2021 Etsy Fall Trends - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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one okay well we did that for the one viewer that hated that last time we streamed oh no you're welcome we love you it wasn't the last stream oh no it was it was everybody a few streams ago oh all together now one two three yawn you're welcome all right guys if you haven't and if you want to i'll talk in my southern accent use my slang too yeah because apparently he nobody likes that neither apparently it make us seem a little bit more professional if we if we make sure that we talking right sounds a little bit biased that i can't have an accent and be smart oh my goodness god forbid god forbid guys happy friday we had a we had somebody who got real mad at us this week because they said that um that our yawning during a two-hour livestream was very unprofessional and you sang them oh my god yeah them instead of those so try being in front of the camera for two hours and not eventually saying something stupid probably not correct we don't have a script here totally off the collar all right guys if you didn't notice this week etsy released their marketplace insights fall 2021 trends and normally when they do their big trend reveal um as pam has said in the past and i i always repeat because i love how she says it she said the etsy trends are kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy stop it i keep reading people talking about it now now this is just going to be the whole stream is just as yawning so fulfilling prophecy um basically etsy will say something's going to trend but there's no evidence to support their thoughts they just want it to trend therefore because they've said it will trend people start making that thing that thing becomes a trend and etsy has basically just made a trend um so self-fulfilling prophecy but this time there's quite a bit of data behind it thankfully it's not just them doing their little predictions they've actually put a year on year increase in searches for certain types of products so got a little bit more scientific with it i'm actually very impressed i i looked at this this morning for the first time i decided we were going to do the fall trends video without even looking at it but i was highly impressed for you know when i actually dug into it and we're going to look at that here in just a few minutes we're also going to look at target finds however it is still a bit too early to really gather fall trends we're kind of we don't do fall trends this early we never do a trend report this early because there's no most retailers have not started fall and you know never know what influence weird stuff influencers are going to do or stuff like that that's going to really push the fall trends to a peak yeah um you can start to see some craft stores i stopped at a couple craft stores yesterday just to see who had stuff out hobby lobby's always the first if you're in the u.s they they kind of have the same junk out every year though so i'm never really surprised they really haven't changed the stuff that they put out for the last several years like there's like one or two new things per aisle and everything else is just the same crap they couldn't sell here before right i mean like they've been doing the red trucks and like black and white plaid pumpkins but that stuff was all big last year too so it's not anything that really stood out to me in a unique way it's kind of it's kind of just all the same stuff um and hobby lobby isn't really as big on on halloween and i i assume it's because it's a christian enfranchise they they more target fall in general and uh thanksgiving and then target is another one of my favorites but obviously they are more on trend with what we can expect most retailers to do and we won't start seeing really precise fall trends from them and false specific trends until later on so i'm so tired of those red trucks they're everywhere i started reappreciating them when i when i got back into twilight again and now i'm all red trucks but no it isn't tina what she said cottage core mark favorite word i hate it i hate it look up uh was it rob scalin rob scalin cover slayer on a banjo look that up that's what that reminds me of um we're also gonna be able to use e-rank though this is a really useful tool to kind of look backwards and see the things that were trending when you know fall shoppers began searching on etsy last year it's like a crystal ball into the future by looking at the past because typically trends stick around for a while a lot of the trends that we saw develop last year are going to be the primary trends that we see this year so for example last year we saw a lot of things surrounded by you know that that palmistry and um witchy vibes that was really big last year this year people are already searching for those things it's already started um and it's gonna probably be something that we see maintained through the the holiday season as well especially there there's a big uh goth girl summer trend going on i'll start using it here soon with the pictures i take are you going to be goth girl i am hashtag gothgirl summer in my pink shirt hashtag it doesn't even look pink on camera it doesn't it's definitely pink though it is it is pink pink pink boy it's comfy it's a comfy shirt and it's cheap all right um goblin core is a thing and it's fabulous yeah like uh uh necrogoblicon is that the name of the band they dress up like goblins and do metal it's pretty funny i believe it uh earthtones witchy stuff skulls and horns will be trendy i i do too is the first year that after covid that uh people are going to be out and about for halloween so yeah it's going to be spooky stuff everywhere what about mushrooms and checker print well we'll get into specifics mushroom specifics mushroom plush was trending yesterday on etsy and if you see something that trends in one category like if mushroom plushies are trending uh we tend to see them trend across other categories as well but we'll go ahead and start sharing don't look at me like that let's go ahead are we ready he had something on the back of his head and i i blew it off and he just looks at me like don't do that here we go do it okay bubbles i love how we went and then he did it he's mad he wants to move and i'm not letting him so this is the marketplace insights report you guys can find it in the description below as long as well as the other recommended resources you didn't close your alcohol wipes um i'll say that's okay they were too wet anyway um it's it's a really useful guide i think it's one of the most useful guides i've seen etsy publish however it is very long so we're not going to be able to cover everything but make sure that you check it out in your own time because there's a lot of things that you can learn from this um and already just from this headline image we're starting to get a vibe um i'm vibing for real the little girl is wearing a ringer tee which is that's very 70s um we've got burlap and this very very patterned shirt once again very kind of made to look like burlap too it's yes i it's a very interesting uh i don't even know if it's it's neat it's neat they did it like it's burlap on top but then they did the orange pattern like you can see the orange pattern underneath yeah it's very it's very 70s i think it's cool um they've got they've got a whole thing about how to use the report things that you can do they talk a little bit about their their increase and where the market currently is and their predictions for this year um guys i think that the holiday season is going to be fantabulous i know that we've all gone through a really slow summer slump and you have to consider that with everything opening back up people are so sick of being inside they're finally able to get outside and they're not shopping that's completely normal so if you feel like you're just seeing a terrible you know last few months on etsy most people were don't panic too much i know it's hard i know that it that it gets scary um for those who are new to etsy when you start to make your holiday sales my biggest recommendation as a nine-year seller is to put back some of the money that you make and really use it as a um almost like you're you're rationing out that money because it can be really tempting to go and take all that money that you make and assume that you're going to continue making that much money all year but really you get one big slam and then unfortunately well be smart with your money for sure and obviously there are niches where you make money year-round people have weddings year-round people have birthdays year-round um but there are a lot of industries that are going to see a lot more of that traffic coming in in the winter time and usually unless you're one of those really high volume sellers who make sales all year round no matter what you have to kind of ration that money out we used to just kind of live off of what we made over the holidays and we'd spread it out for from our first couple of years we were bad at it our first couple years we were like oh man we had like a five thousand dollar launch let's look let's play let's buy a tv and a couch and uh we need we need all these new things and like and then then you end up broke and you're like all right well i guess we're eating mcdonald's every day for the next week so don't don't do that to yourself for sure and it and it won't always be like that for every seller if you can get your off-site marketing and you can get yourself a good raving following you can make yourself survive throughout the year and consistently make sales this is just for the average so right and for handmade alpha academy students you guys you guys are on the path to building that big audience where you'll get the big boom but you'll also make consistent sales throughout the year so don't worry too much um just also be smart when you get your nice big holiday boom because it's it can it can be so exciting that you lose sight of um how how much money you should actually be spending from that big bulk so yeah it's like deb said even us all year rounders have cycles yeah save money in the peak months to tide you through with the difference i mean we're the exact same way yeah so something cool that they did this cross category trends it's more of a highlight of the over over arching um themes that we can expect to see for fall creativity diy is really big right now hobbies cozy crafting um so this is really good for people who do diy kits and things like that nature calling it's talking about how people will still likely be gathering outdoors throughout the fall for you know safety purposes um and shoppers uh bringing soothing elements of outdoors into their homes that's really been big this year i've noticed that potpourri is coming back with a like full swing so there's a lot of really cool things that you could incorporate into that uh connection reuniting with family that's another big thing um they're talking about ways that you can connect to those family members things that you could sell to help families connect when they're finally reunited getting a fresh start we've all been kind of locked up a lot of our houses are probably looking like mine and marks where it's just super duper messy he's trying to get up on top of the pc that is not a pc he can get on top of yeah get out of here sorry we're building new computers nope not this one um but getting that fresh start finally doing that cleaning i think that everybody's houses have felt a little bit claustrophobic uh especially when we've had to stay inside them for over a year so being able to you know freshen up everybody feels good after a nice little you know deep clean of their house and their mind they're talking about back to school re-entry to offices um and you know things like that so just organization back-to-school things yadda yadda pent up demand this is talking about um things that we weren't able to do last year fashion weddings travel related shoppings uh being present so again more togetherness things that families can do together to bond over the holidays maybe activities games uh little props for photo shoots for christmas parties things like that and then optimism things that make you feel good bringing back that hope that we kind of lost after a really long pandemic so these are the overarching themes but then when we scroll down we start to see the actual trends so home and living in particular first day of school signs so back to school signs oh man did i forget something like that it's school school these darn it was in german club and i still i i had no idea what these were it's a cone for back to school that you fill with goodies and things for kids and i'd never heard of it but apparently if you scroll down there's a 61 year on your increase in searches on etsy so that's really interesting um learning tools uh sensory toys puzzles fidget toys and things like that amber said say what now school cones school cones apparently do what now any aqua teen watchers out there uh homeschooling setups a lot of parents are still gonna opt to do homeschooling with their kids um so you know classroom spaces and things like that for in the home educator appreciation so uh you know things to thank the teachers and evolving classroom needs so products essential for reimagined classrooms as students return to in-person learning tools for social distancing back to school masks there might still be schools that require them we don't know what the next few months are going to look like but it might be good if you're one of those people who still has some masks in your shop might be a good idea to leave them up for a little bit longer i know that we keep talking about not relying on masks as your big seller for much longer just because that trend is definitely starting to drop off but we might see a small spike in demand for uh back to school season and even for teachers several people got the aqua teen hunger force reference and i love that i love you guys for that do what now all right next one is for fall decor this is the non-halloween specific stuff and look at i mean you can see the color consistency these are the colors we've got this kind of sage green i see a eucalyptus leaf in here so maybe that eucalyptus green um we're seeing pine cones orange and almost like a salmon orange a mustard color white pumpkins it's a lot of consistent colors so um little touches of autumn to decorate the home just you know little pumpkins pillows table settings door mats things that we can expect harvest themes like fruit um i i think that dulling down the colors of your fruit so in the summer we do the bright colors but maybe in the fall start to roll yeah for sure because pastels were really popular in the summer and i have a feeling that that's going to translate really well into the fall because like things like orange pastel yellow pastel green pastel even with those pictures that they're doing there they're they're keeping the gloss but they're dulling the colors down to a point where they're almost that pastel color yeah so just a reduced saturation of the colors that you usually use uh warm metals i thought that this was really interesting gold brass brushed metals i'm seeing a lot of that a lot of brass right now tapestries those have been big but i think that we're gonna start seeing a lot more popularity in the tapestries that have a almost fall orange warm uh browns and and even halloween motifs like blacks and purples because that kind of fits in with our witchcraft vibe as well that we'll be talking about in a minute but um tapestries have been big for a while it would be really cool to see some fall designs for them because it's easy to switch them out you know a tapestry you can pin it up and take it down i i always like the idea for stuff that you can have where you can have like one of each thing per for each season that way like you know exactly where you're going to put your decorations you know exactly how you're going to swap things out it just makes life so much less complicated and we do stuff like that too like ours well you do stuff like that i don't decorate i'm one of those guys that could just have plain walls of stains and i'd be all right over the last three months we've seen an increase in searches for tapestries both tapestry and wall decor are a top etsy search among male shoppers because they're easy that's what uh ambergee said the wall type history seemed to be popular as college kids go back to school oh yeah easy easy decorating it's easy to easy to just take a couple nails in the wall and hang up a tapestry um ancient forms housewares uh take inspiration from prehistoric objects squiggly shaped trends rough textures earthy tones like terra cotta um i'm seeing a lot of like almost you know sandstone type especially in the kitchen i'm seeing a lot of things like that solar shapes i'm seeing so many lunar cycle like pillows and wall art i think that's going on with that goth girl summer yeah prisms curious solar shapes and stuff popping out even on even on like popular brands prisms pyramids orb-like structures planets seeing a lot of that maybe they're trying to get people ready for the aliens we haven't looked at that report yet no we need to um rough treatment so this is textured products we've been seeing that a lot on couches where having a big variety of textures on your couch is big that was also really big in the 70s where you would have a variety of different textures and patterns and not necessarily all the same pillows and blankets and things on your on your couches even furniture tend to vary in texture now we're talking about rough textures as well um man i wonder if like that stucco textured walls is going to come back no that kind of looks like sticky when you touch it yucky like like bumpy super reminds me of a smoker's house yeah nothing against you if you smoke but do it outside bold black growing in popularity as an accent color jet black makes a big impact so um this is really cool we follow a brand just called black is it just is it spelled as black be it it's blvk blv ck yeah and their whole motif is is black and then they did a collection called white and it's just all and it's like their logo is white over the white product our logo is black over the black product yep black on black and white and white it's very cool um i love their whole theme it's like 90s vaporwave right vaporwave is getting popular big time more of a more of an emphasis on the on the cyber aesthetic part of it lots of neon and pastel neon neon it's it's like pastel backdrops with lots of smoke and then just bright and like obnoxious blues and purples that's my that's my whole book that i just i finished writing my book like two days ago guys yes let's welcome our alien overlords of the huge party oh yeah absolutely it's just a giant edm party what are you doing quit picking up the keyboard i do this to mine too what's vaporwave uh google it it's a safe it's a safe google you can google it without risk of anything weird popping up well not anything well you can you can google it safely safe for work um halloween decor very very clean and minimalist with the photos that they've chosen which doesn't necessarily reflect all of the trends that they have pointed out down here so um broader palette uh earthy pastels uh for unexpected pops of color that give the classic halloween shades a bold modern look uh metallics add a touch of magic so a lot of what i'm seeing is a very neutral palette but then one really bright pop of orange within that neutral palette they haven't really shown an example of that but um i think the the whole like black and not not quite white but like how they do the off white kind of with everything and then just a little bit it's comfortable yeah it's it's a more comfortable kind of move into the into the fall stuff yeah outdoor emphasis we're talking about being able to continue our um usual you know flow for the holidays and for halloween being able to trick-or-treat sitting outside having family over fire pits cauldrons pumpkin carving more togetherness activities nature elements forged branches i'm seeing a lot of home decor made of actual branches and leaves just make sure that you know how to clean and uh yeah and preserve them properly and make sure make sure you're not sending sending sticks to people's houses full of termites yeah i'd be very happy about that spellbinding styles this goes in with our witchy supernatural kind of theme that we saw last year uh i like this well-worn witch style hats in plaid and rustic checkered patterns that's not one that i would think of plaid witch hats i wouldn't either i feel like that would look really corny but i'm just probably pitch picturing it in a different way they're describing it i'm just thinking like like grandpa's plaid shirt sewn into a witch hat you know spindly bear tree silhouettes stark black and white illustrated owls and dried wilted flowers whoever writes these like just i'm i've been editing my book so i'm like i'm really looking at these words this is very very imaginative but spindly bear tree silhouettes we can all visualize that stark black and white illustrated owls i'm thinking of those really like detailed sketch um art prints that we see that almost look like they're from a uh like an old science book or an old anatomy book or something and dried and wilted flowers creepy crafts so diy kits you could do these for kids or adults knitted pumpkins um magical medley fortune telling this is where where i said that psychic theme is big fortune telling tarot cards uh crystal balls candles incense mystical motifs um i will say on this because we we had an issue with i don't know if it was last year or the year before when they were talking about all the crystals and stuff like that with actually like promising no not physical yeah do not promise any metaphysical properties to your products don't like if you're into witchcraft and all that stuff believe what you want to believe and all that but don't put that kind of stuff in your listings that can get you in trouble yeah etsy doesn't like that witchcraft paganism and uh yeah but okay so if you're offering a gemstone product keep in mind that we're we're pretty ignorant so if we say things stupid then forgive us for saying things stupid we're just reciting the rules here etsy does not allow the promise of metaphysical properties with any product that we sell so you have to be really careful about how you word things if somebody is searching for a very specific gemstone they usually either want it for decorative purposes or they want it because of the property that they're already aware of that stone having so it's not that it's not that you're not going to reach your market if you're just talking about what the gemstone is another thing that you can do is say some people believe or yeah this you just can't directly promise yeah you can't directly promise but that goes for everything it's not it's not just stones it's any religious stuff so if you're pagan wiccan christian muslim jewish you cannot promise something is going to do something on a metaphysical level for someone exactly exactly that's what i'm just trying to warn people that way you don't get yourself in trouble because it's an across-the-board thing right and this this was a change that etsy made i believe back in 2014 2014 or 2015 where they begin shutting down shops that actually pro uh promoted their jewelry um on the grounds of a medical related result this gemstone bracelet relieves this you know symptom that's where the issues came so just be careful how you word things um old-fashioned apothecary styles i love that x-ray lighting i've been seeing that a lot last year we had all the x-ray um okay yeah i know what you're talking about yeah x-ray themes people say x-ray and it means so many different things so i'd it's hard for me to picture yeah like an actual like the black with that yeah yeah i got you uh anatomical motifs like very graphic heart skull skeletons almost like the medical diagrams that have like the little arrows pointing to the different things saying what they are um can either go creepy or cute so um 59 year-on-year increase on etsy for halloween outdoor decor 245 year-on-year increase for victorian halloween 34 year on year for vintage apothecary items 30 year-on-year increase for crystal balls and 62 year-on-year increase for tarot cards so really really good information here if you sell within that niche which i know that we have a lot of alphas who are you know year round with the spooky spookies um outdoor fall entertaining a lot of these aren't just outdoor though uh i feel like most of these could be brought in but um fire pits outdoor furniture outdoor games and activities a lot of these are really large things uh water resistant pillows lanterns throw blankets that some of you sell those does anybody sell things like metal fire pits and outdoor furniture i'm curious they're they're they were pretty big when i was searching for them for summer because i was going to get a new fire pit this year i mean alphas specifically does anybody and okay i was going to say on etsy that that's just quite a few we had we had a couple of very small questions i can nail out a couple seconds creative lady asked if she can communicate about dogecoin i'm i'm not a financial advisor so i won't be i i had invested in dogecoin and i sold at a high price and i'm gonna buy back in when it's low but i'm not i'm not a financial advisor so i'm not i'm not gonna directly consult with people about that kind of stuff he wouldn't want you to lose your money yeah i'm not i'm not a financial advisor every every especially with crypto it's it's a risk anyway um making those kind of promises can get you in trouble with the fda yeah well and that's why etsy started the blocking that kind of stuff because it get them in trouble with the fda for not enforcing it um and always just okay that was the only question always include a disclaimer at the end that the properties are not guaranteed yeah it's a good way to prevent bad reviews is it all right to say spiritual property strengths etc um that's writing a thin line i would say that you would need to check directly with etsy but i would advise to say some believe that or something along those lines where you're not promising you're just saying some people believe that blah blah blah yeah because then you're not making a promise and this applies to a lot of things mallory yours is probably more okay she says i sell stuffed animals did you know that stuffed animals can reduce stress and then go into why should i rephrase that no you're not that's that's that's not a religious thing it's specifically stuff like religious or metaphysical properties your stuffed animal reducing stress is a psychological thing it's not a metaphysical religious thing right that's like and and and there's a yeah i think that that would be fine because you're not you're not selling it as a metaphysical product does etsy's trend guide listed trends usually prove accurate it's directly from etsy yeah well these you're looking at the numbers if there are numbers to back it up then yes if there are we can see a 60 year-on-year increase for lantern lights then we know that this is something that people are interested in is there room for error of course but we don't have there's no way to predict what people are going to search we can only analyze the data that we're seeing leading up to and the data that we've had from the past so alfresco dining alfresco eating outside uh grilling tools apron s'more making sturdy dishes and bowl covers more cozy patterns like plaid outdoor games corn hole corn hole corn hole if okay don't say what it is in the comments but if you know what corn hole is because it's you know popular in your area let us know in the comments if you don't know what it is and you think it's a dirty thing give us a thumbs up corn haul is i feel like the national sport of i guess it wouldn't be national sport of ohio because that wouldn't be nice it is the it is the sport of ohio of the midwest really that's true um cornhole get an autumn makeover oh that would be fun uh tray time becoming a key item for outdoor dining trays offer flexibility and portable necessity or portability necessary all right oh my gosh [Laughter] paige apparently oh thank you amber detroit cornhole love cornhole big in maryland the sport of ohio the sport of ohio i'd never heard of it before i moved to cincy it'd be pretty pretty far-fetched to find somebody that doesn't have cornhole stuff in ohio other than us corn hole all right we don't entertain much jewelry and accessories these are fun i'm not right away i see um waxed canvas i see a little kiddo with his little scooter book bag but look at the colors it's like all very muted i told you it's gonna be close to that pastel it's it's a thing that happened all year spring summer last winter it's been pastel since since this 2020 didn't happen it's not pastel it's more of a just a nate natural but it's close it's muted like you can even you can tell even like the picture with the kid like his scooter which is clearly metallic has been muted on purpose they they edited this picture to make it look more dull leather waxed canvas um travel must-haves for people who are actually going to be out traveling bags passport wallets vaccination card holders that's a new one i haven't even thought about that vaccination card holders or maybe even a bag with a window for for your vaccination card that's interesting festival season flare so festivals music festivals um different like food festivals body jewelry magnetic nose ring styles shoe challenge for people that don't want to get their noses pierced that's becoming a thing back to school items school supplies backpacks lunch boxes keychains lanyards pencil cases things that we can expect comforting materials cozy oh uh the faux fur is really big right now as well fleece fabrics um make for a snuggly update to bags and shoes that's interesting it might be cool if you make any like if you make accessories to make different fuzzies like fur almost like a leg warmer but only like a cuff that you can put over the the lip of a boot and then the person can wear the same pair of boot but match their little fur liner and just like you know snap it open and put another one almost like a yeah like a snap on top instead i try to avoid any taboo topic products in my shop yeah if you are going to use use faux fur especially if it's not colored if it looks like real fur be very very clear that it is faux fur there are some people that are too stupid to read descriptions before attacking you for selling things um yeah i see it on on websites that exclusively sell for they'll like when they have their facebook ads and they'll just be like 50 people that are like how dare you kill animals for fur and it's like it's faux fur yeah spirit hoods their whole thing is animal animal conservation and they get mean comments all the time yeah so just be very clear if you're using faux fur unless it's like pink colored for most people don't use real fur for stuff like that so pets on the move so uh things for walks leashes um tracking accessories that's interesting i don't know how anybody how an etsy seller could make pet tracking accessories but amber said also the word fake works yeah fake is a much more like punchy in the face kind of word than foe is right traditional accessories um baseball cats printed uh printed scarf ghoulish good looks halloween jewelry you know i really never i've never seen a lot of sales in my own shop uh for halloween jewelry when art by starla moore was open that stuff tend to sell after halloween more than around halloween candy corn earrings bold head pieces i i guess things that go along with costumes clothing i don't know what i'm even looking at what is this it looks like somebody threw a this is a sweater on top of a victorian dress i normally i normally am very open-minded but this looks like something that memo knitted for me and i said thanks meemaw i love it and she says won't you try and i say sure me ma i'll try it on and i put it on and i say see me mom but go ahead and take your picture now because i'm really hot and then i go into the bathroom and i take it off and i hate it and i never put it on again um you're too afraid to even show off your ankles yeah i'm i'm not digging this i'm not digging the the new the styles but i get it it's very i'm seeing lots of wool i'm seeing um that whole pilgrim dress thing was really big for summer and now clothing is getting weird because it's going both directions it's going back to this like pre-victorian era clothing but then on the far opposite end of it you have people that are dressing like it's final fantasy where they're hanging like all kinds of crazy colors and like their shirt is just like one strip down the chest that just says liar or something like [Laughter] fashion is weird right now things like trip pants are coming back into fashion in like the hip-hop industry where it was like you same people that made fun of goth kids wearing trip pants and now they're like the popular thing with like 45 45 chains and like six straps hanging off of the legs jinkos jinkos came yeah jinko's came back jinkos are back then again i have not legitimately seen anyone actually wearing gingko and people say white people have no culture we've got jacob we have we have all the culture oh man jeez we watched the bo burnham comedy skills you have not watched the new bo burnham skit it is wonderful appropriate no it's not there's there's there's one song that's really bad he but he did a he did a song called white women white women on instagram and it was all like little pumpkins and it just lost my mind because everything he said was like it was so relatable anyway i'll get off that topic dressing up a bit i love that and you know what's funny as i was just telling mark that i've noticed that the new thing especially with like with the kids these days oh my god with the teens is these girls will wear the nicest shirt pretty little lace little frills their makeup and hair and they look so pretty and then the crappiest stained up grey sweatpants they wear these tatty like ripped up stand-up sweatpants baggy and that's the look and i'm like i just i don't understand how can you how can you look so pretty and look like you smell so bad from at the same time i just i i'm so confused i mean i get it i'm sure that i mean our our parents were looking at us wearing our our trip pants with the chains they're like it's summer it's 90 degrees and you're wearing straight black and a hoodie and then we're like mom it's not a phase so i know we're showing our age suzanne said she went to i did not mean to do that suzanne said she went to school with bo oh did you yeah you should hit him up because that uh special he seemed like he's in kind of rough shape he did he was very it was very very um in the feels you could sense his ongoing deposition he's a big thinker you could tell that he was kind of hating the way the world was going we'll get back on to it though we're getting really distracted i'm sorry y'all um so basically a combo of dress-up and comfortable um adventurous spirit this playful approach to dressing uh in the increasing popularity of backless dresses croc uh croc crop tops and cut out details i like this but i don't know if we're going to see as much of this in the fall because it's going to be chilly however this cut out details um i've noticed that keyhole sweaters which i have always been a fan of those are big and i'm noticing that different shapes are being cut out of them you know like keyhole sweaters where they're yeah yeah like a cut in the chest i'll show it on stream but i'll show it to you i i love keyhole sweaters so if that might be a really cool thing um let's see many moment rising hemlines evoke vintage vibes and the fun-loving excitement of dressing to go out i don't understand what this means rising hemlines evoke vintage vibes and the fun-loving excitement of dressing rising like like like your sleep like your hems like yours like like the are we talking about frilled hems and puffy sleeves i'm not i don't know what this means can someone does anybody know what this means feel free to clarify um sweater vests uh easy outerwear bomber jackets are huge right now we've got bomber jackets and elf adapt actually mini skirts capris i think so like high waist mom jeans it sounds like nobody knows yeah like mini skirt mini moments maybe they're referring to mini skirts coming back rising hemlines i get that like like like showing more leg kind of thing hey i i get it you know what it's like pants shorter skirts rising hemlines gotcha just really really not good wording for that yeah they should have went into some specifics uh plush textures faux fur fleece quilted patterns thick corduroy thick corduroy this time then corduroy was big last year oh my goodness thin corduroy was big last year thick corduroy is big uh this year i'm also seeing a lot of it in mustard emerald and rose pink so those might be some ideas to write down sweatpant alternatives work from home oh okay so um that's what most people were saying it's a they get dressed up top for their zoom meetings but what you wear down below doesn't matter right it's kind of like these meetings i'm wearing crappy stained up shorts right now and you wouldn't even know and she's wearing very faded marvel pajama pants and you wouldn't even know i am not history of the stream versatile dresses you know this is a lot of we'll we'll try to we'll zip through these um shirt dresses those have been big fit and flare loose any occasion almost almost like oversized tea dresses i've noticed are big um form fitting styles uh some buyers are moving towards uh slimmer silhouettes with an unapologetic party vibe unapologetic party vibe that um that's that's a really pc way to say what i know we're both thinking that that's supposed to mean yeah that's kind of basic all right don't care about what people think about you if you want to wear form fitting you wear form fitting girl and guy i i don't underst i don't think form fitting was what they were going for thinking that they were they meant to say like sexy is what they're right or like look as absolutely sexy as you want yeah um romantic frills cottage core victorian inspired vibrant colors uh god i hate that word so much it's like i imagine a bunch of people moshing at a conway twitty show head to toe tones so uh monochrome outfits um prints have been big 70s styles ringer tees are really big lotus logo style motifs but you have to be careful uh because you can't use any actual vintage logos or anything like that paisley um oh i love the tie-dye that they incorporated that in tie-dye's really really popular fall spirit sleeves with sassy sayings uh and costumes obviously all right that was a long one ladies and gentlemen mr conway twitty yeah yeah it's funny all right craft supplies and tools first people talking about conway twitty i love it hey alexa play con conway twitties tight fit and jeans you guys he only did that because we don't have an election i don't have an alexa yeah is anybody is anybody's alexa playing now i think the chat says yes all right um first day of school signs they already covered that the school cones they already kind of covered that as well school art supplies i mean that's a that's kind of a given handmade halloween uh kid-friendly crafts that might be fun to offer little itty-bitty packs of bagged crafts that teachers could buy uh in bulk or that you could give away uh on trick or treat unisex and men's crafting we've noticed more male shoppers coming to etsy for diy materials and projects ranging from creative pastimes to home improvement tasks when marketing your supplies consider a wider a wider customer base by adding photos featuring male models to your listings craft kit is a top search among male shoppers that's really cool i wonder i wonder what specifically they're searching for like what kind of of crafts that's cool there you go there's a few paper and party supplies no that was this was i don't know yes paper and party supplies um see in halloween back to school neutral tones back to school halloween and paper goods for invitations decorations and party supplies shoppers are turning to eye-catching graphics in a variety of styles keep it clean no frilled no frills lettering is streamlined yet popping with personality all caps lettering contrasting colors and heavy marker like lines so almost like a handmade like drawn look right ancient artistry playful motifs sketchy effects doodles and spare palettes hand lettering small repeat patterns vintage typewriter and chalkboard styles yeah yeah the whole like the whole like 70s vintage style is is really popping off because it's in almost every category i love this woodland creatures appear amidst ghosts and house spiders in the halloween landscape so kind of throwing in a little cute animal like woodland creatures along your ghosts and spooky things old techniques etchings and engravings recall a vintage look that's really cool heirloom florals uh weddings look at the palette it's all neutral this right here could be your palette i mean we've we've got all the colors that we have seen up above muted everything's still muted they took every picture and this this whole freaking thing and just muted it i just like took the saturation and turned it down like five percent gifts simplified nuptials loki outdoor and smaller weddings okay that that makes sense um so like brunch weddings flexibility brides and grooms need low commitment invitations that they can update quickly and cheaply so that might be really fun for um print on demand sellers because they can just you know get it quickly and and maybe make edits if you allow customization uh reimagine timelines uh post wedding bachelorette party so people who have to do their their parties afterwards because of covid uh statement pieces so things that they can hold on to think backdrops and tablescapes uh winners for a reason lean into proven bestsellers like wedding and engagement rings including men's rings bridesmaid gifts and clothing and decorative signs and backdrops custom neon signs are consistent a consistent top performer which we're going to look at in a few minutes neon signs have been trending on etsy uh as of yesterday they were one of the most searched items i've been into pc gaming for a while so y'all are just getting newbies are getting into this rgb scene yeah 75 year-on-year increase in groomsman gift but a 440 percent uh year-on-year increase for boho wedding dresses and then look 414 year-on-year increase for neon wedding signs that's neat i'm telling you man people say they hated cyberpunk 2077 but i think it did good for the for the neon industry um in vintage retro halloween and i cannot believe that they're considering these little beaded bracelets that we made as kids vintage that's i'm so i'm yeah how is that vintage they're just beads yeah but it was it was it was super trendy to have your whole you know doing like the candy arms where your arms like all the way up to your i know up to your elbows i was definitely one of those bracelet kids with bracelets all the way up to my surprise most of the girls our generation didn't have big biceps from walking around with like 50 pounds or the beads on their arms you guys do that those and then and then the jelly bracelets until it was all like ooh if you don't break them don't break them if you break this one you gotta kiss your boyfriend on the mouth and other things uh yeah that and other things i i was exactly how it was too he was mortified as a little kid wearing all my jelly bracelets and he broke my black bracelet yeah so stupid for those who have no idea what we're talking about it maybe it's just it's our stupid generation yeah it's our stupid generation maybe a lot of stupid stuff we we grew up with the internet in our teen years we were the first generation to do that wild to run wild on the interwebs yeah retro halloween decor y2k fashions jeans bucket hats oh god no bucket hat these are fisherman's hats chicken hats are in right now pastel tie-dye bucket hats gen z women's fashion stocking key casual styles like loose-fitting jeans and shrunken tees found fabrics uh so towards wait young consumers are embracing mature styles in a move toward grand millennial style that sources lovingly from the past floral upholstery prints and furnishing inspired fabrics are key to this trend that i don't even know what that means i guess i'll google it because i'm an old fart now apparently i don't understand anything you just said are we bucketheads for cornwall are we grand millennials are we old is that what did they just say tell us that we're grand millennials grand millennial style and why we love it he's gonna google it for us tell us after i get through these oh my god men's vintage styles uh once loved clothing pieces so vintage pieces uh hoodies tees retro soccer and football jerseys um warm metals we already kind of talked about that previously uh brass candlesticks drawer pools knobs hooks vases gold jewelry uh okay you find it yeah keep going sculpture styles 60s and 70s for decor candy colored glass or plastic the 70s and 80s are the inspiration for this style that that goes along with the bracelets as well as the colorful glass which i've actually been seeing a lot of at target as well so that's not just for our vintage sellers specifically once love charm seeing more searches for vintage house numbers especially in germany that's really interesting maybe like a combination of different house numbers that you can tack onto the outside of your house but you know like from you know one's rusty one's paint chipped and then uh victorian shoppers are searching for antique style sourced across jewelry household objects and art popular searches include victorian style clothing lamp shades wallpaper wall art sofas and tiles so okay so grand millennial grand valley it is literally exactly what it sounds like it is like what a millennial's grandparents would have decorated their house in so like the ridiculous wallpapers and the like over-the-top floral pattern couches and think but done in a way that is like classy to modern standards so like think doing your whole house up like your great-grandma would but actually comfortable good furniture guys the house i grew up in our living room like yeah our living room was burnt orange our carpet was brown with bright orange like little flecks in it our couch was brown with orange flowers everywhere it was like a velvet couch with wood accenting our tables were all that dark wood coffee table with like you could open up cabinets in the bottom we had a floor model tv like one of the old 70s floor model tvs that you had to get up and crank all the dials to get it to and play with the rabbit ears but what color was your fridge if it wasn't off white then what was it my uh i think my fridge is an off-white or stained metal no it was olive green at first yeah it was olive green and then we actually upgraded that quite uh afterwards like soon after i was so here's here's an actual just list of stuff that they're talking about chintz classic patterns pleated shades fine china skirted or ruffled fabrics pattern on patterns scalloped edges monograms quilts needle points wood furniture uh i don't rattan rattan bamboo or wicker uh don't know how to pronounce that chinwasri i probably sound like an idiot there boxwood topiary wedgewood food dogs fringe and trim embroidery rose medallion where majolica or whatever that is curtains and valances bows and rooms inspired by design icons mario botta and sister parish i don't know what any of that is i don't either but it's grand millennial it's literally like the grandparents of a millennial that's that's what that refers to okay that makes millennials doing what their grandparents and great-grandparents did so think like designs if you have a family member that was born in the 40s and 50s like how they design their houses that's that's what it is uh i'm not doing that on on just to defend my my grandma i'm referring to my great grandma so my my current my my grandma grandma's uh had a little bit more design sense than to paint our house orange with brown and orange everyone to goodwill goodwill we go um fun place to go look the weird second-hand finds that need to be shared yeah you had some weird stuff and goodwill yeah if you go to if you go to facebook and find the weird secondhand finds that need to be shared group i highly recommend joining it you can find all kinds of fun stuff and you can see how people react to those things so you can see like how much they're trending how trendy they are just because they're they're older all right so um guys normally i recommend going to target as i mentioned previously there's not a whole lot uh that we can source because they haven't started with their fall you want to go to what's new go to target finds and from here you can kind of start to see things um there's a couple things that will transfer over this is where i like to find colors we see a lot of the same color palettes taking place this color of green we noticed a lot on etsy you can kind of get a little bit on your um depending on what you sell if you go into like the self-care items for example you can just kind of start to see like fragrances and packaging colors and things that are trendy i recommend not just looking at the products that are for sale though make sure that you're also looking at the items that are in the background um down here you can go and kind of sort through to find what is most interesting to you so cozy you can scroll through and see a lot of things that we talked about wicker textured pillows uh it looks like a bamboo framed couch things like that wait did i miss fanny packs trending amber said fanny's oh well that's i know it's no it's linda said maybe i should make jewelry for fanny packs and jillian said fanny charms that's probably really offensive d hall in the uk sorry to our uk friends um that goes in with the y2k fashion though yeah it does um they were big in the 90s even my dad my dad still uses one yeah he does um a lot of what i would expect we're seeing those really uh printed almost pilgrim type dresses and she's wearing same girl same same place but she's changed her shoes she's wearing them with tennis shoes and then with sandals um stripes lots of that brown there's a terracotta color you can really dive into what people's homes are looking like or seeing some of that that uh brushed metal in the frames a lot of the same colors that we've discussed wood axe setting floral bikinis obviously that's nothing that you guys can can use now but we can kind of get you know a grip for what the overall style and colors are and then we can really think about how those are going to transfer over not just for fall but for winter as well girl has some big eyebrows where my eyebrows why i do my eyebrows that big sometimes i don't know you don't sometimes she's a liar i do sometimes he said tf is taco seasoning i mean a combination of different things all right so not getting a lot of gold from from target trends but keep coming back here because these are the images that people actually post uh on instagram they actually use the hashtag targetstyle and it's a really good way to see how people are actually using these products but it gives you new ideas for things like patterns colors and to get a glimpse into other people's homes last thing i want to show you guys is on erank.com in the trends report so let's look at what was trendy yesterday and then we'll look at what was trendy last month yes and then we'll look at uh what was trendy last fall and then we'll get a couple of questions so i don't care about amazon and ebay at all yesterday what was most trendy on etsy was personalized gifts beaded necklace bridesmaid gift necklace by itself which is contained within beaded necklace free britney shirt oof big oof and uh i don't well it's not so let's not talk about that on here what i'm saying is i don't know what the copyright issues would be for something like that britney isn't copyright that's you're right you're right i mean if you put her face on it and use her likeness that might be a little bit different but right no matter how positive the message is just be careful yep um all right this is that new stone that that's super trendy what is that carnelian parsley this is the the remember a couple months ago it was moldavite now it is this carnelian crystal apparently this is the the trendy new stone um iron on patches very nineties pop socket we can't use that name we actually had an alpha who got in trouble so even if something is showing as being highly searched it doesn't mean that you should use that term dog mom um and then the rest sons anime witchcraft i have the power of anime and god on my side look at this invoice template hmm that's interesting all right all right let's continue monthly trends now that was a terrible accent my accents are always awful that's awful terrible nowhere near we're talking about all this and people are just talking about lady part charms for fanny packs oh what what are you guys talking about sure here i am innocently bobbing around looking at keywords and you guys are being all all inappropriate naughty naughty naughty alphas join alphas after dark for that talk um father's day these are terms that we can ignore we don't need to worry about father's day gift because this these are from june of 2021. um oh are they really for june did we get our new data already guess we did oh so you guys can ignore these because these were for father's day but personalized gift for dad that's something that we'll probably see maintained for the holidays um let me let me while you're doing this let me just confirm with anthony that these are for june because he normally doesn't get those until the fifth right no he's been getting them in faster okay well then i trust it wall decor has been one of the top searched um but see wall art do you see this little flame beside it this means that this was a highly popular term yesterday so might be something to keep an eye on personalized gifts also highly searched yesterday rings were highly searched but we want to make sure that we're being specific so don't just say rings earrings stickers highly searched yesterday leather accessories for men probably because of father's day but might be something that we see follow through for the holidays could be bridesmaid gifts crystals gifts for men pride prince there's that carnelian necklace that that stone whatever that is tech accessories that is very vague very vague gifts from daughter to dad that's father's day father's day but save it for the holidays that might be a good one uh linen clothing oh mugs for him groomsman gift yada yada um i highly recommend going into the the trend buzz and then looking in your specific category there are a lot of different categories here even up to 18 plus which is what we cover in alphas after dark yeah i'll do that here yeah but um you can you know whatever you sell find your category and start digging in so let's go ahead and look at last year and we will look at september because that's when all of the real good fall shopping starts we can ignore face masks being the most searched because it's not the most searched anymore you guys can see the evidence of that during uh or right here in the trend graph if you look very carefully i'm actually curious as to why that sitting is number one on here because this is last year oh i said we're doing we're looking at last i'm just stupid just ignore me yeah so it only got yeah there's two yeah it i can't even i can't even i can't even see how much november oh my god wes well our alphas are great 12 21 alpha of the year everyone wes and he's he's also submitted our 2021 comment of the year it's not being said out loud so if you're offended just get out of the chat you guys do what you want we love you yeah that's your all's chat personalized gift look this is this is people sprucing up their spaces it's a lot of the same things craft kits halloween started being searched for in september stickers earrings masks halloween decor fall decor harry potter don't use that it was highly searched yesterday doesn't matter um among us again not one that we can use candles halloween svgs harry styles who's been trending forever but once again don't use don't do it um tapestries crystals neon signs this keyword was popular yesterday look at the trend graph for neon signs it was just big it's just been big it's just staying it goes on like a roller coaster it looks like for almost every is that of those holidays what are those peak months you got february i was down and then may was up january's february it looks like maybe people buying august or august april that's really weird it's very odd times i could i could see for february like january into february being popular for like valentine's day and stuff like that getting hearts and whatnot october once again personalized gifts people are shopping they start shopping for the holidays um pretty early it looks like october 2020 is the peak for personalized gift shopping and look it kind of drops down in november that's really strange that october is the point when people search for personalized gifts the most yeah this whole list is almost identical yeah wall decor craft kits a lot of it's the same halloween halloween decor candles you're right a lot of it is the same it's just ordered a little different yeah like people people search the same things but their priorities are a little bit different very very interesting just for fun we'll go into november because this is when they're shopping for actual holidays yeah the only thing that really changed was adding more like more christmas terms into their christmas ornaments is number six christmas stockings 17 holiday holiday decor you see people starting to really search for holiday stuff in november very interesting personalized leather gift all right this has been insightful i feel like people last year were not shopping specific they were personalized gift gift for him gift for her personalized gift home decor and then if we go if we go to um what do we need we need we need i think it was probably because of the the pandemic and people not being around each other people were sending like having gifts sent to their friends sent to their family members they wanted something custom that they could send to people but what i'm saying is their searches the way that they worded things weren't as specific and now it's almost like those were the new newbie shoppers that didn't know how to search but now they've learned how to refine so they're not just searching personalized gift it's personalized gift for dad and then gifts from daughter to dad very specific things yeah it's not just necklace it's carnivalian necklace whatever that is um yeah i think that i think that they're getting a little bit more picky about their searches which is a good thing it means that they're they're adapting well um all right i think that that's it though guys go get an e-rank membership uh you can get a free membership for free no credit card required no credit card required you can get a basic membership for 5.99 a month that's the one that i personally recommend and there is also a 999 pro membership it's 9.99 per month um that one millions are orange a gates oh okay uh keeping in mind that mark and i are e-rank employees but we don't get paid to recommend it we just it's an it is an essential tool for yourself if i didn't like the company i wouldn't work for them that's just the kind of person i am that's right if we don't like a company we don't recommend them nope so i don't uh recommend apple to anybody but teach their own questions questions get your get your questions in i'll read back up through here and skip over all the dirty stuff that i'm i'm assuming amber probably started amber did you do that i don't know yeah she did i don't care if it's offensive i want some fanny charms you started amber amber because we know what you mean by that let's see prairie dress [Music] make you some wood or acrylic fanny pack charms [Music] holy eyebrows yeah those were some big eyebrows she says she does her eyebrows that big but those were like two and a half inch thickness very true i went very thin today sometimes my eyebrows just do what they want for those who don't know these are not real i've i'm okay she said i know what taco seasoning is but why was it so randomly there because there was a thing on the target it was just taco seasoning cinnamon because it's target you don't know yeah oh i could go for a margarita i don't drink but man not allowed to drink every once in a while when it's hot a big fish bowl of mostly sugar hardly any alcohol margarita at a mexican restaurant so bad for you i don't know you drink a whole fish bowl and you're not you don't sober yeah it takes you so long you're sober by the time you get to the end of it because there's like a shot of liquor in it that's what i like no thank you i like it to be a big bowl of juice let's see here like this video guys like like the video well done mom legit have no idea what's going on i don't either lucy lucy we don't know i never do do yourself a favor do not google search it okay plan devolve adapt to people that's how we do it yo i have a bad track record with not knowing what what to google knowing what not to do just just always assume that you need to be using incognito [Laughter] it's not gonna it's not gonna keep people from knocking on your door asking questions but it'll keep your neighbor for your friends and whoever else uses your computer from knowing what weird crap you're into [Laughter] cornhole is a verb question mark it can be if you're playing cornhole you are cornholing right cornholio let's let's see let's see let's see youtube to monetize this video for the way that we use the word cornhole even though it's a sport we should do an episode of the friday bean where mark and i answer questions but we're playing corn hole while we're doing it just tossing the bean bags let's see here this is great making minor changes to my shop as you speak thank you for specifying minor changes i love that yeah don't pay attention don't don't make giant changes all at once ever unless you're doing like a brand overhaul um do things do things slowly you don't want to if you're already seeing some success you don't want to destroy your current success by making a huge change handmade alpha academy students you guys are the exception because you've got the road map so y'all get your questions in they can be etsy questions they can be trends questions they can be opinion questions doesn't really matter get your questions in because if i don't see no questions there's like i got one if i don't see no questions i gotta get to the gym so i ain't afraid to cut the to cut the uh video off gym boy jim boy see kristen i make custom pet art would it be rude if i use custom drawings on other products uh should i make uh none custom drawings instead uh amber would be a good person to talk to about this amber once she draws a pet i mean she drew it it's her it's her drawing she puts that drawing on other products available for purchase because she drew that pet if you're really worried you could ask the customer but you drew it it's yours at that point so that's completely up to you on the way that you want to go about it like to say schwe said i would like to state that i can pass a drug test i'm just naturally [Laughter] say whatever you want less what month do you think etsy will start to get more active with users and sales i think leading up into the holidays likely in the end of the fall when people start to decorate yeah august is when we start to see the traffic uh come back august and then september october november are going to be the most active on etsy and then last minute shoppers will shop on in december but november is the month that you should plan for and i recommend starting to plan now because if it takes anywhere between 60 to 90 days to for etsy to index you by you know recognizing a consistent pattern within how shoppers interact with your brand it's usually best to list before that 60 to 90 day window so right now would be a great time to start listing products for fall thank you for the video and search phrases help and the amusement in the chat is great we love you guys we want it to be this is this is a relation we do our series videos from time to time this is a this is a relaxed environment i got to figure out why this keeps doing this this is a relaxed environment we want it to be chill we want people to be able to concentrate but at the same time kind of just hang out with us you know just got here [Music] where's bubbers he is currently snoozing at my feet i thought he was giving himself a bath oh you have to do it but you have to be super serious while you're playing oh cornhole um my sister saw a sign for taco night minnesota and said we need to just stop there and eat for tacos we laugh for 100 miles let's see here what program do you use to put a logo on pictures um you can use ipicy.com it's not really a program it's more just a website you can use canva you can use use photoshop you can use photoshop there it really just depends on take your pick of the leader yeah does it have a transparent background because if it's got a transparent background already you can use anything i personally use ipicy in canva if it doesn't have a transparent background you can remove that background using a free program i think there's actually one just called backgroundremover.com or something something similar to um but canva pro has the very best background remover it's just camera pro memberships are kind of expensive so if you're only removing the background i would you could even ask somebody on like fiverr or something to do it for you super cheap for like five dollars have the background removed but the program doesn't matter there you could do it in paint if you really wanted to eastern inspiration is last year's trends on etsy safe to follow as a prediction with last year being crazy due to the pandemic yeah i think so yeah absolutely just sort out the terms that you know were related to the pandemic um if anything to be honest with people not having the ability to be expressive with the way that they were trying to express themselves during the pandemic like people were stuck at home but they still wanted to decorate they still wanted to do things to make their living space especially last year wanted to make their living space look comfortable so if they haven't had an ability to like push out the way that they trend they're going to use the stuff that they got last year and stuff that they get this year to push out their their opinions and their their feelings on other people in their homes trends here's the thing guys nobody wants to change everything every year that's why we still see a lot of the same trends from last year stay because trends stick around a few years these colors that we're talking about like the terra cotta brown and the sage green and that burnt orange those were big last year and they were big the year before last and the reason for that is because it takes people a couple years of being exposed to those themes to want to also do their homes in those themes if it changed every year it would be impossible to keep up with and everybody would go broke trying to stay on trend so try and stick around for a while um a lot of the things that we see that are that were trending last year are going to maintain i have a product line with the exact same phrase in every title but when i check my ranking for those two keywords erank only pulls up one of my listings of that type is that an e-rank error no um and it can't be any rank eric because it comes directly from the etsy api what that means is that the listing that it's finding with the rank checker it's basically telling you that that is the listing that likely has the very best listing quality score that therefore it's being seen in search there are a lot of things that could be influenced the other uh influencing the other listings such as low listing quality scores um if you listed them more recently or if they renewed more recently then it might take a little bit of time for them to be re-indexed um but the the answer i would assume is is the right one is that that one listing that's performing better and that's ranking is probably just a better listing it's probably well optimized it probably gets decent engagement i assume it's probably something that sells every once in a while maybe or gets reviewed um it's not necessarily a a problem but the other listings just haven't had enough time to grow or customers aren't really connecting with those listings the way that they're connecting with the one that is ranking higher the your rank is a direct reflection of how your shoppers engage with your listings and how accurately you filled out your seo so if your seo is good because you're saying that the phrases are the same then it's likely because people just haven't engaged with the other ones enough for you to grow those listing quality scores other ways to grow your listing quality scores other than etsy seo is to promote externally try posting those products on social media to drive some traffic to them and the sales that you get and the reviews that you get even if you drove them yourself those will still help to build your listing quality score the only thing that it won't help is the views and if they favor those listings because they found you direct through a link and not organically you're not going to get any benefit from just sending them there but if they buy or leave a review you'll see a positive impact okay is there a way to look at current trends on e-rank for a specific category like baby apparel um you can't niche down that far the categories are accessories art and collectibles bags bath and beauty uh books movies and music clothing craft supplies electronics home and living etc etc yeah um for baby i'm not quite sure where maybe would be clothing maybe you might just have to get more specific with your keywords i would do that within the keyword explorer and then just hover over the trend graph within the keyword explorer and that's going to show you what months your specific terms are trending yeah lucy will also commented and said you can have a disclaimer in your shop policies that states you're still the original owner of the artwork and have the right to reuse artwork on other products for commercial use yeah great idea i mean honestly it's one of those things where i would be transparent with the customer if you plan on using a design that they had ordered custom just let them know yeah and if they're not comfortable with it then don't yeah but it's at the end of the day it's your shot looking for questions if you change your or if you change keyword tags this is heavily effect seo i don't want to lose my current rankings but would like to change keyword tags uh yes don't if it's a listing that's already performing don't touch it don't touch your tags your titles or your attributes those are the three things that can mess up your current ranking for a product that's doing well and you wouldn't want to remove a keyword that's helping you to perform by accident so i would not touch it if i were you if it's doing well if you're not happy with it and it's not performing well then what you don't have anything to lose just make sure that you're tracking it within the e-rank track changes tool you can find that under the uh listings tab of erank.com track it before you make the changes i would say for a week or so that way you can kind of see what traffic normally looks like then make your changes because otherwise you're not going to know what to compare to you know what i mean so our child is up there being quite obnoxious at the moment she is uh does the number of favorite items in your shop affect the algorithm to get to page one no no favorites do not so etsy tells us that if somebody were to organically stumble across your listing while doing a keyword search on etsy for example if i typed in blue gemstone necklace and i stumbled across one of your listings and i favored it there that might potentially have a bit of a positive effect but if you were to send me on facebook a link that said hey check out my blue gemstone necklace and i were to click that link and favorite that item that would not have the same effect as if i had found that item organically in search because um because you had sent that person yourself now if the person were to make a purchase it doesn't matter whether they found you in search or if you sent them there same with if they review it it doesn't matter if they found you in search or if they uh or if you sent them to that listing that will affect your listing quality score which affects your ranking but in terms of people just randomly favoriting items if they found you organically that's great it has a little bit of a positive influence nothing nothing too overwhelming not the same as sales and reviews do um but if you were to just post your link on facebook and like 500 people went and liked your product it wouldn't do anything because they didn't find you organically in search let's see would the end of july be too late to list halloween items no not necessarily um i think i had an individual i would be fine yeah september october that gives you three months until the actual because halloween's the end of october right that that should be fine if you can get them in sooner that would be great but if you can't i mean i understand it takes time to write things so yeah end of august is probably like the absolute latest yeah because that gives you exactly 60 days yeah you're probably not going to like that what is it that's my pink lemonade but it's also got my glutamine and everything else i'm losing my voice how are ya don't say that that was extremely loud you clipped our mic uh would end of july be too late oh i already read that it's been a week i really needed this today guys my son seriously just made me coffee with the percolator of me training them right learning how to make coffee at home ensures that they're not giving thousands of dollars a year to starbucks and dunkin donuts who don't make good coffee they don't starbucks coffee is uh trash that's it yeah i drink a gallon of that a day it tastes like a flintstones vitamin i'm having ptsd from it uh let's see here also whoever asked the pet portrait okay sure i already answered that i have a question i make customized tumblers and all occasion wreaths should i have separate shops for them those are two drastically different products i hate when i hate i hate the idea of two different shops before you're making consistent sales and you're established yeah this is a pretty common a pretty common question that we get i sell this and this should they go in separate shops i would i mean if you're are you making sales are you making sales and are you making sales of both of those things equally yeah and if you are then it might be fine to leave them there if you're making no sales might be a good indication that people don't know what you're all about and they're not purchasing or if you're only making sales of one of those things might be a good indication that you don't need to be making the other thing to sell anyway at least not she has her analogies and i use the like to having two kids would it be easier to have two kids at the exact same time or have one kid and then wait till it's self-sufficient before you have a second which would it be easier for you to take care of them both at the same time or wait until one of them is already kind of taking care of itself a little bit before you have the second yeah because you might be you might be really stunting your growth by trying to grow too she says sales on sales on both items okay um is there a consistent theme or flow do you have a the if is your target customer the same if your target customer is um upbeat you know maybe like the mom who loves to decorate for every holiday and she and the tumblers are kind of reflective of different seasons and holidays and and you have wreaths that also reflect those same seasons and holidays and themes then you might be able to make your shop more about the theme as opposed to um you know making sure that the products are the same and that would be okay i think that the the big indicator here should be your sales if you're making sales don't change things if you're making sales if you're not making the sales you want that's when you consider to make changes um i don't like the idea of having two shops i know that there are sellers who do it successfully if you can if you have the time to do it that's fine but at least get one store sustainable before you try to open another one it's so hard it's not double money i know that everybody's it's not it is not double money everybody thinks two shops double money it's not double money it's double time it's divided time you you ca a shop takes 100 of your energy unless unless it's digital digital sellers you guys get a little bit more wiggle that's that's kind of my only exception to that rule is that if you're a digital seller and you also like do pod for your some of your digital designs or whatever yeah then there's like no effort to open the pod once you have the listing set up yeah but but marketing two shops if you're doing everything that you should be doing like like marketing social media management and things like that and then do it running two of them at the same time and bouncing between um it is hard it is possible it is hard so i recommend saving yourself the the torment this isn't starla being mean this is starla trying to take care of your mental health um raise your one raise your baby first get your baby potty trained get your baby eating solids teach you how to make toast teach your baby how to make toast and waffles and then and then introduce new baby and then then your other baby will be you know toddling around having fun on their own while you're working on your new baby all right let's try to scoop through these a little faster now because we're getting backloaded babies uh i tried to get an eye picky but it gave me an adobe flash error uh ipiki hasn't used adobe flash since december which means you probably haven't cleared your history and cache and stuff like that in your browser since around that time or since before they switched yikes so um more than likely you just need to go in if you're on chrome or whatever you can go in history clear everything it's going to log you out of every platform that you're on it's not going to remember any of your passwords if you don't remember your passwords make sure that you deal with that before you reset your history and all that but you should be doing that anyway but you should be doing that anyway um especially with ipici and then temporary folders you should be clearing those as well if you don't know how to do that shoot me an email support at handmadealphacacademy.com and i can give you a little rundown if you're using windows if you're using mac or linux i can't help you i haven't used those platforms in years yeah um i picky switched to html5 though yeah a long time ago like if you open up a different browser if you're using google chrome or opera or whatever open up edge or internet explorer and it'll probably work fine in that platform because it's not sharing cookies between the two yeah you can just clear the cookies for ipicky yeah if you know how to if you know how to clear stuff for specific websites you can also just go in and do that i just give general advice because actually going in and opening up menus and going through things and finding the website to clear the cook some people aren't experienced enough with that so i just give general advice i did tech support you'd be surprised how how much being specific can confuse the crap out of people that don't know a lot about tech talk about the tariff codes i don't wanna um etsy seems to be leaving us in the dark i get there's a code but i feel lacking in information i don't here's the thing we don't have them it's it's for the european union we're in the us i know what amber has told me i know what little bit that i've read i am not the person to ask about this it will apply to me eventually but because we're doing print on demand at this time uh our our print on demand service is kind of covering it for us please let us get familiar with us uh with it before we give advice because right now our advice that we would give you would be really bad i forgot i forgot the alphas after dark was being run in the uk i was like how is european tariff going to apply to us but i get it i'm just a little stupid health is after dark you mean alpha self-adapt good god and you can tell i'm tired i started working out and got myself a good bodybuilding coach this week and my brain is just dead and i lost there we are [Music] i think the thing has helped me the most is the swipe files yes yes wes i did i did get your and email are so no fanny pack on a wreath you could put a wreath on a fanny pack like decorate it like one that has like a pin you can pin it onto the front then you have a decorative wreath and then in the middle of the wreath is where you put the butt yeah like a butt butt butt like a butt like like in uh rick and morty where it makes the butt pop out of the coffee mug you could just be a little butt popping out of the wreath you could even give it one of those little squeeze things where it's hidden and then you press it just when that little butt popped out of that coffee mug i lost my mind i just wasn't expecting it now now i now we re-watch those episodes and i'm just like but when i first saw it i laughed so hard it was so funny not impressed with the new rick and morty i am she's she always says that then we go back through and they're like her favorite episodes again i hated the first one i loved it i heard somewhere that only reviews count show up on etsy for a year is that true i think for negative reviews i think they'll still show up but i don't i think they s it's the star rating right only reviews for a year count towards the actual star rating so like if you get a one star rating a year later that that rating may not actually apply i don't know what the exact time frames though i don't know i maybe and i don't know if that's actual towards the visual representation or if that's just towards like you know how etsy you get in trouble if you get so many bad reviews i don't i'm not it's been a while since i've actually looked into that i'll have to check that out again yeah because they got rid of odr because they realized it was a terrible idea because it was stupid it was a stupid idea plus they introduced it right before kovind and it was just it was awful idea and i think they realized it was an awful idea so they rolled it back it was just as stupid as like facebook putting in a manual review system for for posts like like they were gonna have enough people to review billions of things this is stupid oh skating's huge in detroit let's see here just trying to get through actual questions we should have like an emoji that they use if their post is a question the thing is we get new people and they're there's no reason there's no way we'll be able to enforce that are you right let's see how did you do that to my name chelsea how did you do that to my name chelsea say what do you say craft kitty you just hit the at sign yeah sign and then you and then it's probably showing up orange for you because they're talking directly to you so if you do at sign to them it'll show up orange for them if you do it to us it'll show up orange for me adventure belt yeah that's a that's a that's a neat name for it i think of the pooch pocket yellow dorks i would say the end of august people are decorating way early this year yeah it gets a little earlier every year i use a french press we do too we french press our coffee fresh every morning it is the best way to make your coffee just anything other than a drip coffee yeah we don't own a drip anymore drips drips okay like if you're in a hurry but don't ever say that unless you have like one of the really expensive there's like a there's a drip machine it's like 1200 that actually like does it right that it's but that's more like a pour over machine than a drip coffee machine just started making my hubby's lunches to save some money yeah absolutely and you can make making your own food is always gonna be healthier anyway if you do it right if you already have halloween items in your shop make sure to start pinning them on pinterest now because pinterest needs to index them just an fyi yup good advice starbucks keeps sending us subways instead of coffee or whenever we order delivery so they suck what like subway sandwiches do you have like a do you have like a subway starbucks combo shop i wouldn't surprise me but i'm confused hoping to launch hanukkah beginning of august keeping ahead i started a second shot this year selling roller skate art and decided when i started aha to redirect all my focus into my original shop yeah i mean you can always go back to the other one too starbucks is burnt beans yeah it's always so it like if you think a drink is good from starbucks order it without any of the flavoring or milk in it and then taste it again like it's kind of like like cooking with food like if you if you cook a meat like the meat should taste good before you add all the other crap on top of it and then all the stuff you put on top of it should taste good without the meat you know what i mean like it's coffee should be the same way the coffee itself should taste good and then you add the good flavored stuff to it uh i know that after ha i can decide if i want to go back and apply what i learned in my second shops or if i'm so busy with my original shop at least i know where i stand exactly can i haystack into the or hacky sack into the corn hole that's kind of that's kind of what it is amber so while i was writing my my book i'm talking about a scene in la this very picturesque scene and i've described everything as having like a like a filter over it because i feel like that's very much what la would would look like um and i talk about like groups of teens tossing a hacky sack between their heels and then i look at the editorial notes that amber's given me and she goes hacky sex what is that i had to i didn't realize that hacky sack was not a universal term that's foot sack that sounds painful it does uh it's absolutely a huge juggling game with etsy shops but one is 2.6 years old and the other is digital it's very time consuming yeah digital at least it with digital you get a little bit of leeway i do pet and animal art i'm going to be helping my mom open a pet bandana shop but i'll be running it should i just combine it i think you should that's that's kind of up to you i i probably wouldn't it's one of those things where i'd probably maybe teach your mom how to run it like help her get that up and running and maybe like review anything that she does once you've got her figured out yeah it's it's really up to you though it it sounds like the i mean animal pet if it's all pet art and animal and pet bandanas that might make sense but it also might not it's really hard to say uh without looking at it so it would really be up to you and nothing we say is like a unless we it's like something directly from etsy or you know e-rank most of what we say is advice based on years of personal experience and things that we know from our thousands and thousands and thousands of etsy sellers that we've worked with we we tend to notice you know what works best and what doesn't so my shop is pressed flower prints can i add christmas items or two that have poinsettias to my shop or do i have to have a separate shop now if you're gonna do a christmas lunch why can't you do a christmas lunch press flowers aren't aren't poinsettias they're they're christmas they're flowers right yeah and flowers you could you could 100 do christmas stuff with flowers people do the whatever the off-white flowers are they do i mean you have the ability to stain flowers as well right so you could do green and red and white and blue and whatever you wanted to uh what if i want to add different kinds of products as long as they're themed yeah as long as they're themed around what your original products are don't think too hard look guys you can do whatever whatever you want if you want to have a shop that has a lot of everything you can totally do that will you see sales from it you might do any of the top sellers currently on e-ranks top etsy sellers on the platform do do they have everything in their shop no they all sell one consistent thing the biggest brands in the world are all specializing in one consistent thing unless they're walmart do you want to be walmart probably not um so if you want to try it you totally can but if you are unhappy with the results you might want to consider uh recognizing the thing that you enjoy the most that you're most passionate about making and niching down to that thing if you don't see the results that you want because i know i know how hard it is when you're good at a lot of things and when you enjoy doing a lot of things you don't have to sell all the things that you do on etsy i also enjoy restoring vintage taxidermy do i have a vintage taxidermy restoration shop on etsy i do not um so yeah such a cute pick image in my head of a waffle making baby a little baby making that waffle dropping it in the toaster i just watched a video the other day as uh i think it was a japanese kid making it's like a four-year-old making breakfast for his for his mom yeah he was like a full thing but i don't know if it was real it looked like if you watch the hands it looked kind of fake like somebody was holding it and they just like took it out in the video anyway oh you can oh yeah appreciate that info yes didn't clear using chrome yeah if you have a different set of clients you may want to consider different shops but keeping in mind that there are steps your shops don't get shut down yeah you got a list that you have more than one shop within your shop owner section last time i cleared all my cookies i yelled a lot despite last pass but i hear you on tech support let's see your brain is in your biceps you you talking to me i don't know what you're talking about uh i needed on the swipe files i forgot that yeah i think they're listed down below but if they're not you can go to um handmadealphacademy.com and all of my current freebies are listed on the homepage other than the summer survival guide which is kinda and you know what in fact this is probably the last week to get that i think that it's listed down below um if you want it go ahead and get it now because i'll probably discontinue it um next next friday being sure they don't they don't you don't really need it anymore uh i think lucy said if you can get to it the direct government website in the uk has all the codes that you can look up and get accustomed to i have a vpn so i can probably get to it either way uh myself and my other half working logistics are a little clued up on it the main thing uh it's not as scary as it sounds gotcha talking about the tariff codes and that's you will be holding your hands the entire time with the tariff codes yes they'll be adding their own code until you change it to yours so nothing will be illegal the codes are so broad so you don't have to knuckle down to specifics what should we wear to thanksgiving you're sure about how the the colonies are getting quite rowdy no you're america shirt i sent amber a shirt from the mountain if you guys are familiar with the mountain they do those big graphic shirts with animals and i sent her a shirt with a wolf on a mountain with with a moon and a big american flag waving in the background that's what you should wear oh amber was talking about so you had a really fluffy brain since being with a personal trainer oh yeah you're kicking my butt julian's had a fanny pack for thanksgiving and a bucket hat and some jinko jeans my dad is the jinko jeans that'd probably be how he's dressed when he comes anyway yeah i got a ninja drip that has a frother that's about the best that you can get when it comes to actual drip stuff until you get into like the custom stuff yeah we keep getting the wrong delivery driver to the door we don't i've officially stopped using doordash like the people that show up for one can never find our house and for two the last guy that we got we had him deliver thai food he gave us the other people's order i had him come back because we noticed it the moment that we got it that it wasn't ours and he literally hadn't even made it around the street and was so high that he forgot where our house was and he's like i don't understand what you're asking i don't understand what you're asking or you have the wrong food what are you talking about he was absolutely blitzed so i don't i don't use doordash anymore i'm sick of people like for one not being so high that they can't show up to my house and it's like one out of every three times and then the orders are always wrong yeah it's like people don't care about their jobs anymore how early is too early for christmas and wintry themed products um january no yeah no um i would say you could you could technically get ready anytime depending on when you're when are you going to release fall get your fall products out as soon as possible and then follow by winter products a month or so later i would say that the earliest that you should start listing uh winter products is august the latest you should release winter products is um october you could pull it off in november but latest should be october i wouldn't do anything later than that unless you have a raving fan base that buys immediately um that's how it was with the with art by starla moore we would launch things and they would just sell out the second that we launched them so we could wait until the last minute damn hi people i don't i don't care if people get high i i don't just not it's people that like will sold like oh i'm going to go do my door dash runs but first i'm going to eat a whole bottle of xanax [Music] that's those people i can't stand and unfortunately we're in ohio and we're like the drug epidemic state so freaking everybody's popping pills here let's see here uk starbucks is still better than the original us you don't know you ain't never been here we got we got a couple decent starbucks all right a couple of them are okay ones in barnes and noble are usually a little bit better but that's because they're not official starbucks all right allison is there really a market for vintage on etsy seems dicey as people could be more discontent thoughts there's absolutely there's a huge market especially now the whole stream um if you missed the beginning of it go back and watch but this that retro and vintage is the big thing right now especially there's absolutely a market for vintage you just need to make sure that the vintage thing that you're selling is in demand and if you are selling vintage you need to make sure that you're also evaluating the trends that are taking place in the vintage community we have so many people talking about coffee starbucks batistas yeah starbucks batistas they keep body slamming people um baristas have gotten really horrible they need to learn to adjust the machines it it's just people don't care about their jobs anymore it's like it's a common aesthetic across anything like there have been two or three times where i've like got mcdonald's or something like that and opened up the box for my burger and the cheese has literally not even been on the burger where they assembled the burger in the box and just like threw the cheese into the box and then closed it like it was on the top people just don't air anymore uh christmas in july for more discount items i mean people do christmas people do christmas in july sales people will also sell products for christmas in july it's never been like a giant trend um i think you could pretty much do whatever you wanted with it i don't think that there's like a rules to follow for christmas in july if you wanted to do a sale or if you wanted to sell christmas products i guess you could all right 10 more minutes lightning round and get our last minute words out we'll be done yeah let's do it let's see open my second shot because the digital cross stitch patterns in my art store wouldn't really allow me to categorize patterns doubting if i did the right thing should i go back to one it's totally up to you 100 up to you 100 up to you when working for linux we designed christmas in early spring having my own shop i had no clue how to start christmas stuff in my shop and when to market it i've been marketing halloween stuff though can you link the swipe files again go to handmadealphaacademy.com they're right on the home page pants with elastic for sure yep someone stole my fries with doordash they'd be catching a fight in my driveway as soon as i saw my fries were missing they'd be catching a fight in my driveway that's how it is still my fries marceline had a song about that yeah can you please repeat fall and holiday releases like time frames for for fall i would say as soon as you possibly can uh end of july at the very latest and then for holiday releases it would be ideal to get those out in october at the latest but august at the earliest let's see sorry barista batista you know what yeah but here those are two totally different things let's see uh i think christmas and july need to become more for designers to buy files etc to prep for christmas more so than people to actually buying christmas items yeah i could see that the alien and rick and morty in the dinner scene with the butt coffee was voiced by nathan fillion i don't know who that is who is that we probably should know i probably should know who that is but i'm really bad with like pop culture stuff so guys thanks so much for hanging out with us thank you this has been a weird stream um if you want to hang out with us in person in person like meet us you can see how short i am you can see how different i look then but not not a whole lot of actual hanging out because we'll be busy hang out i'll have a drink with you and maybe we'll i don't drink but i'll have saying that but if 10 people show up you can't have 10 drinks i'll have one drink and all 10 of them can stand right you gotta drive i oh yeah i do gotta drive but we'll be there for hours i can have one drink if you get there early enough guys mark has a show on august 6th if you live in the ohio area it's going to be taking place at the bright side lounge in dayton it is a large event center and it's very very nice um and tickets are only twenty dollars so you can hear mark play along with two other uh good bands they're they're good bands brave lake and new haven it's gonna be a killer show yeah so come and i'll be there taking pictures running a merch table running around like a chicken with my head cut off but i will totally be there if you want i got a new guitar for the show come out and see the new guitar yeah yeah so yeah um like the video if you haven't already give it a thumbs up how many likes do we have on it so far 61 we could get more than that i think there's 37 of you here come on 137 137 oh now there's 143. look at that look all you new people that just jumped in like the video please like it how did the fog machines work out i posted that on instagram they're wonderful they are absolutely crazy except one had a three and a half inch dent in it so i'm going to pick up the replacement guitar center tomorrow uh see thanks for being informative and awesome as usual looking forward to the alien welcome party i'm stoked i'm ready i'm ready to hit it up and try to keep all the dudes from trying to sleep with the aliens because that's the first thing they're gonna do well yeah it's like that's that's amber and i were talking about it and we've we've said it multiple times no we weren't talking about aliens the thing that mark and i have always said is that if it exists there is an inappropriate artistic rendering and or film of it i'm not gonna say the p word yeah please don't but subscribe to the channel if you haven't already drink some water or something else i was gonna say but i totally forgot i can't remember anything guys i'm out go for a walk it's a night it's a nice friday if you're in the midwest i think our high is like 72. yeah it's 72 right now it's as hot as it's gonna get if you're in the midwest go take a walk i don't know about it be careful up updating to windows 11. i'm not i i i won't i won't show that one it made us laugh it made us laugh i love i love it but i won't show that one just in case we'll save we'll save those for hours after dark call your mama call your mama if you can call your dad your grandma whatever call somebody that loves you and drinking a glass of water i love yourself i love how bossy the chat gets at the end now now they're all like like the video go outside drink some water ambassadors for the brand yo brand ambassadors brand best brand ambassadors all right guys gonna go exercise when this is done me too i'm gonna drink a shake i'm heading to the gym we love you guys and we will see you tomorrow no no friday next friday next week unless we have something before that a soon next friday maybe earlier i don't know bye guys we'll figure it out bye
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 4,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handmade alphas, etsy seller tips, grow your etsy shop, grow your etsy business, etsy marketing 2021, grow on etsy in 2021, selling on etsy in 2021, starla moore, etsy trends 2021, etsy trend research, trending on etsy 2021, what to make and sell on etsy, what to sell to make money on etsy, make more money on etsy, make more sales on etsy, how to be successful on etsy, etsy shop tips 2021, etsy fall trends 2021, etsy autumn trends 2021, Marketplace Insights, etsy halloween
Id: xlNyTR37LlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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