10 Perfect Etsy Shop Examples - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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oh hello and now show this puppy mess with it it comes out easy because i don't have much hair oh everybody say oh in the chat mark's tiny little baby ponytail he's it dreams of someday being a big long viking braid but not right now because it's too tiny i think your uh thing is breaking our chat there we go got it there all right we did a poll for the first time in the chat today for those who are watching the replay this is irrelevant to you but how do you like your coffee black sugar cream or sugar and cream so it looks like 23 of you like your coffee black three percent just like sugar 23 just like cream so black and cream are tied and sugar and cream is 52 just sugar that's odd tell me why let me know why my my uh my granny the one who passed away uh in august she always drank her coffee it was no i've never tried coffee option well do we have the best addictive substance for you it's one that your family won't even look down at you for did you guys like that little squeaky voice i just did you've been doing that a lot squeaky i'm gonna go ahead and end this poll so it's out of my way all right and the poll there you go poll ended let me know why i never cared for just black coffee with sugar in it it always ended up being too it seemed like it made it sour yes you know what i mean like adding the cream kind of counteracts the sour maybe but with our bougie coffee that we drink now it might be better that's true i mean it's true i've only ever had just sugar coffee and cheap cheap coffee yeah like when cream is not an option like you're sitting at the at the car like dealership or something and they're like would you like some coffee and then they've got like sure i'll take your your folgers your folgers that's been sitting on the burner for like four hours no hate for those of you guys that drink folgers but since he's got a ponytail now so like he has the most about how to make he knows how to do i mean you say that but we are pretty bougie with our coffee we french press our coffee every morning yeah we do and the best way to drink coffee treat yourself toss about as much as uh as like buying an actual drip coffee maker buying yourself an actual press and a and a boiler yeah guys happy friday um today we're going to be looking at it was it the the title of the video is 10 perfect etsy shop examples but amber marie sent me three more so or no one more two more two more math um well one we realized just joined haa and we probably they probably don't want to have their shop shown off yet so we're going to skip that one um and give them a chance to like get their shop how they want it but today we're going to be going over 10 perfect shops uh and this is actually going to be a kick off to something we're going to be doing next week i know that you guys have been waiting for more shop critiques and with handmade alpha academy being open right now we decided that we're going to man i'm going to regret this we're doing critique week which means next week every day until thursday when handmade alpha academy closes we're going to be live probably around the same time that the friday being yes probably probably around noon and uh we're going to be critiquing your shops so we don't know how we're going to do it yet we're probably just we want to set up some type of um like random generator type thing so that it's more fair but for critique week we probably won't have time to set that up so we'll be doing it like the old-fashioned way where you guys just join you put your shop names in the chat and we just have to pick a couple from the chat um i wish that there was an easier way we're gonna do it random though we're not gonna do it in order because people get butt hurt when their shop disappears and they don't get uh get their shop to show off yeah we can't so we're just gonna scroll up and down and pick a name and pull it that way it's fair for everybody there's like almost 22 000 of you now so please don't get mad at us if we don't pick you we'll do it other than paying like a ridiculous amount for live random drawing services which i'm not going to do for videos we do like once a month there's really no other way to do it but um monday tuesday wednesday and thursday we're gonna be doing critique week i'll send you guys emails about it um just keep an eye out for those we're gonna be picking random people in the chat please don't email me or shop i probably won't even open the emails because we'll end up with a bunch of them um but yeah so i did want to provide a warning we have a like a lot of severe weather going on right now so there's a very small chance stop it there's a very small chance that our stream might just stop out of nowhere because our power went out or our internet went out we have like severe winds hail and lightning storm warnings we've got a nice little gap in the weather now so it works it stops so hopefully it should stay okay all right guys so just a a couple quick announcements before we get into it first announcement is that tomorrow i'm hosting a live webinar you want to make sure that you're registered for that or you have a reminder set on youtube i know a lot of you guys have complained that your like youtube reminders aren't working you can se you can set your reminder directly from my channel the video like is already there and you can click to set a reminder um or there's a link down below where you can register for the free webinar and that will make sure that you get an email invitation um i think i've got it scheduled to send you one like a couple hours before we start and then one right before we start so get registered for that it's tomorrow there will be a replay but it's only going to be available until thursday night so you've only got like you've got less than a week to watch it and if you don't come live you won't be able to ask us questions about it that's going to be the climbing the mountain webinar i do that every year in june in celebration of handmade alpha academy opening this is going to be almost like a free sample of my teaching style if you guys are interested in joining handmade alpha academy that is open now you guys can claim the 30 the 30. the 50 discount um by going to handmade alpha academy dot com slash vip if you're interested in me coaching you but if you're kind of on the fence and you want to just test what my coaching style is like i recommend doing the free webinar tomorrow that'll that'll give you a little taste of what you can expect from handmade alpha academy and then if you want to join haa that will be opened until thursday people love the webinar like whether or not you're planning on joining haa people genuinely enjoy this webinar so you should check it out yeah and a lot i know that a lot of coaches do like a webinar that doesn't teach you anything and the entire thing is just a sales pitch isn't like that we will announce haa at the end but the entire thing is is it's actually a pretty useful learning experience yeah so i i don't like those webinars where you sit and you waste two hours and the entire thing is a pitch did johnny did y'all hear about hers is that what you guys he was loud he's very vocal he talks to let you know what he wants all right guys let me get the first link open and then we'll have to bounce because i don't want them to see up my um trello yeah please i've got like all my well you know how to do it you just click this the screen share down there because you don't have any free hands okay no i don't i got a boy all right window is open just click this the screen there and click right and then they click that okay so quick disclaimer shops that we're showing today are all handmade alpha academy students i want you guys especially you know for those of you who come to our critiques i want to make sure that i'm also showing you guys shops that i can't critique i want you guys to be able to see shops that are so good that i literally have nothing to say about them um the shops at this time are not listed in the description for those who are watching live but during the replay for those of you who are watching via the replay i will have put them in the description by the time this airs replay okay all right so your chair squeaking on that backdrop was driving me nuts sorry oh he shattered the grand illusion it's did you hopefully starting next week we will have curtains back here instead of a backdrop click the arrow okay first one what amber say here i want to make sure that we keep facebook message for another shot please do her oh we don't have facebook open but we'll get it open i have her i i saw your message i just didn't open it all right so let's boop i registered for the webinar but we'll have to watch the replay because i'm taking my youngest brand muffin to swim the grand muffin i like that all right guys the first shop we're going to check out is maki's i think she joined haa a year ago i believe that she was last june enrollment um i love everything about her shop she does svgs which are digital downloads we have a lot of people who ask if aja is good for digital downloads and this is a great example of a shop that does digital downloads beautifully i love her banner it's it's done very well to where it actually looks like it's seamless it looks like it's part of the of the etsy page and i think the thing that really ties that together is that how she did the crusted five how it's jumping out how it's jumping out and it's it's layered on top and then that layer continues down through the page and guys look look at her branding there is no question as to what her branding color is she's got this this teal color and then it's down here it she puts in bold digital files for cricut uh silhouette uh laser cut like there is there is no confusion here and i know that a lot of you who sell digital downloads you're always asking like i'm so worried that people are going to buy and they're not going to know it's digital and they're going to think that they're getting a physical product she has done this perfectly her shop is beautiful she's got her email list just right up at the very top that way you can get 20 off she's got an automatic discount code set up we teach that in haa she has a photo of her face i'm always a big fan of that that way you can build a connection but look at what she's wearing look at her outfit it's the exact color of her branding and the headdress that she's wearing in the pictures also matches her branding colors the pink and yellow she's got on every single listing what file formats are supported and that it is and that's important because if you look at some of the other ones she hasn't moved them into different file formats so some of them aren't supported by others and then let's scroll down obviously she's got some great reviews i love that she's used her shop updates to show how the products how these could be used you could do this with like simple mock-ups um you could do that with pretty much any type of digital product some lessons to take before next week when we start critiquing shops if you're going to have your shops critiqued yeah absolutely easy mistakes to fix before we do that exactly if you don't if you want to go in and fix before we start critiquing she's got some great photos in her about section love seeing a photo of the maker in the about section that's always a plus and then a really nice filled out about section now i'm gonna go into one of her listings because there's something really interesting that she does she includes a how-to tutorial on her youtube channel so she's got a listing video included to show what the product will look like she shows what your purchase has she gives you an invite to her email list so that you can get that instant twenty percent off uh automatic discount code that we teach in haa shows you what the video tutorial like thumbnail looks like and then there's little it shows you what it's going to look like when you go in to edit it it's going to show you that way you know what to expect when you go in and put your own name on the file i just think that this is a really a really great format she's got great seo her description is fantastic it's very organized i don't feel overwhelmed looking at it this is a fantastic example of a digital shop that's doing everything right so check out maki's if you're watching the replay her shop link will be um down in the description in fact i hardly said am i the only one whose screen is too pixelated to read the small writing you may need to refresh and you may also need to actually look at what your quality if you're on mobile especially look at what your quality setting is set to and set it to either high or 1080p 720p something that's easier to see um this confuses me regarding the rule and trademark since she has cricket and silhouette i think because now don't quote me on this guys because this is not my industry i do not know but i believe because she's selling supplies for those particular machines and those are creative machines that are meant for you to create your own things i i believe that it's okay but i'm not sure selling for not selling right exactly so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong guys but i believe that this is one of those exceptions it's not like she's selling a cricket machine and it's not like she's selling like disney themed products she's selling a supply for a crafting machine that is meant for creative yeah yeah all right so i'm gonna go ahead and go back to y'all make us big again so so i can get our next shop open here we go all right lori and helping sesame there goes next up we have laurie who is our alpha of the year from last year she was uh 2020's alpha of the year she does pagan and witchy inspired uh decor and jewelry she's got really really amazing branding everything is so cohesive and her pottery is cool yeah we've got a piece upstairs we do her apothecary jars um everything is so cohesive and you just you feel it when you're in your shop you know exactly what she's all about and that's what i really love once again she's got her automatic discount code that way you can get these people into your funnel so that you can market to them again and again and again she's got it right up at the top of her shop she's added in her eep url we've got photos of her face one right on her banner which i love because we want to know who this person is we want to form a connection with them something that i didn't point out with maki shop is that um we've got seo optimize shop sections and taglines the that's uh these are areas that etsy reads for keywords so her banner is poppin oh wait her banner's pooping open banner is pooping how did she do the multiple pictures banner this is an etsy plus feature so a lot of people ask me like is etsy plus worth it does it help you with sales no it doesn't help you with sales but it does give you the capability to customize more so you get a carousel banner and you also get big featured areas so she can feature a full shop section rather than just having the few um featured items so but look at how cohesive her shop is we're seeing similar backgrounds anything where you can customize it she has choose your crystals down at the bottom scroll down to her look at that you can about section her updates her updates you can kind of see her process i have this jar and it's really really cool and then she's got her about section with more photos that really reinforce this atmosphere and then her she does a really good job of putting off that like like when you walk into like a witchcraft shop or like shop like a yellow spring she does a really good job of putting that vibe off exactly then let's um let me go i'll go into the one that i bought just because i like this one because it's got the wolf on it so great seo she's got her description filled out and very clean cleanly organized with uh emojis and she's even put important stuff up at the top yes she's always that's one of the things that always bugs me when i'm looking through a description and you have to search for the thing that you want to know about it i think it's always important to have the most important details about what you need to say about your product in the first paragraph personal opinion she's got every angle of the jar she's got one of her hand holding it so you can see how big it is she even shows the bottom of the jar then she kind of shows the rest of them so she's almost marketing the rest of her products just through this one product to show you what the full collection looks like she shows how her packages come gift wrapped and then once again she has a link to her vip club that way you can get your 30 off discount she'll forever capture that person in her funnel and then she'll be able to market to them again and again and again so lori is fantastic um nairo asked a curious question what are those e etsy tags on some of her pictures the little the keys that pop up you mean down here on the shop update these will these are basically going to take you to the product so for example you've got it listed over there yeah you see this product this tag shows that this thing here is going to turn into this product so if i click on this it's going to take me to that product shop updates are a little bit harder to find you can use your shop updates by going to your uh sell on etsy app not the etsy app the sell on it sell on etsy app go to the social media tab within your little dashboard and then within social media you have to scroll all the way to the bottom i believe it's like one of the last options on the social media page jenny knows what's up she said yeah house of ravenwood is my jam oh love house or ravenwood always smells so good in there it does all right so be sure to check out lori's laboratory like i said she won uh alpha of the year last year and for good reason she has executed haa perfectly and she's a fantastic example so i went ahead and put hers um her shopping her shop link in the chat let's see sorry i got off on this morning watching stupid tim and eric and stuff all right next up you guys knower and lover she's dominating the skincare industry and her if you're not following her on social media you need to because she's got one of the best instagram and facebook feeds i've ever seen i had she's one of our most successful alphas for sure clean and dirty paula house her brand is beautiful and she keeps her her uh shop very clean her instagram is gorgeous it is absolutely flawless um she uses a short banner i actually just noticed that today that she uses a shorter banner and i actually really like how that looks alongside the rest of her shop but everything is so cohesive she still has the flow and i love the the use of shadows natural shadows very very well done and you'll look at like her sales numbers she also sells on her own website too um she she is a huge huge brand she used to be here in our live streams every week but she's just she's busy she's too busy so yeah she was even gonna she thought that she was gonna be able to do like she wanted to do coaching and like her brand just blew up so big that now this is all she does she's got employees like it's phenomenal but i especially love her about section because it's all photos like just beautiful photo shoots that she's done of herself and her products there i i love her about section and then she's got a lot of if you go like actually through each of her listings anytime that she's been able to take her own photos for her listings she does so let me grab pretty sure i saw one of her photos used in some templates on canva a bit ago paul is awesome yeah she's got awesome stuff here's here's a really good example look at how beautiful these photos are she does like her own pictures and when you look at her social media she has so many amazing photo shoots with models and friends who she's gotten together to you know do these these shoots with her um she's one of my favorite branded shops she is a great example of a shop that has used black and white branding which is just commented on that yes it's hard to do black and white branding uh we teach about the psychology of branding in handmade alpha academy and color psychology and what emotions you're trying to express and i'm also noticing too that a lot of the products she's starting to she does the black and the white but she's starting to do a neutral skin tone like a skin tone that's like between everything it's just like an off like a light brown natural earthy color yeah and that's that seems to be one of the elements that she's starting to add into it as well and i really like that because i if you like the uh like the skin care industry there's a big like natural turn that everybody's trying to take everybody wants natural stuff and just one little tan line on there gives it that feel like oh this is probably this is probably a handmade health product i also like that she put um her publications where she's been featured her authority and then uh a shark tank uh semi-finalist i actually didn't know that i yeah she's she's taken over the world so check out paula hoss at clean and dirty i'll go ahead and give you guys the link for those who are watching live if you're interested in checking her out you can also check out her website and i highly recommend following her on social media even if you're not like you know interested in buying skincare um you can learn a lot from the way that she actually does her marketing big all right let's see chelsea said the amber bottles to me look like one of her branding colors love it all right little me let me lo me let me little me for your home um connie is fantastic her shop is so clean and just so well put together um she's gotta match the white of the background as he's white almost perfectly the right side's a little different but towards the middle you can tell that it just seamlessly blends in she's got these the leaves you can see the green right here kind of shadowing her her photo you can see that green here again she's got a really nice font i love her font and then we scroll down and her photos aren't super edited you'll notice but they look so clean yeah they're very clean she uses minimal props that really complement the photos just little flowers and things kind of set off to the side um then we scroll down she's got some great process photos her workshop down in her about section and let's go grab her featured item look how many photos she has that's one thing that i really love is that she has lots of photos she so shows um her her video and shows how her products can be used she shows the different colors i love her shop i think that she does a great job the less you can leave to with pictures the less you can leave to the imagination the less chance there is you get a bad reviews for somebody that thought they were getting something that was different than what they were expecting right like you're showing them every instance of the product so they're not surprised when it arrives and then what i also really love that she has an info page that basically tells exactly what people should expect all the most important points um it's gonna be most people aren't gonna read your descriptions so anything that they need to know before they make that purchase should be in the photos i i like to use the last photo slot which is what she's done here and then she's also got her eep url type this link into your browser and it is right on the photo so you can't miss it and it shows that you can get your 15 off code to make this purchase that way she once again forever has them captured on an email list so she can market to them over and over again um she is another fantastic example of a shop that you know she doesn't have to put like six hours into photo editing the way that some sellers do she's just able to really utilize this natural light and it you can see it so love her shop i'm gonna go ahead and give you guys the link paste it into the chat all right over y'all moving right along moving scooting any questions no looks like somebody shared a live and discord let me what uh what discord you guys got going on i'll check it out awesome unless you're talking smack and i don't want it all right the next person man i hate this girl god just look at her she's she just thinks she's so great because she was our very first alpha of the year and she messages me like every day and and she she had the nerve to buy tickets from the uk to ohio and she's gonna come and reign on our parade this thanksgiving thinking that she can come over here with her tea and her british accent tea in her british accent amber marie obviously is the one of the alphas that we talk about the very most just because we've worked with her since the beginning she was one of our first alphas she's a perfect example of an alpha who literally does everything right she's insanely creative she has a a vip club of the most engaged audience that i think i've ever seen you guys can expect to see lots of content from us coming this november when amber comes to ohio to see us for thanksgiving we're gonna have lots of shenanigans but in the meantime there's so much that you can learn from amber her tagline is no breed left behind because she makes sure that she is making every single breed she wants to make sure that every single breed is drawn and she tells her customers that if she does not have a breed that they want she will add that breed her banner is so cool because you can't even see where etsy banner begins in etsy shop like or etsy banner ends in shop again it's just so cohesive it's so crisp and clear um there's just so many elements here that i love she's got her eep url he said how long does it take for a shop owner to get to the point where their shop looks like this it's a process for sure it's different for everybody yeah it's different for everyone i will say that with the handmade alpha academy students in particular most of them can come if they're like doing an hour a day most of them can complete the course within 60 days but most of them will also go back through haa again and again and tweak um amber has with with there being like 16 to 19 hours of content you kind of yeah kind of you kind of need to go through it more than once i think it's good for you amber had a fantastic banner already but she just recently changed it to this one and this one's even better than the last it's like every time i look at her shop it's a little bit better in fact when i put her i told her that i was doing this video and she was like oh are you gonna you're gonna feature me aren't you she's like i better go in and clean a couple things up and then these pictures of pixel were not here when i looked last night so but i love them they're super cute yes take all the tea to the states it better be tax-free last time but it's it's just so well done she draws all of her all of her dogs by hand and then she can print them on multiple products her husband 3d prints these really cool dog breed cookie cutters she's got mugs and cards um when we scroll down she's got a video of her actually drawing one of her pieces so you can see that you know this this is her artwork nobody's going to be able to do what amber does then we've got some great photos of her working in her or in her studio you can see all of her cards behind her more studio photos pixel that way you know she's got to show off her own puppy and then let me grab hmm let me just grab this blanket blanket look how cute he is well-behaved boy she shows really great photos of every element of these products even though they're print on demand she orders herself a product that way she can get great photos like these so you can see things like the texture in the print and then she's of course got a couple of her mock-ups in here as well you can kind of see how the products will look on your on your couch awesome example of a great shop with phenomenal branding and not only does she have over she's almost 12 000 sales on etsy she's also got her own website so this is killing it this is one of those alpha shops where she joined h.a.a and she turned it into a career this took off her stuff just took off this is her job this is her entire career so for everybody who's like oh you can't be successful on etsy you can't make it your job you can't make it your career they're lying you've got to take a close look at some of these shops and really look at what they're doing because they are the proof that etsy absolutely can be a sustainable business model etsy's a great platform you just have to be willing to put the work in to do it exactly it's it's not over saturated there are so many different places that people sell handmade products but etsy is one of the few places that there are there's still some cheap chinese crap that gets through the cracks but etsy's pretty good about controlling that stuff it's not it's not like uh ebay or amazon or any of these other places where like somebody can search your exact same product and buy it for a third of the price from someplace from china and end up getting a crap product if you're selling truly handmade stuff that's e is the place for you my opinion sally said talking haa i really love the branding section took me about three months working really hard on this stuff to be happy with the look of my shop that was changing hundreds of photos as part of it though well and and i think that a lot of people feel that way where they're like afraid because they say oh you know i've i've gotten into this course and starla wants me to you know reshoot all my photos the thing is there's no time limit on it you know you could upload two photos a week you know on your weekends and by the end of the year be completely done so there's no rush to these things no not at all especially for our new haa students who are like you know they're they're feeling overwhelmed because there's so much to do i mean we also have people that will join and don't actually start for like six months they just want to get it while they can all right yeah it was 2018 amber 2018 that she enrolled and then you won 2019 alpha of the year right i believe yeah because that would have been our first alpha of the year yeah because in 2020 it would have been our second and then 2021 to our third year got it all right next up we have amanda at night moves and she has the funkiest 90s shop i love her branding so much she is an example of a shop that when i said hey you know etsy prefers white backgrounds uh that when you look at anything that etsy features it's usually on a light or white she's like no i'm not doing that white background and she killed it with the crazy background look at and you know normally i'm against sharp shadows but this but for her a particular image or her products are all sharp for sure it looks so good everything is so styled i don't even know if she did it on purpose but because her products are sharp and the shadows are sharp it's got to be on purpose oh it looks so good it's this is just straight out of the 90s i love her branding i love how she's been able to incorporate a lot of fun colors while still keeping it cohesive and relevant it doesn't nothing feels out of place here everything feels like it should be here dulce said reminds me of target branding yeah a little bit like how they do their funky like yeah they're 90s their funky 90s theme she was doing it like even before target got into 90s target did call it though with the with the 90s theme coming back i don't have it capturing desktop audio so nobody oh okay yeah um she's got a video that i love how this is formatted and it's really fun because it's all 90s theme but then she's got like a smartphone it's like it's it's relevant you know let me grab um i'll grab these take a couple looks this is the other trend report page yup look she's got all kinds of funky branded uh call outs to her instagram instagram hashtag big earring energy and she's encouraging people to use that hashtag she's got her vip club listed and then she has her branding let's grab let's grab these makes sense because 80 stuff was in not too long before that yeah featured an etsy spring lookbook oh i didn't even know that look at these photos they are so fun she does so much and i love this photo in particular how she's got the rip it looks like it's cut out of a magazine yeah it's so cool it's just it's unique it's different having this big uh you know bold geometric shape cutting right over the photo it's just so different and abstract and it makes her photos so interesting i love it i love her shop right now 2 000 stuff's coming and yeah tell me about it music is becoming awful it makes me feel old [Music] but guys make sure that you check out amanda's shop as well let me grab the link for you guys are those one-of-a-kind pieces no no they're not no um most handmade alpha academy students um are encouraged not to rely only on of a kind because etsy's algorithm doesn't favor one of a kind having a couple one-of-a-kind pieces is okay but having at least 10 products that you can repeat over and over again is going to help you to build good listing quality scores which will drive people into your shop you've got listings that are actually ranking on the top of search pages people will find those listings organically and then those listings can lead them to your shop where they can see some of your one-of-a-kind pieces i always have people message me and they're like why don't you let why don't you like one-of-a-kind shops it's not that i don't like one-of-a-kind my shop had a lot of one-of-a-kind products uh as well but etsy needs to be able to recommend products based on what they've seen selling in the past and unfortunately with one of a kind there's no record there's no history for those listings i've got tons of videos on that though if you watch my seo videos um you can learn a little bit more about how listing quality scores work so we won't dive too far into that today if i hear we don't need no therapy one more time i actually don't know i have no idea i know what song that is let us know sorry i'm a little bit more of the brutal death core medal kind of kind of guy so all right next shop this is probably one of the strangest niches not strange it's one of the most obscure niches i'm not i'm not there yet it's one of the most obscure niches that we've had um but i think that that's what makes it so fantastic so leanne does seeds and um or organic seeds usda organic seeds but she also does bunny poo fertilizer from her bunnies and i love that she does the little rabbit shaped pucks yeah so bunny manure fertilizer pucks isn't that the coolest thing i always have people say like oh would he or haa be good for my shop i sell a really nice product and i'm like we have somebody who sells bunny poo fertilizer or bunny poo manure her branding is super clean it just fits you know exactly what she's all about she's got fantastic photos of fruits and veggies yeah and grow your own foods grow some if you if you got the time to do it and the space to do it grow some fresh fruits and veggies and then you know for her seeds she's got actual pictures of her holding some of the produce that she's grown i think that that's a really cool way to market it and then she also has a really great about section photos of herself amber said we even have someone who makes snail food we do we have to we have someone who makes snail food and somebody who has a dog a dog restaurant it's not a bakery because it's like meat it's a dog restaurant you walk in and get your dog a fancy dinner she's but she does sell on etsy as well um but she's got her bunnies bun bun bun buns i'm gonna give it a boo i'll give it a boop of snoot bun buns let's uh take a look coffee power mom said mom you need to go to college to be successful 20 21 people make money selling bunny poop entrepreneurship i see people complaining all over my facebook feed about not being able to make money and then there's this and then there's this girl is probably making a living off of this or at least close to it she does such a great job and she you can tell that she loves her bunnies like look she's got information why rabbit fertilizer non-toxic and safe to store around children and family pets considered a cold fertilizer meaning you can't use too much and burn delicate roots safe for the environment pollinators and beneficial insects improves all around soil quality with nutrients drainage and attracting earthworms no awful odors as with other animal fertilizer see i would have never known that i would have never known that now next time we garden we should get bunny poo fertilizer okay dulce said how do you sift out the poo for the bunnies you know i'm not i'm not actually honest with you you'll have to ask leanne how she sifts out the poo but they are and look as long as it doesn't lead to bunny poop factories i don't think that's gonna be a problem it's so cool though i love i love her shop i love her brand i love her message i love how it's earth friendly she's got her eep url once again it's it's just a fantastic example of a niche shop that's absolutely doing it everybody keeps talking about nairo's discord what discord send me the link dog or don't send me the make sure you space it out because youtube will block out the the comment but send me the discord i want to check it out we have no idea holy crap let me know there are like 215 people here right now that's a record come on all right so that's leanne go give her go give her some love if you're into gardening perfect perfect example of a shop that like does something very unique right have you guys ever let us know in the chat have you heard of bunny poo fertilizer before because until her i did not know that you could the bunny manure was a thing so guys since we're right in the middle let me check um let me shoot back here we've got a couple more shops to get through um i want to go ahead and give us a quick intermission make sure that if you sell on etsy for all of our newbies who somehow flooded our channel there's a free etsy master class that's going to be taking place tomorrow hopefully we get this many people tomorrow during the master class that's going to be covering the five big picture steps that i recommend to generate a profitable brand on etsy and that free webinar is in celebration of my own handmade alpha academy which is open now it'll only be open for enrollment until june 24th so if you're interested in crafting a beautiful shop like some of the ones that you've seen here today and some of the ones that you're about to see in a few minutes make sure that you get in on our thousand dollar discount you want to go to handmade alpha academy slash or how handmade alpha academy dot com slash vip otherwise you'll be paying a thousand dollars more for your enrollment once you're in haa you are in for life it is a self-paced course that is going to teach you a to z how to build a psychologically pleasing etsy shop and marketing timeline so that you always know what to do when it comes to etsy success you're never going to have to guess what to post where to post when to post when to add new products you're going to know how to seo optimize and edit your photos what do we got she's got the stuff down pat well i'm very concerned about dolce making bunny poo tea i don't know 1 2 tea i hope you're not drinking bunny poop unless it's like some weird is there a bunny poo tea that we should know about i don't know man all right and they shared uh nairo's discord it's night owls n-a-i-t-o-w-l oh yes we're gonna come back looks like uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna come check it out uh share charlotte's youtube on your discord yeah share it help us out we'll die we're shout you out here anything that helps small business owners we're we're all about it as long as you're as long as you're honest and legit that's all we care about um love the extra info it's not only targeted experts who already know absolutely no of course not sally you just wait we might have you on our list i heard discord yes you did lucy i'm looking into some things for potentially having a discord here but i want to make sure that i can control it properly the bunnies have wire bottoms so the poo just falls through to the ground or a box for collection that's interesting never heard of it i'm a buddy parent bunny rescuer yes it's a huge thing in the bunny community oh interesting turn of guano but never bunny poop fertilizer all right i think it's a neat idea being able to use your pet for something that is beneficial saves you money too i have a friend who raises money and shares her poop with their friends for their gardens oh too broke for the academy but one day that's what we always say don't don't spend money on us until you're comfortable to do it save what you would save for the monthly payments every month and if you're able to save it to the point where you can do the one-time checkout you can do it then and you'll know that you will have not uh not struggled and if not then you knew that you needed to wait disclaimer if you ever see one of those coaches who tells you that you will not be successful without their program what they don't agree with what they're really saying is that they will not be successful until you write them a paycheck for their program yeah we want you to wait so wait until you're ready and don't don't ever struggle on our behalf no matter what we're selling or offering please never struggle on our behalf we don't want that i've had monkey poo tea before it's picked by monkeys but there's a warning on the back that it may contain poop yeah all right no all right we're getting through i'm almost done she's trying to rush through you've been talking non-stop for 45 minutes you're all right etsy shops i love looking at seashells all right that's it i want to look at that sea shops this woman i swear i'm excited to look at etsy shops are you guys ready to look at seashells all right next up we have oh wait i guess i got to show you we have the pearled rose she's man when did when did she join hia it's she's been in for a long time um beautiful flower headbands beautiful photos look at these photos they are so freaking pretty she does amazing flower crowns for weddings and photo shoots once again she's got her mailchimp address there to get your 20 off discount her photos are so pretty i love her featured up here as well these these are styled so well look at these babies who's who's she's got a very a very rustic theme to her vintage feel yeah i like that she's got like just the right filters well she's helping narrow down the type of audience that's gonna buy her stuff you know like she's gonna it's got that kind of aesthetic to it these babies are whose babies are these i want i want these babies i want no more friggin babies no more babies we've got babies we've got one baby but look at how pretty these photos are oh my god they're so pretty even look at her with her babies there she is handing mr postman her oh that might be your husband that's probably her husband it's a good simulated picture she's got a video down oh my god it's so good look how good it is capture that genuine reaction this it looks like a commercial it looks like something that you would see on tv it's so good seeing photos like these makes me want to take a course in photography sometimes you just gotta take a step back and think it's one of those target target audience kind of things like she knows the kind of people that are buying her products and the kind of people that are buying her products like to see photos like this and this is what draws them in look at these photos oh my god they're so pretty little redheaded babies oh such good photos [Laughter] very photogenic kids our kid likes just sticks her tongue out when we try to take her picture and then she's got her look ready to be a rose she has a name for her vip club that's something that i should be mentioning is that our alphas like you guys are the alphas her vip clubs are the roses amber does the amber ambeholics anonymous she they all have the funnest funnest the funnest names for their vip clubs but once again she's got her mailchimp uh address in there she's got great seo she's got her mailchimp right up at the top so that you can claim the discount code that way you end up on her email list where she can market to you again and again anytime she has a sale or a new products she's got you captured so that you don't have to you know you're not going to end up at a competitor shop you're going to go direct to her and buy from her so she did a great job with the angels of how to take those pictures i'd struggle figuring that out yeah she her pictures are fantastic i love her photos they're so good and so natural and all the kids and people in the pictures are just super photogenic i don't know how she found that these kids or made these kids amber said that she genuinely named them the amboholics because i can't pronounce pronounce her name because we say amber and she says i'm sorry we used the letters that are in your name instead of the ones you imagine they're there the brits say amba and we say amber amber all right next up we have kate at snowy palms okay so for everybody who's like you know i sell i want to sell t-shirts on etsy but it seems really saturated and the market isn't saturated it's 20 21. they're always like well i don't know if i can be successful with that look at sales number seven over 17 000 sales she is dominating the world please killing it she's killing it killing it killing it but she has fantastic products she also is a really great example of how to use mock-ups in a way that is very styled and clean she does use mock-ups but they look really great um she used to have a really hot pink and bright teal branding color and i believe that she changed it because the neons were really trendy last year and this year the muted colors are trending yeah and she changed her brand to fit the muted palette that's trendy now and you can kind of see those branding colors translated right over in her banner it's like they took the the pastels that were really popular and then took even more of the shine off of the pastel and then we end up with the powder exactly so she's got all these really great photos and mock-ups and then i like this there there you can kind of see her old branding colors she's got her sizes but she didn't just take a sizing chart she actually branded it and made sure it fit her brand she's got her eep url for her twenty percent discount look there's a photo a photo there's a photo right there there's a photo of her [Laughter] we're real bad when we get around our southern family members we start picking up i don't have an accent well yeah you do everybody says i do because you do but she has fantastic branding she tells you everything that you need to know about her as a business owner prompt and attentive communication tracking provided with each purchase created with care in the usa uh customized with ease just send a message and then she has her social media look fun and branded everything is i love this i also love how etsy does this buy together and get free shipping tow mater has joined the chat yeah hi toe mater they're talking about you oh me i'm joe mater toe mater i'm tow mater i'm allowed to talk like that all my family's from alabama and tennessee so and then she's got photos of her process of her work space i love it personable so fun so fun so many sales she she's killing it and once again she's got her eep url right there so that you can join her email list and forever be captured where you'll be marketed new products and discount codes let me throw you guys her link in case you're curious want to check her out how much is the payment plan for haa 199 a month 199 a month for six months lifetime access lifetime access and uh payment plan members don't get any lush you guys get the exact same thing yeah everything's exactly the same i had somebody ask me a couple days ago if they joined with the payment plan if they would like only get half the course until they paid the whole course is available the moment that you sign up and it's available for the life of the website all right next up we have joan once again she's another example of a shop who does fantastic not using the light backgrounds she does black backgrounds but the way that she does them is great we'll focus on her branding first i dig the black background the photo she does such a good job with it and look we've got black clothing paired with the earrings are the same color as her branding everything's on the nice black cohesive background she does such a great job i need to go back to your older videos about the email list i think i have to start one finally we have more information on email lists than aja um which videos do you have that are for your email list i actually don't remember we've got reasons to start an email list with mailchimp a really old video on my channel but we don't teach you how to do that because of the legalities of the email list yeah with with youtube if we say something and you do something it could put us liable for like you making a mistake so with haa we can communicate with we yeah we can communicate with you we can help you and it also guarantees because of terms of use in terms of service you can't sue us if somebody sues you so it's a safety net for both of us exactly but we teach you how to do it safely in handmade alpha academy on youtube you can find i think mailchimp has their own channel though where you can find information to make sure that you're able to stick with gdpr compliance and hand spam spam act and whatever other crazy privacy laws anyway all right she does such a great job with i mean every single photo is cohesive and beautiful i love how her earrings are hung on this like it looks like a wire almost very abstract jewelry it's so pretty and everything just it it just is so fluid your eyes know exactly where to go there's no confusion there she is making her jewelry i love photos of smiling faces they make me feel connected to a store owner that's what i love to see i want to feel connected to the person who's selling it for jewelry and for his for being handmade and as abstracted as it is it's not that expensive this reminds me of something like when you go into like a real nordstrom not like the discount ones at a mall yeah like you go into a real nordstrom and you see the jewelry that's just sitting there for like two and a half grand three grand for an earring and guys have you guys noticed that she uses a lot of i know that a lot of alphas have but i i'm just pointing it out now she uses inclusive models yes and i love that i love that she's taken the time to find inclusive you know models and different skin types and different skin colors to show her jewelry and i know that that's really hard it's hard to like you know if if you don't have any friends already that are like craigslist there are people that are looking for a quick 20 bucks that you will let you take their picture you have facebook friends and i was going to say i would reach out on to people i know i'm just saying there are so many resources to find people yeah or you could even do a giveaway with a with a um you know influencer or somebody who you know on social media or a friend and ask them to in exchange for a product there are there are also talent websites where people will sign up for like modeling gigs and things like that and i mean a lot of these kids are like our school students they they need money so and i'm sure that you could also post in the handmade alpha group if you wanted to just like give a product away just so you could get a photo shoot i'm sure that there are alphas who would be willing to help you as well free handmade alpha facebook communities linked down below if you're not a member yet you can join that and work with other um other alphas and we don't allow spam or selling products there so and no hate either yeah we had to we have a friendly group we had to block you we had to ban some people today for being butt heads or not today this week but shows her packaging absolutely love her shop there are handmade groups with professional photographers in exchange for free products well just got to be wary of who you send your stuff to make sure you're not uh make sure you're not sending your products to somebody you're just losing money and then she has her eep you are oh so love it absolutely love it so let me go ahead and grab oh and her shop is frannie and eleanor angela jasmina how do you have a check mark next to your name are you cause she's a verified verified channel awesome all right guys uh we've got a couple more shops to show off and then we'll get to questions if you have any for me the next shop we're going to look at is uh number 11 because we had some extra shops requested by amber and then i was like oh man why didn't i include these in the first place so we're actually at shop number 11 when i promised you 10 but we have to look we have to look at anna grundles we have to she does the coolest printable coloring pages for adults she's got a website on top of her etsy shop she does beautiful coloring pages she is in poland i know we also have a lot of people who say oh is haa only catered to the us and obviously we've had a couple alphas from the uk that we featured today but we've also got anna who is in poland and she does these super cool coloring sheets that you can you can print and then she's got some great mock-ups here she has information about her products oh i guess you can't are they printable or are they oh no they're not printable you buy these and she ships them okay for i thought that they were printable for some reason um i might have printable stuff in here printable there you go printable printable coloring yeah there we go she does have the uh digital downloads as well but her shop is just so clean and so fun her website is the same way she's got a great great website very cut and dry it's easy to tell exactly what you're looking for exactly exactly i love her coloring maps these are great she's got travel maps but these would be great to for etsy sellers to show where they've shipped like shipped to if you're trying to you know fill out the map and try to ship to every uh every state might be fun to do a coloring map perfect maps for homeschool moms also yeah yeah she's got some great photos down here as well oop let me pop her video open wow these are so great good size references shows exactly what it's going to be like when you open it up that is so cool that's so neat then let's let's i love the time lapse that that video was so well made that is awesome oh there she is smiling coloring one of her one of her maps you feel like you know her you feel connected stickers it's so fun so let me grab you her shop link as well this was a last minute edition that we decided to throw in because amber reminded me that her shop exists i i tried really hard yesterday to to pick out um alphas that follow haa 100 percent and we've just got so many with over we've now we're up to like 700 people um it's it's hard to go through and remember everybody there we go all right so we have i think one more shop to show off one bonus shop and then you guys can do questions no this one we're we're not gonna do that one because i realized that they just joined haa and they probably don't want to be uh blasted yet yeah they're probably not ready yet to be showcased but sally i know you're here in the chat are you excited are you excited that we're all going to be looking at your shop just commented i believe yep there she is hi sally we're showing you off is this is it the same sally sally are you the same sally i believe this is your shop sally i believe that you're the same sally um penguins and paper chains absolutely beautiful shop uh beautiful branding beautiful artwork beautiful photos we've got an awesome call out to the eep url with the hearts i always recommend using the little emojis because it just makes you uh it makes you your eyes go there when you see those emojis it's like a little splash of color eek it's me it's you i love i love your branding though it's absolutely beautiful and cohesive i love the little text edits she did with all that the little text emojis that's perfect look how cute they are i'm glad that those display right for etsy cute they're little faces look at the little faces i love it so cute and clean and fun you just i love that the letters are in the correct order oh my yeah my ocd was looking out d e f g oh my god i didn't even notice that i would have never noticed that if you didn't point it out that's great and then let's scroll we've got some great shop updates down here and look at these photos look at the about section they're so good oh she's so cute these are beautiful photos and i don't even know sally i don't know if you did this on purpose but your scarf is totally your brand in colors too did you purposefully like dress in your brain yeah you had to of this is like living in the branding mindset it's so good it's so good i'm gonna grab we will grab brownie points for alphabetical yeah just just not upsetting my ocd points oh i love these videos process videos showing exactly what you're doing so that you know that it's not just some mass-produced product you're actually showing your process and that your hands are gonna be delivering this product it's so great close-ups customize your own name that's so cool that's great i love it shows how it's going to come plastic free that's always a plus she's got her uh her discount code link in there oh find a link to frame your prints in the product description that is awesome i love that guys this is another fantastic example of an etsy shop that has gone above and beyond with everything that they do so i hope that you guys have enjoyed checking out the shops let me go ahead and give you her link so you can check her out if you're watching the replay all of these shop links will be down in the video description look at our big screen now if you guys have questions for us about anything that you've seen today if you have questions about the handmade alpha academy which will only be open until this thursday night so you've got a little less than a week to join please don't disappear during the sales pitch we'll be answering questions for a long time and get what you're get your questions in now yeah gifts gifts questions guys let us know what you need to know about etsy um and like i said if you have questions about handmade alpha academy please don't be shy to ask us that we are completely transparent about our program don't feel weird don't think that the you know we won't answer you because we're here to help we want to make no such thing as a stupid question we want to make sure that you're making good and educated decision for your business uh also real quick along with the free webinar that's linked down below that you guys can sign up for which that'll be taking place tomorrow same time as this stream so make sure that you uh set a reminder but we're also we've also got a lot of freebies down there we've got um some pdf freebies we've got my summer survival guide if you're experiencing slow sales on etsy that's going to give you some ideas to market for summer while preparing for the busy fall we've got my 2021 marketing calendars which you guys can use to start prepping your shops for the holidays you'll know exactly when to market uh when to launch new collections when to plan for sales what sales to optimize for um my let's see what else is there oh amber marie's wholesale cheat sheet you guys saw her earlier with the pet portraits she's got a really cool cheat sheet for you guys if you want to work with wholesalers and have a professional looking invoice that we'll send to them and let them choose what products they want you can customize that and it will even total out the invoice for you uh that's linked down there and then there's one more thing there's oh the ssar swipe files that is my five star customer service strategy that you guys can use to get more five star reviews on etsy five star reviews help your overall search ranking so if you are struggling with seo and you're just not being seen in search um getting more five-star reviews on the purchases that are made in your shop are gonna tell etsy that people enjoy what they're buying and they're more likely to recommend you to more people in search so getting five-star reviews is very important also make sure to keep an eye out on our channel next week monday through thursday thursday yep we will be doing shop critiques every single day where we will take random names out of the chat pull your shops up tell you what you did right tell you what you did wrong brutally honest yeah so we don't do those very often because people like to complain but we're doing it to celebrate our third year for our launch so yeah they're going to join us handmade alpha academy feel free to uh to join us and maybe you'll get your shop critiqued live um obviously don't submit your shop live if you don't want to be seen by it and then don't get mad if it doesn't yeah because we usually have like 50 to 100 people put their shops in there we can only do like three or four in a video we're doing four four live streams back to back for for shop critiques to try to get as many as we can so we normally only do like one every few months this is it just hit that bell thing yeah hit that like button click subscribe and click that little bell icon we don't upload spam or bullcrap we do these live streams and then we upload videos that actually help you with your etsy business or we try to and then we try to stay on top of drama if it's necessary i've been doing youtube shorts i started doing those yeah let us know what you think about those etsy's algorithms are not etsy youtube's algorithm is supposed to like those a lot we want you guys to see our videos so they're only a minute long we can upload a minute i've done two shorts but they're both kind of silly ones talking about tomorrow's webinar one is talking about how i've had to block you guys from saying the word instagram on the channel um you guys can watch them i blocked a lot more words than that before well yeah but instagram is now blocked from the channel and you guys can watch the video to find out why it's pretty funny i've used amber's wholesale cheat sheet for two businesses now and i love it i'm glad awesome around what time will you be doing the critiques we're thinking they'll probably be at the same time that we do these sometime around noon maybe one i go to the gym at three o'clock every day so and we'll they won't probably won't be a full hour we're not sure yet so just tune in when you can and we'll find out after the first episode noon eastern i think is when we're gonna plan them i have a question if there isn't a quote unquote guest on etsy can they leave a review no they if they check out as a guest unfortunately they cannot leave a review so if you're using my ssar swipe files i would uh remove the r message out of that process um or no not the r the arrive the a message um and the r because they can't they can't review it at all so you can't thank them for reviewing there was another coffee powdered home nope i'm gonna be personally offended well then come fight me then come fight us come fight us and come fight us in real life let's do it fight me irl bro bad bad question but what's blackberry hoodie stock for alpha dot looking like itching to place my order uh yo amber you hear what's up with that lucy you know what's up with that lucy you work for amber amber's the amber's the queen of the elf adapt we've got a merch shop guys if you guys are interested in getting your own especially new happy we'll get the money for that that goes straight to amber we have to disclaim that yeah amber amber is saving up pennies for her trip to the us to hang out with us so if you guys get yourself an alpha t yeah yeah what uh embroidered yeah or a alpha hoodie or some alpha sweat pants or an alpha hat um you will be supporting amber's trip here that way we can have lots of fun when she comes to the u.s let's see my shop is reopening on june 25th so i had a blank shop currently well i'm hoping uh maybe you get it done man you can join our stream june 25th we'll be doing more of these shop critiques people really like our shop critiques and i think you guys get quite a bit out of that even if we if it is just repeating a lot of the same stuff over and over i think seeing it in different context helps people so we're gonna try to do them more often i've been loving the shorts it's like a little bite-sized starlight info she's bite-sized anyway yeah i'm only five too i'm pretty big you just make the same height because i'm scrunching down i'm really like i'm up to his chin when we stand up yeah i can put my chin on top of her head uh will you remind us of critiques over the email list yeah probably yeah i'll send you guys some emails where are links to the shops featured today they're currently in the chat and are you going to put them in the description after the video is over yep they'll be in the description when we do after we go offline i will put it in for the replay so by around 2 30 you should be able to refresh and see him in there i've heard that guests can sign up through their etsy receipt and then leave a review since their purchases will be linked to their new account to be honest with you i'm not sure but i'll trust your word on it oh amber link alph adapt shop down below if you guys are interested in getting some alpha merch thank you amber fight fight fight you can use plushies or something and twitch that like the recent josh fight now we're going to fight hands hands we do it real here he's bare knuckle boxing in the yard i'm taking your advice and working through my etsy soon it's been two years since touching the shop well i'm hoping to see some good progress for you amber tells me nothing throws bunny poopy all this is war i better not charge his bunny poop she's allergic to bunnies i am allergic to bunnies i'm severely allergic to bunnies rodents good job now you have to feel bad all colors and sizes uh and the tie dye are still out of stock i'll post customer service again for everyone yes please please and thank you oh all we're out of stock on all tie-dye hoodies amber it sounds like we need to be would you guys like a friday bean collection of merch would you guys like friends yeah we do have some collections planned but would you like friday you guys want friday be merch i'm thinking they've got these blanket hoodies right these they they're the texture of a blanket and they're giant and you can order like a 4x and just live inside it for the friday bean that way when you watch the friday bean you can drink from your friday bean mug in your big friday bean hoodie and maybe we'll do a friday bean blanket that you can wrap yourself in do you guys want friday bean merch let us know in the chat oh i hadn't realized they had merch yeah we actually just did that recently so amber can can come over the big old lake and we can show her how to make tea properly on ice uh keep when does haa open again it's currently open now and then it will be opening again on december 1st it opens the 14th of june and december 1st for 10 days each year yeah so june is the best time to enroll if you want to have a great holiday like if you if you want because we normally on etsy you will see the most traffic to your shop in november november is like when traffic shoots up you start to see it ramp up in august and then september and then october and then november it shoots up and then it starts to fall back down in december so june you'll have just enough time to work through haa get everything solidified get your shop ready get your marketing campaign ready and start accumulating an audience in time for the busy holiday season if you join december 1st it's going to be more of a new year's resolution thing because obviously if you join december 1st by then there's not even enough time to really ship in time for christmas so if you want to prep for christmas this year and and have one of those big uh black friday sales join now if you want can if you want a thousand dollar discount you can go to handmadealphacademy.com vip if you want to give us a thousand dollars more and pay more for it you can go to handmadealphaacademy.com sales but we give you guys a thousand dollars i recommend it but i'd love it i got a show coming up i could use new guitar we uh we give you guys a big fat discount because we love you and you're here with us hanging out listening to us gab sorry i missed the days when are you doing the reviews next monday through thursday likely going to be at 12 p.m eastern 9 00 a.m pacific yeah pacific and then 5 00 p.m uk right uh throws benadryl at stuff yes a what who knows charlie a what what oh what what alma said something else uh i'm addicted to coffee merch sign me up people i just met today yeah go for it uh we're gonna do some books maybe notebooks you know yes on the beans yep friday be notebooks to take notes during the friday beans that would be pretty cool amber amber we gotta make friday b notebooks all right 109 degrees day maybe later on the hoodie yeah here's the thing down rain out there for us you like having hoodies for summer because mark keeps the house cold it's the ac is cranked are anybody else in the audience like perpetually cold in the summer because everywhere cranks their ac too high i can't go to restaurants in the summer because they see too high i keep the house at 73 to 74 degrees but down here in the basement it's so cold yeah because you leave the doors open upstairs and the air doesn't stop running cause it's cold i gotta let warm air in it's like you know how you don't touch dad's thermostat or else he gets really bad touch dad's thermostat because i don't want to burn alive that's how he is what happens when you're five foot two like 130 pounds he knows when the thermostat has changed by like one degree if you guys have any these streams aren't just about like shops and stuff if you have general etsy questions business questions life questions uh our course questions it doesn't matter pop them in the description we got we've got like 40 minutes we can keep doing this so or we can go i can eat can you hear my stomach that keeps growling i had a big breakfast already so that's your fault i didn't have time you gotta put on makeup in the morning i do um for those of you that are living in ohio particularly in like the dayton-ish area i'm gonna be playing a show at the bright side in dayton on august excuse me august 6 come hang out with me you need someone to come hang out we are going to be busy during the show i'm going to be busy and she's probably going to be running our merch table so we won't have a lot of time to actually hang out but if you want to come see me play i'm it's an album release party for my buds so hit me up and i can get you tickets yeah uh and come hang out with me stand by my merch table i'm going to be sitting there with a bunch of metal heads i'll be playing for like a half hour it's only going to be three bands nice there's a bar that'll be cool it's kind of it's not like hard like screaming metal no it's not it's not like that it's like if you're if you're into like the like late 2000s bullet for my valentine kind of music it's gonna be that and then a day to remember style and then there's one yeah there's one man that's kind of pop punky that's going to be playing there come hanging out come hang out with us bean tumbler for my iced tea yes the only way to drink tea let's get to the questions if we have any by the way whenever i talk about i picky style introduced me to that editing website that works for everything check her channel for the video yeah i picky's where it's at i i use ipicky for everything well actually i've been using canva a lot but when it comes to actually photo editing i use ipicy when it comes to styling and advertising and adding text i use canva so but i picky is how i do like all my crazy graphics i think they review channels that go through their course uh the shop critiques that we do here on the youtube channel this today we're haa students but it is just everybody yeah for our normal shop critiques we'll pull up we'll have people comment their shops in this in the comments here and then i will randomly just pull names and we will critique the shops you do not have to be an h a student no no no absolutely not that'll be uh and like we said that'll be uh monday through thursday this week how's how's the guitar playing going it's actually going very well i'm learning a lot of new styles of music it's it's it's cool it's fun i wish i was closer i would love to go here see you play in person yeah that's the thing hopefully we'll tour one of these days with with uh with the with the pandemic winding down we're actually able to get out and play shows now maybe i can make it down yeah just let me know shoot me shoot us an email starlight handmade off the academy.com if you are interested and i can get you a ticket it'll be fun tickets are 20 bucks for general admission i'll have a drink if you guys come i'll have a drink with you i don't even drink but i'll have a drink with you yeah it'll be it'll be a nice personable show i'd love to hear some songs are you on spotify so i am actually i love how this just turned into my my music thing um keep it short i'll keep it short well i'm working on our ep now we don't have any we don't have any actual recorded music at the moment but we are we are recording now who's a good web hosting company siteground hostgator go daddy uh i love siteground i like siteground we used hostgator initially for our website their support sucked and i hated it um it might be better now i can't it's been a couple of years so i can't really speak on it now godaddy uh sold all of our personal information and i haven't stopped getting multiple phone calls a day for like two solid years so i don't recommend godaddy at all unless you're willing to pay for the security which is just them not selling your phone number yeah i bought long story short because i know a lot of you guys like godaddy um and i mean they're great but i bought one of their like one dollar domains i was doing a webinar and i just wanted it to be like just a quick thing i just wanted the link free etsywebinar.com i just wanted that link that way you guys could find it easily never again paid a dolla for a dollar domain and they they were like oh do you want to pay 20 for the insurance and i'm like no i'm only going to use this for like a quick webinar actually is my phone number and i have not still to this day have not stopped getting spam calls i didn't know that that was cool i didn't know that insurance on a domain meant that if you didn't pay for it so when you when you buy a domain you have the option to have domain security which hides your personal information and it is it is a we do pay for it for our our main website but what they did was sell our phone number which is a totally different thing like it would have taken eventually i would have started getting the spam calls for that but it wouldn't have been immediate but it was the same day i was getting like five it's it's calmed down a little bit but i still get phone calls every single day where can we get more info on that what info on what the show the show or just email starla at handmadealphacademy.com and i'll get just put like hey mark i want tickets i miss the band name you can follow them on facebook yeah facebook.com it's the rendering silence and the band that we're playing with is new haven at new haven ohio on facebook yeah but follow them on facebook at the rendering silence because we're going to be doing promos and stuff yes i'll probably be doing promos on instagram as well can ipicky replace photoshop for but for some things not for everything but for some things okay so you see all the things that i edit right you see like me and the coffee cup and me riding the dinosaur and like the the shadows and layers and things i do not own photoshop and i have never owned photoshop anything that i do that you see any photos that i post any marketing things that you see from me have either been done with ipici or with canva um i picky to me is a fantastic resource for those who either don't have the time to learn photoshop or don't have the money because it's free if you don't have to download it you just go to the website and you can start editing it takes a lot of practice uh didn't you just join handmade alpha academy you'll learn how to use ipicy to its fullest potential and i will eventually add some photoshop tutorials and stuff like that we try to keep the like mandatory tools you need for the course free we don't like to use anything that you have to pay a lot of money for critique designs can i get a happy birthday shout out which is sunday june 20th no happy birthday on sunday june 20 20th 2021 wait i oh i don't have i was gonna happy womb escape day oh oh i thought i had party things i first i had party favors but i don't have party are favors oh you don't only critique h.a students no anybody that's here on the channel that wants to pull up their shop i just we pull it up uh not while the screen is shared just to make sure you're not sending us a yeah a goatsy link or something you make sure it's appropriate yeah wordpress syncs with shopify if you want to have your own shop through them wix syncs with woocommerce name sheep is good for urls never used them but i trust you oh a booger oh a booger i picky a booger how do you it's gonna be really weird for the people that can't see the chat yeah how do you uh find color trends also are yearly and seasonal trends the same with clothes as they are for house decor for instance colors themes okay so for color trends i like to go with pantone for one because pantone is going to show you um the color trend that they announce every year which is what major retailers will all use uh pantone's color of the year this year was actually two colors for the first time ever they did a yellow color called illuminating and a gray color and you're supposed to pair them together and you'll see these colors in stationery and greeting cards you'll see these colors uh on prom dresses a lot of the times um i like to look at target.com for color trends i've got lots of videos i recommend checking out my summer trends video that we did a couple weeks ago and you'll see all of the resources that i personally use to find color trends because target.com is really a great one you can also use e-ranks trend report um and kind of scroll through what the most searched keywords on etsy are i know that etsy also has their own like little trend report i i don't usually cover that as much because etsy's trend report is a self-fulfilling prophecy as as pam duffy likes to say they decide what they want to be trending and then it trends because they said it's going to be trending um not necessarily because the world is already excited about that thing they create a trend and then talk about it all the time organic trends i think are a little bit more powerful because that's a worldwide trend that you're seeing all over throughout retail can you play the guitar riff from one at dead or alive yeah probably that's also my birthday amber got birthday presents today but we did but we can't announce them here because they're dirty for those who joined us for alphas after dark uh our last episode remember chuck tingle remember the chuck tingle books we talked about we sent some to amber as a funny birthday gift and they are hilarious where do i send you my shop name then so when we actually do the it'll be the live streams like this when we do the shop critiques and you will just comment your shop at that time that's not a guarantee that will critique your shop specifically i'm gonna pull them completely random yeah i want to make sure that they're entirely entirely random but you you'll have opportunities on monday tuesday wednesday and thursday we're going to be going four days in a row god help us we're gonna be so tired by thursday but we're doing it for you guys we love you and we're really excited to check out some of your shops it's we learned a while since we've done like a legit shop critique yeah video so it's been several months it'd be fun that's that's pretty much all we've got for questions y'all are quiet today for having like record-breaking numbers in the live stream well we'll give you guys maybe 10 more minutes uh for those who are still with us feel free to grab us grab us give us some questions as we finish up we're happy to answer any of your etsy questions seo questions branding questions business questions uh handmade alpha academy questions so get those down below there's a free master class tomorrow free free master class it is a sample of my teaching style because during the friday bean we are we have a lot more banter we're entertaining we're here for a live audience uh handmade alpha academy is different it is a condensed step-by-step course so tomorrow's masterclass is going to be a little taste of that like a little free sample but you're also going to learn a ton i'm so against webinars that you sign up for and the coach hypes it up and then the whole thing's a sales pitch we don't do that we we have a pitch at the end where we talk about handmade alpha academy um but we save it for the end that way if you're just not interested you can leave um i'll post i'll post the link to sign up at the beginning of it in case you're just there to get the link yeah and that's pretty much it yeah so link to uh register for the webinars down below it's also accessible right from my channel this is the first time that we're making it open we normally do like a registration only thing um but now we've just decided to throw it out to the public um there's also some freebies free pdfs and things down below and handmade alpha academy is open now if you like some of the shops that you saw today if you dream of having a shop that is as well branded and beautiful as some of the shops that you've seen make sure that you check it out you want to go to handmadealphaacademy.com vip because you get a thousand dollar discount and 12 free months of e-rank pro yeah we did have not even said anything about that we pay e-rank we both work for e-rank just disclaimer we we but we pay for you guys to have you ranked yeah you guys get e-rank pro they've got you we could be we could be butt heads and only give you basic but we give you e-write give you a year of e-rank pro and it will help you to get your shop going and ship shape and the cool thing is that there's e-rank staff in the handmade alpha student campus there be so you get e-rank support as well yeah popping them questions in there this is what we want yeah and sally had said even just seeing other critiques is so helpful so you can see how to apply it yourself still that's that's why i think that these are important because a lot of the times it's saying the same things over and over again but it's with new shops with new points with new perspectives new industries there's i could say one thing with one shop and it you'd not be in your industry and it just not register whatsoever that's just the right human sally does like nursery art and uh leanne does bunny poop fertilizer and those are drastically different industries and they both have beautiful shops so also one of the things that that has a tendency to happen too is that we'll run into something that we're not sure about about a particular industry about a particular type of product and somebody will ask a question about it and somebody else who's in that industry who actually knows the answer to that can provide it worse you might have had to post it in five different reddit communities and a bunch of different like if this is a great place to be able to exchange information with other professionals that's why our if you're even if you're not going to join aha you should join our facebook community because it's not just us posting content in there it's mostly other people and it's free down below the link to join join we don't it doesn't put you on an email list that we're not going to spam you with a bunch of crap it's a good it's a good community and we keep it clean we try to we try to there's some stinkers in there don't come in and be a stinker we kick you out no second chances i like that fart noise [Laughter] i probably won't even hear it because of my software uh share etsy shop link on youtube or no i've heard it can hurt your shop if people view but don't buy it no it can it i mean it can funk up your conversion rate for the day but if you're only going to get like 10 or 15 people coming from from our channel it'll be all right it's not it's not going to hurt your shop at all you know and if you don't want it live if you don't want us to post the the link anywhere other than like in the chat oh let me throw this out if you guys want to join handmade alpha academy but you want us to look at your shop first and you don't want us to show you live you you just want us to look at your shop to decide if haa would be a good fit for you email us your shop link at uh starla handmade alphaacademy.com yes we won't show your shop live if you want to know if haa would be good for you but you want us to look at your shop first you can email us your shop link and we won't show you we won't do an in-depth critique but we will make sure that you're not selling something that isn't going to be a fit almost everything is a fit right one of a kind and vintage are a little bit of an exception and that's only a particular part of the course that doesn't apply yeah what do you think will be popular this christmas too early to ask we'll try subscribe to my channel make sure that you've signed up for at least one of the freebies down below that way you're on my email list every year i release i say every year but i've only done it last year this will be the second year i have a holiday toolbox a black friday toolbox and you don't have to use it just for black friday but that's gonna have every holiday resource that i have graphics and video trainings and and how to do a double dip sale i send you a full toolbox of resources that you can use and only people on my list get that so i highly recommend that you make sure and you're following me around holiday time and we don't we don't fill your inbox with a bunch of crap either we only send you emails when we're doing like a live stream or if we have something that we actually need to say we don't just constantly bombard you with emails i can't i've i'm i'm a member of multiple courses myself for music and stuff like that and my inbox is just full of hundreds of friggin spam emails and i can't stand it yeah they don't do that to you well i i will say with the exception on the night that handmade alpha academy closes i get a few you're gonna get a few and the only reason we do that is because every time that it doesn't matter it's open for 10 days and we let you guys know and we say everywhere but someone always emails us right when we close it and they say oh i was trying to check out i'm like you have 10 days it's midnight we have to stay up until midnight to close the course oh like that's hard like we like like we go to bed at a normal time anymore right but still we have to stay like in one yeah we have to stay on uh motivation to keep going sometimes i want to close my shop it's been a tough week all right so right now on etsy it's really hard it's summer you have to consider that right now we're all experiencing slow traffic okay summertime on etsy is always bad and if you joined in 2020 2020 was an anomaly it was a great friggin year some people would disagree but people saw black friday level sales last year like every month because of the pandemic people were home they were bored they were shopping online they they had stimulus money yeah the first especially with the first stimulus package because people thought the things were going to return to normal so everybody just went out and blew their stimulus like immediately summer on etsy is normally very slow june and july being the slowest and it's especially bad this year because everything just opened up so people want to take their kids out they're going to parks and they're going there they're shopping in real stores for the first time in like a year but we typically start to see holiday shopping start as early as august so starting in august you'll start seeing those trickles come back august september october and then especially november use this downtime wisely this is why we promote handmade alpha academy in june rather than in september right now is the time to prep for the busy season great i got a couple months grab my summer survival guide down below that's going to talk about the summer stall what you can expect ways to uh ways to kind of maintain during the slow season and how to prepare for when things get busy again it gives you some action actionable items that you can you know kind of check off your list and that's free it's just a pdf that you download and treat it like a relationship having an etsy shop is going to be a love-hate relationship yes there are going to be times where you're not going to want to do it even if it is working well you might get oversaturated at one point just not want to do it anymore because you're just busy and you just you got to find you got to find your therapy and work your way through it how can a one-of-a-kind shop work on etsy that's really broad okay so we've got there's a video on my channel called etsy does etsy hate one of a kind where i go into a lot of details but in short one-of-a-kind product listings cannot build a listing quality score because they can't sell over and over again etsy recognizes when something sells over and over and they recognize when something gets reviews right one-of-a-kind listings once they sell they're gone what a one-of-a-kind seller could do is if they all if they made one-of-a-kind pendants they might create 10 bracelets out of beads that they can buy over and over again and those can sell multiple times and be the listings that are out in search pages those can be the listings that people will find in the search then they'll say okay well i've got i want this bracelet but let me see what else the seller has and then they go to your storefront and then they see your one-of-a-kind stuff and maybe they add one of those one-of-a-kind pendants to their cart that's one way the other way is to rely solely on your own traffic make a tick tock account make an instagram account make a facebook account make sure that you are out driving your own traffic to your etsy shop because you're not going to be recommended in search as much until you build an overall customer and marketplace experience score which is the sum total of positive reviews sales basically all of the positive things that you've done on the platform etsy will gauge your shop that way but you have to have a lot of sales to get there so i'm this close to signing up for aha well here's a push push button and remember guys there's a 30 day money back guarantee no questions asked we don't make you turn into homework or do anything stupid for it we just give you your money back yeah i hate those not our business to ask i hate those coaches because like what what happens if they're like well i need i need homework i need proof you tried but like i mean the thing is we've we've had through our three years i think we've only had like 20 or 30 people refund and a couple of them i'm sure just wasn't the right teaching style but i mean we've had every type of life event imaginable like we've had people get cancer we've had people like have kids die or i mean it's it's somber but life happens and it's rude for someone to ask you for a reason when we when we say 30 days and you can get your money back it's not our business to ask exactly well we do he usually does say like do you want to leave us if you can leave us feedback if you want to on how we could improve your experience but it's almost always because an emergency happened and we don't want to be the reason that you struggle it's not it's not fair at the at the end of the day you can still get stuff from our free content whether or not you're a member of the course exactly we're always here for you guys are we going to be able to watch a replay of the webinar in case we missed something you'd be able to watch it for a week yep until the 24th yep until haa closes and we don't leave those webinars up because we do change minor things we update things and we get better at presenting things i got to be able to present the same webinar every year i want to re-present it and i want to get better and i want to add things to it and that's what i'm going to be doing today is tweaking up the webinar making sure that i've got everything everything ready question so i just sold custom-made earrings i didn't use any tags so that nobody buys by accident they design can be sold again though if i add tags while it completely reset the score the listing quality score so you're not re setting your listing quality score if it's something that you sold once and you want to resell it i would add your tags maybe you know change up your title and tags get the listing ready for the general public and then just go in and pay the 20 um renewal fee for that one listing don't never do your whole shop just the one listing that you tweaked that way etsy can start indexing it more quickly for the new keywords that you've put in um that'll get you indexed a little bit faster that way they notice that you've made changes what time is the webinar for the uk what time is the webinar here 5 p.m 5 p.m here no uk it'll be 5 p.m in the uk that's about to say then uh that we should make it earlier noon noon eastern 11 a.m central 9 a.m pacific 5 p.m uk there you go you're getting better at that it better to set a listing to let to let a listing quality run out or quantity good lord i can't speak anymore uh or should i add more product when it's down to one or two prior to selling out i love having scarcity i love i love when a shop has like one listed that way there's that scarcity element that drives customers to buy um there's no reason to let it totally sell out though unless you've got a marketing plan for that because it's it's really cool when you've got a big audience on like instagram or social media to publish a thing that says oh this product sold out it'll be back on thursday but it might sell out again so if you guys want it you need to make sure that you watch on thursday because i'm only listing this many of them and then you let it sell out over and over and the pitch the marketing pitch is that it will sell out and you let it sell out and then you restock it or you can just perpetually you know list one or two more every time it gets close to selling out if you don't have the big audience but either way it doesn't really matter i would say not to let it sell out entirely unless you're gonna use that as leverage for marketing either way it's not going etsy's not gonna get excited about the fact that it's sold out there's no benefit to letting it sell out when it comes to the algorithm what's a good ratio between etsy direct traffic search etc and outside traffic the traffic i drive from social media etc do you want more traffic coming from etsy or the traffic that you're driving um that depends on what you want yeah it kind of it really does depend because some because some stuff if you're really really niche you're not going to get found organic yeah because there's nobody searching for it right so you need to build an offsite audience right um i i would say that it just depends on how much time you want to spend on it the the people that you drive directly to your shop through an email list through social media those are people who are warmed up they are familiar with you you've built a connection with them they are more likely to buy that's that's that whole building a funnel thing that i talk about because when they type you in organically in etsy search they're not just looking at you they're they're interested in you and everybody else on that search page who sells something similar and you could miss out on that sale due to competition when you send someone directly to your etsy shop through email through social media through ads they're only interested in you they're coming to etsy to buy what you have uh in terms of what's better i would say that if it's possible do and even split a 50 50 um but the traffic that you send yourself is going to be better traffic it's going to be better quality um i'm always going to prefer people i send myself over people who just find me organically because i have a connection with the people i send myself but either way a sales sale exactly uh question does running a shop get easier after the first few months of hard work like the like the first bunk because i'm running into some problems and kind of hoping it gets easier later okay sometimes so in handmade alpha academy here's how i describe it it's like pushing a snowball up a mountain or a mountain when you first get your little snowball you're so excited you start pushing it up the mountain this is so much fun i'm starting an etsy shop and then as you're rolling the snowball it starts getting bigger and it starts getting heavier and it starts getting harder and you're pushing this giant snowball up the mountain and you're straining and you just don't feel like you can take any more stress it's so hard you never feel like you're gonna get to the top but then you adapt to the pressure and once you actually get to the top of that mountain the pressure releases and then because you've memorized this pattern you have acclimated to the pressure you know what to expect you understand what you know your daily tasks are and the things that you need to do when you start going down the other side of that mountain the snowball starts to roll on its own and momentum takes over uh it was the same way for handmade alpha academy when we launched it the first time we stayed up all night for the first few launches we we pulled all nighters we were so stressed we were so scared we were so str worried this launch has been the smoothest we've ever had because we know what to expect same with when i did product launches my first few were a disaster things went wrong i was stressed you get better at what you do even with that i just got to the point where i was able to automate a lot of the processes with the aha launch we don't have to be sitting here like computer typing for 10 hours straight you know what i mean yeah you you acclimate but you won't acclimate if you don't use deliberate practice you have to practice what you're doing you have to keep doing what you're doing and you have to be under those severe amounts of pressure where you feel like you're going to break in order to gain that resilience it's like gaining a callous on your hands through repeated work you know your hands might hurt for a while but after you know so many months of repeated work starts to build up some resilience and renee said what's the email it's starla handmadealphacademy.com i will type it into the chat for you there you go feel free to email us your etsy shop if you need to know if aha would be good for you oh stink there we go let's see bunny poo would be a great easter guy gift question if we had to change tags i.e seasonal tags and titles and have a ton of listings should we change all at once or spread throughout the month advice on seasonal tags don't change tags even seasonal ones don't change your tags for listings that are already selling don't touch leave them leave listings alone that are selling uh you have the there is a possibility that you can tank your listing by tweaking and if you edit everything all at once you could take your whole shop you could take your whole shop so i would do it slowly and gradually um if you're gonna add in holiday tags and things like that i would only do it for listings that kind of are poo poo and aren't getting a lot of traffic anyway i would not edit something that's selling not even the only thing that you should ever change on listings that are doing well you can edit your photos and that shouldn't really affect very much you can edit your descriptions and that isn't going to change how you're seeing very much tags titles and attributes i would not touch unless i absolutely have to because there is a risk that you could tank that listing so and that's advice like that even anthony wolff ceo of urank gives us and for those who don't know we do work for e-rank um i am the head of customer success and a manager at e-rank and mark is the head data analyst at e-rank we don't get paid to recommend it though brenda i've had my shop for a couple of years and i've just sold a couple of times i make tote bags and i've had insulated drink holders but i'm thinking about rebranding to jewelry would that be wise uh that's up to you i would definitely make sure that if you rebrand to jewelry that you aren't still like doing tote bags unless there's something cohesive like maybe uh you do like a tote bag and then the necklace that matches it um but i would be confused if i saw a shop that was tote bags in one style and jewelry in another style and there wasn't anything that like tied it all together it's up to you though we can't really say what's going to be you know more successful or what's going to make you the happiest you've got to choose what you're passionate about and do what makes you the happiest so i would start by experimenting throw a couple tote bags in your shop to see how they do and then you can always make the switch gradually i said i told my husband that you were military and just wonder what your m is mos is it's afsc for air force air force specialty code i was a one and four one and four before they split my career field into two uh it says signals intelligence analyst was what technically what my career field was they split it between alpha and bravo i was put in the bravo category which was just reporting but i actually didn't really work in my career field the majority of the time that i was in the air force i worked at like the forefront of a new program for uh signals fusion intelligence analysis sorry if that sounds confusing mark was in it's probably completely different from when i was what i was in now it was a brand new program i was one of four people that were in it mark's a smarty pants military i am smarty brain guy all right and then we will stop down here uh mary warzak's comment i need that there we go christmas season is the slowest for me nursery of course uh it would be better for me to join in december it's totally your call we're not yeah dude like a new year's resolution there you go question so people don't know what to call my pieces they call it shabby chic rachel doesn't really care but i'm not shabby chic having trouble uh in my shop with words i sell one of a kind with some common items there there it is just having trouble teaching people a different word for shabby chic i believe shabby chic is copyright too i think that there is or that's a trademark term i don't think you're allowed to use it and i know that that's really crazy because it doesn't seem like a term that anybody could be able to trademark but i'm pretty sure shabby chic got trademarked um you just have to think of something and say it over and over again and put it everywhere and retrain people you know that's like what we do with the alphas everybody calls themselves alphas where the alphas alpha's alpha alphas there's wolves all over our channel there's a pop right in the corner you guys are just used to saying alphas because uh when i started the channel that's what i started calling you guys and i said it over and over again every video that we pre-record i started with what's up alphas every single video um and i've been doing that for like four years now you have to condition people to do what you want them to do you have to condition people to refer to your products the way you want them to be referred to um and sometimes it's best to just go with the flow and go with whatever they're saying that's fine too but obviously if they're using a term that's uh trademarked you'll want to stay away from that so come up with something fun come up with your own thing and condition them through social media through your listings whatever you got to do to you know however you're going to reach the most people i guess can you explain why you had to block certain words on your videos we have it we have a youtube short you can check out after this that shows exactly why yes spam spammers use instagram and ig and the gram and all that that those words instagram as a word yeah it's just our whole comment section just gets full of spam if we don't yeah just watch the youtube short i posted two days ago it's called why i blocked instagram from my channel we've blocked other words but they're dirty words so if people try to say yeah we used to get some real dirty stuff up in here yeah yeah like fun very bad is it okay to apply for a shop critique even though i just joined h.a.a that totally i mean she's talking about for the live stream yes yeah wait it's not you're not applying for anything it's not like we're choosing people i'm going to randomly pull names like out of the chat yeah there's no i'm not going to pick anybody in particular we're just we're just doing a we're just pulling them randomly out of the chat because it keeps it fair just be here and you know throw your shop name in and you might make the uh make the critique we're not being picky we're just grabbing whoever we see i have two shops physical and digital i have hopes for my month old digital shop but my physical shop and it's been two and a half years it needs help i can't afford aha but i'll use all your free tips one day we're gonna keep making free tips and we'll probably keep updating h.a.a eventually we'll have one-of-a-kind and vintage seller tips too i mean realistically we just have to take the course and take the one like part out and adapt it adapt it to something that can fit for one of a kind i mean if you're one of a kind well i'm not it'll probably be a couple of years before that gets out but i mean most of the other material in h85 so you just you it's hard to do one-of-a-kind sellers could totally join haa you're just not going to be able to do the product lines that we talk about and you're not going to be able to make the most out of the seo lessons i mean you can still optimize your listings um it's just etsy's algorithm prefers products that sell over and over again because they guarantee to make etsy more money that's why etsy prioritizes products with more than one right so you everything else in ha you're going to see you know you're going to be able to use it's just there's going to be parts that you're going to struggle with not because of us but because of etsy and how they rank shops if nothing is really selling consistently and you're trying to improve your shop would it then be okay to tweak your titles and tags for better optimization um i mean yeah totally you can just make sure that just make sure that you're tracking what you're doing um a couple weeks ago we did a how to do etsy seo episode of the friday bean and you guys get to watch me seo optimize some listings make sure that you watch that because you can see my full process of how i personally optimize listings uh you can watch me do keyword research how i track keywords using keyword lists there's all kinds of cool stuff so i would watch that video as well the thumbnail is of me like holding pulling my hoodie strings with my face like this big inside my hoodie can i request a critique of both of my shops yep you just stick them both in the chat when we do it can't promise that we'll do them both we'll just be picking a random one uh i gotta get my girls ready i'll see you see you later i'm sure you're not even here anymore but see you later is it okay with etsy if i have a listing for shipping only i have a customer who wants a customized one of my products and wants me to send them out one by one he'll he'll order in bulk and then just pay i'm assuming for shipping yeah i believe that it's fine i see shops do it all the time i've done it i've never seen i've never seen an issue with it um because that's he wants you to keep the transactions on etsy i don't think that there's a problem with it you might if you might want to ask etsy just to be safe but i'll tell you that i've done it probably at least 100 times and i've never had an issue with it sorry working and missing things email to see where h.a would be good for our shop starla at handmade handmadealphacademy.com yes that is my domain email i make one-of-a-kind wildlife paintings and just can't get people to see my work does anyone know if wildlife paintings sell anything can sell yeah absolutely there's a there's a niche for everything and wildlife paintings is definitely a popular niche yeah we've got an alpha nha who does wildlife paintings i wouldn't do here's the thing you're limiting yourself by doing one of a kind for your wildlife painting sell those as one of a kind but then what amber marie does amber who we featured previously when i've got where is it she does one-of-a-kind pet portraits right you get your pet drawn by amber it's a one of a kind portrait she does it by hand but then you can get that printed on other things so i've got a card with my with my dog on it she does i've got cards from amber birthday cards she does uh i've got a bunch of stuff in here that i keep just so i can shout her out here's another one with chihuahuas um you can get her stuff on mugs you can get her stuff on blankets she takes her one-of-a-kind thing scans it turns it into a digital product and then she can sell it on anything so that she can sell it again and again and again that would be a great way for you to build listing quality scores so that you're not stuck not getting that traffic you want to make sure that you're able to build those listing quality scores so that people who actually want your products are going to be able to find them and you can still have the originals the originals can be your high priced products and you can have some lower prices like print-on-demand things resources like printful check out printful they will print your products on anything t-shirts art prints wall art notebooks it you can absolutely find success but you've got to be able to adapt and just doing the paintings themselves it might be a little bit hard because you can't list them over and over again and generate best sellers so that's what i would recommend uh what if one day aha is so big you don't know your students anymore i love the personal aspect see that's that's the cool thing and one of the reasons why we open it twice a year is because over our six course window most people are that's what i meant to say over a six-month window every stage of like a new student is going to occur we're going to have people that have watched through the material and have implemented it all and done their thing then we'll have people that haven't watched it yet or haven't finished it yet and are saving it for a certain time and then we have the people that just kind of give up on their businesses and stuff like that's just the nature of it um and by the time the next enrollment comes around the crowd has dulled down there's five to ten real like involved invested people that are still in the group and then everybody else has either quit which is a very low portion of them or they're too busy to actually like be involved with the community anymore they're working on their businesses they don't need our help right so that's that's how it goes it keeps it very personal and that's the reason we don't leave it open all year i could not i could not imagine having to provide how how big is our actual normal facebook community now it's like to almost ten thousand right yeah i could not imagine having to provide support to that many people or like youtube where we have like 24 000 subscribers there's no way we'd be able to keep up with that that's why we don't keep it open it's not a scarcity tactic like people think there's two of us we have two of us and you you know we kind of keep it open all year and make more money and then hire a support team to help us keep it open all year the support team isn't us you guys don't our ata is us you guys aren't paying for coaching to work with a support team you're paying because you want us you want to talk to us and we want to make sure that we're accessible to you and if we've got a hundred people emailing us a day we're not able to give you that so it goes into like people talking about growth and adapting to growth and exactly it will eventually get to a point where it's very very large but we will do what we can to adapt and continue to support in the most personal ways possible exactly we're nowhere near needing to have to hire people for support we don't we're we've got our we've got our support structure like ironed out between the two of us oh yeah oh yeah okay i keep getting this new email from etsy saying your listing is getting love create a target offer to boost the sale do you believe in this coupon for someone that favorites something you talk test it out i mean you try it anytime there's an etsy promotion type thing we never know how it's gonna affect individuals some people say it works some people will say that it doesn't test it out and see if it works um i mean it might be a great thing for you there's no harm in doing it if you can offer that discount so do it i i would absolutely go for it if they favorited your item they're obviously interested in it amber needs to add cats to her list i have a dog but i love my cats a little bit more she's she does cats she's done cats before she's got amber can you still buy bubbers i believe that bubbers is one of the prints that you can actually buy in her shop as her her gray tabby i think that it's actually bubba's picture that she did everybody can have a little piece of the best cat in the world uh not a week not even a week in and i'm loving h.a i'm learning so much a little overwhelmed in a good way yeah take your time also i love starla's teaching style me too you don't have to you don't have to listen to me drone on about stuff uh people post meeting etsy hope and i recommend you guys every time because you want to help we do it's very real and that's why you guys do free videos i'm sick of people promoting these these fake seven figures people i mean at the end of the day we do make our living off of this we're very very transparent about the fact that we we literally rely on haa to make our living absolutely but we do it out of love and care i mean we could just sell our course and use all kind of like scary marketing tactics to try to make it seem like you're not going to succeed without our course that's also like that's also like people we had a couple people say like oh they must their course must not be doing very well because they went and got jobs at e-rank no we went and got jobs at e-rank because we love etsy yeah we're and not to mention we also get inside information on how etsy's seo works and changes like the days that it happens we're the first to know oh i don't have to i don't have to watch some youtube video of somebody else to figure out what's going on with that's easy back end we just get that information we're the first to know that way we can be the first to know to let you guys know and just for for reference i work like two hours a week for for e-rank i do data analysis and it's usually just very simple stuff and she does marketing so she's not working like a 60-hour week at e-rank she works like 10 to 20 20 hours on a rough week and here's something fun that you guys probably didn't know i worked for e-rank for like a year before i ever got paid to do it i didn't i did it for fun and anthony was just like hey you want me to actually pay you for doing this i just had fun doing it it was fun to do if you guys go to their channel the uh the e-rank uh youtube channel i've got videos over there too that you guys probably don't even know about i post videos on their channel as well um it's i have so much fun working for e-rank and i learned so much they are one of the reasons why i am one of the only etsy coaches who actually promotes up-to-date seo information and anthony's just a cool dude to work with he's a cool guy to hang out with he's so fun he's he's a fantastic person to work with and he's so transparent and authentic and he actually loves sellers like he's he is one of the most like trusted people in this industry and i'm so happy to be able to work with him on a daily basis and that's why we offer you guys the e-rank pro membership we pay him for those because we know that you guys need to have this resource it is the best you guys not a joke i wrote i wrote two five figure checks to anthony last year for our students it's we legit pay 100 of all the memberships we love you guys we want to make sure that you have the very best thing we don't we don't want it to ever come off like like we're favoring e-rank for one particular reason or another we believe in the platform it's my favorite i used it for four years before i ever worked for anthony uh would you make it easy to find out about your course and your personable people and these seven figure people are so hidden and private and shady i i get it there does become a point where like some of these people when you you you have to act like that to breach a certain point in business we chose to take the lesser money path and be more personable and like because you can take advantage of less intelligent people that's that's what a lot of course providers do and we chose to not take that path we chose to be the honest path the path that like you look at our facebook groups there's no hate being slung in those facebook groups we don't allow it we don't have people advertising a bunch of crap products we try to keep things as personable and personal as we possibly can because we don't want to take advantage of people and let me let me be real with you guys for a minute for those of you who follow you know who who want to do webinars and things and you've done you've done the webinars with the pitches and the things you'll notice that a couple years ago when i first started out i thought that that was how you had to do it i watched we did use the tactics that other course creators did but we didn't understand what we were doing yet i didn't i i watched what other people did and i tried to replicate it and like that i was told you need to put like a timer on your webinar and tell people like they have to enroll in your program like before the timer hit zero and the reason that they do that is they want you to make a big purchase before you have time to really think about it they don't want you to think it through they want to make ruining the market secrets here make you panic they want to freak you out they want to scare you they want to startle you and they want you to buy the thing before you have time to talk to your spouse or have any remorse they just they want to get you excited so they can get that money right then and there yes we want you guys to think this through we want you to talk to your spouse and make sure that you're not going to get in trouble and it's going to cause problems for you we want you to make sure that your finances can handle it and then and the 10-day opening did start as a marketing tactic it did start that way but it ended up working out being one of the best possible tools for our sanity absolutely like yeah there's a there's an inherent scarcity tactic with that no matter what we can't provide any other way for it to prevent any any scarcity tactic but we're not doing it with the intention of providing scarcity and we do our best to try to to convince people not to sign up if they can't afford it yeah like i do we don't want you guys to struggle and we love that's why we have an audience of people here that that love us because we love you guys back we try to provide what we can back and we're always trying to improve our material all the money that we make here on youtube which it really isn't that much 50 to 100 bucks per video over the course of like a year all goes back in into the channel like now instead of a webcam i'm using a gopro black like we we improve our equipment we've got a new we got a new mic too yes i've got a new mic over here i've got to buy one more before i can actually use it because one is not powerful enough to capture both of us but like i've got brand new equipment sitting over here i'm getting ready to rebuild my computer system and get a new interface or audio can be improved like yeah let me see if there's any more questions in this and then we will wrap it up if you got any last minute ones about um about aja specifically because we need to hop off stream i got stuff to do yeah uh i can't stand people who don't give you a taste of the taste of their course and they claim that it works so well and we also have seen people that like they won't give you your money back until you prove that you tried what that why like maybe maybe you got in a car accident you need to pay hospital bills like i don't i don't care if you did what prove that you tried is their way of saying i'm gonna dig my claws into your money so hard and make you really rip it away from me and we want you to make we want to make you feel bad about giving money back yeah that's the have you come across in an haa shop where you think the quality of the product could be the issue that's always a possibility um we're never gonna we're never gonna like rip you apart for your products but they're you should have a family member or something be brutally honest with you a friend that like that no bs friend like if your product sucks it doesn't necessarily mean that like it's always going to if you're new things happen you're not used to business you you don't understand like maybe you've you're creating something very niche and that's something that you've not seen in person but you thought you were filling a gap somewhere and somebody and we teach you we teach you how to identify that in h.a.a like we call it who god i can't even remember alan nation he said um you can be a nudist and people won't think that you're super weird because that's just one weird thing about you and you can be a buddhist you can be a buddhist and people might won't think that you're too weird because that's just one thing about you but you can't be a nudist buddhist because that would be really weird and in haa we talk about nudist buddhist products which that's not any offense to buddhists but all right but but the the point is that we teach you how to identify things that there's just not a lot of demand for that way hopefully if you're in that position you can decide for yourself and realize for yourself if your product is too nudist buddhist that way you can adapt and tweak it so that it follows something that is more in demand we really lay the foundation for you to do these exercises yourself and and do that self exploration because it's not my role to tell you that your product won't sell there are people who sell cheetos that are shaped like jesus on ebay there is a market for everything but it's not a joke either it's all about how you brand it and i think that there's a market for pretty much every product even bunny just gotta you just gotta know who it is wants to buy it exactly we just talked about a shop that sells bunny poop they sell bunny poop they sell bunny poop yeah and there's she's so successful selling bunny poop you can sell anything but you have to brand it right and that's what we teach you in haa the psychology behind your brand is the thing in haa that you will not learn from any other coach because nobody takes it from a neuroscience position that's what makes us different than any etsy crash course as well etsy crash courses are going to teach you how to make a listing how to take a good photo how to seo optimize and we teach you all of that but we also teach you how to set psychological triggers that are actually going to create a feeling and make that customer feel attached to your brand immediately so i can tell you're from cleve my old home by the merch where she's from springfield and i'm from new carlisle yeah we're in ohio though uh i live in sarasota now how about tank tops do we have tank tops we are going to be working on tank top soon i think we're going to do we started it kind of still in like early spring winter so i think we're doing friday bean tank tops all right cool i think that's gonna be it all right guys thank you for hanging out if you're watching the replay the shops are gonna be down below make sure that if you want to join handmade alpha academy to get your shop ready for the busy holiday season which will start as early as august this year uh the link for handmade alpha academy is down below you can enroll in that with a thousand dollar discount by visiting handmade alpha academy dot com slash vip everything that you need to know about the program is on that page along with student testimonials you can enroll until the 24th at 11 59 pm eastern time we're closing the cart right at midnight and if you have any questions for us directly about haa or if your shop would be a good fit for haa you can send us your shop link you can ask us questions whatever you want to know email me at starla at handmade can you type that in starla handmadealphacademy.com and we will get back to you within a day or so it is our weekend and we got a prep for the webinar but we will get back to you as soon as we can uh sometime today or tomorrow um and guys make sure that you register for the free webinar tomorrow if you want that little taste of my teaching style you want to check out uh what it what a webinar is like what is an online class like i'm doing the five steps to generate a profitable business on etsy i present that master class for free every june you guys can find the set reminder button directly on my channel home page but if you want to make sure that you get an email invitation so you don't miss it there is a link to sign up for registration down below so make sure you subscribe if you haven't yet give us a thumbs up there's still 117 of you here and there's only 73 likes so come on come on hit that like button click that bell icon if you want to get notified when we go live and again like she said you can set reminders we'll try to start maybe putting our videos on so people can actually set reminders for them in the future keep an eye out for any but we're going to be doing some youtube shorts more frequently to get little tidbits out and mark monday tuesday wednesday and thursday which is also closing day for handmade author academy monday tuesday wednesday thursday at noon eastern 11 a.m central 9 a.m pacific 5 p.m uk time we're going to be critiquing shops live so it's going to be totally random but you can join the chat you can submit your shop name and we'll be pulling random shops from the chat to critique so come hang out and if uh just if you want to be weird and come see me play music in public i'll be playing uh at the bright side in dayton on august 6th you can email me the same email address to nab tickets yeah email email us at starla handmadealphacademy.com if you want to come hang out with me listen to mark play a show maybe we'll i don't drink but i'll have a drink with you if you come hang out with me um and we'll have some fun all right guys i think that's gonna be it we love you guys and we will see you on monday no tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow for the webinar see this is what happens when you stream for two and a half hours bye guys
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 4,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starla moore, handmade alphas, the friday bean, selling on etsy in 2021, etsy seller tips, etsy beginner tips, etsy business, grow on etsy, grow etsy business, how to grow your small business on etsy, how to grow your etsy business, etsy marketing 2021, handmade business tips, handmade business at home, etsy tips and tricks 2021, etsy tips for beginners, etsy shop tips 2020, etsy customers, etsy 2021, etsy examples, etsy shop examples, etsy listing examples
Id: CjQ3Jarwvcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 4sec (8104 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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