How to Find and Use Etsy Trending Product Data - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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and we're live i'm eating kind of off camera because i didn't have time to eat before this dream they don't care and anyone who does care doesn't need to be getting sloppy tell him guys tell him he can eat on camera and that that loser who got mad last time he ate obviously doesn't know what it's like to to be a real person i just want to slot my food down and be done this is wet loud food sloppy steaks sloppy steaks i can't say the other line what are they gonna do keep you from ordering a glass of water hi guys it's been a weird day it's been a very weird day today this candle smells really weird when you're eating tomato flavored tuna what the friday bean guys the friday bean collection is available now elf adapt shop is down below the we haven't sold any of the candles yet that's the only thing i think we haven't really sold oh but smart glow's been selling ain't she got them they they it is they because if it is a combination of you and i then it would be they the ugly being mug that hideous thing that he designed like three weeks ago live um that mug is well it was available last friday for 24 hours and then i said get it out of my shop it's hideous um and amber and i deactivated it and then a bunch of you were really upset because you missed out because we only made it available 24 hours and you've been mentioning it all week and he's been mentioning it all week camel hair camel hair camel hair camel hair what are you talking about talking about my hair but anyway um yeah so so ugly bean has been put back for the weekend and after that we're booting the ugly bean out of the shop because no more ugly bean it's so ugly i don't know why you guys wanted it back it haunts my dreams it's the idi the hitti the most hit the idiot the hideous idiot thing the most hideous most hideous thing that i've ever seen but if you really want it link is down below we are gonna leave it up until probably sunday night and then we're gonna deactivate it so ma'am i changed the lights from a natural tone to a white tone and we are so bright how we looking how we sounding you all ready to start the stream or what you all ready for this oh wait i'll i'll get in trouble if i yeah don't do that yeah and get us freaking demonic demonetized guys today we're going to be looking at trends this is not our holiday trend report we did one early holiday trend report we did um and it's available on the channel it's like a couple weeks ago and we're going gonna do another one that's more closely related when we like see the actual christmasy trends start emerging it's a little early for that to see what the gift trends are gonna be but e-rank got some brand new data and not the normal data that we always get i had the opportunity to talk to anthony about some potential platforms that we would like to have some data for and i wasn't allowed to uh to say anything while that was all taking place but i have a red bubble shop that you guys aren't allowed to know about because i'm testing with it and if i tell you what it is then it'll mess up the test but i've been experimenting with redbubble um i you guys know that i love target for finding trends and i asked anthony could we get some data for like uh redbubble target he was able to get d-pop which etsy recently bought um and a couple other platforms so basically what we're gonna do today is check these out i really didn't give myself a lot of time to like dig into them and explore so this will kind of be like a first impressions thing because he literally just posted about these new uh and exciting sets of data so we're going to jump in to that and this is really an opportunity to use some of these things not just for your products but for your marketing as well and i hope to share a couple ideas with you on that too uh we're not going to be able to stream as long as we normally do today we've got a meeting at our kiddos school so we'll need to be done by obvious i guess like no i got like i'd like to have a few minutes to to get ready so like 1 15. yeah yeah so about about an hour from now yeah so you want to let's see what do we see we said uh i was cut off working on a new kip a deep purple camel hair uh hand dyed on me first time dying oh i just thought you were coming in here to like meme cool hair that sounds like something you could like run into a restaurant yelling and run out and really confuse people here just run camel hair run out sloppy steaks sloppy steaks have you guys watched uh i think you should leave if you haven't watched i think you should leave and you're into like weird avant-garde comedy you should really check it out it's it's pretty good not with the kids in the room not with the kids in the room yeah no it's definitely not not so it's so funny it's things you watch this show and you think that it's gonna have a point and then it slowly stops having a point and you're trying to follow it and then you realize that you can't because it's not supposed to have anything to follow but anyway on two things are we doing target first no we're gonna do e-rank first because you rank first make sure you don't type in without switching and then here we go all right guys uh for those who don't know i am on the management team at however i do not get paid to recommend it figure out what you're doing i get in a kitty distracting me um this is an e-rank pro membership this is the one that i use for alpha dact um you'll notice that we have four spelling issues because e-rank doesn't know that starla is a name so that's fun yeah said redbubble's naughty when it comes to copyright yeah yeah you got to be really careful because in in here a lot of the data is going to give you copyright terms so just make sure that when you're looking at anything it doesn't matter if it's trending that just means that people are searching for it it does not mean that it's safe to make it there are there are always things trending like i think that uh game of thrones is trending on etsy again right now for some reason uh because house of the dragon yeah house of the dragon yeah getting its thing so from your e-rank screen assuming that you have a pro or basic membership because you're going to need one of those in order to see this data or all of it i think you'll get a sample of it if you have a free membership but you won't get all of it um you're going to want to go into trends and go in to the trend buzz and now you'll see that we have a bunch of new marketplaces so the first thing we'll go ahead and look at etsy uh you'll also notice something else that's a little newer you can actually toggle to see where in the world people are searching for certain things so right now we're going to look at the us i believe that the u.s makes up over is it over 80 percent of etsy it's going to be a majority yeah over 80 percent uh and usually when we see trends emerging in the us they're going to be pretty consistent everywhere so the us is making up a majority of the data poll therefore it's going to have them the most data so uh top things that are being searched for um this is top searches yesterday were gifts so gifts guys people are already gift shopping this the fact that they're typing in gifts that means that they don't quite know what it is that they're looking for but they're looking to be inspired they're looking for ideas uh and then we've got halloween halloween adult costume uh storage and organization so people are trying to get probably their you know it's starting to get cooler out in some places i know it's starting to get cooler in ohio i'm sure that people are trying to start you know straightening up and getting ready getting the house in order for for the holidays uh game of thrones is trending once again don't don't do game of thrones even if it is handmade jewelry bridesmaid gift halloween jewelry fall halloween couple costume personalized gifts personalized is always going to be popular right before the holidays absolutely and uh i'm seeing mostly halloween weddings and gifts weddings i'm not surprised with either especially well coveted last year fall weddings were going to be huge this year because it was also a very hot summer for at least for us 70s vintage lamp that's interesting so these are just the top searches you can kind of see if they've gone up in search uh if they've started to go down if they're like really hot and they're highly searched you can also do past seven days to compare gift is still staying right on top for everybody's like how when do people start gift shopping they're they're already on it they are already shopping then we do past 14 days gifts come in at uh at number two so that's interesting let's see what the uk data looks like that mirrors yes mirrors let's um they're probably having a hard time seeing this anyway oh thank you now i can see it yeah now people will be able to see it that's good right there there you go hopefully you guys can see that a little bit better now personal event smart object mock-up so that sounds like other sellers ghibli i'm assuming like studio ghibli one yeah studio ghibli's popular right now i forget why final fantasy 14 specifically is really huge right now because a bunch of streamers are getting into it but don't touch those those copyright terms yeah square enix is going to take their fame and run with it for the time being so best to avoid that with the ten football you can definitely tell that the that the halloween trend is uh very exclusively u.s we're crazy about halloween in the us not so much in some of the other areas um canada though canada halloween bar aware is number two wall decals i imagine that's probably for cars i think that it's um or a band no guys remind me what sti i think that they're some type of digital file type thing let me know because i might be wrong lots of halloween you know kind of popping up not as much as in the us though and not as many gifts tarantula enclosures is number 12. what are y'all what are y'all doing hey what are y'all doing in canada all right let's just uh we'll switch faces off make no reason to have that on there okay that's fine all right so samper said herpes not people be trying to get herpes on etsy i don't think you can buy buy okay man people in australia love bts don't they apparently artisan keycaps anybody on australia tell us is there a is there a bts craze going on in australia amber look if you want to target your australian market personalized pet print is trending right now just said stl is a 3d model but that wasn't stl that was sti yeah it was sti ex boyfriend birthday card what are you guys doing australia we've got let's see is it germany yeah uh germany large gold earrings sir i'm just looking to see if there's a bunch of really angry words you are that was the german is the angriest language i swear i'm having to brush up on my german because i'm writing a kingston blumenkrantz i'm writing a jinglish character in the book that i'm writing so i've had to brush up on my german dialect a little bit not anything really halloween though which is interesting let's check france envelopes handmade jewelry is trended on all in all countries that we have data for beach boys shirt all right i know that there's at least one of you here in france right now let us know we want to know why beach boys shirt is there something something trending there that we're not familiar with but slow down testosterone confusing all right well let's pop back to the us that's good arch gold earrings are on trend with runways now okay okay at least the us and uk were relatively predictable all the other countries seem to be uh losing their noodles a little bit all right guys so this is the data that we've always had access to we've always been able to see what's trending on etsy but now let's dive into some of the categories that we recently got so amazon handmade halloween decor halloween decorations fall decorations look there's another gift term gifts for women um katana i'm not surprised with the whole like asian ancient aesthetic that's going on i keep getting advertised it's starting to get really big it's probably people trying to dress up for halloween i would hope that that's not the reason why i would hope that it's more that there's interest in the culture and that it's not just like a like amazon well that's true it is amazon so it's either it's either people that want to feel cool or people that are trying to dress up it doesn't have anything to do with the culture we're we're we do not support this message we are simply the messengers of the message right um let's see soap molds was popular yesterday eyelashes handmade earrings halloween decor lots of halloween and birthday so we're seeing some consistent things look here guys christmas pajamas um pocket knives and marvel movies should be too marvel's kind of losing its steam because people are getting sick of it yeah it's they're they've been hitting it hard for a couple years couple years like like 15 straight years now amazon you know this is not data that i'm really interested in um it might be interesting to go through and just just to see toilet paper just to see what eggs eggs you can grocery shop on amazon ah i gotcha um nothing here that as an etsy seller i particularly almost almost yeah ps5 yeah none of that's really gonna be um d-pop i know a couple of our alpha sell on d-pop it's kind of like uh you know sell sell your old stuff that you don't want anymore market but etsy owns it so it's relevant we've got ebay we've got facebook marketplace i thought that was pretty interesting but again it's mostly terms where people are trying to get things local in their area dresser couch coffee table desk free um mostly furniture and cars um let's do pinterest pinterest is the one that i'm more interested in because these can help us to advertise any other pet stuff these are just trends we don't have control over this this is just stuff that people are searching for yep you got to do a little bit of digging in yourself and see if there's anything uh anything related to to your industry for these we'll talk a little bit more about how to apply some of these later but i just want to get a good look at what's trending and then we'll talk about how we can apply them so halloween is big on pinterest this is people trying to find ideas fall nail ideas fall fall outfits dinner ideas dinner recipes because you know pinterest isn't really a shopping platform so you have to consider what people are thinking when they're searching for these things so fall aesthetic this might be how somebody wants to decorate their home for fall they might type in fall aesthetic into pinterest to get some ideas but if you sell something like fall candles wouldn't it be a cool idea to do a fall aesthetic photo similar to how we did the friday bean photo with the candle a couple weeks ago where i added in the coffee mug and the coffee beans and the pumpkins and the wooden table and i made this really aesthetically pleasing image but what i was ultimately advertising was the candle you can mock these up you can take the photo yourself maybe somewhere around in your home it doesn't matter what you sell you could create a fall aesthetic with it and then use the word fall aesthetic in your pin to attract people to that listing same with nails you know fall nails maybe you make um maybe you make necklaces or something and you take a photo of yourself holding the necklace in your hand but you've got your fall nails done and you can use the word fall nails in your pen that way people see the nails and they're like wow those are really pretty but what's she holding and then they start to see your uh they start to see the thing that you're holding whether it be you know maybe it's a mug for sale maybe it's a necklace so a lot of these trends aren't things that you need to personally make you don't need to make fall nails to use a trend like that in your marketing we just want to make sure that we are being trendy in our marketing so that it catches people's eyes that should be our objective same with like crock pot recipes for example if you make spoon rests it would be really cool for you to make like a board of different crock pot recipes but then you take the photos with your spoon rests like right next to the crock pot and you could advertise them in that way said try kipling it keeps coming up as a search term kipp and lincoln's a brand oh is it kipling is a brand that makes like handbags book bags stuff like that okay same see like halloween aesthetic fall fashion this is going to be like outfit ideas we we also saw fall outfits 2021 if you make scarves or hats or gloves and you can apply this to winter too think about the fact that in a few weeks people are going to switch out the word fall for winter outfits 2021 get ahead on these trends if you make beanies scarves jackets sweaters anything like that you could make pins with you or a model wearing a full fall or winter outfit and then you could have the link to buy whatever it is that you make included with that and then you'll fit right in and get you'll be giving an outfit idea and you'll be advertising look room idea is aesthetic do you make any type of wall decor or things like that you could take a photo of of of it or just do a mock-up with some of your decor and use the uh use the keyword room ideas aesthetic reports i'll be right back oh do you okay business casual outfits for women there's so many cool ideas here harry styles concert outfit ideas you cannot sell a harry styles t-shirt in your etsy shop but if you make a cool outfit and maybe maybe you're wearing a harry style shirt but you've got a cool like flashy scarf because you know harry styles he's like he always wears super flashy outfits maybe you make crazy leggings or crazy scarf or a crazy hat and you're wearing a you can buy a harry styles t-shirt and you wear that but you're advertising your crazy leggings on pinterest you could totally use the keywords harry styles concert outfit ideas because it's trending and never you know you don't ever have to put harry styles into your etsy listing you're not hitting any like copyright infringements you're just advertising that your cool leggings that are colorful and crazy would fit this is a really cool idea on how to like ride a trend in an intelligent way without making the product you know and i'm sure that there are some of you who make something that could go cool at a harry styles concert you already make it you just never realized that you could advertise it as a harry styles concert outfit idea until now are you guys starting to kind of get the gears turning and figuring out how you can use some of these ideas for your own advertising let's do a little bit more here college halloween costume ideas this might be fun for if you make some halloween jewelry start getting some pins on pinterest i recommend watching the canva episode of the friday bean that we did a couple weeks ago uh in the instagram reels uh friday mean episode that instagram reels actually is really really useful for pinterest because pinterest allows you to do short videos as well and videos are always going to be more eye-catching than photos let's see and like i said keep in mind that pretty soon it's going to be college christmas outfit ideas these are all just gonna shift based on the season what else do we have desktop wallpaper aesthetic i'm trying to festival outfits look at that this was hot yesterday so if you make any type of outfits skirts shirts jewelry bangles gemstones think about like music festivals think about uh you know all different type of festival shows that are going to take place in the fall and even renfest if you make anything kind of like fantasy medieval you could totally do the festival outfits and use these on pinterest festivals are going to be big this year our red fest just opened up a few weeks ago yes um let's see welcome back i'm back i'm an idiot it was on you brought it in i did not realize that you had brought it in and i went out there and i was like there's no package out here oh yeah it sounds like where is my expensive controller at sorry um let's see character design why don't you do that later because you're doing everything and i have nothing to do oh hey i was kind of just sitting here quiet as crap anyway i'm just plugging in brown aesthetic that's different lots of good ideas here for pinterest guys dive into these uh we only have us data for pinterest but you can see what was hot yesterday on pinterest you can see what was hot over the last seven days uh you can see what's remained hot over the past 14 days there's all mark he's remained hot over the past 14 days day 15 was a little rough but the past 14 days he's been good um that's true red bubble yeah this is kind of hard because red bubble is going to have a lot of terms that you cannot use that's why we have i don't know if you notice these big giant warnings on a lot of people don't make sure that you're looking at these make sure you're looking at these too they're different on every page uh i wrote most of them um but let's see crypto cryptocurrency actually that trend is probably gonna fall pretty soon since crypto's going through a bit of a strug right now um yeah well you know halloween is big on red bubbles skulls we gotta avoid so many memes sticker coffee cats but yeah this is like half anime [Laughter] lo-fi memes wow a lot of these you could not video games berserk popping back up that must mean there's news on berserk um i think it's just the the creator passing away probably yeah that's true i wasn't even thinking about that i can't even like use hardly any of these that's insane um for those who don't know redbubble is a you you can scoot it to us for a minute i'm really not surprised in the least though no i can't because our camera's frozen like it usually is that's okay that's okay you can scoot us back to this no i'll just leave it on this no it's ugly i don't like it just get rid of the camera but um guys the the thing about red bubble is that it's insanely easy to use red bubble does everything for you basically with red bubble you create a design if you're if you do any type of graphic design or honestly there's a trend on redbubble right now where the worst looking designs are what's selling just like mark's like ugly bean mug um yeah or her by her name it's it's like a trend right now for people who aren't good at graphic design or who don't know graphic design to just throw together the ugliest design that they possibly can on redbubble and they're selling so this is one of those things where you don't have to be a graphic designer to be successful on redbubble right now redbubble is just people love the craziest things um but basically with redbubble what you do is you upload a design you choose the products that you want that design on you can do like shirts bags face masks stickers uh acrylic blocks wall art posters so many things right you choose what you want it put on and then you're done you don't have to communicate with customers you don't have to process orders you can like log into a redbubble account upload a bunch of designs and walk away and literally never log back in and you will get paid it's crazy they do everything for you they do customer communication they they do all the order processing you have just given them a design to use and you make a little bit of money every time someone buys it it is so easy um i have been on redbubble now for around seven or eight months and i have made thirty dollars i have sold around uh 50 or 60 items i think and most of my items that have sold are stickers and i only get 22 cents per sale um your margins amber do you know of hand what the margins are they're very low you will not make a lot of money per sale so what i recommend if you decide to start a red bubble shop is if you've got like some really fancy designs like you hand paint everything and you don't want to cheapen your brand redbubble is not for you if you make quick designs that you can easily make and you can make a lot of different ones like you can just whip out a bunch of random designs and you don't care if you're only getting ah if you only get paid 20 cents per design then redbubble is is totally fine um it's it is just a free-for-all but it's so easy it's passive income it's money that you wouldn't make otherwise and it's it's just quick like i said you don't have to log back into it so it's a really neat little platform and with this new data that we have with e-rank hopefully you can find some trends that you can use but don't feel like you need to do things um but it's a lot of fun so maybe we'll let me know if you guys want to do a red bubble like episode maybe we could use as an example you can change your margin minus 25 percent got you don't make a lot of money on it i use redbubble as a design dump yeah if you guys not paid your electricity bill yes we do just uh elgato likes to make things that frees up for no apparent reason yeah all right so um let's pop back over to the screen share hopefully it doesn't mess it up when we try to i'm just gonna leave the faces on the screen nope as soon as i change it it freaks out i'll mess up i'm just going to mess a delgado when we get done i'm getting sick of this all right so it's okay they don't care don't worry about it i do there's no reason to stress i'm not stressed it's just when you pay 200 for an item it should work as intended yeah i know it's frustrating target guys target is my favorite place to look for trends uh target is big in the us for those who don't have a target it is a grocery store it is a clothing store it is a home goods store it has everything and it's uh it's all really trendy stuff it's like when something is trending on target it's trending everywhere and i highly recommend using chart target um even if you don't have a target in your area just to identify trends uh trending patterns trending colors trending just themes everything on target is like ahead of trends and if it's trending on target it's going to be trending everywhere so when we go to targets let's do the past 14 days halloween is number one we can ignore ps5 we can ignore desk paper toilet paper paper towels shower curtains i know some of you guys sell shower curtains let's see if we can find something specific um okay so uh the heathen hand with magnolia this is a it's a company they do like very farm house type decor um i'm not super familiar with it aside from just what i know going to target and seeing their products but it's all you know when you see those very like clean white farmhouse decor with like the eucalyptus and like sage colors this tells me that that is a trending theme so for those of you who do that farmhouse decor this is a positive sign uh if you're interested in learning a little bit more about you know this particular brand definitely google it and check it out because i know a lot of you fall into that style and it's just a really good you know positive affirmation to see that this is trending um let's see throw pillows guys i know a lot of you do throw pillows floor lamps candles are trending fall decor is trending hand soaps are trending you can see a lot of normal grocery items which once again we can kind of go past bras were hot yesterday guys i need a little support every now and then we can also see what's trending on oop on walmart which you know i don't really most of it's gonna be groceries and things like that and wayfair which if you sell furniture and home goods um it might be interesting to see i know a lot of etsy sellers do make things like coffee tables and stuff so it might be interesting to look through these um one thing that i do notice is that bar carts and bar items are pretty big bar stools uh bar aware people are hosting again yeah i noticed that halloween bar ware was trending so this is this might be good for you if you make any type of home decor and just kind of take a peek at so here have been some really great ideas of these marketplaces i think that the most valuable to us as etsy sellers are going to be etsy amazon handmade um pinterest for sure pinterest is the one that i recommend looking at the most from marketing right because this helps us to come up with ideas for our actual marketing not just for pinterest but for instagram you could use some of these ideas for facebook like the aesthetic ideas doing like the full fall aesthetic photos and i really want to use right now to kind of support some of the things that we found trending on etsy trending on pinterest and trending on target because they all have very similar styles right pinterest things that trend etsy things that trend target things that trend are all kind of the same the ander said etsy just announced they're doing a partnership with airbnb wtf um i'm assuming more than likely they're trying to find a way to hook people up with ways to like bolt because a lot of people do airbnb they'll buy multiple houses that all need fully decorated ah yeah so they're probably trying to give people the ability to decorate or maybe gifts for people that are staying at some of the airbnbs like it who knows i think it's a good idea it gets it gets people that have a lot of money obviously hooked up with people who are trying to make money on etsy so i think it makes sense to me yeah either arabian we've airbnb or not not specifically airbnb but we've done similar things like where we've gone to cabins that were all owned by the same people and all the cabins were decorated almost exactly exactly the same like a lot of the times if you ever stay in like gatlinburg if you stay in any of the cabins it's like two companies that own every cabin from gatlinburg and pigeon forge so you go there and almost all of them have the same blankets pillows beds mattresses they have all the same everything and and airbnb is the same way a lot of people don't realize that but most of the people that own airbnb they don't work for a company but they are like multi-millionaires that'll buy like 10 or 15 houses at a time and i would love to have them as customers that sounds great yeah that's that sounds like the perfect kind of customer for me especially if they're trying to buy stuff that isn't just like the cheap crap that that like big companies buy yeah all right guys so target this is a great place to find trends most of you know how to find trends on target already because i've talked about it but what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to what's new you're gonna go to target fines and this is going to show you trending colors trending textures trending products and i don't just want you to look at the items that are for sale i want you to pick up on the things that are in the background of the photos the colors that they use for the backgrounds look here engagement party ideas how many of you sell wedding products look at the colors this is all trending colors for weddings and uh and engagement parties take note of things like this take note of what's popular in these categories if you do wedding invitations or uh engagement party ideas or bachelorette party ideas look these these foil balloons letter balloons yay they're trending you could do a greeting card or an invite with this print of the the big bubble balloons on the print so you got to really really look at these ideas and dive in um my favorite place personally to look at on the target finds page is the hashtag targetstyle these are people who have posted on social media with the hashtag target style and this just kind of shows you what's trending and also how people are using certain products so for example okay succulents and a dinosaur and not just a dinosaur but a like solid colored funky purple dinosaur so this kind of tells me to maybe take note of dinosaurs maybe take no of fun succulent planners even if you did something like greeting cards you could probably do things like you know plant mom with a little dinosaur succulent planter print white nails and an engagement ring this is this is interesting might be something to take note of if you do like weddings um let's see see a lot of the same colors we've got like golds the terracottas are coming in pretty much the exact colors of the sweater that i'm wearing right now you can kind of see the type of decor in the background see look at that you can see all kinds of things the little pumpkins we've got this crazy mirror white pumpkins white walls um these are all clues guys you want to sniff around through here and just try to pick up on clues see a lot of very similar homes you can see these are target customers not just target like the brand but these are like target markets you can get a glimpse of what their homes are like if you sell dog beds here's a person who has a dog bed it doesn't mean that you have to you know cater to this person who's obviously buying from target but you can get a glimpse of what someone who might buy your dog bed what their home looks like what's important to them um let's see we've got cats and house plants and and you know what i think that i kind of connect with that someone who who i saw they have those cat boxes up at our target they do they're scratch boxes let's see we already have some holiday decor popping up look at these little guys little plaid reindeer the and start to see how people are decorating for halloween halloween crafts you can see how they're doing their front doors there's so many good ideas here that you can just kind of run with i'm seeing a lot of consistent colors going on it seems like their system is hooked directly to instagram now because even the bad pictures are starting to make it over yeah they probably curate it to get all the uh the eggplants out but let's let's see is that a pressure cooker or a slow cooker it looks like a rice cooker hard to tell look at this look at this this home look at this there's like a basket with throw blankets a little sign i know a lot of sellers who make these little signs if you did like fall clean fall aesthetic on pinterest and you put your little sign but then you added like some eucalyptus to your photo and some little pumpkins you could post that on pinterest and then advertise your sign they're they're so almost look they they're doing the same thing here you want to buy the mirror here it is you want to buy the pumpkins here they are that's so interesting look at these beautiful photos guys all these different styles you can see what colors people are gravitating towards the natural wood this this is such a great idea to show you great ways to stage your photos this one's beautiful and if you sell a candle you know you throw your little candle into this photo and what do you know you've got fall aesthetic but you've also got a way to link your product to sell it so use target finds to gather ideas you don't have to make these products to be able to use a website like this to find ideas this is really about thinking outside the box and gathering ideas based on what other people are interested in it's like having a little spy glass to see what people are are digging right now and you can see these colors we've got like this what what color would you describe this as like mauve kind of and this kind of like off-white babe it's been really popular for a couple years now foo yeah like this beige color and little little plants and jars um i'm seeing like a lot of these vases ceramic vases very clean aesthetic is big both for for clothing and jewelry um as well as as home decor even have some nail color ideas i know we've got a couple alphas who make nail polish but you can even use these colors for things that aren't nail polish if you do stationary and greeting cards take note of what's trending in nail polish for fall i've noticed a lot of it has pulled since since pastel was big a couple of years ago a lot of things are starting to pull from what pastel was but like with the saturation turned down like they took pastel turned the saturation to 75 percent and called it something different like this is all this is yeah it's all very pastel it's like natural colors but taken you know this is like a very naturally purple a very naturally burgundy type color a very sage color lots of good ideas here i like i said guys i would juggle in between pinterest etsy and amazon handmade and a little bit of target through e-rank and then i would pop over into target finds start advertising um are we able to get on screen without it freezing or is it going to freeze there you go oh is that all we can do yeah because it keeps freezing there's nothing i could unless you want me to keep plugging it in and unplugging it um i'm done screen sharing all together so okay let me see if i can't bring this around and put it at my keyboard that way i can at least do the process faster yeah yeah yeah muted colors that's that's a a good way to describe it but begin thinking about how you can start marketing because honestly guys holiday shopping has already started i know that you know most of you probably have not started holiday shopping i certainly haven't i'm not even ready to think about it but there are a lot of people who are really motivated early early early and they want to shop now so even if you you know even if you're you don't feel like you're fully ready maybe you still have some things that you want to list start marketing the things that you have to start marketing the products that you have available start creating beautiful photos of those products and getting them on to platforms like pinterest like instagram and especially like instagram reels which is what i talked about a few weeks ago in our how to make an instagram real video um instagram reels are still doing phenomenally well i'm going to keep an eye on them because i really really want to see if this is the if this stay is like the best way to advertise but i've noticed over just the last few months the instagram reels are the best way to find new people uh the reason for that is because instagram reels get shown to people who aren't following you normally with instagram and with facebook people have to already be following you to see the things that you post and to see that content but with instagram reels as long as you're using hashtags and keywords that are related to what they normally search for and what they're interested in um you're going to be shown to those individuals so just make sure that you're using keywords that kind of focus more on the target customer and less about you know precisely what you say what you did you get it sell no did you get it don't worry about it anymore that's fine it's it's messed up my uh my gopro i now have to factory reset my gopro again that's fine you want to uh give us okay so you guys get starla's funny bean face that's okay um you want to start reading some some questions there aren't any what yes get your questions in y'all yeah guys i'm starting this factory reset process because it takes a long time it's fine that's fine we are on our third taco truck cat scratcher from target i thought about buying one from our for our cats but they'll just rip it up and make a mess everywhere so let's see love those fabric pumpkins my rabbits would rip apart the twine pumpkin in seconds our cats would too our cats anything twine they they rip up see light peach oh my god just bought my smarkla mug thank you yuck um guys you only have until like sunday night if you want the ugly bean mug i'm getting rid of it after then maybe we'll introduce it someday on like a sticker or something but we're not doing mugs again this is the last time you'll be able to to get a mug specifically i'm sure he'll make me put it on something else at some point um yeah absolutely so i'm not doing a t-shirt nobody will buy it nobody wants nobody wants a t-shirt i do maybe a sticker because the sticker's like you know you can stick it on something and then you can just throw that something away when you don't need it anymore yup cause it's ugly it's an ugly mug i don't know if you answered me earlier is cottage core for christmas trending anywhere i'm sure it will be cottage tour cottage core is trending so much that facebook even has a chat skin called cottage corn um so i i definitely think it's going to to stay trending that's it's just kind of been trending for the last year so i don't see it going anywhere not anytime soon at least cut off again the more you hate it the more you want it yeah that's how it is y'all get your questions and if you want questions let's see here the reels need to be live no no no no reels are not live uh like i said go watch my how to make an instagram reel video and i show you how i how i make one really really quickly using canva um but no they they don't need to be live they don't even need to be videos they can be a photo slideshow i just recommend using canva because you can add cool effects even if you only have a free membership it's a lot of fun let's see she needs to be a stuffed bean pal no that would be wonderful no way i would absolutely love that if one of our alphas makes plushies and would volunteer to do it and we can make sure that they get paid for it that way we're not like profiting off of their work i would be willing to sign over rights of the uh ugly bean but i could not promise that alpha that it would sell because i certainly wouldn't want one in my house i don't even know why you guys would want the mug in your house but you know no judgment you know how it is i think that some of you are just buying that mug to out of spite because you know i hate it so much let's see i have some connections if no alphas make it i'll send it to you i don't want it i don't want the ugly mean oh god we don't get no questions i'm gonna cut the stream off let us know guys you've got they don't got to be about the topic we did today somebody get your questions in there's 136 of you here i know somebody's got a question don't be shy she shall exist she is they is inevitable ugly is the new beautiful oh god i hate it i hate it so much we actually um let me see how many people actually uh i guess i can't i don't think i can because i'm not logged into that etsy shop on my phone let's see have you got next week top next week's topic planned i don't we sure don't we usually plan it about 16 hours before we do it that's true i do not plan these topics ahead at all um let's see why why do we get found for brand name when we're not related to it at all are you getting found for a specific brand name let me know i don't find that entirely to be a bad thing either no if it's i mean if it's depends on what the brand name is are you are you getting found for a brand name on etsy let me know i'm i'm curious about that uh are you going to be doing a sales coupons tactics for black friday in the alpha dapp shop i'm not sure um our margins are already set kind of low so we probably won't only because we don't really do it we already don't make i mean we don't make any money that you'll only be able to get for black friday oh she's being found for kipling um couldn't tell you no idea maybe you know it's got to be a thing you can reach out to etsy and ask that's very interesting yeah because the thing is it's not coming up for us it could be like a foreign thing maybe you got shared somewhere how do you come up with topics for your social media what do you mean specifically um i would if you're asking me how to come up with topics i would go based on what's trending with my target market what are they interested in right now i just showed you how to do that how to how to explore what they find to be interesting you can use e-rank for that you can see the types of things that they're searching for and what's trendy and then i would just try to align my social media marketing with those things if i you know notice that i don't know if i notice that little pumpkins little pumpkin home decor is trending and i make little wooden signs i might take a picture of my little wooden sign with a bunch of little pumpkins around it just because pumpkins are trending and i can fit that in without necessarily making pumpkins myself i can use those in the photos that i stage can you go over how to do a pinterest post when i make one my description text usually never shows up on the final post especially when i add a link to my shop let's hand um i can't actually recall i would need to be looking at the screen but maybe we could do one of those episodes in the future um i am not phenomenal with pinterest marketing it is not my go-to i i'm more honed in on instagram it's never been our target market yeah that's i've never had my target markets never really existed on pinterest but maybe we could kind of look into it yes supply issues buy everything now supplies and shipping stuff and take uh the chance that we'll use it that's entirely up to you i would definitely make sure that you have a little more than you think you'll need for sure um because when things run out especially around the holidays they run out and the last thing that you want is to play with everywhere yeah especially if you have a like a very specific size of like envelope or something that you need and you end up running out like it always at least for us it was always like we couldn't get them at the store we couldn't get them on amazon the only place we could get them was ebay and it was like a 30 to 45 day wait yeah when things run out it it can be chaos we're not we're not going to say that like you need it we don't know you we don't know what your audience is going to do but the worst case scenario you end up with a bunch of packing supplies that you can use throughout the following year whimsical muse uh how would you start marketing for a brand new shop that has not gotten off of the ground would you concentrate on uh insta or facebook i don't know that instagram i assuming you mean instagram uh and i would focus i mean i would make sure that i have my facebook page claimed um but i would focus on platforms where you can gain an audience facebook is not going to help you to gain a new audience because your your posts on facebook are only going to be shown to those who happen to be either following you or randomly stumble across you it's really hard to randomly stumble across facebook pages though with instagram uh as long as you're using reels you can i mean it's literally like a fishing reel you can toss your reel out into the water and uh you know kind of wait for people to find it organically and follow you i would start with instagram and i would also begin following people who you know look like your target customers who might be interested in your products and just start you know start talking to people be a social it's social media not market media if you find a person on instagram who looks like they would love your products go to their instagram account and don't say hey buy my products but say wow i love your earrings those are beautiful where did you get them uh start genuine conversations with them and try to be their friends question about selling a fabric bag i bought as an add-on to women's i don't know what that word is yarmulkes yarmulkes i don't know what word that is can i sell it if it's not handmade no if you're selling it by itself new no you can't you can't sell it any there's no way that you can sell it if you did not make it or you're not working through a uh etsy like partner for example we work through a partner for alph adapt we actually run through through two partners printful and printed mint but if you're not working directly through a partner no you can't um what i would recommend is if you want to offer something like that work with an etsy integrated partner and design a bag through them i know that you can do bags through printed mint and you can do bags through printful and they are etsy approved partners uh and then you just upload your design and and do it that way as a print-on-demand product i literally cannot figure out how to use pinterest do you have videos on it a few other people have commented there's like a bajillion videos on youtube you can look how to how to use pinterest a couple people recommended some decent places to find some yeah i'm not i'm definitely not a pinterest expert um i i can't be the expert of of all things as much as i wish that i as much as i wish that i was i'm more honed in on instagram specifically uh but there are so many people and if you guys have like pinterest experts that you really look up to feel free to put their names or their their you know their channel name in the comments what if you know slash understand nothing about your target market then you should spend a lot of time figuring out more about them that should be your first step you cannot sell what about that handmade alpha academy yeah you cannot sell to someone that you know absolutely nothing about you need to know what's important to them what their lifestyle looks like what are their morals ethics and values uh what what is their overall design sense and style and uh approximately how much money do they make i know that that doesn't sound like a big deal but if you make gold and diamond encrusted cell phone cases and your target audience is a college girl who works at starbucks on the weekend you know that's all cool and well she would probably love one of those cell phone cases but she likely couldn't afford one so you also need to make sure that you are you have an idea of how much money that person makes um and and what type of lifestyle they have so you can make sure that your target customer is realistic there was a oh that was something okay do you think etsy will ever give us more incentives to buy from other etsy sellers no no probably not no absolutely not not the job no that's that doesn't they're they i don't know what the purpose of i mean i get like camaraderie i guess there's no motivation for etsy to do that though and i think that most etsy sellers probably already buy on etsy so there's not really a reason to incentivize it it just doesn't i've never even heard that idea before um but i don't see that ever being a thing it would be cool i'd love to get incentivized for buying from other sellers but i've never really been incentivized for buying anything it's a seller's job to kind of incentivize their repeat buyers right have you ever placed an ad in facebook etc or has it all been organic we've used facebook ads in the past yeah yeah i've used a lot of facebook ads i've experimented with all kinds of things i've done boosted posts i've done i've done ads um i have not done ads in a couple years though i think that the last ad i did was for your band actually for your show one thing that i will say about advertising is just make sure that you're choosing the right targeting uh target people who are interested in things that are kind of related to your brand but i would also target things that are related to their lifestyle as well yeah you've probably experienced that if you have facebook if you've ever gone on facebook and got an ad for something that like is unrelated to anything you've ever searched for and anything you've ever talked about like input like there's no reason you should be getting an ad for this weird product it's because somebody targeted you in an incorrect way it could be a language barrier thing could just be the person just clicking literally every option possible in order to be able to hit as many people as possible yeah beige bird studio said so or facebook ads a bus no i'm talking about facebook posts when you just post on your page it's not being seen by people who haven't liked your page ads are shown to p all different people the would you recommend a gift wrapping as a single listing or as an add-on for every one of your listings the latter sounds daunting for me but easier for the customer excuse me people aren't going to go to your if they're just shopping and browsing from an etsy search page they're not going to go to your shop to see if you have gift wrapping but if you have it already attached to the listing they're more likely to select it if you want people to select it i would do it that way i wouldn't do it as a separate listing um i also recommend even if they don't like maybe have a premium gift wrapping option that they pay for uh but i would also recommend making sure that your packages have a you know just a moderate amount of of nice packaging to begin with uh i gift wrapped all my orders and i didn't include it as a paid add-on i just i just did it because it helped to and people aren't going to read your descriptions of your products 99 of the time so putting down there that they can add gift wrapping by adding a listing that's not going to help either yeah so you if you're going to add it into your listings and add on is that's fine yeah i would do it in the as a variant variation it's daunting but it's one of those things that once you do it up every time you post new things you can just have it set in advance yeah and imagine if everybody who places an order from now on selects it and you make a couple extra dollars per sale couple couple bucks is nice how far in advance do you create your product before starting marketing or release it in your etsy slash social you should have your product created before you start marketing it like always yeah in my personal opinion you should never market something that you haven't heard or that you haven't like made yet because that usually means that you probably don't have the supplies for it yet and that just creates situations where you end up not being able to get a product finished and you have to apologize to your audience and push things back just just don't do that you could do like work in progress photos like while you're making it that's good advertising um you could tease the name of a collection that's upcoming and and even if you don't have the products all made just the name of the collection just no specific products yeah i would i would uh hold off on that but when it comes to like how soon you can market i see brands that will market for six months before a product is available i've been telling you guys about the book that i wrote now for several months and it's not even going to be out until january um guys follow my instagram and explore the channel uh and visit i have a sci-fi book coming out and i really need your guys support i i'm this is my passion project and i could use all the love in the world to to put this baby out where everybody can judge it uh linda had a follow-up to that what if you offered a pre-order for items i uh don't like the idea of pre-orders on etsy i don't i don't i do it's a personal thing but i don't like that idea um i think it just depends just make sure you have all the things ready to make the products i guess that that would be okay and how far out the pre-order's gonna be as well like if you're gonna do a pre-order at least make sure that you've got supplies to make the product that you're going to be making in that pre-order um and also consider shipping timelines because once people place that that shipping timeline is still going to be in place and if you get a bunch of listings sitting in there and you don't have the supplies for it and things have to ship like three weeks past their ship date that's he's probably not going to like that very much so just be careful with that just just know what your capabilities are and expect the best not i mean for the worst and expect the best yeah how far in advance do you plan new product releases usually i mean that's a very personal thing i think yeah i i would say that you should start planning a product line four months before the season so it just depends on how often you're launching if you're assuming you're doing a seasonal launch which is four collections a year i would say to to make sure that you're planned out at least four months in advance i mean it's essentially just like you should already be starting to plan by the time that like previous season stuff is releasing like if you're releasing your summer collection you should already be thinking about what you're going to be doing for your fall collection you don't necessarily have to have like specific product ideas but you should at least be starting to think about it at that time i mean guys it is september and we just showed you that people are shopping for christmas gifts now yup so how many months is that september october november december that's four months until until christmas so i would definitely plan three to four months in advance for for every holiday and season participate in the forum in positive ways i think people do buy from each other and get to know each other there but be aware they're awesome are some negative people yeah if you can't handle negativity stay out of the etsy forums oh god i i can't even look at the etsy forums guys there and there's so much misinformation that goes around in there there's a lot of there is good it's not all bad but there's a lot of false information that gets spread just because sellers don't know any better you know i've been doing it this way forever right i've been selling mickey mouse stuff in my shop for years and i've never gotten in trouble until they do and fad diets or fad diets until somebody dies from it right yup poshmark encourages sellers to buy from other sellers but that's not incentivizing incentivizing is different yeah i mean it's that's i mean etsy i mean realistically having a section specifically for supplies is etsy encouraging sellers to buy from other sellers uh how often do you need to work slash massage listings in your shop to be found in search do you need to do it daily weekly no no don't do don't don't continuously tweak a listing it takes it takes 60 to 90 days when you make your tag and title changes for etsy to even register those if you're going in there every week and messing with them you're just gonna keep refreshing the system and that listing is gonna it's gonna be really hard for that listing to climb and rank register is the wrong word yeah it's there's no real work for the algorithm to really take hold of it take full effect yeah it'll register it immediately but you have to actually take full effect it takes 60 to 90 days yeah so when you make changes on etsy for one do your changes slow one listing at a time very very slowly monitor it for a few weeks that's why i've been i've been talking since like spring about you guys getting your listings prepped for the holidays because now we're getting to that point where it's kind of too late because if you're doing one at a time you don't have 60 to 90 days for each if you've got 20 listings to edit and before the holidays you're going to run out of time um so only edit listings that aren't performing only edit listings that are not selling right you don't want to you don't want to touch bestsellers at all because you can mess up your listing quality scores only do them slowly one at a time and make sure that you're using e-ranks track changes tool to see how the changes that you've made to your listings have affected your views favorites and sales because you'll never know if the changes that you made are good or bad if you don't track them and my last little bit is that don't don't go in and constantly change the same listing make changes and then let it sit for at least 60 to 90 days because likely when you make those changes it'll tank the listing it'll fall in search and then it'll have that potential to rise back up but it's a very slow going it's one of those things you have to be very patient with so no no massaging the getting ads for tooth whitening strips for men yeah what are what are men specific so it's one of those things where like we still live in a very like masculine to the level of toxicity society and guys don't like doing things to like improve themselves right so like having them specifically marketed towards men ensures that men actually buy the things and women are just gonna buy them anyway and call it stupid let's see last week's episode had a lot of nuggets on holiday pre-launch marketing i listed three times listened to some let's see sorry that today's long uh stream wasn't as good as last week's our camera decided to fart out on us camera did it last week too now you can't see my pretty makeup that i spent all morning doing darn it let's see yeah i know i need we just need to get us a we need to get our lumix camera and just be done with it i hate spending money on equipment i get frustrated sometimes with etsy uh but i don't get why some are so hostile over silly things like fees try selling things in a local shop where they want 50 to 60 of your sales i know it's like you get frustrated at etsy for taking like a small percentage and then like you don't yell at the government for taking 35 percent of your income at the end of the year the thing is that's he's a business too guys and that's he's going to grow and you know we can we can either complain and and moan about it or we can plan which means yes plan adapt evolve that's what we we say in handmade alpha academy you plan for changes you adapt to changes and you evolve so that you can move with those changes and i always use this uh this little analogy but if we took an expert salesman from the 60s he was the top of his game he was he could sell anything right you took this expert salesman and you put him in 2021 he would be a miserable excuse for a salesman he would not be able to sell anything yeah and the reason for that is because somebody from the 60s would not be adapted to sell in 2021 he wouldn't know how to sell based on today's standards if you don't move with the tide you will get left behind that's why we do these every friday so that we can keep helping you we can tell you what's hot what the new thing is uh and when i tell you that something's new and you need to jump on it i really hope that you're listening that's why i like right when i found out about instagram reels going more viral than tick tock i was like okay this is something that the alphas need to start doing this is something that they need to start doing now so that they can build holiday momentum and if you start today if you just start making those reels today and getting a couple out a week you're gonna start seeing a trickle of new followers talk about miss info someone goofy said that the 16 to 90 day thing was a myth in the community group it's in etsy seller handbook yeah but then there's also people who say don't believe what etsy says they lie i'm like that's illegal actually yeah that's against the law they can't do that let's see my previous business coach taught that etsy listings should be renewed every day well they were wrong uh i mean paying 20 cents every day per listing that was correct like 10 years ago yep that that was a thing back when etsy's algorithm was new and not developed yet why would etsy lie they want us to make sales yeah i know that's people are stupid anyway um it's it's just not true anymore don't renew your listings every day you're wasting your money it's not doing anything it's they're you're just giving etsy money which i'm sure they're happy about they're probably not going to knock you too much for it but you're wasting your money yeah i've actually got a uh i've got an etsy video on my channel from last year called uh don't burn your etsy seo and it covers that exactly that is an insanely dangerous tactic um because it can actually kill your listing quality score because basically what you're doing is you're telling etsy despite the fact that my listing is renewing every day it's still not selling people people are so not in love with this listing this listing is so unwanted that even though i'm renewing it every day nobody's buying it that is not a good look to have and etsy is just going to push you further and further and further back so don't do that um i and this is speaking from all my experience working at e-rank working closely with anthony wolfe ceo of e-rank don't don't do that please uh my husband actually bought dude wipes we already had equate flushable wipes i got dude wipes i got dude wipes upstairs i like supporting smaller companies they were a smaller company i like supporting smaller companies that way there's a much smaller chance that i'm supporting a sweatshop somewhere let's see i'm happy rank has redbubble on there now i can tag up my listings on there better yep yeah because getting doing tags on redbubble was very hard that's why i told anthony i'm like can we get this data because i when i was doing my redbubble account i could not find anything and i just used etsy keyword data for redbubble because i figured it would be close to the same but now that i'm looking at the data it's not what if etsy support is not answering you keep contacting them how often i mean how long are you giving them between asking them a question i mean they could take them two to three days to get back to you that how many sellers are on there now a lot but um there are different phone numbers there are i would try calling them calling them is usually the best way to try to get a hold of them and call difference and not find their phone number on their website you'll have to get it from somebody else you google it just google etsy phone number you'll usually find reddit threads and things where people have posted it two weeks no answers just continue reaching out uh i would i would give the phone call option a try you might have to try five or six phone numbers before you get the right one but eventually you'll get to a person it can just be a pain in the butt yeah i mean and if you're asking a question that's like something that's just like right in the etsy seller handbook that might be why they're not answering you their customer service is doo-doo i i am not a fan of etsy customer service at all they need to hire more people let's see what are your thoughts on making two of the same listings in the same product because it sells well you could do that in one shop but there's no point in doing two listings for the same product just because it sells well it would be better to have if it sells well it would be better to have it in one listing because you'd be able to build a a great listing quality score for one listing rather than splitting that in two and having two you know kind of okay listing quality scores you would have one great listing quality score the more sales the more reviews the more clicks the more organic fines and search that you know you get for that singular listing the higher that listing quality score will be and the more likely it is that that listing will be found now if you do want to experiment maybe you you've got some keywords and you want to use them in the same listing but you don't want to touch you know one of your listings because it's selling really well you could totally make a copy of that listing and and then test new keywords in that uh in that copy um that's fine but i wouldn't double list products not to mention as a buyer that would be frustrating if i'm trying to explore your shop because i'd be looking at them trying to see what the difference between the two is i've actually done that before people will post the same thing twice whether on purpose or by accident i don't know but i'm trying to see like are they different sized are they different colors is there like is there that's you know you know how it is and if someone can't figure it out they might choose to just not buy from you it can frustrate people anything to frustrate people should be avoided as much as possible uh renewing listings should not do so what what can be done to make products visible seo seo uh after you make seo changes after you make a big change if you want etsy to notice that change it's totally fine to renew your listing it just kind of tells etsy like hey i made a change i want you to i want you to check it out i want you to index me for these changes that i've made you can totally do that just as long as you're not doing it to every listing every day all the time forever um because that's not how you run experiments that's not how you test and that's not how you get recognized by the system uh it's fine to do it every once in a while getting noticed by etsy is not a mystery we know how it works you build a listing quality score there are seven factors that contribute to your listing quality score the reason the recency in which it was listed can help to give you an initial boost uh the seo so the keywords tags that you're using your attributes which are all the little categories and drop down menus that you fill out when you're creating your listing uh all the you know the size material color what's the occasion what's it for who's it for filling those out um the overall completion of your shop so making sure that your policies is filled out your about section um your past sales history of that listing this is why one-of-a-kind listings tend to not do as well on etsy because there's no ability for people to buy that listing over and over again the reviews on that listing so whether or not people have enjoyed the listing after they have purchased it and also um oh crap what was the last one uh translations so if you are trying to cater your products to a different language doing the translations yourself rather than relying solely on etsy's translations because yours will always be better than etsy's and um yes and you know relevancy making sure that your keywords are are appropriate and then obviously you know you're good standing with etsy making sure that you're not getting in trouble you're shipping on time you're not getting a bunch of bad reviews you don't have cases against you and things like that but all these things together uh help to build listing quality scores this is the score for your listing that is going to help propel it higher in search because it's going to tell etsy that people are interested in this item and it takes a lot of time to gather this kind of data etsy has to be able to monitor who's how many people are finding this listing organically in search how many people are buying it how many people are finding it in search and and you know and and leaving a review after they purchase it they're keeping track of these things to see how people engage with this listing that way they can decide how high they place it in search that's how you get it's not that you're not getting found by etsy you're listed on etsy of course you're found by etsy you're there if you're selling there you're found you want to get found by shoppers and the way to do that is to get etsy to recommend you and the way to get etsy to recommend you hire in search is to make sure that you are building listing quality scores which takes time and patience you will never be on the very very like top of etsy when you first list a brand new product that's why we say 30 or 60 to 90 days see if there's any more questions because we got to be wrapping it up oh my god here did post the phone two different phone numbers that she found for etsy customer service if you need it write it down guys uh mallory said what's on the horizon for haa anything new brewing hia will be opening uh for december enrollment on december 1st for those who don't know that's my handmade alpha academy we have over 600 students now many of which do etsy full time after taking haa um oh we are actually next year we will be re-recording the entire program we're gonna do it this year but we're waiting on i need to get a better interface with some better preamps we're trying to do everything top shelf this time around so recording everything in 4k and kind of improving it that way yeah it's it's not a change in content it's just the the you know the video will be a little crisper though my voice will sound a little better but for those who enroll this december you're going to get like the old version of the course and the new version of the course because you get all updates telling them that because they're going to be the same thing yeah a couple of small updates yeah but you're going to get like old version and fresh version you get retro and new so you guys are going to be the super lucky ones who get both whereas people who enroll afterwards they'll just always get the new version the 2.0 um but yeah i'm sure that we'll that we'll add in some extra stuff we always we always do i'm not quite sure what yet i've got a couple ideas amber marie has a couple ideas for things that she wanted i mean even just just re-recording the current material is a couple hundred hours worth of work between the two of us between we're actually recording the video content me editing all the audio for the content content yeah together like it's a couple hundred hours worth of work so yeah but i think that's that's all we had for questions all right guys if you want an example of some really cool marketing some pre-marketing um i know that it's not a handmade product but i run so many instagram accounts and the one that i'm dedicating the most time into right now is for my book and i'm also gonna be doing merch for my book and you don't have to be interested in my book you don't have to buy my book if it's not your thing but if you want to see how i pre-market a book how i advertise it how i create reels for it how i get people excited about it check out my instagram account over there it is explore the channel mark is gonna type that into the chat um and and check out what i've been doing i actually just posted a pretty cool video reel uh or a story yesterday um for that and then amber and i also have a podcast this is the first episode that i'm going to mention it because now we are in the top 10 of all podcasts on the web that's insane to me but it's based on tracy wolf's crave series which is a vampire romance the podcast is called crave the book if you're not interested in that book series you will not be interested in this podcast because it is all about it but if it's something that you want to check out uh we are on spotify we you can ask amazon alexa google home you can ask you know your echo to play us we're on youtube uh feel free to check that out as well um and then the friday bean collection guys that's available now in the alpha dab shop the ugly bean mug is only gonna be available for the weekend so down below in the description you'll find the link to elf adapt if you want to get the ugly bean mug for those who are on the alpha adapt specific email list i did some really funny marketing that you're going to be getting at two o'clock today which is in 30 minutes uh so keep an eye out for an email from me and an email from mark and then i think that that's it is this that's pretty much it there i did find a pretty cool tool that i i mainly use it for lights and things in the house but it isn't it's a color converter where you can input any color combination that you have whether that's our rgb hsb hsl all the different types of colors that you want hex code any literally anything and convert them to anything else and it does it automatically for you and if you have a specific color that you're trying to share with someone you can also do up the color and then click a little permalink thing and actually send them the link for it so i'm just i'm going to link that it's not not super huge but it's a good way to uh it's a good way to convert things if you have to if you have to use different things and then there's also um this website that i use quite a bit called color hex these are great for for styling for knowing hex codes for trendy products uh if you work with graphic designers being able to send them the exact rather than saying yo can you can you do this in like a light green you can say hey can you do this in uh hex uh in this hex code yeah and and you can send them the exact color that you want and then here's another website that i use called color hex you can go to the website and literally just kind of pick a color they throw out a whole bunch of like favorite colors uh at the top there's different palettes and things that you can do i'm actually good just because we have a minute i'm gonna i'm gonna throw this up on screen and show this too that's fine you guys want to check it out yeah this is a website that i use pretty often uh where's my screen share there it is no no face okay so this website's pretty neat you can open up things this is like just picking gray as a favorite color and then it gives you every shade there are different colors and then it gives you all their different rgb spaces for them so go back to the main page you can go to come on palettes so if you're looking for different color palettes to find you can like here's a cyberpunk retro wave you can go and then it gives you all the different colors and if i was going to take that let's say go to the color converter and then you can just pop in whatever whatever number you want here or what and then it automatically converts all the digits for you i don't know if that's useful for anybody but it's a tool that i've been using recently for a lot of go back to the palettes go back yep go back one yeah this would be a really fun idea to find how like color combos for things like stationary um for graphic design for your logo if you're trying to rebrand you could find some really fun inspiration if you're like if you're like man i don't know what color i want that's how that's how i do um i've actually just got it bookmarked all the colors that i use for my computers and the lighting in the basement i have all like the different cyberpunk colors that i use but you can just go up there and type things in yeah that worked probably not gonna work for me today no it's not because it's being goofy but anyway yeah you can go in here and find all kind of cool stuff and this is stuff that like if you go in here a lot of big companies use this you'll see a lot of familiar colors in here you've got all the different shades all the way from black tints it's got the different percentages literally anything that you could want to use this for here you got css3 samples like if you're coding css color codes like this this website's dope hey all right it's fun yup all right guys and you can also use those colors um in your like in your emails and things if you uh if you want to if you're like using mailchimp you can make sure that you're using cool branding colors for your font and things as well and there's i've posted the link to both of those in the uh chat here color color hacks and then work with color and you can paste those colors right into canva too when you like click on your fonts or if you want to do shapes and things you can and if they're not if they're not quite accurate you can go over and put them into the editor and then once you put them into the editor you can edit whatever color just to kind of slightly adjust it like if you need a couple more points of red you can up it and then you can just take the whole like x code or whatever and move it over anyway we love you guys and we will see you next week bye guys
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 2,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy tips for beginners, etsy tips and tricks, the friday bean, handmade alphas, starla moore, get more etsy sales, Etsy for beginners, etsy earn money, how to start a business, start a home business, home business ideas, home based business, starting your own business, starting an online business, grow my etsy shop, etsy for newbies, etsy holiday prep, erank for etsy, etsy trends 2021, trending on etsy, products to sell on etsy, what to sell on etsy to make money
Id: 8MVd6AmB-WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 38sec (5318 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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