EXACTLY How To GROW From 0 to 1000 Subscribers On Youtube!

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i'm gonna change your entire outlook on youtube  and it's gonna be awesome after this video i swear   you're gonna be a bloody machine and take youtube  by storm other creators have covered this topic a   lot but i'm gonna be honest with you i feel like  they don't really give you a lot of practical   advice they give you some faux motivation and some  baby tips i don't know if this is because they got   lucky as creators and then started replicating  what worked for them or if it's simply because   they don't want you to know not judging but today  i'm going to crack this entire thing open for you   and show you everything you need to know in order  to create a youtube channel that's successful   why am i so confident because i grew this  channel in 15 to 18 videos from zero subscribers   to 1500 plus so strap in it's gonna be a long  one let's go hey everybody my name is Eljay from   streamscheme.com i'm also a variety streamer over  at twitch.tv/eljayem_ and today i'm going to show   you how to actually grow a successful youtube  channel from nothing i'm going to cover the   entire process from start to finish coming up with  ideas targeting videos uploading them releasing   them sharing them i'm going to cover what are  good signals in the algorithm and everything   you need to know and if you're wondering if this  actually works take this channel as an example   for you i started uploading content once a week  to this channel july 2020 by october 2020 it had   over a thousand subscribers which is the minimum  subscriber amount you need to monetize our channel   as of writing this script we're bringing in  100 subscribers a day and we have over 5 000   hits coming in a day as well this video is like an  introduction into multiple years worth of testing   everything today i've worked on tested and used on  youtube channels they've both failed and succeeded   and overall this is the things that i think are  important as i said it's gonna be a long one so   check out those time codes in the description  and grab a coffee but let's get into it for   this entire video and this entire quarter work i  have to have three assumptions about your content   these are the three core pillars i think you need  in order for a youtube channel to be successful   first high production value is the audio and  visual of your content good is it listenable   is it watchable is it high production value second  is it valuable content does it make someone laugh   does it answer a question does it provide value  to someone other than the content creator if my   videos only gave me value because you watched them  that is not going to be a youtube video that grows   it has to provide value to the watcher and finally  consistency are you releasing at least one video   a week that is in the same category and vein as  in you don't want to be creating makeup tutorials   one week and then next week doing how to repair  a monster truck engine that just doesn't create   consistency in your channel your subscribers need  to know what's coming next week and what to expect   so those are my three pillars and that is my  assumption for this to work you need to be doing   those three things on your channel okay so the  number one rule of growing a youtube channel from   xero search intent this is the reason why i don't  tell new streamers to start channels for vods and   highlights because nobody is searching for vods  and highlights of a creator who doesn't have an   audience yet it's wasted energy to create a  void and highlight channel when you have zero   subscribers and a very small following on another  platform if you don't have an audience yet then   you need to find an audience by understanding  what they are looking for and searching for online   search intent this is most easily done when you  look at education content what i'm doing with this   channel for example i use common sense and search  tools to find out what is being searched online   and what people need answers to i then  create content targeting that intent   and creating value for them simple right no  the reason it isn't simple is because there   are two more layers to search intent first  is search competition and second is search   volume now both of these things can be seen  roughly if you use the vid iq extension i   really would recommend getting it for your chrome  browser or whatever browser they have there's a   link in the description search competition means  the amount of people who are creating content   for these questions and queries and terms on  youtube search volume are how many people are   actually searching for it often the higher the  volume the higher the competition the lower the   volume the lower the competition not many people  go after low volume stuff but this is where you're   gonna target first on youtube this is my core  concept of starting a youtube channel i create   content towards these low to medium search volume  areas because the competition there is lower and   lower the competition means the higher in  the search results i will appear for a query   now i know what you're hearing so lj does that  mean i have to do stream coaching and stream   education videos i don't want to do that often i  see other creators say well vods and highlights   are oversaturated so you should do stream coaching  advice if you want to grow as a streamer but lj i   don't want to do stream coaching videos they're  kind of boring and i don't know much about it   yeah i 100 agree you shouldn't do stream coaching  advice unless you've already built an audience   on twitch and in fact i think it's really bad  and dangerous advice to tell someone to go do   stream coaching videos on youtube when they have  five average viewers there's nothing wrong with   having five average viewers but you shouldn't  be trying to coach other people because that   just isn't enough time on the platform it isn't  enough of an audience yet there's a way better way   for you to start doing education content that'll  also convert more people to follow you on twitch   you need to make education content that actually  connects to your twitch account not many people   from this channel actually follow and watch me  live this is because i don't do education content   live on twitch i just play games so the  education content you should be making   should connect properly if you're a stardew valley  streamer then you can create content such as how   to install mods into stardew valley screen record  show the process make a really high value video or   if you're a runner how to speed run x kingdom or  how to do this and that in speed runs for ocarina   of time whatever it is find topics being searched  hard in your category and create content there   this is just some examples in education content  that can actually be really valuable and i think   small ant actually got a lot of his following  as well by doing guides for super mario odyssey   creating education content is a great way to start  out as a youtuber as i said because i don't do   education content on my channel a lot of you guys  don't check me out when i'm live which is totally   fine it's not what you're watching here for so  it's not what you're going to watch there for but   that doesn't mean i'm not going  to do education content live soon   so on to the next step structuring your content  once you have your search intent and the video you   want to create it's time to structure it in a way  that will send good signals to youtube this means   scripting don't just sit down and start recording  whatever every single video on this channel if   you go back and watch has a script behind it  and a certain formula if you've watched them   by now you should be noticing it and i'm going  to walk you through exactly what that formula   is now every video starts with the pre-intro or  the hook i say something a bit outlandish maybe a   bit bold a statement i have to back up or i allude  to a very exciting tip later down the line i give   you something that will hook you in and get you  interested in the video maybe i say i'm gonna   do a giveaway i don't know what it is but at the  start of the video you need to create something   in those first 15 seconds to hook people in next  we move on to the introduction stage this is where   i introduce myself stream scheme the description  and the contents of the video i'll also ask you a   question of the day that you can comment on the  video and answer and generally set up the fact   that there are time codes and other things you'll  need in these first two sections the hook and the   intro i'll also establish all of the content that  is going to be in this video i'll allude to it in   the future this is called a content loop and i'm  going to get into what a content loop is properly   later in the video do you see what i did there  with a content loop don't worry about it you'll   get it the next step is the meat and potatoes the  content the valuable thing the person has come to   the video for if i'm doing a tutorial at step  by step i call this step one and i talk about   what they have to do maybe it's like setting up  their discord properly or something like that   i'll also allude to what's coming up next another  loop if i can because that'll mean that people are   constantly waiting for the next step of the video  i'll move on from this tip to the next step or   whatever it is and i'll do it again the exact same  process at a loop then i have what's called my mid   video cta this is a section where i take a moment  to ask you the viewer to comment like subscribe   check out my other content amid video cta is  incredibly effective and incredibly important   for your video by now people have a feel for if  they like the content and they're more likely   to subscribe at this stage i find the mid video  cta is more valuable than the start video cta   even though most youtubers will start a video by  saying only 12 percent of you are subscribed that   number's never gonna change by the way youtubers  the more subs you get the more views you get the   percentage isn't changing don't be fooled after  the mid video cta we move on to part c and part   d these are more tips more steps in the tutorial  continue to loop your content and continue to   make sure it's valuable content answering the  questions the final step is the outro and this   is incredibly important do not ramble in your  outro do not say this is the end of the video   or with that out of the way this is the end or  we're wrapping up here do not elude the end of the   video whatsoever because people will click away  instantly you do not want them to do this because   it adds 15 20 seconds on your outro that people  aren't watching it'll lower your retention rate   you need to be short precise snappy and include  another call to action say something like with   that out of the way you should be handling your  discord setup perfectly if you like this content   subscribe check out my other stuff leave a like  and don't forget to answer the question of the day   i'll see you guys tomorrow cut don't ramble on  too long this is the overall structure i use for   every single video it really works for me however  you need to for your videos learn to read your   audience retention graph when you release a video  a few days later it'll show you the retention rate   of all the people who have watched your video you  can go through and read that and it's actually   quite easy to see where people leave your video  most of the time it's right at the start you'll   have a huge drop off but then if you see dipping  happening throughout the video find that section   and find why they're leaving but why do i include  all of the things i've just talked about in my   structure well that's simple i'll go through and  explain every single part the content is the value   obviously you need to have this it's no question  you need to have the valuable content that's going   to make someone feel like they got what they were  looking for the content loops or just loops are   things that will keep people watching they will  lengthen the retention rate on your video because   they're constantly looking forward to the next  step the next part the next joke whatever it is   loops lead people on a lot of comedy or gaming  videos start with the funniest moment of the video   in the first 10 seconds and then everyone's  waiting for that moment for the rest of the   video it's a huge way to increase retention rate  careful not to be too obvious with these loops   because they will drop in effectiveness you've  got to be a bit more subtle and kind of just set   people up to know what's coming without pushing  it in their face the hook at the start you could   say is the most important loop because it really  does establish the entire video and establishes   how long people are going to stay for so why are  the ctas important well i kind of covered it but   properly to tell you is because they are what is  going to cause you to go from zero to a thousand   in these first 15 to 18 videos they are what's  gonna get you subscribers here's the thing though   we're targeting search intent so when people  search a question we want you to come up first   the thing is though people won't subscribe off  of search intent most likely they're actually   very unlikely to do that they have one intent  they want to fill they come watch your video   they leave they don't subscribe but lj why  are we going to try and get search intent then   if these people aren't even going to subscribe  this video how to get a thousand subscribers   easy calm down it's because if they watch your  video it sets them up as a non-subscribed audience   essentially aka being cookied they're gonna get  recommended more of your content down the line   and youtube is gonna start to understand what  kind of people watch your content this means   when you create more stuff then your videos  will start getting recommended to them a second   or a third time if they happen to watch you  from the browse or suggested content they're   way more likely to subscribe in fact anyone is  because it means the content is valuable to them   in a topic and a genre so don't worry if someone  isn't subscribing from your search queries when   they start getting recommended your content that  is when they're going to start subscribing you can   see it as like a exponential growth kind of thing  so how do we get our content recommended well that   all comes down to crucial platform signals these  are signals that make youtube boost your video   in the search terms and also as recommended and  suggested content so what are these signals well   it all comes down to engagement for youtube when  someone clicks on your video are they watching the   majority of the video 40 50 whatever the retention  rate is but if it's a good retention rate that is   a good signal to youtube it's actually one of  the most important signals to youtube another   great signal is comments is the video getting  a lot of comments are people replying back to   those comments are there a lot of thumbs up and  hearts happening down in the comments as well   these are great signals because it means that  we're keeping people on the platform and youtube   loves that the next engagement we need to talk  about are likes and dislikes are a lot of people   chucking likes on the video a lot of people's  disliking the video they're actually the same   thing in youtube's eyes a like equals a dislike  when it comes to engagements because it just means   people are actively engaging on their platform  however if you are getting a lot of dislikes maybe   look into why that is and try and avoid it because  it means that people don't like your content kind   of important make sure that ratio is still good  but overall the engagements are the same next up   an obvious one subscribing are people subscribing  to the video while watching it great signal   boost and one of the most important signals as to  whether or not youtube will recommend you is your   click through rate on your thumbnails and title  when someone sees your thumbnail or your video on   the suggested home browse wherever do people click  it if they do click it then that is a good signal   most youtube videos have between a two and ten  percent click through rate my how to grow video   used to sit around an eight percent click-through  rate but recently that has dropped down to three   percent because it has started appearing in  home page suggestions and side video suggestions   this means that i've gone from having a couple  thousand impressions to having about 50 to 60k   impressions a day which is why my percentage has  dropped doesn't mean it's gonna hurt my video   but it's good to look at why your ctr is dropping  if i release a video and in my first couple days   the click-through rate is anywhere lower than  five or six percent i will instantly change   my thumbnail why well because if my subscribers  were the first people to see it aren't clicking   the video it means that my click-through rate or  whatever i've done to make this video appealing   isn't good enough so i change it to make it better  so next up is the uploading process and i'm going   to cover everything i can to show you guys what  i think is valuable during the uploading process   i want to say it again go get the vidiq extension  because they have a checklist during the uploading   process but i'll cover it here as well so if  this video helped you though before we go into   the upload process i want to check it out there  maybe consider subscribing it really helps us out   and we got more content coming weekly to help you  grow your stream or your online content presence   check us out on twitter i'm trying to grow my  twitter it's something i've never done whatsoever   links to both stream scheme and me in the  description don't forget our discord also has   a bunch of free animated overlays for your stream  so check that out and join it and that was the   mid video cta let's get on to the upload process  the uploading process can be tough the first step   as i said get that vidiq extension installed  so you can get through all of this with ease   link in the description to the free version i  still use the free version and it works brilliant   the first step to your upload is your thumbnail  now i'm going to do a whole video breaking down   how i make thumbnails and what my kind of policy  to thumbnail creation is but it needs to be simple   and eye-catching maybe a small bit of text that  grabs the eye a human face because that actually   tends to be what a human brain is drawn towards  some solid colors and maybe a logo or something   that alludes to the content you can see it best  in my how to grow video face how to grow viewers   and then there's the symbol of zero viewers and 25  with an arrow it works check it out kind of think   like that the biggest mistake i see new content  creators with their thumbnails make is they   overcrowd put too much in and they make it too  small just think three things put them in make it   simple next step is titling now your title needs  to be clickable but also it needs to appeal to the   search query for example if you're going to create  content about how to install mods in stardust   like i said before that's quite easy the title  would be how to install mods in stardew valley   that's the query that's the search term chuck  that your title but to make it more clickable   you can chuck on the end in all caps fast or in  under five minutes things like that will make   the video more clickable as well next up is tags  now because you're quite new and i don't want you   thinking too heavily into your tags the best thing  you can do is search the query you're going after   how to install mods in sergey valley and then  use the vid iq extension to see the tags on your   competitors videos and see what they're ranking  for you can use this to inform you for what is   actually being searched and create your tags from  there try to create variations don't use your name   because no one's searching it yet fill out the  500 characters and just do your best next step is   your description now i put a lot of work into my  description template i've been working on it for a   very long time and i think it helps a lot to have  a good description to get higher in the search   results feel free to use mine as a template but  i'm going to walk you through why i do what i   do in my description the first thing i have  is my opening paragraph 100 to 150 characters   that in a natural talkative way explains what this  video is going to be about i try and include most   of my keywords here as i said in a talkative  way not in just a spammy way so for example my   opening paragraph could be today i'm going to show  you guys how to install mods into stardew valley   including smappy and a few other steps  that gives me my entire titles keywords   in my first sentence i then go on to add a few  more things about what we're covering and set   up the video i then have what i call my crucial  links this is the links to my twitch channel a   link to subscribe i'll link to anything that they  need from the video these links are what they're   most likely to click next i take one of the main  meat and potato parts of my script and i repose   it as a question so i say something like how do i  install snappy and nostalgy before i do the mods   and then i'll write out the entire step-by-step  process there i think having the question is very   very important to other parts of your search term  and the extra text will fill out your keywords as   well next up you have your time codes now you'll  want to mimic exactly how i've done mine but   obviously change out the times and change out the  titles the more you can phrase your time codes to   fill out your keyword variations is also helpful  you'll see on my cloudbot one i actually pretty   much just pose the constantly asked questions as  my time codes it really helps with the seo then   i pose another big question and i answer it as  well now i've been heavily debating whether or   not i would tell you about this secret weapon  but i promised you i'd show everything to you   so the next step after the big question is i  include this little paragraph i say something   like this video is inspired and similar too and  i insert two content creators who are in the same   vein as mine who i really think are valuable  and then i say it's also heavily inspired by   another two content creators i don't know  fully if this works however i do know that   when i started doing this my content was being  suggested on the side of these content creators   more and more don't look at me like that i'm a  man of science and i'm just saying try it out after that is the rest of my links and socials and  everything like that you can check them out maybe   follow us on twitter that wasn't subtle inside  these links are also mostly playlists so i'll say   like other content that could be interesting to  you and it'll be a playlist rather than a single   video because i want people to click and watch my  entire stream labs playlist not just one video get   it then finally at the very end is the three  most crucial parts to this description as well   your hashtags very end the last thing in  description you want to put your three   hashtags that align best with your content  for this video hashtag youtube growth guide   simple easy however in the upload process you're  also going to have two steps later on called   recording date and recording location do not set a  recording location it'll get rid of your hashtags   but when you set your recording date set it to be  recent even the day of uploading it should help   for all the links in the description i recommend  getting a bitly account you can get them for free   learn how to shorten your links and learn  how to track their clicks it's all through   the bitly account look it up i can also do  a video if you're curious there's no reason   to have links in your description if you  don't even know if they're getting clicked on   data it's all about getting that data of what  people are interested in you want to add your new   video to a playlist even if it's the only thing  in that playlist because it's super important   you want to add end screens that ask people to  subscribe as well as show off two other videos   be careful to place those properly or else people  are going to get annoyed and just ignore them if   they come up too soon add cards and add custom  text to those clickable cards for example a card   that says in all caps free twitch overlays  is very clickable and they're available now this is a terrible winking joke once the video  is actually up don't forget to go back and change   the automatic subtitles to get added to it to be  manual go through make sure any big mistakes are   fixed up it helps in the youtube seo but also it's  just a good thing to do for the hearing impaired   come on guys it takes a little bit of time  but at least fix up your subtitles next head   to your video and comment on your own video with  a link that'll let the person subscribe ask them   a question and generally just make sure there's  some sort of comment there first like favorite   and pin that comment to your thing as well so  it appears at the top just trust me on it it's   important to do finally sharing the video out into  the world and that brings us to our next step when   you share a video outside of youtube and it gets  views these are called external signals youtube's   official position on this is that external  signals will help a video in the first few   days and to kickstart the overall growth but after  that it's how people engage with it in suggested   and recommended that really decides whether or not  the video is going to continue to be recommended   on youtube interestingly enough different social  media has different signals and will affect your   video differently as far as i've found for example  facebook if you get likes those actually will come   across as signals on youtube if you get views  from there of course they're the same if you   get shares it helps this is the same with twitter  as well likes and retweets will really help you   but reddit upvotes won't do anything other  than get you more views however if you do get   more views on reddit and they watch the entire  thing that helps as well discord is considered   a direct link meaning that if you post it in  your discord community it'll come up as this   video has been linked directly to someone else  and they've watched it so that just comes down   to how they then engage with it as well so at this  stage i want to do a quick reminder think about   your search intent search competition and search  volume so that you can grow a channel from xero   make sure you do ctas and structure your  content so that people watch the entire   thing and then carefully consider the signals  that you're sending to youtube in order for   it to be recommended the crucial signal i  want you guys to remember is retention rate   and click-through rate when someone clicks your  video are they watching the majority of it watch   time is very important to youtube and it is really  important to your monetization later down the line   aim for a good watch time on your videos so i  know this video has been long but this is how you   actually grow a successful youtube channel using  search intent and providing value to your audience   you can do this in under 20 videos as long as  you keep remembering search intent and value   i want you to do your best to also adhere to  those three guidelines consistency high value   to the audience and high production quality this  will make your channel go miles longer let me   know if you have any questions in the comments  i'm happy to go into detail about any of these   topics including making new videos about each  individual aspect that'll go deep dive into them   and i just want to throw it out there the next  time you hear someone say to you start a youtube   channel in order to grow your stream career but  they don't give you any advice from that i want   you to remember who went into detail and broke  down the entire process eljay and streamsheme   i'll see you guys next week don't forget to  follow us on twitter and join our discord you
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 64,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, how to get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube for free, get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube, getting your first 1000 youtube subscribers, how to get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube 2020, how to get your first 1000 subscribers, how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to get 1000 subs on youtube, how to get 1000 subscribers fast, how to get your first 1000 youtube subscribers, how to get 1000 subscribers
Id: 9sJn6p8wksY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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