I found Him IN THE WOODS sleeping in this BOX! You won't BEElieve it...

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[Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] can hear man he already stung me okay last time Doug visited this thing was constructed but didn't have any bees in there now there are so many bees that they already stinging dug and he is making this video Bally um the sorted by the bees bravely uh but I wanted to have a sanctu for me to go and relax and the buzzing of bees and everything so you lie down there and watch out the window you can see all this be traffic and just listen to the sound all right I'm laying down inside the Beehive can you hear it and it's kind of warm in here [Music] too very peaceful you can see the bees coming in and out right there around the corner and all these holes if you look in them you can see the bees and I can feel the air coming out of here crazy man there's so many bees you can hear them all they're all down there who's [Laughter] next can you hear him oh yeah very peaceful has a nice hum [Laughter] yeah uh with a nice big window I have there if I need to go into the hive I need to block the light because the Beast coming out of the box will not even be able to fly this way they will be bumping their heads against the window and you'll have to collect them one by one so I use an old door just to block out the sunlight so that if any bees get out of the hive during the inspection they know that the direction to fly out to is where I'm standing now okay that how do they like all that bumping and uh it doesn't matter much because bees can only sense vibrations and in nature there are all kinds of operations in there be Nest the tree they live in is swinging in the wind there are so many things going on that this is really minor and realize that bees do not have a way of hearing things other than through vibration so unless you really shake the whole thing up um they really don't pay much attention so it's a real beehive here uh it's big enough for four colonies and uh I need to add potentially few frames there so I have a small compartment here where there are no Bees yet and I use it for storing the empty com uh or Foundation frames the frames with wax in them ready to be given to the bees um and when not in use all of that is being powered by these red seedar boards so you can lie down on them and enjoy the B bad all right we're ready to go in and uh I use minimal management here really it's the real bive there with frames and all you can see the frames here yeah if it's warm meaning they're raising brood uh you saw outside the window that they're really active but it was a smaller colony because I made an artificial swarm from that big Colony here meaning I took a few frames and I just put it in a different compartment and that one raised themselves a new queen and the original Queen was here so on this bed that we're laying on is the right side is one Hive and the left side is another Hive yeah correct see all these bees here yes that's the original Hive and they were getting so big they were they were filling this whole Space if I did nothing they would swarm because they were getting congested so I took these frames from here uh and put them there so this raised themselves new Queen and also they now expanded so that I could take more frames to make another colony of these so it goes like that they just keep multiplying and even if you occasionally lose a hive they produce enough copies of themselves for the whole thing to be completely sustainable without ever needing to buy any bees okay we'll pick in here and uh if any bees fly out they will return through the entrance and uh I just need to check to make sure that they are not running out of room it was very uh rainy this past time so when it's rains even when things are in bloom bees are not really able to forage so they may not have been able to expand quickly because of lack of food but now there enough bees uh they're not building anything off of this plank uh so I will just quickly check to make sure that they're producing brood and that they have food just by the weight of the frame this is pretty much empty okay and this has neor on it okay and B bread so I know they have enough food and resources I will also check them for the presence of brood because every time you manipulate frames there is some chance of accidentally damaging the queen and I haven't seen this Hive since I made this transfer so I just want to make sure that they have brood meaning that the queen was all right and was not pinched in in the transfer oh yeah this is like beautiful bro uh yeah everything is good with this Colony each of these cells will become an adult be in the coming weeks the pattern of The Brood is ideal you actually see some of the cells uncapped this is good because that means that these particular bees can smell the presence of parasites through the membrane that covers the uh Pupa and they can uncap the uh cells that have a parasite in that the verite for example to disrupt the breathing cycle of the verites so this is called hygienic Behavior this pooper will still be able to mature but the cycle of reproduction of parasites will be uh disrupted so it's all I needed to see here I now see they have very nice brood they have food they have actually plenty of frames but since I am here already and I don't want to go in there too often I will give them three more frames and then I won't have to open that for another month until sumac plants are done uh blooming all right I added to frame of foundation they will turn a frame like that into a frame with the build outcom within the next month and it's always good to give them some of that work to do because a very young bees are primed to produce a lot of beeswax it just secretes from their bodies we never think about us being able to produce our own building materials from our bodies but this is what bees do all of these Beeswax is made out of these bodies they're just sweating it out of their abdomen collecting them Chewing It Up and making and fashioning it into this beautiful honeycomb in complete darkness without ever actually seeing this paron in Middle Ages scientists were fascinated to see that actually mathematically uh the use of wax to construct honeycom exactly like the bees are doing is the most efficient way of using this material to hold the maximum amount of Honey with the minimal amount of wax used and they do it with such Precision that in the Middle Ages there was even the proposition to be measuring distance not in inches but in the number of work cells of the Honeybee by the way it's not as accurate because some of the subspecies would have slightly different sizes uh but these are fascinating on so many different levels and if you can imagine me lying here for a couple of hours relaxing this is where new ideas come to mind this is where old stress goes away it just a really regenerative uh experience of getting something from the bees that is goes well beyond honey or pollen or any other good products that we usually associate honey be [Laughter] with all right I'm done with my visit actually uh two weeks from now we will be opening this part because they will require even more frames but not right now I added some on my last visit so I know they have enough room this goes out and the next person goes in you know this thing made strike you as being very complex but actually I don't have too advanced building skills this was all done with a table saw and a skill saw in my shop and the free plans for building the exact High looking at including the lower portion with the bees and the top canopy that I used local uh locally sourced red cedar that would otherwise be used for making shavings for cats U so I used all this locally sourced material and the free plans are on horizontalhive.com uh this is already my third B bad and I made a few improvements the very first one was too narrow because the width of the Beehive would be like 18 19 in and you all squeezed like that it was not very relaxing experience so I added these wings that have the B air circulating there coming here but then the second B bad I built it had the feet that were standing on the ground and so you're lying down relaxing but at the best moment the Cockroaches or ants start crawling on you and and biting you it was not very relaxing either so on this new one I think one of the big improvements and it's also there on the um uh in the clans on horizontalhive.com take some kind of uh container and I just took uh older uh propane tanks and I cut them with a angle grinder in half and half of them goes here some people say oh you didn't paint them so they will Rust they will eventually proba l r but I give it good 20 years of um service life for sure uh and you add water here which makes it's impossible for cockroaches or ants or anything else to go up the feet of the hive and inside to make their nest there and what's with the tray there H the tray uh and this then this is to prevent the traffic of the Beast that is here from accidentally dropping and drowning there so the skirt keeps the bees from drowning there because many bees miss their approach they may be coming back from the field really heavy and really if you realize how much honey bees can carry inside their body it would be like you carrying bags like 30 lb of 50 lbs of groceries so when they're trying to land many of them will miss the first approach and they will pop on the ground by The Hive entrance now because the hive entran is right here if there was no discar many of the bees would be drowning so having this skirt um really prevents them from being drowned and keeps all of The Unwanted craters from invading my bad so it's reserved for our enjoyment as well as our guests okay when I spend time in this B bad I get all kinds of wonderful ideas I already know and have plans for my next B bad and my next B bad will be threedimensional so bees won't be just under you they will be on the side of you and above you and there will be very fine screen so bees won't be able to uh get at you but you will be lying down and not only there will be all this buzzing and heat and vibration you can experience here and the smells too but also you will see and feel the Beast crawling all around you so if you are for a real honeymoon experience uh check out D's videos a couple of years from now and you'll see this 3D be bad coming to a place close to you
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 195,811
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Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, cooking from scrtch, self sufficient, growing food, how to grow food
Id: wLqCEWbkVgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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