#1 Way To KEEP VIEWERS Watching Your Stream!

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The biggest mistake that new streamers  make is thinking they deserve to be watched   from day one. You need to completely  change how you think about streaming if   you're going to want to grow your average  viewers it doesn't matter what size you   are if you aren't thinking about the next  five steps then you're setting yourself up   to consistently struggle to keep your  audience engaged in your stream let's go One of the worst feelings in the world  for a streamer is seeing your view count   drop while you're live or even worse when you're  a brand new streamer seeing that zero tick up to   a one and moments later drop back down to a zero  we've all been there it sucks today i'm gonna be   breaking down how i and many streamers organize  and plan out their streams so that when anyone   joins they become engaged and stay for the entire  stream this is something that larger streamers do   all the time and it is so simple yet so  effective that i bet this even worked on   you and that you've become incredibly engaged  by a streamer who has done all of these steps   and the most important part of this entire video  is that if you watch all the way to the final tip   you'll realize you can take your entire stream and  make it much more discoverable just from following   these five steps so stick around for that but  first i want to say thank you to our sponsor   own doll tv you guys should know about own dot  tv by now they are a fantastic resource for any   streamer whether you're just starting out or  whether you're pretty experienced and you're   just looking to add some more production value to  your stream and the best part about owned is the   fact that they have a huge library of animated and  static overlays and even if you buy the same pack   as someone else they are entirely modular which  means you can pick and choose move things around   and do whatever you want to the pack so you don't  look the same as everyone else we have a link in   the description guys so if you want to support  me go and support them by clicking that link   and checking out some of the own tv packs today  okay so the first step to this entire process   is something that you guys have heard me say  over and over again but i have to reiterate it   for new viewers and for the people who don't  take this seriously and that is understanding   your audience intent which means what your viewers  want to see this is literally the most important   step of this entire video this is your foundation  this is the basics that will set you up so that   every decision you make will be effective for  growing your stream that's why i want you to go   down to the comments section and while listening  to these next few questions i'm going to ask you   i want you to write down the answer to them and  if you actually write these answers down and you   actually think carefully about these you will be  so much further ahead than every other streamer   out there who's just going live and making random  content hoping to grow the first question is   who is the audience you want watching you i think  a lot of people just say to themselves i want   viewers but that's a huge demographic and you  can't appeal to every single person on the planet   you need to niche down and think about exactly  who you want watching you this could be how old   is your ideal audience are they teenagers or 18  plus what do they like to do do they like anime   painting call of duty animal crossing what are  their viewing habits are they the type to actively   type in chat or are they lurking while they work  study or take a [ __ ] next we have to think about   what they like to watch because if these people  like to watch a certain thing that you don't want   to play or you don't want to create well then you  don't have your audience locked in properly do   they want to watch chill laid-back streams of  starju valley would they prefer hardcore apex   victories are they looking for someone to interact  with live or are they like my audience who just   wants to watch someone be incredibly bad at  games for hours on end the next question is what   streamers already have this audience who is this  audience already watching are we to think about   this very carefully pick an established streamer  that might appeal to your ideal audience and think   about what they're doing to attract those viewers  are they playing brutally challenging games like   ludwig are they hilarious and very community  focused like ravs do they have an intensely   interactive stream like bajo and then if you  want to take it a step further there are two more   questions you can answer every single stream that  will set yourself up even more why would viewers   click on your stream title and your thumbnail  compared to the guy next to you and then second   why are they gonna click on your discord go live  your twitter go live or whatever go live you're   posting what makes you special what makes them  want to click on you when you're just starting out   a lot of the answers to these questions are going  to be based on what type of content creator you   want to be and what type of content creators you  already watch and that is totally fine but it is   so important if you want to become a good streamer  and a good content creator to take a step back   and think of it from an audience's perspective  think of it from a viewer's perspective because   that's how you start to understand what they want  to watch and how they're going to get engaged with   you last time i talked about this concept i had  a few people say to me i completely disagree lj   you shouldn't do this you shouldn't just  try and constantly appeal to your audience   that's what being a content creator is though you  are a product and you are selling that product   to a niche or a demographic if you find out that  everyone loves buying chocolate chip ice cream but   you don't like chocolate chip ice cream so you're  gonna buy pistachio ice cream for your shop or   you're just killing your business that's the same  thing you need to think about your audience now if   you don't want to comment down below because it's  comment bait or whatever then that is totally fine   write all of this down on a piece of paper instead  we'll put it in a notebook or put it somewhere   where you have to think about the answers to these  questions and if you don't want to do any of that   then stop watching this video because nothing i  say in this video is going to help you and nothing   anyone says in any other video is going to help  you moving forward because you need to think about   who the audience is that wants to watch you and  how you're going to appeal to them if you want   to grow as a content creator that's just a fact  for those of you who have written it down though   and for those of you who have thought about their  ideal audience this next step is perfect for you   and now you have to completely change the way you  look at streaming i see so many new creators say   well i was going to be playing games anyway so  i may as well stream it no wrong that is not how   this works they are completely different streaming  is content creation and creating content means   providing value and essentially telling a story  much like your stream stories have a beginning a   middle and an end and that means early on your  stream you need to establish what your goal of   that stream is going to be so that people have a  reason to want to stick around all the way through   the same way in this video i established that  there were two reasons to stick around to the end   the first was that this video was going to  completely change how you looked at streaming and   give you the ability to keep people engaged for  your entire stream and the second which is still   coming up was the fact that the final tip would  make you so much more discoverable than everyone   else who's not thinking about this setting up and  establishing a goal outside your stream or at any   content is incredibly crucial for your audience  retention a few example goals could be something   like ludwig who says things like i am beating  this brutally hard game today in x time frame   or if you're a music streamer we'll learn this  particular song today or if you're an art streamer   painting master chief as if he was waluigi or  maybe you're just chatting streamer and you have   some easy content like i'm ranking every single  type of chip flavor today or when i did my dark   souls events i said i am beating the first three  bosses tonight cater your goal to your audience   so that you're thinking about what they want to  see and what they're gonna stick around for so   goals are pretty important if you want people to  stick around and watch your entire stream but you   also have to remember that goals just aren't fun  or rewarding if there's no stakes as well after   all if you don't complete your goal if you lose  but nothing is lost well that's not really losing   and it's also not overly entertaining either  probably the most common example of stakes   that you've seen across all of twitch is i will  do x or else i will gift subs or it could be   something else if i don't finish this painting of  waluigi as master chief today then i will have to   paint wario as cortana now i'm saying stakes here  rather than the word punishment because i think   stakes fits more types of streamers it doesn't  always have to be a bad thing it could just be   something like i'm revealing childhood photos  or i'll make someone vip playing community games   next week if i lose or hey i'll have to name my  character after someone in chat for my dark souls   event the stakes were a punishment though it was  beating the first three bosses or i have to dye my   hair purple at the end of that stream there are  so many options you can set for your goal and   for your stakes you just have to make sure that  they're creative and appealing to your audience   you're starting to see why understanding your  audience is so important for content creators now   right because everything you do is either going  to engage or disengage viewers from your stream   and you have to be comfortable with that and  you have to be able to make confident decisions   with what you're going to do to make sure you  keep people engaged just like how goals are   meaningless without stakes well stakes are kind  of meaningless without hurdles to overcome if you   set the goal that you have to beat three bosses in  dark souls or else you're dying your hair but then   you sail through really smoothly without any kind  of hurdles or any kind of difficulty well that's   kind of a boring stream so if you want to set up  a really good story for your stream then you need   to have those hurdles to overcome a lot of these  hurdles can be natural for example in video games   they'll have bosses puzzles and challenges to try  and stop you if you're doing art it takes a long   time music is hard to learn so there are things  that will naturally be hurdles but you can take   this a step further as well for example you could  set up audience interaction to become your hurdles   i've talked about my dark souls event a lot  but it's just a really good example of how to   integrate this for 100 bits you could make your  audience force you to drop your controller or   if you're an art streamer 250 bits and you have to  change colors to whatever they pick there are ways   for you to make your audience interact and engage  i think bajo does this very well with just his   general overlay moving on though before i show  you guys how setting your streams up like this   will set you up to be so much more discoverable  than any other creator on this platform first we   have to talk about payoffs the hardest part about  goals or payoffs is that no matter who joins your   stream whether it's at the beginning middle or  end that person needs to instantly understand   what the goal of that stream is to become engaged  if they don't understand what the goal is if they   don't understand what is happening then often  they will disengage and try and find something   that suits their needs better one of the easiest  ways to look at this is just setting your title   to be the goal and the stakes and the challenge  by doing this it essentially gives people all the   information they need instantly and titles are  also very important for example i have a video   all about how to set up your stream title to be  engaging and clickable i haven't linked at the   top of the description and hey here's a really  unbiased comment from someone who's not me so   if you really do want to see if it's a good video  there you go so if you've set your goal up you've   set your stakes up and you've set your hurdles  up well then no matter what you're gonna have a   successful stream and the best part is whether you  succeed or fail at your goal it doesn't actually   matter because if you succeed it means you've  overcome hurdles and created engaging content   and if you fail at your goal then that doesn't  matter either because the stakes that you set up   will have to be paid out because you'll look like  an idiot at the end of your stream with purple   hair because you couldn't beat three dark souls  bosses in the first night either way the audience   sees great content which makes them stick around  and enjoy the stream for longer okay so the final   tip is here the one that is going to completely  change how discoverable you are you know how   people keep saying to you that you need a youtube  channel if you're looking to grow on twitch and   then you're kind of sat there thinking but how do  i make my stream into discoverable entertaining   content well this formula is actually the best  way to set up your stream to become a youtube   video because by streaming like this you've  essentially created a script for your entire   video you've got your goal and your opener where  you establish it that is the start of your video   and then you've got your conclusion your payout  and your stakes and that is the end of your video   which means all you have to do is place those  two things in and then work your way through   creating highlights and all the best bits and  telling a story with the journey that you went on   and bam you've created a perfect youtube video  with a good structure that keeps people hooked   and engaged for the end beginning middle end  book content payoff every single piece of content   out there follows this exact formula and you  need to be following this exact formula as well   now i know there is going to be someone  in the youtube comments who says   lj uh there are thousands of streamers out there  who don't do this and they're successful and hey   you're right there are content creators out there  who can be a lot more free with it and generally   still create good content the only thing i have  to say to that is i'm not as talented as them   so i have to put a lot more work in if i'm willing  to grow and i want to actually make this my career   but hey that's just me maybe you can go  live maybe you can start streaming maybe   you don't have to think about your  audience at all and you'll be fine   i'm gonna get so many sassy comments on this  video if you watched 100 comment sassy down below
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 26,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, grow on twitch in 2021, how to grow from 0 on twitch, get more viewers on twitch, grow from 0 to 25 viewers on twitch, grow from 0 on twitch, 0 viewers twitch, 0 viewers on twitch, more viewers twitch, more viewers on twitch, get 25 viewers on twitch, how to get 25 viewers, your first twitch viewers, how to get viewers on twitch fast, How to grow on twitch 2020, How to grow faster on twitch, twitch, how to grow on twitch 2021, how to grow on twitch fast
Id: 3cn5LUZupp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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