Why Are You Holding Onto That? | April Carter | Hope City

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[Applause] hey do me a favor and stay standing when i was um praying this afternoon in my hotel room i really was asking god you know what do you want me to say i'd had all my message notes and some some points and you know all the things that come with message prep maybe you don't maybe you will never have to worry about that in your life but was praying over you and asking god what is it that i could specifically pray for before i even start my message when i would do women's events and women's conferences i love to come up and have women hold hold hands but i know with covid that's a no-no so i'm not going to break any codes or make anybody feel weird you don't have to touch anyone but i asked god i said what is it before i even jump in that i could pray for specifically and the word regret came up regret even as i say that word immediately there were so many women tears just hit the weight of regret a missed opportunity the way you talked to your boss and lost your job maybe you didn't parent your kids the way that you would hope to the way you dishonored your husband what you did friday night what you did in high school and that word regret just kind of looms over you and i'm a big person on family right now i got my mama watching in washington i got my sister watching in alabama i've got other friends watching and there is nothing like a support system women who fight for you and not against you and so right now this is not to embarrass you but actually to come alongside you and to help lift some of that burden and so if when i said that word regret you were like that is me or maybe it wasn't even it was god thank you that you heard my prayer so if i said the word regret and i was speaking to you we just lift your hand real quickly across the room i'm going to ask if there was a lady that left her hand up beside you you don't have to hold her hand you don't have to put your arm around her but i'm gonna ask as i pray that you stretch your arms toward her so again if that was you just give a little wave so the people around you know it's you and it's okay we're with you i think if we're all honest we've had seasons of regret somewhere along the line god i pray for my sweet sisters who are carrying the weight of regret god i thank you for the courage it took to not just show up to a service but to acknowledge an area of pain maybe even shame god i thank you that you are our healer that you are not ashamed of us that you call us daughter so god i pray right now in this moment that you would lift the regret that you would wipe away every tear that's being shed that you would take the cloak of shame and condemnation that's unfolded around some of these women tonight god those watching online sitting alone in a car in a bed buried in regret on a couch alone watching this message jesus i thank you that you're not just confined to houston texas but you can reach a qua across to washington state to florida to new york to north carolina god that you're everywhere at all times that you see us that you are for us that you are not angry with us you are not mad at us but you are madly in love with us so right now god i pray for every woman that she'd get her strength back that she'd start walking with her shoulders back again that she'd be confident and bold knowing that you are for her and not against her so god i thank you for your freedom it cost you a lot and we're grateful for it in jesus name before you're seated there's one more thing as i was worshiping if i could have a couple of the worship team ladies come up and join me as i was worshiping i saw these gorgeous baby bumps and even more gorgeous you got to see them so camera people we got to see these baby bumps i mean but also how beautiful that we have a strong black woman we have a strong white woman leading us into worship with promises in their belly and as i was worshiping i felt the weight of some of you women in here and some of you online that long for the promise i have a dear friend who's living in new york and they've been trying to have baby for baby for a year years and i know there's some of you women in this house and online that you'd give anything to have this promise i believe that god in a moment can open your womb and give you that promise so whether you're joining us online you're standing right here if you would say i'm believing god to open my womb that i can have a child would you be so bold as to lift your hand so that we can pray for you if you're around someone with their hands lifted keep the hand up so they can see you and i want these women up here because i want them to stretch their hands toward you and believe with you as their carriers of proof that god saw you when you came in god saw you when you clicked on to this service you thought you'd be encouraged in worship or a word but really he was reminding you of his promise and his faithfulness that he sees you and he has not forgotten so god i pray right now for every single woman with her hand up god i stand here with these gorgeous women who are reminders of your promise god i pray for every woman right now that has longed to have a child that you would open her womb got those barren places that you would bring life that you would bring healing those that have endometriosis those that have scar tissue those even that may have walked through abortions in their teenage years and feel like they're being punished because of those choices and aren't unable to bear a child now god i come against the lies of the enemy that would make them believe that somehow they're unworthy those women who've been abused who feel like with shame or the choices that i've made that somehow it disqualifies me from having a child god i come against the lives and i pray healing and hope and belief and trust you are faithful and beside me stands a picture of your promise god i pray this time next year that there will be testimonies in this house at hope city in jesus name amen thank you girls thank you you can be seated thank you key player for holding it down there's just something about mood music especially for girls you know when you have those heartbreak moments or it's like you're having that cycle time you're like i just need chocolate and i just need boohoo music or a chick flick all by myself i don't even need my husband there i don't need a friend i just need mood music or chick flicks so it just helps it just gets the flow happening man i am so grateful to be in houston this is my first time actually being in houston i've flown in and out and i'm grateful can i just say that the diversity in this room is absolutely stunning oh my gosh y'all can't see online but i'm seeing every color every age all different kinds of culture and fashion we've got yoga pants and hoodies and we've got leather pants and leather jackets we got all the things and man it's just beautiful so i'm so thankful to be here pastor jennifer thank you for having me um you are so kind and you are so sweet i'm all the other things besides those things and i'm listening to her talk in the green room or the get ready room we have to use proper terms to be all politically correct the get ready room and so we're in there and she's just so kind april i just knew that god wanted you here [Music] and i just felt the holy spirit and i was getting a massage and i was laying there and you know you're supposed to be relaxing but i just felt the holy spirit and i'm thinking if i'm in a massage and the holy spirit wants to talk to me about a speaker i might have to sin just a little bit for the moment and say you're gonna have to talk to me later because i'm getting a massage but not miss jennifer not miss jennifer and i have never met anyone actually i lied there's probably two people that i've met that are that sweet and genuine like her kids came in and i'm like trying to get them riled up and she's not let they're bad they're bad i'm like if they were my kids not her kids my boys i'd be like they're baby's kids and somebody needs to whoop their tails right now she's like they're just bad just pray for them they're just bad i brought my beautiful daughter in love hannah hannah we wave to everybody in the front i have three boys as miss jennifer told you and there's some about being a boy mom and when you're all the boy mamas yeah girl and i prayed for those boys because i know what it's like when you have a mother-in-law and i was like oh jesus i have three sons which means i don't have the little girl that's going to always want to be with mama so i prayed for those boys like jesus give them a wife that loves me and i can say my girl loves me my girl loves me she even will call she calls not my son she said can we stay with you on the weekend we live in the same city i'm like girl yes come and stay with me so we have a great relationship so this is fun for me to get to communicate here in houston with my girl for the first time so thank you that was probably the longest introduction you didn't need all that but that's just how i roll i want you to look at your neighbor and ask them why are you holding on to that just look at her say why are you holding on to that why are you holding on to that and see here's what you also do i just said say why you holding on to that you all said a lot more words then why you holding on to that you said girl look at her shoes she has gold shoes on i've been checking out her shoes look at her hair cut now i i need to get that haircut where'd she get her hair done you did everything but what i asked you which was to say why are you holding on to that why holding on to that that's the title of my message tonight if you're taking notes in your phone if you want to re-watch it later if you want to just lean in sometimes notes can actually be distracting i know pastor jeremy's like do not tell my church to not take notes i'm telling you to take notes but i also know there's something about a lean in where you can just really soak it in and maybe re-watch it later but the title of my message is why hold on to that i think there's things that we hold on to far too long i remember i was preaching in canada a couple years ago and i had a friend with me and we were sitting in the backseat and i had this this drink that i liked it's non-alcoholic don't worry even in canada it was fine and it was a fruit punch crystal light packet with a emergency on ice and you stir it up and it's like a zing of a drink okay i can't do emergency by itself so i put the fruit punch in and the girl was sitting next to me and i was getting ready to preach we're heading to the church we're in the car driving and i'm holding this cup of ice with water between my legs between my thighs like holding on to it and and the girl that's with me she says why hold on to that she's like let me hold on to that for you and i can mix the drink and i was like girl i got this it's fine and so i put it in between my legs and i open up the crystal light and i dump the packet of this bright red crystal light you know where i'm going bright red like bright red and i do a lot of ice to a little water so it's like really concentrated red and i dump in the emergency and i go to put the lid on and when i go to put the lid on i squeeze my thighs and that cup flipped over right i know there's men in the room but you all know where i'm getting at and i look down and i look over at the girl that's with me and she said that just happened i said yeah it did and the driver goes oh my gosh and i'm like we have to go back to the hotel and so my jeans are stained red i have a light colored jean on and they are i mean like red like painted red and it's like chunky because it's got the crystal light like sugary stuff and you know it doesn't blend well with ice so it's like chunky and i i get ready to get out of the car and i'm like trying to step out with my jeans and i'm like walking like this and my friend goes running into the hotel hotel and she says we need some towels and i'm like like you're caught like what's a towel gonna do like i gotta go change and now everyone in the lobby's like and i'm like fine so i go up and i change when we get back and this poor church had to go two extra songs so these people like worshiping like oh god we below we love you but we're like keep going like this is a sunday morning like why are we still singing well because your girl had a fruit punch issue because she was trying to hold on to something in her lap that she should have been holding on to and so i get there and i'm thinking i'm gonna play cool like nothing happened i had to tell them the story we laugh and laugh and laugh but it's not so funny when it can really cause a stain or a pain or linger longer than you hope it would linger and it actually ended up staining some of my favorite pants and sometimes we hold on to things and they stain areas of our life and they stay longer than we would hoped if we would have just said you know what yes you can hold on to that i don't need it maybe that accident wouldn't have happened in the first place and i think many of us hold on to things way too long we hold on to baby teeth that's weird some of you looking down like oh yeah i do that that's weird there are some of you that just don't hang on to the first one they lose you keep all of them and i don't know if you hope one day you can borrow them later on in life but that's weird we hang on to locks of hair i was like i did that my son for his first haircut went to a barber shop my husband used to be a barber and he cut his little curls and i remember bendy now picking up a lock of hair i don't know if it was his hair and i picked up that little piece of hair and i cried over oh my baby's getting a haircut and i seal it in an envelope and put it in his baby book he's 22. when he's looking through his baby book he doesn't want an envelope with a piece of hair in it that's weird we keep belly buttons now some of you younger girls are like what how many have kept your kids belly button okay okay it's like the lump cut we wait for the little thing to shrivel up into what looks like a raisin and then we assist it because we want it to come off sooner so they can actually take a bath because what you don't know is you can't bathe your baby until the belly button topper is off the umbilical cord and then we have the nerd to put it in a baggie and save it and nobody want a belly button to keep how many know we keep our skinny clothes [Applause] because one day i will get back into those pants come on but some of you don't just be keeping those skinny clothes you'd be keeping them fat clothes for that chocolate day you keep those yoga pants in those hoodies we keep the oddest things i kept participation awards basically your kid wasn't good enough to be anything but a participant in the sport and so we hold dear to those awards so one day we can tell them how proud of them we were even though they just got a participation award like every other kid did i thought i was a baller back in the day only it wasn't a basketball it was a bowling ball and i was a bowler because i wasn't fit to be a basketball player and i had the brace on the arm and you do the little kick out like you got to get the little move so i didn't let any my friends know but i was getting trophies like neon color with a bowling girl on it like this and i kept all these trophies but now i'm almost 40 and i'm like i don't want those my mom's like april you need to come come get all your keepsakes i said i don't want to keep that like no one wants a neon bowling trophy in their bedroom that just says good job participation award we hold on to the oddest things one of the oddest things i hang on to is the single sock i am convinced washing machines eat my socks and i don't have it in me when that lonely sock comes creeping in the basket to just toss it because i'm convinced you're going to find your soul mate like just hang on just stay in the basket the next come around if i just keep watching and i just keep watching it's going to come back out i know the soul mate's in there somewhere it's going to arrive and we just don't like to let things go it's fun and games when it's teeth and belly buttons and socks but it's not good when it's an abusive relationship a regret shame grudges betrayal unforgiveness it's a lot harder to let those things go i read a study that said people have over 300 000 items in their home 300 000 items in their home i'm convinced my my middle son doubles that all on his own in his room and he's watching i love you elijah but you ain't here so i'm sharing all your business tonight he's 20 years old and um i had an angel baby first he's so great so simple and then there was elijah and i had elijah so i had my first son backstory had my first son at 17 in high school i graduate get married get saved get pregnant again so my first son i'm 17. he's sweet god knew i needed an easy child i get pregnant again so i have two kids at 19. so 202 at 19. my husband's working i'm a stay-at-home mom and i remember giving birth to elijah and i'm like what is this this is not what i signed up for he came out of the womb screaming and crazy and did not sleep through the night till he was 1 years old that's why i have a 14 year old because there's a huge gap between 20 and 14 where i was just praying through like god i think i'm done i don't think i want any more of that but elijah continued on to be the one to keep me on my knees before the lord and his room he is a hoarder elijah i love you but you are a hoarder we're working through it son and we're working through it but he's a hoarder and so when he was younger i would tell him when he'd come home from school his room would be all clean and he's like gosh this is so cool i'm like i know the cleaning fairy came isn't it amazing the cleaning fairy showed up when you were at school and i kept thinking i sure hope my son doesn't go to the trash any moms in the place when your kids at school and you throw away this stack of all these paperwork from school and all their projects and you're like and then you bury it because you know they're gonna find it he's 20 year old 20 years old and still has a cleaning ferry it's not elijah's fault it's my fault but we still go through his room at 20 years old and we look through things and i'm like son can we get rid of this no mom i gotta keep that i'm like elijah it's a gum rapper yeah but mom there's this memory i went to this conference and i'm like it's a gum rapper he went to this one concert and got a parking sign and all it is is white tag board that says in black letters parking no one signed it no no artist names on it like nothing just parking i said some we don't need a parking sign in your bedroom he's like mom it has sentimental value sentimental value i need it so he so lovingly passed that same hoarding feature on to my 14 year old so now when the cleaning fairy goes it's days of cleaning ferry not just hours it's now days of cleaning ferry but what i've noticed is the older they get the goal is the more mature they get the more willing to let things go because they begin to grow out of things the hope is for you and i that as we mature in christ as we grow in our faith as we grow through life and trial and struggle that we begin to release things that we've been holding on to for far too long you know what's interesting is holding on to things gives us a sense of power and control some of you have been holding on to old emails forever just in case you need to bring them back forward and our computers do it to us i blame the computer because i click delete on my computer and it asks me are you sure so i put it in the trash and then i go to empty the trash and it says are you sure i'm thinking it's in the trash yes i'm sure and i have to delete it again the phone's the same way now we even have albums on our phone that say recently deleted just in case we want to pull that pane back up just in case we want to pull that screenshot back up just in case we want to bring that frustration or that painful memory or that thought back up we've got a recently deleted folder and so we have it all around our world that's asking are you sure you don't want to hold on to that are you sure you're ready to let that go our text for tonight in hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 it says therefore since we are surrounded by such a great great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything someone say everything everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on jesus the pioneer and perfecter of faith for the joy set before him he endured the cross scoring at shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of god another translation says throw off every weight what i discovered in this this scripture is it says throw off everything that hinders and the sin so sin is sin there aren't different levels and different measures of sin it's like get rid of the sin but there are things that are heavier for you than they are for me and there are things that are heavier for me than are for you which means our weight carrying ability is different some of the things that you can bear i cannot bear and some of the things that i can bear you cannot bear you know your weight limit what are you holding on to what is it that is in your hand or in your heart or in your mind or in your phone that you're continuing to hold on to and it says throw off every weight so that you can run with perseverance how many of you know weighted running sucks after i had my kids and i got up on a treadmill it was like i had saddlebags strapped to my thighs only it was my thighs and i'm like running and i could feel the weight the worker outer people that intentionally strap weights on their ankles and their wrists and they get up there and they're so cute and just shaking it on there like adding weight wearing soil wrap all the way around them like those shiny jackets and hoodies they make me sick i'm like i can barely breathe at a three just walking flat and you all are going upstairs just looking around look at you with your makeup on you got a weighted scrunchie in the back of your head you got all the things no one wants to see that we don't care [Applause] i got my own weight to deal with i try to add more weight on but in order to run well we must run light in matthew chapter 11 29-30 it says learn the unforced rhythms of grace i meaning jesus won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly most of the weight you and i carry is not external it's internal it's our habits it's our thought patterns it's our perspective it's our grudges our pain our wounds our childhood its weight there was a story that i read about these monkeys and these trappers were trying to catch the monkeys but the monkeys are so intelligent that if they would see a trap they wouldn't get in they wouldn't get in the trap and so what they did is they took a jar and they put a banana in it and i was and i also saw other places where they took a now he's going to mess up my illustration because i'm not going to hold this dang banana jesus take the weight and they would take these bananas and they would put them in jars now this is going to get interesting it might actually get really funny because i'm going to embarrass myself so i might not stick my hand in the jar because it really might get stuck but they would take these jars and the monkeys would stick their hands into the jar and grab onto the banana and the trappers would come to get the monkey and the monkey could see the enemy coming he could see the people coming in with nets he could see the people coming in to take him but he gripped on to the banana refusing to let go and all he had to do to get away was to release the banana they did it also with bars on like a cage where they would reach in have bananas hanging and they would reach their arms through the cage grab onto the banana and pull and hang on and pull and hang on and pull and hang on i was with my counselor a few weeks ago and i was talking to her and i said man i'm just struggling with these thoughts or these things and she said why do you do that i said why do i do what you said let it go i said that's easy for you to say i'm paying you you've been trained to say that and she said no she said you ever heard of the monkey and the banana no i never heard of no monkey and banana and she said all the monkey had to do was let it go to stop holding on when will you get to a place where you let go and stop holding on i said girl that's a good question i'll be back next week how much do i owe you because how many know it's not that easy when you've been hurt and burned and betrayed when you've done stupid yourself when you look back and there's memories and there's videos and there's pictures it's hard to just let it go to just drop the banana i'd rather and what i was going to do is make myself look really stupid and put the mason jar on my hand and show you when i hold that banana i can shake and be mad and i can run around here looking stupid but i'm being weighted down by a banana some of the thoughts and the habits and the patterns that you're carrying it looks like you're holding on to a banana and everyone around you can see it and you can't see it you're blaming your mama and your ex-husband and your kids and your boss and the world and the president and the politicians and your pastor and your neighbors and your friends and you need to stop pointing the finger out and you need to start pointing the finger in and begin to realize you've got to learn to let some things go if i could have someone come up to the keys i really thought a closed fist would protect me but i realized the closed fist wasn't protecting me it was prohibiting me from what god had for me because it's fine to live with closed fists if you're on the defense but that closed fist doesn't let anything out it also doesn't let anything in and god wants to pour blessing and healing and favor and forgiveness and mercy and hope into your hands but you keep walking around with a closed fist holding on to what was or what you thought something should be 2020 was a hard year for a lot of people my heart didn't start in 2020. my heart started in 2019. in 2019 it was the hardest year of my entire life an incident happened and in a moment i lost everything i knew i lost my job i lost the home i was building i moved out of the city i grew up in i had a marriage that was on the rocks everything cotton four weeks after that i go into a doctor's appointment because i found a lump in my right breast and found out i had cancer in a city where i had no one you can show the pictures this is me one year ago this month [Applause] and if i'm honest with you cancer became a cover because though my body was deteriorating and the cancer was ravishing my body my heart was deteriorating and dying long before they'd ever put chemo in my veins and it was an easy cover because if someone saw me bald it was i'll pray for you i'll pray healing over your cancer and i appreciate it and i needed i had a very serious aggressive form of breast cancer but really i wanted to say can you pray for my heart can you pray for my mind because cancer got a hold of me i didn't get to decide the cancer in my body but life i was hanging on to pain i was hanging on to anger i was hanging on to i was hanging on to hateful text messages that were sent to me i was a screenshotter because i felt like if i kept it i'd have proof later on that someone was harassing me and so if i kept all the screenshots then i could have proof and i kept the comments on my social media and i'd screenshot it on my phone but then when someone would ask me to show pictures of my kids over the last few years i'd scroll past it and i'd be reminded of the hate and the mean and the anger would be going to fester again and again and again and again and i just hung onto that banana and some of you do that you feel like if i can just gather enough bricks no one can get in and hurt me if i can just pile them enough around me no one can get in and that's great but no one can get out either we begin to form a prison around ourself and so i remember on january 17th 2021 i'd love to be up here and act like i got it all together and that this happened 10 years ago but it was january 17th 2021 during 21 days of prayer and fasting i was praying at six am in the morning and i heard god and he said i will make it right for you move on and i thought well that's awesome god you're going to get them go get them god yes i can help you out with that see i got these text messages and i got these emails and you just let me know when i need to bring them it's me and you god make it right he said i i will make it right for you move on and i picked up my phone all the anger i'd been carrying all the bitterness i've been carrying all the ammunition i've been building up i deleted from my phone and i deleted it from my recently deleted album and i emptied the trash [Applause] i know in a room like this and with people watching online you may have not had haters but it's 20 20 20 21 i'm pretty sure we all done had haters maybe it was your parents maybe it was your ex-husband maybe it's shame maybe it's insecurity but you're holding on to something and it's time to let it go my sweet boy who is poor almost 14 now he is still this big and he's still the baby and he's still his daddy's favorite and i know his daddy's watching he is your favorite don't try to lie and act like you love them all the same it is not true my older two are running around spinning saying amen she finally admitted it on tv he is the favorite he is his father's favorite but when he was little and he'd be upset and hurting or struggling he'd come toddling through the house and he'd say mama i hold you mama i hold you and if he'd fall on the ground and he'd get hurt and his knees would be bloody and he'd reach his arms up and he said mama i hold you mama i hold you and i think that's what some of us as women try to do we think we need to help god god i hold you i got your back god i got the emails i got the screenshots i got my homegirl i read my bible this morning i prayed i fasted and we do all the things that we think we need to assist god in his sovereignty that we need to insist god in him helping us get free that we need to assist god and we say god i'll hold you and i believe god gave me the analogy of my little boy hurting looking up to me saying i hold you and i'm like son i'm your mama i provide for you i protect you when you fall i pick you up when you're hurting i got your back when you need something it's me you run to you don't need to hold me i hold you that is the god we serve he's an i hold you type of god he doesn't need your help he doesn't need you to fix it he needs you just to release control and stop holding onto it stop going back to it stop reaching in the jar stop taking the enemy's cues stop believing the enemy's lies stop convincing yourself that you're not worth it he wants to hold you in his arms he wants to set you free from guilt and shame and condemnation he wants you to forgive what i realized is just because god's gonna make it right for me doesn't mean he's gonna make it wrong for someone else and if i'm honest girls that made me angry i'm all fine with forgiveness and blessing me lord but them oh heck no his ways are higher his thoughts far exceed any earthly thought we can have i remember him speaking when he said i'll make it right for you move on and don't expect that to mean that bad will come to those who hurt you because i can set you free and them free and i can heal you and i can heal them and i can make it right for you but it doesn't mean i'm going to make it wrong for them [Applause] i've learned in my life that the journey is hard and sometimes it can seem god is not fair life is not fair but god is just he is just i'm going to read you one more scripture and then i want to pray for you in isaiah 40 verse 27 31. i'm gonna change the word jacob to hope city o hope city how can you say the lord does not see your troubles oh daughter how can you say god ignores your rights have you never heard have you never understood the lord is the everlasting god the creator of earth he never grows weak or weary no one can measure the depths of his understanding he gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless even youths will become weak and tired and young men will fail and exhaust paul and exhaustion but those who trust in the lord will find new strength they will soar high on wings like eagles they will run girls yes even those of you that hate running they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint ladies i know some of you are tired it was everything for you to show up to a ladies night it's been everything for you not to fall into depression and anxiety through covid single mamas you've been busting your tail and you feel like does he see and he says it right there how can you say the lord does not see your troubles i laid in hospital beds i sat in chemo floors with a shattered heart i am here to announce some good news that you don't have to hold it all together he does you don't have to hold him you don't have to grab on to his hand he's holding yours stop trying to fix things with your hands and allow your life to be in the hand of the one who knitted you together in your mother's womb he knew you before you were ever born he called you and set you aside for him he has set you apart for good things he has good plans and good purposes he has a hope and a future he has restoration and forgiveness he has hope he has peace he has influence he has blessing he has resources he has favor he has healing for you it is in his name that we are set free it is in his name that we are able to walk and run he is faithful so if that's you in this place then you say i've been holding on why holding on to that it's time to delete the recently deleted album it's time to delete the memories in the snapshot of years of abuse and trauma it's time to delete the lies and words of the enemy that keep trolling you constantly telling you you're not good enough or because you're a single mom your kids will be missing out because they don't have a dad that is not true they do have a dad they've always had a dad they have a great father who is looking over them watching over them and he'll fill in every single gap so if you're holding on to something some something or maybe someone i'm gonna ask that you just stretch your hands up those of you watching online if you say today it's time for me to stop holding on i need to forgive i need to let go i need to make a phone call i need to forgive i need to trust god i pray right now holy spirit that you would breathe life hope for the girl in the room right now who is so angry with her dad she's so angry seething mad dads aren't supposed to do that dads weren't supposed to walk out like that dads aren't supposed to treat my mom like that dads aren't supposed to speak to me like that jesus i pray freedom right now let it go let it go god break my brick god i pray they just pull the walls down and they let it go jesus let it go the girl that looks in the mirror with the perfect makeup set on her face and it's a cover like cancer was for me because her heart on the inside is in a thousand pieces on the floor god i pray you lean down and you pick up those shattered pieces and you make her whole again but you heal her for those mamas that are watching online and in the room and they just are so upset because of how they raised their kids they weren't in the right mental place they battled with depression and anxiety or bipolar schizophrenia and they just couldn't get it together and they tried their kids are estranged from them god i pray healing to their mind that they would forgive themselves for what they couldn't do and god i pray for the bitter woman if i'm honest i think it's more than half of the hands lifted the bitter woman who's how to fight her way to the top who's had her claw her way to the top who thinks she can just keep muscling through and muscling through god i pray she stopped fighting with her fist and she opened her hands she would release all the anger all the frustration and as she released it god i pray that you'd fill her up the blessing would flow right through her hands in her hands and to those around her god i pray even tonight as women go home that their home would be different that their husbands would notice change that their kids would notice a change that their co-workers would notice a change in the morning that she's met with you so god we let it go in jesus name amen amen i love you ladies i love you thank you [Applause] i love you thank you
Channel: Hope City
Views: 37,871
Rating: 4.9460826 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Hope City, pastor jeremy, jermy foster, jeramy foster, hope city church
Id: C9caRCDR0cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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