How to BREAK Baldur's Gate 3's resources meta with just 100 Gold

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hey my name is Axolotl and Baldur's Gate is broken I can show you my characters here and they have consistent Buffs such as Freedom Movement Aid Long Strider protection from energy and warding bond I have over 10k gold and I can get infinitely more I have practically infinite camp supplies so I could basically long rest without any repercussions but I don't have to because I can get all my spell slots back without a long rest the other was 19 crit range on my sorcerer and the ability to cast three spells in a single turn there's nothing really that can stand in my way it's all thanks to my man Withers Just thou require a new Ally oh mayhaps a resurrection to get Eternal Buffs you'll need some higher links only 6.6 of players ever hired a hireling at the time of writing this script that means more people defeated commander zalk in the tutorial than ever bothered to recruit a Minion from Withers this is a huge mistake that you're making Ireland's only costs 100 gold to recruit you'll need two hirelings to break the game but of course you can always respect your party members to do the same although I kind of don't want to force anyone with actual personalities to work in the goodberry Farms yes that is right you would start by picking a druid from the list of hirelings it doesn't really matter who the cleric is but the Druid has to be in nature Druid you can do this as soon as you get Withers in your Camp which is quite early on in the game it's literally the first dungeon of the game you'll get Withers the thing is you have to watch out for spells that says last for long rest when was out the concentration tag the concentration will break when you dismiss the hiring but any spells that says lasts until long rest will not break so the most important spells for the Druid to select early on are good berries and long Strider it's important that the Druid is a nature Druid too because they can recover spell slots using their class abilities and good berries don't scale with spell slots meaning that it's all movies more efficient to cast them using a first level spell slot which is the easiest to get back with nature Druid you will spam good berries until you are out of spell slots and boom easy camp supplies and a great amount of healing the good barriers also count towards your camp supply that you can use in the night if you didn't use them all up for healing already so essentially is almost infinite camp supplies assuming you have the spell slots your Druid For Hire can also ritually cast longstrider and apply it to almost all of the companions that you want to bring it along on your actual party so that will last even if they are not in the party cleric For Hire has a couple of spells that you want to look out for ordering bond is the most important one but protection from energy and poison Aid Freedom Movement these are all spells that give you major advantages in combat and you typically don't want to cast them with a regular cleric because they take Precious spell slots away all of these effects last until long rest and with no concentration needed so you really want to put word in bond on your tank or maybe your important damage dealer and warning bun is a powerful and risky spell out on the field because it doubles the damage basically that your part of the members are taking but now that the cleric that's casting it is in Camp they can't really be killed off so buff whoever you want and watch them go ham there's technically no invincibility for real but I'm kind of getting close I present to you the combo of warning Bond was Heavy Armor master and adamentium split this combo can be achieved by the end of act 1 in the gorgum Forge Link in the comments Below on how to get the adamantium armor even with some warning Bond you're bound to be bloodied up in the combat but Liz heavy armor master and the adamantium armor you'll get like 5 damage reduction uh to any non-magical attacks so that means all of the peons was weapons in the game which is a lot of them actually uh there damage will be halved first because of the resistances of the warning Bond and then fight damage will be reduced from that this practically makes anyone who wears the said armor becomes a walking tank that just can't be brought down unless you know you throw some spells upon them but there are other items so I can counter that too plus lesser restoration also helps it's possible to reduce the damage that you take to zero and I've seen it happen other characters though will still be hit hard by the AI and therefore you need the wrath of wound closure I really hope I said that correctly it's one of the best utility items you can find in the game and you can find it quite early on in act two you can find the necklace at lady Esther in the mountain hike area she sells it for a mere 125 gold put it on any character that is a missing HP then use your healing this compost really well with good berries because it allows them to heal the full four HP amount per Berry spells and potions also heal the max amount so that means this necklace is a must pick up for how cheap and effective it is it essentially doubles your healing on average and it's an incredible incredible item okay so basically another quick tip to break the healing of this game is Just travel between the ax so apparently this game is coded so that when you travel between the acts of the game uh you get restored to full health for some reason um I don't know why this is but when I travel from moonrise Towers to the emerald Grove I get full healed I don't know why this works it just works so if you ever wanted the full heal without using any potions any resources any short rest or anything like that just hit some menu buttons and you'll be back to good as new you know if you want to you can also Farm infinite money and Potions off of Lady Esther or literally any other vendors using the pickpocket mechanics of this game the setup you want to have is any character with a lot of dexterity and expertise in sleight of hand together with The Smuggler's ring and gloves of thievery both of these items are available in Act One The Smuggler's ring is just chilling on the skeleton and the gloves at the ovary can be bought in The zatarum Hideout underneath the burning Inn to get there you'll need to kill a lot of gnomes and rescue the caravanners if you don't piss them off you'll be able to visit their secret hideout from there just keep leveling your teeth and make sure you have turn base mode turned on when you go into their pockets so that they don't panic and then turn around and see a Syrian stealing all of their the best way to do this too is not to go for the money because money typically has a higher DC than any other item just go for some of the cheap stuff such as the potions and the least heavy armors and then sell them off to the vendor once again when they calm down from your little pocketing Adventure all right next up infinite spell slots I'm mentioning this after infinite money because technically you could do this for free you see when you respect your characters you can get all of your spill slots back yep that's right even if you're going through the leveling process again you will gain your spell slaps back like they never were spent at all furthermore you can pickpocket Withers and that means you can do this for free if you have a properly built Thief be warned though that this trick doesn't work with the Eternal above section in the beginning of the video because it resets your character to basically after a long rest so that means all your Buffs will disappear afterwards but the funny thing is you could do this to your higher links too and get all of their spell slots back to buff your Mains again although that's like five to ten minutes uh in menus to get spell slots back so I mostly just do the spell slot saying if there's an important boss that I need to kill at the end of a long adventuring day alright now that you know how to break the resource management of the game let's see about breaking the damage numbers of the game there are a ton of methods to do it I'm not going to cover everything but this is what I've come up with for killing most of the bosses in the game I call this the Luma month and strike him down was lightning uh crate water is an incredibly useful spell for lightning casters because of the vulnerability application with both haste and click and spell it's possible to do your own setup for a two Lightning Spell Cabo or have Shadow Hearts set you up for a three lady spell Cabo to start Drake a heist potion or cast Haze upon yourself I recommend for basketball value use a haste potion so that you could use call ID later on without the concentration break geek then have someone cast cray water upon the enemy I use Shadow heart to do this because she always has better initiative than by sorcerer did very specifically you'll use chromatic orb lightning edition lists the luck of the farm Realms which you get by putting Wrigley tadpoles in your brain no destructive wrath because we're doing Tempest sork and just get luck of the farm realm for the crit then follow up with a lightning bolt Bliss destruct the raft because it has the most dice to roll and finally use a call lightning to continue the destruction for the future turns this color ball usually deals upwards of about 200 damage in a single round because of the vulnerability and half of that damage is AOE plus you get a couple more spells of uh called lightning before your haste runs out and you go dum dum mode this kind of damage will pretty much wipe out most things that you encounter in act 1 or at two so that's pretty cool the only downside is that it uses a lot of spell slots however again was the trick from before you could get infinite spell slots back so that's not really a problem I usually do this whenever a boss pops up and I need to take them out really quickly and that's about it that's how you break basically the entirety of Baldur's Gate balance it's pretty easy to do you just have to hire some hirelings and abuse that system you don't really have to do this if you don't want to there's definitely ways to break certain encounters such as robbing an owl bear on the forge Golem or something like that but everything I covered here can pretty much consistently carry you through the game on tactician so thank you for watching make sure to get some water touch some grass and I'll see you next time ciao
Channel: Axelottol
Views: 74,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate Tutorial, Baldur's Gate 3 Gameplay, Baldur's Gate 3 Goblin Camp, Baldur's Gate 3 Ogres, Baldur's Gate 3 release, Dnd 5e Martials, Martials vs Casters, Baldur's Gate 3 Builds, Baldur's Gate 3 Guides, Baldur's Gate 3 Review, Baldur's Gate 3 tutorial, Baldur's Gate 3 Video, Baldur's Gate 3 Patch, Dnd 5e Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, Baldur's Gate 3 build, Baldur's Gate 3 Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Cheats, Baldur's Gate 3 Tactician, Baldur's Gate 3 Sorcerer
Id: rIjIzxCir08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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