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foreign I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book I'll go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below it is also available in paperback form all right so today I want to talk about a whole bunch of things that I don't buy that actually nobody needs to buy but almost everyone does anyway thinking that it's a convenience but it's really the exact opposite of a convenience thank you you guys are going to be paying more attention to the background than you are to me okay so let's talk about the first thing that I don't buy as an extreme Cheapskate and that is any sort of disposable paper product that is paper towels napkins paper plates cups Solo cups stuff like that um for napkins simply washcloths you can buy these like 10 for two dollars and I use those on you know I use them for I also have special uh separate dinner napkins and I'll use the dinner napkins and I use these to wipe up just like you would a paper towel and I have a little sprayer with homemade soap which is just one part Dawn 10 parts water sometimes I'll use a little bit of vinegar in there but it's the same thing I mean you're using a paper towel you throw it in the trash can you're using a washcloth you're throwing it in the washing machine so to me where I throw it is not an inconvenience to me so it's just something that I use and even when Nala has potty problems potty mistakes she's still a puppy she's still in training I will use a not a washcloth but a little bit of a larger I guess it's a washcloth larger washcloth instead of like a towel I'll clean it up throwing it throw it in the washing machine and I'll use it again for the next time um oh and also for paper towels so I used to use paper towels for cleaning my car windows they're really easy to use on any type of window my gosh I switched switched to my bro my microfiber cloths these were like at Lowe's I think I got like 50 or 100 for like nine dollars forever ago and you can re-wash them and reuse them and they don't they're they're streakless they don't leave any streaks so uh I just go with that instead of the paper towels it's a one-time nine dollar purchase instead of a once a every couple of weeks nine dollar purchase um second thing is single serve anything single serve what do I mean by single serve is single serve oatmeal they put them in the individual packs for you they pre pre measure them that is a one-time thing I'll just buy a larger container and divity up divvy it up into smaller portions potato chips I do not buy single serve potato chips I will buy a large bag divvy it up into Ziploc bags one large bag will make 10 small bags at at least um I can't really think of anything else uh ranch dressing I don't buy ranch dressing anymore um I don't even buy dressing I mix ketchup and mayonnaise and I make my own thousand island dressing but you guys get the idea anything that's single serve I do not buy it number three is going to be memberships so I don't have a gym membership gym membership will cost you fifty dollars a month I typically use the gym for treadmill elliptical steam sauna I have my own steam sauna and I gave up the electrical the elliptical and the treadmill and I have a Zumba DVD right here under my DVD player I do Zumba instead and I get just as much of a good workout without the cost the Zumba DVDs were like 15 dollars 10 years ago and I've been using them ever since the sauna was a one-time cost of about two hundred dollars and that's I've had it for several months so for that's four months worth of a gym membership that I get to use forever so any sort of membership the next one is going to be subscriptions I don't have any sort of subscriptions now I have free TV I have a Roku Smart TV if you have a TV that is not a smart TV you can buy a Roku box the link will be in the description box you can get them for twenty twenty five dollars and you can download a bazillion different apps that and each app has thousands of movies so I have no need for subscriptions and I actually learned through having a Roku box that other services the majority of their movies like if you take Netflix for instance they're gonna have a few of their own things they have like the oranges new black stranger things a couple of series that they specifically produced for the Netflix Channel but all of the other movies on Netflix are movies that you can get for free um on the free apps that are available on our Roku same thing with like Amazon Prime so Amber Amber Amazon Prime membership has free movies you take a look at these free movies and there's a few of them that are made specifically for Amazon the only thing I can think of is the one with Chris Pratt tomorrow wore the tomorrow war was made specifically for Amazon but then you've got hundreds of other movies and those hundreds of other movies are available for free so why would I pay for Amazon um if I can get those movies for free and and there's also the free shipping the majority of stuff that you buy on Amazon is free shipping anyway if you have a purchase of over I believe it's like thirty five dollars with Amazon Prime you get faster shipping but how much are you really in a hurry to get those products I mean they get to us pretty fast anyway instead of like one to two day shipping I get maybe three to five day shipping and there's nothing on nothing to purchase that I have not been living without so I can live without it for like an extra two or three days so it's just something that I'm not interested in purchasing I do have Disney plus which was a gift from a patreon member of mine and if somebody is going to gift me a membership I'm going to use it to the fullest extent so I'm always watching all of the Marvel stuff on there I love the new Willow series I love the old Willow movies there's a whole bunch of Disney stuff out there that is really great but I would not pay for the membership that's just not something that I would do the next thing or subscription I'm sorry the next thing is books so I used to have a pretty admirable book collection I mean seriously so um after having all of these books I found out that there is this crazy thing it's like a storage facility for books I don't know if you guys have ever heard of it it's called the library and like every single town in America has these crazy storage facilities so this place um you know they contacted me and they said hey we'll store all of your books for free you can come and check them out anytime you want and you can keep them for like a month and then you know come back and check them out again if you want and the crazy thing is that they'll also store all of your DVDs so for free they don't even charge you like to store all this stuff so you can take all of your books all your DVDs and you can store them there and what they do is they store other people's books in DVDs too so you can go and use use their books in DVDs and you can do it for free it's crazy so I don't have to take up all of this space on my shelving with all of these books and DVDs that I'm going to be reading because I can just walk two blocks and I get to go and get free DVDs and books it's this craziest thing I know right like the book and DVD storage facility it's crazy that everybody's got one and nobody uses it so I don't buy books and I don't buy DVDs anymore um if I want to rent a movie I'll just go online put a hold on it pick it up the next day and it's available so I don't need to buy those things and those things really add up um by the way buy my book okay um the next thing is pretty much entertainment um I don't pay for entertainment you know what's funny when I made this list I had to think of the last movie that I saw in a theater you know what it was it was that Melissa McCarthy movie where she was a girl scout leader um and I remember there was a fight scene in the Streets between two Girl Scout Troops where they were selling cookies and that was the last movie that I saw at the movie theater um the funny thing is is that we have these things in our house that are like pretty much entertainment theaters in our houses that uh we can you know if we want to we can see those brand new movies and borrow them for like 5.99 and we get but we get to watch it like 10 times I mean you go to the movie you watch it once um and you're done and they K they boot you out but here you know you can rent it for 48 hours and I can watch it like 10 15 times if I want to um over and over and over again and uh it's really crazy how we have these free entertainment things in our houses um pretty much any entertainment now this is a really big one I've been posting in my community board about things that I don't I mean I I don't usually post about now there's always zero cost or one cost entertainment that I am really into the zero cost is hiking biking swimming uh snorkeling what is it uh I have my metal detecting and a lot of community places Community Parks now have uh horseshoes that one with it's kind of like bowling but it's a bocce ball they have a racquetball basketball they have soccer baseball all of these different courts that you can use for free you can use them for free they're absolutely free now those are the things that are on the surface then there's board games things you can do at home a lot of people like cornhole board games there's these cool bubble body bubbles that I want to buy and I want to have a like a sumo wrestling competition with my brother uh one of these days but they're these giant body bubbles that you put on and then you like you fight people with them so I I really really think that that would be a fun family tradition that I think that I'm going to start here pretty soon but there's other things too I used to buy a fishing license every year but I was finding that I was only going three or four times a year you know catching enough fish you know they say there's so much mercury in the fish and you can only eat it so often so I didn't eat it very often so um I found out that you can there are like two or three or four or five depending on where you live fishing days throughout the year and they always happen to be on like a weekend during the uh the height of the fishing season so I stopped buying a a fishing license there's also people talk about free zoo days like you can go to the zoo people pay fifty dollars to go to the zoo but there's these free days that they specify once a month once a season once a year once every six months depending on where you live where you can go to the zoo for free for free you don't have to pay for it museums museums have them maybe once a month once a season once every six months once a year and you can there are so many museums that participate in this free museum day that I mean why would I pay to go to a museum if I can go for free if I just plan ahead a little bit do a little bit of research Google free museums in my area and a whole bunch of them will pop up right now uh We've well not right now but um we've got like 25 28 museums that will allow you to go to the their museum for free for free so why pay for it when you don't have to when it comes to vacations um what I like to do is I save up my credit cards rewards points so I have a lot of expenses and bills that I have to pay just like you guys a gas sewer water property tax uh gasoline electric you know food bill groceries whatever it is and I will accumulate all of those things and when I feel like it I can go on a vacation for free my most recent purchase that I used with credit card reward rewards points I saved up almost all of my points over a two year period and I was able to purchase this new iPhone 14 that has 4K options so that I can make you guys better videos cost me nothing except for credit cards rewards points using money I was going to spend anyway I don't recommend that to everyone because 80 percent of people who use credit cards do not pay off the balance every month I'm not sure if that's my viewers but that's 80 so I can understand why other people say you know don't use credit cards because 8 out of ten people will not use them correctly um so vacations I went to Universal Studios with my family over the summer for free it cost me gas it cost me gas to go to Universal Studios I went for free it was kind of Awesome um the next one is going to be new technology so aside from iPhone 14 that I got for free I purchased my technology used um or not the newest model or refurbished so for instance this 4K Smart TV thingy above me was 348 dollars because I bought it refurbished it was a refurbished model works perfectly nothing wrong with it back to factory specifications so and it was delivered right to my door I can't beat that the laptop that I have is at least at least five six years old and I think that it was not the new technology when I purchased it I think it was like 250 dollars and I just make really careful not to download any viruses and stuff like that um and I make sure you know to keep the cookies where I want to keep them and all that stuff I have had no problems except for the fact that it's so old that the battery no longer holds anything so if the electricity goes out there it goes so the battery the battery won't hold anything but other than that I use it as a desktop computer it's old technology uh the next one is bottled water or bottled drinks as you know I make my own coffee at home using my 25 Cent Thrift Store travel mug and I use I make my own cold brew coffee cold brew coffee is super expensive at the store it's like seven eight dollars um I buy one six pack of root beer per year and I don't drink the root beer the root beer is actually to make recipes like pulled pork so I don't even buy soda to drink it and I do have a couple sodas on hand because I find them you guys have seen me I find beers and sodas on my walks because I walk so often right now I've got some sort of alcoholic iced tea raspberry iced tea and a Sprite that I found for free the Sprite I'll keep on hand in case I get nauseous I'll sip on that Sprite and hopefully it'll make me feel better the raspberry I.T iced tea I'll give it to a guest also [Music] um I moved into this house and it has fruit trees I've got uh orange orange lemon three Apple tubing cherries I I just planted some grapes uh and a partridge in a pear tree so um I can make my own orange juice my own lemonade my own grape juice and I don't ice and tea tea is super super cheap just put a couple bags in the Sun so my drinks are free and I have a really great variety but I pretty much just stick to coffee and water coffee and water are my drinks of choice um let's see what else do we have okay doubles of anything doubles so what do I mean by doubles so most people like for instance people will have bedding so they'll have their bedding that goes on their bed and then the extra set that they keep in the closet so that when this one's being washed they can put that one on the bed I don't have doubles of bedding so when I when I'm washing my bedding I wash it I dry it and I put it back on my bed the same day so I'm not and I'm not sleeping during the time that I'm doing laundry so I just put it back on the bed um and I used to have not only doubles I had triples and quadruples I'm like well I like to mix and match things and things to go along with other things and I you know stuff like that I I guess I got through that phase because I just don't want that extra stuff on hand I think I have a couple extra pillowcases um because I have extra pillows but I mean that's it I I don't I don't have double sets of anything and the same thing goes for like my clothing a lot of people buy a lot of similar clothes so I have a winter wardrobe and a summer wardrobe now my winter wardrobe I'm almost except for right now because I'm wearing my heated vest because it's so darn cold and I've got it on High um but but I have plaid shirts but they're all totally different colors because I don't want duplicates or similars of that same uh shirt and then when it comes to pants I only we'll we'll get into my pants later um so any doubles um number ten now this is something I would recommend to every teenager if you're a teacher out there and you teach teenagers no alcohol cigarettes recreational or prescription drugs that is one way to I think in this day and age we all know that the homeless people that we see have alcohol and drug problems um or mental illnesses where they require prescription drugs but they don't take them um but fortunately I am healthy mentally and physically so I don't have to take any prescription drugs but do everything you can to make it so that you never have to meaning um exercise um eat smaller portions drink water instead of soda you know move your body you know stuff simple stuff like that that your doctor tells you eat less and exercise more uh start young start young don't ever start smoking or drinking okay if you guys know me you know I hate drinking but I am an ex-s smoker and I smoked for almost 20 years that was ironic almost 20 years um and I still have effects from the smoking sometimes sometimes I'm short of breath and it might kill me someday you know I could get lung cancer from smoking 10 years ago it's something that lingers with you and it can't be fixed so and it also brings your insurance rates up and you know hospital and doctor visits in the future um you know and and it can actually inhibit your life in so many ways and the same goes with alcohol alcohol is so expensive and if you are are drinking alcohol to try to get away from the pressures of life or uh you're so stressed out and you need a way to relax or you're smoking smoking the I don't know if I can say it on here but if you're smoking marijuana um to try to get away from the world that's not the right way to do it find somebody to talk to and work through your emotions because all that's going to do is push away the emotions and then when you can't afford the alcohol or drugs anymore those those emotions are all going to build up and you're going to have to deal with them later but you're going to have to deal with them with the withdrawal symptoms and lack of money or health care because that's what happens so I would tell any child that your bank account and your body is going to be much better if you don't drink do drugs or smoke um okay so let's go with a uh well here's a bonus I don't purchase tattoos eyelashes weaves manicures or pedicures I do my own haircuts um I pretty much just Style with water um I do my own well I I just I take care of my nails you know I just don't bite them and I clean the cuticles and sometimes I'll put some Aragon oil on there and stuff like the eyelashes tattoos and weaves those just never interested me I also don't do anything with my eyebrows that's just the way they look um they're kind of they're they whatever I don't care as long as I don't have a unibrow I'm good um and then the bonus one here is uh non-seasonal fruits and vegetables so as I stated I've got three apples lemon okay so I have oranges lemons three different kinds of apples I'm gonna be growing grapes there I'm gonna add more but um so fruits are not an issue for me um I get my fruit for free in season um and also my because I go fishing on the free fishing days I don't ever have to buy fish and then I do have to buy vegetables but in the correct season I will grow I right now I have three artichoke plants and in the right season I grow a lot of zucchini and those pretty much are my vegetables for like anywhere between four or six months a year but I also purchased carrots onions and potatoes because those are so cheap that it's it's actually cheaper to buy them than it is for me to grow them um but I really stick to Super basic stuff super basic vegetables and oh and I also grow uh oh my gosh spinach that's right spinach yes I also grow spinach so and my brother has chickens so I get eggs for free so that's a huge way that I keep my food bill down um but the but but I don't buy a lot of food I only eat one meal a day anyway and now I no longer eat carbs so it's just like okay vegetables and meat there you have it so um there are huge amounts of ways that you can live for cheaper thinking outside the box so you don't have to spend as much money or spend as little as humanly possible and you know we get all the you know us Extreme Cheapskates do all the exact same things that you do we just do them uh we just do them differently um you know you have a brand new car that you paid 35 000 for that you have a payment on where you're actually paying forty three thousand dollars for your thirty five thousand dollar car I drive a 25 year old four thousand dollar car that doesn't even have 90 000 miles on it yet so um those those vehicles are out there and and mine was four thousand dollars cash all right folks wow 25 minutes how did that happen oh geez okay uh do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out how's it going [Music] you guys doing good you're looking good looking good [Music] puppies puppies
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 95,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: money saving, extreme frugality, finance
Id: 8BCkYihGbhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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