Robert Madu "Questions Answered"

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[Music] would you give Jesus the biggest hand clap of praise today oh come on that's a cheap golf clap could you give Jesus a praise today come on can you express your appreciation to the choir and the worship team for just the presence of God oh come on you could do better than that did you thank God for being a good morning Trinity Church are you glad to be in the house of God today come on if you know me you know I'm not just excited I'm red bull excited and express so elated especially on this particular Sunday this is a special day the special day because I've always wanted to be able to teleport and to be in three different places at once and that's happening today because how many you're glad I'm not just here we are at the fair Meadows campus we're at the Waxahachie campus right now come on can we just welcome everybody from every campus come on so those of you that are at home got your bathrobe on you're watching wherever you are we believe that God's presence is gonna reach you and I'm telling you I woke up my right toe was tingling cuz I feel like preaching today I've got a word from God if you've been with us on this journey you know we're in a series and I am series we've been looking at the statements of Jesus and I really believe this word is gonna bless you if it doesn't bless you I'll say what I always say you got to come back next week Pasadena see we'll be back next week and he will fix whatever I Jack up today okay so it's gonna be good would you stand with me to honor the reading God's Word I'm gonna jump straight into it are you ready to be responsive to the Word of God today you know you have free reign throughout this message to if anything is resonating with you you can say man you can say preach that that was good just stand up in the middle and go whoo that was for me you stand up in the middle go oh that was for you for real doesn't work just don't get quiet on me across any campus and I want us to look at two passages of Scripture today I want to look at Genesis chapter 3 verses 8 through 11 and I also want to look at John chapter 14 verses 1 through 6 now before we read this let me just give a quick little disclaimer of it's just gonna help us with our journey it's really imperative for you to understand that the Bible the Bible is not a collection of stories from which we just extract random principles to make your life better or something that you can tweet and put on your Instagram the next reality the Bible is a single story of how God created the earth what got messed up and what he did to redeem it in fact I can give you the Bible in three words creation devastation restoration he made it we messed it up and he is now redeeming that he has redeemed and will continue to redeem it so that's just really gonna help us on our journey today all right Genesis chapter 3 verses 8 through 11 starting at verse 8 and it says when they heard Adam and Eve heard the sound of God strolling in the garden in the evening breeze the man and his wife hid in the trees of the garden hid from God ooh in that funny how many know God another person you want to play hide-and-go-seek with it says God called to the man where are you he said I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hear God said who told you you were naked did you eat from that tree that I told you not to eat from John chapter 14 verses 1 through 6 first one of John 14 says don't let your hearts be troubled trust in God and Trust also in me there is more than enough room and our fathers home if this were not so what I have told you that I'm going to prepare a place for you when everything is ready I will come and get you so that you will always be with me where I am and you know the way to where I'm going no we don't Lord Thomas said you got a lover Thomas Thomas is good cuz you know all the rest of disciples like our classic church people Jesus a the statement they're like yes yeah yeah we know the way Tom's like oh we don't know where you going we have no idea what are you talking about you always talk in riddles don't nobody understand the words that have come out of your mouth of Jesus Jesus told him I am the way the truth and the life no one can come to the Father except through me can you say Amen I want to preach today not long from East and we're gonna pray not long not long probably about six and a half hours just using this using this as a title questions answered questions answered come on let's pray father thank you for your word got to thank you there's not a person at any campus that's here today by accident they're here by your divine providence speak to us today and let us leave different than the way that we came in somebody loves Jesus say a man say a man again you may be seated in the presence of the Lord questions answered are there any married people in the house today there are people that come on let's listen let's all do it if you're married would you just make some noise real quick I'm talking about now the single people are mad at me because you're like Robert that's not right you just singled us out no single people I did not sing to you out actually helped you out helped you out because if there's anybody in your proximity that you have interest in and they did not just make noise after this service after the service you can go up to them and say hey Valentine's Day is Wednesday and there was no reason either one of us should be eating alone she just helped you out my wife and I tell her we have been married now for five years the marriage for five years and every man in here if he's honest will tell you that he remembers the moment that he mustered up the courage the nerve the audacity the unmitigated gall to ask a woman to spend the rest of her life with you come on fellas that is a long jump from first grade when you thought girls had cooties okay I I vividly remember my proposal I remember like it was yesterday I took my wife Taylor I took her to the ice sculpture exhibit at the Gaylord Texas took her to the ice sculpture exhibit and then we all were perusing through the ice sculpture exhibit and little did she know that I had them carved out in ice will you marry me so we're going through the exhibit and we got to the place I was so nervous it was cold but I'm still sweating and we get to the place where the sculpture is right behind her will you marry me and I did what every man does when he's talking to a woman that he's in love with I drop my voice real low and I said baby turn around she said Wow I said baby turn around she turned around and she saw carved out in ice will you marry me and then when she turned back around I was down on one knee with some more ice come on somebody help reach the deck and I asked her to be my wife spoiler alert she said yes she said yes and we've been married now for five years now while we were engaged we did something that I strongly recommend every engaged couple do we went to premarital counseling the premarital counseling premarital counseling is awesome premarital counseling is amazing simply because every man and every woman on planet Earth is crazy and you just got to figure out if they're crazy is the crazy that you want to wake up to every single day in fact some of the best marriage advice that I've ever gotten that I've ever gotten is from our very own pastor Tim Ferguson who told me one point Robert just picked somebody and deal with it okay that's the true story so what's a premarital counseling would appear out of counseling and I remember talking to the counselor I think we were encroaching upon our last session and I asked this amazing woman of God counseling for years has a great marriage I asked her like in the last session hey give me some more principles than anything else that has really helped your marriage be healthy I just had a few things that I'd heard before but then she said something that I've never heard in my entire life she said you know my husband and I it's been very helpful for us to have a schedule I said a schedule she said yeah she says you know life can get hectic and get busy and whatever gets scheduled gets done so you know we scheduled date nights and believe it or not we've been scheduled nights of intimacy now when she said that let me go third person for a moment the Robert that was in the room said oh a schedule hmm in that lovely but the Robert in my mind when she said that when are you serious us schedule you've got to schedule a date night with your us get why in the world would anybody have to ever schedule a you schedule a night of see ma'am I've been waiting 27 years for nights of intimacy it's on the schedule every day what in the world do you talk of us yet you got a we need to switch chance I don't need the counseling you knew that's what naive slightly narcissistic newly-engaged Robert thought okay fast forward five years later three kids under three later one demon-possessed dog later 1823 sleepless nights later four thousand seven hundred and eighty two diapers later ten thousand nine hundred and ninety nine toddler temper tantrums later I can humbly confess to you today that that counselor she was right she was what she was beyond right it's not just helpful to have a schedule a schedule is the only way you can survive the relentless vicious attack of your own offspring you got to have a spat o church family I'm not even being funny I'm not even being funny in the not-too-distant past we had our scheduled date night I'm scheduled date night and I told my parents to come over and watch our kids and just the thought of us putting on decent clothes and going to another establishment besides chick-fil-a was so exasperated that we pretended like we were leaving the house waiting for our kids to go to another room and then we came back in the house and silently and gingerly walk up the stairs and went to the bedroom and just laid down people that was date night we laid down I'm not talking the biblical sense like Abraham laid with Tara here's Isaac no we literally laid down look at the ceiling and just had no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper every child that rises up against me God will condemn I'm being honest those being honest with you people guess what dessert was his dessert we watch what we wanted to watch on TV okay I'm gonna say that again so people with little kids can shout we watched what we wanted to watch on TV yes what we wanted no Disney no Mickey no meaning no Elena no Sophia no Elsa Anna or Mohana we got control of our lives and we started with the remote control stay nice and being funny but in an interesting I mean interesting that the schedule that I want to ridiculed in a pre-medical premarital counseling session has now become something that I take very serious the schedule that I want scoffed at there's now something that is very present and real reality in my life now ladies and gentlemen this is the tenor this is the tone this is the text of John chapter 14 because let me set the stage for who Jesus is in the upper room he is with his disciples 11 of his closest disciples 11 because Judas the original hater he has already exited the room and back crowds are gone and the multitudes they've got their miracles and they've now dissipated it is just Jesus and his closest disciples and in less than 24 hours he is going to be incarcerated he's going to be mocked and humiliated his flesh is going to be lacerated as he hangs on a cross between two thieves left to suffocate in his own blood and how many know the disciples hearts were in complete turmoil at the thought of their saviors suffering which really begs the question why why are their hearts in turmoil how many you know Jesus impending death was not a surprise it was not a surprise he had been saying it from the beginning Jesus mission statement was very clear he said I'm gonna let you know why I'm here I am here to seek and save the Lost this is my purpose this is my assignment I am here to seek and save the Lost I'm not just here to be a good teacher I'm not just here to give you miracles I am here to seek and to save the law how many know his mission is still the same today he is here to seek and save the Lost that was his purpose but he made it very clear that the caveat for me saving the loss that I'm seeking is that I was died be resurrected and depart they knew that he was gonna die and leave them they knew it so why is your heart trouble that he's telling you that what I've been telling you is about to happen I think it's because every time Jesus discussed his death the disciples were just like naive and narcissistic newly-engaged Robert and every time he discussed his death they're like yeah right that's ridiculous Jesus who's gonna kill you we've seen the power that you have and all of a sudden what they once thought was ridiculous has now become a very present and real reality can we just talk for a moment today have you ever in one season of your life called something ridiculous and now it is a present reality mmm have you ever looked at something in one season of your life I said oh that will never happen and all of a sudden that never is happening so my child will never be on drugs oh no he's been to Sunday School he's on the a honor roll I'll have you know I got the bumper sticker but now it's a reality I'll never get a divorce are you kidding me John is he's my soul mate and something you once called ridiculous there's now reality and Jesus pierces right through their tears their fears their tension and he speaks a word watch this that ignites the embers of their roading hope and he says to them don't let your heart be troubled trust in God trust in me don't let your heart be trouble trusting God trust in me don't let your heart be troubled trust in God trust in me I don't know who I'm preaching to today but somebody came all the way to church just to get the simplicity of that scripture God's word for you today is don't let your heart be troubled trust in God trust in Jesus don't let your heart be troubled trust in God notice he does not say that you're not gonna have any trouble oh come on somebody that means just because you're a disciple that doesn't mean that gives you a visa or a pass on trouble as a matter of fact later he will tell them that I guarantee you you're gonna have trouble he says in this world you will have trouble but take heart because I've already oh Jesus gives us good news because he says I'm not saying the troubles not gonna come around you I'm just saying don't let the trouble around you get in you don't let it get in your heart don't let it get in your mind don't let it get in your spirit and end up the fight of your life to not let the trouble around you get in you come on I'll be honest that's why I come to church because I cannot let the trouble around me get in me that's why I need a word from God cuz I can't let the trouble around me get in me that's why I will lift up my hands and worship I'll get loud I don't care what you think about me you don't know the trouble that's going on around me stop the trouble Oh that's why I lift up his name because there's something about being in the presence of God that allows the trouble that's around you to navigate in you he says I'm not saying you're not gonna have trouble but just don't let the trouble around you get in view because if the trouble around you gets in you it's gonna take your trust oh he says tall that's your heart be troubled how many know when Jesus said that that was not a suggestion that was a commandment see this when my three year old has yet to grasp and comprehend that when mom and dad says don't do something we actually mean don't do it that is not a suggestion that is a commandment so watch this Jesus says I command you to not let your heart be troubled I command you to not be worried I command you to not be anxious I command it so if you're here today or watching any campus and something is troubling your heart this is what Jesus says stop it stop it now you laugh you laugh because let's be honest that is easier said than done I mean how in the world can I'll not let the trouble around me get in me Jesus I don't think you understand my current situation I'm about to lose my job and I'm already drowning in debt I'm not supposed to let that trouble my heart Jesus I just went to the doctor and they said the cancer is spreading in my body but I'm not supposed to let that trouble my heart Jesus I think you understand that person looked me in the eye and lied to my face and stabbed me in my back but I'm supposed to not let that trouble my heart Jesus that's impossible and he's girls I know he says it is impossible to not let the trouble around you get in you it isn't it you think that the trouble around you is not gonna get in you oh you and big trouble he said it is impossible unless you know that you were made for another world unless you know that this world is not your home listen to this the only way that you can not let the trouble around you to get in you is to know that this world is not your home that you are a citizen of another Kingdom that you have a place that he's already prepared for you Jesus that the cure for a troubled heart is the confident hope that I have that he's already prepared a place for me oh I have a place that my father has already prepared for me and the reason I'm not stressed out is because this earth is not my home the reason I'm watching the news and I'm not having a panic attack it's because this earth is not my home the reason I'm not worried and anxious it's because I know this earth is not my home it's not my home I have a home this earth is not my home if anything this earth is a hotel it's a hotel it's not my home it's just a hotel okay how many of you have ever stayed in a hotel anybody ever stay the hotel emcee here stayed in the hotel I uh I practically live in hotels I live in hotels many of you would know that my ministry is itinerate in for the last 13 years for about 30 weeks out of the year I'm in a hotel I'm traveling somewhere which is always funny because people will come up to me and they're like oh Robert it must be amazing to travel around the world and scale these places you can stay in hotels and remember somebody tells me that they'll let me know that they don't travel because the only people that think traveling is sexiest people that don't travel I'm called to do it I love it but I stay I stay in a hotel and I must humbly confess that I've never gotten to a hotel never got into a hotel and all my years of traveling and soon as I got to the hotel gone can I speak with the manager please ma'am sure before I check in I just want to know have all the light bills been paid at this hills him like I just need to know before I check in I don't want to go in my room and cut on the light and it never never worried about the light bill I'm never worried about the water bill at a hotel just cutting water going to take I'm not stressing about it I have never called a room service goal please get this burger up here real quick I don't want y'all to run out of food is my heart's not trouble you know why it's not my home it's not my home I have a home I have a place now that is not to say can I take the illustration further that is not to say that when I am in a hotel I live recklessly good I'll do whatever I want no because everywhere I go I represent the kingdom of God I represent the testimony of Jesus so I'm actually hoping that in the hotel I will change the atmosphere of the hotel I'm hoping that I will take what's in me and change what's going on in the hotel can I take the illustration further I have stayed in some raggedy hotels Oh some messed up hold some hotels and I was confident somebody got murdered in and the body was still in the room okay let me just tell you this cuz we're a family I'll never forget this was years ago this was years ago I was preaching at a church and this pastor dropped me off at this hotel this nasty hotel nasty hotel he dropped me off there and I just couldn't do it I just couldn't do it like the roaches in the hotel we're looking at me like you gonna stay here for real it was massive nasty hotels and and I called around and I found out that there was a hotel that was a little bit nicer just like five blocks down the street and so I was thinking oh I could just call that hotel make me a reservation and get out of this nasty hotel the problem I had is that the pastor was gonna pick me up that morning the next morning for church I was like oh it's gonna look kind of messed up if I switched hotels when he knew he dropped me off at the roach motel I'm gonna look bougie I'm gonna look stuck-up so that's not right I said well let me just let me just call my dad they call my father let me call my Nigerian father and ask him if it would look bad if I switched hotel worst phone call I have ever made in my entire life call me bad I said dad that got me in a raggedy hotel I said would it be bad if I switched hotels my father said to me which is always bad when it starts oh my what is this son I of course it will look bad if you switch hotels son you are just there for one night just one night if the Apostle Paul can be beaten and shipwrecked and keep for the gospel can't you stay in one raggedy hotel for one night just pick the gospel and come home okay stay there I endured the roaches I endured bad hotel because I realized I was just there for a night that wasn't home that wasn't home who can I take the illustration even further I have stayed in some amazing hotels something beautiful hook summer awesome who I'm talking about the hotels where the flowers in the lobby are changed every day I'm talking about hotels where the service is impeccable the food is sensational and the pools are palatial free tanning oil and I don't even tale but it's free I'm like this is hot give it time calm down awesome hotels amazing hotels that made me extend my stay stay a couple more days but can I be honest with you even in staying in the best hotels with the best service the best views after about six days in that hotel somebody knows what I'm talking about I wake up and go huh this is awesome this is cool great pool but I'm ready come on I am ready to go home I know it's not a designer couch of my house but at least is my couch I am ready to go oh why do we have this innate feeling to want to go home every human have you noticed that we are wired to know our wares we are programmed to have a place come on that song was right don't you want to go never seen an episode but I know that song go oh we need a place it is in our DNA to have a place come on that's why you sit in the same seat every Sunday yeah parked in the same parking spot and got an attitude when somebody else is in your spot god bless you even though you're my seat hahaha no it's fine I sit over here I only sit there every Sunday no it's fine it's fine let's go in it's funny we program to have a place I've seen homeless people homeless people get in fights over a curb of concrete homeless people get in fights over a curb of you ever seen a homeless person who's has their little spot and another homeless person comes Oh get ready for a war in those streets hey Jimmy you better move I've been standing here since 1973 homeless but still fighting over a place still fighting over their spot because it is in our DNA to have a place and the father knows this he says I have a place that I have prepared for you and the only way you can find a cure for a troubled heart is if you know that I have a place that I've already prepared for you what does he call this place he says it is the father's house the father's house is the place where what is the father's house I'll tell you quite simply the father's house is heaven heaven is a father's house if you're a student of the word you are acutely aware of the fact that the Bible uses a myriad of metaphors to describe heaven one place in scripture heaven is called a country because of its vastness another place in scripture heaven is called a city because it will have inhabitants another place heaven is called the kingdom because of God's order and his rulership another place on the cross Jesus calls heaven paradise because of its beauty and its wonder but here in the text he calls heaven watch this the father's house because watch this the father's house is about a family this is about a family that's what the father's house is it is a family that's what the body of Christ is called to be we are called to be a family this is the family reunion that you actually want to go to this is that's what heaven is going to be gonna be one big family reunion he said that's what my house is it is a family it's a family so guess what the text is actually subliminally suggesting to us that in the same way you don't get to pick your earthly family how do you know you don't get to pick who you think should be in the family of God come on somebody see this is what the disciples didn't understand see they thought that Jesus was just coming to redeem their people and he was gonna overthrow the Roman government and make them rulers and the kingdom was gonna be on earth he said you don't know what the father's house is about he said this is a big family he said I have all kinds of people in my family and you don't get to pick the people that you think should be in the family of God I'm thankful that God gets the final say on who gets to be in the family as a matter of fact I want to warn some of you you do know that it happened there's gonna be people that don't look like you who don't speak the same language as you that's why you may as well on earth hang out with people that are different than you so you don't get culture shot when you get to heaven preach Robert we got a family he says my family my house has several rooms there's room for you in the kingdom of God he says but there's one door several rooms there was room if you're a liar there's room if you're a cheater there's a room if you're an adulterer there's room if you're struggle with your sexual identity please believe there is room in the father's house there's a lot of rooms but there's only one door come on somebody give God some praise if you're feeling this word I got a hurry stay with me today because this I am statement is is intriguing because Jesus says I go to prepare a place for you in my father's house there are many rooms then he says you know the way you know the way to get to the house and Thomas as soon as he says that says ah no we don't know the way we have no idea how can we know the way so Jesus I am statement comes after a question that Thomas asked if Thomas would have never asked the question we'd have never gotten Jesus response that he is the way the truth and the life Thomas asked the question Jesus gave us a three-part response to one question what was the context of the text he's talking about home he's talking about a place that he's prepared for us and that got my mind thinking church cuz if he's talking about home and Thomas asked the question and Jesus gives a three-part answer to the question but he's talking about us going home got me thinking when did we lose home when did we lose home didn't humanity have a place before Genesis chapter 3 you remember God gave us a place Genesis 1 and 2 he created a place for Adam and Eve the original whole food market you remember he prepared a place for them they didn't stumble into Eden it was a place that was already prepared for them he prepared a place for them where the glory and the presence of God dwell they had a place humanity once upon a time we had a place how did we lose our place come on your Sunday School alumnus even save says your third trimester of your mother's pregnancy come on you know this Adam and Eve they took him forbidden fruit sin came into the world and we got evicted from our place and from that moment till today we have been Wanderers we lost our home because of what Adam and Eve did that's where we lost home and I got to thinking do you remember how God can hunted Adam and Eve after they were disobedient never how he confronted them he didn't yell at them he didn't go ha how could you you don't ever listen to me no he just asked them three questions three questions he asked Adam to confront him with his sin three questions he said Adam and Eve come in come here not like a policeman but as a gracious father he said come sit on the couch he said let's have post marital counseling post marital counseling is awesome post marital counseling is just as good as premarital counseling here's why every human every man every woman is crazy and you just got to figure out which crazy you want to wake up to every day they had a post marital counseling session and God asked them three questions before he evicted them from home you still with me three questions and if you ever go to a counselor cannot tell you what you're paying that counselor for you're not paying that counselor to fix you you're not paying that counselor to tell you how jacked up your spouse is you're actually paying that counselor to ask you questions that's what you're paying by the hour for that counselor to ask you the right questions so you can find the answer yourself so the counsel was saying how did that make you feel that's what you're paying for to ask you a question in God who is a wonderful counselor asked Adam and Eve three questions that I think is imperative and important for us to explore if we're ever gonna figure out how to get to the place that God has for us three questions I hope I don't bore you today but here's question number one question number one who was where are you that's the first question where are you now let's just set this straight how do you know when God asks a question the answer is not for him he knows the end from the beginning the answer is always for you question number one where are you Adam where are you obviously God is not talking about his physical location because if I look at you and say where are you I'm not talking about your physical location he was talking about Adam spirit Adam you have taken of something that has now disconnected you from my spirit where are you and this is the cosmic question that humanity must answer before you leave here on planet earth where are you what this speaks to the fact that we as humanity are lost we are completely lost you cannot find your way to God you don't know how to get to him you are completely lost let's be clear that is the spiritual state of man we are completely lost I know your testimony is I was so messed up but praise God I found Jesus great testimony just changed the language you didn't find Jesus because Jesus was never lost he found you come on somebody help me preach he is a God that seeks after us that rushes after us he has always been the great initiator you didn't find God he found you you spiritually are completely lost and until you know that you'll never receive what God has for you that we are spiritually lost you can't fix yourself you can't save yourself you are - hashtag jacked up where are you he is always the great initiator seeking after man the only reason you can say I found everyone's here it's because he sought after you he's a seeker he chases after us he chases after us where are you man is spiritually lost and we cannot find our way back to God we're lost where are you how many you like me you're directionally challenged I'm directionally challenged I struggle when I'm driving how many you use the maps app on your phone anybody use the maps app let me see you're here maps at how many to use Google Maps anybody use Google Maps okay first service anybody you still use a map scope you still just go oh so how do you how many you are like next level likely and you found this amazing app that will revolutionize your life called ways oh let me put you on game ways isn't amazing at ways tell you with specificity come to get to your look at ways will take you through somebody's living room to get you to your destination ways is omnipresent ways has power way will tell you police officer ahead ways will tell you there's a car five miles down the road on the side like ain't no car I mean ways will tell you of your breath things I'm telling you it's like your breath stinks you should put a gum yeah I mean tell me it's specific this is what God's saying I am you are lost that I am the app I am the only app that will get you home and not only can I get all of humanity home I'm knows more I know what it takes to get you specifically home I can tell you what you're facing I can tell you why you went through what you went through how many is thankful for God whose love is so specific he knows exactly what to do to get you that's what somebody is watching today because you have to watch because he knew that on this day I would have the right one for you get you home where where are you I got a hurry question number two well actually let's talk about Alan's response to the question he says well god I I heard your voice and I was afraid because I was naked so I hid that was his answer to where are you and when Adam answered that way he got two more questions Oh classic counseling session you give an answer to one question you get two more questions question number two who told you you were naked question number three did you eat of that tree still with the second question just for a moment who told you you were naked this might be the most loaded question God has ever asked of humanity who told you you were naked Adam you've always been naked why now do you think there's something wrong with the way that I created you Adam who told you you were naked that question reveals that when the fall happened here me Humanity experienced the five letter word for the first time that I believe is still assaulting believers today and that word is shame shame you want to know the biggest roadblock for people who are trying to get home shame shame is still assaulting believers today you would be shocked at the people in this room who don't feel God will ever love them or embrace them or accept them because they have so much shame shame about what you did shame about what you said shame about what's been done to you shame is the biggest roadblock on your the home for the first time ever humanity was self-conscious instead of God conscious but the first time ever no but they were at the house was so funny and my daughter Oh bust out the bathroom we had company and people over she burst out the bathroom she was taking her bath first not the bathroom but naked and come to the living broke pray for us and all of us left all of us left now studying this text and it was funny because she's a child she's innocent how do you know at 13 even at 7 I'm not gonna have to tell her don't do that she'll learn quite quickly how to cover up and hide ourselves where do we get that from the Garden of Eden and the Garden of Eden innocence was lost we lost who we were and since that time all of humanity has been hiding mmm hiding behind your job hiding behind your Instagram page hiding behind Facebook cuz we don't want anybody to see the real us who told you you were naked who told you that Adam you have now accepted a lie as truth I don't care who you are today everybody in here in some capacity is wrestling with the weight of a who told you who told you you were done who told you you were ugly who told you you were stupid who told you you would never be anybody who told you that somebody in here you're wrestling with the lie that you've accepted as truth and the only thing scarier than a lie is a lie that you have embraced this truth I feel like I'm preaching better you're talking I don't care if you don't say it man this there might not be a a man message today where are you speaks to the fact that humanity is lost who told you speak to the fact that we've been told to lie we've embraced in truth worship team join me question number three did you eat of that tree did you eat of that tree what was that tree you remember God said in the middle of the garden worst enemy doesn't make the sound a whole lot more spiritual if your place music behind me you remember in the garden God set two trees The Tree of Life treated the knowledge of good and evil he said you can eat from the tree of life he says don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and an evil disobedient viii of that tree and all of a sudden everything that's wrong with the world as a result of eating from one tree Oh have you ever thought about that that the world got jacked up every war every atrocity every pain came from one tree honey oh this tree should head like a force shield around it one tree messed up the entire world I'll take a deeper have you ever thought the entire world got messed up from this action right here that's what messed up the world that's what messed up the world that's why you're jealous of other people that's why you hate people that's why people get murdered just thank God come on but if you think that this is what messed up the world you're missing the forest for the trees because in every action there was an attitude behind that action any sin you commit with your hand first started in your heart so before even you mean when I know before Adam and Eve ever grabbed the tree with their hand a lie was lodged in their heart if he was the lie Satan said to them you will not die if you eat of that tree God knows that if you eat of it you will be like him knowing everything and when that lie got in their heart grabbing the fruit was just a byproduct what was the lie here's the line you can't trust God God's been lying to you to trust God is to miss out to believe God is to miss out on life notice he never tried to get them to deny who God was he never tried to get them to deny the Word of God or even his holiness he said I'm not saying he's not God I'm even saying that he's not holy I'm just saying he's not good and once that light gets in your heart that he is not a good good father how many know you won't trust him you won't search him you won't worship him you'll start to eat up that tree and say I know the better way I can do it the way I think I see Jordan every time you say give me liberty or give me death you actually get liberty and death the aid of the tree and everybody's heart is this lie is this lie that you can't trust God so we eat a bad tree what is that tree that tree is the tree of a Liberty that actually brings captivity that says I'm gonna do what I want to do I'm gonna sit myself on the throne of God so watch this where are you deals with the fact that we're lost who told you deals with the fact that we're all faced with the lie and did you eat of that tree deals with the fact that we all want our own liberty but in it funny how certain liberties actually bring captivity and you're stuck in your bondage and this is where humanity has been we are all spiritually lost we don't know where we are somebody has told a lie over your life and you've accepted that lie is true some of you in this room today you can't trust God because you think your ways are higher than his ways and your thoughts are better so you've eaten that tree and you've taken matters into your own and all of humanity is confused and perplexed and all throughout the ails of eternity people have been wondering how in the world do we get back to God that's what Thomas asked we don't know the way God John says yes you do know the way I know you don't know where you are but guess what [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the life Oh senses trusted somebody give God glory in this place that's who he is [Applause] come to me Thomas you think you don't know the way what you're looking at the way I'm right here in front of you I've been with you just come to me you realize you're spiritually lost you can't find your way I know you couldn't that's why I'm the way he said I know you've embraced the truth or rather a lie that you've accepted as truth who told you you weren't enough who told you that that's a truth that's not the truth there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus come on you are who God says you are know you're taking matters into your own hands cuz you thought his way wasn't the right way and it brought death but God says guess what if you if you go to another tree go to another treaty they'll give you eternal life that's every person in this place to stand to your feet on mass every head bowed and every hobby closed questions answered yes the question in Genesis gave an answer in John 14 three-part question and a three-part answer where are you on the way who told you that that's a truth it's not the truth I am the truth do you eat of that tree we having trouble trusting me you want to take matters into your own hand and you did and now it's brought death it's not too late I am the life of every single thing that you need a heads about hours of clothes all over this place today but I really believe there's three categories of people in here today some of you if you're honest and you check your spiritual condition you are spiritually dead you cannot find your way back to God you've been trying to fix yourself you wonder why you already failed at your new year's resolution because you can fix yourself you're not good at being good the moment you realized that that's when grace rushes into your life and you realize that it's not about what you do it's about what has been done for you you're Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross if it's about I was close to being here today and you'd be so honest to say you know what I know where I am I'm lost I need to surrender my life to Jesus but heads bowed eyes closed and nobody moving if you need to give him your life today when you just lift up your hair or say today's the day I'm drawing a line in the sand giving my life to Him Here I am I'm tired of playing hide and seek with you God you already know me giving you my life that she would just lift up your hand high enough long enough to I can see kids to about houses still closed maybe here today and you have surrendered your life to Jesus but you're struggling with identity you don't know who you are in Christ so you've already embraced Elias truth who told you that who told you you want to know you've got to reject that lied that you've embraced the truth and hold on to the truth who is Jesus in a day and you'd be so honest thing you know what I've I've embraced Elias truth but today through the word I realize I got a hold on the truth that is that Jesus I'm stepping into a new identity today no longer am i mistake no I am more than a conquerer he's got Oscar Peter today I just need to embrace feature feature she lifts up you're here today said that's me that's I received that part yeah it's too bad I suppose been here today you're eight of that tree that tree that says I want to take matters into my own hands [Music] it goes bright back to the opening line of the text don't let your heart be troubled trust in God that's what it's always about trusting him have this area of your life that you're struggling in today you say you know what God I'm tired of this producing death I'm gonna find life and trust in you then she would you just lift up your hand all over this place today can we all lift up our hands just as a sign of surrender today let's just pray this closing prayer repeat this after me I'm gonna give you the words you say it from your heart say dear Jesus thank you so much for making away when there was no way Jesus I know I am lost without you I need you coming to my life make me brand new from this moment forward I embrace your truth I reject the lie because I embrace the truth I can trust you for what's ahead and because I trust you I will find life because you are the way you are the truth and you are the life in Jesus name a man a man come on give God some praise all over this place today oh come on you can do better than what you get King Jesus and praise [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 67,341
Rating: 4.8643579 out of 5
Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Robert Madu, I Am
Id: iY9qDhHleQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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