Robert Madu "Mother's Day"

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[Music] good morning church family are you glad to be in God's house today come on if you're glad to be in this house would you give them some praise in here do you help me thank God for our pastor and the mother of this house for who they are come on you can do better than that I'm so thankful for the gifts God has given us and pastor Jimmy Becky Hennessy and it's been pretty amazing to watch his life and his leadership on display and and I'm excited to preach we honor every mom all the ladies in the place with style and grace in fact can the ladies stand to your feet I want us one more time to celebrate all the women come on fellas can we make some crazy noise y'all can do better than that come on ladies remain standing and in fact in fact guys let's join her we're gonna jump straight to the Word of God today and look at you in church in the second service either you love Jesus or your mama said look it's my day you come into church so I'm glad to see your face in the place and there's nothing like having a microphone so I want to use CERP a point of personal privilege and thank God for my mother and the mother of all of my children I want to thank God for Evelyn Madhu and for Taylor Madhu who are in the house today would you help me celebrate my mom and my wife love y'all so much and this is gonna be good let's go to John chapter 2 today it'll be good animal get you to lunch right on time John chapter 2 we're gonna start at verses 1 and land at verse number 11 and when you're ready to read it say yeah if you need a little bit of time say hold up well it's on the screen so come on you you're ready look what it says it says on the 3rd day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples and when the wine ran out the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine and jesus said to her woman what does this have to do with me my hour has not yet come if you ever needed proof that Jesus was the son of God that's your proof right there verse 4 John chapter 2 because Jesus is the only man I know to look at his mama and say woman and be able to finish their sin okay so just positive that he had transcendent power he said my hour has not come at his mother said to the servants do whatever he tells you now there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification each holding twenty or thirty gallons and Jesus said to the servants fill the jars with water and they filled them up to the brim and he said to them now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast so they took it when the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine and did not know where it came from though the servants who had drawn the water knew the master of the feast called the bridegroom and said to him everyone serves the good wine first and when people that had drunk freely thinned the poor wine but you have kept the good wine until now this the first of his signs Jesus did at Cana in Galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him can you say Amen come on that's good stuff that's good stuff I want to preach to you today not long but just using this as a subject a Mama's recipe for a miracle a Mama's recipe for a miracle would you help me preach look at your neighbour whichever one you like the best get in their face get in their personal space come on look at them you know I can see you and say neighbor come on tell them neighbor I don't know where you're going for lunch but you need to know there's a recipe for a miracle come on if you believe it you've got some praise in here let's pray that you can sit down long prayer long prayer god you're awesome speak today amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord a Mama's recipe for a miracle I am a terrible cook let's just start with self disclosure I I do not know my way around the kitchen in fact we been living in our home about a year now I have not cut on our oven one time not one time I don't even know where the on button is I am a terrible terrible cook as a matter of fact to call me a terrible cook would actually be a compliment like about to cook something presented to you and then you were to eat it go oh that is terrible I would not be offended I wouldn't be offended I would be too busy celebrating that I was actually able to conjure up something for you to try I don't cook I don't even possess the culinary capability to create something that is palatable okay and my daughter even knows this my four-year-old daughter knows this true story the other day she said daddy how come when mommy leaves and you watch us you only make peanut butter toast I said cuz you're bad consistent be thankful some kids don't have peanut butter toast okay I'm a terrible cook I don't bake I don't batter I don't even grill like any men in the house like you know how to grill hey you hear that so proud when did grilling and masculinity become synonymous like okay I'm a man I'll make grips so I'm a man I'll make reservations okay I know how to cook and don't have this ability and I'm cool with it that's what's crazy I'm so cool with it like I have a birthday next month and the older I get the more I'm just comfortable with my liabilities of my assets okay I'm not a cook I'm a communicator so if you need a sermon I'll let you boy you need a souffle I made a call Rachael Ray or something because I don't know but I should be able to cook I should be able to cook especially not from scratch but especially if I had like a recipe a recipe is the magic of cooking because of recipe in a simplest form is really just ingredients and instructions and if you got the right ingredients and you followed the instructions you should be able to produce the results of the recipe right like like my mom she's here today I love my mom and she makes an incredible phenomenal banana bread like my mom can throw down this she's been making it for years and I was preparing this mess I said mom can you give me the recipe for your banana bread and he's this is it right here no you can't have the recipe and and and I was looking at it early I was like you up is ingredients and instructions I was like I can make this Sami come on it's just ingredients in instructions you got a butter in here it got sugar you have the butter at room temperature I like my room at like sixty degrees so I'm sure that's what that is you got flour you got ripped bananas right but whatever okay tomato tomahto I can make this banana bread right Yeah right come on you know what I know you know I could get all of these ingredients I could go to sprouts or Whole Foods I could get the best of all of these ingredients I'm talking about organic gluten-free keto friendly bananas I could get every agreed I could follow this recipe to the T but I would not be able to produce this banana bread I need more than the recipe if I'm gonna get the results of this banana bread how many know I need relationship I need my mama I'm not the caller and tell her tell me how to mix this together I know it says three eggs but tell me when to put the eggs in I don't know how to do show me I know it says 30 minutes in the oven but show me how to do that thing where you look at the oven ago it's already now I've gotta lean into the resources of the relation ship cuz I'm a terrible terrible cook and some of y'all are judging me right now you're like Robert please give me the recipe and I'll produce it without the relationship and maybe you could but I know that I am a terrible cook I need the relationship and I need the recipe because I'm a terrible cook can I make another confession I'm not just a terrible cook I'm terrible at forgiveness I'm terrible at loving my neighbor as myself I am terrible at turning the other cheek so are you I am terrible at love joy peace patience I'm terrible at righteousness I am terrible at holiness and you would think I would be good because after all how many know I have the recipe as a matter of fact you got the recipe you got a whole cookbook with 66 books in the recipe but why can't you produce the results of the recipe because you know what I know you know you need more than the recipe you need a relationship with somebody who is the personification Oh the recipe you need Jesus that's why we need him not just the recipe we've got to lean into the resource of the relationship that comes with Jesus Christ everything I told you is John chapter 1 John chapter what this is why he says in the beginning was the word in the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us because for years we had the recipe we had the law but the recipe was not enough we needed the relationship because if you try to produce the results of the recipe without the relationship then you're a Pharisee the Pharisees thought they could produce the results of the recipe without the relationship but they forgot you are terrible at righteousness you cannot produce the results of the recipe without the relationship in fact religion is trying to produce the results of the recipe without the relationship yes it's dangerous when you do that if you try to produce the results of the recipe without the relationship you don't be like the young lady who got married and she was trying to impress her husband after they got married and cook her mama's famous meatloaf and she cooked the meatloaf and she did like her mama prepared and she got the meatloaf she marinated it and after marinating it before putting in the oven she took a knife she chopped off both edges of the meatloaf her new husband sees her with an iron and goes why did you cut off the edges up the meatloaf that's the best part she looked at him and said I don't know it's the way my mama makes her meatloaf fast forward to Christmas a few months later her mom's in the kitchen of course making you know meatloaf and her mama marinates the meat low takes a knife cuts off both edges of the meatloaf and the daughter goes hot Oh mom why do you cut off the edges of the meatloaf my mama looked at her with the same bewilder looked at the daughter head and said sweetheart I don't know this is the way your grandmama makes the meatloaf so both on the look back and say granny can you come here and here comes granny walking into the kitchen granny why in the world do you cut off the edges of your famous meatloaf when you make it granny looked at them I said well sweetheart my pan was too small I didn't have but one pan that's why I cut it off then let me go watch my soap opera so for two generations wasted things trying to keep the tradition of a recipe without understanding Revelation that can only be garnered from a relationship this was the Pharisees problem this is religions problem you'll cut people in the name of the recipe and chop people and even today in the church you got not just church hoppers you got church choppers who think it is their responsibility to shut people in the name of the recipe but you're going to lean into the relationship and know that we serve a God who is full of grace and truth who is full of righteousness I think today in the church I'm preaching better than y'all are talking I think I think we need less chopping more dancing because our entire text may in John chapter 2 it starts with a dance it starts with John chapter 2 starts like this because the Bible says Jesus he's at a wedding not just the weddings at a wedding party a Jewish wedding that where the reception in the party would last seven days you thought your ceremony was long seven days and there was dancing so here's the question I want to pose for you today seven day wedding Jesus at the wedding what do you think Jesus was chilling at the dinner table but on the dance floor some of you think dinner table because that's the God you think you serve you like him never you wouldn't in no way shape or form he on that dance for now he was there praying and interceding for his assignment that was caught no I submit to you maybe your God not my God my God was on that dance floor with his disciples with his homies getting it and all that dance I can you see Jesus at the dance part with his disciples just talking about walking on that dance floor just talking about just time [Music] [Applause] but thought if you're sure this hey come on [Music] dan Jansen how I wanted to play that for you religious people today I had to I had to I had to almost didn't do anything to it first service I had to and let me tell you why there's a method to my madness because some of you the only image you have of your Savior is him on a cross dying and he did but he did more than that and because your only image of him is him dying no wonder you think Christianity is about looking constipated I'm like you've been sucking on lemons all day no wine is a metaphor for joy and he's trying to show you that I'm not just a savior that died I'm also a savior that dance God that knew he was going to the cross I said I still got to get on this floor kids electric slide real quick real quick need to get a full perspective of who your God is she's on the dance floor just dancing but as he's dancing all of a sudden he looks up from the dance floor and sees his mama across the room she's going Jesus come here all of a sudden Jesus looks at his mama stops dancing and all of a sudden he has what I call a Christological conundrum because he looked at his mama who summons him and says come here Jeff understand was going on in the mind of the Messiah because he is fully God and he is fully man theologians called the hypostatic Union he is fully God fully man not just a good man he is a God man God in flesh divinity and humanity so his mom says come here and divinity is looking at her thinking woman do you know who I am I am the preeminent pre-existent incarnate all-seeing all-knowing a mission omnipotent powerful God from everlasting to everlasting I am God I am God and beside me there is no other at the mention of my name every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that I am God I raise people up I bring them down I say let there be and it is everything I speak must come into existence I am the one who is who was and who is to come I am God and beside me there is no other I created that little finger that you weigh that had me Mary please don't get it twisted I brought you in this world take you out divinity is saying all that but Humanity is looking at his mama going oh come here and humanity is going if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy let me see what my mama wants and I want to pause right here really shift gears because I want you to see that there's so much revelation in this text and there's a myriad of things that we actually could extrapolate it from it but if we could reduce the turning of the water and the wine to just two things its significance to two things it would be this this is Jesus initial miracle and this miracle was instigated by his mom this is the first miracle and mama started it so since first matter in the Bible I'm wondering if we're not just looking at the first miracle but perhaps you're looking at a prototype for all miracles that perhaps Mary just instigated something that actually gives us a recipe for every miracle that God will manifest in your life I want to give you the recipe to that you picked a good day to come to church I want to give you four ingredients and it is the Mother's Day miracle that I actually have points okay give you four ingredients four ingredients that make up the recipe of a mama's miracle before I give you the first ingredient I found it intriguing think about this the at this wedding is family friends guests the who's who of Cana Jesus is there the disciples are there wait for it the wedding planner is there but only a momma could see they are running out of wine only a momma and all those people have the vision to see look at all these people walking in and look at the barrels going down she could see the problem Mary gives us the very first step to every miracle God will manifest in your life you must first see the problem see the press you can't see it the miracle will not manifest in your life Mary was the only one that can see in that just like a momma that why everybody else is dancing she's looking at gone they are running out of wine this is a problem I don't think just mamas have this gift I think women in general y'all have this gift to just see things that nobody else can see guys we are just dumb okay but ladies have super natural x-ray vision there's any young guys in here and you're dating somebody and you want to marry here let me give you a little bit advice bring her around your mama you got a good mama just bring her around your mama because she can see things that you won't be able to see that girl could come out the car your mama will go uh-uh next so mom I don't even tell you how they are next the problem this is the first step to every miracle can you see the problem now running on a wine might not be a problem to you some of you think the problem is that they had wild at the wedding like I cannot believe this is in the Bible but in a biblical context to run out of wine would have been the apex of humiliation this couple would have been completely embarrassed and Mary was able to see the problem can you see your problem I'm wondering if the miracle that has not yet manifested in your life is directly connected to your inability to see the problem so you're like Robert how dare you say of course I can see the problem that's why I leave the miracle because I can see the problem trust me next point I am fully aware of the problem did you see my facebook post I know the problem I don't need glasses to see the problem you see that's the problem problem with us we don't know our problem and sometimes the miracle you need the most is the one you notice the least can you see what the problem like some of you think the miracle you need is a financial breakthrough and some of you do need that and God is willing and is able to give it to you but some of you the miracle you need is not a financial breakthrough what you need is your high level of insecurity to be broken down because as long as your insecurity keeps allowing you to define yourself about what you drive where you live and how much money is in your bank account no amount of monetary gain will ever fix the broken hole of insecurity that you have in your soul so the miracle you need is not monetary gain you need a mentality change you need God to renew your mind so you can know I am my beloved and he is mine my worth is not predicated upon how much money I made it is predicated the fact that Jesus paid the ultimate price for me on the cross that's my value can you see your problem I'm gonna stay right here on Mother's Day your problem is you think it's a problem to see a problem like you think life is supposed to be perfect and sunshine all the time you're supposed to float in the room can I tell you this shine and all the time that is a desert okay some stuff is just a season of life you don't need to pray it away don't fight it away is just a see some stuff it's just parenthood hello some stuff is just marriage some stuff is just manhood some stuff is just womanhood come on all the ladies over 50 make some noise come on some stuff you don't need to pray about you'll need a fast just get a fan head on menopause is just it's it's only for Mother's Day uh can you see the problem if you can't see the problem you can't receive the miracle God needs to open up our eyes to actually see what is my problem Mary says they have no more wine once he notices oh they have no more wine she'd go straight to Jesus Jesus they have no more wine she doesn't go to Costco no Oberer eats soon she says there's no more wine she goes oh this is a job for Jesus and she goes straight to him go straight to Jesus she's giving us the second ingredient not only is it important for you to see the problem you also have to seek the power gotta seek the power Mary knew that Jesus was the only one that had the power to manifest in a moment something that would usually take years she knew that Jesus was the only one that had the power to produce in a moment what would usually take years I'm telling I wrestled with this text I don't know why in the world God chose to use a wine in the first miracle I don't know why in the world he did it I don't even know I'm not biblically as stood enough to know if this text is actually endorsing drinking I don't know okay I don't know that okay and if you have questions about please come and see pastor Hennessy I don't know I don't know I do know that why running out was not that pressing of a need even in that context I mean yeah the couple would have been embarrassed but come on it would have gotten over it this signal blind I this in the deaf ear isn't a woman with an issue of blood this isn't death or resurrection either is just they were going to be embarrassed maybe God is even teaching us something about his power doesn't even just care about the big miracles that we need in our life but do you know your God loves you so much he cares about the tiniest detail of your life other people don't think it's a big deal he cares about at that test that some junior higher in here is about to take in a few weeks he cares that you're stressing about it he cares about your little parking spot that you want to get sometimes his power is not just for cancer and big things his power is in the tiniest of details maybe you used wine because wine takes time wine takes time you can't just go get wine you have to wait for the vineyard to produce the grapes and once it's produced the grapes you must crush the grapes and then once the Great's have been crushed then you have the wine if there is no crushing then there is no why yeah wait a minute he he knew she knew that he could create something in a moment that would usually take years is there anybody here that can testify that there's something in your life that God did in a moment that you know oh come on you know would have taken years to produce oh come on here don't act like your is anybody here to say I know something in my life that God did in a moment that would have usually take years this is what our God does because wine takes time you gotta get the grapes crush the grapes if there is no crushing there will be no drinking no cool now I know why he responded to the way he responded to Mary wine takes time so no wonder when Mary rose up to him and says they're out of wine you listener says woman it is not my coz wine so what she said a wise woman it is not my because wine he wasn't being disrespectful to his mama that was just a deity speaking okay his humanity knew that at the wedding they were running out of wine and that it was the groom's responsibility in that time period to produce the wine so the reason we have John chapter two is because this dude this nameless groom he failed it was his responsibility to make sure it was enough what the groom failed and without the wine there is no wedding his humanity knows that but his deity is looking at this wedding and going wait a minute there is another wedding that will take place and there is another bride and there is another groom so that means it is my responsibility to produce the wine and my wand cannot run out my wand has gotta be enough everybody my wand has gotta reach to the highest mountain it's gotta flow down to the lowest Valley my wand has got to be able to give you straight from day today okay y'all not shout because you missed it you don't know what the wine is you remember in the upper room he said this bread is my body but this wine it represents my blood and I'm so thankful for the blood of Jesus power he says my wine has got to be enough so he's understanding if I reveal my glory in this moment I'm setting myself up on a trajectory from my wand to be spilled out and my wand did not run out it's got to cover the sins of the entire world so he says woman it's not my time worship team join me make the sound more spiritual this is what I found strange because after Mary says they're out of wine wine takes time she seeks the power she saw the problem she turns from Jesus the Bible says to the servants and then goes to the service that says do whatever he tells you to do she sees the problem she seeks the power out of wine woman is not my time she turn she turns from Jesus and then goes to the catering crew whose bowties are crooked he says hey do whatever he tells you to do she turns from the Son of the Living God who has power in his hand to some Busboys and says hey do whatever he tells you to do Mary what in the world do these servants have to do with the manifestation of this miracle do you know your God help me no he did not need this be service to produce wine oh come on he could have put I Dream of Jeannie and just wiggled his nose and why would a manifest that he didn't need these servants to produce the wine she's given us the third ingredient don't just see the problem don't just seek the power Mary goes if a miracle is gonna manifest I've gotta speak to the participants I've got a speak to the participants who else but Mary who else but a mama knew that although God has the power to create a miracle somebody else is gonna have to carry it who else but a mama who thirty years ago when an angel visited her and said Mary some crazy is about to go down you're gonna become a mom and you're never gonna know a man and she said let it be to me according to your word that's why she said to whatever he tells you to do Mary learn something in the 30 years she had a history with Jesus - no as crazy as it sounds do whatever he tells you to do if any miracle God is gonna manifest in the earth he will need your participation he's got the super super you've got the natural and I'm wondered a are you believing for a miracle that you won't even participate in he needs your participation some of you God wants to heal a relationship but you're gonna have to send the text you're gonna have to set up the meeting for the lunch he wants to heal that fracture relationship mom but you might have to be the one that says I'm gonna reach out one more job he does want to give you the miracle of a man boo-boo he does but you might have to get some hair rollers out of your hair and actually come out of the house and go meet some other available individuals you gotta meet your participant hello this God needs us to participate in the miracle he needs you who always ask your participation Mary speaks the participants he says do whatever he tells you to do the Bible says Jesus tells the servants you see those stone vessels bring that stone vessel of water this is straight from Israel that we ship this in today not true but would have been also because the fourth and final ingredient we don't get from Mary we actually get from the servants see the problem seat the power speak to the participants God want you to participate in the miracle but the final step is when Jesus tells the servants feel those stone vases with water and they filled it to the brim I love these servants they went all out and then he tells them I want you to draw some draw the water and they tells him go present it to the master of the feast pastor would you be the master of the feasts for me he says I want you to present it to the master of the feasts in essence he told him the fourth ingredient of the recipe says I just want you to scoop and pour don't you see the problem don't just seek the power don't just participate I need your participation but here's what I need your participation for I need you to scoop and pour and how many know it does not take faith to feel this or water that don't take for it takes obedience but now faith it doesn't even take faith just scoop it take faith to scoop but you want to see what faith looks like faith is to take what you know is water and walk over on the word he gave you and why you walking is still looking [Music] okay okay okay okay [Music] okay even when the situation trust you [Music] go [Music] positive punished and that can is not your responsibility to change the molecular structure of water - why oh you can do scoop and pour said God it doesn't even look like it's gonna come to pass I still got the fear I still got the anxiety but I'm gonna scoop and I'm calling poor I haven't got the answer yet it still looks like water but I got a scoop gonna put what else can I do I don't have the power to turn the situation around I cannot turn the water to wine all I can do a scooping foreign port every miracle has a scoop and pour le man I'm telling you every sermon I've ever preached was just stupid and poor you should hear the mind games that goes on in my head before I get up saying this is dumb this is the worst sermon ever they're gonna walk away and say man we should have skipped ink on a cracker barrel but all I'll do is just go Kippur wait a minute we've seen this recipe before remember when there are some people who wanted some food remember there was ten thousand plus people that were hungry and their souls needed satisfaction and one of the sciples could see the problem yeah that's a lot of people and we don't have anything to feed of a lot of a sudden nothing they just see the problem they took the little boy they had a little lunchable and he said let's take what we have and let's give it to the one who has the power and he took it and he blessed him and he broke him and all of a sudden as he dispersed it to them to participate as the disciples participate in the miracle they would hand out the bread and as they handed it out it became what they needed this is Mama's recipe for miracle I believe the same God that manifested miracle for them today is willing and able to do it for you scoop just pour let him change the circumstance she don't have a power to change and asks every head bowed every eye be closed all over this place today Chile believe this is a word for somebody in this house I don't know where you are in the recipe there's four instructions for ingredients somebody today I believe God wants to give you the miracle of seeing the actual problem opening up your eyes to see that the addiction is not really the problem [Music] the affair is not the problem the miracle needs to happen is in your heart didn't know and you're loved by a god you're his child somebody thank God want you to seek the power your back is against the wall Mary knew there's nowhere else I can go there is no grocery store somebody in here the doctors told you there's no other way and your back is up against the wall that God just has your faith in the fitness room because he's trying to show you I am the one that has the power seek me somebody goes asking you to participate in the miracle you're not waiting on God he's waiting on you somebody in here today you scooped you filled it but don't stop walking just because you still see water in the picture scooping poor heads about our clothes but if you're here today and be so honest to say man this is for me I need this I need to respond to order would you lift up your hand just high enough and long enough to work and see it just as a response saying goddesses this is my word one of those hit you thank you lift it up put it right back down thank you Jesus heads are still bad also still close if you're here today and you've never surrendered your life to Jesus maybe you've been trying to get the results of the recipe without the relationship but you wonder why you keep failing because you cannot fix yourself you cannot be a good person you can try but you're going to get to the end of yourself you need not just the recipe you need a relationship with a real living Savior if you're here today you'd be so on to say you know I need to give them my life today maybe need to rededicate recommit your life to Him FSU would you just lift up your head high enough long enough to where I could see it yeah I see those hands thank you Jesus here's what I want to do um I know this is a Mother's Day but even as I was praying earlier somebody's prayer is for mama to encounter God some Mama's prayer is for a child of a friend for your life to be changed that's the gift that you want so here's one of them to do if you lift up your hand for either one of those saying you know what one of those parts of the recipe hit me or I need to give my life to Jesus when I count to three without embarrassing you this is to empower you when I count to three I just want you to get out of your seat and get to this altar I believe God is gonna do something powerful in this moment don't let the enemy a lot of you make you think oh that's stupid you're gonna look dumb walking down there no the miracle is in you pouring and walking with each step those servants but building faith if you're here today and you lifted up your hands for either one of those and saying you know I don't need to respond when I count to three I just want you get out of your seat and come to this altar 1 this is your moment to your Savior loves you 3 would you come come I don't care if you're in the balcony in the front row besides I want you to come and you're gonna hear is church family celebrating as people are coming come on this is your day this your show called my couple this is the recipe for the miracle couples come on church can we give God some praise for those who are covered for at home [Music] cause in your home [Music] [Music] my Papa Jesus not by anybody on fire Spirit God sent your spirit God [Music] just wait a few more moments scoop and porn I feel I need to say it again it's not your job to change the water to wine you can't do it anyway why don't you just trust them and say god I'm gonna pour out this prayer one more time I'm gonna pour out all I'm a poor my fear I'm gonna put up high anxiety trusting that you'll do the miracle anybody else anybody else thank you God thank you God I want some friends standing behind all those are the alter if we can if you're saved and not the faro you can you can calm those are the front row which are hands lifted just pray this prayer I'm gonna give you the words when you just say it from your heart fact let's all say it is one big family you just pray this prayer say dear Jesus thank you so much the dear God that does miracles or thank you you care about the details of my life so Lord today I'm asking you open my eyes help me see the miracle I need the miracle I really made Lord today I declare you have all power [Music] Jesus I will participate in the miracle you're doing in my life and lord give me the strength and the trust to scoop and to pour from this moment forward all that is yours in Jesus name come on somebody give God the best praise that you got today oh come on you can do better than that would you give Jesus praise in this place Mama's recipe for a miracle those are at the front if you would like some personal prayer there's some friends that are here that I'll pray for you and here's what I love too if you just want to stay here the worship team will play you just want to stay here and just rest in God's presence and you don't have plans we don't have to rush out you're open to do that also I want to let you know that if you made a decision if you prayed a prayer of salvation for the first time maybe hold on please please don't leave I promise you about to dismiss if you prayed that prayer even from your seat would you do us a favor and just text new life two four six nine six two zero eight seven seven seven we're not gonna bombard you we just want to have a record and help you about what the next step is to the rest of you may the Lord bless you keep you causes face to shine upon you give you grace and peace now and forevermore have your Mother's Day everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 26,035
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu
Id: FJtEt7xi1nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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