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Where's the rice!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/drclawsnemesis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Obviously rice does not belong in burritos. Not sure why the rest of the country doesn’t know this. Second being from San Diego he should know that you need to eat all burritos with a side of hot sauce.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/andyvsd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sorry for the late post...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/devineassistance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve been wanting him to do a Chicken burrito/bowl for like a year now. I can’t wait to make this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlightOfTheShortGuy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You know what cheese he uses? It looks like mozzarella but I’m not sure

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fe_fe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
it's chicken California burrito day or put differently it's poyo California burrito day it's gonna be great look I know I always say that but it's gonna be great it's uh the three main components one marinate the chicken - we're making our own rice and then three just kind of throwing the whole thing together you ready wait I wonder how many people just watched a political ad and then saw your vote for Lois shirt right after oh my god see you can't get away from the political ads these days fronting every YouTube video vote for Lois that's what we say we're not about politics we're about Lois and by the way in case you wondered those ads at the very beginning are not placed by us those are placed by YouTube so if you like the candidate great if you don't like the candidate great it's not us we're about Lois right chance right we're about Lewis and Chance right max yeah and Max true start here we go we will begin by building our marinade right in this ziplock bag to make life easy and we'll start with some neutral oil in our case neutral always means chosen 100% of a coddled oil to that we're gonna add my favorite little flavor booster a couple splashes of soy and then some dry ingredients garlic powder paprika cumin always love the cumin some onion powder kosher salt and pepper plenty bit more and juice of one whole lime now we'll mix this and then we'll add our chicken and in this case we'll be using boneless skinless chicken thighs and I'll just go in one at a time I'll wash my hand we close up a bit get most of the era and we mix so everybody's nicely coated this nail could go into the fridge for up to three four five hours you want to do overnight knock yourself out go overnight I'm gonna leave it for an hour has anyone noticed that limes do not have seeds but lemons do does anyone know why that is if you do please let me know I wish they would get rid of seeds and lemons I really do okay that's the chicken next is rice we're making our own Mexican style rice it's very easy just follow a long pot on the heat and it's downhill from there we'll begin it's about a tablespoon of avocado oil and our little pot we want it to get a little bit warm because we're gonna toast the rice and in will go one cup of long grain rice and we'll stir and over the next couple minutes this will start to take on some color and that's what we want so just be patient and let it happen and when the rice starts to take on this little bit of color it's getting toasted and this will help the flavor so now we're gonna add a couple things first will be a another little shot of oil and a clove of garlic wait don't burn mix that end then we add the following a cup and a half of chicken broth by the way you could use water if you wanted but why would you when chicken broth will just add so much more flavor we're gonna add a six and a half ounce can of tomato sauce giving us that oh so desirable Mexican rice red ish color last thing will be a little bit of cumin we mix we bring it to a boil and when it does one more stir all the way through especially on the bottom keeps anything stuck you put the lid on turn it down to a simmer we leave it 15 20 minutes or until all the liquid has evaporated and then we'll deal with it in the meantime let's make ourselves a quick simple easy little sour cream sauce to go on the bottom of the burrito where the middle haven't decided yet don't know exactly how I want to position everything have to think that through at the time but right now we make this little sauce and so we begin with some sour cream just like that chopped cilantro some lime juice a touch of garlic powder a little salt and pepper and a splash or two of Cholula and we mix and this will make a perfect addition to our burrito all right let's check our rice all right rice check there it is look liquid gone we're left with a beautifully colored rice should be pretty tasty we're gonna take it off the heat now but before I do I'm just gonna add some cilantro just for a little speckle of green in here and a little flavor boost how pretty is that chance cute all right this guy's good I can take this guy off now lid partially on keep it warm now it's chicken time we begin with some of our favorite avocado oil we give it a smoosh around max you know what ash musha's don't you thank you and then our chicken out of the marinade and right on oh the smell what the heat is doing here is incredible whereas we say in Canada on cry of now folks were just cooking chicken we all know what it should look like when it's done white on the inside not really pink push it around move it around we're gonna do both sides and make it delicious so it's been white a minute and a half you can see we're starting to get some nice color that's what you want all right let's give them the other side now lovely sometimes I like to flatten the fat side of the chicken thigh help but just cook a little more evenly we'll turn it again I'm very fine with flipping chicken a bunch of times there's nothing wrong with it gigabyte singing buddy Oh just wait all right it off comes the chicken smelling and looking amazing and then the real fun begins here it is and I'm telling you if you could only be standing here in my shoes you get the appreciation of the smell of this here's what we're doing I cut this up now into bite-sized pieces it goes back on the Evo with cheese to melt to melt the tortillas gonna be there I cook some fries earlier that are now arguably cold so I'll throw these guys on so when everything goes into the tortilla the components are warm they're ready to be consumed all right so let's get I'll put some of these guys on first just start them heating why do I got to make them all lined up max what is so anal and OCD about me that I must do that okay Fry's warming to cut the chicken oh gosh it is so just like tender juicy and perfect I need a bite sorry but I'll keep cutting oh holy Sh hold on one for max one for Chauncey I mean it would be amazing by itself right and what was it it's nothing just a few spices and cooking it in a nice way you know not drying it out okay my chicken is ready let's get the tortilla happening we take one of our beautiful large tortillas and start to warm it up and it doesn't take long the goal is not to cook it relieved but to make it pliable so it's been on about 10 seconds now we'll flip we take it off and then the chicken goes on so on goes a little pile of our chicken a little bit of oil of course why not okay well it's getting warm let's start with prepping our tortilla first down is this little sauce we made right across that is gonna make everything better we follow up with our fries nice a little layer of them now that they're all heated right there and now back to our chicken that is doing beautifully we're giving it a very big handful because we want this to be cheesy and it gets a lid just like that and when the chickens there voila look at that now we come in oh boy this is gorgeous right down and release I think this is gonna be good max there was a minute when I thought it would be okay now I think it's gonna be awesome we're not there yet two more things some avocado right across the top and a quick version of I can't find a spoon I'll use my hand just a little fresh onion tomato in this thing maybe a tiny bit more cilantro shaved over the top in and we fold sides in sides in over the top everything comes together and there we are and there you're max and chance that is our Toyo California booty toe with our own rice sauce fries and freakin deliciousness any kind of melty cheese the Kelly chicken awesome you wanna you wanna cut it sure and now we need no explaining nothing we just need a cut is that correct max that's correct let's see it all right what feels good oh boy grunt snap that's beautiful if you like my little friends let's just pick one up and let's just revisit what we've got inside here we've got that chicken the marinated chicken oh we've got we've got fries ah though this little tomato onions oh my god I just and our own rice is in here someplace oh it isn't we forgot the rice to make another one no rice doesn't belong in a calorie anyway I wanted rice in this [Music] damn it ladies and gentlemen this should point out something if you ever think that we faked stuff here we don't and if it's faked it's obviously faked like me dressed up as as as Martha Stewart or or doctor what's-his-name the salt Bay salt bay guys these people know who Martha Stewart is and if it's faked it's obviously fake like me dressed up as salt pay screw it i'm having a bite oh my god the chicken the chicken just the chicken by itself wait I'll get my ice I'll get my rice here we go you just take a little bit of the rice drop it right there it may not be a collie with the rice the race is a 10 in here mmm I think you're gonna like it max all right I could stand here all day and eat this and I will thanks for hanging out thank you for helping us get past the 2 million subscriber mark yeah it's crazy means so much to us it really does and make something different not the same thing all the time
Views: 998,095
Rating: 4.9078174 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, cali burrito, burrito, california burrito, best cali burrito, best california burrito, best burrito, best chicken, chicken burrito, sam the cooking guy burrito
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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