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this is beyond with heatherash where we examine near-death experiences and life itself hopefully making this life a little better Hello everybody welcome and welcome to my guest Vinnie Tolman hello Vinnie hello Heather great to see you again it is wonderful to see you again too I had such a great time interviewing you uh quite a while ago and it was when my podcast was very new and people loved you we had a four-part series and your episodes have gotten hundreds of thousands of views right now and people keep asking for more and so what I want to focus on with this episode is the future because you did see during your near-death experience future events or potential future events and people want to hear about that but just before we get there I know it's pretty impossible because you have one of the most detailed near-death experiences I've ever heard but if you could just sum it up in five minutes I know that's impossible just to give people an overview you were zipped up in a body bag um you had this amazing experience is that something you can do for us yeah absolutely wonderful kind of to synopsize uh my experience um back in 2003 I was found dead in a bathroom they put me in a body bag and we're taking the body to the medic iCal examiner when a rookie medic who was a brand new brand new medic he broke protocol opened the body bag and tried to resuscitate the body he was able to do it um meanwhile I was witnessing everything they were able to resuscitate the body uh the body um was still brain dead though for three days and during those three days I was off in what I term uh the real existence our our real existence so um I got to experience three days of of our real existence and see what is really in front of us in the future for all of us um but I also got to to look at life and why we're here on Earth so it was it was a very profound experience it changed me I became a different person afterwards a lot of people who knew me before and know me now they say that definitely I'm a different person um from the experience and for over 20 years years 21 years now I've been going around talking about it and for the last few years I did put out a book so that's kind of why we're having these interviews now is is because the book came out a few years ago and I loved your book I have the audio book and I've listened to it several times because it is very detailed and speaking of details for those of you that are listening um in part one of our four-part series Vinnie goes into all the details of his near-death experience and then we go through a lot of Q&A so I encourage you to watch those episodes and I will have links to those in the description but Vinnie one thing that we covered and probably for only five or 10 minutes is we talked about some of the future visions that you saw now I realize not all of these are set in stone but their potential but I'm wondering if you could step us through some of the things that you saw for our future and people do want details absolutely um now just to explain how saw any future because some people they you know some people have this glimpse of the future as they come back into their body some people don't so amongst all of us near-death experiencers there's some of us that do see future events there's some of us that don't to explain what happened to me and I can't say that it's everybody's uh story but what happened to me is as I was coming back to my time and I say time as a selective place to go to because time is selective time is only existing here in this space in this realm and in kind of a hard to understand way there's different time and different places but in the Heavenly space or in the Eternal um existence that we all exist in there is no time and and so I had to choose to come back to the right time to come into my body and as I was was being navigated I wasn't very good at that choice so I was being kind of navigated through that process I was seeing into our far distant future and I was also seeing into our far past but I was so excited about what I was seeing just in quick glimpses in the future um it excited me so that's where my attention went and and I only got to see a little bit of it but it it was such a beautiful future that I got to see the hard part was is after I got back I knew where we were going to be in the long run and I knew where we are now as a society and it it took quite a while to start understanding how we get from here to there that was the hard part is you know it there is so different than here our future is very very different than here and and it took some yeah it took some dissecting to try to figure out how is this going to happen how does it roll forward um the things I can tell you is what it looks like at that that future space um and I can I can speak about that as if it it already exists because it does I saw it um but how we actually get there that's up to interpretation um but I I feel that within the subconscious of every single one of us who are here on Earth we already know how we get from here to there we do and the journey may not be pleasant to get from here to there and so that's one of the things I want to cover um why don't you start with the good stuff you know where we're headed and kind of give us an idea too of how far out in the future this is so it felt um it felt 30 to 50 years in our future and um I caught a little Glimpse about 100 years in our future but the the biggest Glimpse I got was about 30 to 50 years and again since there's no time that's kind of my my guesstimate of what I was seeing and I saw that Earth was very different than it is now in some major oceans some major Seas there is now land and in places there was land there's now oceans and seas so there's some major displacements that will happen in this process of Shifting or going to this higher place but in that space there was uh communities all over the world and it felt like almost um sacred cities that's what it felt like and these sacred cities are dotted all over the world you know United States South America um Europe Russia China they're all over the place but they're not in the current places that we have major cities so um there will be will be a process of Shifting away from major metropolitan areas and building our own communities of like-minded individuals I could feel that there was a synchronistic um energy about every single one of these cities and there's a there's an a way that they're all connected to each other energetically and somehow people can go to these cities experience uh events and and people in these places and then they can go to another one of these cities by going to a special gate or a special door um that connects them to all of them so because they exist at this higher place this higher existence they're connected in some type of energetic Network something bigger and better than what we would call like the internet but it's even better than that it's a I would call it the quantum network or the quantum field and um they're able to go from Community to community and uh in the in the space we live very differently we are now not in um a phase of consumption if you notice that most of the world we are in in a phase of consuming we consume everything we consume food resources energy uh entertainment we are constantly consuming and when you look at life and you see something constantly consuming it's almost like a parasitic type energy and that's that's the phase that we're phasing out of now as a species as Humanity we are phasing out of the parasitic uh phase and we are now lifting ourselves up or graduating into a higher phase and that's what's happening right now that that's what we're in the process of doing we're in the baby stages of that now but in the future we're we've made that change and in this place we create in these communities they create they create art poetry literature healing techniques um they connect to that quantum field where all knowledge is available to them and we can kind of unlock all the mysteries of the universe it's hard to imagine getting there because right now we do live in a very materialistic society and you you know many of us are not meditators we're going how do we get you know from here to what you're talking about so is this information that is kind of downloaded into us um how do we learn to become these kind of people that there's so much more that's up here and spiritual than it is right now well it starts with um different wakeup calls you know uh before covid happened I thought man this is really going to be hard I don't know how we're going to do this everybody is in such a selfish Direction with all of their consumption right it's all about I'm hungry it's all about I'm tired I've got a headache and and we're thinking from the ego perspective from I am the center of the universe or the or the edging God out perspective and when Co happened it really woke up a lot of people it it took us it kind of broke us out of our Rat Race and it forced us to wake up to understanding are we happy with this phase of consumption this phase of always needing more striving for more or is there something else out there that can make us feel happy and satisfied that we don't have to consume that we can generate ourselves and that's what we can learn when we meditate when we we go within when we go into um I like to to say that the universe is you in vered that the way we think that the Universe holds all of our Solutions and options all we have to do is actually turn that around to the you inv vered and that's where all the solutions and options actually already exist everything that any of us need is right here and anytime we feel that we need something outside ourselves for happiness gratification success we are fooling ourselves because happiness gratification and success is something you can allow yourself now you don't have to reach for something or gain something to have it allow yourself to have it now inside and as you resonate that inside then it starts to resonate outside without the process of consuming yeah Vinnie tell me a little bit more about these doorways because this is really fascinating to hear yeah there's so I got to see in that space there's the this really neat technology um I got to see it uh up close and um I don't know how I got to see it but I did I got to see it really up close as I was in that process of my journey and and people in those spaces they're passionate about history they're passionate about the future and they have these Crystal tablets they look like like truly a slab of Crystal U almost like an iPad but it's made out of Crystal and they essentially they're always on there they must have some type of atomic battery or Atomic um power source inside and um when they they turn on these tablets or they they open these tablets they will dial in a certain time period and they can actually put the tablet over their head and their head actually goes into the tablet and they will be in the space that they want to be so if they want to go look at dinosaurs they can really go be where dinosaurs are if they want to go look um uh and watch Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address they can go do that and they will just appear in in space um at a higher frequency so the in in that timeline people aren't going to see them they can see and experience these Grand events and and it runs off of passion so if you have enough passion you can function one of these tablets and and it's your passion and your love of wanting to go to that place that allows you to get there and these Gates these doorways are very much the same but it takes more than one person to run them so it takes kind of the community to keep them running but they they run as long as we want to use them yeah and it is a very different space though it's it's such a different space I didn't see a single store not one store in the entire Community I saw um trading going on but it was more um I'd love to give you this and that's it not nothing needed in return um like the trading there is just just kind of almost a donation energy to each other everyone there in that space is that way um I didn't see any currency not a single way of exchange or currency I didn't see cell phones so there's something that happens where um we don't need cell phones anymore I I and when I I I asked at a later period how that would happen and I was shown that all of us have something inside of us that's like a cell phone and once that gets activated we now don't need cell phones anymore we have the ability to instantly communicate to each other um across time and space and we have the ability to download information that we need but it's all already built into us and and um to me that's something that exists now inside of us we're just waiting to have it activated and we're we're in the process now I feel that that those baby activations are starting to happen for some of us yeah it's so fascinating when you talk about these tablets and you said it sort of like an iPad a crystal iPad do you think it evolves from the current technology or do you think this is something completely different I would feel it's it's kind of a uh it's a technology that existed before time and I think our technology is emulating that technology all along so it's something that was existing you know long before modern time came um as we become ready for that technology to be given to us or for us to know where it's hidden in the Earth space or or in this space-time Continuum um as we become ready for it it it arrives and uh I feel that our technology is an emulation or a a imitating what that technology is yeah and always has been now you mentioned with this technology we could go at any time into the past we could look at something but we're kind of in a different dimension MH if we are just say wanting to travel somewhere across the world are we going to actually be there physically so to to explain it and I actually have a couple of physicists who understand this when I tell them this there is a common energy in this space and this time now as there is in our past time and space and in our future time in space but also in all the different universes galaxies and systems that that common factor is there as well and it's an energy and so once you unlock your access to that energy you're essentially plugged into a network where you can go anywhere any time any place and that's how these things work but what's what's interesting is to get yourself access to that it takes a a very CLE clean distinct Um passion with Direction so we have to get very good about Discerning and directing Our intention and almost fine-tuning Our intention to go to a very specific uh local and when we do we're able to function and use these things so we could go somewhere else in the universe or somewhere else absolutely yep without without using any uh propulsion systems we we are able to go because that same common energy that exists here is there and we're plugging into that Network and then we're instantly there you know um there's there's a few people that talk about quantum entanglement they talk about um the quantum field there was some studies done here in the past where a certain individual had a trauma on himself and he reacted very negatively to certain symbols and what they found is when they drew his blood and they took that blood and put it 300 MERS away it reacted simultaneously the same exact moment to to the atomic second his white blood cells reacted the exact same as it did in his body when he saw the symbols that caused him to to feel trauma they took that same blood and they took it over a thousand miles away and it still reacted instantaneously to the very second at the same time as when his body was exper was seeing the trauma now or seeing his triggers now that's an an experiment um from that they started in the 60s they did it in the 70s they did in the 80s um we know about this this Quantum relationship how something can um be connected Beyond time and space and distance instantaneously we're we're trying to unlock it now in physics and and mathematically we're almost there mathematically it's a proof um we can proof it now but we can't um we can't roll our our physiology into it yet we can see it and we can observe it we don't quite understand how to direct it yet and I feel that at at a certain Enlightenment period we will be able to direct that and it may seem way out there but I remember hearing some of the this in my physics class which you know was 20 years ago or so so it is quite fascinating of course that's expanded even more so there's so much that we don't know there is with these tablets you can we also then go into the future and can we go into the Heavenly Realms yes and anywhere we want to go as long as our intention can can um crossair ourselves or or or get ourselves with a distinguished destination now if we've never been there then that's going to be a lot harder we would almost have to go to someone who's been there to help us try angulate ourselves into that space um but what's what's very interesting about heaven and anything towards the Heavenly space which there's a lot of different dimensions on your way to the Heavenly Dimension to get into each one of those you have to raise your uh your total energy you have to raise your frequency raise your empathic energy um your your your oscillating frequency as a being has to go up as you go into those higher Dimensions as well so that's going to be a process for us to learn in in time but one of the the neatest things is there's been teachers that have come to this earth that have taught us how to selflessly love others and how to serve others and how even to the point we may sacrifice our ourselves for others and as we we follow that kind of love or selfless sacrificial love that's the the highest energy out there um um the service love is the highest energy out there and that allows us once we can really get good at that kind of love that kind of energy it gives us um almost a pass to get up to some of the highest aspects of that we could reach yeah so tell us a few more things about this future I think you mentioned in the last episode in the series of four that we did you mentioned there in part four that we will be growing our own food but it's not like we grow it now it's going to be different can you can you tell us more just things like that that you expect how we'll be living in this 30 to 50 year time range well in that future we're very intentional about everything we do we will at we will put intention into a specific crop and that crop will produce a different yield because of the intention we put into it um there also be these these certain plants that are oscillating or existing at such a high love energy that when we walk up to them we will say I would love to taste this and the plant will give us that flavor from its fruit so it's it's it's very much a together a cohesive energy in that space but also in that space there's some of us that don't need to eat or drink anymore um and then there's some of us that still do but it's not by need it's by choice um but it is very different because there someone may be eating because they love the the texture and and and kind of the process of coming together with the plant or coming together with the food and and um the molecular biology as it comes into the self right and it's more about that coming together or that communion that's why they're eating it's not because they're hungry it's not because they need it for energy we learn a new Energy System in that space where we don't uh eat food traditionally we're able to gain energy from ourselves we have unlimited energy already inside of us we have uh unlimited energy from our mother Gaia or Mother Earth we also have unlimited energy from the Sun and and in that space there's a way that our bodies are able to capture that energy and sustain themselves without consuming uh so it is a very different space I feel like even the human physiology is very different in that space so I feel like there's going to be some upgrading quite a bit of upgrading that happens to us in the process of us moving towards that future space so do you see us with homes or cars some of the traditional things that we expect in life I didn't see any cars per se I saw some vehicles that were used for personal transport but they were more for fun than they were for utility like I I didn't see any utility type um movement or Transportation Vehicles there whatsoever and I think it it goes to those Gates that that we have uh it essentially eliminates the need for moving your physiology from space from place to P place or local to local because those Gates allow you to do that without moving your you know without moving your body through space yeah what about homes so homes was very different okay um I actually pulled this out to show you so it's it's kind of funny they each each one of the communities is designed out like the flower of life so this is a sacred symbol and um not all of them follow this exactly but what I found is there was domes like almost like geodesic domes throughout the community almost all of them were white there was a few that were like earthtone tan some light green ones but most of them almost all of them were white um and inside each Dome there was a few very small domes that were kind of like a family structure but those were for the new people once they were part of this community a while then they would essentially go assimilate into the groups of people that matched their energy and and now instead of a family being our our DNA or our biology our families became our synchronistic groups and and now people still kept their ties of hey that's my biological brother that's my biological that kind of thing that continued but not in the form where all of them went under one house anymore um they they would you know there was like a a a dome of healers there was a dome of artists that were visual artists there was a dome of of um different energies each each Dome or or space had a different energy and people were going where they felt the most um synchronized to their passion and to their own life force and in that space they felt they found family and and so in the beginning you still have these like traditional Family Ties um but sometimes you'd go in one of these like you could see in some of these spaces there was a dad a mom two of their kids they all were in the same space because they were all healers or they were all empathic um um scanners like they could EMP you know empathically scan your physiology and tell you everything that's going on with you completely replacing the need for like MRI or or CT scans or ultrasounds uh and it's just using their their natural gifts in within their body so it it's a quite a different space I didn't see any hospitals I when someone would get sick or break a bone or something like that as an accident they would take that person that was sick and put them in the main dome in the middle of the community and then the community would come and and gather around them and they would hold space for them and they would actually reach out to a future space where that person was healed and whole and they would invite that future being or future aspect of that being into that space and it would heal the person that was hurt or or sick and so even healthc care everything is so different it's all based off of energy and not off of chemistry it's all based off of energy whereas our our a lot of our our medical system now is a lot chemistry so much of it's chemistry so what about our lifespans because in 30 to 50 years I'm going to be ending you know near the end of my life or or already kick the bucket so will people live longer because of this renewal that's taking place absolutely um so I could still be around for this yes absolutely yeah people are going to live a lot longer when we stop poisoning our bodies if you go in a grocery store right now around 99% of everything in that grocery store is poison and and I know that that may trigger some people but I'm not kidding if you do enough of your own real scientific research on everything in the ingredients in the modern Western diet 99% of the modern Western diet is poison and once we stop poisoning our bodies they are going to live a lot longer they do live a lot longer but what I found was very different is in this future space there was two types of being there was one being that looked just healthy and amazing and beautiful but then there was another being that was right next to that one and they looked just like they glowed as if light was coming from them and it took me a while of dissecting of how one was so different from the other and you know this this happened after I came back I was able to understand that what happens is one who is emitting the light they had already entered their Eternal body or their energetic body and truly the energetic body is the Eternal Body that's the the soul body or the form of the Soul right and um we get to do that transition without dying if in that space it's as if you go to bed um in physiology and you wake up in energy and so you make that transition when you're ready when you've reached the right um status with your control of your own energy you're able to make that metamorphosis or that change yourself um but yeah in that future space in the when you're in the energetic body you get to live as long as you want to live you're not limited by time anymore and in fact time starts fading and being less important anymore because it's it's something that we've already mastered with taking taking honor and care of our energy now time is not this clock that's going to run out one day um we get to choose how long do I want to stay in this community and a lot of us will stay for a for a while and then we will we will jump or we will cross into a higher Community somewhere else and then we'll cross to a higher community and eventually um go do the work that we've we were always planning to do and and we had already uh contracted do with the Creator with Source yeah Vinnie this Future Sounds incredible it sounds amazing but I know that there are some challenging times to get there and I would assume there's some sort of a catalyst but let's go ahead and take that into part two okay let's do it well what are your thoughts I invited Vinnie back back because when I did the four-part series with him so many of you said oh I want to hear more about the future that's not enough detail and so I invited him back and boy did he give detail this covers three episodes and everyone is packed with things that we can expect for the future and in the end everything sounds like it's going to be amazing although very different and different of course can be really scary and I kind of like life the way it is so it's hard to imagine changing that dramatically in just the next 30 to 50 years so as we go on from this episode now into the next two we're going to talk more about the Less Pleasant aspects of what is in the future so in the meantime I love to talk about just first of all part one you know what were your thoughts on some of the things he said are you ready are you willing um he said you know go into it without fear just embrace it and he says it's going to be great so I have certainly very mixed feelings about it I don't look forward to what's going to come before that and again we're going to talk about that coming up so share your thoughts um put it in the comments section if you liked the video please please give it a like and if you know someone that wants to hear about the future you know please share this with them I appreciate that when you do so thank you everybody for being here and make sure to catch the next two episodes thanks for joining me on Beyond with Heather Tesh please add comments and questions you'd like future guests to answer also if you liked what you heard please hit the Thumbs Up Button And subscribe that'll help keep this podcast going you can also go to Beyond with Heather Tesh to look for more episodes
Channel: Beyond with Heather Tesch
Views: 25,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Death, Near Death Experience, NDE, Afterlife, love, Do pets go to Heaven, What happens when we die, What does Heaven look like, Jeff Mara, Love Covered LIfe, next level soul, the other side, nde experiences videos, nde testimonials, life after death stories, near death experiences interviews, spiritual awakening stories, transpersonal psychology, supernatural, nde experience, God, Heaven, IANDS, Jesus, Angels, Beyond, Heather Tesch, healing, Vinney Tolman, Future, Future Events
Id: 3NKU3KxjsfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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