How I Build A Full Marketing Calendar for Etsy - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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you can't pull that trick because it's already live when we do the i'm ready to go live now yeah the trick doesn't work i'm ready i'm ready right now to go live hey we're not crooked no more hello we've always been crooked cookies broken scoundrels guys happy friday how many people are here how many because we can't see that right now tell us how many we cannot begin until you tell us how many people are here i don't like not knowing it's like it's like it is not evening it is noon it's like it's like when when you get that stage fright or that whole like standing you know some in a public place and you realize you're in your underwear dream it's kind of like that except i don't know how many of you are watching me right now and it's making me very very nervous 34 34. it'll keep going up as we go live it's everybody where are you all guys happy friday um today we're gonna be doing something kind of weird kind of funky but you can either follow along with us like maybe put half of us in a screen and half of your follow along window in a different screen or stick stick us on your phone or your tablet and then follow along on your desktop or you can just kind of watch and learn and do this later but basically what we're going to be doing today is building a full marketing calendar pro i'm not going to say full because i'm actually building i don't know if i'm going to be able to schedule that many posts out but i'm going to show you what it would look like to build a full marketing calendar um how i personally do it for not just the alphas but i do it for marx band i do it for elf adapt which is what we're going to be doing today it's our alpha merch brand i'm going to or we do it for um the uh podcast that amber and i are doing we do it for so many things e-rank pretty much everything is run through assorted marketing calendars and trello boards so today what i'm going to do is show you how to make that board how to get started because honestly when you first log into trello it's like one of those things where it looks really cool with this big blank slate but sometimes you need direction have you ever had to decorate an empty house like you can look at home and garden magazines and things but if you're not actually looking at some type of style and you're not already like a interior decorator it can be hard to know where to start where do we put the couch why does the tv look so stupid on this wall oh this combination of decorations doesn't look right together and it's kind of like that when you're trying to plan your business because you have all these assorted pieces that you know that you want to incorporate but you don't know how to make it like look and work correctly so what i'm going to do today is make it a little bit easier for you we're going to go into trello together i'm going to show you how i personally build a marketing calendar on trello a couple little tricks that i've learned to make it easier and how i organize and then if that works for you you can copy exactly what i do or you can take some of the things that i show you and put your own spin on it if you know if you want to get creative and funky with it the cool thing about trello is you can do anything you want and then we're going to create some marketing posts in canva and put them into trello and start building our actual marketing calendar so there's going to be a lot going on today mark is probably going to have to monitor the comments because i'm going to be working on hands-on with this a lot of this process isn't going to be like step one do this step two do this um because you're gonna actually watch me do real marketing i have not planned any marketing for the upcoming friday being collection that is launching in alpha adapt what you're watching today is me actually creating the marketing for that collection oh there it goes suddenly jumping people up to 70. cool cool cool cool so um do you guys still get my emails just making sure do you get my yeah just out of curiosity because our our live audience has literally dropped into about half of what it was and nothing has changed other than the quality of our video getting better yeah yeah so so if there's something that we're not doing that we didn't used to do please let us know do you not like the high quality do you not like it i can go back to pixelated junkie junk we still have our blurry webcam over there we can grab that hello amber okay just curious yes getting especially when these are like topics that people have requested this is really weird yeah you guys have been asking me forever like can you show me exactly how to build a marketing plan and now i'm going to now i'm finally doing it and there's not that many people i mean i don't care that's fine but all right okay well it looks like most people uh most people have been getting them so all right cool okay and guys if you're not getting my emails check your spam and then find the e find one email from me just type in starla more or handmade alphas in your spam and then mark it as not spam and that should keep them from going to spam because if you go without opening them for a while your inbox will think that you don't want them and then it'll start putting them in spam which you don't want to do because we are going to in the next few weeks we're going to be releasing the black friday toolbox that's all free stuff it's going to have video guides it's going to have checklists it's going to have graphics packs it's going to have all kinds of goodies that you can use to prepare for black friday even if you don't plan to host a sale even if you live in a country that you know black friday isn't highly celebrated if you ship to the united states you should plan for black friday because even if you're not hosting a sale there are going to be more shoppers on etsy on black friday than any other day of the year so and people will still buy from you even if you're not hosting a sale though obviously you know hosting a sale is nice if you're going to do it any at any point it should be black friday the day when you're most likely to make money so same with the same with doing paid ads if you're gonna do paid ads do them over black friday because that's when you're the most likely to make some money so yeah all my youtube people are saying things are quiet you you mean like the audio because we fixed that problem no i think like the the youtubers are saying that things are quiet right now oh yeah i mean it very well could be a good point it's end of summer fall winter season has begun yeah kids are going back to school so a lot of like creative content will have less views that's understandable but ours doesn't ours are people that don't go to school for the most part so i don't know who cares not really a big of a deal youtube didn't send me a notification until the video started at 12.05 yeah that's normal it takes youtube system a minute to actually make sure that it's not just like they popped on yeah that's why we don't start right away like we go over news and announcements so we'll give it we'll give it one more minute and while we do that i just wanted to give you guys a couple um quick heads up like i said make sure that you keep an eye out over the next few weeks for the black friday toolbox um i keep talking about mine and amber's podcast so i did want to uh touch on that for just a moment because it's completely experimental it's not business related it is about a vampire ebook series that we're reading but it's a good example of us we found like a target market we found um if there's a book series it's getting big it's rising in popularity uh not a lot of people have heard of it and it's for young teens it's it's definitely for teens but because you know we noticed that there were no podcasts about it we decided to start a podcast and uh our first episode hit the top 10 of all podcasts in the world so it blasted up and i do all the audio editing on it it sounds fantastic um i'm also starting a youtube channel for video game reviews the first video for that should be up tonight i don't know about what time i'm assuming i'll probably schedule it for six or seven pm eastern time tonight doing it on tales of arise so if you're interested if you're a video gamer uh go and check it out it's bmg reviews i'll type that into the chat that way you can get it it's here on youtube i already have uh pretty much everything set up for it but yeah my first video will be going out tonight all right awesome okay so i tagged my channel cool that's pretty cool all right guys well it looks like uh we're probably to the point where most people are here now so enough about our personal but feel free to go check out his channel go subscribe to it you can also follow it on twitter i'll be posting every time i release a video and everything that i'm doing over on twitter and uh on twitter it is big mark games yeah it's she said big mark gamer no it's big mark game reviews big mark game reviews all right i am ready let's start are we screen sharing now is that what's happening uh let's do you guys maybe that's why people aren't coming they don't like my new glasses i don't like your new glasses i don't like my new glasses because you can see i love she looks a little bit like harry potter okay let's get just a screen share oop my desktop oh that's why i hide my desktop logos look at that big beautiful planet all right so cool are we actually fully on the screen there yes we are cool remember no typing things into anything without switching all right we are here we are fun can i have a a drink of water no you absolutely may not before we begin also on my game reviews if you are going to go over and check that out i'm going to be hopefully if youtube will let me but i'll be posting them all in 4k 60 so they're all going to look good sound good all that stuff it's going to be fun love your desktop image that is an actual nasa image from a satellite it's very very very pretty all right so if you guys are going to be following along today the things that you're going to want to have open are canva whether you have canva pro or not it doesn't really matter and you're going to want to also have open you want to make sure that you join if you haven't already and they will uh require you to have an atlassian account that is just the company that purchased trello it's like when you have to sign into gmail to log into your yahoo it's basically the same thing so make your atlassian account uh sign up for trello and then you're going to create your first free board so those are the main things that you want to know because once you create a board it's going to look like this and it's gonna be big and blank and confusing and anytime i tell you guys to start a trello board and you do it and you're faced with this i know that you are super duper confused and you're probably very frustrated and you have no idea why i told you to make it because this looks overwhelming so the first thing that i like to do when i start a new trello board and unfortunately ow bubba he fit my toe he does that he came up and bit me um the the one thing that i like to do and unfortunately you won't be able to see it right away because our heads are over top of it is in the top right hand corner there is actually a menu you can kind of see it down here i have to look under the webcam and can you see me looking under the webcam i wish there was a better way to mount the webcam without it being like in front of the screen but unfortunately unless we do like a game review from the side there's just no way to do it um but the first thing that i like to do is change the background that's i like to go with the aesthetically pleasing thing i think that all of us artists feel the same so you'll you can go in and click change background and pick one that you know fits your mood it this is not just about creating your marketing calendar it's about creating the mood for your marketing so um hon can you do me a favor and type in coffee c o f f e yeah oh no and there goes our camera and then let's turn it back on for some reason after an update they can still hear us just fine oh okay for some reason after the last update on this camera uh it just likes to shut off after inactivity and i'm not entirely sure why all right so this is the friday bean collection um so i'm gonna pick a coffee related photo just to kind of get us in the get us in the mood oh that's a lot of i don't know if i like that one i want something a little because if you get a background that's too crazy it's almost hard to focus uh that's fine we'll do how about how about oh here we go i like this one because it's lighter yeah we'll do this one okay easy on the eyes easy to see and then you're going to have to do a lot of typing for me if i can that's fine that's the key looking up this up oh you're doing it so just let me know what you need and i will do it all right so before we even begin there is something that i recommend everybody to do if you use trello with trello you get what is called a power up and you only get one for free there is only one free power up that i recommend that everyone get because i mean there's a lot of different ones so i'm going back into the menu on the right hand side i need to be able to see [Music] show menu come on boy time to get down that's a good boy all right i can't see at all to be able to get back here there we go okay and if you can see down here it says power ups i'm going to add a power up because i get one for free and type in calendar for me website blocked used to due to risk wear um no i think that it's fine i think it's probably uh my computer what do you need i need you to type in calendar calendar um my malwarebytes blocks advertising tracking so they were probably trying to track all right so the one that i recommend that you get is the one that's just called calendar powerup and the reason for this is we'll go ahead and select it okay it is activated now i need to close out all this the reason for that is you can't really see a whole lot here oh you're gonna turn that off yep sure am go ahead and do your thing we're gonna be black for a couple of minutes um there is a button right under where our webcam would be that says calendar powerup and when you click on it you get a full view of your schedule so if you have posts scheduled if you have things that you need to do if you're organizing tasks marketing yada yada you have it all directly on your calendar so i like to start by getting my calendar already set as my power up i've looked through a lot of different power-ups and this one seems to be the very best one out of all of them so we've got our first power-up set up can we just get rid of the webcam for now would that be maybe better there we go where is my mouse it's over on that screen there we go there you go all right so here it is you see it and then you can click it again to shoot back and i think that there's also a weekly view as well but i don't like the weekly view very much so all right well that's now it's going to be in my way on this side i think next time we will set the screen capture off that screen that's a good idea all right so let's start with months we're going to do uh because it is september we'll do september 2021 and just do sup there you go uh you can go ahead and do october november and december 2. and this is how i do all of my marketing boards and right now i think i've got like three or four years worth on my main marketing board um that they just go all the way across the screen so next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna start building out our actual marketing photos and we're going to add them as cards because what we want to do for the friday bean collection which is releasing i believe next let's see what is today today is the 10th so it'll be the 17th why are you in boards it's fine yes this is this is a board gosh um sorry it was the cat yeah you yelled in my ear that hurt um so we're gonna be releasing this collection on the 17th so basically we have one two three four five six six days of pre-marketing that we want to do and then our collection launch will be on the 17th so what i need to do is basically create enough posts to fill that space whether i'm doing one a day two today it really doesn't matter um what i recommend is hyper marketing a launch though that means that if you are about to launch a new product you're going to want to basically do a little bit of marketing every day sometimes twice a day um if if you want to there's nothing there's absolutely nothing wrong with marketing twice a day i'll zoom the screen in a little bit for you guys that have a little bit of trouble reading yeah does that is that nicer do you guys like this more all right so let's start by going into canva and creating some marketing so we've got canva open um there are lots of different templates you'll notice that we have a lot of stuff down here from where amber and i have been working on elf adapt what i recommend is using their actual templates so they've got instagram stories poster card yada yada i want to do instagram posts so these are 1080 by 1080 but really any large square image will work i wouldn't go below 1080 by 1080 though uh because no matter what your social media platforms are gonna scale it down sometimes i'll do it two thousand by two thousand uh it really doesn't matter but if you wanna do it quick and easy click instagram post now the good thing about square images is that they are going to display the very best and the very biggest on most social media platforms unless it is a platform that is designed specifically for long-form content like pinterest where longer pins tend to do better instagram and facebook are going to do better as long as uh square photos because they will take up a majority of the screen now there are a lot of different options here if you decide that you want to do it with templates you can they've got a lot of really cool templates and all you have to do is click on them and then you can just you know if you want to grab your own photos maybe i want some beans and i can just change the words and what do you know i have a marketing post but i don't want to use this one i want to find something different in fact i think i'm going to just do one on my own i'm not going to use any of these though these are so pretty and very styled these are really nice so you guys can use whatever you want you can do one from scratch or you can use one of the templates there's tons of them and if you have the canva pro membership you'll obviously have more i have a canva pro membership i will say that it is quite pricey um it's over a hundred dollars a year to me it's worth it because i use it every day for five different businesses if it's not something that you can swing don't stress about it though because they have plenty of free content that you can use so i'm going to start by choosing what product i want to do and i think that i would like to start with our friday bean pumpkin spice candle i think that this would be a really fun one to do so we're going to start with this candle it is pumpkin spice latte uh these are actual products that we'll be launching next friday if you are interested in them so we're going to go ahead and i'm going to crop it as close as i can get it to the product oh yeah and then i'm going to go into edit image and i'm going to erase the background this is a pro feature but it is the feature that i use the very most and i would pay the canva pro membership 100 times over just to have this feature because i i use it so much so we have our pumpkin spice latte candle now um and i will add a little flame on it later to make it look realistic but let's do up the background can you type in coffee shop oh it's already there coffee shop coffee beans leave color and marketing you can see you're logged into your account yeah that's fine a lot of people saying that they've got a they've got adobe and they use canva yeah it's one of those things where like adobe's definitely more in-depth but for what you can get out of canva like at this level doing something for like an etsy shop and not something at like corporate level where you're really needing to use blending tools and things like that to really like change images it's really not necessary honestly that's like saying that you need like a multi-million dollar recording studio to record videos for youtube it's just not true um i don't know if i like this background i was trying to go for like a coffee shop but this feels very feels very s staged let me uh let me click around and see if there are any that i like better and the cool thing is if you find an image that you like all you have to do is drag it and it'll snap right in you can also click it if you just want to add an image on top um but i like to just grab a bunch and then decide which one i like the most by doing that um you know i'm not really digging any of these could we maybe type in wood table instead okay yeah this this feels more like what i want so i think this is the first one we tried to use no this one's different i actually like this one okay let's let's use this one so we've got our pumpkin candle let's try to add a little bit of shadow under it it kind of it doesn't look real it's just kind of floating around so to add a little bit of a of depth to it i'm going to go into elements and can you type in shadow for me oh goodness all right and here's a little round shadow can you see it did you see it up here okay you can kind of see it yeah so i'm gonna put it let's see if i can get it sized decently way that shadow shape can you flip it upside down yeah it's it's not facing the right way here let me uh just start from scratch and then i will flip it this way yeah there we go that's much better get it sized up right about here and then i will position it backwards underneath the candle and slowly adjust it until it's where it needs to be and with shadows don't do them like flat dirt like what you're about to do don't i don't like it when they're like flat directly underneath a product i like it to where they're a little bit to the side just because it gives it more of a like the light isn't directly above like an amateur photographer kind of thing like how it kind of you can't really tell on screen because it's so well blended in there but kind of off the one side a little bit so it looks like the light is actually positioned somewhere all right so this is a pumpkin spice latte so can you put pumpkin coffee in here i want to find like a little pumpkin coffee because when it comes to candles um obviously it's it's a little hard to show people what they smell like so i never recommend just having like a candle sitting if you sell candles uh try to add whatever it's supposed to smell like try to add a photo of that if it's a pecan pie candle then stick a slice of pie beside it took a slice of pie a slice of pie so i'm gonna grab let's see okay um let's see trying to find a good one this one looks really good i don't think that it's going to cut well so i'm going to go ahead and try to click background remover squeeze suck it in i literally can't just move the banner they can't see us anyway all right so i'm going to try removing this background just to see if it will work i doubt this one will [Music] it looks a little weird i think we you know what we might be able to salvage this yet because i'm gonna add a couple layers and i might be able to cover the bottom the bottom is what doesn't look right so i am going to flip it because if you can see there was originally a dark background on this uh on this pumpkin coffee whatever it is and that that means that it's going to shine through the glass but luckily there's a dark spot already can you see that that nice dark spot back here so i'm going to try to level it up with that dark spot and then i will position this backwards behind our candle give it a minute because canva likes to be slow sometimes you have to there we go sometimes you have to move the layers around a little bit to get them to work and then i might go ahead and move my candle over and if you guys are talking to me in the chat i apologize i'm not ignoring you um mr moore is usually the one who reads my comments and he's not here right now all right so let's do a pumpkin next we'll stick a little pumpkin in the background that works maybe we'll like stick it here and then i will go into edit image adjust the brightness maybe dim it up a little bit adjust the brightness on the coffee and then i'm going to go into elements and grab that shadow that we just used and kind of stick it under our pumpkin maybe just just a little bit position that behind our pumpkin okay next i am gonna go into photos and search for some coffee beans i wanna stack some coffee beans all right sorry i'm literally stretching across the table to it's because you're short i know i just reach in we'll add some coffee beans in there you know what i think i like the pile we'll set this up here for now i haven't decided which ones i want to use let's see well this is one of those things that like if you really wanted to after the fact if you do use something like adobe you could go in and add like depth of field yeah some of the objects kind of add like just like a two three percent blur on the objects in the background so it looks like they're further away yeah totally there's so much that you can do maybe i'll add a couple a couple extra little beans off to the side yeah more beans more beans that actually i think is too many beans i don't like those though cinnamon stick cinnamon stick cinnamon stick give me a cinnamon stick cinnamon speak you remember the like super stereotype cinnamon stick from was the apple jacks yeah the apple jacks oh i like this one the cinnamon the cinnamon yeah he's uh i don't know if i don't know if i really like that i don't know if he's what the cinnamon pile no okay delete that one the light the lighting is too different from everything else and it's just super bright what if i okay i i'll do you one better watch this cinnamon stick watch this stick it in the coffee aren't you yep stick it right in the coffee and then we put it there and then we lighten it keep going there you go lucky there's there put it more like over the side so it looks like it's kind of on the brim like over here yeah so it's got to be resting on something it can't just be sticking out of there there you go that's better all right does that make you guys happy does it need does it need anything else before i stick a flame on the candle you guys what do you guys want to see what do you want oh my god how are you feeling so i've got this little candle uh blame thing check this out i'm gonna crop that down down there shrink it up how big how big it realistically is a flame well match it match it huge match it to the wick a little bigger a little bigger than that i don't because it'll shrivel when it well you want the wicks to be about the same size right that's huge yeah but then you'll have this like giant wick and it doesn't make sense i'll line it up there you go that's that's that's okay all right and then in elements can you just type in smell yeah type in smell i'll show you what it'll make it only smells look look look look internet reference for you dirty birds out there look at that we can do it in our friday being colors because you can save your branding colors with canva pro and then if we wanted to we could animate it i don't know if i want to animate it though because this flame is gonna yeah did you see watch the flame flame comes in first yeah the layers don't quite and then it's mismatched now and then it pops into place all right what i'm going to do is i'm going to see if i can group these yeah when you group them it means that they go together here and then why are they why are you there you're gonna mess everything up ah you telling you backwards there that is correct all right now let's try to animate it and see if oh i don't like that boom uh smell completes it jeez man oh the jokes i kind of like that one especially as it keeps going in because it like separates the units a little bit well let me uh let me crank this up to like i don't know 11 seconds and then we'll watch it oh maybe out of smoke thing over the coffee that way the smell of the hot coffee is also included yeah like let's do like a vapor steam type in uh it would be in steve i'm photos do vapor i need transparent i'll click in there again i can't do it myself and go steam that's flat that is not well i can edit it yeah there you go yeah and then remove like the bottom half of that i'm gonna put it oh i'm gonna put it behind in fact i'm gonna duplicate this layer because yeah but then when it zips in it might zip in weird if it's if it's still got that hard white bottom on it i will uh i will put the layers together i will group them and then we do maybe transparent that a little bit it's very hard like with the black background it kind of makes it look like it's burnt smoke i could move this over that's what yeah that's what i would do all right and then i will let's see if i can group these together without accidentally grabbing yeah here we go group leg group okay now let's watch it what do you guys think i don't like how these beans are overlapping is that is that me being i don't think that's that big of a deal okay what do you guys think do you love it okay you lost the shadow into the pumpkin the pumpkin looks a little off compared to everything else it's still there let me uh it's a little bit transparent let me uh let me add in more yeah that's perfect there yeah there you go now it looks like it's floating it's levitating all righty pumpkin spooky pumpkin it is floating it'd be really cool if you could take the time to make it roll on oh my god maybe it's just the shape of the pumpkin maybe if i turn it so that no oh yeah yeah yeah there you go all right and the shadow isn't grouped with it so it actually looks like the the light source is changing that actually works really well all right so fixed theme looks a little off with the realistic steam in the same pic seems not cohesive i'll quit being nitpicky um we could get rid of it what this is it's not steam it's supposed to indicate smell um i actually like stylized photos that have one element of the photo that is an essential element that stands out um but i mean we could always remove it i like to have that little element that kind of sticks out yeah it's still the only thing for me that i would honestly do this is perfect the only thing that i would change about this is making that steam a little more transparent it's a little thick but other than that i think it looks fine all right artsy mark so sh let's uh kidding so when you go to download these you have a couple different options what did you what did you do i don't know i didn't do anything all right so when you go to download these you have a couple different options i'm not going to click to save it yet um yeah you better not you can save it as an mp4 that's what's going to make it play you can save it as a gif which will make it play over and over again you can save it as you really only need to save it as a jpg simply because you're not gonna need anything that is super duper high quality for social media because it's already gonna be scaled down um when it comes to the videos you cannot place these in trello so what i like to do is save a jpg version jpeg jpeg just so i have it uh available to put into trello for the visuals and then i have a separate folder on my desktop where i put the mp4 version and then i save that that way i can schedule it on social but we're going to go ahead and select this one and if you want to size it up you can drag this make it a little bit bigger i'm going to drag it i'll go ahead and leave it where it's at and then if you have a premium membership or canva pro you can crank up the quality which i like to do and then you can click download so you want to go ahead and um stick us on a different screen that we were live not in a coffee shop because this looks so realistic back here okay so actually you know what you can put us on back on the screen for just okay so let's go ahead and make our first card and this will be for to well i don't like uh scheduling things on september 11th um i don't do that yeah i i like to just leave that day kind of blank on the calendar um it's your guys's businesses you can do what you want especially if you want to do like a remembrance post that's fine but please don't do sales or anything like that for september 11th yeah i mean especially if you live in the us i guess if you live in a different country it's probably not as as big a deal for you guys but your primary demographic is still here and then i still wouldn't yeah so let's go ahead and plan for the 12th we'll do uh sunday so can you do um friday being a teaser i guess this isn't really a good example of a teaser because it shows a whole product but that's okay so this is the name of our card and this is where we're gonna be able to add different things in now the first thing that i like to do is add uh some different labels to it but first i want to add the attachment so you want to take us off the screen while i do that because i do not don't want to show them my my naughty stuff on my computer your naughty stuff i have so much naughty stuff on my computer you don't have any naughty stuff on your it's all naughty it's all my podcast okay you can turn it back so you can attach a file i like to just add the photo of whatever i'm posting that way i have a nice big board full of the photos then i'm going to select the date that i'm going to post it so this is going to be posted on sunday the 12th and maybe we will post this one at noon it'll be a noon post you can set yourself a reminder if you want to i don't need a reminder but it'll send to your phone if you have the trello app which i highly recommend that you get because it's very useful then we will click save so now there is a little uh a little date on here and as it gets close to the date this will turn red in fact i will go ahead and show you what it looks like when it's past due see it's overdue so it just kind of gives you a little reminder no tomorrow oh you're right okay so we have that on there and you can check it when it's done the next i want to make labels now if there's anybody else within your organization anybody else that you're working with uh you can add members to this so i could add like mark if he was a part of this board mark and then his little head would pop up beside it and he would get a notification that this is something that maybe i want him to schedule um i'm not gonna see i can put my own face on it if you're tasking things out you can see exactly who things were tasked too this is this is meant for a team of people but it's also good for personal yeah personal accountability so next i'm going to add some labels now this is what the labels look like they're kind of boring you can add a bunch of them and then they don't really have a whole lot of meaning but what i like to do is label them as my social media platforms that's how i like to use them and i try to do them according to by color based on you know what the logo for that business is so for this one we will do facebook uh youtube actually let's change that to pinterest because they're not using pinterest or youtube uh instagram um let's do email maybe if you've got an email list uh tick tock and maybe tweeter uh i was gonna do facebook group all right that that looks good just that's enough whatever you want your labels to be and most of the time your labels will look like this so for example if i wanted to put this on instagram and facebook and yada yada but then i come to my board i'm like what the heck where what do these mean if you click into them they will just stay open so you can actually read what they say and this will just tell me where i need to schedule these things where i intend to schedule them if i'm doing like a instagram story obviously the size won't be right for facebook and things like that so i want to make sure that i'm tagging exactly where i plan to put it and maybe i'm going to stick this image in an email as well so i'll just remind myself by sticking email on here yeah this is this this for organization is really good yeah because then you can just you know kind of glance at it and decide uh you know what where it needs to be posted so next thing and you can also add comments to yourself or i can tag people so yeah there you go oh i'm an idiot i'm not looking at this i'm not looking at the screen while i'm doing it awesome um lots of cool things that you can do with this so we've got our first teaser i know that it needs to be scheduled at september 12th at noon um so we've got that and then if we go to our calendar pop-up which is right here uh-huh oh i've got it set to weekly i need it monthly and then it pops up there yeah and if i decide you know what i want to move this i don't want this on the 12th i i don't want it that day you can actually grab the whole thing and move it on your calendar you can move it wherever you want same with um same with if i decide you know what this would be better for october i can move it wherever on the calendar i want but i want this one on the 21st so let's go ahead and do friday bean teaser again right hey being teaser okay and let's make one for the next day we'll do one for the 13th so we'll do it at 12 i think i did a.m on the last one it should be p.m we'll do it on 12 p.m and let's go design one let's go to this main one let's do it it's trello similar to buffer i don't know what buffer is buff i thought buffer was a scheduling app this is not scheduling these no it's not scheduling the post this is this is just for you this is for you to build a marketing calendar you still have to go to the platforms and book and either schedule these posts or or make them manual however you can save all the files that you're going to be using in these things like the actual image itself and then download them when you need them or if you're not at home or whatever go ahead switch back to us for a minute let me tell you guys a real life example of how i use trello in this way and how it saved me many times okay so every once in a while i will be somewhere not at home like at the gym i was at the gym uh yesterday and i was like man i forgot to make my post about thursday q a at e-rank i completely forgot about it i need to make that post and i need to make it right now but the file that the image to announce friday q a was not on my phone it was on my computer and i'm like oh crap i'm not going to be able to make this post in time but then i remembered i have a marketing trello board for e-rank as well so i logged into trello on my phone which i've got the trello app it's great you can do all the same things with it i found the photo there i downloaded it and i was able to post my my post from my phone because not only do i make these boards oh i guess we're not on screen are we not only do i make the boards but whatever caption is associated with that photo i also usually stick it right in the board so if you want to switch us back to our screen share yeah and elsie said that's nice for saving space on my computer however i would not recommend deleting images off your computer unless you need to because you might not always have access to trello it is a website things happen and things go down so if you end up with not without the ability to post something because you've saved it the trello and trello is down for maintenance or whatever you might end up not being able to make your posts all right so we're going to treat this just like it is our instagram caption so the friday bean collection is coming on september when i say 17th let's type 17th for now um exclamation point uh and then maybe like hashtag friday bean hashtag handmade alphas yadda yadda obviously yeah there you go so now obviously this i would spend a lot more time thinking of a caption but when and for some reason it makes hashtags giant um but when the day comes when i'm ready to schedule this the work is done for me all i have to do is pop this open copy copy this and go paste it into facebook i put my captions and everything right into trello ahead of time you can pull this up on your phone too yes so you could do this on on facebook you could post it to your instagram you could tweet it you could whatever whatever you're posting to exactly all right so i'm gonna head back in here i just added another page because i like to keep them all in in one file um it makes things easier so first let's decide what product we're going to do let's do said uh somebody had asked if some of the features were paid like the drag and drop was paid or free we don't use the paid version no trello is free everything that i have here is free and amber put on here the only thing that paid trello comes with is unlimited boards advanced checklists more automations 250 megabyte file attachments and saved searches and unless you're posting videos you really shouldn't have 250 megabyte size excuse me files all right so we've got amber and we've got starla and we have our blanket hoodies these are great by the way i uh i actually took mine off this morning because i realized that um i wore it last week and i don't want you guys to think that i never change my clothes but this blanket hoodie i am i am in it every day it is they are so baggy and they are made out of blanket material oh i did hers good i was worried about the shadows so we've got amber it even got in between her like baby hairs too yeah sometimes it does you have to be careful about where you're taking your photos we do mine in front of our garage amber has a blank wall where she takes hers the hardest part is making sure because amber and i are like the exact same height we're both five two and the pictures are taken at different distances yeah so we have to i have to make sure that we're like looking your leg is a little bit bent so you can be a little bit a little bit below her i think our best bet would be to go like like waist high and make us bigger rather than ever said god that photo it's cute she's a hobbit yeah there we go hobbit i made her look like she's looking at my body all right warner brothers yeah don't you're gonna get us i love your video games don't sue me they're gonna get us demonetized look how cute we are i'll go ahead and stretch these down because uh that way if i do an effect all right so blanket hoodies these are fun what can we do for this one thing is the lighting is so drastically different it makes amber look tan and i know for a fact she's not do you hear that amber do you hear that we're all pale we only we only employ pale thickems here here we'll we'll brighten her up brighten up that pretty face there we go now we're careful doing that if you're doing that for your own products because you don't want to like overexpose the actual product itself yeah all right let's choose us a background um what do you think for our background do coffee beans again coffee beans i was reading comments sorry coffee bean i wasn't gonna let you click on it amber said you should for one of the teasers you should flat lay hoodies or you should use the flat way hoodies and then superimpose our faces badly into the hoodies into the hoods i can do that maybe not we're already almost an hour into the stream we gotta get the questions soon so we'll we'll we'll bang this one out well you guys will get to see all of our marketing very soon yes you will maybe i will fade this out a little focus mark no absolutely not what do you mean focus i'm reading comments he doesn't know the meaning of the word that is focus you don't i don't want to hear it you don't know nothing about nothing the embodiment of add oh my god super bean they're so detailed too they think that looks like a super crazy macro limbs i like you can see every little crevice in the bean we're worshiping the giant bean worship the giant bean what are you doing i'm trying to see the bean i'm gonna like the mondo flip it the other way no no no actually yeah are we gonna do this funny are you doing this seriously i'm doing it funny now and give me this okay can i do googly just do eyes uh you might want to go into elements instead of photos yeah i get there you can click graphics to sort by yeah i was about to say ah perfect i know i hate it and then can i this is why mark doesn't do our marketing top right corner if you're trying to duplicate yeah where is it i can't see it next one over nope no other way nope yep there you go and then i need to flip the left up here flip there you go oh my god i hate that ah oh it makes it look like that's a mouth that's what i'm going for i don't like it no i hate it no it needs a oh my god you're ruining my art did you give me that okay sorry you're done you're done you're you're remarkable delete my beautiful face fine i'll copy it and i'll make it's kind of unibrow what are you doing yours is up here oh i made a copy of it this woman i swear veggie tales for adults right let's do the old my tea bean keep that bean muppet i don't like that combination of words bean muppet that sounds very like alpha's after dark let's keep that let's keep that to a minimum yeah i'm not i don't know how i can beam up it i don't know how i feel about that i control it with my hand [Music] can you stop can you just i'm in a good mood today you leave me be i got my video recorded you just i'm on a roll i gotta get it no i'm keeping my energy up i gotta go to the gym after this you just stop you just quit i was looking for like um 115 viewers can you do glow glow glow i'm looking for like there that's what i want and i want it to be yellow yellow yellow and then i'm good oh if i like that or not i don't know if the yellow yeah there you go let's say that yellow is a little bit oh it's coming out the bottom so you're going to crop it up there you go the mighty bead crop it up too it's coming out the bottom and it's bugging the crap out of me i'm not gonna hurt you is it yeah it does there you go that's fine okay now let's animate it and see how that looks oh it's the teletubby sun oh the creepy baby oh i don't like that one i don't i don't know how i feel about any of this oh i like that one that one's perfect it'd be more terrifying to put that exact animation online i don't like anything eyes come further together as it goes and it's terrifying all right giggling now yeah me too that weird creepy baby giggle that was the name i want him right weird creepy baby weird creepy baby google no it's tinky winky dipsy lala on po you didn't know that no i didn't watch teletubbies as a kid and nunu the vacuum that eats the tubby custard ew [Music] and then you save it as your mp4 if you want the animations if you just want it as an image you can save it as a jpeg or a a gif or a gif as the the young people call it um can you switch it back to us time time for tubby custard that's my favorite pick-up line [Laughter] you stop will you just stop will you just quit all right don't mind me just trying the same are you killing me today all right so i'm downloading that i'm going to add it in my trello card real quick because i already made it and then you guys will be able to see amber said you yeah somebody use that as a pickup line and let me know how it works shoot me a message on twitter all right you can switch it back alright so we have amber and i and a bean do you guys see like how it's very visually pleasing to look at all of these like little elements together they look really nice and when you build out a full marketing calendar with all of these posts it just looks really really good um i my my personal ones my personal boards especially for the alphas it's years just of these and what's great is if you have something say you know say you start now and then next september rolls around and you're like man this photo did so well last year it converted it got me a lot of sales what you can do is you can make a copy of it you can drag it into another month and reuse it because if content works well recycle it don't do it every week don't do it every month but if something works it's similar to our youtube videos where like we talk about the same thing quite a bit but you're going to have a rotation of customers you're it's not the same people like there's quite a few of you who are like long time fans but i'd say a good like probably 75 of our audience at any given point in time year over year is new people you don't retain all of your customers so you don't have to worry about recycling content and if it upsets your customers don't i mean obviously don't do it like two months like like recycle it after a year or two years or what six months if it's something that you think can fit but like season if it's seasonal you can save it for each season yeah i recycle yearly i do yearly recycles on a lot of different content especially if it's posts that i did that i really like and i know i can't make them any better and it's important information that i still want to bring up as a reminder for you know just quotes and things that i really like that i find inspiring especially when you know we see thousands of new alphas a year it's the same with you guys hopefully you're seeing new customers every year and they might have never seen that post that you made last year and if you're still selling that product and you made this beautiful photo then there's no reason to not reuse that image so um i don't think i would be upset if you took you want to switch it i want to download this one too download that okay the ugly one yeah i want that um take you and amber off there take the background out i think i want that as a png and i want it on a shirt you want to switch it back so they can they i mean they might as well watch this this this horror horror story here let's make it happen all right so white background save us some gun as a png you don't need to uh do a white background if you're gonna we gonna say this is a png and uh it's going on a shirt silver okay yeah mark's going to sell this on a shirt if you guys want it um he wants this on a shirt let us know if you would wear this on a nice uh i could make it like really gross and like throw some like teeth i don't know don't make it any worse do the braces do the braces this one yeah oh good lord what happened don't touch it go undo just delete it do you want you delete the whole thing when you do that hit undo there you go i don't delete the whole thing you just delete the thing you put in there don't drag it tap it don't drag it tap it tap it no see that's not no it's not leaving help no you're making it so much worse you're doing it wrong yeah i don't like that i need a frown watching him try to do this just that no just that one this one just that one there you go oh no that's perfect okay can i save it now okay i don't that's ugly just the bean mouth bean mouth is fine let me show you guys something too um if you ever do a design it doesn't matter she said delete the shadow i can't it's attached to it hold on hold on if i do a background remove so if you guys ever do a design that you want to use as a png whether you design a logo you uh you make t-shirts and you want to put a design on them you it doesn't it doesn't matter what color your background is let me position this oh it's already on there all right it needs it needs a voice you don't watch oh god all you need to do is go in to your download settings you want to uh select png it absolutely has to be a png and then you have the option if you have a pro membership to select transparent background so it doesn't even matter if there is a color here it will hold that size slider all the way up i want that quality to be as big as it'll be cool yeah and then if we just hit download it will begin the download down here yes it will cool somebody said flip it the other way no it's supposed to look like a frown if i flip it the other way it'll look like a smile i don't want it to be happy i don't know it's a mad bean you're about to grind it up and roast it i don't know why he wants this i don't know whether knows or just a mustache he likes it the way let him it needs to be the way that it is because that's the way that it was that's how you don't alter art i don't think this is for the friday bean i think this is for his gaming thing i think he just no i'm gonna put this on a friday bean shirt and sell it i think it needs to go as a one-of-a-kind all right let's get to questions guys um yeah get your questions in get them on over i thought that i'd have more time to fill out like a full month's worth of marketing but apparently not it's not really necessary i guess one was enough we did two y'all get the point yeah and we've done other episodes on trello so yeah we've done trello we've done canva but this was the best of both worlds um so basically i would just select a do a post every day if i'm not marketing anything i will um you know i'll do quotes in between things i will do uh just things that are relevant to my my audience there are so many things that you can do that aren't just shoving products like 100 of the time you could do a post of you working people love connecting with you as a person so if you could get one of you actually like packaging things um there's so much that you can do and you can really build out your trello however you want we have trellos for everything i have one for the book that i wrote guys uh while you're getting your questions in i wrote a book and it's coming out in hopefully january called the channel and it's a science fiction book and uh i put my heart and soul into it and it i think that it's good amber's read it mark's read it um yeah you can find it at if you want to sign up for the waiting list for that it's uh science fiction a little bit of romance a lot of drama and some high-tech cybernetic weaponry so that's fun not something i ever thought that i would write about because i'm not into that type of uh fantasy i'm more of a dragons and unicorns but it was a lot of fun so i'm big time nerd and again like i mentioned at the beginning if you weren't here i am starting a game review channel i've already got it up i can literally just uh you're already signed in as it just reviews i'm doing uh first review will be for tales of a rise that'll be up tonight just the my first impressions oh my god amber did did the coffee flavored coffee darla you've always seemed patient to me but today took my perception of that to a whole new i have a nine-year-old girl my patience has to be phenomenal which i learned being a preschool teacher because watching a nine-year-old child try to get ready for school in the morning without just being like hurry up just tie the shoes it's so yeah get your questions in if you all have uh editing questions or etsy questions or unrelated questions it doesn't really matter we'll get to them lucy said i love the tale series symphonia is my favorite that's like everybody's favorite that or uh vesperia there's 17 of them now if your bng has a transparent background can you post it on social media with a transparent back um you know what i think that if you post a transparent background image on facebook that it will fill it in and it'll just give it a white background i don't think that png's post to facebook though i'm not entirely sure someone post a png somebody take a transparent background image and post it on facebook and let me know what happens i'm getting the questions about my stuff if you want to ask me questions about my game review stuff you can follow me over on twitter at big mark games let's see i feel so unsettled if you posted a question previously as well feel free to repost it it just goes white the png's oh it just goes white that's what i thought that's what i thought i figured it would just uh it would just go white this could be a character in south park i'm struggling with all the different email services i need is there a simpler way some things require google some require microsoft um i've never well if it requires it there's not a whole lot you can do i try to keep everything within google um simply because i do i've got all my emails through google i have my phone through google i have we have a google home um i try to keep everything to one as much as i can but there are some things that i have to have microsoft for for you know what's crazy though is i wouldn't recommend like putting your passwords and stuff in it but you could totally make a trello board just reminding you what is attached to each of those accounts like you could put you know my google account and then put like youtube eat what like my business email my personal email um anything that you know that you have to use google for and then do one for microsoft my for him it's like gaming um i know the outlook has to be through microsoft and then you can just kind of keep everything everything in its own little buckets trello is good for organization too uh leslie actually had a really good question are there is there a layers section in canva like can you see each element in a panel oh no i don't think there is no that's like one of the biggest pet peeves that i have with it but you can't individually select the layer and that drives me nuts i can i can can't stand that because sometimes you'll have an element behind and you have to move everything out of the way to touch it or if it's crazy or if you can get that element selected bringing it to the front and manipulating it and then sending it to the back you own you can you can always uh do pretty much the opposite of that too as well send the elements in the front to the back and then grab the element that you need yeah but yeah no it's it's silly that they don't have that as an option i'm assuming it's a coding thing there's already so much going on with it but i don't know um when you're doing your hyper marketing up to launch day how do you market to your vip group i'm launching to them a day early um so they just get different content they get more revealing teasers normally when i do a teaser and i guess today's examples weren't great teaser examples but i don't show what a full product is so for the candle i might just show the top of it with you know maybe just the top of the jar but not the label that says that it's pumpkin latte that way they know that it's a candle but they can't tell what the scent is for the hoodies the blanket hoodies maybe i'll just do like a zoom in on the uh on the embroidered logo but not show what the item is so they could think it's a blanket or a bag they have no idea teasers leading up to a launcher to get people excited but for my vips i would give them a little bit more i would tell i would give them more clues and for example i maybe i would play a game like oh we're launching new candles this friday here's a picture and here's a couple hints uh you typically eat this type of pie around thanksgiving time what scent do you think the candle is and then you let them try to guess there's a lot of different things that you could do um you could even go in your group a day before your early launch so your pre-launching is what you're doing as you're launching a day early you could go in a day before your pre-launch and give them some little sneak peeks and little teasers and and maybe give them previews of some of the product and you can even i know that i say you know keep your product secret uh but you could even do an early reveal just for your vips and let people know like hey you know we're launching on this day vips get early access a day a day before and then the day before the pre-launch i'm going to be doing a product reveal of half of the product so you know if you want to get an idea of what to expect of this collection i'll be spilling like half of the collection early so you guys can at least see them and then we will pre-launch them the next day there are so many ways to do it and i've done it so many different ways myself it really just depends on how creative you are how much time you have to plan it and uh you know don't feel like you have to figure it all out with one launch do something new every time you pre-launch but make sure that the overall structure is the same that way you do have a little bit of the ability to condition so for example you're doing a pre-launch make sure that you keep doing that every time just change up the way that you tease that collection that way people can grow to know what to expect did you already do this one no okay i i used a separate free canvas for two different shops is there a way to combine two on one pro canva uh you'd have to get with their support on that yeah and why would you use two you don't need to use two free canvas for two different shops just have one account and you have folders in canva you can put everything can you do you did you leave canva up can you no let me show them how to do folders real quick so when we go to home we've got all of our images we just made this one i wish it would give me like a full preview of me there we go i'll just go into all of your designs and i will select this one because we just made it and i will place it in our [Music] friday be no it's elf adapt alph adapt so you can have a folder for each of your businesses and then if i go to all my folders i've got them here and then i can just go specifically to the alpha dap folder where the elf adapt products are so you can just do it by business instead unless it changed you don't have folder in the free version really you don't have fullers in the free version well it's too bright anybody with a free anybody else with a free version want to double verify that just to make sure yeah on the left-hand side let me know is it still a good idea to do this or that similar type posts in between creating products i recommend it yeah yeah absolutely because those inspire engagement um for example i might do one because we're doing the friday bean collection i might make posts that say you know what do you guys prefer coffee or tea or tea uh and then i'll put like the little facebook like emoji on coffee and then the heart emoji on t and they have to interact with it to vote um or you could do like i don't know for halloween candy do you guys like reese's cups or snickers comment your favorite down below um you could do a post you know what's your favorite movie post a gif in the comments from your favorite movie basically these just help to make sure that people see your marketing posts if they're engaging with your post uh this is especially effective when it comes to facebook groups because pages tend to get reduced visibility but if you create posts like this it ensures that people engage with them and then they're more likely to see marketing content from you in the future because facebook identifies that they're interested in the types of content that you post mallory said one folder carla said free version has two folders amber said it's not in either the free or the paid y'all are confusing right you do have folders in the free version it's a limited number though okay so two that's not too bad created two separate canvas before signing up with the pro so i don't didn't know oh okay that's fine just start using the one yeah you could always email them and ask them if you can combine files but you might just have to go in and down you can download all of your files that you already have in canva just go to each of the files and then in the top right hand corner there are three little dots click those little dots a drop down menu will come down and it'll give you the option to download the original file so you can do that as well it'll take a lot of time though so maybe only move over the things that you think that you'll want and need this may be a dumb question there's no such thing uh when you talk about saving swipe files and etsy snippets where is that i keep mine in my notes on my phone i'm working through ha also though thanks um you might actually just have to google etsy snippets i have it i can't remember where i have that link saved they have an entire article about etsy snippets but if you google how to set up etsy snippets uh there should be actual etsy articles that will pop up look for the ones directly from like or or or whatever um find an etsyofficial and somewhere within that etsy official article it will be a link to setting up your snippets or it will explain how to get there because offhand i can't remember but i know you can you in canva you can select the item behind another one if you hold down shift and then click gotcha cool keys let's see my vips have been helping with certain items too so items have yeah items have been revealed already uh quote unquote should this one be sitting or standing or purple or candy corn colors etc yeah that's they love to interact if you can if you can um post like little previews but say you know oh i'm making this thing but i can't decide if i should make it in red or purple what do you guys think uh that's almost like giving them a preview of what you're selling but they also feel like they help to create it so that's another way that you can spoil your vips uh if you don't create any new products or have anything upcoming what's best to market continue marketing the things that you have coca-cola markets coca-cola all the time every day all day and updates on things that maybe you're developing sneak peeks previews yeah but if it's just the same thing if you make like one thing really well and that's the thing that you sell you just keep marketing that thing your entire life should revolve around ways to photograph and show off that thing that you make how it's used uh what customers you know can do with it what it what it looks like what it feels like how how you could give it as a gift um videos with it whatever you can do to advertise that thing the the important part here is to just not post the exact same photo over and over again do exactly what we did building that marketing content calendar but all different things about that product that you make uh unless it's changed you don't have a folder in the free version oh that's i already read that what are your thoughts on offering a special discount coupon to my top customers i only have 288 sales in my shop so it would only be for like five customers max you could do that but if you're gonna go through that why not create an email list yeah why not create an email list using mailchimp and then those top customers like when they sign up for your email list they get a vip discount code i mean you could if you say hey you know you are if you want to give it to him like as a friend like you are one of my top customers i feel like we're best friends you order from me all the time you support my business i really appreciate it and i want to give you like a lifetime pass in my shop this is a coupon code that only you and four other people are receiving um it's i'm not planning on giving it to anybody else but you guys are my my powerhouse of just wonderful customers and i want to make sure that you guys always get the very best prices so here's a coupon for you friend a friend um i think that somebody who received that would feel very very special so you could totally do that especially if it's only five people hello what's the best email list management software uh we personally use mailchimp and i highly recommend it yeah mailchimp is my favorite um it is the most popular they have worked directly with most email like inboxes like gmail and yahoo they have partnerships with them that are partnerships is that the word i'm looking for for mailchimp mailchimp ensure they work with email services to ensure that their emails don't end up in schools agreements yeah they have agreements with most male providers to make sure that their emails that aren't actually spam don't end up in spam stuff happens some people have actual personal spam filters set up that filter certain words and things like that so there's literally no way around those yeah but mailchimp is all i've ever used other than sendy i did not like cindy at all i have a different email service set up through my wix site which is for my book at um that one i've not sent anything to my subscribers because my book isn't going to be available yet but i do have like an automatic email set up when you join that i had to set up it seemed pretty easy but there was still a learning curve uh cindy i couldn't hardly figure out it was really difficult there's aweber which i know is also relatively difficult mailchimp is easy because everything's drag and drop it's so it's so simple they make it very user friendly they have thousands of videos and guides and things to help you through the process support team that's great at what they do they're great at getting back to you and they give you exactly the answer you want even if it's something that's like in an faq somewhere on the website they're not the kind of people that will always just like send you a link for an faq and tell you to find it yourself i can't i can't stand that a lot of services do that and they don't they're very user friendly and then priscilla had asked if we would do a comparison between mailchimp and olo and no i i don't think we will because mailchimp is has been established it has a huge team of people behind it it's user-friendly and it's easy to use and we don't know enough about oho it's not been established for very long it doesn't have a gigantic team of people behind it um i would i would rather just go with something i'm not saying that oh is bad but we can't form an opinion off of it and we're probably not going to because we trust mailchimp not to mention i've got like a 15 000 people email list mailchimp is free for the first 2000. i can't move 15 000 people from one email service over to another one because it would end up being more expensive in the long run not to mention as far as i remember prices mailchimp was a way better option i can't speak on recent but for for what i remember mailchimp is just a way better cost ratio yeah um uh thinking of changing my shop from the nata meeks makes to p wattler but spell it p dot wattler think the period would be confusing uh special digits can come off as a little bit confusing people will think to not put them or think that like it's not necessary i don't know offhand also if it would matter consider how it sounds to the ear if someone's like oh yeah i'm shopping at p wattler peawatler yeah you know because it's true because my brain would go to like like p like going to take a p um i missed this one even if it's even if it's initials so just think about how it sounds to the ear if somebody said like i i'm gonna go shop i'm to go online and shop at xyz yeah always just like naming your kid make sure you say things out loud and not just write them on paper before you do that and try to like say them over and over again and see how it how it feels say it to different people or yeah tell somebody be like hey how would you feel about going to an online store called p watler call a friend and don't tell them that you're talking about your business just say it casually and just see what they say um and and then you'll get like really genuine responses uh i'd miss this question starting a new business on etsy what uh one of your videos would you recommend it's hard to say honestly photo editing um but yeah photo editing is a big one start with photo editing because if you have bad photos nobody's gonna click on your photos or your listings even if your seo and your pricing and everything else is the greatest in the world okay photo editing is the single most important thing that you can do for your business and i have a photo editing series that i recorded around four years ago the audio is very very rough um but the method is going to be the same it is in my playlists if you go to my photo editing training series you can watch those there so photo editing first second thing that you need to make sure that you do is establish some good branding so i don't have a playlist for branding but if you go up to my actual channel search bar and type in branding watch branding videos because once again your photos could be great but if your branding is awful then people are going to build negative associations with your brand when they click on it so you want to make sure that your branding is established and then the third thing that you need to worry about is seo search engine optimization which i have tons of videos on that all you have to do is type seo into my um my little search bar on my channel uh the thing about seo is that it's ever changing so be sure to watch my more recent videos within the last two years those are gonna be the best uh with seo that's basically the road signs that are gonna send people to your store if they're not able to find you then they're never gonna be able to buy from you so photo editing first then establish your branding then do your seo then you're ready for business that's those that's the order in which i think that every business should start let's see mailchimp is awesome and it just makes it so easy to manage your list yeah you mailchimp's been around a long time they're like i said they're established they have all the connections that's it's in my personal opinion unless you're running a business that has like thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people like in into the like hundred thousand or more people there really isn't a reason to use any other service and as far as any like newer services are concerned that's all fine and dandy if you want to support more small businesses but like mailchimp is specialized for exactly what they do and there's a neural element as well like there's exactly gdpr compliance and things like that um i just i stick with what i what i've used and what i know like the back of my hand and i know mailchimp very very yes i've i've been working with mailchimp not working with and we're not affiliates by the way but i have had a mailchimp account for going on nine years now um and they're used by corporate entities yeah then i know that it's something that we can trust if it's not something that's established and again nothing nothing against oh whoa we know the people that have created it it's a small team of people but corporate association is huge being associated with governments and with the associations that actually deal with all the legal stuff mailchimp has all that and i don't know about any other services that have that what's the other one that we actually tried that we ended up really not liking oh it was because it was so expensive report entrepreneur ontraport is another one that's more of a professional corporate level but ontraport is one that is meant to like tie your finances and payment systems and mailing systems and all that it's just not it's not user friendly and if you go into their like support it's an absolute nightmare it is just bugs bugs bugs books bugs because it's meant for programmers to use mailchimp is user-friendly they explain everything that you need to do they have guides for everything that you need you can incorporate it into your own websites and whatever you want to use and it's easy and they help you yeah and your emails don't get sent to spam almost is almost never as long as you've got it set up correctly all the emails that i send to you guys are through mailchimp yes every email that you guys received from us uh any youtube video suggestions for product video creating and or editing there are a plethora of people out there everything from the low end to like hollywood style video editing it just depends on what you're specifically looking for do you mean on our channel i don't think we have any on video editing i mean we did reels last week right yeah before last i don't think i have video editing because it's not really we use uh adobe premiere pro and it's quite expensive and it's very in-depth and we're not if you've ever used photoshop it's the video version of photoshop and that's what like everybody even hollywood like uses premiere pro yeah for the most part for the most part everyone in the professional sector uses premiere pro premiere pro and then um after effects yeah um but there are tons of different i mean you can even make videos in canva if you've got a canva pro membership you can make some pretty decent videos uh in canva i've made quite a few pretty decent videos in canva so you can actually upload videos that you take with your phone to canva and make a whole slideshow of different videos um so it just depends on how in-depth you want to go ecotree said seo is my blind spot i love it nerd out hard with the data i'm a big data nerd but it's not instinctive this is how i found you guys and i always recommend your channel for folks who want to know more yeah we really appreciate that we try to cover more than just seo because there are so many different factors that matter to business but it's hard telling what people want to know about so seo is definitely our strong suit because we work for e-rank and it's what we do just 24 7. been doing it for a long time yeah so if you guys ever if you guys have suggestions for seo videos and we haven't covered it already uh feel free to let us know we are getting around that time of year where it's actually kind of risky to start tweaking your seo on listings especially ones that are performing well uh you don't want to make a bunch of seo changes right before the holidays unless those listings already just aren't getting any traction at all because what you can do and we every year we get people who email us and they say you know what i went in my shop and i did i edited all my seo but now i'm getting scared because it's the day before black friday which i guess would be thanksgiving it's like the day before black friday and none of my listings are showing up in search and i've checked e-rank and nothing is being spotted on etsy because he broke that golden rule i don't edit your entire freaking shot and i'm really nervous because you guys told me to fix my seo and i'm like no no no no we didn't tell you to change all your seo we never tell you to change all your seo golden rules of seo or change one listing at a time start with your worst performing listings don't ever touch something that's selling if if it isn't broke don't try to cars if your car is broke down are you going to immediately replace everything from the transmission to the muffler front to back no you're going to change one little part at a time until you figure out what's wrong and then the whole thing will run fluid and perfect yeah exactly if your engine's running if your engine is running great your transmission shot you don't replace the engine and the transmission you replace the transmission anyway nerd stuff okay and then not i also asked if uh i want to change a shop name and set up two etsy shops with the same products for a little while is that okay no you can't have this shop with the exact same products and stuff in it no etsy will uh they can like perma-ban you from etsy you cannot have two shops with the same items in them priscilla said i changed the spelling of my son's name before he was born when i texted it to my bestie and she asked how to pronounce it that was all the confirmation i needed i wish someone would have done that with my name or mine my middle name and my first name i had my i had to register to vote four times yep i'm not i'm not even kidding even though i wrote it on the paper they still typed my first and middle name in wrong every time they always spell his name mark with a k and then anthony a-n-t-h-o-n-y and my name is mark with a c and antony without an h i don't call him mark i call him anthony for those who don't who don't know that she calls me baby i do call you baby because you're a big baby look at him he's right big big baby he's a big hairy baby let's see uh yeah this is the first time i thought about the sound of the word yeah so gonna try texting it to someone yeah what happens if you change a bunch in one day will it be ruined forever we're not saying that that's like that's gonna happen maybe you do it and it's oops all bangers and your entire shop just blast to the front you become a billionaire and like you know that's how it happens but that's very unlikely it's very unlikely more than you need to change small things here and there all right so if you were to go in let me let me give you a little scenario of what what could happen and what typically scenario scenario uh oh scenario imagination land time so what typically happens if you have a shop and we'll just say that you have you know we'll say that you have a shop of 10 products and two of them are doing really well and they're selling but you do some keyword research you find some new keywords and you decide that these keywords would be better suited so these two are that are already doing well you want to see if you could get them to do better and you want to see if you can get the rest of your shop to do just as good so you've done your keyword research maybe you found that a certain keyword was trending and you want to start changing your seo so you go into all your listings and you change your tags and titles those are the only thing two things that matter for your listings seo tags and titles you can change photos descriptions no problem um so you change your tags you change your titles on all of those listings but the thing is the words that you were being recognized for especially in those two listings that were performing well you had sent etsy clear signals as to what you were selling you had told etsy that that's what you want to be known for and now you've changed that and etsy is a little bit confused because they don't know where to put you yet because it can take 30 or i'm sorry 60 to 90 days for etsy to recognize the changes that you've made in order to put you where they think that you need to go so until they figure it out they're going to put you way back here uh because what they need to do is collect data based on the way that people interact with your listings and in order to do that they're not going to stick you on the front page they're going to put you they're going to put you somewhere where people are going to stumble across you and hopefully do some interacting but what you don't want to do is have that happen all at the same time with every single item in your shop if you do it to one item yes it can climb back up but what if the edits that you made in that keyword that you thought was going to be so great ends up not being great at all what if it ends up not doing anything for your shop and you just put it in all of your listings that's why it's important to just test with one and what you don't want to do is take listings like those two that i talked about that are already performing well and risk pulling one of the four legs out from your table i always say that a listing is just like a a table and you never know which of the four legs is the combination of keywords that's keeping that table standing so you might go in and take some keywords out that you don't think are helping you get found in search but they might be the only keywords that are helping you get found in search and if you end up removing those or um you know even even putting extra words in that turn it from an exact match into a broad match you have the potential to ruin that listings placement in search if that makes sense yay yeah yeah eastern inspiration mark can we ask you tech questions yes in mind that a lot of tech questions require me to see the problem but it just depends on what that question is funny fact while you're getting your tech question in there uh this live stream way back in the day was meant to be a live stream where i talked about tech every every friday thank you turns out that not enough happens in tech to give me a subject to talk about that would be relevant to etsy sellers on a weekly basis this used to be called tech friday it was called tech friday for way too long even though we didn't talk about tech most of the time and it was usually just her getting mad at me because there was nothing to talk about i would tell her that and then we'd have to come up with something else yep it was called tech friday and then it changed to friday q a and then not not february of last year but the year before we changed it from friday q a to friday being because there are tons of people who say friday q a in their youtube videos nobody said friday bean um and we always drink coffee so coffee just became our friday bean trade right i mean we should we should trademark it we shouldn't have even said that out loud because now it's gone uh if i want to send emails once a week is there a preferred day to send them uh your if you're using mailchimp there is actually a thing a time optimizer that will tell you the perfect time to send emails in terms of day it all depends on the country that you're targeting the demographic that you're targeting um the age gender all of that has to play in so i would try to find industry standards i would try to see you know um best time to best day to send emails to work at home moms best time to send emails to i don't know women ages 55 to 65. just try to break it down into a chunk and then google best best email marketing time for blah blah blah and you might have to reward it a couple times but um it's usually demographic based and then from mailchimp you can select the time optimizer and it'll tell you based on the people who are already subscribed to your list the best time to actually send that email out based on what they've noticed in the past from the people who are on your list do you have a video sending your first message on mailchimp once your mailchimp is set up i only have a handful of followers and i feel frozen in place i don't know why i'm feeling so hesitant on this anxiety oh the anxiety yeah send a test email first you have an option to send a test email send it to send it to a friend send it to a spouse send it to yourself send a test email and just have them read over it i don't have any mailchimp videos and the reason for that is because we cover that in handmade alpha academy because there's a lot of legal aspects that go into the legalities of setting up an email list the can spam act gdpr and in handmade alpha academy i'm able to kind of offer more help but uh with youtube i don't want to give any information that would lead somebody to do something incorrectly and then blame me for it so but mailchimp has a lot of videos themselves you can you know find tons of mailchimp tutorials on youtube they don't have to be from me um and mailchimp like i said the best place to get information is from the horse's mouth so you can always just check mailchimp directly because i think they have a youtube channel too uh and then they come in and said uh i have a chromebook my battery doesn't last the expected 10 to 11 hours how can i extend it to run the minimum expected time okay couple things for one when they say that your battery's going to last x y z or something's going to perform x y z always expect that at best you're going to get 90 percent of what they say and at worst you're going to get like 50 of what they say so if it says that it's going to last 10 to 11 hours you're probably looking more at like six to eight hours at best when you buy it and that's assuming that you're not doing stuff that's incredibly intensive like have 50 chrome tabs open that's eating up 50 of your cpu power and using power because obviously the more your computer is using the faster your battery is going to die um i'm assuming it's running a custom like chrome operating system so i don't know offhand how to do it usually there's a power optimizations setting like with windows you can go into your power settings and set it for like max performance or power saving or something like that you have to look up on like how to turn on power saving modes turning your screen brightness down is another way to save a little bit of battery time even just dropping your screen brightness by like 50 if you're not photo editing if you're photo editing don't do that because you'll lose color saturation um but yeah turn your screen brightness down when you're not doing things that you don't need the brightness for and that can save you quite a bit of battery if it's bad to the point where you only got like two to three hours of battery time on it you might just need a new battery yeah you can just buy a new battery yeah you might you might just need a new battery um but again there are so many factors that determine how much power you're using it depends on like your screen brightness if you've got lit keys like your actual keyboard keys are lit turn that off that can save you a crap ton of power um yeah okay i know that's kind of kind of out there uh i'm gonna get tech questions like crazy um i'm considering a uh hidden quote unquote vpn to help protect my images uh i found my art illegally being sold online and heard of an artist that had his laptop hijacked okay more than likely they're stealing it from a website and removing your watermark and if your laptop were hijacked it would be through malware or something similar and a vpn isn't going to stop that because it's in your computer they're still going to receive the data no matter what whether or not they're collecting it that's probably not the case somebody's probably not doing that and the only other way that they could technically be doing it would be package interception in between you like submitting something to a website and unless you're like a multi-billion dollar like artist from france who sells all their nobody's going to take the effort to do something like that um so if you're worried that you might have a bug on your computer download something like malwarebytes i'll even type that into the thing now where bytes yeah i'm not i just commented on their bmg reviews malwarebytes uh they have a free version you can do the paid version it's the only antivirus anti-malware software i have on my computer other than microsoft essentials i love it um run that see if it finds anything have it clean your computer do do all that stuff i don't use any like norton or anything like that malwarebytes is is great um but other than that for one you i wouldn't worry too much about the like stolen art website there's nothing you can do about it most of the time it's people from china or india and countries that just don't care if people steal content and sell it i don't care about your opinions on that that's a fact yeah um that that's the chinese government doesn't care if they're stealing from americans and neither does the indian government um and there's nothing you're gonna be able to do about it ignore it fight it the best you can if they're selling it on etsy or on a platform that does care report it to them they'll do something about it they'll probably just ask you to prove that it's your art one way or another and and uh if it's stolen on facebook like a facebook ad with you know everybody sees those facebook ads and it's like what what i ordered versus what i got but then like what they ordered was an image stolen from you know facebook an etsy shop and then what they got as a piece of junk it happened to laurie from laurie's laboratory um her you'll see ads all over the place using her photos but really it's a just cheap chinese junk shop that stole her images stole screenshots of her reviews as well to make it look like their whole thing was legit and then when you order from that you get a piece of garbage at like you know half the price of what she sells her beautiful work for so uh there's a page called like facebook scams facebook ads scams yadda yadda there's a bunch of them what i recommend doing is if you notice it happening just send send the ad to one of those pages and what they do is they will blast it out to their audience and then everyone will go report it and usually that page will get shut down now the problem with that is that the whoever selling those things will just start another page um that there's no way to actually put a stop to it yeah and you can attempt to like if it's somebody that you know is making a crack because she's just commented in seminar it's being sold on amazon redbubble by different people i'm addressing it um they should stop it redbubble will do copyright yeah red redbubble will do that and amazon it might take a little bit more effort so like proving intellectual property rights for something but uh i mean you should be able to contact amazon and have them get rid of it but red bubble redbubble for sure they'll they'll protect your intellectual property rights yes um amina said what about storage space is that the same as battery no not even remotely close to the same thing batter storage space is going to be determined of what you have stored on your computer so if you're running into storage space issues then you need to delete stuff delete stuff that you're not using it might be hidden in folders that you're not using anymore one thing that a lot of people actually forget to do once they've deleted stuff empty your recycle bin go to go to your desktop right click your recycle bin and click empty or click permanently delete all files or whatever it says on the recycle bin itself once you right click it and like she's really bad about that where she'll have like three or four hundred gigabytes worth of crap sitting in the videos big long like hour long video files and everything else oh my my my images aren't showing me the previews on the desktop anymore it's because you've got 500 gigabytes of crap in your recycle bin um yep that's me also storage space on hard drives this is another random fact that might help some people storage space on hard drives is not infinite your storage space can only be used and reused so many times think of it like like the best piece of paper with the best eraser you've ever used every time you write something on that piece of paper and you erase it that paper's still going to turn a little bit more gray right and every time you keep writing on that piece of paper it gets more and more and more and more gray and eventually it'll be to the point where you can write with that same pencil and you will no longer be able to see the stuff that's on the page hard drives work exactly the same way you can only save things to a hard drive so many times before the data starts to become degraded the amount of storage space that you have will actually decrease things take up more space it's not a problem with most modern computers that are using ssds it still is a finite time period but it's still somewhere in the realm of like a billion gigabytes it's it's it's pretty ridiculous but if you have like a 15 year old computer and stuff is saving to your computer slow or you don't feel like you have that much on your computer anymore and you've cleaned it and you've verified that there's nothing there it might quite literally just be that you've had your computer too long and your hard drive is dying so you might just need a new hard drive again if your computer is less than like five or six years old that's probably not a problem but that can become a problem uh hey mark i'm gonna move from wordpress to shopify is there a service you can recommend for that for the migration uh i might do it for you yeah shopify might do it for you most services will i shouldn't say those services will a lot of services will but i don't know entirely offhand if they will a freelancer will definitely do it for you there are plenty of freelancers who are who you gotta be gotta be careful with freelancers make sure it's somebody that you can trust because they could just like steal your website maybe try um is is does upwork do that i know that a lot of people don't wanna support fiverr um but upwork i think might do something like that there's there are developers and things that will do things like that for you it's more just you just don't want to have to learn how to do it and if it ends up being one of those things that you can do can't do it might be one of those things where you'll have to rebuild your shop on shopify and then migrate over using whatever service you use so yeah there's probably a ton of youtube videos out there on the subject though shopify is huge yeah absolutely me and style the same person not quite i think we are brain wise she pronounces water bottle correctly though that's true wa wobble we're just joshing we love you amber recycle bin is probably what does it too that explains it yeah i even i fall for that sometimes where i'm like man i'm out of space i'm like oh yeah i just cleared like a terabyte out of my folders let's see uh do we have anything you need some glasses old man you're like he's like getting up on it's these lights it's having a laugh with my i have blue eyes my eyes are super sensitive to light i have trouble focusing on text makes my forehead look so shiny i have never said bubble i don't believe that in my life bowl no she she says buttful she adds the t she definitely has the t she just doesn't pronounce her listen listening to british people is like listening to a dr seuss book all the words are made up when amber comes to visit us when this is just how we're not being mean to you no we're we're not this is just how we are we goof with her yeah because she goofs just as bad she didn't know what a root beer stand was today or no she didn't know what root beer was and i i was trying to explain like a root beer stand and she's like what's root beer but then i got into sarsaparilla i got into drive-throughs guys who live in the united states mostly do me a favor i want to do a quick like little poll just i'm curious um in ohio we have what is called a drive-through and not the kind that you go through to go to confuse a lot of people yeah it's not just one that you go to like through at mcdonald's not that kind of drive-through i'm talking about a convenience store with a big hole in it with a tunnel and you drive through it and then somebody comes up to your car asks what you want you say i'll have like a coke and a i don't know pack a cigarette they go and get it they go and get it they bring it to you and then they take your money and then they bring you your change it's just like going to the grocery store except you never get out of your car yeah you stay in your car and you can get just about anything you can get beer you can get cigarettes you can get anything but hard liquor yeah which actually in some of them i think you can still get the little little mini bottles of liquor so so i know that those are more popular in ohio i think they're only in ohio it's the only state in the entire country that has them as far as last last that i that i was told is the only state because it's like super easy to rob them yeah because you can just drive in get out of your car rob it get in your car and drive off so if you've ever if you've been through one if you've heard of it let us know because i'm curious and then amber also lost her mind yesterday when i told her that we have a grocer not we but down south we have grocery stores called the piggly wiggly and she didn't believe it she thought that i was just messing with her i'm like no it's real it's really called the piggly wiggly what t-h-r-u yeah yeah which states other than ohio have drive-throughs that's the name of a few in texas okay stop we didn't have any in texas that's weird not in the area that we were in now uh there's one chain in new mexico pick quick texas up until recently one chain owned by a gas refinery chain use the drive-through at several of their locations to sell certain items huh so it looks like some states used to have them and most of the time they don't it's just like it's not like a thing that you have everywhere in the state it's just like random like one-off things amber amber said yeah i closed the chat by accident i opened it back up amber said it's like a car wash with fridges it's exactly like that and then with inside the car wash is a little like place where the person stands in and takes your money yeah yeah it's neat not a lot of people have ever even heard that don't they have never even seen something like that in northeast ohio i don't know what to tell you they're everywhere here is that new because of cove no i grew up with them as like i had one i had one on the end of my street i would used to walk to and just walk yeah they're not clean either they're done they're dingy and gross and you go there when you don't want to go in the gas station to get your pack of cigarettes in your six-pack that's you go through the drive yeah it's literally so people on their way home can get cigarettes and beer that's that's the whole point maybe it's because our area of ohio is all factories maybe it's to appeal to the factory workers who are trucks and truck drivers and truckers because ohio is one of the most industrious states in the country no but you can park in a giant parking lot that's to the side that no one's parked in um i am so hungry me too all right yeah see a lot of people saying they have like drive-throughs with like them on the side of the building no no no if this is a bill like think of like an actual convenience store like your grocery store and then cut a square hole out of the side of it with like a shutter that they open and close in the morning and then you just like a car wash it's a car wash with fridges in it yeah and ours in my hometown at the end of my street had a pizza place in it you could call and order pizza and then drive up and they would hand you the pizza in your window anyway enough of that crap all right let's go uh just out of curiosity what do you all think of fiverr and upwork does anybody ever sell things on there like crafts you can't i don't think you can sell things on those websites those are for services i mean you could probably do like commissioned products i'm assuming but fiverr is meant for services yeah i'm not sure and fiverr the whole point of fiverr is you'll give them a fiver which means you'll give them like five dollars but i've never paid five dollars for anything on fiverr i think the minimum i paid is like forty five dollars and the everybody i've talked to who works on fiverr i used to recommend it a lot but apparently fiverr takes most of their money it's not like they get a small fee apparently fiverr takes a lot so i read it the same way dulce what i'll do get to it in a minute okay the supermarket here in the uk called beefy weavey and then i read the same thing beefy weavey and piggly wiggly we have piggly wiggly in wisconsin yep piggly wiggly we got weird stuff here but so do they all right at least both of those are based off of real words piggly wiggly a lot of uk words are just made up things that's all right we're going to give amber the full drive through root beer stand rooting tootin cornfield cow poop all right i'm actually gonna go over to youtube and i am going to log into my normal account so it doesn't ban me from your freaking channel for not being an admin and commenting constantly and we will throw up our socials guys i wrote a book um and i would really appreciate if you read it when it's available in january because i worked really hard on it it's uh called the channel and it is all science fictiony and fun and there's drama and romance and weapons so you can join the email list for that or just follow the uh instagram account the instagram is at mark's typing that in the comments starla likes to have all of her social links be the longest possible things ever like explore the channel and handmade alpha academy the channel was gone so i had to explore the channel uh you guys can also follow my personal that is starla the letter k and more amber had the audacity to ask me what my middle name was it's k same thing as the letter it's k it's k my middle name is k star with k more it's a very common middle name i've dated three girls with the middle name k guess i'm not special it gets k or rey or day or how many how many people have a middle name that rhyme with mine or a marie any marie's any middle lin l-l-y-n l-y-n-n that's my mom's middle name that was my ex's middle name all right marie is that your middle name marie is it middle name yes it is it's not a maiden name all right and then uh if you want to follow his fitness journey his instagram handle is big mark m big unders i think it's big underscore big underscore mark um and he's got a gaming channel now and you can do that that one that one's gonna be um on youtube um on youtube i'll type youtube so it's not confusing and that one's bmg reviews i have no followers and no videos yet first one should be going up soon and then i also have a twitter you can do that at big mark games on twitter i don't know why that did that you just tagged some guy whose username is big mark that's me yeah why did you do that why did you tag some guy named mark now yeah anyway it's big mark games you got it on all one word follow me on twitter i'll be uploading my first review tonight so guys i hope that this helped i guess i know that it kind of went all over the place but thanks for watching uh the friday bean collection will be launching next friday there are pumpkin spice latte scented candles there are blanket hoodies they're absolutely amazing it's like you can just put your knees in them because they're so big we have friday being cuddly blankets we're going to have uh some tank tops for everybody who had requested them we've got some t-shirts this t-shirt yo what to do this t-shirt with this cool texture it's not comfortable it's not gonna be available we're not gonna have this one but we will have plain t-shirts with this embroidery and they can pick their color um lots of friday bean mugs obviously you gotta have your coffee mugs so those are gonna be uh releasing this upcoming friday probably we'll do it like during the friday bean i thought that would be fun so guys thanks so much for watching feel free to follow us go watch his whatever i don't even know what he did tales of a rise go watch him do it's fun it's a good it's a good game watch him do video games i don't know but have a fantastic weekend and we will see you
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 2,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy tips for beginners, etsy tips and tricks, the friday bean, handmade alphas, starla moore, get more etsy sales, Etsy for beginners, What to sell on Etsy, etsy earn money, how to start a business, start a home business, home business ideas, home based business, starting your own business, starting an online business, grow my etsy shop, etsy for newbies, etsy holiday prep, etsy marketing plan, etsy marketing calendar, etsy marketing schedule, etsy trello, etsy canva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 42sec (7002 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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