LIVE Etsy Shop Critiques for fall - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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um we're live we are alive oh god it looks like i'm not wearing pants that way just a little bit we're even we're even and i am wearing pants no she's not they're no pants they're just a a very light tannish color guys happy friday turning the mic up i just was making sure i was doing it somehow it got turned down okay what a week what a week it has been it is definitely september which means it's halloween now so happy halloween everyone um if any of you say it's not halloween we will kick you out of the stream because you're wrong and it is halloween and it will be halloween for the next two months so happy halloween today we're going to be doing shop critiques if this is your first time joining us for shop critiques we have a couple little quick rules first rule is not to put your full shop link in the chat uh that is going to get blocked by youtube and we're not going to see it there's a very specific thing that will need you to copy and paste into the chat when we are ready for you to do so and i will let you know when it's time to do that so just give us a few minutes because we don't want to lose your shops second thing is that it's going to be completely random we were going to do some randomizer random name picker yada yada we haven't figured out how to do that and it's been so long since we've done one of these i think it's been like two months so i'm just gonna pick it random we're gonna pick it random so please don't complain if well we didn't you skipped me we're not we're not skipping anyone we're not skipping anybody um the reason that we do these less frequently than we used to is because a lot of people complain when we do them that they didn't get picked and we have over 20 000 youtube subscribers so if this is all we did then we would not have lives uh next thing is that we are going to cover a lot of information with each of the shops but even if you don't get picked there's still a ton that you can learn and i really want you guys to focus on this because you should be preparing for the holidays now um i know i said in august that this was the the the time when you needed to prepare well now we're in september which is actually when people start holiday shopping and i know that that sounds crazy because maybe you don't start shopping in september but working for e-rank when we actually analyze the stats we start seeing those very first searches for holiday gifts in august so september is the first month of ramp up october and november are the biggest so we don't have a lot of time left to prepare everything that i talk about today are things that you should try to apply to your shop now to get ready for the big holiday rush even if you don't plan to do like a black friday sale um i would still optimize for black friday simply because there's going to be more shoppers on the platform on black friday than any other day of the year so even if you're even if you're not hosting a sale there's still going to be more traffic that day and i know that if i'm sitting down to get my holiday shopping done i'm doing all of it whether something on is on sale or not black friday is the day when i typically do all of my holiday shopping and if the shop that i'm buying from is having a sale then that's great but because i'm in that buying mood i usually buy anyway if it's something that i that i that i want to buy as a gift or for myself so and that's another little thing that you guys should know is that even if you don't create giftable items that does not mean that you shouldn't celebrate black friday or hold a black friday sale because i buy a majority of my tech upgrades of my office supplies of just things that i want for myself on black friday as well because i'm hoping for sales that is this the day when mark and i upgrade everything that needs upgraded in terms of our business and our offices so even if you create something that isn't a gift don't feel like you can't do black friday you absolutely can um and and also if you're not in the us if you're you know obviously if you're not in the us then you don't celebrate thanksgiving at least not on the same day that that the us does then maybe you'll feel like black friday isn't something that you should celebrate if you have any customers in the u.s you absolutely should thank you i was wondering where that was from my desk not pretty um so yeah just black friday is the date that you should optimize uh for and down below if you open up the video description you're gonna find a bunch of freebies that i offer if you're new to the channel the two that you're going to want to grab are the 2021 marketing calendars now obviously we're halfway through the year already so a lot of them you're not going to be able to use but focus on the last few for the next three months because those are the most important honestly those are the ones that talk about when to start planning collection launches when to plan sales and what to do and then the second freebie that you're going to want to grab is the ssar swipe files because those are going to help you to get more five star reviews during the holiday season now in uh the next few weeks it'll be sometime in september we're gonna be releasing my black friday survival guide and my black friday tool box which is going to have a ton of freebies and things that you can use for uh black friday prep the checklist is going to tell you exactly what to do each day leading up to black friday so that you can prepare it also comes with a graphics pack of images like drag and drop transparent background images that you can place right onto your marketing photos and these are all royalty free because i took the photos and edited the the images myself um you can use them however you want but those will be available later this month there's a couple things that i need to do before i launch it but just keep an eye out for it as long as you're here during the friday being each week or if you're watching the replay each week you'll know when i release that but uh other than that is there anything that we need to i did wanna i did want to point out that i posted a reel today on instagram because i have a lot of you who say things like oh starla you do so much in a day how do you still have time to to yourself so i did a day in the or day in the life real yesterday where all day i uh because with it being the beginning of september i do all of my like scheduling for fall on like september 1st so i did all of my canva photos and i scheduled out all the way until january so you can kind of get a little glimpse of that and me doing e-rank q a and and it's only a minute long so it's like a speed a speed run of my life all right let's do this all right go ahead and get some shop names in if you are confused as to how to do your top name i'm going to go ahead and get this over to screen share here just for a second you can i don't even know if they can actually see that much but yeah they can see it slash whatever goes here so that works or let's just go to this random yeah just grab one they're just going to the random shop here copy that this thing here for some of you not most of you but for some of you this won't work for for whatever reason if you've changed your shop name or whatever be just that part do not do the or our thing will block you out i'm going to switch this back over this stuff yeah this is unfortunately the only way to do it because youtube doesn't like links so if you post a link it'll block your it's for our security and that's well it's for technically for their security so nothing happened there okay so excuse me and thanks to seventh muse whoever you are julie from 7th muse for allowing us to uh there's no questions real quick yeah because once we start going it'll be really hard to do questions there's a for those wondering why we're staring at a second i have a big like tv sized monitor up here that i use for i should i'll do uh i should do a video on instagram showing them what the setup looks like yeah after we're done yeah i think we're good all right i'm just gonna i randomly scroll through and pick names i literally just scroll with my mouse and look away and click and then whatever is closest who do we got pothos pothos paper company with those paper co i can't see the public that's so far away i don't know it's like it's a shot it's like five feet away from my face even with my glasses i can't see that all right okay that didn't work so let's try to paste it into there we go hey la didn't you just make a post that somebody was griping that their uh that their sticker wasn't oh i ordered from other shops and my sticker wasn't as vibrant or something doo doo doo doo comments screen chair there it is and we're tiny hello tiny us yeah tiny screen all right you may um refresh because her banner isn't loading and i can tell that she has one because otherwise the screen wouldn't be that big if it doesn't click out okay so first thing that i noticed is my mouse there it is first thing that i noticed is clear consistent branding it is very clear what your branding colors are it is very clear what your logo is everything is insanely cohesive and one of the first thing that i noticed is that the actual product photos that you have you have the same like what are these leaves called that marble is is it is it is this the pothos is that the name of the leaf or am i or is there a name or is there a reason behind the name yeah i'm i'm i don't know i'm ignorant ignorant um but either way i can see the consistency in your branding and it looks very very nice if you only do okay pets animals in nature i was going to say if you only do dogs i'm a little confused about the leaves but animals in nature think honestly that if it's if the theme fits pretty well yeah it's it's super cute i was i was confused at first but now that it i see that it's animals and nature it makes a lot more sense i really dig the art style for these two yeah then the no no hard lines i really like that so we'll go ahead and pop open your shop announcement holiday collection coming soon so this is going to tell shoppers that you are um that you're active this is telling shoppers that you are actually updating your shop announcement um and that you're getting ready for the holidays you've got some keywords here i know a lot of people stick their slogan here but if your slogan doesn't have uh your superstar keywords in there or the keywords that you most want to rank for then i would recommend putting your slogan somewhere on your banner but you've used your slogan perfectly because you've got the life on paper which sounds like your slogan but you've also been able to get in pre-made and custom animal stickers which is ideally what i assume you're optimizing for so um one thing i will say is that you can kind of keyword optimize your shop sections if you wanted to if you wanted to say animal stickers custom animal blah blah animal sticker sheets uh you could do that but it's not one of those things that are going to make or break you if you want to overachieve you could do that etsy does tell us that they do technically see keywords here um but it's yeah exactly exactly it won't hurt you to do it but it won't benefit you enough that we really think that it matters exactly your product photos are really nice though i i really really like that you've got oh and your nails match too you see that yeah they're all really well done and again that that like cell shaded kind of art style is is really cool we have a shibby shibby a piggy iggy piggy all right it's indiscriminate based on the type of animals too like there's a lot of specialty shops but you've branched out and done a little bit everything i like that your shop update is showing something that isn't just a repeated product photo so that is good uh get some photos in your about section i want to see photos of your workspace i want to see a photo of you if you have pets maybe a photo of your pets your inspiration you designing products this is an area where you're able to really connect with your audience so if you can get a photo of yourself in here so that they feel more connected to you as a person that would be ideal you do have a photo of yourself in your shop owner photo uh and what i really like is that you have a different photo here than what you have up at the top i hate when people i i don't hate it because we do it we do it in alpha adapt too i think but i it's not that i hate it i i just i give extra brownie points if you can get different photos of yourself um no it won't hurt your shop it's a customer experience exactly giving them something different to look at giving them different views of you yeah basically but it's not i'm having to be nitpicky because your shop is very well it's that like extra one percent effort kind of thing yeah exactly so let me grab the shibby because we have a sheba let's see um sheba doge bullet journal planner um couple things i need to go put my nose you know what can you bring like tissues down i keep yeah hey there's tissues down there no there aren't oh it's just an empty box yes it is an empty box for the trash oh okay men men you know how they are okay um i there's a couple terms here that i feel like you could compact together um rather than having them on their own because you could broad match doge with one of these but you're not getting any exact matches and with especially with dogecoin being really big right now and the doge meme being really big right now because of dogecoin it might be optimal for you to try to combine this one with other things um anywhere that you can combine keywords to make a short keyword phrase i would recommend doing um but overall your seo does not seem to be bad at all i i think that especially if people are searching for a sticker like this it's similar to how we talk about amber marie hi amber um it's it's going to be one of those things where somebody who has a sheba is going to look specifically for a sheba so you're not going to get as many people just searching for um you know dog sticker they usually know exactly what type of dog that they want so you've got all of those keywords in there lots of different photos which i absolutely appreciate uh you want to give your customers all different views of your products super cute and then you are using some of your photos for information i recommend doing that simply because your descriptions are not going to be noticed by the shoppers uh etsy has made it incredibly hard for shoppers to even see your descriptions especially on mobile but even on desktop you have to click learn more about this item so making sure that anything that they have to know before they make their purchase is in your actual photos that is ideal so uh details one thing i will say and one little i idea that i have for for your shop in particular is to get this line out of the top um because i already know like i can already kind of assess what this is that it's a hand-drawn die-cut you know sticker what i would recommend doing is taking your details and bumping them up because you can only see two of them without clicking learn more about this item but there's like one two three four spaces here that you could bump up to be able to fit in a little bit more oh i guess you only had two now i feel stupid um i would still say bump it up that way the details are the first thing that they see because then they might be more inclined to actually click learn more about this item so they could see the full details it's starting to fade you need me to scoot yes i am a large man and you are in a large chair i couldn't find anything i enjoy basically i had to give myself a lobotomy up there look at this oh yeah i hate that gross my allergies are so bad all right um over very very nice and i love that your uh your customers are leaving photos with their reviews that's super cute especially when they've got like pictures of their pets with the uh with the products very very cute your branding is really nice and it looks like you're doing pretty darn well so i i don't really have a whole lot to critique here i think that you're doing phenomenally well all right and look all right we still we're gonna do this and i'm gonna show you guys that all these great shops that have great reviews not all of them are gonna have the star seller badge don't worry about star seller badges they don't they're not they're not helping your ranking at all it's literally etsy giving you a little shiny star sticker on your on your shirt yeah get it right etsy etsy's like etsy's like oh you do you do good you do good everybody gets an award here you go you get a thicker you get a little thicker on your shirt extra good participation yeah do you think that do you think that customers are sitting there like oh this seller doesn't have a purple star don't worry about the star cellar badges everybody okay everybody keeps asking me to cover star cellar badges and i'm like there's nothing to cover because i amber and i don't even have one unless amber amber you might have one in amber murray studio but i know we don't have one for elf adapt so he won't let me do a right click and copy [Music] he can do it it's just etsy not allowing you to do that anymore you get it yeah it's also etsy must be having problems today because it's also not loading banners on the first try okay hannah how many hannah's are there here hannah every hannah in the audience is like oh my god it's me i don't know which one well you're not gonna know because we're leaving i'm just kidding oh what's wrong with you today i'm i'm in a good mood is that okay is it okay that i'm in a good mood no it's weird all right screen share here you go shop hannah i love the blues knots of yarn and love so um right away i'm seeing a lot of blue i'm seeing your this way or this way this way okay i'm seeing your branding colors reflected in your products i will say that at a glance i'm a little confused about i mean i know what you're selling but i would say a lot of sellers might be confused do you know what this is no you can't tell you don't know what what the f these this is a finished product i'm assuming they're curtains no i have no idea you can't figure it out no what look over here you see what this is yeah no i have no idea what that is well i'm assuming that they haven't figured it out i'm not like a crafty person that's her i'm like the tech guy i don't do a lot of the a lot of the actual crafts but this is here's a here's kind of just a little lesson to learn is that when you have your photo taken this close up um you're not quite able to see what this is he has no idea what he's looking at it they are reusable paper towels they are washable reusable and this is the paper towel roll gotcha does that make more sense now that you're 600 makes more sense i didn't know that was a thing so if i would have known that that was a thing then i probably would have been able to pick that easier but i didn't know reusable paper towels were a thing yes so i mean i should have assumed but yeah so maybe just just take a step back you know what i mean everything is great the colors are great just back up just a tiny bit so that you can see a little bit more or do the same photo but you know do it in a kitchen setting with like a bowl of fruit on the counter and that way you can kind of see that they are to be used in the kitchen even maybe one that's not necessarily like still in perfect condition like have one that's like sitting next to a plate like semi still neat folded but like you can tell that it's being used to like dry the plate or something right like that's what i mean um let's see you have really nice product photos okay so i got up are you gonna go snot he's gonna go snot allergy season these are really nice though and your photos are very very pretty um you can find eco-friendly items here i would try to optimize this with some keywords um this doesn't sound like a slogan or a keyword optimized price it's just kind of you can put your username okay um i think that you could probably get some eco-friendly what like eco-friendly items uh there's there's got to be a better word than items what what type of items homeware household household items would even be better um let's see oh i love that you have your eep could you take your eep and put it up higher um even if you put it in the second line so that it is above the fold because if somebody doesn't know to click read more they won't see it and you've got the emoji which is an eye grabber you want to make sure that this is above the the fold so that people are actually joining it i would even say that if you had to sacrifice this line in order to get this up there i would do that i would make sure that your eep url is up top i would also make sure that you add in copy and paste into your browser because some people are going to sit here and click and click and click and not understand why it's not taking them anywhere you're going to need to specify that they need to copy and paste it into their browser if you're using your eep url um you've got your handles that's awesome i love the photos so they're very for me and amber said you need that blue in every picture i kind of disagree with that i like the balance of colors here because nothing is super like in your face everything is comfortable and it's like that it's it's like my favorite thing when it comes to listings like when you when you're selling like uh products that other people are gonna use to sell like digital stuff like i like those to be all kind of cohesive meaning with ice this i like these kind of products to have that kind of controlled chaos to them and this these really have it like each individual picture is very neat and clean but the combined picture is very chaotic but it's still easy to go through because the colors are different everything is like a different kind of background but they don't they don't collect collide with each other it's not abrasive to look at if that makes sense sorry if it doesn't my favorite photos out of all these i like this background i like this photo especially this would make a great banner photo if you could get it longer um and i really like this photo as well i think that these have a very natural setting feel whereas some of these are so close up that i don't know um i don't quite know what i'm looking at but these tell me exactly what the products are because i can recognize it they're they're being used in a way that i can glance at and know roughly what i'm seeing same with this one i know what this is because you've set it up in a way that allows me to not have to use too much of my brain to figure it out charlie said reusable toilet paper yeah it's not it's not everybody's cup of tea i definitely wouldn't do it but for those that who can like go through being able to wash it and deal with that yeah but we have a bidet so we're still that's true we're still doing better than just using paper exactly um which you should definitely get into if you haven't yet today is where it's at yeah for real um let me i'll do a full look through so these seem to be keyword optimized a bit um it's like you you didn't have to try too hard with keyword optimizing because you put exactly what they are so that's perfect um [Music] the pics you like are the ones i've recently redone oh great yeah i can tell that you've definitely gotten like that that good stylized you're upping your skill they have that very like i don't like that target professionalism to them like they're they're professional like you've got the good you've got the good lighting on the front but the whole thing still has a sense of depth to it which is something that a lot of people have a hard time doing is that like the you have the product and you have everything around the product but then you have what's past the product and it's not it's it's in focus but it's not you've got you've gotten really good at doing that so congrats on that get some more photos in here um i love this photo on its own but maybe one of you working or if you don't want your face then just your arms working you packing an order maybe you using a product uh you have your about section filled out and you're talking about something that isn't just about you um one thing that i will say is a lot of sellers use this to talk about themselves me me me me me and while it is the about you section um buyers don't really care about us they care how we can help them so our about you should be written from a position of i am here my purpose is to help you it's more yeah it's more of a lie than it is i think just about yourself like why you're creating the products for exactly so we create products that reduce waste look great and save you money so this isn't about you this is about right to the point but it is about you right it's about what they are doing for the customer it's not about it's not about her it's about yeah i agree um so you've got your your story that they can connect with but then you start talking about things that helping others to reduce their waste so you're talking about once again how you're going to help them you've got your photo in here and your policies filled out what because making sure things are coming through in the chat all right so i'll grab this photo just because it was one of the ones that stood out to me the most yeah sure that that background like the geometric background that's where it's at that's cool is that your actual kitchen i love that kind of backdrop it kind of looks like it's about it's a backdrop we got we caught you we caught but from a distance i couldn't tell yeah i couldn't tell for for a thumbnail photo perfect um so one thing i will say is i see 12 teal paper towels reusable paper towels towels you don't have to repeat keywords in your title what's better for you to do is try to put them together so what would be better in this situation is 12 teal reusable paper towels and then get rid of this uh cotton paperless towels try to get some of your eco-friendly keywords in here um uh zero waste that's that's like a whole keyword in itself zero waste lifestyle uh eco-friendly kitchen um and things like that there's so much more keyword space that you have in here especially when you get rid of these repeats you don't need to repeat words in your title they said that's contact paper on a foam board oh okay that it looks really nice yeah um got product photos that's really got me thinking that that's how i want to do our acoustic panels i think i really want to get those geometric acoustic panels and do them that way you've got your vip list i like that you uh put the vip list like in the middle um my brain is always like oh put your put your your ones with text like at the end but i kind of like it because it's like we have all these blue teal photos together it just it feels really nice uh she said uh this listing i haven't updated the title because it was doing really well for a while and i didn't change it yes yes and and i guess i should have led with that that was one of the things i should have pointed out even if we're critiquing you even if we say that you could improve your listing even if we say that you don't have enough keywords the golden rule is literally never change a listing that is performing well yeah like other than potentially updating photos if you update cameras or whatever and you've gotten better at photo editing don't edit anything that affects the action no tags and titles yeah yeah no tags and titles yeah if the listing is selling do not touch your tags and titles no matter what even if you think that you could improve it don't jinx it because you could be pulling out a keyword that is holding your entire listing up and you don't have to try as hard when your listing quality score is already high so you don't want to have to start that process all over with new keywords if you take out you know one of the keywords that was holding your listing also another rule that we have that we don't really discuss a lot like if we somebody said that they're afraid for us to critique because to find new things that's a good thing though it's a good thing to have stuff messed up with your shop we can find it and do what we need to and sometimes we'll miss stuff in other people's shops but also don't go through and edit like a lot of listings at once that's another big rule that we try to go through is like if we if you have something wrong with a lot of your listings don't just go through and like absolutely blast them do a couple give them a little while do a couple give them a little while and by a little while i mean like a few weeks i love how the last one was all blue and all the photos were blue and this one is the product is white so everything is styled like white and gray and really neutral colors depth perception yo it's so styled you got that focus going right um for this one could i see that it's like a vertical photo could you crop this so it's the same image as the other one where it added make it make it not because there's i see that there is there's no reason for the fake shadow on the bottom yeah get just cut top and bottom off so that this is bigger so it matches because i know you already have that photo because i just saw it and yeah i can see that it looks like it was cut for a cell phone well no we can't see it here but it's i think that all of the photos have that shadow i think etsy puts it there really yeah why i don't know oh maybe not no i was about to say no either way um but everything looks really really nice so we once again weren't able to do a lot of critiquing my biggest critique honestly is any listings that aren't performing well uh try to switch your keywords around a little bit and um update your your top banner a little bit so non-eco-friendly savvy people who might be learning about it for the first time can glance and understand what they're seeing because your photo skills are very very good they are i would love to see those reflected in your banner where you've got that beautiful scene that you've created with your uh with the foam board it's funny from a distance these look like plates i thought the same thing i thought that they were playing i was trying to figure out do you do you use a color key or anything like that do you use a do you use a loop filter on your pictures because it looks like you're using a clarity filter but i think it might just be like the actual lighting you're using and like the depth perception you're putting on the photos they're very crisp they are they are very crisp but it looks like it's natural lighting but i've got two gigantic lights in my eyes so it's it's hard to tell what's natural and what isn't at the moment okay let's go ahead all right you check this i can't sell i don't know what you mean by that dog what i'm gonna bring this over here while i do this because it's really hard to do from over there oh fine excuse me for some reason it's uh like youtube is blocking some of your comments but if we see that happen we will click yeah i'm showing it so don't freak out [Music] all right got butters over here butters is the best south park butters is the best south park character to tag your best south park your favorite style part character in the comments what year is it who watches south park anymore i do not their most recent season was banging it was it was offensive that's what i liked though okay yeah don't announce the shops in the event that we can't get them to work and someone gets upset okay that's why that's why i told them like if it doesn't like because putting this in here didn't work but putting it up here did so all right laura all right laura laura right laura right laura hello laura okay play the didgeridoo all right anthony walker's in the background super mad now oh man anthony tried to impersonate you last week and that was pretty funny oh i'm an american no he his voice goes higher pitched i said anthony your your impression of americans is literally just you raising your voice a couple octaves he's like i know i'm bad at that oh man i have no idea what's going on we we make we make fun of each other me and amber make fun of each other and and is it this way anthony wolf and i we make fun of each other and it's a lot of fun and she the last one said i do editing in lightroom usually i just adjust the brightness because i use natural light cool i would have had no idea that you use natural light so your use of natural light is very very well done you must have a very good like lighting in your house all right laura um first thing that i notice is that you do not really have a a consistent branding you know i actually like your photo it looks like you've taken one of your crocheted pieces and you've laid a filter on top of it that gives it almost like a um like a canvas texture i like that uh but your actual business name is a little blurry you can actually crisp that up by recreating this in canva and making sure that when you're using canvas etsy banner template when you go into save it as your your download it's going to have a little slider bar and you're able to grab that slider bar and increase the size because it does not save the at the correct size canva for some reason they've got it like red like the it's down res like one size too small so grab that slider crank it up and then when you upload it it will be nice and crisp so are you talking about the like the actual image itself i'm talking about the font being oh the font okay let's see because the background looks like that was intentional yeah i'm talking about the font um i also noticed that you don't really have consistent branding this feels like it could be you know a nice like kind of farmhousey branding because it matches these photos that i'm seeing first before i have to scroll that's above the fold content content that you see before you have to scroll down yes um but i would try to get a logo rather than using a product photo um because seeing this big quilt especially since the quilt is many many many colors um i would recommend trying to get an actual professional logo done using this kind of pretty off-white color yeah because it would it would make them matching scroll down a little bit so we can see the rest of the shop too yeah well i'm i know i just like being able to kind of look at things while you're yeah you've been you've got some keywords in here let's see oh lots of pretty lordy there you go so you've got okay you've got information safety information about baby blankets um bya not quite sure why you have seo links that doesn't make sense search because that would be search engine optimization links um just say links because this isn't this is not seo i would call them just like social yeah social social links follow social media follow me um especially if you follow me like you're directing people to you yeah because the customer isn't going to know what seo means for one and for two this is an seo regardless so i would switch that out honest mistake though yeah your photos are super cute some of them i like a lot more than others i uh so i don't know if you're if you're in the middle of re-shooting i can tell that some of them are newer and some of them are older but i mean to be honest it's it's still not bad um i'm not a fan of these yeah the a lot of the ones that are a little bit brighter you've done a good job with shadows the shadows aren't hard you have very soft shadows i can tell that here let me have that i can tell that it looks i mean it might just be editing but it looks like this one was done in a light box because i can see the corners where the like the light is concentrated i might be wrong of course this one i can tell that you've softened the shadows and i picky if you use the tool you're but like this one isn't bad shadows are soft backgrounds good this one's i can see the shadows cascading i can see where the light's coming from but i mean all in all i don't the pictures aren't bad though no not at all i think that i'm connecting more um with the ones i'm more likely to click are yes this one with the nice wood background uh this one the one on the plate they they have that feeling like when you walk into like when you go to a like a pumpkin farm yeah in the fall and then you walk into the actual little shop like the actual like wooden house shop where they have all this like cool crocheted stuff yeah they they give that vibe off and i can tell that that's probably what you were going for um i would stick to this this wood background if possible i know i'm normally one to say like light backgrounds light backgrounds but for your products i like these a lot more these feel a lot more amateur these feel more like you have uh you know maybe taking a photography course yeah at the end of the day the background is really just going to be dependent on what you're trying to show off with the product for something like this obviously a plain white background just isn't going to do no matter what you do it's not going to capture the capture the vibe most products will do good on a white background but most products will also do good if you put the background to something that actually shows off the detail yeah i would also i know that the hats are for the bears but if the bears don't if the bears don't come with the hats i wouldn't use these as your primary photos because as a shopper i might assume that the bears are included is your whole shop closed for miniature bears um i think it is are they they are is that babies knit and crochet they're for babies she's using she's using the the miniatures yeah oop i didn't mean to click that one i'm not ready yet i'm not ready yet oh boy let's see you've got some photos down here i would love to see one of you actually creating products i would love to see a photo of you photo yeah a crochet get a photo of you crocheting or um you know packing an order or something it helps to form that really like warm connection you've got your policies filled out that's good um i'm gonna click on these because i think that they are cute miniature apple hats two knitted caps doll clothes mini caps red green pink brown hey uh nasir stop posting multiple things over and over again yeah you guys don't have to post them multiple times uh we will get to you and you're also posting them for more than one account yeah let's not don't don't do that yeah because we don't want to have to block you from the channel we see what you're doing please don't do it um let's see oh these are so cute your photos are really nice i love this wood background it looks like you have like a table or something maybe even outside the the lighting feels really nice i like i like how these look these are definitely my favorite photos though um seo doesn't seem too bad i'm sure that that you're probably trying to uh optimize for doll clothes i would try to get some fall and autumn keywords in here as long as this isn't like a best seller um i would say maybe some autumn keywords because everything it looks like you've recently released like a fall collection so maybe some autumn related keywords in there yeah you've got miniature pumpkins four knitted pumpkins fall decor halloween thanksgiving um could you smash these together a little bit and do like uh i don't know autumn halloween decor fall or thanksgiving table decor um i think you could probably just get some more keywords and combine things together and do keyword phrases rather than single word keywords like halloween by itself thanksgiving because it's very unlikely that if someone searches for halloween i mean there's how many listings are there for halloween you probably won't rank for that by itself try to smash it in with some other words and see if you can create a short keyboard phrase instead because even if halloween by itself is getting more searches there's so much competition that it's very unlikely that you're going to rank for it wow that first review there that person's a dangling aren't they oh i didn't even see it they'll hit back well we don't want to showcase a a dangling view it was a custom listing and the person gave four stars even though they said it was great don't be that person i hate that person it's great but not great enough for five stars because nobody's perfect right yeah that's like the teacher that doesn't give a's because no one's perfect five star reviews or if it met your expectations four star reviews are if that met your expectations but it had like a physical visible flaw three stars as if it kind of met expectation but wasn't as described and then two and one or this product sucks yeah just give everything a five star review um overall really nice my biggest critiques are to get some consistency like just a little branding consistency your banner is just a tiny bit blurry but not enough that i think that it's gonna affect peop you know people's perception of your shop um it's just slightly blurry but i would definitely try to get a logo in here because you have a very uh there's a style here everything is very farmhouse autumn woodsy um and i assume that you've kind of gone with that theme even your even your holiday products feel very woodsy to me and maybe it's just how you've displayed them but because that's my perception at a glance it might be something that you want to run with um if that's my perception then it's likely the perception of others as well and then just brushing up on your seo a little bit trying to combine keywords into phrases where you can because either way you're still going to broad match when people mix and match those terms or when etsy mixes and matches those terms but if you can get an exact match phrase which means the keywords are in that exact order when somebody searches for them you're going to have a lot better chance of actually being found in search so all right are we good uh-huh let's do probably get two or three more in before we start doing questions shoot yeah yeah we said we saw you danielle you don't need to keep posting i had a customer give two stars for a custom order that she had approved from multiple photos including the items oh my gosh she said it wasn't what she expected people suck man yeah don't don't be one of the people that suck be a good people yeah just don't and if if you're dealing with somebody like that i mean don't let them get under your skin too much and if all else fails i know that we've got a lot of like people actually named karen but there is a site called karen chuck i know that not a lot of people like the use of the word karen but there is a site called karen check where you can go and look at a buyer's uh review history to see if they are one of those people that just leaves nasty reviews all the time um that way if they place an order and you feel like you know maybe they've messaged you and they're snotty and you can tell you do have the option to cancel that order and it could prevent you from getting a bad review if you said like oh you know i think being upset by being called a karen's kind of silly since you know being a jerky guy has been a chad for however being a chat or a kyle or a being a mark having a mark what what guys let us know in the chat what would you have to do to be a mark what would your personality be isn't it yourself that's a that's an old gang term isn't it being a mark being i'm not going to look that up you're such a mark all right i'm pretty sure that's a gang reference but okay there we go faux sweets wow why did you submit your shop it's already so pretty um this is beautiful this is such a beautiful photo and it's not real but i want to eat it anyway a couple quick critiques get your photo in here uh this is a shop owner photo and your name is not faux sweets and this is not your face and if you don't want to use your face that's okay uh but he's an avatar yeah use an avatar get like a little cartoon character of yourself or you don't it doesn't even need to be of you he doesn't even need to be human just something that represents you that somebody can build an attachment to yeah because building an attachment to a label is is not really a thing that people can do it's not ingrained in us as people and you know and this this isn't something that you have to change because your logo does look really nice but in the context of etsy i can't read any of this i have no idea what this says um and it's not reflected in your banner so i just have no idea what it says i could still recognize it if jack daniels were to take their logo and shrink it down you wouldn't be able to read that either but in the world of etsy um i'm more just letting you know that it's really hard to hard to see but i don't know if that's anything you can change i would just make sure that you put your face here because if i can't read this then i definitely can't read this it might even be fun if you did a photo of yourself and then erase the background and put in this teal as the background of the photo of yourself you i mean you've done a great job of capturing the like candy aspect the sugary can't like this makes me want halloween treats yeah this is not not even like a cheap dollar store halloween treat like this makes me want some good homemade treats get i see that you have in your featured maybe it's just because you haven't had time to update but you've got it looks like still patriotic like fourth of july summer items get some of these halloween items in your feature and bump these down um that way fall is the first thing that i see these are really nice though let's see uh luxury faux food art i dig that that sounds you know could be keyword optimized i assume faux food is probably one of the key words you're trying to optimize for um jury foe was probably also like even if people aren't searching for food luxury foe people are searching for stuff like furs and stuff luxury faux fur it might still pop up for that let's see quench super duper cute lots of different like holiday themes so i'll do it man the attention to detail on your products is pretty like that yeah that doesn't doesn't look that looks like food oh you've got a listing video i don't know uh pause it there because i don't know if the sound this is very high quality this feels like a buzzfeed video that i'm watching that wow we were featured on buzzfeed shut up is this did they like record it i can tell that it's like either their editing style or you emulated it perfectly yeah this is this feels very buzzfeed-ish it's very nice i love this all right i'll we won't have to watch the whole good god so yeah wow these are nice i would say get a photo of yourself in here but you're in your video so that i give it that's more than enough and this is a that's a feature video too from an actual like like buzzfeed like no matter what your opinion about buzzfeed is like being featured by somebody by like buzzfeed and actually having a video by buzzfeed is a huge deal so all right i would taunt that all right why don't we what are we clicking which one you want to look at which one looks the taste oh give me a minute here let me look from the top how hungry am i if you didn't know i've been dieting and uh i haven't been able to have sweets like this in a while pick from the top because you tell me what to do it looks like she just released the halloween stuff yeah so it'll be the most and you got the i'm assuming this was like fourth of july stuff too she got it and featured um you know honestly i want something with a lot of detail i really like these the cupcakes with a little fake caramel apples on them okay i dig them all right uh first thing that i notice is you don't have a lot of photos you get more photos in there girl yeah these photos are all these photos are almost the exact same image um could you change things up give me these in different settings stage them put like a real caramel apple beside them uh i know they're probably like two scale with a real cupcake but having something for scale is always nice to have yeah there's um i think that there's a lot of things you can do here um more more photos the better let's see fake cupcake okay so you don't need to repeat the word cupcake you could do fake caramel apple cupcake and be able to get a nice match there again if these are performing well don't touch them and i'm assuming that they are considering you've got 3 500 sales so i would yeah this i would not consider kawaii stationery though this fake yeah that seems like a copy paste yeah um definitely not stationary not for consumption good good putting that because i know that if if i was drunk and i popped onto etsy i'd be like oh man that looks great cupcake your your uh whip on top of that the icing is probably some of like the most convincing i've seen this just looks like food you would eat it i am absolutely blown away by how good these look he hasn't had he hasn't i'm so sweet i'm so hungry he hasn't had sweets it's like it's it's lunch time this is normally when i eat so i'm hungry all right let's see you've got your description i would just say more photos i mean like i would like for these this would be something that like even at the price like i would use on like a set like a movie set yeah i was doing a halloween scene like a like grab another one oh you toss those in the background on a set and it would be very convincing very cute they are very cute this actually feels more like you've got a this fake cupcake with handmade faux fun ghost cat topper fake food decor this this particular keyword phrase i'm wondering why you're trying to optimize for this for kawaii stationery yeah is there something am i missing something maybe maybe it's me being ignorant about something is the use of stationary more broad than it used to be not sure i don't know fall winter 2021 is starting yeah that's a true statement but not connecting with it for your shop um oh maybe put like my fall and winter 2021 collections are starting or fall winter 2021 is starting in the faux suites shop um because yes fall winter 2021 is starting what does that have to do with being a little more personal like be more personable with the shop like it should all like obviously you can't perfectly recreate it but like when you come to a shop on etsy it should have a similar feeling to like actually walking well like walking into a shop and being greeted and feeling comfortable with what you're what you're looking for i know that sounds really corny because like you're shopping on the internet you're used to being able to hop on amazon and just buy stuff and then look at angry people's reviews but like etsy's different right and and most customers aren't gonna get that from what you're doing here but the people that are going to be your like raving mad customers and the people that are going to keep coming back and that are going to fall in love with your brand are the people that you're going to capture that way they come to the shop and feel exactly the way that you want them to feel about your product like if you had a physical location store or booth at a thing like i i want to feel when i go to your shop that this is what i'm here to apply the psychology behind it is within seven seconds somebody's gonna have an impression of your brand after they click on it they develop how they feel about your brand within seven seconds so what are what are you saying that someone is going to assess within seven seconds um and the most important parts of those seven seconds are kind of gathered above the fold of your shop that's why i'm really critical of branding and banners because those are the things that give you a mood they are the the invisible branding elements of the mind where someone sees it but then the feelings that they get from it those are invisible yes and with as like as hard as we can see that you're trying with your pictures and how good your pictures are and how good your products are they deserve to have everything that like holds them up the entire foundation of the rest of that to be as perfect as it possibly can be yeah you've got like the empire state building sitting on top of like a wooden foundation build it up let's see here we got a couple actual statements that come in so okay let's go through those real quick and we'll do maybe like what two more yeah that'll give us like 30 40 minutes i had a customer give uh two stars for a custom order that she approved for multiple photos oh you read that already yeah sorry karen check on chrome it pops up when i'm responding to a message for a client does etsy ding you for cancelling an order uh no i mean if you were like canceling like every order they would probably wonder why but they're not going to dig you for for canceling an order you know etsy still gives customers 48 hours to leave a review after cancelling their order doesn't feel fair if you cancel because the customer is a jerk they can leave a review if you cancel the order um i don't well if you if if it's like before they've shipped before you've even shipped it i don't think anybody's gonna think to leave a review if you they if you haven't even shipped the item yeah no i don't even know why they would provide that as an option if they haven't received the item they can't leave a review so anyway somebody said mark a target for a connor swindle yes but i was talking more like modern gangs like gang bangers crips and bloods let's see here not not like old style gangs like little little italy gang you know mark knows the gang life here in ohio with our corn i literally don't that's why i said it [Laughter] he knows the strug like we don't live like 30 minutes from one of the most dangerous cities in the country you're right you're out of here i grew up there i know i grew up food food the photos on a table on a counter and a couple items blurred in the background i see this being great or real real estate oh first to sell houses yeah absolutely um that's yeah that's something that you should maybe incorporate in is um for home showings real estate uh because when they tour people through the house and show them what like what the possibilities are for their decor they usually do like to stage the kitchen i think that that would be a fantastic niche that you might not have even considered rather than just decor for the holidays decor for real estate agents to use in show homes you should look into that because you might have a gold mine of customers just waiting to buy uh why get rid of fake cupcake if that could be an exact search term we're nitpicking we're not i'm not saying that you have to get rid of it i'm saying that the repeating of the word is the case isn't necessary exactly but if it's an exact match or it's performing well again it doesn't matter just leave it alone right that's why we're when it comes to shops like this so i mean this person was featured in buzzfeed their products are look quite literally flawless like we have to nitpick we can't just be like oh it's good good next one like we have to be able to tear apart the small shops and the shops that are successful exactly and that requires you guys doing your own research and being able to say okay here are their suggestions now let me check and see if because we don't have the search numbers for every keyword in the world memory not not everything we say is something that everyone has to do exactly you have to be you have to be responsible and like i don't know intelligence not the right word but you have to be analytical enough yeah to to be able to take what we say and be able to apply what actually matters to your shop to understand what matters to your shop first yes okay nothing that we say is blanket blanket statements we are just giving you guys our critiques at a glance americans are different what's doordash is doordash not an all over the world thing i'm pretty sure you just there are like 50 different services that sorry i thought you had something on your glass there are like 50 different services food delivery how do you make surgical scrub hats attractive my biggest struggle don't make them it's not about making them attractive it's about making them appealing to the target customer so surgical scrub hats are going to be purchased by those in the medical field how can you display them in a way that is uh representative of the medical field when i think of the medical field i think of clean i think of crisp i think of white i think of sterile um i i would say i think of friendly that would be something comforting to me if i was going to a doctor's appointment i'd be very turned off if the person wasn't friendly so i would say a nice crisp white background with an a happy woman posing with the surgical scrub cap on uh that would connect with me as you know someone who works at you know if i worked in the medical field that would be representative to me of the environment that i work in or strive to work let's see here i check fake cupcake on e-rank and it says zero searches yeah there you go so foe might be the way to go or like we said going with the real estate thing i think that was a fantastic fantastic suggestion see uh i meant a photo of someone that is normal because when i'm neutering a dog i don't look like a model i don't have makeup on i have a mask on my cap and i'm focused you have to stage it you just gotta stage it fake it you're not looking you could be neutering a of uh a stuffed animal in the food how about not how about that there's plenty of sellers okay all right anyway next shop we'll do like two more and then you guys are free to ask us some questions this is a great if you guys want to go ahead and get some questions in the chat feel free to do that now as we do the last two shops if we can locate them if you're not able to do that one then maybe just uh pull a different one yep that's what i'm gonna do yeah occasionally it won't tell you which one it is that way they don't freak out yeah i would i don't wanna although i don't know if that's any any better or worse right it's because now they know that someone we haha we didn't do your shop it's not like it's not like we wanted to not do their shop i would have loved to have done their shop we just couldn't get it to not gonna do that one either i think etsy's having problems today yeah because we're putting the direct like link in and we're searching the shops directly and we're not finding them i'm hungry come on there we go what are we going to eat here we go first like yeah all right we got one anna everyone named anna freak out everyone freak out if your name is anna see and it's not loading the top banner again either there we go i did not think that that's what that was when i pulled that up oh yeah you thought it was a butt didn't you sure did okay hey anna first impression just immediately going to it i thought that was a butt 100 thought that was a butt on a beach because that's what it looks like might be a good idea just you know but not that mark is your target customer no i'm a dude and i got dude brain and that looked like a butt when i first got it after a couple of seconds i realized it wasn't but that because you've got the beach here in the ocean and like that i just straight up like oh that's somebody's butt in the sand maybe just take a step back when photographing i would say uh that would that would because it's a pretty photo i love i love the balance of it um take a step back from the sandals to get that photo to capture it because i didn't think it was a butt but i didn't know what it was i thought it was a butt that's the first thing i thought the second i hit enter it popped up that's what i thought but enough about buzz did anybody else in the chat not know what it was i'm assuming mark was the only one who i said it before we put it up on screen so i'm assuming that mark was the only one who thought it was a but because that's i don't think that's the case okay that's where his brain just goes um let's see your branding is beautiful though this is very nice branding i and i really like that you've got this kind of foiling both from the uh the sandal and you have it like incorporated into the logo and i love your symbolism this is very original i've never seen like this before this feels very you and it feels very professional and i can and i get what you were going for you're from you're from greece and all that like i get what you were going for with the with the background yeah um let's see i love that you're using the white emoji it's very consistent very cohesive your photos are very nice as well they're very professional they look like something a shoe store would use to like advertise shoes like in the front window where they've got like the picture of the legs with the the shoes yeah they're posed very well these are very pretty very very nice and a lot of them aren't overly edited but they don't need to be and i think that that is is very nice um that is that is a good point simok made i hope i pronounce your name correct is that i understand like you're from greece you're trying to go with like where you're from kind of thing for your banner but it it really doesn't because of the type of shoes you're selling it has nothing to do with the type of products that you're selling um it's not necessarily a big deal but you don't wear like dress shoe sandals to the beach that's true i'm not seeing saint actually i'm not seeing a lot they would just call these sandals would they i was going to say is that a language difference because i wouldn't call any of these sandals um i wouldn't consider any of these to be sandals in fact i'm not really seeing anything that at least here i wouldn't consider these to be sandals i would consider these almost to be dress shoes yeah um and maybe the sandals are maybe there are sandals maybe they're just not could be we are not from greece we know nothing about the culture there we could be being completely ignorant so forgive us of our ignorance um oh i was gonna go back up and see handmade leather sandals and shoes so that feels very keyword optimized you've got a photo of your face which is insanely uh important for building that connection and i can see how like the flat bottom open top shoes could be stable there's some those are pretty those are pretty those are very pretty oh that is so neat wow you want okay so like inspired by the you've got that abalone wow these are beautiful what where are those at sold out probably i was going to say where must look like they probably take some time to make um i would love to see a photo of you in here um working on them you've got your faqs that that might be interesting to have a photo of you are you sitting next to a bunch of the shoes yeah somebody said click on this there's a section that they have sandals but the issue the issue is this is what people see when they come to the shop yeah there's not a whole lot those are girls and the sandals aren't the first thing that pop up yeah either either way it's still not a cohesive like top to bottom experience again not that big of a deal or just select some of you select some of them as your featured products i don't even think you had featured product that get some of these yeah get some of the like really nice yeah these are really well made those are super cool these i've never seen like these i've never seen anything like that i've literally never seen anything like that they're expensive but some of those should be like front and center exactly because when i go to your storefront i've seen shoes like this these aren't these aren't rarities but the storefront now because it's a completely different set of stuff are you changing things as we're talking to you [Laughter] did i or is it just etsy being goofy i'm confused now now it's different shoes what did i do what did you do what did i do did i do that or did you do that what did you do did you be honest now come on did you did you change it did i do it is it is it an algorithm thing because you were clicked through the sections there's something screwy afoot see now if we go back to all on here it's yeah what did you do okay look anyway you you guys you get the point um if we're talking about sandals i'd love to see the sandals at the front simply because i've never seen these anywhere else these are like the the show stoppers if they want the other shoes then they will find them but man these are so beautiful put your show stoppers right up front especially afraid of the price they're what they look like they look like they're worth it and people right now especially in today's day and age bougie shoes are where it's at yeah absolutely these are beautiful and you know i i know that there's also that whole uh obstacle of well it's it's about to be winter in the u.s but it's summer somewhere because the thing is either way like obviously still have some of your dress shoes up front because that's probably what people are going to buy more often than not but have something that really grabs their attention because these just look like dress shoes i can buy dress shoes at like any dress shoe store i cannot get these any of these anywhere near here yeah like and even if people don't they look at those and they go oh cool but i wonder what else they've got because i can't afford that that's what you're going for yeah um sort by was changed gotcha custom sorting versus relevance leather wedges hand painted shoes purple heel wedges leather platform sandals open toe ladies heels unique art wedges summer platforms um nothing is really pointing to the type of customer who would buy this i would also try to incorporate in some keywords on listings that aren't performing well something like um they they almost have like i feel like they would fit the boho hippie vibe uh yeah i think that they would fit the music festival vibe i think that they would hit um you know i think that those terms would be more catered to a type of customer let's see yeah these are really nice i love that you have listing videos in fact you're the first shop so far that's ad listing videos uh in the listings that we've clicked on at least again they're not mandatory so don't don't feel bad if you don't have them you've got how to properly size your foot which i really like because even big shoe companies don't do a very good job of that yeah all right overall really really nice i don't have a whole lot of uh of critiques other than maybe um you know change up your banner a little bit yeah i'd love this this is the kind of thing that has the potential to like actually like get big as a kind of thing like you're really good at what you do yeah these are so super duper nice and unique and not something that i've ever seen before and maybe even if you could figure out a way to like make it more apparent of what you sell here because again like most people aren't gonna have that thought obviously that's just me being goofy saying that it looks like a butt but i have no idea what that is like without seeing the shoes down here in the bottom i would have not a clue as to what you do yeah at all just just take a step back a little bit for the photos um but overall really really nice your branding is beautiful and your photos are beautiful and your products are beautiful so there's not a whole lot that we can critique but we always want to tell you guys even if what we are saying at first glance is like comes off as rude we want well we want you guys to know what our first impression was because if we had that first impression that means that it that someone else might have it as well and we'd rather you know we're not trying to embarrass you we'd rather you know that way if that's not the impression you want people to get that you are at least aware that someone else has that expression that's like i had this perfume once that i liked that i wore i don't know if you remember this i had this perfume that i liked that i wore but every time i wore it he was like what smells like cat pee i remember that and i was like it's my it's my perfume and he smelled it and he's like you smell like cat pee and it was it was a perfume that i had that i had bought and that she enjoyed right i enjoyed it so i i knew what my impression of it it smelled like flowers but it smelled like cat people he thought it smelled like cat pee and that's not the impression i wanted to give off so obviously i quit wearing it i'm having a hard time finding this shop on etsy what's the spelling of the name um etsy i think is having a hard time with shops right now i just popped it into google pop it just pop it into google and it was the first link pop the shop name in there all right is this the last one are we doing one uh i think this is the last one is what i typed in i want to make sure that this is the correct shot can i have my mouse please okay i think that's whatever i'm sure it's fine and again not loading the banner because etsy okay and then [Music] all right studio gray 13 which is interesting because your last name is gray so that fits very nicely um first thing that i noticed is your branding is kind of confusing uh i've we've got kind of a blurry banner and some burlap and a pig and i don't understand what you do i do coasters and embroidered towels um the pig is super cute is there anything that you can do with it up top or even if the like the font was the color of the pig there on that background it would be impossible to read that text if it were green that is a pig right it looks like a pig is that a p is that a p it looks like a p it's like your branding is the pig is cute and nothing else fits the pig if the pig is gonna be your thing style the the banner around the pig um the pig i like the pig i i really like the pig dude i would give the pig more spotlight because he's cute um let's see cool coasters and embroidered towels so you've got some keywords in here you've got a photo of your face which i love yes let's see you've got your shop announcement let's look at your photo i don't have anything negative to say about the pictures they're copper coasters yeah fabric it makes sense i can see what they are i like the ones um with the mugs sitting on them i i actually think that this tells me at a glance what they are maybe try to incorporate the mugs into more of them yeah i like that yeah i do like that they're kind of broken up a little bit it takes a little like you can there's like mug there and without them like that i kind of like how they're broken up because it changes the pattern a little bit um you've got some keywords in here so all of these have coasters so that is good let's take a little scroll oh you don't have an about section etsy will rank you higher if you have all of the things that they give you to fill out if you fill them out it's one of the things that can help you rank higher don't ever leave anything blank that etsy provides to you to fill out unless they say that it's like you know that it's not something that contributes to ranking but having a complete about section does i still think if you're able to fill something out no matter if it contributes or not it should be filled out yeah absolutely don't don't make it look like you have less than other shops do exactly get some photos of yourself working on your products some of your you know packing orders uh office designing things whatever it may be it could even even pets family yada yada i would try to get some photos in there and actually write an about section looks like we've got some halloween products halloween bats fabric drink coasters gothic sookie home decor vampire style creepy awards coaster set of four okay yes as long as they're optimized that should be fine and using the word coaster a couple of times not again not a big deal because we've got we got coasters and coaster but that doesn't yeah that doesn't matter it's not it's not like an excessive thing um very nice it's i like the sew pattern on that go into like a closer perspective oh okay betsy is having a hard time today yes it is yeah i like the so pattern on that pictures are very clear too i can see the texture i can i can get an idea for what that's going to be like when it shows up i like that all right let's see got the size in there good description of the product oh you've got photo lots of photos from reviews these are really nice photos and it looks like the halloween product so this is a good indicator that maybe like the whole kind of like gothy home decor even after halloween i would stick to doing the gothie home decor or at least make sure that you continue including stuff like that go back up to the top i clicked look i because i looked at that now relevancy has switched to all halloween i would make i mean i'm a super i'm assuming that you've looked into that but that looks to me copyright material so just be careful with that i mean obviously you've probably done your research but yeah be super careful with anything copyright any any uh tootsie roll is pretty old so it might still be open the original stuff might be open not if it's not it's got to be like 90 years old it's not 90. it's i think it's 91. 75. no i think it's 91. i think it's 91 years old i don't know something like that but anyways pretty sure it's 70 but your your photos are super cute um main critiques that i have honestly are your or your branding i think that i'm i'm confused about your branding i've got it's got kind of like a cute kind of gothy look to it um it's a lot of in nice individual elements that don't match each other so if you could just tighten up your branding a little i think that i would be able to form an impression because right now i don't know how to feel and like i said that seven second rule wanting to know what to feel within seven seconds i don't know what to feel because i kind of have like a the top banner has like kind of a farmhouse burlap look to it and then the pig doesn't fit that because it's more like cute almost like reminds me of like skull animals i have one set of nightmare before christmas coasters uh schools should i remove them yeah i i wouldn't do anything with copyright material yeah um because who owns nightmare does disney own nightmare before christmas now i don't think it's disney is it i think they own it search disney with it yeah disney disney okay so definitely no yeah that would that would be the same as like mickey mouse i would anything copyright i would make sure that it doesn't even matter if it's disney disney's just notorious for absolutely destroying people so yeah i would just remove anything with copyright material that's not open domain we've all done it we've all done it before i've done it i've and a lot of people will be like oh well it's inspired by her it's my own art it doesn't matter it doesn't matter parody is a very fine line when it comes to etsy and at the end of the day they're gonna side with the people with billions of dollars and not you exactly all right so go ahead and get questions in we've got some time here we'll give it maybe five ten minutes get through some questions and then we're gonna enjoy our weekend i'm starving i've got uh some tuna and lime rice upstairs that i'm gonna saute and could you look at the potatoes i'm doing some like thai roasted tuna it's going to be good he's like and i'll get you a potato or something that's actually one of my favorite lunches is a potato i love potatoes can you show three different types of shoes in the banner uh why not you could totally do it artistically for the shoes on the listing section is it necessary to fill out the materials section for example uh i added live healthy plants um so materials i would definitely try to add but they are not like keywords it's more for the shoppers so if you're selling literally live plants then i would just put live and then maybe the type of plant a lot of people will try to put like extra tags in their materials and that's silly don't do that because it's not being read by etsy that's literally for your shoppers and if they see materials uh great gifts for mom christmas gifts yada that's that doesn't look good does it you know in the south they call it a spud or they call it taters or potato potatoes potatoes boil and mash them stick them in the stew what are the famous men's gifts this holiday so for finding um what's trending on etsy what you want to do is don't ask us because we don't have all that memorized i don't know you want to check the data go to if you don't already have a membership sign up for a free membership go into the reports tab of and go to the trend report the trend buzz report and from there you'll be able to sort through and see specifically what is trending the most on etsy not just now but i also recommend going back because there's a date range going back and selecting october november and december of 2020 because whatever was trending around those holiday you know season last year is likely to trend again this year so you can start planning it's almost like having a crystal ball you know what to expect of the future by looking back and seeing what people were doing in the past um so i would definitely recommend doing that and then you'll be able to find exactly what is trending uh for men's products i'm assuming that people are just behind in our dang it start you beat me to it boil and mash them stick them in a stew we every time we say potatoes we we sing that we just finished our yearly lord of the rings lord of the rings extended edition binge extended edition we gotta dedicate a third of a day to watching one movie we did we did our harry potter too and now we're out of things to watch yeah we do harry potter and lord of the rings every fall or like right before fall yep we'll probably do it again at christmas which always want to do i'm about to start my etsy shop selling decor and wood signs in english spanish and portuguese how could i put this on my social media i mean what do you mean how do you put it on your social media could you reiterate a little bit i think yeah you're gonna be more specific are the signs themse are the signs themselves written in english spanish and portuguese or feel free to reiterate and we'll come back to you in a second there's an idea pirates of the caribbean marathon so that's what we should do that's like not one of my favorites yeah pirates you can actually sit through and enjoy it yeah i i mean i love johnny depp that's just not my favorite i'm not big on pirates i mean i've seen them all johnny depp some of my favorite actors he loves johnny depp i love him i actually really like orlando bloom too orlando bloom is an awesome actor i don't think that pirates of the caribbean were his best movies but he's a good actor no lord of the rings and the hobbit we're definitely orlando blooms uh the fact that i can personalize and speak the three languages oh um and you want to add that into social media i feel like that would be more about you and less about the product that you're selling i mean if you're going to sell them in all three languages in one shop then just do it like as it i wouldn't put the focus on the fact that you're doing all three because you can right show maybe if you're just talking about like how to show the products in the three languages make the exact same item and post pictures of it done in the three languages like with different words like the same the same thing the same word the same phrase the same sentence on the sign one in english one in spanish and one in portuguese but this but it's the exact same you know just translated over um that's what i would do um or and then making sure that you're posting like just a variety of of each product um on social if you got questions you better get them in or i'm gonna cut it uh can you do more shop critiques as we get closer to the holidays absolutely yeah absolutely because we are like out of ideas for these fridays that's what what we got black friday coming so we do maybe maybe we'll do them like every other week unless unless we come up with a topic that's necessary we can do that but we have so many people we did six today seven however many we did we got how many people are here right now 122. that's weird we've had a really low count the last couple of of things i wonder what's going on it's not that i don't like doing shop critiques i do like doing them i just don't want to be known as the shop critique channel because oh yeah that's true i don't want to just be known as the the shop critique channel believe it or not it does get old saying the same thing over and over again even though we understand that it's different people here every time yeah so yes and yeah like she said we don't we know they're valuable but we don't want to be the shop critique channel because we're not going to switch to doing that permanently uh is there a rule of thumb for collection size like if designing a halloween uh or faller halloween collection is there a good number of listings to put at the same time ten or more typically uh if your products are very high priced you can typically get away with less for example if you were doing diamond engagement rings you could probably pull off a five piece collection but i would say that 10 or more is the standard i used to do 20 piece collections also considering that with my collections items tended to like sell out but i think uh as long as it's worth you being a collection three items doesn't if if i said oh yeah i am a coin collector i have three coins you know you gotta start somewhere but you just haven't collected enough yet hey you know what the best thing to collect is is skulls you know why because everybody already has one shut up just shut up my mom always tells me that she's like skulls are a great collection to get into because everybody's already got one didn't amber have a cool picture with dogs and flags from different countries that show the languages she can communicate in yes but she didn't make her shop all about that so it's a little different yeah if you she has one where it's the dogs saying uh woof woof in all the different languages and it's super cute but i think you can find it on her instagram um but that's a good example so can i advertise the three languages in the same social media i won't make the customers confused or tired uh because i will have the same in three languages it would be the same spot oh you mean in the caption or you're actually you don't have to do that because it's translated yeah it's translated yeah you don't have to do that um most social media platforms have better translations than etsy does and they will translate it over for you and if that if it's showing up in a different language for the customer they can click translate if you want to do it manually you can what i would say is just keep your captions short and then divide it out uh into the three languages but i would try to keep your captions like two sentences at most lucy said i think it got added in the facebook group okay you guys should be able to find it then um or just check amber's social media and it should be up there i i think starla with the dad jokes how do you post collections um quit reading questions off the run even something before that you post you've read something after that oh i did this in here you said startle with the dad jokes we fit in a fight right here okay just use them um so collections basically it's just a it's a marketing tool it is an easier way to market and most big brands do collections if you notice they'll they'll talk about their they're launching their blah blah collection um basically it is a way to get your audience excited about something before you have launched it publicly and doing the collection makes people it encourages people to buy more than one item rather than just coming and buying one thing they want to buy more items from that collection so for a collection launch what i recommend doing is making sure that you're advertising before that collection is launched i would say uh three to four weeks in advance begin talking about it begin hyping it begin hyping up the date that it's going to release show little teasers of the products but try to not do big full reveals of everything that you're going to be launching get them excited and curious because curiosity is going to spark people to uh pay more attention and wait until that date when everything launches and then on the date that you have set to be your collection launch date you post all of the products that belong to that collection whether it be a a halloween collection a christmas collection a i mean really a collection can be anything um it can be as big or as small in terms of the niche as you want it to be and then you just post all of those products at the same time and announce that your collection is now live on social media or wherever you advertise and start talking about you know the blah blah collection is available now um a brand that i would recommend following that does collections every two weeks if you want a good just example go to uh markiplier and jacksepticeye's uh cloak on you can find them on instagram they do gamer clothing and their collection launches are very very uh branded they're very concise they do them every two weeks which is a lot i think it's every two weeks it might be once a month but i can't but they sell out immediately um even if you're not like into the youtube gamers good clothes this is nice the hoodie i just bought is one of the best hoodies i own even if you're not into the youtube gamers study what they do for their marketing and how they launch their collections because they are some of the best when it comes to hyping collections up now i wouldn't follow it a hundred percent just simply because they do have their own marketing like behind them as well they're big they're influencers yeah exactly they've got the influencer name but the way that they do their content is a good thing that's what i mean that's what i mean um i sell art prints but there are so many ways to describe poster print wall art wall decor etc should i put each individual type of print type as their own tag or tagged with its design i don't ever just search for art print nope that's not something that people are are actively most people want something very specific if people are searching for just art print they likely don't even know what they want and they're trying to get inspired through that search and they're likely not going to purchase on the first page of items they're going to refine their search based on what they find don't focus on art print focus on what the print is of because that is what they're going to be searching for if it is if their kitchen is decorated in wildflowers then they are going to be searching for i don't know watercolor wildflower art print um art print is the least important part of that phrase whatever is on the art print is going to be significantly more important i would still put art print on there but focus on what is on the print more and who you're selling it to and uh what room it could go into uh nursery baby elephant nursery art print that tells me exactly what it is art print is too vague on its own you remember the name of the company you got your gift bag so no we have no idea oh i got them on ebay i don't remember the company but if you type in bulk lot satin wedding favor bags or pouch you should be able to find at least something similar [Music] do you think it's like do you think things like steampunk victorian cottage core and shabby chic could all mesh together in a shop as long as the listings look relatively cohesive i mean depends on the product but i think probably we would have to see it in context but as long as as long as you were able to style it in a way that felt cohesive it's like playing that game of one of these things is not like the other if you can do that and something just doesn't feel like it matches when you see everything laying side by side then then you'll know that that thing is it kind of sticks out right um it's all about execution really i i'm sure that you probably could and i'm sure that you could do a really good job of it but i'm sure that there are also people who could do it really really bad so as long as you're able to pull it off i think it should be fine yeah how do you create info pictures in canva a picture where i can uh list info to put in my listings as a photo just add text to it put a photo in and add text there's an option to add text right in canva or use a template and put your own text on the template um i would recommend checking out our we have a is canva pro worth it video from a couple months ago i do some live editing in canva pro if you're a little bit shaky on canva maybe just watch that video and it should help a little bit or watch last week's episode because we talk about doing instagram reels but i did them in canva and it's the same exact process uh so you can kind of watch how how i do that should you do one post per collection item or one post with all the items all right social media both both duke do combine do do you could do a post every day today we post all of the products together tomorrow we post these two products together the next day we just post this one product then we post this other product and we post the third product uh then we post these three products together uh just as long as you're changing things up so it visibly looks different and feels different and the settings are different then yeah i think that the most important thing is that you take stylized photos that create a feeling don't just post your listing photos unless you're listing photos are already stylized in almost a lifestyle way i have anxiety about hyping before launch because i don't know er because i don't know i have a big enough audience to pay attention to it or i'm gonna just look silly your audience size does not dictate the worth of your product or your brand yeah don't okay so the whole i'm gonna look silly no one's gonna think you look silly ignore that nope um focus on making yourself out to be bigger than you are is actually a good thing because no confidence nobody else knows that your audience isn't isn't that big nobody else knows that you don't have you know eager buyers nobody nobody's seeing that they're only looking on the surface nobody's nobody's gonna dive in to see oh do they really have an audience that big don't worry about that what i've noticed is that the more you hype something up even if it's brand new and you don't have a big following the more likely it is because you're confident in it that other people will follow as well people are designed to follow confidence because we don't want to follow this this goes into leadership and i know that that sounds weird but uh the whole thing with the the alpha mindset that's that's part of it humans are wired to follow leaders humans are followed are wired to follow confidence because we know that the the the confident person is the safe bet um and that's typically why you know confident people are seen as being more like attractive because they it's the safe bet you they're it's more like you don't see it a lot with brands obviously because you don't see the people behind the brands but look at like any successful musician ever or any successful band the people that stick out are the people that almost come off as jerky because they're so confident it doesn't matter what they wear they act the way that they want to act they're pushy almost but they're famous because of that look at people like kanye west or they wear a total d-bag but he's also one of the most famous people on the planet because of it or they wear silly things that nobody else would wear but they don't care because they're so confident and comfortable in their own skin yeah it's something it's not something that anybody is born with if you go back and watch some of my first videos i do not act the way that i act it's about getting comfortable with doing it and you're only going to get comfortable with talking highly of your brand if you do it consistently until it becomes second nature just like when mark and i get on the friday bean like i i will i i don't even i don't flinch anymore you know it's not it's not a big thing anymore it's not like a big thing that we have to game ourselves up to do we just get on and do it come down here like 20 minutes beforehand throw on a hat and start the screen exactly and marketing is the same way and the more highly you talk of your brand as if it is a large thing the bigger that it gets a little example and i wasn't going to bring this up but i i will just because we're at the end but uh amber and i started a podcast this week and we started it at zero we didn't know how to do podcasts we had no idea what we were doing we recorded it on tuesday or no we posted it on tuesday recorded it on monday and we're already in the top 15 percent of all podcasts top 10 i thought didn't it no not yet we're working up to top 10 just under top 10 top yeah we are in the top 15 of all podcasts and it's not it's i mean it's about books it's not even it's not something that you guys would probably be interested in but that just shows that because we were talking very confidently about it on the platform that we had built with other readers and we were we were hyping it up we were we were talking about it like it was going to be the next big thing it became the next big thing because we got people so excited about that and we started at zero we didn't already have some big audience we started at nothing talk highly of your thing and even if it sounds like you're posting to crickets someday it's not going to be crickets and the people who are listening are going to be the ones who are listening the most carefully somebody said where is this podcast i don't think we're going to announce that i already have it's oh have you yeah well i don't want to do it too much on to too many different places because i don't want there to be an like an artificial inflation of people that go over and sign for it and then not listen to it and then it create problems so if it comes naturally fine but then maybe later on we'll announce it but i think it's in the early stages that we shouldn't do that i thought i want to try to keep the analytics very like even yeah so if it gets to a point where it's already big maybe we'll announce it in more places we'll do it here but if it's something you're interested in you'll find it that's true let's see here uh i've only just realized what's about you today starla did you get new glasses she did i did get new glasses these are my harry potter glasses um and i don't really like them very much i feel kind of silly in them i have another big thick frame pair as well i think i look mean in these questions do i look mean no without without makeup she looks like harry potter though let's see i do but photo background i'm changing over to gray because it works for my project how important is the same color background over different lighting situations uh it depends on how well it's executed but it doesn't matter that much i would just say to try to get it close if you can yeah you keep thumping it sorry try to get it close if you can but it's not it's not going to make or break you don't like stress yourself out or try to spend 10 hours editing photos so that the color is exactly the same good photos are what's important them being crisp then being clear and the product being properly lit so that you can tell exactly what it is is more important than the background yeah for sure it's almost like like if you're taking like video with multiple cameras you'd like at the end of the day the the like clarity of the picture needs to be cohesive between them like the lighting doesn't necessarily matter it's just it shouldn't look like you took it in a different place exactly like the backgrounds can be different the lighting can be different but it shouldn't look like it's a different camera for every picture um i finally just realized that sorry we're getting to be in here you're being so silly today refreshing i'm trying to be i i actually started taking neotropics again and it could be entirely placebo but i feel freaking great uh beige bird no uh what are some good phrases to use on facebook ads like i'm gonna make a slideshow for my etsy shop and i don't know what to say on the picks well that we have to know what the picks are that's that's a little hard um you you know your product better than we do we don't know what you sell we don't know what the photos of we we don't know what the context is um i think that that's something that you'll have to kind of sit and figure out yourself but i recommend getting the books words that sell and phrases that sell they aren't books that you read they're reference books that are just full of words and phrases that you can use for marketing based on the feeling that you want to create so if you want to create feelings of love they have phrases to use for marketing for feelings of love i would recommend getting book words that sell and phrases that sell amber had said if you like a young adult fiction just pop us a message you'd be bored poopless if you don't enjoy teenage trash romance books yeah it's about tracy wolf's crave series so if you're not interested in that series then you're not going to be interested in this because it's a very defined target market that we have for our podcast because it's this one specific book series i wasn't going to shout it out but there you just i didn't say the name of it yeah but they gave them everything they needed for it yeah anyway uh [Music] oh she had continued like if it's a sale or things to say to persuade people to click on my ad words that sell them phrases that sell they're very cheap especially if you get them used you can get them for like five dollars a book you never look mean oh and somebody had said maybe just darker like a darker frame i agree i think like a sandblasted like dark black would be really dope i think that exact style with a sandblasted black would be really nice i have red frames red thinner frames coming too they just haven't arrived yet okay i think that's gonna call it i'm hungry my stomach is actually growling at this point so we gonna go ahead and call it all right guys thanks so much for hanging out over the next few weeks we're going to be working a little bit harder to get you guys ready for black friday like i said at the beginning of this episode even if you live in an area where black friday isn't big even if you don't plan to host a sale for black friday there will be more traffic on etsy on black friday than any other day out of the year so it's the perfect time to optimize uh if you're say or if your products don't seem giftable don't worry about that people do general shopping on black friday as well and it's good to optimize for that because what do you have to lose really i mean if you optimize and you don't make sales then hey you didn't lose anything so i still recommend getting ready for it regardless and we're going to have tons of content we're gonna have the black friday toolbox which is free and it's full of things that you can use to prep for black friday to prep your marketing uh but in the meantime i recommend going down below and clicking open the see more in the video description and getting my 2021 marketing calendars obviously you're not going to need the beginning of the year but print out the end of the year calendars because those are going to tell you dates to optimize for when to consider launching collections when to host sales and how to prepare and then i also recommend getting my ssar swipe files those are my five star customer service strategy that's going to help you to get more five star reviews on etsy which also if you've got more five star reviews that's going to help your overall listing quality scores and help your search ranking on etsy so that your products are getting found by more people which is really important around the holidays so um other than that guys we hope that you have a fantastic weekend make sure that you follow me on instagram at starla the letter k and more if you want to watch mark uh and his fitness journey you can follow him at big underscore mark m on instagram and also i will have a new one next week hopefully for my music stuff yeah so follow us feel free to check out my reel i did a one minute day in the life of me uh that i posted to instagram this morning that shows my thursday which is my q a day for e-rank so it kind of showed me going through the process of scheduling three months worth of posts on social media making those posts scheduling the friday being going to the gym everything that i ate that day and even i even had time to read a book so like the video subscribe click the bell icon if you want to get notified when we go live make sure you have the youtube app otherwise you won't get notified leave a comment show some love share it if you want to we love you guys and we'll see you next week
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 2,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy tips for beginners, etsy tips and tricks, the friday bean, handmade alphas, starla moore, get more etsy sales, Etsy for beginners, What to sell on Etsy, etsy earn money, how to start a business, start a home business, home business ideas, home based business, starting your own business, starting an online business, start my own business, etsy shop critiques, etsy reviews, rate my etsy shop, etsy store critique, grow my etsy shop, etsy for newbies, etsy holiday prep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 9sec (6489 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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