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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below today we are going to be talking about heating your home without turning the heater on last year it was all about people in England in the UK who had to choose between Heating and eating and unfortunately that is still going on to this day the price of electricity and gas has pretty much doubled in the last year now where I live in California we have the highest gas and electricity prices in the nation our electricity is 42 to 49 cents per kilowatt hour plus we have a 10 a month monthly fee in order to have the electricity and gas sent to our home I live in a not very large home but this is my main heater it does it it radiates heat but it does not heat the whole house now the problem with this there's a couple of things first of all even using a standard wall heater or an electric furnace sorry a gas furnace or anything like this it's still going to use about a thousand watts per hour and if you have an elect an electric one that uses like 50 five I think it's 55 up to 55 000 Watts of electricity in order to keep your home warm now I live on solar but the problem is is that if I use more solar than I'm taking in then I still get charged for it now this gas heater here costs twenty dollars a day to run to keep warm so what I have to do because I have solar and this is gas what I have to do or try to do is I try keeping my body warm instead of the entire surrounding area and I try and do that using electricity now while you're probably wondering why don't you just put on a long sleeve shirt or an extra pair of socks or mittens or get under the blankets well a lot of you can attest to this that when you are so stinking cold that it takes hours for your body heat to warm up a pair of socks or to warm up a coat because you are that cold so first I'm going to go over a couple of free things that you can do there's not a whole lot that you can do that is completely free but then I'm going to go over some new gadgets and gizmos that I've been using this past winter to show you how I am now keeping warm using very very minimal electricity when I say minimal I'm talking a battery pack that powers a cell phone minimal maybe five Watts per hour if that were up to 50 watts per hour but 50 watts per hour sure beats 600 a month or twenty dollars a day in order to keep warm because this is free for me but for other people it probably costs between 25 cents and 50 cents a day to keep warm instead of 20 a day to keep warm so let's go ahead and get to it all right the first thing that you can do is very simple and very cheap instead of going and getting a hot water bottle by the way that's a pet peeve of mine when people say you should just go get something when they really need you should go out earn them earn the money take your money go to the store buy the item wait in line to get it bring it home unpackage it throw out the extra packaging and then have it it's not getting it it's buying it it's a whole process but here's something that you can do that's free take an old laundry jug fill it with hot water put it under your robe and hug it that's going to keep your torso pretty warm for a good hour and a half to two hours and it doesn't cost anybody to do it and if you want to work on an area that's not your torso you can take an old big pot fill it with really hot water not boiling water but really hot water and you can dip your feet in I can guarantee you it's gonna even at room temperature when it's cold outside if you have this thing barely above room temperature at 80 or 90 degrees your feet are going to feel it it's going to be tingly it's going to take a while to be able to get your feet in there but once you do fully submerge them you've got a good 15 or 20 minutes of Goosebump inducing warmth All Right Moving On Up the line is my personal favorite is the electric vest or electric jacket they have them in vests and jackets I'll leave my affiliate links in the description box below when I find these products so that you can check them out for yourself they've got them in all different shapes sizes and materials and everything else but what happens is when you are really cold or you're getting ready to go out for a walk you put it you plug in the battery which fits in the pocket here you turn it on right here and then you head out and you've got with a battery pack this size if you've got it on full heat on your vest you're looking at four hours of 100 degree temperatures when it's 20 or 30 outside so it's going to make a really really big difference and you're going to be able to go for a lot longer while you're on your walks or on your hikes and you're just going to be so much more comfortable I've been using these for about three or four years maybe even more I started out with a vest I moved on to a jacket now I'm back to a vest and I'm probably going to invest in a jacket too six hundred dollars a month for keeping my house warm or I can invest 30 dollars at a time fifty dollars at a time on certain products and that justifies it because I'm then saving a ton of money by buying these products and as a millionaire as a total Financial minimum list as a minimalist in general I only spend my money on things that either bring me extreme joy experiences or save me or make me money another really simple thing that I do is I have an electric heated blanket on my couch and I turn that on for my dogs and then of course when I sit down it keeps my butt really nice and warm if you decide to you can also get a full blanket and you can drape it over the top so that it'll hold it'll keep your top and your bottom warm but this is definitely one of the best things ever you can get them for 20 to 30 bucks at your local store or you can get them on Amazon I highly highly recommend them and they're going to save you a ton of money keeping one all right guys moving on up to my walking and biking area all right one of the things that I just got and I am so excited for this is ah it's stuck there we go you guys are gonna like this is ah these are electrically heated oh they go on behind your head come on ooh electric heated ear muffs and they have a Bluetooth speaker inside so when I go on my walks and I'm listening to music or I'm listening to YouTube videos or podcasts I can put these bad boys on and it's going to keep my ears warm because I don't know about you guys I have serious heat problems with my ears and look at that I think they look pretty darn good that's pretty cool turn it on over here for the music so that is one of my newest things and I'm super excited about this and look they get really small when you're done all right another thing now this is you guys are probably gonna laugh so I've got I've got electric gloves all right so before I show you these okay so electric gloves typically cost 100 to 150 dollars these ones were only ten dollars because they're intended to be used just plugging into your laptop and then while you're working you can do it fingerless like the fingerless gloves the way that they are now or you can turn them into mittens but there is an electric thing in here I'm trying to show you oh you can't you can't see it but there's a electric thing in there and anyway you can use your hands like this or you can use them as mittens and so here's the regular so that you can type at your computer or you can use them as mittens but the thing is as I showed you I have those batteries that I use for my uh my vests and this that is intended to plug into a laptop will also plug into the battery so I can bring this with me I can put this in my pocket and I can put this cord through my jacket and I will and it's long enough it's definitely long enough and I can have my hands heated while I go on my walks my hands and my feet in my ears are the biggest ones and like I said yeah you can put on an extra pair of socks you can put on a hat you can put on an extra coat but the problem is when you are so cold it's you're not going your body temperature is not going to get warm quickly it's going to take a really long time to get that warm so let's go on to the next two three and these are going to be my last ones all right and the next one is my personal favorite in fact this is one of my favorites so much that I'll be giving these away as gifts this Christmas heated socks what yes so there is such thing as electric socks that keep your feet warm now here's the thing don't cheap out and get the ones that are like 10 or 15 dollars because the problem with those ones is that they work on batteries and you have to keep replacing the batteries and when you use the ones that have replaceable batteries they will only last you four six maybe eight hours if you're lucky so make sure you spend the extra 5-10 bucks and get ones that have rechargeable batteries that way you can use them every day and you don't don't have to keep shelling out money for new batteries every single time you use them I did make that mistake make sure you go with rechargeable again I'll try and leave the link in the description box below but definitely seriously this is if I could pick only one it would be the one I'm gonna do next and this one just saying if you are a little bit low on funds here's something that you can do you can break out the good old Ancient Ancient heating pad this is from 1960s I don't even know how old it is it is so old it's a Gillette the best a man can get and it's so old that the button's gone and I have to use a penny to turn it on and off and I can only take it on high heat for about 10 minutes until I have to turn it down because it's that hot but this is something that you can wrap around your well don't don't wrap it around your neck like but you know what I mean you can wrap it around your neck and get your neck nice and warm you can place it on your back and get your entire back warm uh you can sit on it get your butt nice and toasty you can wrap your feet or you can wrap it around your feet and they're really really cheap like you can get them for like 10 or 15 bucks and it's definitely worth it if you can't afford anything else it wouldn't be my first choice mine would be the heated socks but yeah so I'm I'm sorry I didn't give you my other favorite one we'll get to that one all right the next one is a heated mattress pad so that's the controller for my heated mattress pad what the heck is go why are you guys so crooked anyway so this one is a Max care Max k-a-r-e and it's not an electric blanket it's an electric mattress pad and the reason I think they're better is because scientifically hot air rises so think about this if you have a mattress pad that goes under you it goes under you and you're on top the heat is going to rise up and then the blankets that are on top of you are going to slow down or stop that heat from continuing to rise so you are in this beautiful pocket of hot air and it's amazing and it's wonderful and you're gonna love it now when you have a heated blanket that's a little bit different the blank you're laying down the blanket is on top of you and then the hot air is rising and it's getting stopped by the blankets that are on top of it but it's it's just not as warm I mean it's warm don't get me wrong it's hot but it's just not as much now you you know people always say fires my second cousin's baby's daddy's father uh set his house on fire well yeah don't have everything turned on when you're not home okay but um I've never had a problem I've never smelled any smoke or smelled any burning or had any problems at all now the great thing about this is that what I do is I just turn it on an hour before bedtime in the dead of winter when it's like the coldest of cold that it can get in the winter time you can turn it on high one hour before bed you go in you take your nice nighttime bath and you get all soaked up and this steam is relaxing you and you've had your Epsom salts with your bath and you're nice and toasty and warm from your bath and then you jump into bed and it's just like this burst of beautiful Warmness and then you just shut them off and don't forget to turn them off because you will wake up sweating if you don't like I've done that sweating wow and then you shut them off and then you just you just poop out you just you are out in two minutes best nights sleep you'll ever have and my dog this little spoiled one has now learned to Burrow under the covers to get warm right before bed so now she Burrows she comes up and then she falls asleep on my neck it's the cutest thing ever alright folks I hope that this video has been helpful go ahead and check the links down in the description box for my affiliate links over to Amazon see if they're products that you want to buy I definitely recommend them test them out in every year they're coming out with something new that I'm definitely into trying and it's awesome I'm really excited about the heated Bluetooth earmuffs like who thought of that that's awesome they're heated earmuffs and they play music can't get any better than that all right folks do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out uh
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 101,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to keep warm in the winter, heat or eat, lower your electric bills
Id: 9YQLhiTiVcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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