The Best Mods for Baldur's Gate 3 - Immersion & Convenience

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hello there in this video I want to show you some mods for Baldur Skate 3 that just improve the overall experience in slight little ways without impacting the gameplay too much so these are just things that fix minor things about the game that you didn't even know needed fixing and I'm actually very confident when I say this I believe by the end of this video you're going to have found at least one mod that you're not going to want to play the game without anymore so let's get right into it the first mod that I want to show you and possibly my favorite mod in this entire list is called native camera tweaks and what this does is it allows you to zoom in much further than you're able to by default so for example we can zoom in on this dwarf's face right here as you can see the beard is getting bigger you can see the beard we can see his nose has that's how close we can get in um not that you would want to but this mod is just insane for taking screenshots and also inspecting armor pieces it's incredibly immersive you can check out characters and much more detail and I don't think I'll be able to play the game without this mod anymore additionally it's useful for checking out High Ground for ambushes so there is a bit of a gameplay implication here because you can look up and for example if there was an Archer up here which would be incredibly mean but you would be able to see that in advance much more easily than if your camera was stuck in this perspective this next mod is pretty much just as good and it's called wasd movement and this is exactly what it does it lets me move around with wasd on my keyboard this feels very familiar to me because that's how I used to run around in Dragon Age Origins if any one of you remembers that game you can easily switch between the movement modes too by just pressing caps lock so now you can see I'm moving the camera around with wasd and I can click to move around again now there's some problems with the implementation so for example when I click I can't easily switch like right now I'm in wasd mode but it's only going to lock in whenever I reach the end of the Waypoint so that's like a minor thing that I wish they would change but other than that I think this is really well implemented the next mod is called ifas immersive UI and you might have already noticed it or maybe you didn't because that's the whole point of it because what it does is it hides the UI it's contextually hidden and as I hover over the UI elements they're going to be shown which is super immersive whenever you're running around with the improved camera and also was the movement because tell me that this isn't 10 times better than exploring the game in this point of view with all of the UI enabled in my opinion this is just fantastic and I wish I'd had this on my first run this next mod fixes a major problem that I had with the game when I started and that is the availability of different containers the game sets you on your route with a few different containers that you can pick from and you can actually loot bags throughout the game and use them for yourself however most of these are very generic and you can't really tell them apart the mod backs bags bags adds a bag full of bags which contains exactly 21 bags with different icons and so on what you've got to do is you talk to this NPC called Aaron in The Druids growth of course spoke to him and he has these bags that you can buy for 254 gold you can see that he's added a bunch of bags in here so for example we have a cloak bag a glove back a Helm back Shield bag and so on additionally we have other containers such as the jewelry case we have potion a potion box a scroll case bits and Bobs keepsakes box and what's great about all of these is the fact that they are very easy to identify so for example the potion box just looks like a potion box like look at this icon it's great we have valuables we have the disac to put dyes into poisons arrows books it's fantastic and you want to know the best thing about this mod it also makes it so just like the default Alchemy pouch some of these will automatically collect items so if we have the arrows container in here this is going to automatically take all of the arrows that you find throughout the game the next mod is also visible on screen right now and that is actually better containers and this just makes these bags a bit wider by default I think by default I can't even make them small with this mod but I think the default size is like three times five slots which is microscopic if you're trying to find items or if you're trying to sort your inventory in any meaningful way so better containers just increases the size of the default bag and makes it so you don't have to manually increase the size every single time which I really appreciate so both of those Mods together just make Inventory management a lot more enjoyable the next mod that I want to highlight is actually also available from the NPC called Aaron at the druidsgrove so when you talk to him you'll see that he has a full stack of every single type of die available in the game this is available right from the start so if you want to go for a specific look with your dies then you can do that you can just buy these I want to buy one ideally because we're gonna need it to actually showcase the next mod so this is called die die die the next mod is called everybody dies unlimited dying so if we open up our inventory Now by default if we were to dye a gear piece the die would disappear but with this mod we actually get unlimited dying now personally I really wanna look good while adventuring so I really appreciate this mod because let's say you wanted to go for a full set of black armor you would not be able to do that unless you found multiple of whatever die you're looking for not to mention that even if you found them it would get really freaking expensive now I don't think dyes have a major impact on the gameplay here so I think having this mod is kind of a nice work around to just have your party always look good the next mod I want to talk about is the ring of minor rituals you can find this in the druidsgrove again from Aaron who sells his ring for two gold and this gives you access to four spells so it's being speak with that detect thoughts this guy itself and speak with animals all four of these are now ritual spells that you can cast whenever so you can put this on you can see we immediately get access to them and we can just use them we can put the ring back off and we can put our main ring back on whenever we feel like the reason why I think everyone should have access to to all four of these Spells at all times is because they're just plain fun talking to animals is really fun in this game because they have their own voice acting you shouldn't be forced to use an action to cast them you can't skill your character in such a way that these become ritual casts but again that takes away from other parts of the game that other people might not want to speak with that is also really useful especially in act 3 you're gonna probably make a lot of views of it this guy itself can be useful um like you can see right here because I can turn myself into a smaller character or even smaller than my dwarf and actually access some areas that are locked off by default to tall characters because there's these cracks that you can click on where only small characters can squeeze through unfortunately I don't have any of those nearby but you'll know what I mean soon enough so having this ring is just super useful and I think there's no reason not to use this now the key night among you might have already noticed another mod in this image and that is visible Shields by default these shields are not visible for whatever reason now I think this has to do with clipping so for example you can see this NPC back here and his shield is kind of clipping almost through the ground but there's other situations where like the weapons clip through the back you can see Shadow heart running around here we take a look at how you can see the I think that's a morning star that she's carrying it's kind of clipping at the back through the shield but personally I wanted to start playing as a fighter and not being able to see the shield even if there is a little bit of clipping was just kind of a bummer to me so this is a nice and simple fix that lets you make Shields visible if that's what you want to do this next mod fixes something that bothered me a little bit about the visuals of the game and that is the visual effects that kind of loop around your character at all times you can see we have a buff on ourselves right now and just having something tiny like this isn't really a big problem but there are Buffs that I really want to hide so first by default it would leave a huge ring around your character that is going to stay permanently until the spell is gone until the buff effect is gone with this mod this ring is going to disappear and you're not going to see it anymore so this is just a nice little tweak if you prefer to actually be able to see your characters and not look like a freaking Christmas tree the entire playthrough this next mod is called no more blood and dirt and this does exactly what it says it removes the blood and dirt effect from your character I found these to be extremely annoying whenever I got back into Camp after a long day of adventuring obviously we got into combat we ran around a lot so all the characters are Mega stank um Unfortunately they don't really seem to like showers so what happens is that they are going to switch into their civilian clothes and they're not going to wash and they're going to talk and a lot of the dialogues that you're gonna have are just going to be in dirty clothes covered in 10 liters of enemies Blood using that mod for me was just a tiny little used to the Imagine personally although I did like the blood effect out in the open world and if you do like them there's a mod that's called less blood and dirt which actually lets you just reduce the amount of blood and dirt accumulation as well so that's another option you could go for alternatively you always have the option of using your resident Clark to use create water and just give your stanky party a shower which yes that does actually wash blood and dirt off as well the next mod that I want to show you is called No Inspiration Point cap now if you don't know about inspiration points these are in your inventory up here and basically you get these as a little reward for playing to the background of your character so if you do something that a character of your background would naturally do then you get an Inspiration Point this can be used on re-rolling ability checks and by default they're capped at 4 which many people don't even know about so if you're capped at 4 you're running around you get an Inspiration Point that Inspiration Point is now lost so what the mod does is that it removes this cap and makes it so you can accumulate more than four inspiration points which can be super useful because you no longer have to worry about camping on them you no longer have to worry about using them on the ability checks where you really don't want to use them this also has some large gameplay implications though because if you can't hold yourself back you would have the ability to just stack up 30 of these and then use them on like one really important ability check that you really really want to win uh if that's what you want to do then go ahead I personally just prefer to use it to not have to worry about this Inspiration Point cap at all and finally the last mod on our list is called customizes compendium NPC options unlocker this does exactly what it says basically there's a bunch of NPCs around the world that have hairstyles and faces that we obviously don't have access to so for example we can choose Shadow heart go around with Shadow heart's face even though I feel like even though she's a disciple of Shah she would probably have something to say about that now more importantly though there's a bunch of hairstyles that you get access to that are actually really cool there's this one which could make for some fun RP if you have kind of an evil character in my opinion but there's also other ones that are going to be shared by your companion so you have to make sure it's not a Starion that is a stereo intestine so you see actually a staring Chester works really well on an elf but you just have to make sure that you don't accidentally pick a companion's hairstyle and then there's camp beef over who's stealing whose style that's all you gotta make sure but not all of these are companions hairstyles just NPCs that you'll meet throughout the world if you really like one of these just go for it um I think just having the options of using all of these is fantastic and that's actually it for this video if you found this even slightly helpful please consider leaving a like down below so other people can find it too now thanks for watching and I hope you have a lot of fun playing this game peace
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 202,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Mods, Modifications, Showcase, Best Mods, Baldur's Gate 3 Mods, BG3 Mods, Guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Modding, Modding, NexusMods, Immersion, Convenience, Convenient, Speak with Dead, Speak with Animals
Id: 9VbSxV4n9OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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