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hi guys welcome back to my Channel today I'm gonna show me think it's have to make some delicious chicken chimichangas because you guys online I'll make this super easy and delicious recipe just stay tuned and I'll show you how already guys so let's get started with our ingredients so for this recipe we're going to need four pieces of chicken breasts large flour tortillas one small white onion five roma tomatoes 5 garlic cloves three to four chili chipotles in adobo sauce one handful of cilantro two teaspoons of ground cumin two teaspoons of oregano oil for frying two tablespoons of olive oil salt and pepper so these are ingredients now let's get started I so Fraser going to start by prepping our vegetables so I'm going to start with a tomato and we're going to cut it into small little cubes we're just going to transfer them in the face alright so next we're going to do the same with our onion all right so once you have your onion we're going to start to mince our garlic all right so once you got your garlic cloves minced we're going to cut our chip all this okay so we're just going to cut our Chipotle you if you're sensitive to chilies just make sure you were close once your have that I'm going to transfer into my little bowl along with the minced garlic so now I'm just going to grab my cilantro start separating the little leaves the little leaves all right so once we have our cilantro ready we're going to start to cut our chicken so I'm just going to start by cleaning my chicken [Music] and then I'm going to start by cutting it into small cubes as well so you want your you wanna have little pieces of chicken or you guys so once we have our chicken all cut up we're going to add our cilantro we're going to mix it with our chicken we're going to add our cumin are they gonna salt and then we're going to add our olive oil and we're just going to mix it all together and of course the salt and pepper is gonna be to your liking make sure all your chicken is coated with our spices in the oil okay so once we have that we are ready to start cooking I send a large frying pan we're going to set it on medium-high heat and we're just going to add a little bit of olive oil so once our olive oil it's hot we're going to add our onions okay so we're just going to add our onion we're going to cook our onions for five minutes or ensure our onions are translucent [Music] so after an ef3 search whistles in color we're going to add our Chipotle and garlic [Music] [Music] then we're going to add our Tomatoes we just mix it around that's what for seconds yes I want everything to mix we're going to add our chicken and now we're just going to cook a chicken into its fully cooked again so after eight minutes your chicken should be fully cooked so just going to grab a piece just make sure you know you just wanna try it for salt so me this is perfectly fine so I'm just going to turn it off in our filling for our chimichangas it's ready so now we are ready to roll all right so I'm just going to grab my tortilla and my tortillas are a room temperature so now I'm just going to grab my filling just try to drink in some of the juice I'm going to set it in the center so just as much filling as much chicken as you like and I'm just going to close it up like a burrito okay and then just set them um with the with the cut down okay and now we're just going to do the same to all of our tortillas to the amount of chimichangas that we wanna make and at this point we're going to start to get our oil ready where we're going to fry our chimichangas just close it and roll it alright so once I always had enough we're going to start placing our chimichangas into the oil I have it set on low medium heat so I'm just going to grab my Breda like this and just make sure that you're holding down to this part okay to the edge so we're just going to place that side first and just hold that hold on to it this will not make citizen you know what is going to fry them into it they turn a pretty golden color golden color we're going to remove the oil and drain on paper towels alright so just repeat the process until you have reached the desired amount of chimichangas that you're making all right so while they're nice and hot I like to add my cheese just like that okay now we are ready to serve sorry so I like to serve him with some lettuce so just put some lettuce on top some sour cream some avocado [Music] see them and then of course some homemade closeout the audible just sprinkle some this is spicy so [Music] and that's basically our chimichangas of course I'm going to serve it with some rice beans and you know you whatever you want to serve it with that's optional but this is basically your chicken chimichangas are you guys so we are ready to enjoy already guys and now for the best part the taste test you're the crunchiness G's the chicken I'm ready the best everything is perfect you look so good together I hope you guys give this recipe a try he has in there you have in my super easy and delicious chicken chimichangas I hope you guys enjoy watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share with difference and family and if you recreate this recipe please don't forget to tag me on any of my social medias and if you need to my channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video bye oh yeah [Music] it is perfect on me even to get a Slurpee the lover Mathura sighs mommy my symmetrical origami afirma que tú sí mami my symmetrical cute origami Esper
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 166,711
Rating: 4.9434457 out of 5
Keywords: Recipes, Easy recipes, how to, Homecooked, Summer, chimichangas, chicken and cheese recipes, crunchy burrito, deep fried burrito, easy chimichanga recipe, how to make chimichangas, mexican food, mexican recipes, chicken chimichanga, fried burrito recipe, cooking show, step by step recipes, tex mex food recipes, learn to cook, cheesy chicken burrito, como hacer chimichangas de pollo, chicken chimichangas
Id: l3YEEncmVZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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