7 MUST DO Steps BEFORE You Go Live On Twitch! - Twitch Growth 2021

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every single stream i have a checklist of  tasks that i will do in order to make sure   that my content is as perfect as it can be and  on days where i don't do these things i notice   a drop in my overall viewers my engagements  and i just make generally worse content   today we're talking about stream  preparation and my go live checklist   so that you can make your best possible  content without having to stress let's go   hey i'm Eljay with streamscheme.com i'm also  a variety streamer over at twitch.tv/eljayem_   there's a link to that and the streamscheme.com  in the description down below but first i want   to throw it out there straight out of the gate  if you're watching this within the first day it   was released it means that tomorrow i'm holding  a massive charity event over on my twitch channel   we have a lot of fun a lot of games and a lot of  challenges in store for me but we've also got over   two thousand dollars worth of prizes in store  for you guys so if you want to win any streamer   gear or some owned vouchers then feel free to  go over to my twitch stream chuck us to follow   or join the discord so you get pinged when we go  live with that charity event it is all linked in   the description i've mentioned in previous videos  and i've also mentioned it in the discord that i   have a checklist of things that i do every single  stream and every single week before i go live to   make sure that my streams and my content are up to  par and you guys have asked me dozens and dozens   and dozens of times to cover all of those things  in a video so that you can also have the same   checklist that is why today i'm gonna go through  everything that i think you guys should be   preparing for your streams as well as make sure  that i give you the most important tip that i'm   pretty sure a lot of you guys don't know about at  the end of the video it might even save you guys   from getting caught with your pants down quite  literally today i'm also going to tell you the   number one thing i check every single time someone  asks me for one-to-one feedback if they are   doing this i'll usually reply to their comment if  they're not doing it i just won't bother replying   so if you actually want help one-to-one feedback  well you'll find out how to get that in this video   speaking of owned though i want to give a massive  thank you not just for the charity event but also   because they're helping out by sponsoring this  video if you haven't heard of owned yet they're   your one stop shop for all things streaming  related seriously if you want to take the   hassle out of setting up your stream making it  look professional getting alerts all those things   then head over to own.tv and you can check out all  of their products they're so easy to set up and   it will really take your stream and make it look  professional so if you want to support me guys go   and support owned with the link in the description  because without them i wouldn't be able to make   videos like this and i really appreciate all the  help they give us okay so the first step to any   successful stream is to prepare for the stream  we're not just gonna hit go live and stream for   four hours with six different games in those four  hours or we're not just going to go live four or   five times a day for 30 minutes at a time just for  one fortnight game and then comment down below why   aren't i growing i'm doing everything i can i'm  looking at you billy we need to actually prepare   our streams to absolutely nobody's surprise i'm  gonna tell you that the first step to preparation   is to look at your entire week and plan out a  schedule i want you to figure out exactly what   days you're gonna stream and you're gonna try  and make sure that you're streaming the same   time slot every single day rather than moving  around if you can this is the first step you   need this consistency and this routine because  this is what gets viewers coming back because   they do the same things every day we're creatures  of habit this is the core of growing without any   external funnels next up we need to plan out the  content and the categories to make sure that it   all matches and it feels good whenever i play a  new game whenever i look and help someone try and   find a game to stream i always make sure i look at  their average viewers and see if they'll appear in   the top three rows of a category this is very very  important if you're looking to be discovered just   on twitch if you don't have any external funnels  such as youtube or tick tock then you're going   to struggle to grow in oversaturated categories  so planning out your content in your category is   crucial does this content also match what you  want to do once you have grown a community or   is it the kind of demographic you want recently  i had to help someone who was really struggling   because they wanted a certain demographic but  they were only getting kids in their stream   the way to fix this was they honestly just had to  shift to a different category so in the future if   you want to be playing warzone or fortnite or  any of these categories then starting out by   playing sims or starju isn't going to be a good  way to build a community who will convert into   first-person shooters but a part i haven't talked  about much is the fact that even if you start out   in these smaller categories you need to find a way  to stand out inside them can you add stakes or a   unique selling point to make your stream clickable  compared to others for example beating dark souls   but every death is a wasabi p that can help stand  out because it's not just a guy playing dark souls   it's a guy taking punishments for when he fails  at dark souls i'm really curious what you guys   can come up with for your unique selling  points so i want you to comment down below   a stream idea that you have to create a unique  selling point for your content so once you have   your content and your schedule locked down we  need to prep for individual streams you'll want   to prep some talking points for mid-stream if  things get slow maybe you don't have any active   chatters maybe you've mostly got lurkers heck you  might just be an anxious person who forgets what   they want to talk about or you're just learning  you don't quite add the part where you're able to   be a natural entertainer yet so just write down  a few topics a few things that are interesting   and ideas that you can get rolling if someone  were to ask you about them if you have any channel   point regimes that are going to be used to engage  chatters then i really recommend prepping those   ahead of time for example for me i have to prep  a question of the day some aussie slang a pro tip   a fun fact and a loading screen tip before every  single stream i'll also prepare about two pages   worth of a notebook for talking points for about  a four hour stream which is about a page for every   two hours i get asked a lot how much i prepare for  every single stream and it's usually about two to   three hours for a four hour stream and i do four  streams a week so i guess i'm doing about 12 to 18   hours pretty much a week preparing for my content  obviously this is my full-time job though and a   lot of you guys don't have the time for that  but still putting in some time to prepare will   go a long way for making sure that your content  feels comfortable to you by the way if you guys   ever ask me hey can i have feedback on my stream  or you comment down below asking for feedback or   anything like that i'll usually click your stream  and the first thing i check is the schedule   section on your twitch i'm going to tell you guys  right now if you do not have a schedule section   updated for your entire week or i look back  at your past few weeks and it isn't consistent   i usually won't reply to you and give you feedback  because i think that is something you instantly   have to work on so go down into your twitch go to  your stream management and update your schedule   get it all set up at the start of the week and  then if you ever ask someone for advice that'll   probably be the first thing they look at all  right you guys are gonna need a pen and paper for   this next tip because i think a lot of you guys  miss this step and i understand why because it's   pretty high level are you ready to write this down  before you go live load up obs or streamlabs obs   and make sure the game works on your computer  while recording with your overlays your alerts and   everything before live yeah before you go live  i'm just teasing obviously but one of the things   that'll really mess up a stream is technical  difficulties it'll really rattle you to your core   so if you make sure that you work on all this  stuff and test everything before you go live   it'll be a lot easier for you to make a  good stream and focus just on the content   one of the worst things as a viewer as well is  trying to enjoy a stream and they go to put the   game up or do anything and it is scuffed or it  doesn't work and then having to watch for five ten   minutes while they mess around and you can kind  of feel their confidence get shaken they don't   know how to play it off yet so really make sure  you're all set up before you go live the steps i   follow is before i go live i'll open up the game  i'll open up streamlabs obs i'll hit record and   then i'll go through and i'll test my alerts i'll  make sure that my overlay looks good with the game   hud so i'm not covering anything important and  generally i'll make sure the audio sounds good   compared to my alerts compared to me and while i'm  there i'll also go into my game settings i'll turn   on subtitles make sure they're large enough to  read and i'll also cap my frame rate at 60 or even   120 frames so that it naturally fits down into  a 60fps stream again all of this is done while   recording so i can then watch back my recording  and make sure that it's all working before i go   live i have mentioned this next tip countless  times before as absolutely crucial if you're   looking to grow on twitch you have to be doing it  before every single stream and i know i'm gonna   get some of my og's commenting things like uh lj  we're already doing this stop repeating the same   tips except we get thousands of new subs a week we  get thousands of new members in our discord every   single week and i lurk in your streams silently  judging you jeffrey i know that you're not doing   this you're not updating your go lives and your  titles for every single stream to be engaging   and provide a unique hook so many of you guys  aren't even using tags i see people complain   about twitch's discoverability but they're not  even using all of twitch's discoverability tools   to actually appear for things i don't want to  go into it too much here i just want to throw   it out there i have a video linked at the top of  the description it is all about titles tags and   go lives and how to set those up to be engaging  and before you comment uh lj the fifth biggest   streamer on the platform smashed his face into  his keyboard and made that his title and it worked   brilliant that's a great idea follow-up question  are you the fifth biggest streamer on the platform   so next up we're going to talk about the audio  checks the webcam checks and i'm going to cover   the thing that's going to save you guys life one  day but first i want to throw it out there if this   video helps you out at all then maybe consider  checking out our other videos or throwing a   like down there or subscribing it's totally free  and you can pretty much unsubscribe whenever you   want or if you're looking to make new friends and  connect and network with streamers of all sizes   looking to grow then our discord is linked below  it's also where you can download our free overlays   which we have more of coming out soon you'll  get notified there asap as well as when we're   doing our giveaways and our prizes with that out  of the way let's get back into something that i   think is a writer passage for streamers and i see  it every single day getting posted on our twitch   and in our discord and in pretty much any stream  of discord you're all set up you click go live   you're streaming away you have a pretty good  stream so far you're feeling confident and then   you realize your mic's been muted the entire time  because you just didn't check it have you ever   done this let me know in the comments i feel like  most people have i've done it for about five ten   minutes before my audience called me out on it but  they were all just posting keck w the entire time   while i spoke so i was confused as to what was  going on before every single stream before you hit   the go live button i want you to click on the cog  wheel and i want you to check to make sure that   your mic is set up and is set to output you want  to be able to make sure it is going out you want   to do a little recording like we did earlier make  sure it sounds good and if you're really worried   and really cautious you can go into your audio  settings and make sure that slobs or obs has got   the right microphone selected for your track i see  a lot of people always forget to check this one   and they'll do a whole stream and it'll be their  webcam microphone so those are the steps make sure   it's the right mic make sure it's putting on the  output and make sure this little button right here   is clicked and you can see bars moving okay we're  almost at the life-saving tip but first we have   to cover the webcam and the screen share tips  to make sure that you guys aren't going to dox   your entire life and completely ruin it by having  some troll find out your home phone number please   before you hit go live please before you share  any of your desktop or any of your browser windows   make sure that you've cropped out all of your bars  make sure that you've cleaned up your background   or removed anything that gives away your identity  i recommend hiding your bookmark browser and if   you're going to keep anything on your desktop  i actually recommend moving that all into a new   folder and making one photo on your desktop called  desktop so that no one can see anything unless you   were to open up those folders make sure you close  discord or move discord to a different monitor   because you don't want to be leaking any messages  or dms and if you're looking to resize to remove   the bar at the bottom of your screen your taskbar  or you want to remove the url the bookmark bar you   can actually hold alt and resize your browser  sources to crop those out by default and that   way no one will ever see them and then for your  face cam make sure that you've removed anything   that might accidentally docks you maybe you've got  some paperwork on your desk or maybe you've just   got some dirty underwear or a bottle of lube off  to the side just please make sure you clean up   and remove all that stuff because it can be a  little embarrassing and you don't really want   to get caught like that it's kind of a simple  one to say to clean up but i wanted to throw it   out there because i have checked a few people out  and i think the idea of saying well i'm streaming   to zero people means that they don't really worry  too much about it but it's important to put your   best foot forward if you're hoping to grow okay  so you've gone live you've added your entire   community on discord told them to come check out  your stream you stream for a few hours it all   goes fantastic and now for the most important tip  of this entire video which i hope you guys will   share this video out into the masses to make  sure that everyone is safe and looked after   because every single streamer needs to know  when you raid someone at the end of your stream   your stream does not end what do i mean by that  well i see a lot of people raid other creators   and they go in with the raid and they're typing  away saying hey whoa it's a raid lj raid but   they forget the fact that they haven't clicked  the end stream button but that's okay because   you've raided someone and that means you're  hosting someone else on your twitch channel   and they can't see you except that doesn't mean  you're not being completely broadcasted and saved   on the twitch servers if you go look at the ends  of people's vods they'll continue after a raid   the host isn't even on there it shows the person  so if you're going to raid someone you need to   make sure you hit the end stream button inside obs  inside slobs and make sure that you've muted your   mic covered your webcam and you're definitely  not online anymore i'm a bit of a vodland aka   a vod goblin and i'll tell you what guys when  i'm watching a stream back on a vault the next   day and they go and raid someone sometimes they  say and do some pretty funny things thinking that   no one's able to see them and let me just throw  it out there make sure that everything is off   you've hit end stream before you start believing  yourself for the night and with that i'm gonna   click end video and relieve myself right now i'll  see you guys next week for another video i hope   i'll see you at the charity stream as well thank  you for watching guys i'll see you guys next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 39,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, grow on twitch in 2021, how to grow from 0 on twitch, get more viewers on twitch, grow from 0 on twitch, 0 viewers twitch, 0 viewers on twitch, more viewers twitch, more viewers on twitch, your first twitch viewers, get more viewers on twitch in 2021, How to grow on twitch 2021, How to grow faster on twitch, twitch growth tips for small streamers, small streamer tips, twitch growth tips, small streamer tips in 2021, Twitch Growth Tips For Small Streamers
Id: SxphRF3J4Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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