Robert Madu "Every Man Has A Thorn"

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[Music] Jesus lovers in the house today come on if you love Jesus why don't you give him some praise up in here come on you could be better than that what an awesome awesome amazing Sunday to be in the house of God first of all giving glory to our heavenly father also celebrating the dads all the dance man I I'm honored to preach on Father's Day I love the dance oftentimes dads we are criticized if we leave tolerated if we stay we don't really get celebrated but there can I tell you today you the man you the man come on can we celebrate all the dads oh come on that's a cute golf class can we celebrate the bed would you stand today the honors the reading of God's Word and I got a gift for you today you're not gonna get beat up you don't get built up you're gonna leave better than the way that you came in it's going to be good I want to look at second Corinthians today chapter number 12 and I want to luminate for understanding verses 2 through 10 and we'll also look at the Gospel of Mark chapter number 15 and verse number 17 2nd Corinthians 12 we'll start at verse number 2 when you're ready to read and say yeah if you need a little bit more time you're not ready yet say hold on oh my goodnes gonna tell you this on the screen so you could listen this is the Apostle Paul and he's talking in third person but he's talking about himself verse 2 he says I know a man in Christ who what an awesome start to a Father's Day message I know a man in Christ that's an awesome man if you know a man that is in Christ who 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know God knows and I know that this man whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know but God knows was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things things that no one is permitted to tell I will boast about a man like that but I will not boast myself except about my weaknesses even if I should choose to boast I would not be a fool because I would be speaking the truth but I'll refrain so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say or because of these surpassingly great revelations therefore in order to keep me from becoming conceited I was given I was given a thorn in my flesh a messenger of Satan to torment me three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me in that the universal prayer of every human being Lord take it away still understand but look what God said to Paul my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest upon me that is why for Christ's sake I delight in weaknesses in insults in hardships and persecutions and difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong just drop the mic right here is good all by itself one more verse one more for us because we've been in the Gospel of Mark pastor would fire me as one of the preacher pastors if I'd not give you Scripture and Mark so just one verse in mark mark 15 17 it says they put a purple robe on Jesus then twisted together a crown of thorns set it on him Paul said I got a thorn in my flesh Jesus had a crown of thorns placed on his head what a preach on this Father's Day sermon not long about six and a half hours using this as a title every man has a thorn every man has a thorn look at somebody next to you maybe a man this might be a moment if you're single hello make sure he's single don't get killed um look at a man and say hey every man has a thorn you may be seated in the presence of the Lord every man has thorn ladies and gentlemen my father my father apple master myself and my only son is named is undoubtedly unashamedly absolutely and authentically African born in 1957 in a weary Nigeria and in 1977 packed up his suitcase and came to America much like Eddie Murphy in the movie met my mom on the collegiate campus of Texas A&M and from what I'm told for what I told the first initial conversation went a little bit like this excuse me are you Nigerian to which my mom quickly retorted no I'm American and kept walking down the hallway somehow someway after that came love then came marriage then came baby Robert in the baby carriage as my church family vaunted heard me say that when your father is African and your mother is American there was no doubt as to what your authenticity and what your ethnicity is people I have african-american fathers African as a kid life is different different in a myriad of ways but one of the ways is different is that periodically throughout your childhood you will be inundated with these proverbs these pithy statements these ancient African proverbs that you will not find in the pages of your King James Bible but yet they are packed with powerful potent wisdom that you can apply to your life so I found this Father's Day it would be befitting it appropriate to give you as a gift to unlock the rich heritage of my African heritage and share with you a proverb that I want to leverage as a launching pad for this message today the proverb simply says this until the lion learns how to write every story will glorify the hunter until the lion learns how to write every story will glorify the hunter I love that quote I love that quote in that proverb because it speaks with clarity and brevity to the human proclivity to edit our stories in such a way that we highlight our strengths but we wipe out our weaknesses oh come on have you noticed this about humans people love to tell you about their trials but they also like to take out their tragedies especially men come on men let's be honest man it is hardwired in our DNA to act like we are Superman we love to stand proud with a big ol s on our chest and men love to tell you about their strengths they love to tell you about their cape but they don't want to talk about their kryptonite oh come on you remember kryptonite kryptonite was the one thing that brought Superman to his knees man fathers we don't like to talk about our kryptonite we don't like to talk about our Clark can't-miss we don't want to discuss it in fact let me just parenthetically Park here and help some ladies in here today and tell you that if you keep reminding your man about his kryptonite and about his cart kidness he will never be the superman that he was created to be Oh fellas you don't leave me out here you not gonna help a brother out on Father's Day come on we don't want to hear about our mistakes and our Clark Kent is we know we messed up we know we need glasses we know we're uncoordinated I don't want somebody to tell me who I was and who I've always been I want somebody to speak to my potential I want somebody to speak to my destiny I want somebody to show me who are really and if you will look at a man and tell him who he was really created to be you will move faster than a speeding bullet you will be stronger than a locomotive train he will leave buildings with a single bound you can look at a man and say in spite of your flaws in spite of you messing up still see an S on your chest he will look for a phone booth and bust out this whole booth and say where is Lois Lane girl I will get you today you'll tell a man who he is you'll step into his power here step into his purpose he'll step into his to potential until the lion learns how to write every story will glorify the hunter just the imagery just the imagery of that proverb speaks to a man a man who has come from the jungle a father who's been in the wild and he come back to the village he's carrying the carcass of a dead lion on his body and he throws the lion in the middle of the village and has all the villagers and his son come and see the caucus of the dead lion they look with wide-eyed wonder and he begins to tell the story of his bravery of his valor how he wrestled the lion and beat him to death problem is since the man and the hunter was the only one in the jungle how do we know how do we know that you really wrestled him to the death how do we know that you didn't already find the lion bad when you got there and all you did was drag his dead body into the village how do we know you're not giving us fake news handled it out so the only way to even find out if the hunter is telling the truth or if he's lying it's the ass I'll help me preach in the first service you gotta ask the lion look at your neighbor and say ask the lion oh come on tell him ask the lion you want to know the real story ask the lion this is why I am fully confident in the authenticity and the validity of the Word of God because the Bible was not given to us to bring glory and honor to man the Bible was given to us to bring glory and honor to the lion oh come on you do know who the lion is our God is the Lion of Judah he is roaring in power he is fighting our battles who can stop the Lord God Almighty come on don't get it twisted on Father's Day after which father should really get the glory to really get the brave should really get the adoration hello can we take a praise break and give our real father some praise in this place I came to have church on Father's Day we did our real father to praise in this place today he podiatric he deserves all the credit all of the glory all of the honor you know it's interesting I turned I turned 33 this week I turned 33 this week and silly young buck and had to be in on earth 33 years I know it's not much Padilla or 33 years of being in church for 30 of those 33 years came here when I was three I noticed something about church services and church people because there are always two types of people in every church service every church service there's always two types of people in every church service it's not Democrat Republican it's not charismatic and conservative it's not even male female or young girls in every church service you will always find two people and that is Prazeres and plagiarizes plagiarism plagiarism is when you take credit for something you had nothing to do it so my English teacher told me it's when you take credit for somebody else's work and you act like it was your own and every service that our appraisers and there are plagiarizes plagiarizes come to service with the arms folded they sit there cavalierly during the message they don't even want to open up their mouth they think they did got a favor because they came to church today plagiarizes think they are self-made plagiarizes think they got here because of their brain power because of their own ingenuity those are plagiarizes but there's a difference between a plagiarize ER and appraiser appraiser don't need anybody to tell them to give God praise a praise or knows that if it had not been for the Lord that was oh my I wouldn't even be here today I would be sad being an insane asylum I would be locked up in prison you better check your roll you gotta Fraser or plays ERISA on your own if your appraiser which I'll give him some praise Oh father fish thank you dips the glory and the frame and the adoration something to get to me to plagiarize he's open to me your doors for me to put I know I'm messed up I wouldn't even be here I've been too good for me to plagiarize I gotta give God praise gotta give him praise that's why I'm thankful that's what I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit although the Bible is written by men how many you know it was edited by the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit edited to make sure that there would be no plagiarism in the pages of your Bibles because you do know you do know if the Holy Spirit did not edit the Bible because it was written by men and men love to give glory and honor to themselves the hunter how many know your Bible read differently then it reads today all come on if man had the final say they would have pushed the delete button and a lot of stuff that made the final print of the Bible oh you don't believe me come on you better talk to David if David has the pen and the Holy Spirit and edited you would know a different dated Nathan would just have you view his life as the Shepherd watcher and Giant Killer he was just heated right there Shepherd watcher and Giant Killer baby would let you know emphatically that when I was a shepherd they didn't want me I killed a lion they were all on me all they want himself his hair and I'm telling you he would in his story he would in history with him holding the head of the lion and with power and with sorry oh but that whole situation where he was on Bathsheba's Instagram pages he sent her a direct message and said can you come over tonight and the man after God's own heart committed adultery and sitting a hitman to kill her husband murder and adultery all that whole part delete delete delete delete delete delete delete oh he wasn't put in the Abraham is father's a bob Abraham father Abraham would have you view his beautiful family as this Pinterest perfect family just him and his wife Sarah and his cute little young lad named Isaac and Abraham would just have you for years singing the number one billboard hit of Sunday school father Abraham had the anytime and then his sons had father there and I wanted him and so are you so let's just pray he was just keeping at that song he would keep it right there but you do know there's another song we can sing about father Abraham that they do not sing in Sunday school they do not sing it to children it is a different song that Abraham probably didn't want you to hear Oh y'all don't know Abraham's other song oh let me give you the other huh father Abraham slept with the nanny what's worse than that his wives told him to he got his wife pregnant the nanny too not one of them was praising the Lord hair pulled weed out at 5:00 calm down Isaac Ishmael baby baby baby mama drama delete delete delete Sansa will just tell you I want to change my hair Delilah delete delete delete delete I'm so thankful that God in His goodness God in His sovereignty gave us the real story the good the bad and the ugly he give us the ugly not because he like TMZ now we need to ugly just for exploitation it gives us too ugly for edification so that we can look at the lives of these individuals and cognitively conclude that if God can use somebody as crazy as messed up as dysfunctional as neurotic as him surely God can use somebody like me come on this hope for somebody in here today you're not too messed up this vision but you'll notice and all of the aforementioned instances Abraham David Sampson most of them emanate from the Old Testament because primarily the Old Testament is concerned hear me about telling us about people people that fit in the beautiful mosaic of God's Redemption story but the New Testament is not primarily concerned especially the epistles with telling us about people as much as it is concerned with teaching us about principles so it's in the New Testament that I begin to understand the dimensions of justification the doctrine of salvation and propitiation it's in the New Testament the Epistle that I begin to understand the governmental structure of the church and that this sum will be apostles and some will be pastors and some will be prophets and some will be teachers and some will be an evangelist but as it relates to the persons that are writing about those principles the New Testament doesn't give us a lot of details it is very vague about the intimate details of some of the New Testament writers lives so as you're reading about these principles in the New Testament you're somewhat burdened you're somewhat burden to be receiving instruction and information without the privilege of intimacy instruction and information not much intimacy but don't get me wrong we all need instruction come on home you know we need instruction you will never step into the effulgence of what God has for you if you don't get some instructions somehow somewhere in your life somebody has got to tell you what to do in these instructions you need information come on the old adage is true the more you know the more you grow the problem if I only get an instruction and information and I never get intimacy instruction and information without intimacy creates an environment of intolerance it creates an environment of indifference in the creates an environment of insubordination anytime you're just giving me information and instructions but I will never get any intimacy I get mad I get rebellious I don't want to talk to you I don't like you because cool here what you know until I know you care come on somebody I'm going somewhere this is the diabolical scheme that the enemy has launched in this generation in this country by turning the hearts and fathers away from the hearts of children because a lot of fathers are giving instruction and information without the intimacy and no wonder your kid doesn't want to talk to you and no wonder they're mad because they don't want instruction and information without intimacy then I will save you a whole lot of money the next birthday yo can't don't want another pair of jeans yo kids on one another video game your kid wants you he wants your present where you got to have instruction information and also intimacy you have instruction and information without intimacy it creates an environment of indifference of intolerance and insubordination and fathers we are so good at giving instruction and information we struggle with that intimacy we do good with instruction and information stop it come here where are you at don't put that out don't post that sit down Peter don't be late you donate why are you late come here picking your shirt what's all account structure information it's me she says hey what's going on how you feeling yeah I know I feel like that sometimes too oh how did that make you feel intimacy this is what Paul gives clear instruction at thesis chapter 6 to father's once this can we put that up there Ephesians chapter 6 look at what Paul says the father sees his father's do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them rather bring them up with discipline and instruction watch this that comes from the Lord comes from the Lord how did God give us instruction and information he did not stand from the lofty penthouse suite of heaven and tell us hey get it together fix yourself but I was out you crazy no he left the balcony of heaven put on human skin so he could feel what we feel and know what we go through into the womb of a young virgin they married because he understood you cannot redeem what you will not relate to I'm preaching Bella y'all are talking in here today can't have instruction information without intimacy so if you ask me today and I have like five minutes left if you ask me to take it he asked me today what is the most powerful thing that the Apostle Paul ever wrote with a 1313 book that were attributed to his peon you know what the most powerful thing the Apostle ever wrote to me we read it today it's a sin Corinthians chapter 12 verse number seven Paul makes a bold and candid confession he says hey I have a thorn Paul says I have a thorn that is the most powerful thing the Apostle Paul has ever written do you know what it means for Paul to say he has a thorn the Apostle Paul this one the only moment in all of his writings that we actually get to look beyond the veil because the Apostle Paul The Wizard of Oz if you will finally let's have a look behind the veil and we see that Paul hurts - Paul bleeds - Paul has pain - Paul finally confesses I have a thorn that was one thing for you and me to say we have a thorn it's another thing for the Apostle Paul to say that he has a thorn how many know Paul was not a weak dude Paul was absolutely powerful Tom won't even permit me to tell you the power of the Apostle Paul he was the epitome of fatherhood he was the epitome of manhood Paul was off the chain he had Grace and he had grit Paul was not a normal man he was incredible do you know how many books were attributed to the hand of the Apostle Paul Paul was not a weak guy he was incredible where would we be without the pen of the Apostle Paul Paul is the one that encourages us Paul the one that lets us know but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me it is Paul who lets me know that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all you may ask her thing according to the power that's working on the inside of you Paul was incredible Paul was brilliant he spoke several different languages he's got at the feet of the male he was brilliant a hebrew of hebrews but he was a citizen of Rome and was trained in greco-roman ideology Paul was absolutely powerful come on who else but the Apostle Paul every time he went somewhere they tried to shut his ministry down they said Paul we're gonna kill you he said that's cool because to die is gain it said okay then Paul we gonna let you live he said that's cool too because to live is Christ it's okay then Paul we're gonna make you suffer isn't that cool too because I already know that the present sufferings of this world are not worthy to be compared to the glory of God is gonna be revealed on the inside of me Paul was not a weak dude who else but Paul who else but Paul could prophesy about a ship that he was about to get on that was going to hit the storm still get on the ship and the storm hits the ship he sailed to the shore on a broken piece of the ship makes a fire starts preacher snake bites him he pulls a Taylor Swift and just shake it off and goes right back back yet Paul was incredible one day Paul was preaching and a dude fell asleep fell out the window and broke his neck and died Paul went downstairs laid hands on him the dew was raised from the dead and he went right back to preach and don't fall asleep on me and fall out your chair and back I'm afraid for you i'ma praise for you but I am making no guarantees that you don't get up from the bed paul was incredible you do know that one time some disciples they were trying to cast out some demons and they couldn't do it and the demon spoke to them and they say guess what Paul I know and Jesus I know who in the world are y'all that means everywhere Paul with demons started to tremble because they were nervous about the power that he had yeah with all that power all that anointing after planting all those churches Paul still had to say guess what I got a thorn I got something in my life that are sucking the life out of me Paul says mana whew I'm discouraged that's what the Greek denotes but all Paul saying is dead I'm discouraged the courage is leaking out of me I think how you deal with discouragement is the litmus test for your spiritual maturity I dare say that how a man gives with discouragement is the litmus test of your to manhood how you handle discouragement come on it was dr. King they said that the measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy Oh discouragement will let you know who you really are because everybody in here will face discouragement and how do you handle it bad how do you handle it father it's all about the balance of it somebody say balance the balance of it see if you are never discouraged if you never have a source you ain't alive like you're a pathetic you don't care if you never get discouraged conversely if you're always discouraged every day is that you are just just down every single day even when the Thunder sign sign and you're like well but it's so hot just every pay you down every day you discourage come on you know this person that lights up a room when they walk out if you always discouraged then you don't have context of clarity after the sovereignty of God and that nothing can come into your life good or bad if God in His sovereignty then already allowing come on that's what he told Joe Paul's being honest you saying man I'm discouraged I have a thorn I want every man every father want you to say something ladies just just the dancer what you say this man you hear me when say to say I have a thorn didn't that feel good she would be shocked at how many men won't ever admit I have a thorn cuz we've been conditioned from the time we were kids don't cry suck it up big boys don't cry she would be shocked at the men will never admit I have a thorn got something in my life that is sucking the life out of me now ladies I don't want you to miss the message please don't think because I don't have you say I have a thorn that I'm being chauvinistic not being chauvinistic and being realistic because come on let's just paint with a broad brush um for the most part when a woman has a thought you don't know about it okay when a woman has a thought there will be no confusion you'll need a want a knowledge you don't need a post you don't need a picture when a woman has a son any time you that's what she's doing that's a phone right there she show it this is my glass when a woman has told you right now oh the whole streets gonna know Facebook don't know boy when the man has a Thor we don't say anything we go on our man cave isolation they all say not know in fact sometimes the sharper the thorn all quiet would be huh what I'm good I'm good I'm good no no I'm good well often than not I'm good is the last words of a dying man I'm good how could be mother thorn sucking the life out of you few weeks ago my wife and I had one of the scariest moments as a parent worship team join me we were in Los Angeles California I was preaching we took the whole family and we said I would never go to Disneyland after daddy preaches we landed and we got to this restaurant of course we got to the restaurant think about it has toddlers knows what you do when you get to a restaurant with toddlers you just grab the waiter and say I need crayons I need cookies I need a color in the book I don't know how long we got before these terrorists mess up your entire establishment bring me some stuff quick so they brought out some apples for my son apples were cut up about the size of a french fry started cutting up the Apple even more than that just gave little pieces my son to eat it starts eating apples everything's good well women having a great time but my daughter who is in desperate need of salvation it's not even a joke like I don't know where she's got to go if she dies um she takes a toy from my son and he's eating a little bitty pieces of Apple he screams sucks and starts choking at the table start freaking out we do the best we can he's just trying to get him and she spits out the Apple like RAM I leave the restaurant you could play leave the restaurant go to the pool we're playing around we're having a good time we're running around I was at my wife Taylor says hey come here come here cities does not sound like he's breathing different went up to him being the loving concerning father that I am listen to him breathing for about two seconds said no he's good we'll go back to the hot tub real quick okay play that day everything's fine Church be honest complete honesty that night about 9:00 p.m. laying in the bed in the hotel my wife wakes up and says we're going to the emergency room so what so babies 9 o'clock 11 o'clock Dallas town we're going to the emergency room not gonna be able to sleep tonight unless I check then I said no no we are not going to the alarmists we're not going to the emergency room we're not going not going let me get my shoes hold on let me get them real quick went to the hospital line is 50 miles long emergency room they checked my son the first nurse does says I quote I don't notice anything different about his breathing but you know your child more than I do do you think there's something wrong we can't give an x-ray but it will be several hours for us to do that I don't know he's good I said we'll wait on the x-ray wait hours doctor comes in does the x-ray comes back into the room and honest to god it's after midnight now I'm thinking he's going to say oh he's good I'll be like told you y'all could leave doctor says mr. mrs. Madhu looking at the x-ray there is a foreign object that is lodged in the trachea of your son said I don't know what it is but I've already called the ENT ear nose and throat specialist they're on the way here we are rushing your son upstairs to do an emergency surgery because we got to find out what that is and get it out immediately my disposition changes that come in with rushed upstairs they're putting tubes and everything in my son it's just crazy specialist comes in and he says I need to let you know this is a high-risk surgery he says if I go in to get whatever this object is if I go in and take it out and it gets stuck in his esophagus first of all I don't know if I'll be able to get it but if it get stuck in his esophagus he will lose oxygen to his brain could be brain-dead I need you to sign this is a high-risk procedure here start filling my eyes we're crying or praying we asked how long it's going to take they said three minutes or three hours we don't know it just depends how long we get it out they have a picture of my son who is there in Orange County in the hospital when that waiting room thank God is 2:00 a.m. now thank God we're the only ones there because I am calling down heaven I'm speaking in tongues I'm believing in faith no my son's not gonna be brain dead he's gonna be fine I'm trusting God but as I'm trusting God a messenger of Satan is in my ear your son's gonna die tonight you don't carry your son out of this hospital Dan messenger of Satan reminded me you remember that family that went to Disney to the alligator took their son what they thought was going to be a great trip ended up being a nightmare that's gonna be you tonight sometimes in life it's not even the thorn that hurts sometimes it's the threat of the thorn oh come on somebody be real with me sometimes it's just what could happen sometimes it is depending doctor report that you're waiting on sometimes just just you see in the thorn coming close to you makes you nervous that's what Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane you remember it was one of those pressure moments where such believing he's sweating blood and I believe he was sweating blood in Gethsemane because he knew the crown of thorns was coming at Calvary sometimes when you know the thorn is coming it just makes you nervous you don't know what to do bring him crying out to God the doctor came around that corner that's about 35 minutes with a thumbs up mommy I could breathe he said we got it Suns gonna be fine I want to show you the x-ray can you put that x-ray up there do you see in the right corner right there that's the little piece of Apple that was stuck in his trachea the top left is his trachea that was completely blocked by that little piece of Apple doctor said your son from the moment that got stuck was breathing out of one lung the thing that scared me more than the moment was to think that my one year old was breathing on one lung and couldn't even tell me couldn't articulate it and shocked at the man the dad is sitting in here today reason is one long something a thorn is blocked in you come in here and act like you don't have a thorn I think God or danger to be here today don't you cover breathe again so did you behold again dad can you bring me that just hold it like there Paul said I had a thorn oh I can't wait to take a service I'm I have more time to break this thing down Paul said I got a thorn that hit me how many know the thorn was really the problem because the lights don't give you swords it is inevitable you don't get a thorn you don't have one now keep on breathing you don't get a summer it is a result of being in the fall in the world in a subscription for that you want to go back to the book of Genesis the first time we see thorn to mention in the Bible put that on the screen Genesis chapter 3 can you put denver's on there in the result of the curse the result of the phone God said that the ground is cursed because of you Adam and now the ground will produce thorns and thistles it's inevitable have a thorn so I don't think the thorn is the problem the problem is the messenger of Satan that brings you the thorn thanks there I'm not saying you're a messenger of Satan I'm just saying I needed you'd help me with this illustration palm is not the thorn the problem is the message that Satan attaches to the thorn see a thorn is my father was never in my life don't even know who he is he's never been there before for me I hate it coming to church today that's a thorn the message Satan attaches to that thorn the reason your father was never there is because you're not worthy to be loved the reason he left is because he didn't see anything worth staying for that's why he left that's the message the enemy will attack - the thorn thorn is a kid that you got a bad relationship with who's walked away that's a thorn message the enemy attaches to the thorn as you are the worst father on planet Earth you're a horrible mom that's the message he attaches to the thorn thorn as they didn't call you back if you want to go out on the day with them that is a thorn you already had your outfit picked out that's just the enemy will attach to the thorn is that nobody will ever love you all men are dogs you should be by yourself all your life that's the message that the enemy attaches to the thorn Paul said a messenger of Satan attached a message to the thorn and I prayed and I cried out to God and I said God can you take it away but God didn't take the sword away cuz how many know there's nothing like a thorn that'll make you pray there's nothing like a thorn that'll make you come to church there's nothing like a song that'll make you worship come on there's nothing like a thorn that'll make you lift up holy hands your sword come on we'll do more than roses will ever do in your life you're a thorn made you come to church today your thorn will make you go on and pass your thumb will make you change the radio station and they know I can't live in a drink today I need to worship music the enemy is coming after my family and my finances so wait a minute is the thorn of blessings who occurs because the thorn is causing me pain but it's making me play the song feels like it's destroying me but it's developing me too so I'm not going to take the throne away Paul because if I take the thorn away you'll be stuck with the message of the enemy is it Paul you are focused on your thorn all you can see is your soul just like some of you today all you see is your form all you see is the thing that is destroying you is the thing that's making you cry at night all you are seeing is the floor and if you're so consumed with the thorn you but given what God has for you on the other side of the Sun if it I can't take this stone away if I take it away you won't get what's on the other side Oh help me Holy Ghost where is Grace in the sense of that thorn still gotta look at God's message my grace is sufficient oh yeah I'll take away the thorn I'll take away your grace Oh Paul I know you're mad I know you hate it I've taken the sword away you need to turn the cars and get another message that my grace is sufficient my strength is made perfect in your weakness and look it's a man who had thorns that God flipped the power of His grace you there is not a man all nothing on the land or underneath oh nothing that could ever come between love you have for me I could lay my head in Geo I couldn't make my bed at the bottom of the darkness deep over there is not a place I could escape you your heart won't stop coming after me your heart won't stop coming after me your heart won't stop coming out [Music] [Laughter] there is not an angel of the star there is not a devil in the door Oh and choose the way you are loved you have 14 I could leave my head in she or I could make my head at the bottom of the darkness people you drove it out to me no long coming after me [Music] oh stop y'all they're not - call me me [Music] stop coming after me coming up to me [Music] to me [Music] the bottom of the darkness there is not a place [Music] [Music] oh well then I'll just me [Music] coming after me [Music] me No [Music] Wow the RA [Music] and - yeah [Music] and I mean [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] won't you [Music] Oh you know Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what every single one of these stores have in common I love that Paul not only admitted his story I'm glad that he kept it anonymous you know he never told us what the thorn was a lot of scholars and theologians of MAG they want to know what was his thorn in the flesh some people they get to heaven they go ask Paul hey what was your thought not me I'm a st. Paul for not telling us because if he had told us with specificity what the thorn was he says my ex-wife it was whatever I don't know or my eyes some people say was lies he said it was that and if you have perfect vision you wouldn't relate Paul said I will keep my thorn anonymous so that no matter the thorn no matter the pain no matter what you're facing you will be fully confident that my grace is sufficient but no matter what your thought is they focus on the thorn or you can focus on the grace it's about our closing here today in here today yeah I'm talking to the men but everybody can relate to this today in here today you be so honest to say you know what I a bit focusing on the wrong message of the thorn [Music] listen to the enemy today I need to just flip the cardboard around and rested the grace guess she would hit about other clothes so that's me I've been focusing on the wrong message I think six on his grace shoe Jesus it's up to him right when you are asleep it upsets me this way I've been focusing on the wrong message yeah fans are going on its devout austere clothes in hit a day and you have never given your life fully to God enemy keeps reminding you of all your mistakes are your flaws you say today I need a transformation you know Paul was a killer got transformed one of the greatest writers of the New Testament it's about how to close the day and you've never given your life to Jesus and you know you know you need that transformation you need to invite him into your life I'm telling you you have no idea who could be blessed by your testimony because I'm telling you somebody will look at you and say if God can change somebody like you I know you can touch me especially would you lift up your hand today sani to surrender my life to him I know I am NOT round supposed to be with him again she would just lift up your hand all over this place today thank you Jesus thank you God his old man should be no man should be so bold and so brave and if you don't like this part just like something's man I'm sure the Indigo's trying to be in their mind tell them don't go out there don't tell your story because it knows you're on the verge of your breakthrough if not other clothes you lift up your hand for either one of those I don't if it's just one person because you'd be worth it today I count to three I just want you to get out of your seat and come to this altar we're gonna pray with you we're going to fix our eyes the beauty of this grace when I count to three if you lift up your hand you should have I want you to come one this is your moment to come on this is between you and your God three would you come when you come wherever you are from the balcony to the front to the side if you lifted up your hand for either one of those I want you to come come on church can we celebrate those that are coming either right now come on come on come on come on come on this is your moment come on this is your day oh come on church you can do better than that can we give Jesus and praise today come on every you arm come on come on come on come on don't stop clapping until they stop coming come on come on come on come on looking at the grace looking at my Savior come on anybody else yeah come on come on thank you Jesus thank you God His grace is sufficient the grace is about hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah anybody else anybody else hallelujah can we all over this place lift up our hands just as a sign of surrender specially those you at the front don't worry about anything anybody else until I get the only one in here I just want us to pray this prayer give you the words but you say it's a go hard but you say it is they do Jesus thank you so much to die on the cross getting up on the grave for me would you gotta so lucky get up thank you for being a perfect father so perfect you took my place Jesus today I surrender I invite you in wash me clean make me new I'm not focusing on the thorn focusing on the grace this moment for all I am is yours in Jesus name Amen amen come on can we give our God that because handclaps of praise oh come on you can do better than that can we give God some praise today so we celebrate these amazing men who are trophies of God's powerful grace Holly you you
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 88,949
Rating: 4.8820195 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Guest Speaker, Robert Madu
Id: ev5eZs6qzwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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