Best Tips For Getting Pregnant After 40 | Improve Egg Quality With Low AMH

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more and more women are getting pregnant after age 40. in fact it's the one age group where the birth rate is rising instead of falling so let's get into the best tips for getting pregnant after 40. and stick with me to the end on this one because I'll talk about the supplements at the end of this video [Music] before we dive in though if you haven't yet join me for my live fertility masterclass head down to that first pin comment or the discussion box below and register for the next one that's coming up I go over fertility strategy in there what you should do what you should not do definitely some things you should stay away from and why and I also go over some really awesome scientific breakthroughs that we've made in egg quality so if you're watching this video and you're age 40 plus and you're worried about egg quality I definitely recommend hitting this master class because you know you're going to learn a ton about egg quality that you didn't know before and that your doctor may not know either so I'll see you there first thing is first if you are age 40 plus watching this video trying to get pregnant with either your first baby or your last baby to complete your family I want to tell you I see women and their 40s get pregnant all day every day all the way up into their late 40s as well so you may be told that if you have low am age you're never going to get pregnant or you may be being told by your doctor that you can only do IVF or an egg donor that's not necessary fairly true there's lots of things that we can do to optimize your body and your egg quality and we're going to talk about some of those things today so let's get started the first thing we want to do is we want to assess your menstrual cycle overall is it regular do you ovulate every month when do you ovulate how long is that luteal phase after ovulation we want to look at the whole picture so we really get an idea of what's going on hormonally inside your body if you're having really really long long cycles that are irregular all the time maybe you have a 35 day cycle then a 54-day cycle then a 29 day cycle or if you're always constantly on the short end 20 day cycles 21 day cycles maybe you're not ovulating we have to really get a good assessment of the overall menstrual cycle to have a good idea of what's Happening inside the body the other thing I recommend doing with that is going to your practitioner to your doctor or your team and getting a full set of labs and exam done and this includes a sperm analysis for your partner we don't want to be doing all of these things to you only to find out nine months down the line that really he has a lot of sperm issues so we want to make sure that both of you get full labs done that means an entire thyroid workup we want to make sure you're getting all those labs head to my thyroid video I have that functional thyroid lab download for you so you know exactly which labs to ask for you're going to want to make sure you get your vitamin D checked your folate levels your serum B12 homocysteine CRP all of your other labs that are generally done as well your hormone labs and everything else we really want to make sure we have a very good idea of everything that's happening maybe we can catch any kind of genetic variations in there as well with some of those labs so it's really important that we do a really good assessment of those because if you're low on vitamin D and we don't find out for five months that could be a problem right we want to make sure we catch everything in the beginning same goes for your partner we want to make sure we catch any kind of sperm problem in the beginning so that we can really tackle that early on and make good progress on that in just a couple of months so those are definitely two things you must do get good lab workups and assess your overall menstrual cycle so we know hey do we need to kind of work on this stuff do you have a lot of spotting right are you spotting mid-cycle do you hot spot three four days before your period comes that's a measure of your progesterone level and potentially egg quality as well right which was which is something are always worried about in age 40 groups so these are all things you want to look at look at your menstrual cycle get your Labs drawn get a good assessment with your doctor first before you start something that's really really important in the not wasting time department is making sure that you are ovulating exactly when that is and making sure that you're timing your intercourse during your fertile window I talked to a lot of couples who tell me hey I've been trying for almost a year or over a year and can't get pregnant don't know what's going on then come to find out they've been using a Tracker app one of those just general online tracker apps that tells them you're ovulating on day 14 but then really they're ovulating day 19 or day 11 and they're just completely missing their window every month for a year or more so this is really really important we just don't want to waste any time especially when you're age 40 plus you just have to get you know get on a plan and get running here we have to know exactly what's going on so this is why I recommend not using any of those online tracker apps because those are just general information that's not really specific to your body it can tell you when you're ovulating or whether you did ovulate and I don't like just using ovulation predictor kits alone right the ovulation projector heads only give you an indication that an LH surge has been detected it doesn't tell you if you have actually ovulated after that and I see a lot of women who have LH surges with no ovulation that occurs afterwards so we want to make sure that we catch both so I do I recommend ovulation predictor kits but I also recommend basal body temperature charting I think it's a really awesome tool it tells us not only that you ovulated it tells us exactly which day and it gives us an indication what's happening on both sides of it so pre-ovulation and post-ovulation we get a really good idea of what's going on with your cycle with the whole all of the hormones right thyroid hormones adrenal hormones we get an idea of how long that and that second part is it gives us an indication of egg quality and progesterone level and all those things so basal body temperature charting is great you can do it manually with just a thermometer that's designed to do basal body temperature charting or you can use temp drop which is an armband you place overnight it eliminates kind of the hassle of remembering to take your temperature and fumbling around the thermometer in the morning I really love temp drop I will drop a link down below for you if you want to check that out so that's one really easy way of doing your basal body temperature charting now the other reason I like this also is because not only do we identify the day you're ovulating but we can kind of see what's happening with our cervical mucus on either end there and we can try and lengthen your fertile Days by taking your cervical mucus for maybe just one or two days to three or four days and that gives you an even increased chance of getting pregnant each month so absolutely in addition to getting a good assessment with your doctor and lab strong we need to make sure that you are ovulating when exactly that is and that you're timing everything appropriately and of course when we're age 40 plus we are very very concerned with the egg equality and rightfully so as we get older our egg quality declines naturally however there is a lot a lot a lot a lot we can do to actually turn back the clock on your eggs it's kind of like anti-aging for fertility if you're really interested in learning much more about that please join the next master class because I go in depth and in detail on what exactly egg quality means and the scientific breakthroughs that have been made about egg quality so really exciting stuff definitely check that out and register for that down below but one of the things that I hear most days I get emails and messages about this and I have phone conversations about this all the time is hey my doctor said my amh is really low and that I won't be able to get pregnant unless I use a donor egg or I must go through IVF immediately do not pass go do not collect 200 do not try naturally that kind of thing and here's what I want to say about low amh amh is simply a data point for us it does not seal your fertility fate does not mean that you can't go on to have a happy healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby afterwards I've seen women with amh levels of 0.01 go on to get pregnant naturally and have a baby so amh level is just a data point for us to say like hey let's really make sure that we make good on the eggs that are coming up I have also seen amh levels go up as well so just because you have a low level right now doesn't mean that in a few months time we can't actually bring that amh level up I've seen that before so if the doctor tells you this is it you can't change it it's not necessarily true I've seen it done many many times okay so when it comes to improving egg quality and improving your chances optimizing your chances for getting pregnant after 40. we've got a lot of ground we need to cover right we need to have a strategic plan for you and your body that includes diet and lifestyle all sorts of things so for diet right we want to make sure that it's low inflammatory for your body so if you're someone who has any kind of diagnosed autoimmune disorders if you have inflammatory symptoms in your body and it kind of aches or pains if you have definite imbalanced hormones if you can see it in your menstrual cycle all of these things are kind of hints for us we really need to do something that gets rid of this inflammation inflammation is never random I talk about this in my inflammation video it's never random it's always triggered by something usually in the diet and lifestyle so you need to make sure that your diet really is appropriate for your body it doesn't unnecessarily restrict anything that you don't need to and it only restricts the things that actually trigger something negative in your body that can affect egg quality your diet needs to be plant Centric meaning that most of what you eat is plants vegetables fruits and that kind of thing and then of course using really high Quality Meats fishes and other animal products on top of that because those are super nutrient dense and really good for your body and help with all sorts of processes going on in the body you also want to make sure that most of your diet is from Whole and unprocessed Foods right we don't want to be eating a ton of processed stuff there's lots of chemicals and pesticides and all sorts of junk in there that can get in cause inflammation cause all sorts of nasty things that we don't necessarily want other than that we really kind of have to fool around with the diet for you to make sure that it's low inflammatory for you if you're more curious about that absolutely I talk about this in the master class but you can also check out the inflammation video that I just put out maybe a couple weeks ago in addition to a nice healthy Clean Diet we want to make sure we're actually cleaning up the rest of our lifestyle as well okay so you want to make sure you're going through your kind of beauty regimen your creams your lotions your makeups everything you put on your skin gets into your body okay you also want to make sure that your exposure to certain toxins and chemicals and pesticides are lowered you're going to obviously be doing that when you go through all your beauty products but and decreasing your amount of processed foods but also your cleaning products that you use at home making sure you're decreasing the use of plastics and all of those things you really want to make sure your cleaning out that lifestyle piece in addition we have to talk about stress stress is a big deal we cannot avoid it right we can't avoid stress we all have life life happens things happen we have work and finances and relationships and who is sick and who what car broke down we have all of these things going on so we have to make sure we're managing the stress response inside the body which is another thing that is really important to do so I recommend making sure you really build in self-care self-love journaling making sure you're getting enough sleep exercising you know walking is a great exercise you don't have to go all out of the gym walking is a really good way to get your body moving get that blood pumping and get your activity in we want to make sure you're setting some homicide for meditation or some other routine for you that helps kind of bring that stress level down it's all about managing the stress response not avoiding stress in our lives and of course we have to talk about supplements when we're talking about improving quality because it's a really important part of it but that's just the key bit it's only part of the plan you must concentrate on all the other things that we talked about and the supplements are to supplement that plan you can't just concentrate on the supplements alone otherwise you'll be missing a really big part of what your body needs but in terms of supplements I do recommend a quite a handful of ones that are really important right so we must have a really high quality prenatal vitamin with methyl folate in it I recommend at least 800 micrograms on top of a really plant Centric diet that has lots of fruits and veggies lots of dark leafy greens to get that natural food folate in okay but we want to have at least 800 micrograms of methyl folate in your high quality prenatal I'll throw some links down below for some ones that I really like I also recommend that you have a really good vitamin D3 K2 combination supplement to make sure that your vitamin D is at the right level now of course we need to titrate this in depending on what your level's at so if you have a good level then we're at maintenance if your level's low we need to have it a little higher to get your level to bump up so this really depends on what you are at other supplements that I recommend are magnesium glycinate a really high quality probiotic this is super important for your overall health immunity and fertility is to have a really good well-balanced gut microbiota so we need to make sure we have a really good probiotic in there I also really like fish oil okay many of you might have a fish allergy in which case you can do an algae based DHA EPA supplements there's some really great ones out there CoQ10 is an important part of an overall supplement regimen especially if you're trying to improve egg quality but again it's not the only thing that affects egg quality all of the things that we're talking about have a really big impact on eye quality so we're just not talking about CoQ10 now the dose here can vary depending on you depending on what you're going for but generally speaking I recommend between 400 milligrams and 600 milligrams daily you should get those doses in before 2 pm because they actually affect your sleep quality but CoQ10 is an important one some other supplements that I also recommend depending on the person can be an acetylcysteine vitamin C and vitamin E all really important antioxidants to add into the mix we can also add in melatonin depending on the person how they react to it obviously if you have restless leg syndrome or an autoimmune problem melatonin might not be the right fit for you but we'd have to kind of Judge and see how you do with certain doses but those are some really awesome supplements that can be used in addition to a really well thought out diet and lifestyle plan for you all right ladies I've yammered on for so long now I'm so sorry again like I can't do short videos for you I'm really going to try next time to do a short short video for you thanks for staying on here with me this long ladies I really appreciate it give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and absolutely head down to the comment section below the description box and register for the next live upcoming fertility Master Class I'm going to go over so much more in depth and into detail on this stuff so if you want to get pregnant this year I definitely recommend it
Channel: Fertility Mom
Views: 52,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best tips for getting pregnant after 40, getting pregnant at 40, pregnancy after 40, pregnancy over 40, getting pregnant after 40 naturally, fertility tips, chances of getting pregnant at 40, advanced maternal age, ttc after 40, pregnancy after 40 years old naturally, pregnancy over 40 years old, trying to conceive but not getting pregnant, improve egg quality, supplements for egg quality
Id: Cg-5tb8cxsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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