Beautiful Etsy Shop Examples - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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let's go and we're live holy hello we're live we're live we're alive we are live and alive live and alive look you can see the alpha wall back there it does exist the couch is in front of it but it still exists i can't see the comments at the top that's okay guys happy friday um couple quick announcements before we get started as if you guys didn't know already based on my bombardment of aja's closing emails haa is closing emails um haa will be closed tonight at midnight eastern time so if you don't enroll before then and you want to and you email us after then and you say oh i was trying to check out where you were no you weren't we're going to say too bad so sad we've been we we we send a lot of emails on closing day we love you guys but we can't reopen it after it closes so if you want to join make sure you do that soon it's been open for 10 days um we have so many goodies inside for you guys lots of bonuses and 12 months of e-rank pro and for those of you who have already enrolled um if you have not received your email from me about getting your e-rank pro activated make sure that you check your spam box sometimes it likes to go in there look for that and it'll be sending to whatever email address you use to enroll with but you have immediate course access so for any reason you haven't been able to log in or you've had any issues at all make sure that you send us an email either probably to support at handmadealpha because course access is instant you could get in there and probably get like three or four modules done in a day like from the moment you join if you wanted to and if you want to enroll and you're not getting the links and emails also let us know that just to make sure yeah yeah and uh the link to sign up with the thousand dollar discount is handmade alpha can you add the http so it's clickable yeah um it is handmade alpha academy dot com slash vip if you don't do the slash vip you don't get the thousand dollar discount which would be sad i always check my links yeah maybe make sure that it actually works yeah oh that's my big pretty face it's that's the right one there it is i hate that jump button okay all right work so you can keep talking i'm just making sure everything works okay um guys today we're gonna be looking at beautiful etsy shop examples we did this during i think our last aha enrollment period and you really liked it it was one of our most watched videos so basically what i did was last night i posted in the handmade alpha academy student campus and i asked students who have completed haa if they have you know if they have gone through and actually done everything and applied all the steps if they could please submit their shops and that way we could show them off and this is really a good opportunity for you guys because you get to see exactly what i would consider to be a wonderful beautiful shop um i was really picky and choosy we do have everyone's links up that i pickied and choosied but we might not get through them all unfortunately because i think that we had 24 submissions maybe was there like 20 of them there was more than that we've got it we've got quite a few pulled up though yeah so i went through i just picked a couple of my favorites a few of you um who i've already featured in the past i didn't choose you because i wanted to get a couple you know just some opportunities for other alphas to be seen if we recently um did a shop critique on you i might have bumped you down in the queue because like i said i want to make sure that others get the opportunity as well but if it's something like where you got a shop critique and then i noticed that you've done a lot of changes and it's gotten better then you might be featured i i forget a lot of who got featured and i didn't open them in like straight up order they started opening weird so oh no i didn't know you were bumping them yeah are you able to put them in a i'm fixing them okay yeah yeah there we go okay all right so um guys throw any part of this live stream if you have any questions for us feel free to let us know if you're new here for any reason and you've never watched us do shop critiques which is not what we're doing today but if you have never watched us do shop critiques i highly recommend going back we did one last week and then i think we did one like three weeks before that so a lot of what we see today is just basically what we critique on normally these are sellers who have done everything that we would normally critique on so these are shops that i couldn't critique even if i wanted to because they are so pretty and if i do have a suggestion for the seller whose shop i feature because there's a couple things like just little things i'll go ahead and maybe mention those while we're going through but there's going to be very few things that need to be done to these shops because they are beautiful um a couple things that i want you guys to really pay attention to when it comes to these shops are branding that's the number one thing that yeah that's the number one thing that i paid attention to when choosing the shops to feature today it's the first thing your customers are gonna see when they open your shop so it's one of the most important things yeah and and i will i mean you'll be able to tell by my reaction who's branded well i can't fake getting excited about branding if someone's branding isn't up to par you're gonna be able to tell with my natural reaction and it's not that you don't all do a great job it's just that some of you do a job that is so good that i just immediately know how to feel about your brand so you'll you guys will be able to kind of sense that as we're going through um and if you have any questions throughout the livestream about handmade alpha academy since this is the last day that it's going to be open um get them in yeah make sure that you get those in we're here live to answer questions you can also email me at starla at handmade we're doing consultations today so if you are you've been on the fence and you're not sure if your shop is going to like you know really fit what we teach uh or oh i sell this is this a good fit for haa 99 of the time the answer is yes because like i said we've got sellers who sell snail food bunny poop manure our courses our course is not specific to one type of product or any series of products it fits most people yeah but um if you just you know need that that us to look at it we're happy to do that you just have to email us before like 11 o'clock the course closes at midnight but if you are once it starts hitting 11 o'clock mark and i we have to stay up until midnight to disable the the checkout system we're old we don't like staying up there we're going to be tired and grumpy so if you send us a mile long email at 11 o'clock at night um we might not be awake enough to respond join aha you'll learn the secret handshake and amber will make you marmite on toast you know i didn't think i would like marmite love it absolutely love it hey baby that's a good boy he's really sad because his sister just got spayed yeah she's she's stuck up in the upstairs bathroom by herself and he's upset he is a baby all right are we ready to we are we are ready i think uh one more tab over to the left i think not this one no this is for that one yeah okay all right let's do it let's do it uh no faces goodbye jackie oh dude can you yeah i was gonna say i don't want them to see who's in the queue because then they'll then they'll know and it'll ruin the surprise okay jackie your branding is so freaking pretty her banner is one of the crispest that we're going to show today now there are a couple your 3d elements here like the little shine coming off of the ring onto the ribbon yeah when i know that ribbon probably isn't really there this attention i mean maybe it is maybe it is maybe she's just a great photographer yeah this attention to detail is insane and what color are her are her branding colors i mean you guys know immediately you can tell that it's this teal and she's done it by making like it's definitely a holiday banner but it's not so in your face that you're just you know ooh um adding in the little elements like the ribbon without adding something crazy that goes against her branding colors like a big green ribbon or a big red ribbon she matched it to her branding colors she has right on her banner her call to action to sign up get a 15 off of your order right now like if i'm in her shop i want to shop now i want to buy something her 15 off is right on her banner so you best believe that most people are gonna say oh yeah of course i'm gonna sign up i'm gonna sign up and get on your email list which etsy allows us to do we can totally call out an email list as long as we're directing the sale back to etsy so that's perfect i'm sure that she has gone through our mailchimp modules and has her automatic discount code automated already and set up so that right when they sign up for it they receive the coupon they can come back to etsy complete their purchase and get her discount and then she forever has them on her email list for future marketing this is how you take a customer and make sure that you can sell to them over and over again one of the things that we teach in haa is that 80 of your sales should come from 20 of your customers brandymaid could you email me at support we'll get you figured out i want to make sure that it's not a problem for other people too oh she said she put her credit card in but it moves super slow after that yeah if for any reason it fails we'll actually be able to see it on our end so send us send us a quick email at support yes support handmadealpha if anyone is having any issues with the site at all email me there yeah whether that's checkout or just getting to the site please let me know and we'll get it i don't like issues with my website yeah he's he's mr tech guy so it he'll he'll pick a personal bone with the website if there's an issue all right so um anyway yeah so that's one of the things that we teach in hia because while you can drive traffic organically through etsy search by doing your seo what if you could double that what if you could double that and have traffic coming from etsy and traffic coming directly from you and anytime you want to make sales you send out an email that says hey i'm having a sale i just released a new product or oh here's a product that i've had for a while that you might not have noticed check it out so jackie great job good job with your branding i think that your colors are really nice you've got your holiday deadlines right front and center which is very important and you've added in the emojis which make it really easy to see these kind of draw the eye now we see her branding continued down here i mean this is absolutely amazing and it's not distracting at all because the background that she's chosen is gray which complements the silver jewelry perfectly i love that she has the ribbon in every single photos because and having the stones on the photos as well shows people that more colors are available without having to waste text space just to explain it and jackie you know i noticed that you in all of the ones that you actually display you're using uh blue zircon was that based on the suggestion um that i gave about my holiday owl key because i do the same thing um with my old shop art by starla moore i always put the crystal choices on the edges of the photo but i had an owl key that i created and i released it around halloween so i used the orange crystal on the product that was my example but no one was buying it so all i did was switch out the the crystal that was on the thumbnail and even though they had the option to select any of them just because the thumbnail was blue more people started clicking and it became a bestseller so one of the little fun hints that i always give is to always use blue um it seems like blue is the color that people really like to click even if they have options to choose others if you have a default you know to show off choose the blue one these are so pretty uh your photo editing is phenomenal i absolutely love these everything is so perfect ooh this gold one really pops too that's really nice i think that the occasional little gold spika color yeah okay let's go ahead and just click one of her listings she has she has really great seo i'm not seeing any uh repeated terms in here so she is fully optimizing this is a nice large image let's see we've got she has listing videos included that show all of the different colors that she offers i love that she's got her colors she said thank you and yep i have a teal ribbon she said i uh thought i'd give blue a try and see if it helps picture new so we'll let you know how it goes awesome oh that's beautiful packaging she shows exactly what you receive so that it's not a mystery you know exactly how it's going to come packaged which is great if you're giving your products as a gift you want to know how it's going to go to the recipient you need to know if it's going to be packaged nice dude you have branded polishing cloths that's dope yeah those are so pretty and then you have your vip info and your info on your holiday shipping deadlines so these are really really nice i love your photos you said that they're new um i i feel like this is the first time that i've seen them i've seen your brand before i just don't i i knew that there was something new and it must have been the photos you've got your process right in your about section and you have a thorough about section which can help with your overall ranking you also have your faqs which like i have said in the past these can be an extension of your policies because you're not able to fit very much in your policies section but you can extend them out into your faqs so overall this shop is absolutely beautiful if i was doing a critique session with you i don't think i would have any suggestions at all um and i'm not just saying that because you're an aja student your shop is absolutely beautiful so all right let's go ahead and move on to our our next one you can yeah you can close out the ones that we've already done right chelsea you knew that you were gonna get picked like chelsea's always here chelsea's very active chelsea's very helpful chelsea shop is very beautiful chelsea has some of the prettiest branding colors that way this way there we go um i absolutely love how calm and neutral it is especially since i'm sure that a lot of people probably buy your products for things like nurseries um it's it's very pretty and the the fold into the regular etsy shop from the bottom of your banner is just perfect because yeah it looks like multiple multiple banners like on top of each other yeah it's perfect yeah i love this this lace almost um design that you have here and your branding colors are so distinct and pretty so we'll go ahead and uh you've got your call to action above the fold and this is going to intrigue them to actually read more so you don't have your link above the fold but there's enough here the 20 off with the flowers that they're they're they know to click see more so that's absolutely perfect um you have photos of yourself which is always great for building that connection let's go ahead and scroll down oh these are very pretty dividers i love these and you've got the custom fonts in here really nice that's a very very fun way taking advantage of everything that you can absolutely every little bit of space that etsy gives you now mark i didn't even notice this when we first looked at your shop again um mark's actually the one who who pointed it out that you do everything by row so you've got your january birth flower and all the january products are in that row um january as well oh okay yeah these are january and then you've got your two februaries and out all of the matching ones are in the row and i also have it broken out by color so you can see the divide you see the flower from the flower is in the middle of your screen almost yeah like it's it's awesome i love that these are so nice these these are beautiful listing photos um and they're so simple and clean and they just they fit your branding so well especially even the backgrounds on the wall i don't know if this was intentional but they're almost a muted shade of your own branding that might be my screen but i don't know they have that kind of beige color same with the flowers here they've got a very beige tone to them so we'll click on a listing here in a minute but photos of yourself in the about section i want to know why do you care so much about flowers chelsea and then you've got first thing i see is you doing something outdoorsy it looks like you're hiking with dogs which i assume would include seeing some flowers um photo of you with flowers photo of you at a craft fair with flowers everywhere so oh wow and this this photo is very pretty i i love this so it it helps to really bring that connection this shows that you actually create your products that you draw them that you're not just using some clip art you even have flower tattoos to further your branding and look at the custom skin on your laptop this is so nice this is this is so pretty that this photo right here is awesome i hope you use this like for advertising because it's really nice and of course you have your build out about section so let's go ahead and grab a listing um they're all so pretty i'll just pick february because my birthday's in february and i love how you've divided out your keywords this is very very nice you're not stuffing no you're not stuffing it's all very clean and concise did you know i love that some months have two birth flowers so they have the option these are so nice even even the attention to detail of you holding the frame do you uh is this a mock-up that you've made where you can put all of your um your prints you know you can add them into your images afterwards because if so that is genius if you're able to do that but absolute respect to you if you take all of those photos and print them all out yeah for real um you have info on your discount and your vip sizing to give people a scale perspective perspective this is important with stuff like that this is so nice compostable clear protective sleeve this is so nice especially for your brand this yeah you're you're taking every step that you can to give every person that would possibly want to buy your product another reason to pick you over somebody else and i like that yeah and for all of the um alphas who currently are in haa or who just joined when you guys are going through your target market exercises in module two module two yeah um you're going to be learning about creating a brand based around the morals and values of your ideal customer so it's clear that she figured out exactly what is important to her customer if they're buying things with flowers on them they probably care about the environment yeah exactly so she made sure to pay attention to that and add in things that would be important to them so and then she has the full chart in case they find this listing out of the blue and they want to make sure that they have the correct flower so that is perfect um yeah this is another shop where i i wouldn't even have a critique if i wanted to because it is so pretty i have been losing my voice like the last three days get you a drink dog i this is how much water i've drank just since we started seems like you need to drink more i drank i drunk we're apparently we're just gravitating towards um teal shops today are you ready apparently that was the was the whole vibe we wanted yeah let's do it we've branded this stream with tl shops um samantha samantha is she's also another very active alpha and she has done phenomenally well with her brand and how far she's come just over the last few years um she obviously you can see what her branding color is it's this nice teal color and i love that she has made sure that it is consistent all over her shop and she's also got i feel like this little plant that she uses to photograph her products is just as much of a part of her branding as the teal shade is so we'll scroll down and look there she even picked an emoji that matches her branding and she has her vip club right up front and center have you got your 15 percent discount yet if i'm gonna make a purchase i'm going to make sure that i sign up for this because if i'm about to buy it heck yes i want a discount on it so we'll go ahead and open it up she's remained consistent using the same emoji and then we get down here and we see that her listing photos are all super duper clean she uses a very similar layout for them all so it looks nice and consistent but her prop isn't distracting you can see exactly what she's selling there's no confusion there and i almost like how she she's obviously brightened her background and went with the white aesthetic sometimes that white aesthetic can make it really hard to see silver items and silver jewelry the plant almost makes it easier to tell that this is a key chain because you can see the key ring over the little splash of dark green so very very nice her products are very giftable um i think that she does a really good job with appealing to a lot of different people but her main demographic is going to be gift givers i i don't see this as being a product where people are going to mostly be buying these for themselves she is a shop where people are going to find a great gift which is a huge advantage because that means that during holiday season and on things like father's day she is able to market like crazy so let's go ahead and scroll down she's got some shop updates we can see how she packages her products i love that her stamps photo of her face which is always good for building those connections family once again building those connections and she even has a video showing how she creates her product so she's got her about section filled out and she has her policies and faqs so let's go ahead and pop open banging let's pop open a listing let's see we'll just grab this one i had to call out etsy last week and i asked how much reviews affect organic search rank and i was told they don't play a big role in ranking that's not true um that so we have actually had a lot of occasions where etsy um staff do the live meetings with uh with individuals where they'll um send out the email request asking you know do you want like a shop critique type thing um you can go directly to etsy's seller handbook into their ultimate guide to search and see that of the seven factors that influence ranking in search sales and reviews are rated as some of the highest things that determine rank and search because reviews are what etsy uses to determine whether or not the buyers actually like the product it sales are the number one reviews come shortly after that though etsy also wouldn't be trying to implement all of these different systems that are affected by reviews if they didn't mean anything as well yeah um they said the biggest factor is conversions if etsy sees that a product is getting lots of interaction and sales and they will rank higher for the most traffic possible found that interesting yes sales sales are absolutely important conversion um i you know i've heard they've told me something different an etsy staff member has told us on the e-rank team that if you are featured somewhere like a buzzfeed article features you and a bunch of people click on your listing but don't buy it see that would influence conversions negatively but apparently that doesn't negatively impact it so conversion that would lead me to believe that conversions aren't as big of a factor and i doubt their system is good enough yet to determine whether or not somebody's just getting a random influx or if it's just normal traffic samantha's i'm late and it's my shop samantha you're late to your own party um yeah there are a lot of those um etsy employees who they i feel like they don't know the handbook that well um i'm not saying don't listen to etsy i'm saying get your information from their seller handbook and from their ultimate guide to search because i feel like sometimes their employees haven't read that um okay moving on samantha has all of her photos filled out at all angles you can see exactly what the product is but i also love that she's branded her images here um how to get your discount she's got her eep url which is her mailchimp url so that she can further advertise to her email list subscribers she has info on everything that will be included with the order uh that she has her packages are already nice and wrapped and pretty her bubble mailers are recyclable how fast her shipping is and then she has her dimensions and sizing because as we all know a lot of people will not read the descriptions so very very nice samantha and you'll just have to come back and watch the replay because you were late to your own birthday party bunkers about alice said i think it's about regular views and steady sales together help etsy highlight you yeah i mean you what affects your shops ranking and your ability to make sales is visible to you they have it in their handbook there are seven factors that influence there's seven that we know of seven that we know of yeah but like they're publicly there for you to look at they they announce what affects your ability to make sales on etsy yes sales reviews uh geographic locations so you know you'll be shown in search higher to people who live closer to you which makes sense because that will get you better reviews it's better for them um translations so if you're selling to other countries and you do your own translations they'll be better than what you know etsy is able to translate so translations um overall shop completion having a filled out about section having completed policies everything that etsy gives you to fill out having those things full filled out um helps and i can't remember what the others are there's two more and i can't remember what the least important yeah when you watch them be the most important i can't remember if anyone can remember what the other two are let me know i've got multiple videos on it i just can't remember offhand what they are but there are seven of them sorry i have to i have to check these because i have a very i heard krembes presents showing up today all right you want to um go ahead and give me the next shop it's there let's go let's do it oh are we going to be on screen nope no face okay there we go lori i love lori lori was alpha of the year for uh 2020 she got a new cell phone from us so lori is awesome yes um she has once again see listing to find out how how to get your discount code but she also has it right here her banner is so pretty you get to her shop and you immediately know what the vibe is you don't have to wonder oh i wonder i wonder what her shop's all about like you can feel it you can look at her her photos and know and then she has her carousel banner and you can get some photos of her products but she also has featured her latest collection as well uh there's no question as to what her branding colors are so she's got this really nice purple she's even using emojis that are irrelevant or that are irrelevant that are relevant to her brand because she sells pagan and witchy themed products and jewelry so she has a little moon and a uh and a crystal ball and then we have her listings they are so pretty lori is a great example of a shop that can kind of get away with alternating the type of backgrounds that she uses but she keeps a consistent vibe so she's got a lot of natural wood there's a little bit of greenery where she's used these little like twigs and things as props but overall everything is so consistent and cohesive nothing is abrasive on the eyes it's almost i love her i do too i've got we have um her wolf apothecary jar i don't even know if she's still oh yes this we have this uh this jar from her but they are so pretty and here today lori that looks like an alpha necklace oh i might need that that is so pretty copyright infringement copyright infringement that is not a logo let's go down scrolling scrolling i love that she includes these photos and lori is such a successful brand that she had a chinese company completely rip her brand off and start making cheap knockoffs but i feel like it's starting to kind of help her because she's able to tell people like oh these are cheap these are fake these aren't real here are mine mine are the real thing if you want the real thing you need to shop for me so let's go ahead and take a scroll up when it comes to policies and things i won't i won't repeat that with every shop i think you guys get the get the point um well obviously we gotta click on a wolf product we got to so she has the option to choose the crystal so there's some customization there right now personalization and customization are some of the biggest things on etsy people actually search for personalized gift um it was one of the most searched terms for the holidays this year listing videos i love this and i love that with her listing videos she can use the same video over and over again just to kind of show what else is in her shop in case someone just randomly found this in search and they haven't taken the chance to actually go to her storefront and see what all is in here sam i said uh i adore lori shop i just want to live in her world i bet it smells nice oh yeah her brand planet did anybody go to the brand planet webinar lori's brand planet it smells nice fresh fresh clay and like just the perfect amount of incense oh yeah absolutely one of those places that has like 45 sticks burning at a time at the same time it's like one or two sticks and some fresh clay yeah oh yeah i love these photos her photos are so pretty and guys if you don't follow lori on social media you absolutely should um because her instagram the way that she like hypes up her collections is so good um she it is so good she has great pre-marketing and marketing hype like launches um i'm sure some of the other brands that we have mentioned and will mention today do as well but i i am in lori's like target customers so i pay a lot of attention to her brand because i love everything she makes um and yeah she has beautiful marketing so absolutely those are gorgeous too oh god yes absolutely all right i would even like just that as a banner would be enough oh yeah they're so pretty i love the carousel banners though 163 people here we've got quite a few today how's everybody feeling hello people um how's the vibe just a reminder guys handmade alpha academy closes at midnight eastern time so if you want me to all of the shops that we're featuring today are handmade alpha academy grads um if you want to have a shop as beautiful polished and cohesive as some of the sellers that you see today and you want to create your own marketing funnels and email lists and ways to drive your own traffic how to capture every single customer so that you don't lose them you can market to them over and over again that's everything that we teach in aha and more and if you have any questions you can email her at if you have any issues with the website or we have one person having an issue checking out email me support us please yes support handmadealpha and we will get you taken care of on to the next sheet awesome um audrey actually asked a question i must have missed it i'm sorry when thanking someone for a good review can i offer a discount code um i would i would say that if you're doing it as a you know for the thanking them for the good review i would recommend using my swipe files honestly um and go in the order that my swipe files are advertised those are down below and they're free yeah because banking for a good review that rides that line of whether or not that's a transactional message like it but they might not consider that might be something part of the current transaction yeah just saying thanks for the review is is fine but when you're stacking the coupon onto that it might get a little bit much because that's like that's like the whole reason for an email list and for the swipe files and all that kind of stuff so be be careful um let's see is this life i think i assume you meant live yes it is live it is it is live i believe you just joined hia he did um pg e we're not sure i'm sure i haven't seen a face yet feel free to let us know all right um claudine i don't think i have ever looked at your shop maybe i have and you have just crisped it up so much that i don't even remember what it looked like before but i did not recognize your shop when i clicked on it and wow i absolutely love it my favorite thing here is that i see the little like they're little holly berries i think and then the pearls are just kind of like sprinkled in so it's perfect it just fits so nice i my eyes were just like bouncing around from pearl to to berry very very cute so once again you've got your eep url right front and center but we scroll down your photos are so pretty and cohesive they're so smooth uh you're able to incorporate in a natural background which you guys know me i'm a sucker for a white or light background but you have made these just so nice um this is a great example of someone who's done an expert job at taking photos without relying on the white background is that a mannequin you're taking pictures on or is that just the most perfectly edited skin i've ever seen i can't tell if that's a real person or not the hands i know yeah the hands are real wow or is that just or did you just get gifted with like the most flawless skin on the planet this yeah i think it's a mannequin it's got to be a mannequin it yeah it is very smooth either way this is a nice mannequin if it's a mannequin i'm not that's what i'm saying is this is this real or is this a fantasy what is this is this real life i think i think it's edited no it's i can see it it's it's it's a mannequin okay yeah i can see the texture in the plastic oh yeah okay this is a great mannequin oh my god it's so nice i i would have never known it's in your business now now i have to now i have to bring it down so you can get back first tab top left oh okay there you go now we're gonna go away okay this is so nice yeah i never would have known you've got a shirt on your mannequin guys yeah i never would have known that was a mannequin unless i opened up the listing to see it that's awesome guys dress your mannequins up dress your mannequins put them in a nice a nice shirt this is do a dance kiss them yeah give them a little smooch uh this is beautiful though we'll look at um at more photos here in a minute let's scroll this like made me stop and and look i don't know if you have a jewelry store or if your home is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my life this is so pretty and so elegant and it fits your jewelry so well i'm assuming that this is either like your physical store or just your studio studio and if this is your studio um can you come to my house and do mine next yeah for real because wow this is so pretty interior decorator yeah it's so nice it's this looks like a storefront it's almost gotta be oh my god it's so nice all right let's go ahead and now that i've thoroughly swooned swoon um what should we click on mr moore what do you like oh i don't know i like those coins these yeah that's like those that's unique roman coin charm this is very big that that's very unique yeah it's very pretty okay so let's take a little scroll through you have a listing video which guys these are so easy to do you can do them with your phone they don't need to be perfect they just help to give the customer an idea of what your product looks like and helps to kind of you know show them the scale of it yeah i'm not even going to close this shop i want to see if she's got necklaces with those coins that's so cool they're very very pretty this might be real uh roman coins as well you can buy those i think that they're i think that they're charms because but they're very pretty um oh wow do you have a 211 i don't know you include a pamphlet with your that would be so cool like a little catalog pamphlet um very very nice it's a good example of a shop that charges what she knows her products are worth oh yeah not have as many sales she's got 213 sales but imagine if all of those were for 324 yeah like like she she knows her worth she's not afraid to charge what she thinks her products are worth go ahead and go back to us and i'm assuming at that price that a lot of those are real pearls and stuff too they're fresh water pearls um i love your shop so guys when it comes to pricing as i always say it's easier to sell one 100 product than it is to sell 100 one dollar product and i always get told when i say oh you should increase your prices we always have sellers that say well that'll result in less sales yeah yeah but each sale that you make will make you more money than if you had the lower cost and you don't have to work as much yes it's this super wild concept called math called math but really guys um don't undercharge for your product in fact plenty of our alphas have increased their prices and actually ended up making more sales because when i look at that shop if those were charged at like 20 i would think you know those are probably they're not probably not real pearls or those are probably some low grade pearls but when i look at it and it's like 230 dollars we're not saying go out and charge 500 if you make buttons i don't want a 500 button yeah right like obviously be smart about it don't go crazy with your prices but know your worth if you think your products are worth more and you're looking at your competitors and you know and people are saying wow your product is so much better than anybody like price accordingly top 10 of your industry if you look at your competitors and they are charging 200 for their products you should be charging around 200 for your product the mindset i know a lot of people have the mindset of like oh i need to charge a little bit less than all of my competitors to make sales that's not the right mindset to have about it you're not really worrying about pricing as long as you're not pricing like like 150 percent more than what your competitors are you're you're probably okay don't worry about what your competitors are pricing just be in that margin you can price more or less yeah it's it's all about knowing your price anchors we talk about this in the handmade alpha academy where the anchor price is what someone has grown to expect a product to cost so for example when uh like the friday bean candles i believe that amber and i charge 20 for these which is on the high end um but i always smell it when i pick it up but if we charged a hundred dollars for these you guys would be like oh why what's what is because you you have you know it in your head about how much a candle should cost right you guys have it in and even 20 is on the high end but you guys know around how much a candle should cost and once it starts getting like if this was even dollars or forty dollars you would begin to say oh that's yeah we're we're competing with bath and body works at that point yeah more that's more expensive than bath and body works just like just like in jewelry you wouldn't be trying to compete with a big jewelry company that you're not trying to compete with companies that you can't compete with yeah because they have big machinery they got big machinery and they get deals all right i love this shop too amanda all right let's do it all right so you wouldn't want a 14 karat gold button no i would a 14 karat gold butt that's uh i'm gonna make i'm gonna make a mold of my butt and cast it in 14 karat gold and we'll sell it one of a kind would you guys buy marks like framed like like uh on a wall like a like a taxidermy animal yeah just just my butt print perfect perfect i have twenty thousand dollars all right amanda i hope that you uh i hope that you enjoy us talking about golden butts while we're amanda will think it's funny she'll laugh um amanda i absolutely love her shop she was one of the alphas she was like on the fence about joining haa and now she says that it's the best thing that she did for her brand and she is got one of the best brands that i've ever seen so you guys know me right i like very simple backgrounds for photos i like them to be very cohesive and consistent and light colored usually and if they're dark they need to really impress me amanda decided that she was going to like test starla's limits here by making the most crazy 80s 90s themed shop ever which light backgrounds would not have flown with her type of product look at her shop is this not the most cute 80s 90s funky shop that you've ever seen it's so abstract it's so fun like she knows her target market so well um and and everything fits like normally i say oh make sure that you use something co consistent and cohesive and that is typically the golden rule but every once in a while there's a brand that's just like bet and amanda was yeah she went she went full bore yeah he didn't hold back on anything with her brand yeah so if you decide that you want to go crazy take advice from amanda and you know what you but look at the like even with her crazy products and the crazy backgrounds it's not like i look at the page and i'm like oh my god what is what like i can tell exactly what everything is on the page without having to like hyper focus in on each individual thing i can scroll through the page and because it's so so expertly done yeah and and it just you you know exactly who her target audience is you can feel it you can i mean i believe that i remember being a kid and going through my grandma's jewelry box from you know her jewelry in the 80s because i'm was born in the 90s um and she had a pair of earrings that looked like this like it i and now this is coming back this is so trendy right now so amanda has really nailed this um she i love it when an etsy shop proves me wrong when i say oh you know i prefer light backgrounds etsy prefers light backgrounds typically customers prefer light backgrounds because it makes your products easier to see i love when a shop goes and just expertly goes against the grain and does something like this so it's beautiful it reminds me of something you'd see in a in a ulta magazine so we scroll down and look at her photos like look at her listing video or her uh her about section video modern but still has that feel yeah and then she has how they make their products like oh she's got a whole team of people looks like she has an actual storefront i think it's her and hubby yeah i'm assuming hubby since hunky shop assistant p shop yeah right hand man might might i'm assuming it's heavy assuming it does um if not sorry for making it awkward amanda um let's go ahead and grab where are these funky ones i like these trudy said amazon has to be solid white yeah if you're if you're doing amazon it needs to be solid white and etsy tends to prefer uh further editor's picks but yeah these these are so nice you said or shop reminds me of target and how they market with their colors yeah it's because target's going back to doing like the 80s and 90s thing because it's really popular this year yeah has been for a couple years now now it's just like everybody's trying to dress all funky i would love to see if amanda could incorporate and wow big earring energy that is so cute i would love to see if she could um incorporate in like the color of the year because it kind of fits her her branding colors that um that what was it called perry something very winkle but uh very perry very perry very perry i would kept thinking perfect perry um yeah so guys this like i said a shop that proved me wrong she did a great job i absolutely love everything that she does um and i love her branding so all right who do we have next do you guys have any uh any questions while we're doing these people are just transfixed on watching the stream we're going through it well it's almost been an hour already magically eclectic says starla i love your sweater it's my game of thrones ugly christmas sweater i i it's my only like only ugly christmas sweater that i own so you guys have to see it every week for the next until christmas all right kate kate mcmullen she she she knew that she was gonna get picked kate's shop is so pretty um one thing about kate is that she did a subtle rebrand so she first of all when she joined haa she didn't have like this branding and i actually really like your branding logo yeah it is it is so cute but it was really bright and vibrant and like hot pink and like a really bright teal um and she muted it down a little while ago and i actually really like it now because this is more trendy than the than the bright was this is more on trend with the music too because i mean if if everything does move towards that like 90s kind of scheme that'll still fit in that now one thing about kate is that she does not do print on demand she actually prints her own shirts so she has a big advantage there but guys look at her sales she has seventeen thousand six hundred and thirty one sales girl this is her job this is her full-time job she lives and breathes printing her products um she is assuming she's got employees at this point um yeah she she that was one of our testimonials for aja is that she got to hire employees which means that you get to make job opportunities for for others as well which is great um which means you're probably not using mock-ups either yeah and if you are these are beautiful if you are using mock-ups which with that many sales i wouldn't be upset if you did um because it's pretty nice herself it's kind of hard to do mockups so um these are really nice because they help me to connect with your brand because it's snowy palms and i'm like well what does that mean and then i see you are in kind of beachy areas you've got your video that shows that you print your products for better quality control that's really important now because there are so many things that i've that i've purchased that have just been absolute crap when they show up to my house and not with etsy but yeah with other companies that sees not so bad yeah and i mean nothing against uh print on demands amber and i run a print on demand but we know that sometimes print on demands aren't great so amber and i actually order our product before we list them so we know the quality of the prints before they ship out that was one of my requirements with stuff with print on demand was that we're not going to sell something that i don't know the quality of exactly so we'll we make sure that we personally have one in hand so we know um another really great thing that happened to kate was she got featured in the actual walking dead store so you can go which one is it uh woodbury shop the official walking dead store in georgia and she her products were picked up for their shop so really really cool um that would be an amazing opportunity but yeah guys um she has fantastic photos let me pop into one of these i mean at this point with her shop for waiters seo doesn't even matter i like them real thick and sprucy i love that she put in the red high heels it you can tell that it was christmassy right away thick trunk and big roots thick trunk big roots that sounds like big feet now big legs and a big old booty that's me guys i'm i'm big legs in big booty but she's only five foot two so that she doesn't have to be that big yeah i i'm i'm short and stout wimpy shout out to my short girls where are you at um where's the five two club everybody say hey five five and under where you at five five that's like a giant to me i'm so short um anyway back on topic i love that she puts right in here prompted intensive communication how many times have you guys ordered from an etsy shop and didn't hear anything um oh god i i've had that happen multiple times to me just this holiday season i ordered something on etsy that was supposed to ship uh like last week and it hasn't shipped yet and i'm trying to be nice because i know that the shipping is going to be slow but i know that the product probably isn't going to arrive by christmas so a little frustrating unless he said i'm but you're taller than me starlet man grimpy look at us little shrimps look at this little scrimp club so many five foot two ladies make her feel better because she's always the shortest person everywhere we go i am amber's five two two boo tag all right um guys kate is absolutely awesome i think that i i don't think i need to say it anymore if we can move on to the next one dang why are you short girls so artsy fartsy huh that's where that's why we're so short we have used all of our the opposite of a guy with a big truck right yes exactly no we are not we are not compensating for anything for your lack of tallness not being able to reach things we've had to be innovative because we can't reach anything there you go we've learned to innovate you can't reach anything in real life so you reach for the stars with your dreams he's a giant i'm only six foot giant all right i'm the guy that doesn't get turned away when i save my height let's go that's true that's true i could never say no to you all right aaron you're probably here um i love it erin's shop is so cute i when she joined haa she did her rebrand and she picked these super fun funky colors and she has her cute little logo her little envelope guy she can dress him up for the holidays him her i'm got little eyelashes um but so cute i absolutely love it and aaron has got this super fun funky persona where she like she's always got on her crazy little hat she's always just being goofy and it just makes her shop so much more fun especially since she does cards so when we scroll down we've got look how cute those are adorable are they cute she has so many cute little designs she uses fun funky backgrounds which like i said normally i'm not a big fan of it but she makes her product so big and just so front and center that it doesn't even bother me because her brand is fun and funky and crazy color so it fits to me and then she also has her stickers now this is a great example of how you can do something original i see a lot of sticker shops that try to get by selling things that are you know copyright and they say oh you know that's what people want they want disney characters they came up with their own thing and i freaking love it yeah she is selling her own little characters that she has made up and they are so cute and look nine people have this in their cart so people are obviously interested in what she sells said the rum glass what see where where where yeah he's so cute i love it all right let's take a look i was not expecting to be featured in this one you submitted your shop erin it's your fault it's your fault it's your fault you're here you know what you did you won blast look at the babies you've got lots of silly pictures silly pictures to show off your personality and why you would make a card that's silly and funky we can tell you're you're a dork yeah there's no hiding it we can tell we're dorks too you we we don't sense it we can smell it let's go ahead and get the kitty meowy and bright that's so cute 3d oh they pop out that's so cool i like that you did the photo at the angle so they could see it yes got your sizing back of the card which i to be perfectly honest i don't see that a lot on cards they don't usually they don't usually show that but you know what the recipient can become the repeat customer yep that's that's the cool thing is that your cards are like a virus there's nothing wrong with putting your branding on the back of your clothes nobody looking back there anyway hallmark does it yeah this is this is that moment where you can you can just make a carbon copy customer you can send out that card and that's coming from one person who brought from you but then they see your branding and then they buy from you and then you have double customer magically eclectic said i completed the course but i didn't submit my shop i feel like i have a lot to do yet that's fine don't be afraid to though yeah like we'll totally critique anything that you feel like you you you need done i mean i've been a musician for like 16 years and i've never officially released a song to the public i understand that i should um yeah don't don't be afraid because yeah there are going to be has you know students who haven't been able to apply everything or they still are working on things that's totally fine the great thing about haa is you can complete it as many times as you want to you own it it belongs to you um you can complete it as many times as you want to you have lifetime access to the program most students go through the course three or four times it's like if you've if you've purchased it why not i said can we see one of those buy any cards for 25 dollars let's see what let's see what house and i love that you have those all featured at the top because those are going to be your money makers click it there you go your door add your personalization let me know which five cards you'd like dude that's so nice that's really fun i i i love this do you get a lot of sales of these bundles i imagine these are probably where your repeat customers come into play oh you've got fun little puns on your i didn't even notice that the first time that is so cute i love the potatoes best spuds that's so cute yeah this is really cool and that's a way to upsellable i love it all right are we good good let's see oh i like this shop because she has a really strange like not strange but it's a different product because you know normally it's like cards and jewelry and shirts but um diane sells ukrainian eggs ukrainian decorative eggs which i didn't even know was a thing but yeah are we ready yeah i'm just looking through i'll make sure we didn't have any comments short girls ride horses too and we as fun size i imagine if you get tossed being that small you get thrown like over a mountain i'm scared of horses i don't want to get hot spines couldn't handle the weight of our brains i love you guys the smarter we get the shorter we get climbing on chairs using the spaghetti spoon to grab mugs from high shelf no she'll just scream at me from anywhere in the house i can't reach this thing come get it so duck and coot he'll just he'll watch me he'll watch me like on my tiptoes and he'll just stand back with his arms folded and wait for me to ask for help i think it makes them look more professional i do i i i agree with that i the branding on the back don't be afraid to copy something is i'm obviously don't copy and paste something exactly how somebody's doing it but don't be afraid to do something that a competitor or a professional brand that does something like yours does just because you think that it makes you like a poser like take it and make it your own take it and make it your own way every report you wrote through school all the way through college was you just you taking somebody else's stuff and making it your own and putting it on a piece of paper right there's no reason that your brand can't do the exact same thing obviously don't steal stuff and like take if something's copyright like if somebody has a specific method for something obviously be careful but don't be don't be afraid to copy things that bigger brands than you were doing take me to diane's beautiful eggs i will potatoes boil them mash'em stick em in a stew give me beautiful eggs okay diane has some very pretty eggs um her shop i feel is really really well done because it's so quiet her branding is very very simple she's got two colors a very simple logo because her products are so decorative and bright she has opted for a very simple background she has a little piece of wheat as her prop and she doesn't need to do a whole lot here because her products already are so decorative and they have such bright patterns on them her actual branding at the top makes it reminds me like a quilt square no i mean like the actual branding itself i'm trying to think it reminds kind of like tommy hilfiger like how their actual logo is with the blue and the established and not specifically this but like the layout of it because they're both blue oh my god maybe that's not the brand that i'm thinking of i like it though i'm saying that i enjoy it it's memorable i believe you that's the thing about branding i know that i'm making fun of him right now but the thing about branding is that people need to be able to relate your brand to something if they can't relate it to anything then they don't know how to feel so usually they'll gravitate towards something that kind of reminds them of what they're seeing when and that's our brain using shortcuts we talked about that during the brand planet webinar by the way you guys received the replay to that um today's your last chance to watch it because when aja closes that goes down as well but um yeah the when we talk about you know you people will form that connection with your brand because their brain wants to take a shortcut that's how the brain works the brain doesn't want to use processing power we only have so much of that a day it's why at the end of the day you start to feel sluggish your glucose stores that your brain uses to keep it fueled are depleted by the end of the day so your brain is going to get more tired and your brain all throughout the day is going to do what it can to save energy so if it can relate something to something else it's going to kind of connect those neural pathways um this is what we talk about in haa as well that's why i say that haa is not a just a business course it is a neuro marketing course yes that is not just here's how you sell stuff on etsy yeah if you guys want a course like that they're a dime a dozen but yeah there's a bunch of those oh no it might be because of the browser i'm using yeah let's go ahead and i really like open you can really these i feel like the whole like it gives you a little taste of fancy because you think of like faberge eggs and things like that of being like something you see in a fancy person's house like this is a really cool idea a fancy person i don't know a lot about these eggs said fun fact fellowship of the ring came out 20 years ago today shut up got up i feel old block aaron everybody get her out of here she can't she's not allowed to be here report her for harassment but that's that's okay aaron the harry potter where's the movie the the books came out like 100 years ago the harry potter 20 year anniversary thing is going to be on january 1st oh god anyway um this is wonderful is this a it looks like a she sells the stands too yeah but she's got it on like one of those jewelry thingies you know what i mean the the things that you see in like a jewelry store these are so nice she's got her uh vip list as well to get your discount she's showing all angles of her egg i love this how it's packaged about what size it is which i mean it's an egg so pretty easy to guess what size it is but you know what with the display that my grandma has she would probably love something like this yeah she'll probably dig this absolutely yeah pop that brand back up and i'm gonna pull this one over too i'm gonna give my grandma something oh well i mean we've got the whole list of them in h.a.a i already have a i already have a thing over here i'll just drag it when we're done oh okay we'll go ahead oh you're done yeah yeah okay i'm not i'm not doing like a full like oh this shop all of their policies are felt like you should see video but nicer yeah i still got christmas shopping to do and i know specific people who would like very specific things so if i'm not buying something from you it's not because i don't like your product it's because i don't have somebody in mind for your our family's not your target costume no they're not my family is weird all right give me jaclyn all right um i wonder what her branding colors are i wonder she does a very like upscale um very simple very what's the word i'm looking for a very chic uh look about her brand and i really like it i think that it's i do too it's very professional the look you're giving me scares me though that's not her i don't think whoever that is i don't think that's her i think she looks very very sick of whatever i'm saying [Laughter] well it's like i've gotten that look quite a bit that's like you know when you with uh with lots of jewelry brands how they have the models that yeah it's like it's like a model face wait wait go back to our go back to now make the face go back to us it's kind of completely expressionless not angry just lacking expression last question does she make the displays too for the eggs yeah i think so yeah she did she had them in her listings oh okay all right let's take oh make them she makes them but she sells them yeah um they might fall into like tools um and supplies which would be okay for for etsy i i believe are that it's fine as long as it is an item that can be utilized as a tool for the for the main product like if you sell something that needs to be hung up you can sell the hangers kind of thing yeah i think that like like with candles i think that you can do a like a wick trimmer is fine etsy's got a list of what they you know like some examples just check their cellar handbook and you can see some examples yeah that's really neat you can spin the little the little beads around um but look at her background she balance or bounces between the gray and the pink which obviously the pink is up here but everything is just so clean and cohesive it looks really really nice this wood and this is not a critique this is just a suggestion i guess how the brand did earlier with the colored backgrounds being perfectly organized this kind of product would fit perfect to having something like that like yeah having pink gray pink pink pink gray pink pink like having a very specific organization to it would especially with your colors would be perfect this photo is really pretty um it's different than any of the other ones but still i really like this photo because of the reflection it looks very very upscale all of your photos look very upscale though take a quick scroll down you have your about section with photos of you making your pieces so that you know for sure that you actually oh maybe that was you in your picture um you know for sure that the products are made by you you can kind of see them back here where you're photographing them and this photo is my favorite out of all of them because this i don't know what you're doing you got your you got your chatting you got your thing on your head and you look very professional and it uh the customer isn't gonna know what you're doing but we know you're making jewelry and that is something that i could never do so you automatically get customer brownie points because if i see that you're doing something that i could never do i'm immediately impressed how can we put our listings in order like that so when you are on your storefront you will have a button that says edit shop while you're on your actual storefront page click edit shop and then um right before your listings uh start you'll have a little button that says rearrange it'll be right about here and then you can rearrange them now once somebody clicks out of your shop and back in the listings might reorder themselves but when they first visit your shop though the very first time it'll be in yep in that order i love when people include progress photos yep me too that's pretty this is very pretty i like the minimalist restocking ring oh that's cool got a freebie oh that's so neat these are so pretty i don't know if that's you or your daughter looked like it had a picture of you and your daughter i love that you have um a review in here that's really nice as well very pretty packaging oh pick your own backing card so if they want one for their mom or they could do one that says like grandma or something that's really nice okay your main expensive present is on the porch f11 to bring them down oh okay hurry back um these are really really nice this is beautiful packaging and i love that you've done your branding colors um that's one thing that we talk about in handmade alpha academy how those colors are actually going to influence how someone feels about your brand now when i was in early childhood education i learned a little bit about color psychology and it was really interesting that we would observe the children in different colored classrooms we had like secret observation windows which were kind of creepy now that i think about it because they were like two way or one way i'm sorry one way where i could see them but they couldn't see me but anyway i could observe the children and watch how they acted and and what they did and it was crazy anytime i got stationed in our red preschool classroom the children drove me bonkers i hated being in that room they were aggressive they were the ones that were throwing things at each other and biting each other and screaming and it was always really loud i love being in the blue preschool classroom because it was always really quiet and really calm and everybody was always uh very engaged with quiet time activities and what was really interesting was if there was a child who was doing you know misbehaving in the red classroom or maybe they had hyperactivity they would move them into the blue classroom instead and it's like magic that their behavioral issues would would completely change um so yeah color psychology not a lot of people realize that you can actually influence how someone feels about your brand just based on the colors that you use and we go in haa we talk about all the different colors and what they each mean to customers so overall though jaclyn really really nice and uh your products are on the high end as well there's a couple lower priced products but most of yours are priced pretty high so that's great all right let's see it's your present oh is it showing what it is nope oh okay all right there we go apparently my present's back there and i got why is that in a wooden box because it's a thing is that alive no he has a living thing in a box to shift it you know it looks like a crate looks like that all screwed together and it was checked by a freaking border agent and i unscrewed it and didn't screw it back together right so that drives me a little crazy but it's okay where'd you order it from singapore oh see it's drugs everybody guess down below what it might be what do you think it is what's what's involved in the wood box from singapore yeah everybody's back together wrong everybody try to guess i'm gonna be embarrassed if it's something sexy yeah from singapore from singapore it's a sexy animal from singapore all right are we ready for the next one i think that how how how many more do we have let me see the tab a lot like as many as we've already done still all right let me see let me see the next three and the let me see the next three in the queue i like this one i want to do this one yeah okay keep going keep going i'm gonna just bring it over here and you can pick which ones you want let's do the next do the next two we'll we'll stop there because otherwise i'm just gonna we love you all but we technically have a meeting with anthony wolfe in 15 minutes which will probably be late but that's okay he understands anthony wolfe is the ceo for me of e-reg i i always feel like someone's gonna because we're the handmade alphas i always think that someone's gonna think i'm talking about some imaginary persona when i say we need to meet with anthony we need to meet with mr wolfe all right are we ready yeah let's do it what a wolf head it's not a wolf i wouldn't buy a wolf head a haunted doll uh post office used to deliver live chicks in boxes living things can be shipped by both usps and fedex depending on the species i don't like that don't do that anymore right now though because the bunch of they'll end up getting stuck in a facility and dying that's what happened last year the usps was full of rotting food and dead baby animals because people were doing chickens and reptiles you guys will be streaming with him to e-rank no no we're having a meeting yeah we've we've just got a normal meeting we got some cool etsy data that we have to look at and maybe you'll get to hear about it next week depending on how unless it's not as cool as we think it is yeah hopefully it's cool if not all right guys um i really like sharon's shop um because she does bookish candles i am a big reader amber marie she's very busy right now because her printer isn't working that's why she's not here um but amber marie and i actually do a um a podcast for teenagers for the uh why a series crave by tracy wolfe um and most of our audiences teenagers we use it as an opportunity to talk about healthy relationships and teens how sometimes y a novels kind of give you obscure views of what relationships can be identifying toxic traits while also reading through the chapters and encouraging you know young readers and things like that but anyway um we are big in like the book talk community big in the instagram book community i just wrote a book so when i see a brand like this i'm immediately connected to it i am definitely sharon's target market um her colors i remember when she was doing her branding and choosing her colors these to me just if i only saw these colors i would immediately think that she does some type of magical like brand and she's done a banner that really fits that as well and then we go down and she has all of these really really beautiful photos with the books in the background um sexy villain sexy villain and you know that what's great is there are a lot of uh bookish candle shops that do once again copyright material by using the names of actual books and characters and she's really straight away from that um she's been able to do things like uh dragon fire which that could be anything um let's see she's got let's see i'm trying to oh these are wax melts um pumpkin juice pumpkin spice latte and chai spice which harry potter doesn't own pumpkin juice but you see it and you're like oh okay that makes sense bad boy reads which that's one of the big trending things right now in y.a especially is you know books books with the bad boy bookstore cafe what love triangle woo so fun to whatever end these are great i absolutely love these all right so um let's go ahead and go to her storefront we'll pick around though i want to pick an actual candle i'm gonna do go away i'm busy reading marshmallow campfire book lover gift um these are perfect and then we've got her photos which totally fit her vibe that she has going on these these jars are nice too like these are really fun jars because you'll want to keep it after you burn the candle it's not something that you're going to just pitch she's got carer instructions for her candle trimming the wick she has this is required for your candles um especially on the bottom of your candles you have to have this info on there which amber and i found out when we added candles to our shop this is cool she has her vip club she created a qr code for it so you can just scan it that's awesome i love that bringing stories to life so the purpose of these is you're supposed to light them while you're reading you know your book and create your own little calming environment so really really fun all right do we want to uh yes i'm speeding through the last two so you guys have a chance to ask questions um let's see can i share my enrollment with my husband yes because you guys are in the same house uh you guys are free to share your your login we don't we don't see things like that yeah we don't care no i can't see things like that but i don't have enabled because i don't really care that much yeah you're totally fine if you've got you know somebody who works in your shop and helps you assistants employees family members that's totally as long as they're like direct people please don't do it like if you like fire out to the philippines or something yeah all right claire does something so fun so guys i know that your red flags are going where you're probably like oh my god alice in wonderland that's copyright it's not uh alice in wonderland is in the public domain so as long as you create a brand or product or your branding around the original alice in wonderland and not the disney adaptation you can actually use alice in wonderland now because original yes original big key thing there the original yeah so she made something really fun you can automatically tell what her brand is all about um she does have the shorter banner you guys know me i prefer the big one but that's totally fine it still fits and it's cohesive and i can see her first line of products you can tell that her branding colors are these really nice muted browns and that little splash of kind of a muted red but everything she does is over this kind of beige-ish brown color look at those emojis aren't those cute that's adorable and then she also has her her vip so people can sign up for her email list and then all of her products whether they be christmas cards um birthday cards they are all alice in wonderland themed so she has this really fun um super duper cohesive brand where everything is fitting the same theme i absolutely love what she's created here and it's allowed her to create a variety of products too so when i say that you guys should try to keep your shops cohesive as long as you have a theme that holds everything together that also qualifies as cohesive i don't particularly like it when i go to a shop and i see like shoes and mugs and blankets and handbags and i'm just like what is this shop all about but if they all have alice in wonderland on it i'm like oh this shop is about alice in wonderland got it and that is the glue that holds the brand together yes let's see she has oh look at the parties that is so cute she's got some of her products could totally fit a couple more photos in there but i won't be nitpicky let's see um i'll just grab this one oh that's neat does that have a button oh a fridge magnet that's so cool it's the card but then they get the fridge magnet to go with it that's really fun i you could charge so much more for that you could totally increase your prices these are so nice that's really fun you've got your vip club i love your art to go with everything oh this is so cute everything is so well styled this is so nice really really cute really fun brand you know exactly who your target customers are what they're interested in and you've done a great job doing that very old vintage textbook kind of look to your shoppers i'm sorry storybook look to your shop so very awesome i could see you collabing with uh with the last shop and do some do some fun bookish can it looks like you do have a bookish candle yeah yeah all right cool all right all right guys do you have any questions questions for me they can be etsy related they can be handmade alpha academy related just keep in mind guys haa closes for the season at midnight how many hours away is that hey google and a half hours oh hey google how many hours till midnight 10 and a half 10 hours and 34 minutes um that's when doors close we will not reopen them for you if you make it in late because we will be ready for bed for whoever's googles we just set off oh sorry hey alexa play tight fit and jeans by conway twitty oh don't do that gotcha let me wait for them i do it like twice a year come on you gotta let me have my fun all right guys if you have questions get them in let's go ahead and and jump in because because i don't do social media i actually despise it would your program still benefit me i do pinterest though pinterest to social media yeah absolutely you um i would say that it would be a good idea to claim your facebook page because if someone googles your brand facebook is one of the authority links that will show up on google but that doesn't mean that you need to constantly be posting there also i understand not liking social media there's a lot of people who are shying away i hate social media if it weren't for business stuff i wouldn't have it i would probably get rid of it however with something like facebook it's easy to just create a profile make it private so nobody can add you and then you have your pitch and then just have your business page then you don't have to interact with anyone you don't have to worry about seeing people posting stupid crap it's just your business and then you control the content that's on your page yeah or or don't do facebook you know i think that facebook is one of the more stressful platforms because it's a communication platform um you could use instagram is fantastic for marketing way better than facebook is especially with reels and you can have a lot of fun with it i've done a lot of bit videos uh in the past on my channel about instagram reels and how they're great for marketing um we're going to be adding some things into handmade alpha academy about instagram reels because they didn't exist when we recorded it so we're going to be updating it with some new content very soon um other options could be you know tick tock which sounds really silly but you could use canva to create really nice instagram reels of your products and then take that exact video that you posted to your reels and put it in the tik tok or vice versa you could put your tic tocs into instagram i know that it sounds like it's a you know a a lot of people associate tic toc with crazy dances and teenagers and things but tic toc is becoming a fantastic way to market your business though reels tend to do better than tick tocks do in my experience so and i'll go ahead and post the link for as well i mean obviously there is going to be a big um chunk of marketing in haa but you and aha we encourage you to choose three social platforms based on your target audience and the demographic that you know your your target audience fits in then we tell you what the demographics are for each of the social media platforms and then you get to choose which of the three that you would like to focus on i posted the link to the discount page if you want to pop that open in another tab check it out later everything you would want to know about the course is on that page as well you can of course zip down to the bottom if you know you want to buy but everything you want to know is on that page every bit about every module and everything like that it's all there yeah but if you have specific questions don't don't hesitate to let us know we would rather you guys be able to make an educated decision about purchasing the course rather than feel rushed into it so what do we got and make sure you guys are getting your questions and otherwise we're going to cut out early let's see one question if you deactivate a listing on etsy without effect ranking when you reactivate it even if it has many reviews yes depending on how long it's deactivated it's not the deactivation that affects um your ranking it is people not being able to engage with it over a certain amount of time which is why your shop tends to fall out of search results a bit when you're on vacation mode and you come back it's anything it's whether it's deactivated sold out vacation mode basically etsy wants to see engagement that's one of the seven factors engagement there you go um etsy wants to be able to monitor and track how people engage with that listing what they're doing if they're actually finding it if they're clicking it if they're buying it if they're favoring it uh what they're doing when they arrive on your on your listing are they going into your shop to look at more listings they want to track how people engage and if nobody can engage with that listing it's not that you lose your search placement altogether you drop down until activity starts to come back but you get to keep that ranking it's just almost like you need to revive that listing a little bit and get the heart going again i recommend that if you have a listing that has been deactivated for a while and you know that people haven't been able to engage with it um that should be the listing that you post on social media and try to drive your own traffic to it just to you know kind of get the heart started again that way etsy is like oh it's back okay let's put it back in search chelsea said social media seriously overwhelms me trying to post consistently and figuring out what i should post other than product photos is just the the thing is you the struggle you take really pretty photos already though so try to throw in a little bit of your lifestyle as well what i would recommend is do a photo shoot um somewhere out outside somewhere nice pretty you know and then just recycle those photos and start like you know if you do a photo shoot and you take like 100 snaps from that thing you can sprinkle those out for months and put a quote do a quote quote motivation monday and put your motivational quote every monday and then just schedule it out that's what i do um you guys see that with the alphas we do motivational quotes i think i do them on monday every monday some little motivational quote will pop up i scheduled those like three months ago they are on autopilot i'm not doing any of those by hand i scheduled those out a while ago um one i'll just see it pop up in my feed and i'll be like oh my motivation quote posted today so yeah it's and then that kind of helps you with time management as well because then you can move on to do other things rather than stressing about social i'm planning out both my upcoming collections and want to pre-make uh pre-make and schedule the posts what do you suggest that i use for this um for scheduling your posts um facebook scheduler does a great job of automatically i i wouldn't pay for anything i i like facebook scheduler does it still schedule to instagram mine i haven't been given the option to schedule out to instagram let me know if that capability is still available i know at least one of you knows um but you used to be able to schedule it straight to instagram um there's also hootsuite later tailwind um i believe that in order to actually schedule though you have to pay for those i always just use facebook's automatic scheduler um and then i have it auto post over to instagram so all right well uh when i do keyword and tag research should i create a copy of the item testing or test inside the current state make a copy make a copy for sure especially if it's a listing that um i mean if the listing isn't performing at all like it has no sales nobody ever clicks on it it's not gonna hurt it because it's already like you can't hurt what's already broken so bad that nobody's finding it so that would be okay um but if it's something that you just kind of want to experiment with it's got a couple sales you don't want to jinx the progress that it's already made but you also want to see if you can get it to do better make a copy of it and see how that does what did you use to make commercial like product videos years ago i use adobe premiere elements which is garbagio um adobe premiere pro is what i use now it is very expensive and very hard to use that is a professional tool yes so you can find things cheaper um you can even use canva for videos if you go on to my channel and watch my reels video that was to create instagram reels but you can size them for anything within canva canva gives you tons of templates um that's what i would recommend if you're kind of a newbie at videos just go to canva get a free membership then at the very top where there's a search bar type in video and it'll give you a bunch of templates just pick a free template and start working within that template and you should have a pretty presentable video but if you're super advanced and you've got the money to spend adobe premiere pro you'll just have to navigate through hundreds of youtube videos to find out how to do anything might also need to make sure that your computer is powerful enough to handle it yes it is because anything having to do with like video rendering and stuff like that is going to take a little bit more than just what you would need for photos yes uh sorry sorry for the downer here dude it's fine it's fine uh my new second etsy shop had a payment account reserve i can't give tracking on my print-on-demand items so i lose money i lose my own money every order so what can i do in 90 days just you're gonna have to get with etsy yeah i mean there's not there's not really any advice that i can give for that because that payment reserve stuff kind of sucks yeah it's one of those things where we don't agree with them doing it we understand why but yeah you're going to have to get what that's if you're just losing money with every single sale there's nothing that we can really say yeah um can you increase your i mean in the meantime that way when reserve releases could you if you're making sales consistently could you increase your margins a bit that way you're making more money per sale that way when the money does post you have a decent amount to make up for the cost that you've spent or are you already priced at like max capacity right now for for your industry um yeah the payment reserve really sucks but i don't know aside from contacting etsy if there's any way around it because that's their role i'm noticing that if i schedule posts on pinterest there's no way to add tags to your pins whereas if you add them individually and manually through pinterest there is oh that's interesting yeah i've never i've never scheduled through pinterest pinterest isn't one of my primary funnels it's it's great for marketing depending on what you make um especially since pins are evergreen i've just never personally used it uh where do you find your motivational posts do you create them yourself or just google search save and post ooh don't do that that's not yeah don't steal those um no i make them with canva if you go to i have several canva videos where i show you exactly what i what i do and how i make them um in fact i think i show you how i make motivational posts in my video talking about how to build a marketing calendar yeah go look at my how to build a marketing calendar video and i'll show you how i do that or any of my canva videos um but yeah i use stock photos because i do wolves with the quote over top of them and i just find a list of inspirational quotes and who said them and i used the quote and then i put who said the quote and schedule them out dulce said it stinks because it's more productive and time consuming to schedule them through canva i haven't done any scheduling through canva i haven't i actually haven't um i mean i i should try it i should just do it sometimes mess around with it not like it's going to hurt us any yeah uh priscilla said not hootsuite way too expensive and clunky yeah i've heard that as well you stay away from hootsuite hootsuite sweet the other one's later l-a-t-e-r-r i believe two r's tina said good old movie imovie works if you have apple products but you shouldn't mark's anti-apple i don't like apple i don't really like samsung either but i'll take them over apple uh i miss windows movie maker yeah you know it was awful because anything you made was just kind of awful you could never do anything super professional but you knew exactly how to do what you wanted to do without having to watch like 45 hipsters like teach you how to do the same thing i was the queen of windows movie maker videos where i would do angsty slide shows with my favorite bullet for my valentine songs and little clips and things that i found at random stock websites and i would make so many of those i had that was like one of my high school um like final assignments for my senior year was we had to choose a song any song we wanted and make a music video and put the lyrics i bet it was cringe what song no i did my dad's from my dad's band oh so it was definitely cringe no it was sad it was sad it was sad it was sad yeah i hated i hated windows movie maker i started h.a.a 18 months ago with 2200 sales in four years i'm now 22 sales off from 7 000. i love you h.a really got me and my business all focused together thank you don't hesitate in enrolling folks i love the testimonials don't hesitate enroll now enroll today enroll today sunday sunday sunday starla is not accepting any more enrollments on sunday i just wanted to say it like the monster truck rally guy i was really upset that amber didn't get to go to the monster truck rally it was the week before she came oh no that's violently american thing that she missed just drink a bunch of budweiser and watch it on tv it's the same thing without the stink without the stink when creating an etsy product listing does the plural form of the word versus the singular form of the word versus the word with an apostrophe matter such in mother's day verse mother day no etsy reads it all the same however if you go to e-rank and see that one has more searches than the other because e-rank does read them differently currently yes so i would still use the one that technically has more searches um but etsy reads them all the same good advice all the way through anytime you're searching anything that could have a plural or in any different form try searching different forms before you give up on the word because sometimes some words are worse than others they can't hardly see that this has stabilization so you can relax i was like grabbing the table because the camera is bumping up and down are we bouncing let us know a little bit but it's not enough that should make them sick uh i made so many fan made and role play videos on windows movie maker oh yeah oh yeah y'all are doors back before youtube used to take your your copyright music off of there yeah before they had any copyright check at all they had the glory days yeah when you were a teenager and you just put like i do not own the rights to this song in the description and that was enough they used to hate apple too but can't live without it airdrop and other functions are just so efficient and super quick they are i 100 agree with you there's other technologies out there that others can use to do very similar things apple didn't invent it i just can't i can't put up with the way that they treat customers and employees uh scott's upset didn't get to go amber has no opinion did you end up taking amber to see black friday stampeding was there any we did not so we drove past target guys get your last minute questions in by the way um we drove past target and they had a barricade of carts out front on thanksgiving night on our way to mark's grandma's um so they got to see that we ended up going out at 9 or 10 a.m um to a book store to get signed copies of the book that we have the podcast about and um we ended up finding the signed copies yeah but uh there wasn't a lot of stampeding at um the bookstore we did go to the mall there was a really long line like 40 person line out front of bath and body works i mean there were more shoppers but we went so late in the day that we didn't want to stay up late and do all the midnight no shopping it's not that's i don't and i don't want to get in a car accident because i know that people are tired and delirious and stupid hungover from thanksgiving dinner and yeah pretty helpful well we don't have any more questions so i don't know i don't know what it is so i guess we're done now i guess we're done with the live stream i guess i'll see you later all right um guys thanks for hanging out i hope that you guys have a fantastic weekend if you intend to enroll in the handmade alpha academy and you can then you can start calling me cochi or or i'm i'm mom and this is dad that those are acceptable terms too daddy works does it no don't call me that only she can call me that okay all right dad um you have to sign up before midnight eastern time eastern eastern guys 10 ish hours from now um otherwise mark's going to close doors right at midnight we're going to be very tired and delirious and if you message us crying because you didn't make it in on time which always happens like 10 minutes after we close it we get that email then you will be out of luck because we ain't somebody jumped out of bed like i want to join i change my mind i'm assuming that it's people in other countries where it's not late they wake up in the middle of the night i forgot but um yeah make sure that you join but if you have any questions for me if you want us to look at your shop to let you know if aja will be a good fit for you you can email us at starla at aha is my nine module training course that you can take at your own pace you don't even have to start right when you enroll you could totally wait until january first if you want to like get the holidays out of the way or if you want to get it now we're updating and the content will be the same but we're updating the quality of the content in the spring so yeah you want to get it now and get that content when it first comes out yep you get it anyway either way yeah yeah yeah so um and all past students will get it as well you guys get everything anything that we add for free for life everything gets added uh you get 12 months of e-rank pro which is normally 120 a year we pay for that for you out of pocket to make sure that you have it so that you can complete our our seo lessons you get lifetime support from mark and i you get our private email addresses you get access to the handmade alpha academy student campus where our most successful students like the ones that you saw here today hang out you can ask them questions um you get tons of bonuses we have 12 different bonuses now we're going to be adding more uh when we do our big reboot this spring and you have 30 days to message us for a refund if you don't like it if you get inside and you realize that it's not for you you can message mark for a full refund and we don't require questions asked you don't have to prove that you did anything which i can't believe we even have to say but apparently most courses require you to submit proof that you try and i don't like that so you can message and be like i really hate her voice i can't stand listening to talk he won't even he won't even tell me no i don't care you can tell me you say i hate you people you guys are awful yeah i mean don't be that mean about him i might not give it back if you're mean about it will there be a friday being on christmas eve no because we will be we'll be at your grandma's yeah it'll be my grandma's yeah we do christmas eve but my grand grams and she lives like over an hour away hour and a half yup nope so next week will be the last friday being until christmas yeah wow that's crazy that's crazy is that next friday i thought next time next friday yeah next friday's the 17th i think and then the next friday is christmas eve what do you guys want us to do for the friday be next week let us know now let's just do a christmas party would you do christmas party we'll do a not serious friday bean we'll do a christmas yeah we'll just do open forum we'll do open forum ask whatever questions you want post funny stuff we'll hang out yeah it'll be our christmas bean christmas bean all right well if you guys haven't enrolled already check out him at vip if you have any questions down below yep links down below if you have any questions about the course you can email her at starla at i'll be here if you have any issues with the website getting into the website checking out on the website anything like that email me at support handmade otherwise like the video if you haven't already subscribe to the channel if you haven't click the bell icon if you want to get notified anytime we upload videos or go live we will be uploading more videos i'm going through and like making a catalog of like hundreds of stuff so next year we're going to be uploading a lot more solo content other than just our friday live streams and we will see you guys next friday for our party why do you smell so good i always smell good you smell really good i do i just is it your armpit that smells so good probably you you did this for my mustache i got the i got the tobacco send
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 1,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starla moore, handmade alphas, the friday bean, selling on etsy in 2021, etsy seller tips, etsy beginner tips, etsy business, grow on etsy, grow etsy business, how to grow your small business on etsy, how to grow your etsy business, etsy marketing 2021, handmade business tips, handmade business at home, etsy tips and tricks 2021, etsy tips for beginners, etsy shop tips 2020, etsy customers, etsy 2021, etsy examples, etsy shop examples, etsy listing examples
Id: jRWPOx5iE_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 21sec (6261 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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