Cricut Design Space with Melody Lane

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i don't know that melissa what's the weather today melissa hey melissa what's the weather today let me take a peek the current weather is 77 degrees fahrenheit with clear skies and sun today you can look for mostly sunny weather with a high of 84 degrees and a low of 64 degrees that's the weather in the villages december 11th hey everybody i see we're live now welcome i'm melody lane and we do free design space classes i say we i'm the only one here every saturday at 11 a.m um and today we're just taking questions and answers i had a question this morning um in an email and so i'm gonna kind of replay that because it's kind of like what we did last week of the knockout but it's only a tiny bit of knockout and she tried to upload this image and it was all it wasn't a good image so it wasn't high resolution so it was all choppy around the edges and i said when she showed me the picture i said well i just recreate that design space and it's very easy to do so i'm going to do that and if you guys want it i'm going to share it also um yeah yeah first timer here so if you guys are new here tell us where you're from and we do giveaways every saturday but in order to be in the giveaway you do have to be watching from youtube as i'm also live on facebook and in my facebook group cricut design space and my patreon exclusive facebook group also so you do have to be subscribed to my channel to be in the chat but that's really easy and free doesn't cost you a penny to subscribe you just click that subscribe button under the video and what else so if you have questions please put them in all caps so i can see them better if you ask questions also look in the chat because some people might be answering your questions in the chat so are we ready to get started first we have to do the shout outs to all the wonderful people who support this channel here's a shout out to a few of the people who support this channel on patreon joey myra cheryl diane andrea marion melanie g cindy margie hilda phyllis and martha catherine renee tina robin kathy barbara laurie angie courtney jewell lucy brenda linda valerie valentina paula edna jennifer claudia carrie laurie julie joanna susan deborah amber sherry phyllis marjorie debra and kay and a huge thank you to my vips okay and i said before that that here's something from all of the people who support this channel that's not even near all of them uh and those people if because i've had questions how can i never get a shout out well the shout outs are in a special tier if you would like to support this channel if you learn something from my channel if you're entertained from my channel or anything you can support this channel for only two dollars or more uh to get the shout outs it's a little bit more but you'll see those options and all the perks you get lots of perks for supporting the channel at melodylane it was right at the top of the screen and it's also in the chat and in the description of the video so if you're interested that we're also having a support our hangout after class today where if you support or five dollars more you get to hang out in zoom with us if you support at any other level you get to uh hang out and chat with us that video is not public but it is fun sometimes we get to see what everyone's making all right are we ready for class i think so um let's start i lost my bar there we go okay so i've already i spent a half hour looking for um fonts and this one is happy birthday jesus and i really like the way it was set up i don't know where she got her image i i don't know anything about it except for she was trying to upload it and showed it to me and i said well we can recreate that so i'm going to add the word jesus and we're not going to use it in this font this was a different font it was just pretty much a normal font and when i say normal i just mean just a plain font um you know what i'm going to go all fonts because i can't think of ariel that's what i'm thinking of i think it was just ariel maybe ariel black and i think everybody has this font um i'm gonna stretch it out so what i did is i unlocked it and pulled it down to stretch that out better and what we're going to do i'm going to unlock that lock and stretch this out here remember if you have questions you can ask in the chat if you want me to ask some this was across that like that but i don't know which font to use i'm gonna unlock this one too if you want to keep the proportions you keep it locked so if i want to keep the proportions i keep it locked if i want to change them like this or this then i unlock it okay let's move this one down and see what this one looks like and it's gonna overlap this and we're gonna knock out this so let's do which well here i will duplicate this and i'm gonna move these two to the back by selecting those clicking arrange and send you back and i sent them both to the back at the same time we are going to change the colors of these just so you can see them better and this is going to be knocked out so it's not going to look exactly like this when we're done but it's going to look similar let me do this so you can see them both so this one would be left this one would be right i kind of like this one over here i think and there is a little bit of a delay so while you guys are answering my go back and look at other questions okay catherine has a question how do you make the offset white mine is always black you are in for a treat because we're gonna do offset with this project we're doing right now so i can show you that it is always black you just change the color like you can change any color okay everybody is going with me on the left one gail wants to give a high five to qriket customers support i had a beyond awesome experience yesterday when i called to report and access image had a fee will you explain knockout well i did the whole class last week i think it was last week right a knockout but that's what we're going to do here too so we are you know what i'll group this and we'll hide it just in case we want to use it later okay so we're going to do this one so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put knockout around this knockout no i'm not putting back out i am putting offset around this and so you guys can see it better i'm going to lower this and i'm also going to change the canvas color so you can see things better i'll make this green so i'm going to use offset so i'm selecting it and clicking offset and i see the blue line around it that's too wide i want it much closer to the words so i'm just going to move this closer to the center line and i think i want it just a little closer and moving this is not helping me too much so i'm just going to go ahead and change it i'm going to do .09 and then i'm just going to apply that so now it gives it black and over here it has automatically selected the offset so it says text offset and it's black so anytime you want to change a color you go up here to operation and right next to the word that the operation is in this case it's a basic cut you see this square and then you can change the color you can also go to advanced and change it here and you can slide this and change the color to whatever you want to change it and somebody asked to change it to white there we go it's white you can change it to anything you want you can even change it to a print and cut pattern but we are going to move this and then this is the knockout part we're going to move this down here and we're going to slice the happy birthday and the jesus let's see if it lets us it does um it might not let you if uh you have manipulated or ungrouped the text or attach the text or grouped it with something else it won't work but because this is one solid image because it's the offset so it is one image it is letting a slice you can only slice when only two layers are selected you can't have one layer and you can't have three so we're going to click slice although i don't think it's very even i think this is going off the edge so i'm going to undo that so what i'm going to do is i don't know if this is going to work either i'm probably not going to like it i'm going to click align and center horizontally see i don't like that either but i am going to use my arrow keys and move it um maybe right there is good it's how i like it so now i'm going to slice and then we're going to pull this away we can pull this away and we can delete select those and click the x those pieces are gone now it looks funny doesn't it but look you can put that down there and you can make them the same color and cut them out together at the same time hers was red that she was doing doesn't matter what color it is but okay so do you guys like that was that easy i'm going to save my project i already did a save happy birthday jesus i'm going to save again just so i have it don't want to make a mistake and lose it i'm going to go ahead and take that out move this up and i'm going to save it again um also here's a shout out to a few of the people who sorry for those of you that are new to design space i want to tell you some of this may be too fast for you you may not know where i'm clicking or what i'm talking about i do have beginner videos and there will be more beginner videos uh because design space changes all the time but the best way for you to learn is to watch the video like this read the chat ask questions ask questions in the comments join my facebook group cricut design space you can ask questions and we don't allow any negativity at all so we don't allow room people so don't worry about any of that on my videos or in my facebook groups but the best actual way to learn is to watch the video watch me do a few steps then pause the video you go into your design space and you try to copy what i did if it doesn't work the same then rewind the video a little you can watch these classes at your own pace at your own time and at your own speed so i want you to know that we are here to teach you and you don't we don't charge you all these videos are free okay and jamie's sharing my facebook group uh to join that shirley um penny says she would contour out the little piece in the y and the s oh i'm like what s i'm looking for that there's two s's i was looking at the wrong s uh yeah you totally could do that so let me show you how to do that and do you guys want a copy of this project uh if you want to contour this out oh you know what i attached it should i weld it i'm gonna weld it because let's detach there's no reason to attach there's no reason to group if you want to weld it you just weld it remember you cannot unweld it unless you do the backup but after you save it you cannot unweld it and there's no reason for us to do it it's pretty quick we could just make it again if we wanted to so i'm going to do contour i couldn't do contour before because it was attached if i would have just detached it i could have done contour but we're going to click contour if you don't know what that does it gets rid of the cuts you can click on any cut and it will get rid of it so there's this tiny tiny tiny little spot there did i get rid of it it's hard to tell i did so now that's gone if you want to bring it back all you have to do is hit contour again and you can bring it back and you can also it's usually the smallest pieces are right here yeah for some reason these pieces shapes do not match these but i can tell that's the smallest piece so it's the bottom piece you can click here like that will get rid of the whole word birthday but it leaves the center so you have to click on those to get rid of those as well but we're going to bring that back okay we have a question how do you know when to weld and when to attach um i could have kept this as attached the only reason um i welded it is because there's you're really not gonna attach these separate or change them because we already sliced into them if you're going to do that then you're going to do it again if that makes sense but another good thing to do before you weld it i'm backing up while i can okay it's not welded anymore because i backed up enough uh is to i'm going to attach it and duplicate it and then hide it the reason is you'll always have if you weld this and you want to come back to it you'll have it it also has the font annie lou this one it doesn't because it has a slice through it once you slice it it won't tell you the font but it's ariel black so if you're watching this this is ariel black so i'll put that here and this i will weld you also want to oh wait let me do text hello i put help hello okay um let me duplicate this i'm gonna show you reasons to oh we're gonna get rid of that okay this is not a current font and i'm going to change the color of this to yellow so for this one you would want to put the letters closer together you can go to letter spacing like this but then sometimes like that l is too far over but these aren't enough so you can ungroup to letters or just click on group over here you can use your keyboard arrows to change or you can use your mouse now let me zoom in do you see these letters here there we go do you see the lines between the letters you'll see a line here you can't well the end of the h actually goes way up here so let's move that over just slightly so the end of the h goes up here you can't see it let me see if you can see it if i bring this letter forward yeah so you can see it like that if i were to attach this word this is going to totally cut out of the e it's going to have a cut line it's going to have a cut line here and here and here let's bring this oh i attached it already but this l letter will probably go up here like the h did and it's going to cut that but if i weld it it's all connected there are no cut lines let me undo for a second also look in the layers panel each one of these is a layer they're not going to be on different mattes as that type of layer but it's a different layer in the layers panel that means if i wanted to slice this with something else i couldn't i would have to do one letter at a time because they're on different layers now when i weld it i select them all you can tell they're selected because they're gray i'm going to click weld and there we go oh you know what else i forgot today so this is why you would weld i forgot the giveaway but if you're doing letters like this there's no reason to weld because they're not even touching i can move them closer together but there's still no reason to weld because they're not touching so for these i would attach um let's ungroup them like i did the other now let's go to make it and you'll see um crafty manna says she can't locate either the first two fonts um ariel black i think is on every computer that's not a cricut font and the other one i don't know is a cricket font so you'll have to search and cricket so because we ungrouped it and we did not attach it this is the word hello what it does is it cuts the biggest one first and the smaller ones last that's to save us paper it's doing us a favor but it's not that smart is it this one is cut how we want it because we welded it together or even attached it it would have cut the same way this one is welded so it's cut the perfect way so this one we don't have to weld we can just attach so if we attach this and then click make it now it's still in all these layers but when we click make it it's uh correct um we do a giveaway every saturday here in my classes okay so here is the winner of the giveaway the giveaway winner needs to watch to make sure they know they won um and then contact me so this is one of my giveaways i do we are also doing another live giveaway and you have to be able to be in the chat on youtube in order to win so make sure you can chat uh diane says i wish i could attach with different colors somehow uh we can go over that if you want congratulations nikki perry she learned the what i learned melody giveaway so um in order to enter this you do not have to be live you can be watching the replay all you have to do is share one of my videos as she shared this video link uh from one of my videos she also shared the hashtag what i learned melody it's all one word hash and all you have to do is type that a lot of people ask how do you do hashtags you just type this pound sign or hashtag sign with no spaces and type what i learned melody and it will turn blue it will turn into a link and then you have to share a sentence or two about what you learned and she posted this march 11th there's no time if you're posting this week doesn't mean if you don't win next week you won't learn win at all welcome angel angelica for subscribing um and you just have to share on social media either public or in my vid in my groups okay so congratulations nikki what she has to do is go to my website click the contact or just scroll down to the bottom of the page and tell me where she wants her prize her prize is 25 either through paypal or amazon so i will need an email for her paypal or her amazon whatever she prefers okay let's go back to design space yay lynn thinks she's finally catching on a little okay let's move this down here um let me go in and okay let's let's remove this we're going to save this project now do you guys want a copy of this project we are going to share this link yay crafty nana figured out the fonts okay uh we're going to go to a new image and we're going to go to images we're just going to look for an image that has multiple colors that you might want to use with vinyl that has let's try this one shared the link again okay let me see that okay so with this image they have already have the two colors attached i'm gonna make this smaller um i'm looking for okay we'll just make our own image we'll do some text okay uh we're not gonna do anything fancy we're gonna go to advanced no we're gonna go to alignment and center and we're gonna change oh let's go to advanced and ungroup lines so each line is now a separate layer uh-oh i spell christmas wrong we can't do that okay uh red and let's say this is green and this one is red okay so now when i go to make this this was not how we wanted to cut we don't want this u to be that close especially if we're using vinyl of course you can always move it out of the way but if we wanted to have it set just like this or let's do this let's we could even do this say we wanted them set like this and say we wanted this there um and we want to make it and we want it to look like that when we're done i really should just change my machine so i don't want to choose mac it still looks the exact same way but i changed it on the canvas now let's group it together and we're going to click make it to see what happens nothing changed that's because group only works here so it grouped it together group goes no further than the canvas it means nothing it did not change the layers in any way they are not attached nothing okay so we're gonna ungroup to get it back to where we were now we cannot attach these because it changes them all to the same color and i want different colors um and attaching them puts them all the same color because it puts them on the same mat you cannot cut attach things separately but what you can do is click the mary hold down your shift key and then click the two these are like colors so they're going to cut out on the same mat so we can attach them so now these are under the word attach when i click one i get the other i can click on either one of them i can click away in the layers panel it will do them separately but if i click attach it gets them together now the christmas we have to click that and the shift and click this and something went wrong it selected um the green also probably it's selecting the green because it's showing the green on top and so when i try to click this you i can't i could click it underneath here because look it's underneath here but another way to do it is just clicking it in the layers panel or you can move this attach part down here although i just like them you can move it down below there or move these up whatever's easier and then when i click these i'm just getting the christmas u or because they're together you can just drag over the two of them oh and it selected all of them because it also grabbed into this area so that didn't work either so just the u holding the shift key click the christmas let go of the shift key you got those two selected and we can attach joanie says we have 314 people watching and only 152 likes if you guys want a giveaway cash um we need more likes if you're on a mobile device close out your live chat and click the thumbs up and then click on the live chat button okay so now we have them like this and we can click make it yay lisa's learning so much that she didn't know the project is saved as private it should not be saved as private so now we have the christmas you and the married to um what you have to do is you because you want them in different colors they have to be cut on different materials you can't they don't make materials exactly how you want them to be cut so you would just cut this out and cut this out separately then fit them to your project together okay do we have any other questions how do you apply multiple layers to your project well there's different ways to apply them but you could um you can choose whichever one you want to put down first you could put one down on your project with transfer tape and then fit the other one on top of it after you put the one down or you can put them both down on the transfer tape at the same time you would need enough transfer tape to fill the whole project and then get uh say the christmas u down first and then put the transfer tape over the merry two and then put them all down together can you move them together on the mat you can move the whole thing together on the mat if you group them you can move these together and these but if you want to move them all together you can group them group them is a great way to change the size or move them around or even just to hide the whole set when do you use the strong transfer tape when you're using glitter vinyl or textured vinyl chalkboard vinyl something that is not smooth i would not layer anything on top of glitter vinyl it's hard to get it to stick did you do new images today or did i missed it um we can go and see if there's any i do new images on fridays at 4pm you can always go back to all my videos and find them but we'll go ahead we're going to click images we're going to go up here to categories and click all categories and we're going to go to image sets you can choose any of these other categories to find projects or not projects images you want so we're going to click on image sets and it always shows the top set so these this is the newest image set i did go over this on the video yesterday and here are some other new ones if you miss them so there's there's a lot there's 5 000 image sets thank you for subscribing okay um i'll show you oh that's the crafting zoom we're gonna go to my channel um if you support my channel for any bits at all you get for 99 cents or more you can get into my crafting zoom okay here's today's video but i want to show you this says live now that's today's video and these are uploads that i have my most recent uploads and then here is a playlist of christmas cards if you click play all there's many more than what you see here here are design space classes click play all it will start with this beginner one i did in january i have done another one about six months ago that is more up to date with the changes but there are there's one almost every week uh my melanie lane inspired projects for 2021 so these are projects that you get if you support my channel for two dollars or more there are a lot of these videos um because i do two videos a week at least of those but then sometimes there's more projects sometimes there's um five or six projects in one video there's also a video for most of these projects unless some of them are just iron on like that happy birthday jesus i'll add there won't be a video for that it's just iron on uh these are the ones for past years so each one of these are a playlist so there's 94 videos just from 2022 and they go back to 2014. you still can get all of these projects that are here here's infusible ink ones foiling transfer some other ones tesla videos and you can also go to videos here and check out i think it has the last 100 you can also go to playlist and you can see all my playlists that have videos in them and my dog is snoring in case you hear snoring so i just want to show you how to get to videos if you are a supporter you can click on community or membership i think i think you guys have that click on my store for my merch and that's about it okay do we have more questions joanne says the old videos are a hoot they are old some of them um oh yeah and spirit junkie says and go back to your design space layers for assembly that's the order especially if you're doing paper layers that helps out a lot do you use printable htv vinyl at all i personally have never used it is there a way to see the image name of the image set only when you go there is not a way and i have told cricket there used to be and that's gone now and i have told them to bring it back how do you save your files privately so we aren't sharing your files okay so when you go to my projects and this is your projects click on the three little dots here then click edit project details and then click edit project details again and right here it'll say anyone with a link this is how i share it so i share my links with supporters um but if you click only me then that makes it private so only you can do that so you will not accidentally share a project you don't want to share if you click to everyone that puts it in the cricut community for everyone to use and you don't always want everyone to have your project especially if it's one i share with you do not click everyone you can be booted as a supporter if you do um um i do it on anyone with a link if you are using somebody else's project you should do only me so you don't accidentally share it and i also want to show you this will tell you the font this one doesn't have a picture of this one oh you know what this font we're gonna go back to this was one i was looking at so that's this one i was so we didn't actually use this font but it's hidden in here in case you want it okay are there any other questions how long have you been making videos since 2011 is when i started making craft videos um how do you get new fonts well qriket adds fonts all the time but you can download fonts to your computer and they will work in design space how do you layer iron on um i have a video on layering iron on if i search i don't know if this search does it but i just go to search when i'm when somebody asks me a question what i do is i go to melody lane layer iron on this is when i did iron on on a card two layers of htv with the ez press so i show you in this one this one i'm showing you layering and fusible ink this one is also layering iron-on this one is layering iron-on this one is layering iron-on can you turn a print and cut into a cut without losing the colored layers no you cannot you can change any image into a print then cut uh we're going to go to new so we don't mess with that one um so if i click on an image bring that in now this has layers as you can see we can ungroup them and see them separately we can change the colors of these if we wanted to um so we can do that uh i can undo and bring them all back also just so i have them all set up like this but i can click over here and change the colors if i want to i'm just changing them slightly so you can tell and if we wanted to not layer all these we could select it and they're all selected and we could flatten and it changes it to one image as a printing cut now we cannot change this to anything else we would have to unflatten it first now because i have flattened it it has changed them all to print and cut if i want to change them back to regular cut without printing i can select them all and do it all at the same time and change to basic under the word cut so now it also changed them back to their original color but i could change it again if i wanted to um uh helen asked did cricket take some of the old fonts out of access there's fonts i've been using for years and now it says they're 4.99 i don't think so usually when fonts are in excess they stay in excess welcome sandy okay it says we have only 232 likes and we have 300 so uh we need 300 likes to do the giveaway and we have a supporter hangout at 12 30 so we have to do it before then yes flatten makes it print and cut okay we have a question can you make print and cut layers by flattening each layer instead of flattening the whole thing no because if you select one layer there's nothing to flatten it to flatten you have to have at least two images if you want to change it to print and cut you do that by going under operation and going all the way to the bottom it says print and cut standard so just click that and that layer is now printing cut but flatten you you have to think of flatten is you're you're smashing two layers together you cannot change a cricut image that is already a printing cut to cut without losing the color nope you can't if you forget to flatten will it affect the image well if you don't flatten it it will not turn it into a basic a printing cut if we did all these separate let me show you what happens so i'm changing all the layers to a printing cut the hard way by not flattening so they're all print and cut but see they're all separate layers so what that's going to do is it's going to send it to the printer in separate layers like that that's not what you want if you're going to print it you want it printed together so instead you select them all look at all the layers you go down to flatten it smashed them all into one image so now it's one image and when i click make it always click make it to see what happens it won't hurt so now it did it in one does that make sense so can you show a print and cut on a cut edge border for a card um it would just be the same as the edge cards i have whole videos on that you would just change the image you're adding on top like um well let's we can go ahead and use this wreath on a card i'm gonna unlock this we're gonna make it um so we'll make a square 5x5 card or five and a half that's what i want so the width is going to be 11 and the height is going to be five and a half and i hate that color so we're going to just make it yellow for now we're going to move this to the front well it doesn't matter um what i'm going to do is i'm going to do an offset here we're going to make it smaller apply i'm also going to duplicate this i don't know if i'm doing this like i taught it i'm just going to use this offset we're going to arrange it to the front and uh you know what i'm going to make these smaller and because i have the duplicate here i want to make them all smaller at the same time so they all fit there oh you know what they need to be equal to the top so i'm wrong they need to be bigger i sometimes forget how to do things until i go to try them we need it let me just take these and i'm going to center them so i have the exact size i want it to be five and a half i can just go up here and do 5.5 okay so now i'm going to take this actually i'm going to make this 5.5 5. and i know it's not going to match up but it's going to be okay so actually i want the card to not be bigger than that so i'm putting this on the edge i'm going to slice this oh but i still have some here at the bottom i didn't get that right i want to center this vertically so i'm going to click align center vertically and then slice oh wait a minute we don't want to move that i just remembered i'm gonna select this big piece here and we're gonna contour and i'm gonna get rid of these outside pieces you guys i have to remember how to do this [Music] yeah that's right and then i'm gonna weld this back in okay so this is the edge of the card and then we're gonna take this we can just right click and move it to the front and there we have the edge card we would put a score line in the center waiting on that score line to hop in okay we're gonna make the score line 5.5 we're going to select the score line and the card and align center and then we're going to attach because you have to attach the score line and we're going to move this to the back and there so when you fold this this part of the card will be folded up to here and you have an edge card and this is print and cut you need replay uh you can re-watch all of my videos okay i'm reading your chat i'm not just sitting here oh yes the bundle for today is iron on if you type in 12 days i'll type it in for you nightbot will give you a link thanks for bringing that up because the 12 days um i just clicked on the link in the chat also the last chance for holiday shipping is monday so if you want it in time for christmas you have to shop before monday um this is the bundle of the day do i have anything in my cart i do well i'll click it man this it's 44.99 but if you get so i have the one from yesterday i'll remove that i'm gonna go ahead and make this two just so it's over fifty dollars and then we'll divide by two to see what the actual cost is because if you click checkout you have to put the 12 days in with no spaces and nightbot gives you a link okay uh so we're gonna use the code cutie because we have more than 50 in our cart and we're going to click apply thank you lori so that brings two bundles down to 57.58 alexa what's 57.58 divided by two 57.58 divided by two is 28.79 so you're getting that bundle and all you have to do is add just a few dollars um to your cart because it's forty four dollars so if you add uh something else to your car and all the materials and everything is um fifty percent off now this is because i have premium access because i have premium access i get twenty percent off the bundle but if you have regular access you do get ten percent off so it'll be just a little bit more and with my code you get another twenty percent off and free shipping [Music] holly you are correct the joy does not do print and cut welcome seaside crafters become a channel member okay jesse is asking how do you like all the cricut everyday iron on on the shirts easy to use question uh last wow question apply good etc it is very easy to use it lasts over 50 washes i have tested that and it's easy to apply especially if you have the easy press if you follow the directions that cricut gives you on the heat guide you will have no problems um i ordered two just to get fifty dollars in the cart to see how much they would be individually so this is 44.99 so you would have to add um five dollars and a penny of a product to your cart to get that price also so if you just add um you can add a couple shirts or some infusible ink a couple of body suits some coasters or there's so many things to just get over uh fifty dollars in your cart to use my code to take off your shipping and to give you another twenty percent and like i said i have premium uh access so premium access these raglan shirts are amazing and premium access gets you 20 off all materials i am in the materials section oh wait a minute am i yeah materials so everything you see here will be 20 off if you have premium access the youth raglan shirts are only five dollars these are like those baseball shirts they're very nice shirts and comfortable and soft there is not really a shelf life to the vinyl i have vinyl that is many years old well i did i added two to my cart do you want me just to show you okay here's a 575 that will some shimmer vinyl make it so we'll add that to my cart we'll make this only one we'll go to checkout now you have to go to checkout to put in my code it that already has my code in it so we're good on that so i got my total to fifty dollars and seventy four cents i do have premium access so i get another twenty percent off uh i get twenty off and free shipping for my code and then premium access also gets free shipping over 50 so for 32.00 let's go back and look at that um what you're getting for 32.00 you're getting a shimmer permanent vinyl and this everyday iron on sampler this is one two three four five six seven eight rolls and they each have at least three colors on them they look like they might even have more colors this is guaranteed for long-lasting results that stick so it shows you oh one of them have six sheets in them so most of them are three sheets and one has six sheets so you have all these different colors to choose from it's always nice to have it on hand cricut card stock is 80 pound let's check what else let's check that if there's blanks or mugs is what i'm checking and i can click over here to cricut mug press and the only ones in stock right now are these the stackables which are awesome but you never know when these are coming back into stock i also want to look at paper because paper should be coming into stock pretty quickly let me see if they no they don't have the white or black in this but white and black is on its way we just have to check every day didn't know i could rhyme linda that's a great tip she likes to watch the replay in another window while i am using ds to design my project now this this deal that i showed you is ending today every day there's a new deal this is deal number 10 so there's only two more deals they do not send to the united kingdom i don't think well you could go here and switch to a country united kingdom let's see they don't have the same prices oh wait we got a click shop so i switched united kingdom i clicked on shop so yeah you do you can buy from the united kingdom site and your prices are in pounds so they're a little bit different oh yeah we still have to do the giveaway don't you we are you guys liking the video you have to click like and you have to be in the chat on youtube in order to get in the giveaway uh i don't know when the knife blade will be back in stock howie says she needs a shopping assistant yeah if you want to upgrade to premium access if you have standard access let's go let's go back up here we gotta change it back to united states come on oh i'm clicking the wrong button i gotta click here okay and then click shop uh and then click join access even if you already have access if you have standard access or don't have access and you want the premium uh 20 off you have to just add this to your cart even if you already have this if you have the yearly or annual plan of cricut standard access this will prorate it so you're not paying this price you're paying less than that it will prorate the price for you so everybody's price will be different if they already have access so just add it to your cart and see what it says you can always take things out of your cart adding it to your cart does not make you commit to purchase the smallest piece is always at the bottom of the contour screen jackie got today's bundle and a cutter for 38 dollars surely i see yourself arguing with yourself if you like to do iron on or your family likes to have shirts or other things that's a great way to have different colors and they it's it's real it's less than 50 off plus you're getting the other discounts so it's really a good deal you can also use iron-on on cards and scrapbooks and paper i really like iron-on better than vinyl on paper motion detected at the front okay i you see spirit junkies answer i don't see the question but i'm gonna go ahead and so she's talking about changing the blank canvas you click down here at the bottom of the layers panel where it says blank canvas and there's a big white square you click on that square now it doesn't look if you're just looking down here you don't know how to change the color it's not changing you can't do anything but if you go back up to the top up here it now says color and some people depending on your screen and how bright you have it or how much contrast you have it may be hard to see this little white square but if you just click under the word color you'll have this come up and this so you can change your screen to anything you want if you want to take away the grid you just click in this little circle it's not a circle it's a square i know my shades i went to kindergarten you can change your grid to no grid just the inch grid or the more detailed grid oh do we have 300 likes all righty have you guys chatted within the last 15 minutes i'll give you a minute to chat tell us something you're grateful for in the chat and i will look for questions uh it was most likely fedex at the door uh jessie asked where do you buy the raglans you buy them under materials here let me go to materials if you mouse over that not clicking go to customizable blanks but click my link uh nightbot will share a link in the chat with my code um then scroll down and here are different raglan shirts the adults are 6.50 but they're less when you uh take 20 off with my code and your access discount they're nice shirts even if you don't put anything on them they're great for pajama tops too or for everyday wear for wearing to school or anything uh mel says lindbergh we keep answering your question the weight does not matter for laser copy paper it doesn't matter what the weight is for that so you just use copy paper that fits in your printer don't worry about the weight okay are we ready for the giveaway because then i got to go set up the other video for the supporters they do have black and white raglans for adults are they just out of stock here they are somebody asked they wish they had black and white raglan for adults they're right here they're in stock they go up to 3x okay yes okay you can we're gonna pick a winner now and we have our winner congratulations kenny schrock penny schrock is the winner uh so penny we need you to go to or if you can contact me in another way if you scroll down you can email me i need to know if you want through paypal or amazon gift card and if you want paypal i'll need your paypal email to send it to and amazon i will need your amazon email to send it to just let me know where you want it okay please look in the chat for questions you can scroll back up they do have raglan and toddler size the youth i think they have the other shirts and toddler sizes they have them in onesies you know in the baby body suits with infusible ink can you use parchment paper instead of butcher paper no you need butcher paper because butcher paper absorbs the mold more moisture can't say that okay you want the link to cricut it's in the description also but nightbot will share it he's sharing lots of them so this is delayed so you might have to go back up thank you for using my link i do get a small commission when you use my link at no extra cost to you all right we gotta go start the other video i gotta set it up and get it ready so we can start that one at 12 30. okay the chat is quiet now i imagine you're all shopping take advantage of these sales these sales only come once a year no do not add a bundle with the access you need to buy access first so make your transaction with access first so then uh go back in and then buy the bundle make them in two different uh transactions buy access first and then go shopping for everything else great question jesse if i use your code later and not the link will you still get commission no i do not get commission if you do not use my link thank you for asking you can always ask for a link there's a link in the description of every single video there is a cricut link there's also on facebook i share uh sales almost every day sometimes twice a day and you can use any link like if i share a sale for paper and you want vinyl you can still click that link and then just go to vinyl and i will get a small commission but if you change browsers i won't get a commission toodles and noodles all right guys uh i'll see some of you in just a few minutes and the rest of you i will see monday not monday i will see tuesday at noon do you draw onto transfer paper for infusible you can draw on laser copy paper i have uh lots of videos on infusible ink before i go let me show you how to get there it's really easy if you go to my channel it's just if you just search melodylane it's youtube.commelodylane um wait a minute i'm not sure what page i want i have my home page okay right now i have infusible ink nope that's classes i thought yeah infusible ink playlist right here there are 42 videos of infusible ink they're all except this first one is just a short one and then this next one is 17 minutes and it is step by step on how to use infusible ink and there's so many more videos oh i love this one this one i used the ink and i use the transfer sheets and i did it all in one transfer piece so it looks like that i put on a baby onesie it says i wet my plants and i used pens and sheets on that this one i was just playing around with different things uh this one i talk about weeding some people think it's hard to weed it's very easy to weed you just do it differently than you do vinyl this is pens on coasters this is on a black shirt show you how to do that this is just a pretty infusible ink i did um i think this was on coasters and there's many more than this you just click play all and you can choose what you want to watch and you can always fast forward videos you can watch them on higher speed if you want or slower speed okay guys i really gotta go now we got 10 minutes before the next
Channel: Melody Lane
Views: 5,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cricut Maker, Easy Press, Easypress, The Villages, golf cart, tutorial, Design Space, Cricut Explorer, Cricut Explore, Cricut Design Space, Explore Cricut, how to use Cricut Design Space, Cricut Explore Air 2, paper crafts, Melody lane Cricut, Melody Lane Designs, Melody Lane, Design Space How to, handmade ideas, diy, Cricut Explore Air, pink hair, cricut tutorials, Cricut for beginners, Cricut help
Id: 78TVWUWzMh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 55sec (4855 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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