HOW TO MAKE ENCHILADAS | Enchilada Sauce Recipe | Tex Mex Enchiladas Recipe

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[Music] okay so my tex-mex enchiladas you know I had to redo the video after listening to all your comments about how loud the music was in the last one so I thought I'd redo it and now for the ingredients I will be using one pound of lean ground beef I'm also going to be using some diced onion here I've graded it for the sake of my kids and also two minced cloves of fresh garlic here I have a quarter of a teaspoon of ground cumin and I'm also going to be using a half teaspoon of salt and I want to show you the ground beef the ratio of fat to lean beef is the 8515 I wouldn't use anything higher in fat because then you're just going to be draining a lot of fat so if you can get your hands on leaner ground beef it works a lot better now for the ingredients of the red sauce so I will be using a quarter cup of oil a quarter cup of all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons of chili powder 1/2 teaspoon of granulated garlic 1/2 teaspoon of onion powder and a quarter teaspoon to a half teaspoon of ground cumin and typically I also like to use a bouillon cube a chicken flavored blue young cube and I like to add about two and a half cups of water but again I've read your comments and a lot of you asked if you could use chicken stock or chicken broth so today I will be using two to two and a half cups of chicken broth and this broth is a lower sodium broth that I got out of the store bought cartons if you have your own chicken stock that you make or you have the canned chicken broth that works fine and the reason for the lower sodium chicken broth is so that I can add salt to taste after I mix it up so again you can use two and a half cups of water and one bouillon cube or your two and a half cups of chicken stock or broth I'm also going to be using 14 to 16 corn 50 and lastly I will be using an 8 ounce block of Colby jack cheese here I've already shredded it if you're using pre-shredded cheese have about three to three and a half cups on hand to be using for this recipe I'd also like to mention that the recipe as always will be listed in the description box below this video ok so let's get started let's start by cooking our ground beef I'm just going to start by preheating my pan and because the ground beef is not completely lean I do not need to add any oil to the pan so I'm just going to put it right into the hot pan and start browning the ground beef I'm also going to start adding my seasonings I'll go ahead and add my 1/2 teaspoon of salt and I didn't mention this in the ingredients earlier but I'm going to go ahead and add some pepper as well now for my onion and garlic I'm going to go ahead and add that and then I'm going to go ahead and add my quarter teaspoon of ground cumin I would like to mention that while you are making all of the components to put your energy levels together if you find that you want to add other seasonings and spices to your ground meat or to your enchilada sauce by all means at it and your quantities to what you like because again like I always say always use what you have in your kitchen and make the recipe your own because it's you that's going to be eating it and serving it to your family so that's just something to keep in mind okay so my ground beef is all cooked and I just wanted to show you that this actually did not render tons of fat so I'm really not going to drain it because I might end up draining all the important juices that were released from the meat and the seasoning and spices all bivas is but you want to set aside to allow it to cool so now I'm going to move on to the next component of putting out Angie leathers together and that is the corn 450s now what I'm doing here is I just have a pan preheating and I'm going to add a good amount of oil coppy a quarter cup or a couple of tablespoons and as soon as your oil gets hot enough you want to go ahead and toss in your corn phobia and this is not frying it to a crisp this is warming it through with the hot oil so I would not leave the corn tortilla in the pan any longer than 8 to 10 seconds I literally put it three seconds on each side and remove it from the pan because again I don't want this to get crispy I just want it to be nice and pliable so when it cools off I can still roll out my enchiladas so don't skip this step it really does help okay the last corn tortilla is done I'm going to move this aside and here they are I have them on a baking sheet i'ma let them cool and now let's move on to our enchilada red sauce so here I have a fairly large wide skillet I like a lot of room to whisk I'm going to add my quarter cup of oil let that heat up and I would like to show you this is pretty much where I'm at it's at a medium heat maybe medium high so now I'm going to add my quarter cup of all-purpose flour and start mixing that into the oil and if you haven't figured out yet yes we are making a roux basically this enchilada sauce is like an enchilada gravy this is pretty easy and tasty if you have other methods or other authentic recipes for an enchilada red sauce that is wonderful feel free to share them in the comment section below for the other commenters and subscribers but this is pretty much what I like to do now at this point you would add your bouillon cube if you're using the blue young cube and two and a half cups of water method but again I'm using chicken broth today so I'm going to add that towards the end but if you do want to add your chicken bouillon cube instead you would add it now so now I'm adding in all of my chili powder and I'm working that into my roux and I like to add the chili powder as well because you want to warm it through you want to get the the spices a little toasted you don't want to burn it so right now I'm at a good place to start adding my liquid so now I'm going to go in with my chicken broth and just start working it into my roux whisking away as usual and you just want to end up with a nice silky lump free sauce okay so now that I've worked out any lumps I'm going to go ahead and add my other seasonings and spices my ground cumin my granulated garlic powder and my onion powder and once I whisk this in I may add salt to taste but again if you're using a blue young cube with water you might not want to add extra salt and I also wanted to show you the chilli powder that I'm using a lot of you ask what I use and this is actually the Fiesta brand chilli powder I normally buy what's on sale but this is what I'm using today okay so my sauce is done now let's put these enchiladas together here I have a 9 by 13 baking dish and I will be probably making about 14 inches that's usually the magic number that fits into my baking dish my corn tortillas have cooled off I can work with them here's my cheese and the ground beef as well and this is why I do it in these steps because by the time I make my enchilada sauce the recipe ingredients have cooled off to where I can roll these and she let us out so here we go you can most definitely ladle in some enchilada sauce at the bottom that works too but normally when I'm in a rush to get dinner on the table I just start rolling them out okay so now all I'm going to do is take one of my corn 4ps I'm going to add some ground beef to it if I had to guess maybe two tablespoons to three tablespoons of ground beef I'm going to add a sprinkling of cheese and then I'm going to give it a nice tight roll and then seam side down into the baking dish and I will continue until I get my 14 enchilada [Music] okay so now they are all rolled out and if you notice I rolled the last two out burrito style that's how I get them in there so now you want to take a little bit of cheese and before I finished all of the cheese on top of enchiladas you want to add the sauce and I'm adding the whole pan of sauce I'm going to make sure I get almost every last drop and then you're just going to spread it all over the enchiladas and then I'm just going to finish off with the rest of the cheese and at this point you can add diced onion but again my kid just will not eat onions I don't blame them so we're going to leave those out this time but you know if you like onions the way my husband and I do go for it [Music] now I am going to cover this with aluminum foil and I will be baking this in a preheated oven of 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes covered and then a 10 to 15 minutes uncovered while the enchiladas are baking I'm going to go ahead and make a pan of Mexican rice to go along with it and if you would like that recipe I will be putting the video icon link at the end of this video so all you have to do is click on the picture and it will take you straight there it has been 20 minutes so now I am going to carefully remove the cover you might want to do this with a pair of tongs or a towel and remove the aluminum foil and I'm going to allow this to bake for an additional 15 minutes my timer has gone off and I'm going to get these out of the oven and here's a close-up shot of what you're looking at they smell wonderful by the way and another tip once you remove your enchiladas allow them to set for at least 15 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it has been 15 minutes and I'm going to show you how easily they come out without falling apart once you let them set [Music] [Music] I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching [Music] hey guys you can click on the video icon for more recipes or you can click on my picture icon to subscribe thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 401,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gochujang Mama, The Best Enchiladas Recipe, The Best Enchiladas Red Sauce Recipe, How to make Tex Mex Enchiladas, Beef and Cheese Enchiladas, tex mex enchiladas, beef enchiladas, enchiladas, enchilada sauce, Ground Beef, Super Bowl, enchiladas rojas, chicken enchiladas recipe, how to make enchiladas rojas, how to make enchiladas mexican style, how to make enchiladas chicken, how to make enchiladas easy, easy enchilada recipe, red enchiladas recipe, mexican recipes in english
Id: wQKtLIxJdJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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