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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book I'll leave a link down in the description box below available in ebook paperback and all proceeds from the sales go to charity so um if you all noticed in my shorts in my community tab I showed how I lost 20 pounds in one month or 20 pounds in 30 days I actually did it with one day to spare this morning I weighed myself I was 151.5 yesterday today I am 150.5 so I've actually lost 21 pounds in one month okay so and I documented it all on my patreon channel but there's a lot of people who wanted to know how I do it no problem this is the real world let's talk about the real world what I'll do is I'll tell you really quickly exactly how I did it and then I'll go into the details of the psychology behind it the mistakes that I made of stuff like that so so first what I did is I Okay so how do I explain this all right so I drink coffee first thing I did was I chose one thing that I am not willing to get rid of that is my coffee my coffee I drink I drink three of these per day it's espresso half and half and sugar so what so what I did is I switched from three to two so now I have two a day I switched the sugar to monk fruit and I tried it with milk but I went back to half and half but it's okay um so now it's two per day each one of these with the half and half and the and and every time I say sugar I mean monk fruit so I'm I'm gonna say sugar but it's monk fruit so each one of these has approximately 300 calories so I get 600 calories per day from my coffee yeah maybe maybe you would rather eat than drink coffee not me it's the one thing I won't go without I think I have a a watch it's not an Apple Watch it's a very fit Pro watch it's like a it's a cheaper version of the Apple watch it's about 40 45 dollars but when I got it it was like 25 and I just replaced the straps but anyway that is neither here nor that it's a pedometer and the first thing I do when I wake up is I take a sip of my coffee and I go walk for five miles ten thousand steps five miles uh get it out of the way um I walk everywhere if I have to go to get groceries I'm walking I usually walk the dogs I walk Nola for three miles and I walk Rocky for two miles to get my five miles per day after doing that walk and by the end of the day I usually have eight or nine miles just from walking around the house and doing yard work and whatever I need to get done so that's a huge one walking um I eat when I eat it was one meal a day 3.3 ounces of chicken or a tilapia fillet or a can of tuna and then a side of vegetables a half a half a plate of vegetables the vegetables were broccoli they're there's there has to be broccoli for the fiber so you keep your poop going um and your digestion is all good so broccoli or broccoli mixed with zucchini mushrooms just a bit a traditional vegetable stir-fry that is my one meal a day um and then I did Zumba which is the older ones I'll leave links in the description Zumba Cardio Party or Zumba sculpt and tone and I preferred to focus on the sculpting tone occasionally I would do the cardio but I'm getting most of my cardio from my walks which is low intensity cardio um but I focused on sculpt and tone so that I can keep my muscle mass up while my calorie deficit is down so that is what I did that's it for 30 days uh there are other things that go into it so if that's all you wanted to know there you have it that's what I did I walked I woke up I have two cups of coffee in a day one meal a day with 3.3 ounces of chicken a tilapia fillet or tuna a can of tuna and a side of vegetables and my two coffees walk five miles do Zumba that's it oh and I'm sorry and my steam sauna so I have a sauna and after each workout I will do the sauna it helps to detox the body it gets my body ready for sleep it also increases my heart rate and takes a 45 minute workout kind of into an hour-long workout because I'm in there for 10 or 15 minutes love my sauna uh it's one of my favorite things absolutely love it so that's what I did so let's get into the psychology and details of all of this stuff where I made mistakes and stuff like that first of all let me say I'm not a nutritionist I'm not a doctor I have I'm not somebody you know I see these people on YouTube v-shred is a bunch of horrible horrible advice who come on here and pretend that you know they've got the ripped body and they tell other people what to do and no diet is Right everybody's got a different body everybody's got different tolerances different dietary needs so if you know you can try this but if it doesn't work for you if your body tells you it's wrong don't do it don't do what I did okay I don't I don't like necessarily recommend it to anybody um it's just follow what your body tells you to do because your body is not my body I just want to I just want to say that out out front um so I started at 170 1.5 the first week and this is normal the first week I lost 10 pounds now most people say that that's water weight uh I don't know about that I mean some of it might be but not not the way that I was doing it because I mean I was working out like a mad woman and all this other stuff and in the shock of going from just eating normally and not working out lethargic it's a shock to the system so um the first 10 day or the first seven days was 10 pounds and that's normal sort of but not for somebody who started at such a low weight then as I did one of the problems that I was having researching doing a weight loss Journey like this and I'm not done I'm gonna keep going but one of the problems that I was having there were a couple of problems how do I lose 20 pounds in 30 days all these videos come up most of them are men you know most um and men's bodies work very differently than women's women's bodies store fat way better than men's do it's just uh it's just our DNA that's how we work so when a man comes on there and says do five jumping jacks 10 push-ups and you're good that doesn't work for a woman we have to work four times as hard for half of the results so just keep that in mind it you know I I asked just switch from regular beer to light beer and you'll lose 20 pounds in 30 days well I don't drink beer and I'm not a guy so that doesn't work for me the other issue that I was having was people who were losing large amounts of weight in a short amount of time I have a huge you know they're they're starting at 290 Pounds you know these women who are starting at 280 pounds yes if you have that much weight on you losing 20 pounds in 30 days is going to be much easier for you to lose 20 pounds as opposed to somebody who starts at such a small weight at 171.5 so those videos simply didn't work for me you know um so what I did I decided to go like all out like I'm just doing all of it like let's do keto one meal a day high intensity interval training um fasting you know let's do all this stuff but I'm going to do it in my own way so I am not going to go on a water fast because I'm not going to give up my coffee if it you know I am addicted to it and I'm not apologetic about it that's the way it is I'm always gonna have my coffee with cream and sugar monk fruit whatever um it's always going to be that way and I'm not going to give it up now imagine if you're drinking three of these a day I had to come to reality with myself if you're drinking three of these a day that's 900 calories a day if you want to weigh 130 pounds you can only eat 400 calories and that will keep your weight at 140. 500 calories so 900 calories plus 500 calories so I already ate very little before but I got up to 170 you know 900 calories in this plus 800 calories to eat I got up to 170 or 171.5 so imagine what 800 calories is it sneaks up on you most people don't don't think about their drinks but 800 calories a day is very very little it's not even a plate of food if you go out to a restaurant your typical meal is going to be 1200 calories I can't you know if I eat that I'm gonna get up to 200 pounds with my 900 calories of coffee you know what I mean so I had to be real with myself and I also had to look at my weight and say okay this was my fault it's nobody else's fault it's my fault I did this to myself so now I have to correct it how do I correct it that's what I had to do um so let me let me go over a few things so I had some hurdles along the way which was totally my mistake first of all they don't tell you this there is this like keto tongue it's gone I have a normal tongue now but my tongue was black for two weeks um I had no carbs the only carbs that I get is from my half and half and keto is 50 grams of carbs per day or less the only carbs I was getting was from my half and half um and it equals less than 25 carbs per day so there was some sort of detox going on in my body and my tongue was black with a film for like two weeks and um it eventually it went away and what's and at the two week Mark I I started getting really tired of the food I really did um and I was craving something that I don't eat I was craving pickles I I wanted pickles so I went and got a big giant jar of pickles and it's you know the labels it's good for you zero calories whatever um so I ate three pickles thinking that was good for me well the ingredients in pickles whatever it was made me hold on to extra water weight for like five days like five days so I didn't lose weight what did it it took me nine days to lose one pound from 161 on the 8th to 160 on the 18th because of three pickles yeah so you have to be really really careful with you with what you eat and then um I went a few more days and I made the mistake of listening to somebody who I shouldn't have listened to and that's that V shred guy who says uh stop doing cardio every day to lose weight or I'm going to jump in this pool and then he says you got to watch your body composition and so I watched the body composition video thinking this guy knows what he's talking about and I was stupid and I listened to him like this whole hour-long video he's talking about his mom's friend doing what I did and then lost all the results or something and he goes the problem is you need metabolic confusion so you need uh two cheat days a week like you need to not exercise and eat pizza and donuts and stuff like that and I'm like okay you know because I think I know what he's taught he knows what he's talking about he didn't so I picked the next two days the 21st and the 22nd as my carb days you know so I can keep this going I didn't do anything crazy I just went and got a burger and fries you know I didn't go get pizza or uh you know big big huge things that he was eating I didn't need any donuts uh I got a burger and fries um and I did that on the 21st and the 22nd I was like I can't do that again my stomach felt like it had a brick in it and um I I was like I can't do that again I gained weight I I gained weight from that carb like three pounds and it took me all week an entire like five days to get it back down so that's why I say you know if what I'm saying doesn't work for you don't do it you know some people gain weight eating one meal a day some people gain weight water fasting some people gain weight you know doing the things that I did so if it doesn't work for you don't do it don't do it so moving on so on the 27th now I can't call it a water fast I can't call it fasting because first of all I'm still getting 600 calories for my two cups of coffee so I switch from three to two but on the 27th I started not eating my meal I was just so sick of the same meal every day and I just didn't want it I'm just like I would rather not eat than eat this same thing again I actually still have seven meals in my freezer waiting to be taken into the fridge and thawed out and eaten um under my one meal a day plan but I'm just like I don't I don't want it I'm not gonna eat um and I would rather not eat than eat that thing again right now so on the 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st and today um I have no meals that doesn't mean no calories because I've got the 600 from this and anytime my stomach you know you get those hunger pains but and I'm fine with hunger pangs I grew up poor we didn't have a lot of food in the house we went hungry a lot of times so I'm accustomed to it it doesn't really bother me like it would other people so in my stomach when I do get the hunger pangs that are like really really bad like really bad um I will have half of a deviled egg that's it so you've got one egg and you split it into two you make it into two double half two halves of a deviled egg one egg two halves I would have half of a deviled egg and that would be enough to make the hunger pangs go away now during this entire thing and I would have maybe one full egg a day so I would do that like twice a day when the hunger pings were really bad um and I'm still doing that and I'm doing fine and people say you know when you when you eat that little you can't work out I'm not listening to that I worked out the entire time and I'm still working out every day with the exception of that one Carb Day on the 21st um I worked out every day seven days a week um and I will continue to do that because I feel amazing doing it my Zumba and the thing about Zumba um I don't like work out like I don't take a weight and sit there and go like this because that would drive me insane I can't work out like that um I can't go to the gym and like go on a machine and pull things and then do this like with I I would I would have quit because I hate doing that stuff but dancing to Me Zumba dancing makes me feel like I'm not working out and I love to dance so it's just combining a couple of things that I really love and to be honest with you when I first started Zumba by they they do it in little sectional increments of like five minutes each by the time I reached the second one I was like I can't do this I it's too hard now I'm just like um it's kind of like autopilot like I go I turn on my Zumba DVD I do the DVD and by the time it's over I was like oh yeah okay yeah cool like it doesn't my my energy level is up and my strength is up and I just I feel really really good and I'm going to continue this now um when we get into the psychological stuff the why did I do this um you know on on YouTube there's there's a lot of haters out there there's a lot of trolls out there there's a lot of bullies out there horrible horrible people are on the internet and they say things to to you or about you and they think that they don't hurt you or maybe they are trying to hurt you but it builds up and it builds up and it hurts a lot it hurts a lot um and I became extremely depressed like really depressed I was lethargic sleeping all the time not spending the the time with my dogs that they needed and you know it goes a lot deeper than that but you know and people will tell you that you have your mentally messed up you have you don't know what you're talking like anything you can imagine they will say it to you and there was this one I went to a video that somebody made about me what I which I never should have done and in the comment section of the video it's when I was working at a nursery when I lived in Arizona and well that's when the comment originated and it said in it no wonder prepper Princess films from the waist up because she's fat from the waist down I ran into her at work and I hate her so much I would never go and say hello to her but I took a picture and um that hurt a lot and it that comment caused me to become depressed and just go on a downward spiral um I was eating more I was eating more not good like not bad but you know compared to most American diets but I wasn't eating you know right I wasn't exercising and it just sent me on a really bad downward spiral now uh you can suck it because um I feel great my confidence is up and it life is better when you have more confidence and and I'm finding that I'm being more lately with the weight loss and my confidence being up I'm more approachable I I approach other people to start discussions um strangers you know and I have no problem filming from the waist down I never did it's just that it's easier to film this way you want me to do like a little walk I'll do a little walk filming I'm not fat I'm sorry I'm not you know if you wanna if you wanna call somebody fat do it to their face so I can punch you you know you were right next to me at my job why didn't you come say that I'm fat I would have laid you on the ground bro you know and it was obviously a man by their name um and they were too much of a coward to come and say it to my face but in them doing that so so badly behind my back it caused me to it caused me to make uh really positive changes in my life and at this point my goal so for my body height my five I'm five foot seven it is healthiest to be between 122 and 159. so I'm now at 150. my goal is 140. um and it more than likely that once I get down to 140 it's not going to take me two weeks to get down to 140. the the weight loss 20 pounds in one month is like that's just to get you started that's to get you the motivation that you need to keep going the the next 10 pounds might take me two months um and then beyond losing that weight I might end up getting down to 130 like I was before but if I get below 130 I need to stop because I start looking weird when I get below 130. like you can start seeing the veins coming out of my face um and you can see my spine through the back because there's no fat and I start looking really strange and that happened to me before and I had to cut it I had to cut it pretty quick but going without food is not difficult for me it might you might be a diabetic and not be able to do that so you just have to do what's right for you you have to listen to your body do what your body tells you and um keep it going you know once you reach your goal weight you should continue doing healthy things that are good for your body and hopefully hopefully soon I'm actually I have a goal is to get down to 140 by June so that I can go to pride parade and hopefully meet somebody um yeah if you don't know I'm I'm gay and I'm trying to find somebody who's not just a one and done deal I don't want a date I want a girlfriend like I want a long-term partnership so um I am making the changes in myself to make myself uh better on The Dating Game and I think that it all needs to start internally I don't believe that people should just accept you as you are when you're at your worst I think that you need to take responsibility for yourself and make yourself a better better person so that others can be more attracted to you all right folks that's how I did it do what you can with what you've got prepper prints this out
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 153,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme weight loss, fitness, diet, exercise
Id: yOW0hRe8bq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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