How To Kill Raphael EASY METHOD - Baldur's Gate 3 Raphael Boss Battle (In-Depth Guide)

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all right guys welcome back to another Baldur's Gate 3 video so this is gonna be an interesting one so if you guys don't want to see any spoilers whatsoever stop the video right now and close your screens because we are gonna get spoiler heavy here in this video unfortunately so this area here is a side mission area I'll give you guys a couple of seconds to click off the video but if you've made it this far now if you guys would consider dropping a like on the video and consider subscribing to the channel it does help me out so let's cut to the chase guys this is basically if you bumped into Raphael and the area of act three in the uh kind of Brothel House area you will be given a task basically if you follow a couple of steps in the dialogue depending on what you choose if you refuse his offer you get a interesting twist to that Quest and I think it's one of the coolest boss encounters and side missions I've done in a game in a long long time and that's exactly where we are now so I did in fact refuse Raphael's offer in this playthrough and there's an option to come into hell of his basically where he lives his own Lair and infiltrated basically in Disguise and you will could be be capable of stealing the orphic hammer for yourself regardless of not taking his deal so the thing the big catch obviously is you are forced to fight Raphael and he is definitely not somebody you want to with I want to be honest with you guys this is one of the hardest boss battles in the game that I've come across so far but I'm gonna give you guys some really good tips here and some much needed spells and positioning to basically get you through this fight there's I bet a million different ways that you can do this as usual for all the last videos that I've covered guys and I love hearing and reading your comments but make sure you guys have a wizard on your team or some type of hybrid version of a wizard make sure though it's a high level wizard when you're coming here because you will need some high level spells in order to tackle how strong Raphael really is so before we get into this battle make sure you're prepped once you go through these doors it is the point of no return this is the entrance where you came in and it's not so simple to exit obviously after you've stolen the hammer so the Spells guys you want to make sure you have equipped are gonna be disintegrate for sure if you have it uh Artistry of War definitely a major major one that you want to have equipped a hundred percent is hold monster monster guys obviously that is gonna be our ticket to keeping Raphael Frozen as long as we can and also if you don't have it already make sure you hopefully you have a scroll in your inventory the globe of invulnerability is gonna come in clutch here guys so I'm gonna learn that right now and I'm gonna equip that instead of Auto looks freezing actually I'm Gonna Keep the freezing sphere on get rid of gas form I won't need that for this fight um and we put some other things on here before we go in but you definitely want to have all of your best spells if you are a summon based person like me you definitely want to summon whatever summons you have right now before you open these doors because this is the point of no return guys make sure every single character has all their gear that you need from this point on because this battle is very very difficult guys extremely extremely difficult and the thing is my gear isn't even that good I would say at this point in the game I've just kind of been cruising by but I will show you guys hopefully what I did because I did in fact finish the battle and kill Raphael and every single enemy in the room and keep also hope alive as well for the reward that she gives you at the end alright so let's go into this guys and Trigger the cutscene here let me do it with Will here because there is a special dialogue check so before you guys trigger this use cutscene you can position your companions if you split them up by party around these pillars because if you guys noticed these pillars do give Raphael a source of his energy when you start the battle unfortunately you can't break them beforehand but uh you want to make sure honestly that your party is kind of grouped here and I'll explain why so let's start this cutscene get this cutscene obviously here unfortunately the portal closes guys it's not that easy I wish it was I'll skip this cutscene here guys you can say kind of whatever you want here but it doesn't uh really matter I skip all this this is the important one though here so obviously if you guys did kill your gear earlier in the game it's so cool that you see him here in hell so basically It All Leads up to this if you didn't kill him he won't be here for this battle which is very cool as well but if you can get this persuasion check here and meet the requirements you can actually get him to fight with you so definitely want to try to roll for that and use everything you can to get it I did not get it here but don't fret I'm gonna load another save right now all right welcome back guys so I re-rolled that again a couple times so I got the dialogue check depending on how you're playing feel free to do whatever you want but this would be a extremely extremely hard battle as you guys can see here Raphael has 666 Health uh obviously which is really funny um but that is kind of Staggering and his armor count is insane as you can see with the base armor of 16 plus his dexterity and two plus the fiendish blessing so let's get into this right now guys and I'll show you what to do here while this amazing song plays in the background here that is so badass for this battle as you can see these couple of cambion are extremely extremely annoying here as you guys can see so as I mentioned earlier you want to keep you're main party here since will unfortunately is my wizard once I cast The invulnerability Scroll as you guys see here I will move will into that for a certain reason so let me cast in invulnerability spell or a casket if you have it on your wizard I have the scroll for it right now I'm gonna cast it right on top of all four of my party members here and what this does is it makes you guys totally invulnerable to any attacks for three full turns here and let me explain why we're gonna be using this I'm gonna go for some damage here anything I can get I miss that [Music] and my turn now because there's nothing I need to do else for that as you see your gear is on our side his RNG though can be kind of weird definitely make sure you guys are quick saving but he does do a lot of damage honestly and he has a pretty good amount of health and goes invisible so you want to use everything to your advantage for this fight as you guys can see no damage so what you want to do is you want to mitigate this first onslaught of damage from the enemy because that is gonna be so crucial later on I'm not going to react to this and waste anything right now we're just gonna keep an eye on my boy will here because he is the crucial puzzle piece here where is Raphael located he is right in front of me perfect so as you can see we're getting kind of bombarded here by these cambian butts we'll be fine in a second once I get back to this invulnerability so don't be worried because Raphael never comes into the sphere so if you notice all the enemies that go into the spirit here look at that totally invulnerable do not react to that no damage whatsoever no status effects if they do happen they will pass by the time the turn is over within three turns you should be good but unfortunately the other enemies around you here once they come into the sphere will take no damage as well but don't again be worried guys because I will explain everything so what we want to do here is stack any summons you can onto Raphael I'm Gonna Miss This step with my Elemental here and go for a hit on him at his very low odds but we go for whatever we can get here his his AC is insane I'm telling you guys all right so now what you guys want to do is take any Barbarian or fighter class or any strong Druid class make sure that you have either a monk or some type of Monk hybrid in your class guys because let me explain these cambian enemies have an attack that is extremely extremely annoying they will knock the weapons out of your hands multiple times and is very frustrating it is extremely frustrating but you need to try your best to hopefully get good damage in early on so I'm gonna jump right in front of Rafaela with Carlock and we're gonna go for some damage don't be afraid to get a taken damage here I need to disengage there because I'm in the bubble [Music] that's perfectly fine I do not care right now about getting hit I'm just looking for as much damage as I can [Music] all right let me get a whack in there pretty good pretty good we'd take that for now and you want to just stack um basically raphaion Focus him he is the number one priority you guys nobody else and what you want to do now is if you have a hope with you she is gonna be extremely extremely crucial once you free her from the earlier parts of this side mission guys make sure you keep her alive and healthy do not use this spell like I made a mistake it's called divine intervention which basically gives your allies a full recovery and second chance it is a one use spell only like completely one use and you can never get it back even if you use the long rest tip that I'll show you at the end of the video guys um for companions but it doesn't work with that unfortunately it stays grayed out so with hope you want to put her in the bubble for now because she is going to be the main healer and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna heal will everybody else there we go kill him a little bit and I will wait that should be okay for now let me end her turn all right this brain is just gonna be kind of Cannon fought or whatever whatever summons you guys have the more the better obviously because you need them to take the aggro from the campions I unfortunately did this with two summons somehow and made it work but you want to try it with as much summons as you can if you're a necro wizard definitely summon as much summons as you have possible alright I'm gonna speed up some of this battle but I'm gonna I want to get to the primary part guys where right now it is so once you get back to your turn for your wizard you want to use the hold monster spell so you can upcast whatever you want but if you guys notice if I hover over Raphael he has an extremely high chance of getting held as you guys can see 85 percent chance of getting held which is insane and that is for 10 turns just like the regular hold person spell so I'm gonna cast that make sure you guys save right here at this point because God forbid you don't get it feel free to reload the game until you do so I'm gonna cast it now guys amazing so now what you want to do is get back in the bubble with Will here all right next guys once you get Raphael held here you want to Stack your Barbarian and any summons around him and keep your Wizard and hope inside the invulnerable bubble as long as you can because that is gonna be crucial to basically keep your concentration for the hold on Raphael while you're and your team basically wails on him so right now as you guys can see I got my weapons knocked out from my hands unfortunately you can go and try to pick them up but unfortunately I was kind of suffering here at this point I just wanted to get as much damage as possible so I kept hitting him with my monk who is karlak and I do it a lot of damage with him so you just want to keep hitting him because every hit is a critical hit as you guys can see give him everything you have the most powerful Scrolls you have whatever it is use it against them while he's held here because he will take massive massive damage guys I am telling you like look at these bare hand attacks even with my monk I am doing plenty of damage to him foreign like that's pretty good we'll take any damage we can get here guys um definitely if you want to pick up your Hammers If you have a lot of healing and potions on like how I did for this fight definitely pick your weapons back up though if you can I decided not to thinking I wouldn't be able to kind of clutch this because I would take too much damage from the cambions but I kept mess healing my my friends here as much as I could with hope that's what you want to use hope for is your massive healer here for all of your companions see as you can see they keep missing and will here because I'm invulnerable and they can't knock my concentration off so I'm gonna hit him with as you can see 100 chance of hitting [Music] look at that damage guys 48 Plus 21. that is what I like seeing here he is almost dead guys this is if you've come this far I hope you guys have found this video helpful this is just my Strat but it is definitely not foolproof because there's so much RNG that can go wrong with it as you guys can see I did not expect that to happen were the champions knock my weapons out of my hands but I persevered through this because one I was a Monk class and two because I use a lot of my spells on uh him and see as you can see my concentration got broken here but I was able to kill him off eventually so I'm gonna cut here guys now to after killing him here like I said from this point on you want to pick your weapons back up or use any spell that is strong against him to basically just dog pile on top of him so I'm gonna move right on top of him here we won't cut we'll keep it going here unlike how I said so we just gotta wait for your gear to move while he's invisible here as he jumps right there I see he'll do this an annoying attack that can damage um friendlies as well which is kind of annoying but he does massive damage to other characters so like I said the RNG for this battle is kind of crazy as he takes forever to hurry up your gear there you go man damn I was gonna say man take him for everybody all right there we go see one of these on him all right that did not work let's go in for some punches oh he is dodging them unfortunately all right let's go with my Elemental here like I said his AC is insane guys so expect to miss a lot of shots here unfortunately [Music] I'm gonna hit him with this attack this attack is very good you want to use ancestry Artistry of War sorry guys look at that and Raphael is dead I'm telling you guys if you get that hold on him with the shield of even vulnerability as long as one member of your party survives and hope as well you want to keep her healthy um so you can get her reward at the end and that reward is as follows I'll show you guys let me cut to the end here is I want to show you the whole battle all right guys there you have it I finally killed all the cambians after I killed Raphael from focusing him make sure you pick up your weapons off the ground here I need that got knocked off in battle um hopefully you pick them up during battle and had better supplies than when I came here make sure to loot Raphael's body because you will get the legendary heavy armor the hell dusk armor 21 AC with all of these crazy passives on it as you can see with the infernal retribution which gives you a saving throw and the Caster receives burning for three turns and Prime Aegis of fire which you have resistance to fire damage and cannot be burned which is kind of amazing so you definitely want to take all those take the code whatever you can and you wanted to talk to your gear here and talk to him because he will become an ally with you if you get the dice roll and you want to make sure you go back and talk to Hope as well after the fight she'll be here as well because she will give you some really good gloves as well that's our legendary as well as you can see here the gloves of Soul catching basically they give you force damage with your unarmed attacks very good for a bunk build which I'm doing with karlak at the moment so that is definitely for her and you want to go back here if you didn't grab it while you were there which I forgot to make sure you guys go back to the archive if you missed all the other amazing rare items that are in this area guys like I said this battle has some great rewards as it should be oops sorry guys while I'm zooming in there trying to find where I need to go but I hope you guys found this video helpful and I hope you guys definitely enjoy fighting Raphael as I say that jokingly because he is extremely extremely hard and I hope my strategy kind of helps out guys a little at least um but like I said this strategy isn't foolproof there's a couple of items here like I said on the pedestals that are amazing items the amulets of Greater Health which gives you so much higher health and Constitution score to yourself automatically and gives you saving throws for constitution checks you definitely want to pick that up as well as I'll do right here give that to whoever you want that is basically doesn't have any health in your party and then you want to come over here to this side over here and pick up the gloves of Hill giant strength which is amazing for any Barbarian or fighter class or anybody that's lacking strength in your party another amazing item too here so definitely want to grab that and that'll be it for the video here guys drop a like on the video if you found it helpful make sure to also consider subscribing like I said guys too to the channel because it does help me out and I hope to read your comments below about anything regarding this fight any questions whatsoever I can explain or feel free to give me better tips on how to approach this battle even better I'm sure there's way better builds but this was kind of what I figured out to do here since I was kind of I feel like not prepared for this battle but as usual guys take care of yourselves and have a wonderful rest of your day peace
Channel: Dredizzle
Views: 5,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, BG3 How To Kill Raphael, Baldur's Gate 3 How To Kill Raphael, How Get The Orphic Hammer, easy way to kill raphael bg3, raphael boss battle bg3 cheese, dredizzle, BG3, kill raphael bg3 easy method
Id: XPzRY61UJt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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