you got going on there girl that's a kimchi soup whatever is leftover and once I boil that you know the second and even better so go ahead and add your potatoes and they're gonna cook pretty quickly okay so we're gonna cook them about 10-15 minutes all you want to do is about 10 minutes try to put a fork in it and if it goes through that means you're ready to just take them out okay so I'll see you guys when these are all done so that we can start preparing our delicious potato patties next we're gonna mash these potatoes up you ready I'm ready oh yeah okay I've drained my potatoes and now we're ready to mash them up so go to town you can mash them on your pan but I think it's just easier for us and our setup on how I teach you how to do things to do it here but at home just do it in your pan and mash it up okay I'm gonna take me a little bit longer but to doing the monster yeah but you guys are worth you guys are worth it baby you're worth it [Music] oh my goodness well why can I think of it alright forget this I'm gonna go mash it on my patent and I'll see you guys shortly okay bring your pan bring your pants mess your potatoes in your pan you don't want the potatoes to be too mushy because then you're gonna end up with way too much junk to fry you like this potato masher than the traditional one I honestly I like the other one okay I like this one for other things actually mm-hmm but my other ones too bootleg and I don't feel like dealing with some judgment today that's honest truth it's already yeah it's already really old and you know I keep it hitting on deceit bring them up bring them out I'm gonna do it you guys know you have that one item in your kitchen where you're just embarrassed yes girl no matter if those makes husband for me girl get it not that one that you've got a good he's light-hearted if you heard that you would laugh okay you guys did really get along in life a lot you laugh but all those good things come to an end it's important right to grow yeah I enjoyed it while I was in the marriage I don't know that guy from the corn at the air might be looking for you all right me you have a strong working hands you know yes I don't know I'm not about those little frail hands all right I think we got have a good mesh manicured hands medicare times like 90-day fiance dude you got a hammock son girl there you go you go girl girl you had that gel overlay on link you're pushing yeah don't do that he seemed happy though so I was like okay I can dig this up you're happy but I'm not having manicured hands touch me hey I'm human and I am very vintagey and the only one that's gonna have polished hands it's gonna be me and actually because of all the learning I've done nail polishes I don't even polish my nails really yeah it's very rare I have some of my nail polishes you can use it are non-toxic and all that good well I did end up getting rid of all my nail polishes like my naughty ones and I have nothing but the good ones now but you're always in the kitchen so that makes sense yeah I can't have my nail polish getting into my food with my kids yeah but you keep them trimmed and pretty yeah I can't it's like the older I get the less I don't like I like seeing long nails on all the other lovely ladies yes and like all the bedazzled and gems and all the fun stuff they do but I just can't do it we've we don't have done all the time right yeah a girl that was my thing but I spend that money on other things like food yes okay so once you've done that go ahead and add your seasoning blend what I have here is it gonna be in the description yeah I'm not wasting your time right here guys you guys seem to be liking this a lot better mm-hmm are you gonna give us some angle effect at this recipe no guys no I had a little bit of an accident Tim you caught it shout out to Tim but yeah I had a little bit of an error and I hadn't read and I'm just glad that you guys were able to find the recipe useful anything's not easy I don't think they're the musical notice but you actually edit all of your videos yes I'm the editor of my videos I choose the music and yeah I really enjoy editing I'm just the camera lady girl when I don't think to help but when Chrissy Teigen was saying that she didn't even know where to begin with her 90-day fiance thing she wasn't due with their mom I was like I'll do it oh my god she's such a gem she is she's so wonderful it's one of the best things that I love seeing women grow up and to see them as mothers it's it's just a complete transformation I love seeing women embrace motherhood cuz there's good fat and ugly and I know I make it look easy but you guys know what's work she makes defending herself look easy I love that about her it's not easy what she stands up for she's great you know internally I have a Chrissy Teigan but I tame it a lot yes because I don't like to offend people but I do have like my views I mean it is views on the road not just because I want your views I appreciate those but it goes a little bit deeper ladies and gentlemen channel your Christy Teegan today in the kitchen and out the kitchen yeah in the seasoning you're gonna see that I used onion powder and I didn't chop up fresh onion in here you don't want any of the extra moisture in your potatoes when you're frying them because you want them to be super crispy and delicious that's how it's gonna work so I'm gonna recommend you guys use your favorite cheese if you have teenagers go ahead and give them the stretchy one they can handle it but the little ones they don't need to bite into it and get burned you know and get hurt so I'm gonna use a Mexican cheese blend okay you're so thoughtful when the boys are teenagers I want to be like you're gonna get the gooey cheese you're gonna burn your mouth for mouthing off to me when you were like seven that's crazy that you know how to adjust that for them because I would just give them regular cheese even at that age but I would wait for it to cool down a little bit um but your kids eat piping hot oh they're selective about the piping hot food like Korean Korean food they can handle they crazy amount of spices and they've gotten they're slowly getting better at the Mexican style spice I'm now gonna be giving a Peruvian spice because that's wild oh my gosh that is a whole another level we said we had such a good Peruvian food date yes to be a dad anything was amazing I mean if you guys are on Instagram you guys saw a little bit of that because we had been talking about it since we saw mark wings eat in Peru mm-hmm and you guys know that makes you hungry dude am i still mark uh-huh and I mean it's kind of cool though because I can see it and then it can make it mm-hmm alright so once you're done make seen all your ingredients we're gonna start forming our little patties okay let me clear out a little bit flourish space nice so you guys can focus and give it a taste okay so what you're gonna do is you're gonna grab some of your potato and if you get a little measuring cup it's a little bit easier to scoop it out and form it into a little patty and you want to make the patties as big as your family will enjoy them it can go a little more so monster size yeah these are done a lot the day after Thanksgiving mm-hmm and it's just that what depending on the mashed potatoes you get that's the that's what you have to work with because too much moister with these tends to be a little bit mmm also you can use that mashed potatoes from Thanksgiving dinners that we okay so you're just gonna form your petty like this stick as you want and if you mash in it you don't like to bite into your potato the freshness you can mash it a little bit more to make them like really mashed potato II okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and dip it in the egg okay just a quick dip and to my seasoning I noticed that certain panko crumbs tend to be a little bland so I added some chicken bullion to it just a little sprinkle like if it was gonna be salt just for an additional flavor okay yeah if you guys don't have panko crumbs I grew up not using panko crumbs we use bread crumbs but you're gonna notice that your oil it's not gonna last you a long time wait we also use the corn flakes the corn flakes yeah look you call it cereal uh-huh those my mother's favorite cereal guys alright so just make sure you coat all your little potato cakes and then set it to the side right there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna continue to make these and I'll see you when we're ready to fry you know we'd like to talk we're gonna make one more with you mm-hmm okay so mash it up I'm excited to hear what you guys want to do this with you can do with bacon in little green onions in here whoa squeeze it in there nice compact could you add like cheese and broccoli or do you think that broccoli would be too I think that if you if you soak your broccoli like maybe about five minutes in some boiling water take it out drain it and then chop it yeah and then dab it with a little bit of a paper towel because the thing is that you don't want so much moisture in here because you're gonna get a crispier potato the dry yeah okay imagine we would have had a POG like this when we were younger we would have won all the games you guys are old like me you know what pogs are and if you don't look it up I know you guys think I have that fresh personality but I'm really old homework yeah you guys know what I do to my sister won't embarrass her like run in public I'll say something like use on the road everybody if she just turns of a shade of red that I get I'm like when we got quiet okay so when you get a lot of like your beam out everybody could hear you mean I'm like I only have one control panel in my voice box and that's loud well if you guys really like mine and clouds shenanigans because it seems to be the topic of conversation here make sure you guys join our sister channel it's called lasagnas which means like the owners the mrs. type scenario and that just means that you you own it okay it's like degree from sonoda yeah it is it really is there's nothing wrong with being a senior but an old girl the wooden yeah desert I know a good on saying you okay and she was a fellow can Syrian and I adored her yes may she rest in peace yoga somebody will call you this alone yes or is another one yeah it's like someone has to give you that name in a way yes we've already been given that name so we graciously girl I was born with that name I'm just saying I've been bossing it up since I was born but you wouldn't get that cuz I'm kind of quiet in a way reserved I'm all about not hurting people's feelings good no you come for me I'll hurt your feelings and you don't want my shrimp tell everybody else to defend themselves in some way yeah but you know that's a thing like sometimes when um you show like your bite like your are you know like then people are like she's not as nice as she seems no I really am but I'm human I know how to protect and defend myself yeah all right one more dip there you go well hundreds of businesses turn on the radio in your car or a lake in general do you ever listen to the radio I do but the DJ we have in town is so annoying because on the weekends don't say his name but he was at the bad bunny concert and let me tell you this guy he plays only like the hooks of like covering a thorn in Spanish songs and like it irritates me because I want to hear the whole song I want to jam out and I can't yeah we were at the concert we were in the middle of dancing and he switches it and then he has a change your dance moves and then he switches it again and it was just constant chaos we need we need other kind of DJs and then he starts what did you do he started yelling at the ladies and this in the audience he's like hey you in the back get me a beer later I'll take off my Jersey probably ain't gay that's how he engaged his crowd but I wasn't I wasn't fangirling over his DJ skills it was insane DJ hey DJ potato pigs all right I'm not gonna bore you with this step you guys learned it and if you didn't you're gonna have to rewind or fast-forward me which I know that some of you guys just watch to fast forward and see the nonsense that comes out of my mouth don't call them out I'm not because I love you guys the fun part is of youth components at fast forward they they say it in the comments well you know how like now you have on YouTube that you can scroll and see what's going on if people don't click and you guys enjoy reading it shout-out to you guys for reading but I don't know I was watching what is it nikkietutorials and I was scrolling through the thing before I went in there it started playing like the little the subtitles girl the first word that came out on there I will shook that it would even translate it to it because nikkietutorials would never use that word well you should look at your own upon this video where subtitles is it that you guys need to tell me when they're bad so I can tell you - hey you know your wrong one of the great things about these little patties is that you can make them freeze them easy dinner because you can bake them yes and you can air fry them the United States Air Force what's up so you guys ask me a lot about meal prepping prep your favorite protein so that you can use it and make it for quick dishes throughout your week great tip that's the best tip that I have cuz I don't do meal trip meal trip apparently I don't do meal prep so a menial trip in yesterday girl because I don't like to eat the same thing all the time unless it's Coriolis we're gonna talk a little and tumble awesome but if I hide food in Vietnamese oh here here we go on an be here all day well here's the thing when Jaeger called me out on then Sheila's been live yeah because she's like didn't you already do this and I'm like no I didn't you know I was like it looks familiar and I even said it in the video but it's different and I'm not gonna for you guys putting the same thing all the time but I will change up like the recipe if I see that it's something different that I don't see often that you guys would find useful then I'll go ahead and share it with you guys like don't be us I have endless Torpy out recipes for you mm-hmm I think right now not working on one but I do have one on the list that I mean how for you guys we eat a lot of cookies in this family that's a staple it's a must and they're amazing here's the thing nobody gets bored with eating traditional Mexican food but I do get bored cooking the same thing over and over so it has to be different almost every time for me that's right and I think most housewives we feel that way we're like oh we got to make chicken and rice again okay you know I know some house dads that feel the same way to house dads yeah II mean like does it say at home I take care of the kids oh that's one nice yeah I love non-toxic man me too someone has to raise these kids they're you know what especially with the world how it's been for over a hundred years somebody doesn't you stay home yeah so maybe you guys do split it up right mm-hmm one person works two years another person works two years yeah unless you guys like your rules seems like kindergarten is a good time to get back to work huh yeah the second half of kindergarten because that first half they're still trying to get used to being away from their parents and they get into some trouble that's all that kindergarteners are crazy yeah well you're on YouTube I didn't start off that way but now that I make a revenue and I get to bring more wonderful things to the channel how am I not gonna upload for you guys every day cook every day and I enjoy cooking I love how social you guys have made me Earl isn't always like that we have a lot of fun even in like in-between time of recording it's really fun in here there's times when I'm editing that I'm just like oh Lord did I just say that or when I don't say thank you to you is because I'm in the zone cooking that's the best yeah well it turns out that this is what happens on our channel I'm gonna keep you here for two and then I keep you here the whole time because you know it helps a lot of people when you put more details yeah if you already know how to do this that's going up and if you guys find these recipes too long and you don't like the style I don't mean to be rude but there's other channels at will fast forward you within two minutes give you the whole recipe there's channels that give you the recipe in three minutes and then you go do it and you're like um what happened well I really enjoy because I get the new like new mom new housewives or a new gentleman that are cooking for their partners and stuff like that and if you guys find my recipes helpful I get happy girl we have a teenager on the channel that cooks for their parents when they get home thousands are awesome I like I like the views club Junior yeah okay just make sure you're packing it in nice and tight so it doesn't fall apart on you because the other thing you can do so it doesn't fall apart is you can add some ink to it but just didn't feel like it today inside the batter yeah it'll stay it'll stay stuck a little bit more they look really nice what are you talking about girl there's dangers perfect yeah but if you guys have a difficult time like you can crack a egg in here and get it done one time in culinary school and I was in high school my partner that teaching right said all right go ahead and put your ache in your batter this bowl ends up putting the entire age without cracking it in the batter sound and I was like what do you do ladies like the teacher said to put the egg in here and I was like boy get all the way get out of the way from now on you're just gonna be taking notes and that's it well one of the things that I'm noticing about our views clip is that the or not too crazy about fish oh yeah because I the views that I see are like okay this is what they like right what everybody likes and wants to see more of and that's kind of how I base it it's not so much about like oh my goodness I got so many views on this one which shout-out to you guys for bringing that a little stale lasagna that thing did so good so I'm guessing you guys liked it or we're curious right that's how it works curiosity but I'm not asking you guys don't like fish alright so no more fish recipes for a while for a long time like if you see like the past month I put like three or so what about the Peruvian ceviche you know I'm not gonna I don't think I'm gonna make it because nobody likes - yeah it is I guess you can make it for me let me get for you yep all right friends I'm almost done here so I'm gonna finish up and then wash my hands and go from there I currently have my canola oil on a medium heat so now we're gonna go ahead and check it so you need to get a wooden spoon a wooden chopstick save it just for this purpose and you don't want to use plastic you don't want to use metal okay so if it bubbles up on the outsides of your spoon you're ready to fry and if you have a thermometer you don't need this stuff but it's pretty quick that's how I preserve my own because I don't a lot of people throw flour on it but then I'm the flour tends to burn your oil okay before I fry them I just make sure to go like this a little bit back and forth dr. Yap how would you say this girl there is no literal translation okay so just go like this to make sure they have any of the extra pinkles pati kick it kick it that's the word pattycake a hey so I'm gonna go ahead and place this and you want to place it down to where your oil if it's bashas it's pushes that way but you want to be very careful okay mmm just like that you already know I'm gonna skim it skim it finish it in the comment you guys have been coming up with some great to them okay all right same concept here [Music] if you watch the fish video yesterday friends I'm just no I didn't say an exact time because everybody some people like their fish a little bit juicier some of them liked it a little bit like crispy on the outside and really well cooked which I'm one of those people but I think between 10-15 minutes you should be okay once you see the color and the texture that you're looking for that'll be a quick and easy one for you all right so you're good about fitting four of these here okay so be careful you get your kitchen scissor hands good yeah and everything's already cooked all you're doing is warming everything up [Music] looking for that golden color mm-hmm if you guys really love this addition of the potato cakes let me know in the comments so that I can hook you up with a few combinations that will blow your mind [Music] [Music] I know that song stuck I may get a girl okay yeah you know I'm dramatic with your medical mix right girl you are so extra I love it I love it you know I'm so lucky to have you as a sister because I would be bored in my life without you you know when you find that partner that just gets you like you're my person girl cuz it could be trouble or it could be good for you ones that are good for you you always want to hang out with people that bring out your good vibrations that don't make you feel like horrible you know yeah you know I really love this channel because I get to learn more about people and the more I learn about people the more accepted and open-minded I am about a lot of things because for the most part I respect everybody right yeah so like when you guys share all your your life with me I don't feel so though it's not one end it for me whenever I'm here on the show mm-hmm [Music] nice nice see so it's gonna be up to you if you're making these for the first time definitely add a name but if you have more of an experience with these kind of treats then definitely you don't need it just as long as your potatoes we're done well and you don't have too much moisture you're gonna get a good fry and they're gonna stick together the word of the new moisture moisture rots you by the letter n cut out taller abuse closed you know that love Sesame Street yes you know I'm missing the part of my kids watching certain cartoons where I love cartoons yes and like now they're wanting even watch like antique Ewok I it just changes it up you know it's not called camp kikiwaka it's called bun-buns but I I'm such an embarrassing mom I'm embarrassing could be corrected in the car when was a big bear their lady home it is not well apparently by oh like the super fan that he thinks he knows everything about he walked so he's always trying to correct his brother and I'm like boy calm down yeah I'm trying to be you know whenever I had his birth chart read by a lady she told me she's like get ready for this one he's like this little guy can run his own country based on his chart that's crazy I had told you that when he was like - yeah when you said that to me you're like you gonna be a president sound like okay he's organized and determined enough to get things done I think a vital whenever I don't I do something actually to sync up in because there's nothing that you can in front of him that he will not deal yeah you know I mean you be like limitless you will get it done no matter what like that is on his own term or his own way but he gets it no no matter what yeah I'm proud of him yep I think that since you've been working really hard since he was born you know what I mean like new therapies and like speech and all these other things that it's just instilled in him that he's gonna work hard and get it done yeah and he's got a lot of energy yeah he does yeah that's my early bird he is Ruth and I wake up every morning with a smile on my face and also with bags under my eyes he's the reason for my crows he'll grow up in a farm for my crows okay no no he's not with a guy you in the morning yeah they really nerdy yep and then if he has something special going on the next day he'll be like okay I'm gonna get he gets up early at the tank he says without even having an alarm nothing present really hmm you know I used to be like that and now it's kind of like they get up whatever I feel like getting up worth I haven't uh like a work appointment or something's going on so you want to make sure that you're patient with this part cuz you want to make sure to crisp up the sides thank you see here what I was checking that little part right there I want to make sure that I get that right so I have to get the little one sits right up I have to turn it over I will I mean those little sides afraid these little tough ones mm-hmm no one needs a little more and I currently put my heat on a medium low because my burner is industrial grade I do use a monogram my husband bougie like that but on your guyses then just adjust your temperature to where you're getting a good fry and you're not burning them as soon as they come on here so it's gonna take a little time to warm up the inside and the outside and crisp it up so I have it certainly I started it with a medium heat and then I slowly turn it down to medium low so you got to know your temperament for your stove okay and your pad and your pen makes you different yeah all right well that's that's why I like using castor a lot of people think that with your cast iron you're just always gonna have a crazy amount of heat it's kind of like the coal mine when you make bokya where you have to adjust your temperature to the pan and kind of look at it and see what's going on so yeah no I'm not mad at you then you have our grandmother's coal mine I want to write in my will I am not mad at my sister so they should take anywhere between I want to say five to seven minutes a lot of the times just it depends on the temperature you have your burner your Patty are using I definitely encourage all of you guys to try and get a hold of a cast iron I know that a lot of the times back in the day used to have to have these handed down tea which when I saw my mother-in-law's I really loved it and I was so enamored by it but it didn't get handed down to you oh no our family so I got to start my own thing and now do they get did it go to the other daughter-in-law there is no I'm the only daughter-in-law you know what yeah the grizzlys brother is not married so I'll just continue to wear my cast irons and hopefully a daughter or son-in-law you know whatever my kids decide to fall in love with they can get our cooking you're loose you know I think about that because you know we have our conversations about like when we have grandbabies yeah well we have grandbabies or like our family and stuff when it grows so all right this one's ready yeah my 20 year old said don't count on it mom no grandkids sorry so I'm just putting it on a paper towel and letting it mm-hmm drip there and while I'm taking all of these out I'm gonna go ahead and have another one okay I don't care which of the four kids has it I'm still gonna be an acting grandma it's not I'm gonna have to adopt grandbaby somewhere I'm sure one of our views publisher their families okay so noticing that this one I don't want you don't want to add too much oil if you noticed I only added about an inch of oil in here mm-hmm and I'm just gonna make sure that I get that size right he's making me think I'm gonna have any throw it's also good anything you have potato fry anything mm-hmm oh that was looking beautiful yes you're ready to come out [Music] and I think adding that layer of whether you use breadcrumbs or tinkle crumbs I think if you're gonna be using breadcrumbs definitely out of the egg to the mix as well girl I've been getting so many beautiful comments on Instagram about what just from all of our friends here it's like an extended communication and whether it's an outpost other you guys are excited about or like your request for me it's easier to keep the request here on this channel because if I'm on Instagram I scroll just like you guys are really fast and then I'm like oops I forgot they didn't write it down right keep track of them in the comments see you on here right yep yeah I appreciate your help this okay daddy take it drop it in gently be careful all right so I'm gonna continue to cook these guys and I'll see you guys shortly for a tasting we will be tasting these delicious potato cakes and cutting into them okay if you guys are gonna have a whole production that takes a really long time for you guys to do these or you're making them in advance for your kids make sure you put your oven at 175 degrees place them in there and they're gonna stay nice and crisp but if you put them in they're soggy on the outside so they're not going to crisp up [Music] alright I'm ready to give us a taste need a little bit of my flock Amaya you and that girl look down here you go thank you ok just so you guys know it's safe it's turkey bacon mmm I can eat about well thinking about 10 of these you threw yourself girl you outdid yourself go Sakura anything mmm watching you by the letter in mmm the clouds on it again she lets our dad together and she on the backsplash I mean magnificent no I dance now I align with your body and then I guess I don't see me oh really girl don't make me do my shy girl shimmy mm-hmm maybe next time I'll show you guys my shy girl shitty you know who's really gonna love these ready you know who's gonna really love these viola oh he loves pepperoni he loves pizza concept things and I guess this kind of you know I miss proteins one ma'am mmm-hmm you guys this is amazing when you guys try the recipe please come back and let me know and I have a few errands to run right now so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put them in little pockets so that the boys can eat it while they're in the car then we're getting our errands done but I want to thank you guys so much for joining me today please make sure to check your notifications see if they're working also if you like the recipes and our our conversations okay cuz that's a hit or miss for some people but if you like the way we give a recipe make sure to subscribe yeah oh and we do have another channel as I mentioned it's called lasagnas look in the description and you can click right over to our channel so on that one I'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 383,452
Rating: 4.8664627 out of 5
Keywords: recipes, easy recipes, cheesy potato, como fazer croquete, como fazer croquete de queijo, potato pancake recipe video, recipe (website category), croquette recipe, tortitas de queso y papa, family meals ideas, family meals on a budget, potato cakes, como fazer croquete de salsicha, cheesy potatoes recipe, portos bakery, latkes recipe, parveens indian kitchen potato cakes, Potato Cakes | Tortitas De Papa Y Queso, potato cakes recipe, cooking on a budget family meals
Id: 6s6C_d6a3OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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