Deadpool's Chimichangas | Basics with Babish

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Curious how this ended up a basics, considering its dropped on a Tuesday, and it's a food from an entertainment property.

👍︎︎ 235 👤︎︎ u/LikeARoss0708 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

So who's going to tweet this to Ryan Reynolds? I was really hoping for a dp voiceover

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/Newuser157890 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Binging with Basics

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/ToBeFrozen 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really shocked Ryan Reynolds didn’t cameo. He would of freaking loved this.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/greene81990 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good Lord, what's going on with this video?

Basics with Babish?

Basics with Babish? On this day of the week, at this time of the day, in this part of the country. Localized entierly within your kitchen?


👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/AkronSnape 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Binging with Basics.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mab0390 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I always wonder how these sponsorships happen, does X company reach out about sponsoring an episode, then that episode is crafted in a way to make that product relevant? Or is it more like an episode is thought of, and X company is reached out TO?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/violue 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wait is this basics or regular?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/studmuffffffin 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

/u/OliverBabish Thank you, you just decided what I'm making for dinner tonight.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MediocreFisherman 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
this episode of basics with babish is sponsored by marvel strike force a squad based strategic role-playing game available now on iOS and Android assemble your marvel dream team for combat against sinister forces you can choose between characters like Spider Man Thor Black Widow and Deadpool a character known for his predilection for the subject of today's show chimichangas and Deadpool clearly wants revenge against Ultimates for destroying his favorite chimichanga restaurants download marvel's strike force now and then let's get down to basics [Music] all right so at the root of most chimichanga fillings is taco seasoning which is just fine but something that can optionally be improved upon but first we have to ask what exactly is taco seasoning well usually it's a large amount of chili powder in slightly smaller amounts of garlic powder onion powder red chili flakes oregano paprika ground cumin and salt and pepper now like I said before these seasonings are perfectly fine but by replacing just a few of these elements with either they're fresh or whole counterparts we can greatly improve flavor we've got some whole dried ancho chilies fresh garlic a fresh onion some dried hot chilies for the bold and whole cumin now unlike taco seasoning we can't just throw all this stuff in with our meat and call it a day it's gonna take a little bit of prep starting with the cumin which we're gonna dry roast until fragrant and grind fresh this alone is gonna make a market improvement but we're also gonna briefly toast our chilies in the same pan medium heat 1 to 2 minutes until fragrant but not smoking then we're gonna kill the heat and cover the chilies with water lit up the pan and let these guys sit for about 10 minutes until they're completely soft then we're gonna carefully dump both the chilies and they're soaking liquid into a high-powered blender along with 1/2 small onion cut in half I'm going to add a couple canned tomatoes for a distincts tomato flavor then we're gonna add 3 or 4 medium cloves of crushed and peeled garlic about 1/2 teaspoon each of freaka and dried oregano maybe 2 teaspoons worth of our freshly ground cumin optionally one ship outlay from a can for some extra heat and smokiness and a sprinkle of kosher salt and freshly ground pepper go ahead and blitz this together on high speed until it is completely smooth we don't want no chunks of dried pepper get caught in our teeth then as with all things we're gonna taste for seasoning and as you might be able to tell I'm kind of improvising this sauce and it turned out pretty hot so I'm gonna add a couple more tomatoes to help balance things out but you can make this sauce pretty spicy as it's gonna get layered underneath a whole bunch of other flavors now that our sauce is prepared it's time to contend with our protein of choice I'm going with chicken thighs boneless skinless chicken thighs that I've hit with salt and pepper patted dry and I'm now going to sear over medium-high heat in about two tablespoons of vegetable oil once they've got some nice color in both sides of an add maybe a cup and a half of our sauce which is gonna become this chickens braising liquid so I'm gonna pop the lid on top of my saute pan lower the heat and braise for about a half an hour during which time I'm going to prepare our chimichanga accompaniments first up a simple food processor salsa I'm combining a 28 ounce can of plum tomatoes drained and deseeded with half a chopped jalapeno have a small quartered onion 1 chopped clove of garlic and a few leaves of mmm cilantro a little sprinkle of kosher salt and freshly ground pepper and a squeeze of lime juice then with the food processor we're just gonna use quick short pulses to chop everything together scraping down the sides of the bowl and making sure that everybody is chopped down to your desired consistency cover and fridge this until we're ready to use it because next up we're making an approximation of Honduran crema which is made simply enough by combining about half a cup of sour cream with the juice of half of a lime tiny whisked until homogenous tangy and drizzle Bowl I'm gonna pour this carefully into my tiny squeeze bottle so I can make some tiny decorative patterns later on table top drizzle test successful last up a simple guacamole into a small bowl goes the flesh of one large ripe Hass avocado - which we're gonna add the juice of half a lime not only to flavor it but to prevent it from turning brown we're also gonna add one small clove of crushed garlic about a quarter of one small red onion finely minced maybe a teaspoon of our freshly toasted and ground cumin an optional finely minced jalapeno pepper for a little bit of heat a few twists of freshly ground black pepper and a sprinkle of kosher salt go ahead and mash that together using your mashing weapon of choice until the consistency of your choice is reached perform the all-important tortilla chip taste test to make sure that everything's seasoned properly as that guacamole babish nice back over on the stovetop our chicken has braised for about 30 minutes so I'm going to take off the lid and let the sauce cook down until nice and thick then you can chop up the chicken but I'm gonna shred it right in the pan so I can then toss it with the sauce and set it aside to cool because now I've got to take the most optional step of the day making tortillas from scratch because I couldn't find any at the store so into our trusty food processor goes 300 grams of all-purpose flour which we're gonna top with about 50 grams of room-temperature shortening that we're gonna cut into small pieces then we're pulse that together about 15 20 times in the food processor until it forms a mixture reminiscent of wet sand then with the food processor running we are going to pour 200 milliliters of warm tap water in through the feed tube letting the machine continue to run until a ball of dough forms as soon as it comes together we're going to stop the processing retrieve our warm pliable slightly sticky ball of dough knead it for a couple seconds both because it feels good and to make sure that everything is evenly incorporated and then we're gonna weigh the dough so we can precisely divide it into six evenly sized balls which once we've got those divided out we're going to roll taut and place on an oiled rimmed baking sheet dotting the balls with oil themselves make sure that they don't stick to a loosely wrapped layer of plastic wrap while we let them rest at room temperature for one hour then one at a time we are retrieving our balls dusting them generously on both sides with all-purpose flour and rolling them out making sure to also dust our rolling pin with flour otherwise they'll stick and the idea here is to get them as thin and round as possible normally we divide this amount of dough into eight pieces but I want burrito sized tortillas here which once rolled out we're gonna cook on a bare cast iron skillet heated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit or until you see little wisps of smoke coming off of its surface blob the dough on top and let it sit undisturbed for about 90 seconds maybe longer maybe shorter depending on how hot your skillet is but you want to see nice big bubbles like this and upon flipping beautiful burnished brown spots like that another 30 to 60 seconds on that side and then we're stacking the tortillas wrapped in a clean dish towel this is gonna help keep the tortillas warm soft and pliable until we're ready to use them which we are right now because it's time to start assembling chimichangas onto the lower third of a tortilla goes some of our chickens some refried beans and a healthy helping of cheese from this point we're rolling the way that we normally would roll a burrito with one extra step to your left my right you will see a slurry made from one tablespoon of flour to three tablespoons of water which I'm going to brush on the outside edges of the tortilla this is going to act like a glue that will hold our little burrito together as it enters the deep-fry there are a few things more disappointing in this life than a burst chimichanga over on the stovetop we're getting ready to I've got a quart of vegetable oil that I'm bringing to 350 degrees Fahrenheit before dropping in the chunga's I'm just go at those fry for about two minutes or until deeply golden-brown before flipping and frying for an additional one to two minutes I'm sorry did you think that we were doing healthy whole wheats oven-baked chimichangas no take them out and keep them warm on a wire rack set in a rimmed baking sheet until ready to serve I'm gonna start with a generous drizzle of crema a generous dollop of guacamole and a slightly less generous dollop of salsa and there you have it my ultimate chimichanga I'm honestly not sure how authentic this recipe is to Tex or mechs cuisine all I do know is that it's cross-section does not do it justice and that it is a crunchy juicy cheesy spicy zesty piece of deep-fried heaven not only did answer the clean plate Club as viewers have pointed out to me I tend to shake my food but I really really really like it so let's see yep there it is the babish food shake of approval I just wish Wade Wilson himself were here to try these chimichangas actually maybe I don't he'd probably make fun of me or accidentally stab me or something a much safer way to play with Deadpool is with the help of today's sponsor Marvel Strikeforce a squad based a strategic role-playing game available now on iOS and Android in the game you get to assemble a five-member squad of Marvel superheroes and supervillains to defend the earth from world-ending threats like Ultima sand is Kree are Mada you can recruit your own mini avenger dream teams and battle your way through campaigns fight other players teams for a place on the global leaderboard or join up with an alliance to take on challenging group raids and go to war with rival alliances all while powering up your teams and collecting more of your favorite Marvel heroes and villains along the way once I unlocked the area the game really start to get fun I was able to use the skills I learned getting started to battle it out with other alliances and set alternate teams for blitzes and braids for additional resources all leading to getting more power to unlock more amazing characters download Marvel Strikeforce today on iOS or Android and assemble your marble dream team and thank you again to Marvel Strikeforce for sponsoring today's episode [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 5,103,887
Rating: 4.9570274 out of 5
Keywords: pear qwerty horse, binging with Babish, cooking with Babish, basics with Babish, babbiish, chimichanga, chimichanga recipe, how to make a chimichanga at home, Spiderman, spider man, marvel strike force, free games, avengers, spider man far from home, Spiderman cartoon, marvel future fight, marvel, hulk, avengers endgame, chimichanga deadpool, deadpool chimichanga, deadpool chimichanga scene, babish deadpool, babish chimichanga, binging with babish chimichanga
Id: szFLA4_pwew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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