Crispy Homemade BEER BATTER Onion Rings! (Watch out for Sheila)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and yes the country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila running that camera hi Sheila today we're gonna make beer batter onion rings I'm gonna make them for two reasons one cuz I'm from Minnesota and they beer batter everything up there they got beer batter fish on your face I think they got beer battered beer batter I'm not sure and they love their beer in their batter in fact they run around singing them songs and heaven there is no beer that's why we drink it here and when we're gone from here all our friends will be drinking all the beer they love that kind of stuff up there and the other reason I'm gonna make these hunting rings is because of Sheila you see Sheila and I go over to Sonic that drive-in where the girls come up with the roller skates and bring you those delicious hamburgers and I always asked Sheila you want some onion rings now I don't want any are you sure no I don't want any and I look out there and they got small medium large and even though I want to get small for just me i order mediums because when I get those burgers and I had her her hamburger and I got mine I set that little cardboard tray on the center console of my truck and pretty soon I noticed my count ain't the same that is there's missing one here and there so I kind of look like I'm looking out the window now the corner of my eye Oh see that little fingers come over and take an onion ring you know the lady that didn't want any yeah so we're gonna make a few extra earrings because who knows maybe a little finger will come in grab one in the middle of the recipe I don't know but let's get started on some beer-battered onion rings come on over here I'll show you what I'm gonna do now I always use sweet onions and I buy these big onions for the onion rings and I go over to the section where it says sweet onions peeled so they're already peeled but that don't make any difference to me because I still cut the ends off which I've already done and then I do make a little cut in here and peel even though it says peeled I still take that softer outer chunk off of there cuz it just doesn't work good for the onion rings and then I cut these babies a nice 3/8 or so nice thick slices here I've got one cut up already over here in this make sure you cut away from your hands see what happens perfect reason why I always cut away from my hand when they can get one more slice out of there I go down you know don't do any of this stuff here you know make sure you go straight down away from your hand when you're cutting now you can use smaller onions but make sure you use sweet onions and what I do is I punch these all out and I picked the perfect ones like these little guys like this I keep them in the refrigerator so I can go ahead and use them the next day but anything that looks like it'll make a nice onion ring I keep and then little teeny baby ones out of the middle oh these are so good in a salad but I picked the ones that look like they'll really be nice for deep fry and onion rings let's see that's a little soft on the outside so I'll put him over there these look good and what I'm doing is I'm putting them in a bowl of cold water over here really cold because this whole recipe you want to keep everything as cold as possible and they'll fry up so crisp and so delicious but there we go these are even kind of good I might throw a couple small ones in there then we're gonna put this in ice-cold water here and we're gonna hit this with a good teaspoon of salt and we're gonna let these soak in here to make sure they're nice and cold I'm even gonna put in a little bit of ice I just want to keep that really really cold why it sits on the counter let me see if I can get this back in a camera frame a little better and what we're doing is we're kind of making the sweat a little bit with that salt it's going to pull some of the moisture out of the onion rings and we're gonna want that so we can coat it with flour we'll see in about 20 minutes when these have been in this ice water long enough to where you can give it the first coating see you then all right our onions been soaking for about 20 minutes in the salt water and here's the thing how many times have you ate onion rings and the breading falls off the outside or the onion falls out it doesn't stick to the onion well this process is going to cure that so what we're going to do here is I'm going to pick the best of the best out of here and we're putting this in just regular flour kind of scoot around make sure you get the inside and the outside and then we're going to lay them over here on the side here and we're just going to let them set for again another 20 minutes and tell this breading this flour really soaks and sticks to the onion ring we're going to make a batter which is totally separate than this process but this process will make sure that your batter sticks not only during the frying process but during the eating process to your onion rings let me get these all floured up and again this is just regular all-purpose flour we just want to put a coating on these onion rings and set them over here on this rack so they get tacky so it sticks to the onion which has been sweating because of the salt I'll be back when I get these all battered up here now I said get these all battered up what I meant to say is get them all breaded up because we're gonna make a batter but this kind of reminds me of being down at my grandma halls years ago because we basically turned this flour and water on the outside of the onion into glue and we used to make homemade kites and where's kids and what we use a little flour and little water mix it up put it on the newspaper fold it over the string and the sticks and that's a whole nother show but that's what that remind me of so it's real tacky now it's been sitting here for about 20 minutes and while we're doing this letting this rest it'll give us an opportunity to make our batter now in here we're going to put 1 cup of all-purpose flour and 1/4 of a cup of corn starch because that's going to make it real crispy and real good now let me tell you what's in here I've got a teaspoon of paprika where's my little phone here I always keep track of all my ingredients yeah I got a teaspoon of paprika a teaspoon of salt 1/2 a teaspoon of baking powder and 1/2 a teaspoon of white pepper and I use white pepper because then you don't see the little specs on there and that's what we're gonna put in there and if I kind of mixed up the ingredients don't worry because we always put all the ingredients right under the video just click on see more add more whatever that button is it'll drop down you'll see the entire description for the entire recipe in there well we're gonna mix this together and this is going to be our batter wait a minute how can we have a batter with dry ingredients oh I know in heaven there is no beer now you can use any beer you want you can use a dark beer a light beer Light beer Michelob Ultra is what I'm using here today and I'm gonna put in about a cup but we're gonna do this to where it turns into almost like a pancake batter that's what we're looking for so let me pour this in kind of get this mixed and see where we are now if you get it too thin you can always add a little more flour then a little more beer than a little more flour pretty soon you'll have a 55-gallon barrel of batter that you have to mix with an outboard motor so we're gonna try to make sure that we hit our target early now see this a little thick so this beer needs to thin this out we want to get it nice and all I can I could say pancake batter not too thin but we want it so that they'll sink down in there when we move them from this rack over here into here and into the oil so we're heating our oil up to 350 degrees now you can use peanut oil you can use canola oil you can use vegetable oil of any kind that you want and let's see what we're doing here just took a little bit more flour to get a perfect batter look at that we're ready to dip our pre floured tacky onion rings in here and into the oil but before I do that I want to explain something the other day we did a recipe where we did deep fried coca-cola now on the front of this cooker you'll see that it says 275 degrees and I mentioned in the recipe that we were cooking at 350 degrees and we were this is passing 300 degrees right now and it kind of levels out at 350 when this cooktop here is set at 275 so don't let these cooktops lie to you if you think you're cooking something at say 225 or 250 put a thermometer in the oil or in your recipe whatever you're cooking to make sure that this thing isn't lying to you so now I'm gonna cook these onion rings at 350 degrees it's just a little over 300 and it'll stop at about 350 when I have this set at 275 so don't send me any emails that said hey you said you're cooking at 350 but yet your stovetop says 275 and I have no idea why I kind of stumbled across that because I set it at 275 thinking I'll go in and get some of our ingredients ready this was on another recipe throw on my little trusty apron and come back in here and I came back and the gauge was at 350 degrees I thought that ain't right but it stopped at 350 I thought perfect I know if I set this at 275 the oil will be at 350 now we're up to about 310 we'll see you at 350 and because that's where this is going to stop even though this is at 275 days nor that part and then we're gonna put these onion rings in this beautiful batter and make these beer batter onion rings see in a few minutes I just want to let you know this thing's lying to you see what did I tell you even though the cooktop is set at 275 look at the gauge 350 degrees ready to cook but I just want to show you that ok our oil is perfect our batter is just perfect our pre flour breaded onions are perfect it's time to put these in there now you can use a fork or anything you want but I like these little skewers that you use for kabobs because when you pick one of these up and put it in there you don't get a lot of batter on here like you would with a fork that gathers it up on all the prongs so once we got it in there we want to shake off the excess kind of pick a moment when it's not dripping about right there drop it in the oil see then we don't hardly have anything on this little skewer I like using a little wooden skewers for this just to push it under there we're only gonna do a few at a time and we're gonna move them over here to our paper towel now I was cooking venison hard the other day and I was putting it on a paper towel and a guy sent me an email it said I was watching it on the Food Network and they said to put it on a rack over paper towels but if the paper towel is that far below the rack how does that suck up any grease out of anything I've been cooking fish for many many years and I've been cooking stuff like this for years and I always put it on paper towels same with bacon or any of that stuff you go to some of these restaurants and they got that they got that bacon as just greasy they've laid it on a rack over paper towels so just for fun and I want the whoever sent that to me just do it however you want to do it that's fine with me but just for fun I went on YouTube and I looked up deep-fried onion rings and there was a lady on there cooking them I think she did a dry recipe or maybe a batter I'm not sure maybe it was a beer batter recipe and when she got done frying them up golden brown here she put him on a paper towel it was a lady maybe you heard of her Martha Stewart so if it's good enough front Martha it's good enough for Steve we're gonna put these babies on a paper towel over here and I'll bet they stay just as crispy and as crunchy as can be because it's gonna soak the oil out of them and I'll bet our first one is getting pretty close to being done here we'll give them a little turn let em look good don't they Sheila see if I can't get another one in there and when I when I breaded these all up or battered these all up or whatever I did with him I put flour on him I kind of stacked him about three levels high and they did just fine not touching each other so that worked out pretty good okay I see awesome you always tell me you don't want the onion rings but I see them little fingers in the corner of my eyes sneak in there see but you didn't say you wanted one you said you wanted none say there's some now I know you guys out there that are watching you don't have any of them women that do that kind of stuff oops you got to put this in the batter first Eve duh see what happened Sheila gets me all mixed up but there's guys that got those wives out there that say I'm not really on a diet I'm just you go ahead and order something and I'll just have a bite of yours well I don't want anybody to have a bite of mine I want to eat mine or no okay okay these are looking so terrific look at this man old man don't be afraid to cook the fighting to see that batter never gets any thicker on that little stick I like that part you use a fork and you get all kinds of excess stuff in there honey we're gonna have to go to the State Fair and get a booth and make beer batter onion rings it'll make a million dollars you know what and she would go with me to she's just that kind of girl out there and I got another stick over here that I can use just for stirring these onion rings around and taking them out and it won't never have any batter on it so I can double stick it you see it I'm saying Shayla let me get there for all my Minnesota fans out there that like their beer batter stuff this recipe is for you and anybody else that likes beer batter fish onion rings whatever let's get these over here on this paper towel cool them off and while they're still hot let me get my salt shaker over here well it's still hot you want to give them just a touch now you can use kosher salt or whatever but just give them a just a little teeny sprinkle of salt on the outside while they're still hot if you let them cool off in the Sun then the salt won't stick to him oh boy couldn't be happier with the outcome of these these look just great icy ones got the name Sheila written right on it and see here's the thing after Sheila steals enough onion rings out of my little paper container over there there's what is I think it's like six eight and ten or something like that six is the small eight is the medium and ten is the C but you didn't say you wanted one you said you wanted none I said are you sure you don't want any onion rings well why don't you just say well I'll have one of yours so I know whether to get a small or a medium that's why I ordered the medium because I know she's gonna gonna swipe it from me here all right you notice how many more I got over here because I've been so shocked through the through the years of being ripped off from my onion rings then I made a whole bunch of them today we're gonna have way too many here we're gonna have to give some to the neighbors all right oh you know I you got it you got it framed up over here you don't have it on the paper towels right all right well move over to the paper towel thanks to Sheila sneak in my little I got batter on both these little sticks I gotta keep track of what I'm doing there look at how nice them turned out Wow we thanks to Sheila robbing them out of my little paper tub over there at Sonic that didn't sign it I love their little song too I've got so many onion rings like I'm gonna be cooking here for 15 or 20 minutes yet before I get done yep see see man oh man I think if you just take one great big onion you might have enough for a meal you don't really need to but I want to make sure that I had the best of the best looking onion rings that were real nice and anything on the outside any of those that broke or any of them that didn't look just right or the little teeny teeny teeny parts I left them in the bowl in the kitchen they're gonna go in a salad and some of them will go in an omelet in the morning and all the above look at me thanks to Sheila I have onion rings cooling on paper towels all over the place now if you got some guests coming over remember this is two onions and the Ann's were cut off and the centers were punched out I never even used that part of it I know she I might be out of frame here but let's let these cool then I'll show you how crunchy these are laying on paper towels see in a second look what I have created enough in rings that even Sheila can swipe one and I'm going to take one of these these are cooling off a little bit I'm gonna take one of these and I'm gonna bite it up here by the microphone so you can see if it was okay to lay them on paper towels do that crunch hmm and look the breading sticks to the onion because we pre coated them hello to bite them crunchy ones up there and we got two types of dipping sauce here the standard ketchup and over here my favorite sauce for anything onion bloomin onions onion petals onion rings Frank's redhot sweet chili sauce for dipping he tried just a dip of this oh your stuff is so fantastic this is delicious you have got to try this recipe they're crunchy you can provide a couple different dipping sauces did I miss something did you guys see anything I think that might have been the little onion ring bandit from sonic who just swiped a big juicy onion ring out of there that's why I made some extra ones because I know that little fingers are gonna show up sooner or later but you're gonna just love this 18 19 20 21 I'm missing an onion ring they're supposed to be 22 of them laying here but there's one missing and I think the little Sheila Meister might have got it of course I already bit out of this one again because it is so good I love to crunch this up by the mic hear that man they are just absolutely outstanding get you some sweet onions get you some beer get you some bad or get those ingredients I'll put it right underneath the video get yourself some Frank's redhot sweet chilli sauce for dipping and more I just love anything onion and that stuff and get you some Fred is over to the house whip this up deep-fry them put them on a rack or paper towel whatever you wanna do doesn't matter to me but try this recipe we hope you enjoyed it and again this was out to all my beer batter friends up there in Minnesota we hope you subscribe to our Channel now that's pretty easy little shotgun dreads face will pop up over here in just a little bit when it does click on it when it says subscribe right next to it as a bell if you click on that bell and then click the notification box you'll be notified every time we come out with a new recipe we really hope you do that we'll put another recipe over here that we hope you enjoy and is this the best beer batter onion ring recipe mmm anywhere on the planet if it ain't it ought to be by the way like I mentioned all the ingredients are right underneath the video you never have to go to a website to get any of our recipes but if you do want to sneak over to our website you can do that - shotgun you can click on our wine link and show you where all the wine is only in Tennessee unfortunately but it's still delicious or you can click on cooking with shotgun read and find our location it'll run you right back to this or you can also go to our general store and find some shocked and red dolls like we have on the set videos of our live performance all that stuff but most of all I'm gonna take a couple of these and put them on a plate and just set them off to the side because I know the little Swiper fingers are going to come by and grab some of these and that is the biggest kick I get out of that when I go to Sonic nothing makes me happier than to be eating my big cheeseburger and out of the corner of my eye I see a little finger come over from someone that absolutely did not want any onion rings and swipe one the console was too close to her so that's the reason see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red say goodnight Sheila so wonder you can talk with your mouth full of onion rings see you next time you guys
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 1,284,740
Rating: 4.8850665 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, onion rings, deep fried onion rings, beer batter onion rings, fried onions, sweet onions, sweet vidalia onions, blooming onion, cooking with shotgun red, how to make onion rings easy recipe, recipe, recipes, cooking, how to, food, how to make onion rings, rings, onion, tasty, crispy onion rings, crispy onion rings recipe, onion rings recipe, fish and chips, beer battered onion rings, onion ring (food), beer batter, shotgun red, side dish
Id: RvUgla-LsWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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