Black Friday Etsy Coaching 2021 - Your Black Friday Lifeline with the Handmade Alphas

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] mmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're here animated intros those are cool i made that in like 10 seconds like this morning i was like oh i want to make a little video with music and i threw it together in canva so we should do one for the friday bean what do you guys think i think mark should write us a friday bean song oh lord it's gonna go we are the friday beans and we like to scream and we are so mean cause we're the friday beasts she's way more entertained with herself than i think i am um photograph bert the bird said please say mark is going to be dressed as a santa i'm not it's so hot in this basement oh yeah i'm like these studio lights are really warm um we i was going to have to wait on that we had to let the front door open so the dogs would alert us to when our new bidet got here a new bidet this is if you guys needed to know that black friday buns keep your phone clean for black friday all right anyway i was in stylist coffee this morning nothing she's still awake was that a that was an awful joke that was an awful joke but you're my husband so i guess yeah i mean we've been we've been married for 11 years i guess i'll maybe put her to sleep just to get some peace i'll give i'll give you a pass on that one because i assume you're just putting me to sleep so you can play your new video game um guys battlefield 2042 came out today welcome to the black friday lifeline this year is going to be so much better than last year i rewatched last year's black friday lifeline and we didn't know when we recorded it that we had coveted yeah but we can tell looking back he was looking real really tell he was a turd during last year's and i rewatched it and i was like oh my god he he literally the day after we recorded it he started like getting deathly sick so whoops um today we're going to be talking about black friday prep i've got a couple things that i'm going to cover i'm going to show you how to create some marketing examples um we're going to answer your questions we're going to have some fun there are freebies down below though that you're going to want to grab if you haven't already signed up for the black friday toolbox you need to get those those are going to have excuse me graphics packs those that we're actually going to use today in our examples they have a full black friday checklist of pretty much everything that i talk about today but it's going to tell you dates that you should complete everything um ssar swipe files i know that most of you already use them but if you haven't started right now is a great time because you really want to start accumulating positive reviews over the holiday season not only do these help to inform your customers every step of the way they help you to get more positive reviews and positive reviews are one of the main things that are going to help your overall search ranking because that is what etsy uses to uh create your overall listing quality scores anytime that you're like on etsy and you shop for something and then you find something on a first page and their seo is awful it's because they have high listing quality scores because they've likely been selling that listing for a very long time and because it's usually either that they've been around a long time like some of the etsy sellers that have been around like 10 plus years yeah or they've been curated in like somebody in nets they've been put in like an etsy list and they had one or two listings go viral and sell a couple thousand of them like or they have a big social media following that's true too yeah a lot of people start off etsy and come on to it yeah so sales reviews those things help to build your listing quality score which will help your listing rank higher it's not just seo alone your keywords are going to help you obviously but you also want to make sure that you are getting good reviews because that's physical proof right that's evidence to etsy and they're saying oh wow this is selling in people evidence to their algorithm yes exactly exactly um i did want to give a quick disclaimer if anybody's wondering what's in the background that's not a haunted house that is a vocal booth band is recording at the moment so i'm like ooh they're going to think that we have like a weird kinky dungeon or something but lazy and it takes like 45 minutes to put that up so i'm not taking it down it's nothing weird i mean it is weird it is it is weird it's nothing freaky weird it's just kind of weird um we hear mark talk now and scare everyone who has a speech have a speaker volume high what is my voice like dramatically louder than hers it shouldn't be the mic's way over there is it or is it because i'm quieter and she gets loud is it making you uncomfortable should we do an asmr um oh they probably didn't hear that okay i got the thing get some long fingernails all right second bit that i wanted to bring up i'm sure you guys know this already because i talk about it every week but for those who are new here handmade alpha academy opens on december 1st that is my step-by-step course that will teach you exactly how to get your etsy shop set up marketed branded seo optimized i'm going to teach you how to make a marketing funnel i'm going to teach you how to build an email list it's not just an etsy crash course like you see a lot of coaches promote this is an entire lifestyle change that will last throughout the entire lifetime of your business not to mention we see a lot of alphas who can apply it to other things now i don't recommend you enroll in handmade alpha academy if you only sell like on shopify if you're not an etsy seller most of the course is catered to etsy however if you have an etsy shop but you also have like a website or things like that they tend to pair well together you're gonna like i mean if you got cash in your pocket looking to burn i mean you'll you'll still learn stuff in there there's stuff with photo editing email list social media like there's still a lot in there that'll apply to you it would just be kind of up to you to cater it to whatever platform you're using exactly but i'm looking into possibly looking to convert some of that stuff over to other platforms in the future yeah maybe doing some some you know like haa but for other other platforms that way if you don't sell on etsy and you never plan to you only sell on your website then maybe we'll do a version of haa for you if we do that it probably won't be a full thing specifically for that platform it'll likely just be like like taking specific modules that only apply to etsy and trying to convert those over but we don't sell on other platforms yeah so we'll see we'll see we'll shall see way that'll be like end of next year at the earliest but handmade alpha academy will be opening on december 1st doors will close on december 10th it's a 10-day enrollment window because we like to keep those tight so that we can actually work with new students who are coming into the course if you're interested in joining there is a waiting list down below signing up for it does not obligate you to buy however it does ensure that you get the big fat thousand dollar discount that we offer to community members right when doors open and doors are going to open at 8 00 a.m this year 8 a.m eastern time so yes keep an eye out for that if you have questions about it we can answer those at the end 8 a.m eastern 5 a.m pacific 2 p.m uk yes 1 p.m uk what he said something like that all right guys let's go ahead and get into it i'm going to keep topics a little bit tighter today uh we will be answering your black friday questions i'm going to be showing off some examples we're going to have a lot of fun so first things first for black friday if you plan to promote for black friday which you should because for one there's more traffic on etsy on black friday than any other day of the year any other day it is the most visited day on etsy so you want to even if you're not planning to host a sale you want to at least get your shop ready right uh second reason is that we have over 50 more buyers on etsy this year than we did last year that's insane guys that's absolutely nuts so you want to try to optimize for this very very crazy holiday season and the way that you want to start doing that is first of all start marketing now don't look at your sale necessarily but start marketing on social media to try to bring in new people especially if you don't have a big social media following now the number one way that i recommend to do that as of recently is instagram reels the reason that reels are so much more uh effective than posting on facebook or just posting in your instagram feed is that an instagram reel is just thrown out into the nether it goes out to everybody um you don't have to be following someone to see they're real it's like advertising that just gets cast out to seed to people who are interested in your products uh you can do the same thing on tick tock you can take your tick tocks and put them in instagram reels you can take your instagram reels and put them on tiktok it's a really great way to put new content out there and uh encourage people to follow you who may have never followed you before so today we'll actually uh show you some examples of that but i also have a full video from a while ago a while ago a while ago uh early fall where i showed you how to build an instagram reel as well we'll probably speed through the one today but if you want a longer example you can go back and watch that so instagram reels is my number one recommendation but you can always post on facebook um in your instagram feed i would post everywhere if i were you honestly um now we'll show you examples of those but i also want to recommend that when you do these um i've got graphics packs from the black friday toolbox that you can use for these now if you don't want to pay for canva pro which i have it i love it it's one of my favorite business tools um it's kind of pricey but to me it's worth it because i use it for everything um if you don't want to pay for camera pro though and you need those nice premium images that have the backgrounds already cut out then i actually offer those for free in the black friday toolbox yes that stuff's only going to be available when's black friday not this friday but the following no two fridays from now 26. yeah 26th of november so not not today not next week but the following week yeah so i'm only going to be offering those through cyber weekend and then and then the black friday toolbox gets put to what or put what puts away put away and only haa students will be able to use it so um access it access it yeah so make sure that you you get those things now um and then assuming that you start your marketing now you want to start what we call in handmade alpha academy hyper marketing hyper marketing is how you get people to start paying attention when you have something coming whether that be a new collection launch a new product a sale you want to start hyper marketing that in advance so they know to pay attention i recommend starting this on monday the 22nd start doing this as early as possible that way or well not as early as possible you don't want to do it too early because then people are like oh yeah black friday sale in two weeks whoo you know they're not going to remember but if it's the week of they might start paying a little bit more attention especially if it's someone who follows you because it's something that they want mark and i are are big on that what are some good vibe viral brands that have had some good marketing this season oh god you're dr squatch they do pretty good yeah they do pretty good marketing i don't know if they've done any i honestly don't know if they've done any holiday marketing my feed hasn't really had a lot of their stuff in it lately um really um i love my thigh huggers brand they've always got like the the most like kind of rednecky dudes with in booty shorts and booty shorts with the the freaking uh what are they called stupid haircuts yeah the mullet that everybody's going for right now not just the regular mullet but the kind with like the curled bottom in the back but they'll have that and they'll have him like chugging a beer but then it'll zoom out and he's just got like a big thick butt and booty shorts and it's like what is going on here sorry somebody said something and i'm looking if you can keep okay okay um so assuming that you you know create all your marketing which once again i'll show you how to do that in a few minutes um you want to also schedule that marketing ahead of time cool thing about facebook is that you can schedule out your posts and not have to touch them that is so nice i will say to make sure that you check the dates and you get them right i had a post uh announcing handmade alpha academy was open that posted two days ago because i messed up and put it for november instead of december so yeah you want to make sure that you check your dates but get things scheduled ahead of time because the last thing you want to do on like thanksgiving if you're in the us last thing you want to do on thanksgiving day is stress about your black friday sale when you're trying to like enjoy family time schedule this stuff ahead tina said uh loom loom does pretty great advertising they do a lot they do a lot their their stuff is educational too which is dope i really like that because not a lot of people take the time to educate themselves and then they do stuff that's like self-harming in order to fix why they smell yeah it's educational yeah education oh my god yeah because it's very edgy it's um deodorant for um crotches and things but well they do they do full body yeah it's actually not for crotches it's for your butt oh it's for your butt okay you should you can it's technically look at a l-u-m-e they have great marketing they have great marketing and their thing with them to be pretty safe any marketing by the harmon brothers they're the ones who do the squatty potty and poo-pourri if you've seen any of those and purple mattress are all hermann brothers ads harmon brothers also have a marketing book called from pooped gold and it's about um creating funny marketing ads that actually grab attention i haven't bought that book yet but i love their ad so i would really like to read that someday she also she also said joe dirt style yeah i don't can somebody like fill me in on to what made that stupid haircut come back into style please can somebody like let's that can't be it because it's so dumb it's got to be a celebrity what's what celebrity was it that started rocking that stupid haircut that people are emulating now because it's all like college kids between 18 and 22 at the gym that i see having it like they'll have their hat on like mine but then they'll have that stupid little curl sticking up anyway all right um next one is use scarcity guys we are hardwired to react to things that are counting down we don't want to miss it we don't want to miss out on the thing so up leading up to your sale you can even do a countdown leading up like five more days until the sale four more days until the sale you could put the big numbers on your on your posts um and then when your sale starts do it by hour oh only 24 hours only oh we're down to the last 10 hours of the sale and these items have already sold out down to the last five hours items are selling out if you want something you better hurry up and get it um so scarcity is a really great tactic if you have an email list i highly recommend using the app right not app website um can you type this in it is um s-e-n-b-t-r-i-c dot com you can customize it with your color hex codes and when you're in mailchimp if you're using mailchimp you can just grab one of the custom code blocks drag it into your email template and then add in the html code into your emails you can also embed these on websites if you have your own website um it will embed in as long as you i would also make sure that you center it if you know how to the short code for center um yeah so email countdown timers though are are great and you guys see them every week if you're on my email list and you see that countdown timer that says the friday bean will begin in however many minutes it's that's a free feature that i use for pretty much everything and i'm going to be using it for handmade alpha academy too and you'll also notice when handmade alpha academy is open i change the countdown timer from my branding color i do the white background and the red numbers and then as it gets closer to time i change the countdown timer to a red background with white numbers because red is a trigger color that is something that we actually teach in haa about color psychology red is an action color it's a trigger color that's why we often see big red sail stickers it is an actionable color and the cool thing about the holiday season is that red is already kind of a festive color so if you can incorporate it into your branding without kind of you know going against your branding colors might be a color to consider incorporating it um what are you trying to do trying to log into your youtube that way it stops commenting is my youtube channel it's driving me nuts i can't you got so many friggin passwords no worries about it right now i'm your grandpa um you're just distracting me so scarcity um next thing guys plan your sale for thanksgiving night um i i say this every year and i know that it's it's it's technically thursday night thursday night is when black friday starts i don't know if you guys have noticed that but um it started like three weeks ago yeah everybody's entitled that's the whole reason i bought that bidet that would came in today is because it was on black friday sale yeah and you know i've had people ask me they're like should i start like a week early a month earlier no no you're not a major brand don't do that you don't need to do that um i start on thanksgiving night and my reason for that is that for one black friday is when most people are going to get that email in their inbox from whatever companies that they're following i like to get my email in their inbox before the main big rush hits right thanksgiving night if you do it right around dinner time people are eating and what are they doing after they eat they're sitting on their phones their grandma's house scrolling through their phone their their grandpa's passed out asleep excuse me well now amber will be here this year yeah but so but grandpa's passed out to sleep um you're eating your pie and you're sitting there and you're scrolling through your phone that's when i want my email to pop up in their inbox so dinner time is a really great time to optimize for your sale it allows you a little bit like of a longer sale rather than you know just saying oh my black friday sale lasts on friday you get like half of a day on thursday so it gives you a little bit more stretch as well she said what time charlie said what time is dinner time in the u.s it depends on who you're talking to if it's like our house it's like a normal 5 6 p.m if it's like grandma's house it's like two in the afternoon yeah it depends on how old your grandparents are i always optimize for 5 p.m eastern time so that would be 10 p.m uk i think you could do it earlier though um totally up to you did you mean the jedi braid no the jedi braid is handsome and that goes up here not in the back that's a rat tail no it's not handsome it's gross um anyway so plan plan for thanksgiving night and to go along with that talk to your family ahead of time uh if you're going to a family member's house let them know that you might have to step away if you've got like a tablet that you could bring or a laptop or if you can work from your phone just in case a customer messages you and says hey you know i'm i just need to i have a question about this thing that i want to buy because here's the thing if somebody is shopping and they find something on thursday or friday that they want to buy they're not going to wait a long time for you to message them back they're just going to move on to the next shop and buy something else so you want to try to respond really fast on thursday and friday if possible um when we had art by starla moore open um i would take my computer to his grandma's for thanksgiving yep and they all just knew they knew that i would need to pop over to my computer everything they're cool with it yeah so talk to your family ahead of time they're probably going to be understanding if you got one of those anti-tech kind of families because those are there's a lot of those in the in the us that are like oh no phones no cell phones at dinner that just ignore them go in a different room do what you got your business takes higher priority than a holiday that happens every year oh yeah if you're like this is my job you know i'm i'm i have the luxury of not having to go into work today um like some people do i have the luxury of being able to enjoy all of my holidays but the small little sacrifice that i have for that is that occasionally i need to stop step away and reply to a quick message um you don't have to i mean if you really don't want to you don't have to step away i'm just saying that you don't want that person to move on and buy from a competitor so might be a good idea if you just want to walk away on thanksgiving altogether and not deal with it nothing's saying that you have to i'm just saying that it might be a good idea if you know if you're holding like a big sale and you're really relying on that money just go to the bathroom a lot and use your phone they'll never know yeah yeah um so here's another little tip that we've learned through failures many failures count your stop next week oh my god count your stock count your stock this week count your stock if you even if you think you know double check um count everything in your shop that is currently for sale make sure that you have as many as you think that you have yeah when was that like four years ago three years ago when i went through and saw that there were like a couple items that you definitely you had like nine listed and we had like three of them yeah and i was like how many of these are wrong and then we started going through the shop and it turns out it was like all of them yeah it had been a bit busy season so yeah just kind of fluffing numbers you know maybe maybe you have a family member stops by and they're like oh can i do you have any of your things your bits and bobbits and you're like yeah i've got some bits and bob it's here here's here you can have this one take this one and you just don't think about it you don't think to deactivate one of your listings check your inventory yeah so make sure that you do that ahead of time um uh another one that you can do this week or you know next week nail out the small task oh my god nail all of them out don't not some of them just do them all yeah like the little things like for example cutting your your if you've got like bubble wrap or wrapping paper yeah boxes that need to be built yeah make sure that you're getting that done ahead of time if you need to you know wrap cellophane around your soap or whatever it might be gift boxing a bunch of necklaces try to do that ahead of time because these are little tasks that don't take a lot of time when you're not busy but when you are busy they can triple the amount of time that it takes to pack orders and especially if you're the person that's going to be like doing thanksgiving the day before oh yeah you don't want to be all burnt out and then having to magically start doing stuff and then if you do end up having an influx of orders be busy all the way from like the day before thanksgiving all the way through like a week later that's that sucks get what you can done ahead of time hour a day and recruit the kids yes recruit the kids yeah tell tell the kids like hey you know you want to make five dollars no more stuffing until you do this yeah you can you can offer you know offer them a little bit of a little bit of christmas shopping money to help you say hey you want to go christmas shopping for for your dad here i'll i'll give you twenty dollars if you put business cards in all these envelopes you know it's it's fun for them too especially if they think that they're working um gene said yes and replenish because of h.a there are some things i can barely keep stocked i love testimonies like that we love you we love you we have so many haa students who are like yeah i'm so sorry i haven't finished the course but it's because i finished half of it now here just come back to it when you're ready haa may result in we need to figure out what module it is that everybody's catching that's making them a bunch of sales and then move it to the end i don't want to do that because i have to finish it then they're able to pay off their course faster and that's nice i like i like that um so next one is throw in an extra this is part of that under promise and over deliver now if you want to do a free gift you can but if you got 200 orders could you realistically throw in 200 free gifts probably not another little rule of thumb for throwing in an extra is to not mention it in your listing do it without them knowing and then when they receive their package it's it's just in there under promise over deliver it's a it's a fun surprise um i used to do a little cellophane wrapped like you know the tiny little tiny candy canes um last year around covet i didn't do candy but you know things if it's pre-wrapped it's it's different just make sure that you're looking up countries that you know maybe you can't have candy ship too i know that last year we had a couple people mention that um their countries don't like candy in and out so just take note and you don't have to include them in there and if you do if you are shipping candy overseas you can note it on your customs form you can put that there's like a little piece of candy in there um but if you don't want to do candy you could do a handwritten just a small thank you note that's one of the things that you could work on this week just get little pieces of paper and write thanks so much for your order um you could do i've gotten tea bags i always thought that that was really cool pre like little packaged holiday teas that's so nice that's it's different you know you're not expecting it little tea tea yeah a little tea um one year we did uh buckskin um polishing cloths which are you know really great for like jewelry if you could do little polishing claws you can buy them in bulk from ebay and and you're running a little short on time to be able to do that but you might be able to find them on amazon in buck skin cloths is what you're talking about yeah like the little you might be able to get those at um glass repair stores like they'll be expensive or you might be able to get them outdoor stores in like bigger sheets yeah made to like wrap things up and cut them yourself yeah i've ordered from um i've also ordered from shops who have done like gemstone jewelry and they'll just include like a little polished stone which is cool i've got a whole shelf in my bathroom of all the little polished stones and things that people have sent me um just you know whatever make sure that it's on brand doesn't even have to yeah as long as it matches your brand it doesn't have to be something like extravagant or crazy try to think outside the box if it's weird it's cool the worst case scenario they'll throw it away one of my favorite things that i've received as a freebie is from uh lori's laboratory she was haa student of the year uh 2020 2020 yeah and she sends those fortune telling fish which are little just little paper fish little plastic fish and you lay it in your hand and depending on how it curls you can read and it'll tell you like what what that curl means and it's supposed to be like your fortune and i'm like that is the coolest thing because she does like pagan and witchy jewelry like that is so so interesting several good testimonies jen said that she can't finish haa because her shop's so busy i said that she made 50k this year and she definitely wouldn't have made that without the course i doubt that i'm sure i'm sure that you could i'm sure that you could have done it on your own but we're very happy that you uh that you got some good information out of the course oh you guys are awesome yeah we love that stuff we're getting a lot of lot of love all right let's uh let's keep moving so throw in an extra whatever that may be even if it's just a handwritten note something to make them feel good and to stand out because when they're ordering from a bunch of companies for the holidays and they get all of these very impersonal like amazon packages and target packages and walmart packages and then they open your package and it's like custom just for them love it's full of love but it's it's gonna be a it's different right it's different than what they would receive from a big box store and it sets you apart makes you feel a little bit warmer um big tip this is one that mark recommends every year code i'm cold code code she got cold hands shop tech for yourself on black friday yes where are your favorite places to shop tech for office upgrades and things like that this year that's a hard question to answer because there is a shortage on everything right now but if you're not looking to buy something that's being scalped by a 14 year old in his grandma's basement new egg's still a good place to do it b h photo hut believe it or not is a pretty decent place i don't know about their shipping and return policies amazon's always a great place i think they always do the tech or cyber monday sales i think they do a pre-cyber monday sale too so check out like the sunday before black friday into monday and they'll probably have some sales um walmart's dipping their hand into the tech world target um [Music] yeah i mean honestly i buy almost everything that i can from newegg and if you need custom parts performance pcs is an okay place but their shipping can take a little while yeah and uh things that you might not consider getting oh best buy oh best buy best buy i know that's weird but if you have a best buy near you they price match they price match websites i can't promise that they all do that but mine up the street will price match uh price match amazon and i don't even think they're supposed to do that so if you can get in you can find yourself a good deal uh you can price match yeah um oh yeah uh uranus leatherworks yeah i truly believe that thanks to h.a warner brothers used our costumes for lucifer yes there are like they're they're like what what is it specifically it's got like the shoulder pauldrons and um what do you specifically call it because i don't wanna i don't wanna miss miscategorize it but we we have um the actual screenshots from the episode of lucifer on the handmade alpha academy enrollment page because that's so cool we also had um kate mcmullen she did uh a onesie that said the crawling dead for the walking dead that got put into amc's actual walking dead web store and um we had another alpha whose pendant was recently put in a netflix christmas um movie i can't remember the specifics of that and i don't know if it's aired yet so i don't want to say anything else but we have had so many alphas get their stuff on tv it's crazy it's really cool lindsey said can we write h.a off on our taxes ask your accountant that it depends we are not an accredited organization you do not receive college credits or anything like that for we are a business course similar to like any other course website that you take we've heard it both ways um we've heard some accountants say yes our accountant says no that we can't write off courses i don't see why it talk to your accountant talk to your accountant and see what they recommend best for you and if they have an insurance option that allows you to uh have them pay for any mistakes that they make i would take that just in case they're wrong yeah most people i think most people do in there and they are fine but your accountant will will tell you um and then we had one person ask what is aha it's uh handmade alpha academy my etsy course that will be opening on december first there's a waiting list linked down below check out the check out the well that's enough ah stuff for now but we have a waiting list linked down below make sure you check that out get on it and you'll get any emails when it comes to we're bad marketers we are well most most course creators are like here's my course here's all the cool things like we don't want to talk about it it rocks here they're talking about it just listen to what they say yeah it's good we've got we've got like over 600 alphas now and the great success for tons we don't have to talk about it we know it works we know it works you guys can just talk to everybody else but we'll if you have questions about it we can answer those at the end yes um next thing stay positive if on black friday you do not make the sales that you want it never fails we always have alphas jump in the handmade alpha facebook community just to whine um i know that it's hard and i know sometimes you just need to vent i get that but this is a learning experience and if you don't make sales this year you can always sit down with a notebook write down what did you learn what worked what didn't work what can you do better next year and not to mention if you don't make the sales that you want on black friday extend let everybody know i am extending through to small business saturday and then you know you could expect extend through sunday and say oh this is my pre-cyber monday day and then you can extend through cyber monday so you could potentially go from thanksgiving all the way to cyber monday so that would be thursday friday saturday sunday monday and you could box off a whole window if you really wanted to if you didn't make the sales that you want extend and keep marketing um the more you market the more traffic you're gonna see like i said reels i think are the best way to do it don't be afraid to post multiple reels a day what i would do is you've got like two weeks make a ton of reels just sit and make tons of them get them ready and then post them um post them all week of black friday just post them non-stop you could even work on a few extra on on thanksgiving day while your drunk uncle's ranting about his nfl team yeah have some fun canvas pretty easy to use on your phone not my favorite but it's possible i do it all the time uh and then the last little bit that we have for just this little rundown is if you made money if you made you know a decent amount don't forget to invest a little bit back into your business if you are still taping all of your labels to your packages invest in your label printer um if you need a new camera invest in a new camera if you need to buy some books you know books are my favorite resource for growing your business psychology books are my favorite i avoid business books because business books are almost always written by rich guys who want to get richer selling their votes learn how i made a million dollars selling a book yeah um i'm not i'm not a big fan of uh business books black around black friday and cyber monday are the best times of the year to upgrade your business yes you're gonna get the best deals i would also look out for like immediately post christmas boxing sales yeah boxing day sales christmas between you have until the 31st of december to place orders for tax deductible purchases look immediately on black friday cyber monday the week of black friday for companies like best buy and newegg are going to be the best for tech stuff walmart starts their stuff at the beginning of november their deals don't really get much better for black friday at least online that they more most of the in-person shops are going to be better in person on black friday but i mean i don't i don't blame you if you don't want to go and do that stuff but and then immediately following christmas that's when you'll get stuff most stuff will be sold out but if you need small things like camera accessories sd cards little things like that most of that stuff will be on sale so to keep an eye out for that kind of stuff packing material too a lot of packing material if you want to stock up for next year's holiday season anything that's holiday themed will be on huge sale after christmas yeah and and crystal had said what label printer do you recommend i like the rolo printer we got a roller printer a couple years ago i love it inkless yeah it's an actual just thermal printer thermal printer so you don't have to have ink or anything like that it's wonderful if you can use that if you're the kind of person that has like most of your orders have to have like secondary labels for shipping international it's kind of a pain but we had a two people here one person asked how much handmade alpha academy costs if you're on my waiting list um as long as you don't like google handmade alpha academy and find us just out in the blue you get a thousand dollar discount enrollment is uh 997 if you're getting your thousand dollar discount normally it's 1.97 but you you can pay one time for 997 and you have course access for life you never get locked out you get anything that we add for free for life and you get uh direct contact with us so if you ever need help you can message us and you get the student campus which is where all these 600 successful alphas hang out or we have a six month payment plan for 199 a month if you are signed up for the waiting list or you're buying via the yes community 1.99 a month for six months yep and still it doesn't matter if you're on the payment plan or the uh the one-time payment you get all the same thing it's literally just how you pay we don't it's lifetime yeah it's lifetime access any updates that like we're updating everything to 4k and better audio next year like you had everything will be there for you yeah and you don't have to pay anything ever again and we also provide you with 12 months of vrank pro which is normally 120 a year which we do not get for free no i just wrote a hefty check e-rank like a month ago yeah we we provide that for you though and then we had uh somebody said someone who experimented uh with reels stated it helped me get 2 500 followers in five days by posting other people's reels so that's cool reels are no joke they're the way that it won't stay like that like they'll they will realize how quick and easy it will get saturated and then they'll move on to the next thing so i would take advantage of reels while you've got them now because if you're the kind of person that's like i don't want to be on camera i'm nervous like you're going to miss your window that algorithm isn't going to stay like that yeah it never does youtube did the same thing with their reels thing it was like the minute long reals thing and now it's the same yeah now it's about the same as uploading a normal video so uh let's see charlie said hey starla you once said you hit loads of followers with your podcast account reels can you tell us the name i'd like to check out some super successful reels yeah um it's for a book series that amber and i are reading it's a super cringy vampire romance so it has nothing to do with business but if you just want to check out the reels you totally can we do reels per episode and we also do reels like a point of view your best friends with this character or point of view you're on a date with this character and then we pick like the love interest of the book um the instagram account for that is crave series aesthetic on instagram and then you can just go to our reels page and look for it um but if anybody's read the crave series the um the podcast is crave the book and it's on all podcast platforms and youtube oh yeah very cringy though if if you love that vampire romance cringe you will love it yeah and i added all the audio for the podcast so if you want to hear some good sounding voice good sounding star voice seductive amber i make her voice sound very good and amber always sounds pretty good too she's got that bbc like smooth all right did we have any more questions before we move on yeah but a couple small ones yeah if you guys had said do you give the one year of your rank yeah yeah we do the the one year of you right yep uh is canva the best thing for reals i love doing like it you can record a reel like from your phone you can just record one um i like doing pretty reals through canva because you can make it like a fun little video that you can customize put text on i mean you can totally record them just from your from your cell phone if you want amber said no i sound like chop liver you sound fine i'm going to teach you guys more about like recording when you come over and then i'll i'll turn scott into a into a crazy person about audio by the time he leaves uh how does one repost another person's reel do you post it as a story you can post them as stories but they they cut off if they're longer than 15 seconds because obviously stories are only 15 seconds i don't know how to repost someone's reel because i don't think you can download someone's reel yeah she didn't trust that scott that beep you said that bbc smith b b like she didn't catch it i i know i know i'm y'all are perverts what else did we get uh jinger had said you the rolo can also be used for printing brand stickers and other label slash stickers for shipping and packaging amazon's direct thermal labels yeah no they're dope awesome yeah rolo's a good company they make a lot of good stuff there are a lot of issues with them i'm assuming it's probably a qc thing i like ordering stuff through amazon just as a pro tip because amazon is is usually pretty good at return stuff i've had stuff just straight out shipped to me without having to return the original product so amazon's the way to go like craving cookies crave yes crazy brave the book because the book is called crave i hate the first book of the series it's it's not my favorite um but the second one crush and covet are very good and court comes out in february jesse said i expect tips when you return if you want tips just hit me up you have a way to contact me just contact me i'll help you all right you're good to continue someone asked me who does your brows i do no i do yeah i do i do them every day not every day some days i don't have eyebrows all right so let's go ahead and make a move over to canva and i'll do a quick little preview of how to make some cool marketing photos if you guys want to see that you guys want to see that how do you schedule the post screen that is the wrong screen that's the chat screen oh no you've showed them the machine you've shown them too much now i'm just going to move this stuff over here and move this over here it's because i started our program before i turned on my second monitor that's fine i can see better over here my uh-huh uh-huh my weakness i usually didn't because of the camera my wheel peepers we old peepers now we're now we're up on this big screen over here now we're not here at all can you guys see that okay the issue is i can't really zoom in on canva oh there we go yes i can that's fine there you go okay all right i took our faces off of it so all right guys so as i mentioned previously there is a black friday toolkit down below that includes a bunch of free graphics it also has checklists it has some marketing calendars it has video tutorials it has my double dipped strategy video which helped me to make between six thousand to ten thousand dollars on black friday on etsy there's a lot of useful stuff in there and it's all three and i only offer it around this time of year so make sure that you get that because it is my most valuable freebie that i offer now assuming that you already have it within that there is a graphics pack that has all of these graphics and more actually this is only some of them um but i went ahead and just downloaded a few and toss them into my canva account so you can see them so i'm going to make a real real quick and we're just going to do it really really fast we're going to pretend that i'm selling i don't know what can i pretend that i'm selling um let me go down you guys will see all the different marketing from my book in fact you know what you got nothing inappropriate in there do you no it's gonna be funny stuff every once in a while i'm gonna do this picture of my mug for my book because i don't feel like scrolling down until i find a product i've got a book coming out in january guys it's called the channel you can sign up for the waiting list at anytime she's not doing alpha stuff she's doing book stuff so keep an eye out for her marketing on that too yes it is a science fiction book um okay so i'll pretend that i'm selling this mug right um so this is the start of my reel and i'm going to add let's see the theme of my book is like uh neon noir kind of blacklight you know here's like one of the characters you can kind of get the vibe from the background um so i want to do my reel in that branding you can do things holiday related but you should also try to add elements of your branding colors in there as well so if i'm selling this mug um i and i want it to stay on brand with my business which you know obviously my business is my book and book merch i want to keep everything themed around these colors so i'm going to go into their their photos i have canva pro which means that i get to use even their premium images but see these are all free so there should be a good variety in here that you can use um i'm gonna turn let's see let's do neon city i don't know that works and i'm gonna pick [Music] pick a random picture here i don't know this one there we go that looks good and then i'm going to edit it and to make my things stand out a little bit more i'm going to i wanted to edit i want to adjust how do i adjust see all okay i'm gonna blur it a little bit yeah that looks nice and then maybe i want my mug to fade in so i will animate it [Music] okay um i like this one make it get bigger and then i will go in and um let me go back into uploads actually i will go into you know grab if you've got a business name you can throw your business name on here obviously i'm just improving guys um please put a little bit more time into your own designs then oh god that being off center in the top is driving me nuts this is no it wasn't you had it there you go [Laughter] um i'm trying to center the like how do you center a mug because this feels weird because the handle is that let's say make that like a perfect one by one square and then center it still looks off oh no do a three by four yeah there you go i don't know all right how do you center a mug no probably not with a handle and then i'm gonna go in here and just search the lich and then i'm going to go into their sorting i'm going to do animated and um oh god i love that glitchy stuff i'll throw some of these in here let's do let's fade it out a little bit you guys see how easy this is though like it doesn't take a whole lot and put it behind and then maybe i will duplicate that layer and put one down here as well yeah and there we go all right and then i can play it oh no that hold on a minute i want to animate more of it that i taught them about morris dancers today yeah i don't believe you i can't be real it's too goofy check that out and then maybe i'll add another one i'll get rid of this and i will put i don't know is there what you're looking for shop now neon and see if there's like a neat yeah that's what i want oh looky there check that out shop now and then i will add text can you give me so i don't have to lean to thank you and then i will use my branding font which is uh can you type in six caps and then i will change my color and that's my my web store and i will throw in my logo can you type in dax dax yeah i'll throw in throw in my logo my logo and also my favorite character my favorite things to do to duplicate this text layer if you can find the button and then i can align that myself if you needed it put it right on top of itself and then like two over and then change that to a different color and stick it underneath oh yeah i will do it in blue and then stick it and then position it underneath backward one layer there you go now you've got three and then just kind of continue to offset it until it's there you go three-dimensional three-dimensional without having to figure out an effect and then look at that you can also move it down into the right a little bit if you want to and just yeah just be creative all right and this was a super duper quick check that out look how fast that was now let's say you want to take this and you want to make it for your normal instagram feed you know like uh this is canva pro all of us so you can totally um you can totally remake one into a square format canva has all kinds of really great templates that you can use as well um for example i could just grab i don't know this one and uh yeah i'm like and i'm gonna pretend that i sell uh i sell i'm trying to find with a product i sell this bowl and i'll just increase the saturation i sell this bowl and then i can just type in i don't know like i could just do this and that be that be good enough if you're if you don't feel like you're super artistic and you can't think of anything just go through their templates they have a ton that three-dimensional text i mean honestly if you were to do that literally anything to do duplicate that freaking layer and put put a white one underneath it like you can that is that's already an option but that's different though that's that's not a natural effect that takes this text and duplicates it and then throw that yeah throw that layer underneath move it back one well actually this that's not two layers that was just an effect oh okay so we need to just duplicate that layer duplicate and then line it up and change the color on it so i can actually see what i'm doing should just change it to white oh and then send it back it's still in the forefront somehow there we go okay did we freeze it there we go like literally just adding that little effect it's different than adding the shadow effect but like just add some depth to your text it's super you don't have to be super good at doing stuff let me go that takes something from just drab plain text to being unique and you can do it in any direction if you do it like this you have the three-dimensional if you move the text down into the right you get that and like add a neon to it you get that kind of like cyberpunk neon kind of thing going on like it's super easy like this i'm just pretending that i sell this bowl i don't even sell this bowl but i'm just pretending that i do and now if i hit play i mean i would spin the berries and stuff around i don't like if you're gonna do stuff that like flies onto the screen i don't typically i don't like ones that have more than one it's probably usually better to have it layered but it's not bad look at that look how old oh and then you got the text going crazy that's stop but you do blackberries blackberries are gross all right so they're kidding i love blackberries guys that was so quick that was just a quick example but i did want to show you if you make one for a real and then you want to post it as a normal like square photo you don't have to recreate it all you have to do is go in click resize can you type in oh instagram post it's already up here instagram look at that 1080 which i don't think that's copy and resize i don't think instagrams are 1080x1080 they are and then and then you can just grab your whole thing that won't always work depending on what size you're coming from that won't always work a lot of the times it will you can also group them together if you want them to stay as one one unit and then now i have just a normal instagram post yeah so how easy that is take this i mean if you're not experienced with stuff like this and your your creativity you feel like you're lacking with your product specifically do something outside of your dog don't do something for your product just sit for an hour and just make stupid stuff find stuff that's already created here so you don't have to be creative about what you're doing and then just try to spruce it up get used to the tool and have fun with it this this tool is is super fun look at that look how branded that is we got like the deer you can do like these aren't even my products and it's it's so easy there's so many things that you can do all right guys so like i said this was just a super quick example all of these little graphics that i have shown as well as a bunch more i think there's 73 of them are included down below in the black friday toolbox you can get all of these there's oh no there's these cool like wreaths that look really nice in the like corner of your images and look how crispy those images are i used my um my super crispy camera to get these shots so lots of good stuff but uh yeah let's go ahead and bounce back and answer questions all right also guys if you go back over here if you have questions about handmade alpha academy you are fine to ask those now too as well because i said i gotta do that dude i'm telling you when it comes to any sort of like tech program that's how i learned how to do my music stuff that's how i've learned how to do stuff in uh um video editing in premiere pro uh how i did photoshop as a teenager don't don't make your first time using these tools as something that like has a deadline do something fun spruce up a boudoir shoot for your for your boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever like just have fun with it do something that doesn't matter first and get used to doing because i don't get the creativity going like what she did with the with the bowl find a picture that's already in there just throw a search or find just go to google images and do random image pull something off of there and try to do something fun with it because that'll force you to find things that you didn't think that you might be able to use for your tool before it's super cool do a virtual christmas card for your family there you go do it do a christmas card yeah virtual christmas card that you send to everybody just just to you know get used to it it's really fun though um and the thing about reels is you can even post your crappy ones like just post them all make a bunch of them you really can't fail because you know you're once if even if one doesn't do well you can just do another one all right what do we got guys feel free to ask us some questions um feel free to ask questions about black friday if you need any extra help if you have any questions about the black friday toolbox we also want to make sure at the end of every q a that we have over the next few weeks you guys have the opportunity to ask questions about handmade alpha economy because we know it's a big investment but we want to make sure that you guys are making an educated decision a lot of coaches try to push you with those last minute like hurry up and buy hurry up and buy we don't want to do that because they don't want you to think we don't want you to spend your money if it's like not something you want to do or if it's not a healthy thing for you to do yeah we had one we've had people who have tried to sell their cars and we've told them like please don't if you have to like finance your your haa if you have to like take out a loan that's your it's your it's your choice if that's what you want to do paypal credit's obviously an option we have paypal we don't we don't want you to do that save save up it's aja is going to open again in six months so this is just a really great time if you want to do like that new year's resolution and not to mention you don't have to start right when you enroll most people wait if they enroll in december they wait till january 1st to start because new year's shop clean up plus you know we all want to enjoy the holidays harley said he had asked a question earlier let me see if i can get to it how do you schedule posts on instagram um you can use can you still do it with facebook i believe that the facebook business suite allows you to uh schedule your instagram posts as well as long as you have your instagram and facebook page connected you can also use later uh l-a-t-e-r-r i think and hootsuite are some other scheduling options for instagram tips for vintage shops what specifically yeah you got to give us you got gotta have at least a mildly specific question yeah everything that we've covered today could be applied to vintage so if you have a a specific need um feel free to let us know as i said we have vegan beer but it's because we make it automatically with animal products i hurt you guys beer is naturally vegan because isn't all beer naturally vegan i mean i've made meat and stuff before and i mean obviously that's got honey in it but unless you're using like honey or something as a sweetener isn't most beer at least vegetarian i think it has to be at least vegetarian not vegan but yeah because honey is the only non-vegan item that i could even think to put in beer yeah i mean unless you're like doing some like beef broth or i don't that sounds gross ew anyway regarding emails i thought it was against etsy's rules to email customers it is we never said to email customers we said that you're using your swipe files which are all the all the details on how to use them is in the swipe files you don't send them via email you only send your swipe files through etsy combos if you're talking about email list you can't just pick an a customer and email them out of out of the blue you have to create an email list using an email list platform like mailchimp and then that individual needs to opt in to your email list it's not where you you don't just randomly message them that's it but that's a whole big other discussion there we go basic rule of thumb is they have to opt in for an email list otherwise you're violating both gdpr the can spam act and they just tend to not like it very much by law they must opt into your email list but if you create an email list you can put the link to join within your listings and you can offer an automatic discount code which is ultimately what we teach in handmade alpha academy how to do well see canva has a free webinar tutorial event coming up in a few days for free got an email about it want to check that out there we go sandra said alpha academy is my first time hearing about it how do i find a thousand dollars to sign up it opens on december 1st there's a waiting list down below you'll get an email when it opens yeah it's it's lifetime membership and the waiting list isn't like there it's not uh we're we don't have like a limited number it's not like that it's the waiting list as in like you'll get the email when it opens if you're on that that's that's it yeah and they said it's 190 it's 199 not 1.99 it's 199 a month for six months or a thousand dollars up front 9.97 yes 9.97 yeah besides above the fold where would you strongly suggest wherever to put a link to sign up for your email list good question uh listing descriptions for sure uh one of your listing photos make sure that your link is nice and short your eep url should be a relatively short link but you can also use bitly b i t dot l y yeah that's a link it doesn't sound like one but it is if you type it up into your thing uh in your uh search browser it should pop up b i t dot l y uh you can shorten your link and then you have to tell them to type it into their browser if you're putting it on a listing photo that's why you want it to be nice and short um or you can also if you're putting it in your shop announcement and your faqs and things like that you can say copy and paste this link into your browser because you can't put a live link an active clickable link into your etsy description or your etsy um your etsy shop announcement so you have to tell them copy and paste it you can also obviously do it through for your advertising i for my week like leading up to black friday for art by starla moore um i always told people like make sure you're on my email list make sure you're on my email list you won't get this super awesome black friday sale i'm hosting unless you're on my email list you must sign up here's the link and i posted about it every day then you are building your email list sara said schedule social media apps with the preview or schedule social media with the preview app okay that's a new said later is not that good actually lowers your image quality i think i'm not a fan of later it's not my favorite um i i like the big like broad calendar view um but it's definitely not my favorite i believe canva pro allows you to schedule the social media i've just never experimented with it before but they're supposed to allow you to charlie said our beer normally has four ingredients somebody said that it's often uh fined with gelatin that's weird i don't feel like that's necessary just just season your beer to make it thick but good there's lots of stuff you can put in it it's natural okay so elizabeth this was about the uh vintage shop i'm having trouble with etsy search so what you're going to want to look for is seo your search engine optimization i recommend using which mark and i are actually i'm on the management team there but i don't get paid to recommend it what do you rank is going to do is tell you what search terms to use in your tags and titles that are actually searched for by etsy shoppers um this is one of those discussions that i could speak on for hours so instead of me trying to cram way too much information into your brain in like one minute's time go to my channel and there's a tiny search bar on my actual channel under my main banner just type in seo and look at some of the videos that i've posted in the last two years those will be the most recent videos and there's tons of seo videos um and there you can get a free membership and start poking around with it there is also a basic membership for 5.99 which will allow you to do a little bit more research you get a little bit of additional data and then there's also a 999 per month plan that gives you a butt ton of data if you want to go all out but start with the free one you don't you don't need to pay right away if if you're just learning i wouldn't recommend it i got an invite for the new social media app on etsy i think it's called explorer will you do a video about this i think it launches december 8th i mean if they're launching a social media platform we'll definitely be checking it out at the very least do a do a push through uh if you only have time to start slash have one social media platform which one would you choose instagram yeah right now instagram is the hot one especially with reels i don't think there's a better one to go with you can't find new people on most platforms but tick tock and instagram with with reels and with tick tocks those are being shown to people who don't follow you and it encourages them to follow you if you post on your facebook page nobody's gonna see it other than people who have followed you and before i would have said facebook because people need to be able to get a hold of you but facebook and instagram are kind of merged now so i mean it doesn't really matter you should definitely have a facebook page for your business because if someone googles your brand your facebook page is one of the first things that will pop up facebook is just where everyone is there is no reason to not like i don't care about whatever your political opinions it doesn't matter you're a business owner facebook is the place to be more than a billion people have a facebook page you should be on facebook not to mention you don't want someone to take your business name there yeah exactly that's like the number one way that you can say like if you go to claim a copyright like if you've been running your business for four or five years ten years down the line somebody claims that they had their business before you can be like no look my facebook started on this day i had like it's just another layer of security not to mention like i said everyone has facebook which means everyone has messenger it's so much easier to get a hold of you through facebook than any other platform unless you're like on twitter and you want all your conversations to be public but whatever uh you have a video on the advantage of doing reels can you add links in reals very similar with canva but don't know anything about them um you can now as of like three weeks ago you can now add links in your instagram stories i don't think that you can do it in your reels but what you can do with your reels is encourage people to follow you or go directly to your page just put it in the real like link in bio you can just put the words link in bio right on your reel and then they go to your your your actual profile and then they find your link in your bio to your shop or um like i said you can also post in your stories and you can add a link now which finally oh my god instagram thank you for finally allowing us to put links in our stories without having ten thousand followers you used to have to have 10 000 followers to be able to link in your stories and charlie did charlie said question to everyone any other ideas for scheduling instagram posts i can't have a facebook yeah oh so i will i will clarify obviously there are some reasons that some of you can't have a facebook if you've had like a stalker or something in the past like we get it i'm not i'm not i'm not saying that it's mandatory but like if you can have a facebook you should have a facebook and obviously a lot of you uh alphas after dark product makers can't really post a lot of your stuff on facebook either so there's that too anyway what do you use to process your payment plans for haa we use stripe or paypal yep we do payment plans with both at checkout there's a little thing at the bottom you can select paypal if you want to check out with paypal it's a huge button you won't miss it yeah they didn't give us the option to customize the button yeah and for some reason it doesn't work i'm next year looking at potentially migrating our website off of wordpress it's like a giant button it's a big button like i don't know why paypal did that they're like here you they won't miss it they will know that you accept paypal yeah anyway big button i'm going to be selling courses totally unrelated stopping starting in january and having a platform that will process those payments will be grand stripes cool but you gotta have a little bit of knowledge paypal is awesome some people don't like paypal uh so just yeah honestly if you can use a website like we'd use what did you use to build yours use wix right that would probably be fine for explore the channel that was all drag and drop through wix and yeah that would be fine um oh what's up there's a bunch of like if you want to use wordpress there's a bunch of builders for wordpress and i would recommend those over a theme because then you have specific support and it's not like our theme is like 600 a year and we're migrating off of it next year because it's stupid to pay that much for something when i can get a builder that i can make a hundred websites with for like 100 a year we just started with that because we didn't know better yeah we didn't know any better um elizabeth had asked how do you get them to opt in and i'm assuming you mean for uh for mailchimp you ask them you ask them too but go ahead and uh once again this is another one of those topics that could fit a million things um and i also have a video on it on my youtube channel though it be old so if you look on be old but you can go to my channel and search mailchimp in the little search bar and you should be able to find it and it will give you some some pointers there's still people commenting about y'all love beer don't you no i don't like beer i love it i love beer if you want a vegan beer i checked my favorite beer is golden drop and i just checked it is certified we're not certified vegan but they claim that their product is vegan friendly it's yummy oh it's such a good christmas beer it's so spicy uh do you have black friday sales ideas for shops with cheaper products the majority of best-selling products are 10 to 15 dollars and i'm struggling to find a sale that works maybe a free gift um that's a hard one um i'm assuming you sell something kind of smaller i can see it being harder for like sticker shops and things um you could totally promote like free like free free gift if you think you could keep up with it just always think of like what's the best case scenario what if you make like 200 sales what if you make like 400 sales what do you do you know um you don't want to lose money if you're hosting some type of discount you never want to lose money um obviously you you lose a little bit of your profit but you never want to go in the red if you can't afford to host a sale then obviously you got to find another way to promote whether that be a freebie whether that be um you know i guess a freebie is really the only thing you could do if you couldn't actually offer a sale yeah i mean if you're at a point where you can't afford to offer a sale a freebie might be the only way yeah but don't feel obligated if you absolutely can't host a sale there's still going to be more shoppers on the platform than any other day of the year you might still bring back a product you weren't going to bring back specifically for black friday you could launch something new yeah there you go black friday exclusive only available during black friday weekend if you can offer a sale that's obviously best just do one that doesn't seem offensive like five percent people don't like five percent especially if your product is ten dollars how much would five percent take off not enough if what 50 cents it's not it's not worth it uh if you have to do less than 10 7 is a magic number but i wouldn't do less than 10. if you could do 15 that's like the optimal percent off um what is it that's not it i lost it i lost it guys there we go then etsy change how buyers open a case against your shop sure i don't think so not that i know of is there a specific reason i'm not sure i think that they made it a little bit harder to dispute um this holiday season i can't remember the specifics though um if somebody knows the answer to that feel free to i know that they made it a little bit harder and they they want you to work it out with the seller rather than just running and opening a case i just can't remember what specifically she said that she had heard it recently i i didn't know maybe they did they did something but i can't remember specifically what it is if somebody can remember i hear a million pieces of etsy news a day between here between e-rank between you guys between all the other etsy groups i'm a member of and sometimes i lose the specifics but i know they did something she said they have to email first i think which i mean i prefer that having to mess the seller they have 40 48 hours to report okay assuming that's what they uh what do you think about shipping international all year on etsy and on the holidays yeah totally do it that's that's like that's like saying would you rather would you rather bet on a horse with three legs or four i'm gonna bet on the horse with four legs you totally totally do international sales as long as uh you know as long as your product is able to ship overseas be a little bit more careful if you sell you know wine flutes might be a little scary to ship internationally but there are definitely companies that do it so you know it's possible you just have to make sure that you also have like good insurance and policies for your uh packages in place but yeah i'm i'm all for international sales don't don't cut a part of the world out of your shipping dulce said um apple wine oh yeah that's my favorite part of the holidays get that hot mead fresh mold with spices and apples and i just did the bitly conversion yesterday thank you awesome awesome i love the bitly is there a way to put a countdown timer on an etsy banner you can change your etsy banner every day and do it day by day like two people do that two days left of the sale don't forget yeah but i think it looks silly but you can't do an active one you have to physically go in and change your banner which you could make your banner in canva and then you can just go in every day and edit the number and export it and it would make it super duper easy and then you just have to upload it every day is there a way to put that many brewers use icing glass and gelatin well that's gross and you should buy things that don't have additives because that's silly uh did etsy change how buyers open oh you already already asked that we actually i'm trying to not talk about alcohol i'd only drink like twice a year he does we we don't drink i only drink on the holidays i like really really good beer i like golden drop as my is my favorite ale and i like mead and i only drink it like twice a year he did just buy the new slipknot whiskey i did and it's good and i came up with a new drink and it was wonderful did etsy change how buyers open a case and gives stop it don't repeat questions elizabeth you're making him make a fool out of himself he's over here like dude we used to ban people for that so you keep it up he's kidding he's kidding you keep it up he's kidding i'm gonna tell bezos to not send packages anymore do you yeah mark and bezos are best friends bubble of bezos that's why we live in a house that's the size of a double wide trailer mr moore i call him b diddy hey abd do you know anything about etsy seller preview what is it exactly etsy seller preview never heard of that one that sounds like another one of those new things that etsy likes to throw at you right before the holidays feel free to clarify question how does one link a link in a post i still cannot do that you can only do it in a story story a story otherwise if it's like an instagram post you have to say lincoln bio is etsy quickbooks a good tool i don't know i haven't used it but quickbooks itself is great and it integrates with etsy yes however if you have we use um uh block advisors yeah if you use block advisors and you have quickbooks most of the time you can just give them your like bank account information and your quickbooks and they'll do it all for you at tax time mm-hmm yeah we've had a lot of people who are like ew you do h r block no we do block advisors it's it's the same company totally different thing block advisors is for small businesses i personally recommend this i don't do a lot of tax advice i personally recommend block advisors and paying for the insurance because stuff with business is super complicated that's why people were asking us about our course and if your advisor is wrong and you get audited and say like our course because we don't know if our courses is deductible if you get audited and for some reason the irs says that it's not it won't be up to you to pay it it'll be on h r blocks part to pay it if they're wrong about it that's any mistake that they make they have to pay for so yeah and if they may if they make a mistake and you're actually owed more money than you receive they will pay it with interest yes more money more money more money everybody loves more money is aj academy for very etsy beginners or will it be good for me having a working etsy shop and looking to grow both both both um beauform we do um we if basically aja starts in a way that if you already have an etsy shop it will help you to brush up on either the things you didn't know uh that you didn't know to do or the things that you didn't have time to do or you know maybe things that you just need to improve on if you're starting from scratch then you're just starting from scratch so um yeah we've had both we've had uh paula haas was almost uh she just wanted to reach six figures yeah she wanted to reach six figures that's why she joined haa because she was already making a ton of money and the thousand dollars wasn't a big investment to her because she already was doing really well and aha helps her to reach her her goal is six figures so it just depends on your goal um obviously we don't we never do like the guarantee we promise that our course will do this because if you join and you don't do anything then no our course ain't gonna work for you because you gotta put in the effort it's not easy it's not easy no no program is easy but it is step by step there isn't guesswork there i tell you exactly what to do so and we do 30 days money back yeah no questions asked and if it's past 30 days you're on the payment plan or something and you hate it and you just like don't want to use it anymore i'll kick you i'll kick you out and make you stop making you pay it that's fine you're like we're not gonna that's fine i'm not gonna hold you hostage if you don't like it you don't like it like and if you want to buy it now and not do it for like three years we got people do that too i don't care yeah we have people who wait michelle just finished haa and she was in our first class 2019. if you hate money and just want to send it to me i'll send you i'll send you a link you can just give me all your money i don't care it's it's your it's your life it's your investments we know haa works i know that sounds super cocky but we know it works we've had people start from nothing go to six figures we've had people go from six figures to more than six figures so it doesn't we know it works we love you guys and we want you guys to get the best we also don't want you to put yourself in a financial position that's going to be painful for you and your family though so please if you don't have the money for it please wait and i also like to state because i know a lot of you hate my voice it's all her huge you don't have to listen to me be a jerk because it's all her there be a jerk everyone think everyone hates mark everyone hates i always we should we should make a merch for that everybody screw mark yeah i hate mark and it's just mark's face like would you guys buy a buy uh i hate mark's shirt with just two i thought they would they probably would do mark lush i hate mark and we'll put an oo on there for it i get emails saying that if i don't respond they may open a case got you okay it took four weeks for etsy to respond to a case opened on me i stood strong and won in the end stick to your guns dude yes bart amber said sellers now have two hours to reply to a customer request and then and only then can a customer raise a case oh 48 hours that's perfect 48. i would say two hours good god keep your phone with you all right uh having trouble with australia shipping at the moment why never had a case against my shop then i had three that were unfair and i think they hurt my place in search that's okay just build back up that a great thing to do would be to uh do some social media marketing that way you don't have to just rely on etsy search i would say that you know maybe get yourself a good instagram account follow some good brands to model my favorite brands to uh study and how they do their social media are holes kern h-o-l-z k-e-r-n holes kern they do wooden watches in jewelry but their social media is beautiful their instagram is beautiful i love them usa has stopped shipping to australia why have they have they why i didn't hear that why oh are we going to war with them i don't think so i don't think so either i don't think so they've stopped importing fosters and we're mad i know that's hugely stereotyping i'm just joking anthony wolfe thinks it's electric because he loves it uh sadly shipping to the us is like 60 euros at the moment i think i'm missing out on quite the market why what are you shipping what are you shipping that cost so much i mean unless it's like a weird oblong shape and a normal package won't ship i get that oh um tina can i open my package i wasn't sure if i should open it i needed to ask am i allowed to open it it did come you know what i felt bad because one package came that's supposed to go in amber's uh luggage to bring back to the uk but then a different package came and i thought you meant the first package and then last week i'm like yeah i got it but i just completely dismissed you and i didn't realize that you had sent me a present so i'm sorry i thought to do something else i feel like a stupid but let me know if i can open it elizabeth said this is my first time i it's okay that's okay that's fine pumpkin sweet potato or apple pie pumpkin man that's a hard one that chapel is good if it's like a good made pumpkin pie not like a store-bought i don't like those like store-bought frozen ones i can't tell the difference between pumpkin and sweet potato i can i love sweet potato sweet potato if i can also put some like toasted nuts on top that's that's probably where that i go apple pie isn't a holiday pie that's an all-year pie this is america even though apple pie is not an american food let's see thank you so much my product has become very popular internationally i just scare that i've been shipping with insurance i sell paper made products thank you for all you do yeah that should be fine then i answered that already uh did you get my gift i sent you guys not talking about it said that already [Music] speaking of ordering plates on etsy i think i'm gonna do that i really wish we would have done that for the holidays there are some people that make some beautiful plates on etsy beautiful plates like beautiful handmade like it's beautiful it's wonderful what kind of camera is good for a beginner nikon coolpix l820 is my favorite favorite camera and i've been using it for like seven years now seven years oh my god and it's still such a great camera especially for up close photos and it's very point and click easy to use uh you can use rechargeable batteries in it it doesn't have a battery pack that you have to charge you can use double a's in it uh it just needs an sd card so nikon coolpix l820 is my all-time favorite but we also have our high def one is a nikon uh d5600 with a is it a 100 millimeter aperture i can't or not aperture 100 millimeter lens i can't remember this specific on it i can't remember no zoom though we don't we don't need it turn shipping to the eu back on this week hope i don't regret it me too i don't like doing things that i regret uh it's their new app and it has a social media feature on it like reels and tick-tock cool well that'd be pretty cool keep the peacock maybe they'll do that for reviews video reviews would be pretty dope yeah a little like 10 seconds you can post links on stories question mark i had no idea they're clickable links yes they are yeah let me um in fact i'll pull it up real quick so you guys can see exactly what it looks like hopefully it'll actually show charlie said please say that beer name again goldendrock i'm not gonna try to pronounce the company name i was gonna i pulled it up over here i'm not going to because there's no friggin way that i can pronounce it the regular one in the white bottle is good like all year round the golden drop 9000 is their triple ale and that one is like so full of spices and flavor that there's like a sediment in the bottom of the bottle it's it's bomb but it's it is a dessert beer for sure all right so here i've got a story like up right and what you do is you go into the sticker the little smiley face up here and then you have all these options for mentions and and stuff like that there's a new one for a link so i could just put handmade alpha i don't know there we go and then you click done and then you've got a link and it's clickable so if they're going through your stories they can click on the link so you can now link two products in your stories it was brand new feature like just rolled out a couple weeks ago it's called block advisors yes i can vouch for aha growing your etsy shop thank you i just started using printify for some new products can you recommend any other sites other than place it for additional mockups preferably a free site i don't want to pay for another service um i use i don't like printifies mockups they're really bad um printful has way better mockups i use printfy for my merch store for the channel uh we use printful for alph adapt printful's mockups are so much better placeit is the only mock-up additional mock-up site that i use though um you could technically like you could technically get use a couple listings from printful and then maybe use some of their mockups you can have more than one etsy integration we also use printed mint in elf adapt as well i got a lot of love when i said people hate me it's fine i can be a little bit abrasive i have a military background and someone i'm very no bs and that's some people don't like that yeah someone a couple weeks ago said that you being in the military was no excuse for you being a bad a potty mouth they must you can tell that they've never experienced anybody who's been in the military before yeah all you military potty mouths potty mouth you've been such a potty mountain yeah a lot of people saying they stopped shipping to australia somebody said that's because australia isn't accepting packages oh is it a covid thing that's interesting i haven't read that why didn't the institute doesn't survive on services for more than like a few seconds so it's pretty silly but whatever i'll talk to anthony i'll see what he says let's see what he says because you know he's australian he must know all things australian we have other australian employees at e-rank that we can talk to like mark great emu war talk to the other mark he's a he's a veteran from the great humu war he he thinks that it's hilarious when we uh make jokes like that just so everyone knows that we're not being mean we love anthony i'm not sure if it's comedy i'm not i don't know why it would be i mean it could be a ton of different things could be a natural they're surrounded by ocean it could be it could be an actual like ocean delivery tina didn't know that anthony's australian he's starting to lose his accent after living he lives in ohio now uh he doesn't live that far from us we got to meet him a couple years ago but um no people available to deliver oh are they sick what's wrong somebody tell us exactly are they tell us the root issue are they on strike did they all quit why well we've gone down this path people are like i can't to australia because the u.s isn't shipping to australia because australia isn't accepting packages because there's no one to drive what's the route but why we want to know we want to know i have products i've added for christmas but i believe will work well on mother's day too wonder if would be better to duplicate them with a different keywords now or change keywords after christmas if they sell well during christmas i wouldn't change the keywords i would just duplicate them if you're able to and split stock or if they're perpetually available then you can just duplicate the listing and maybe use a different thumbnail so that it just doesn't look like a duplicate product in your shop um and then if after the holidays the one without the chris with the one with the christmas keywords stops selling for any reason then you could always deactivate that listing till next year and then reactivate it so it's totally up to you you can have duplicate listings in your shop just don't do too many of them um etsy's fine with you doing a couple if you're you know comparing things or testing things um but you don't want to have a whole shop that's just duplicate listings because then shoppers get confused i would say change your thumbnail a little bit that way it doesn't just look like the exact same listing because then people will be clicking back and forth trying to figure out what the difference is vintage shops can pay a lot more in shipping if you offer free shipping like i do i get you i'm joking about kangaroos instead of horses look up the emu war that's a real thing uh from the netherlands shipping a keychain to the us the tracking is 40. good god why that's probably just because of the season i'm sure two kilograms chunky blanket is seventy dollars from the uk to the us that's just no that's so crazy the prices here have gone up i won't say that that we don't have issues here too because we totally do i mean if you're something a larger product i mean most i would say to just go for it you know either people will buy or they won't if you sell something like stickers or a keychain and it's going to be way too much then that i i can give that a pass but if you're selling like a big chunky knit blanket charge charge the shipping if people either will buy or they won't buy but either way it's not going to negatively affect your shop if they really want it then they'll pay for it all right i'm in hawaii so even small jewelry shipping internationally seems to cost a fortune but i usually include shipping costs but maybe sell international but charge actual shipping for international that's what we did yeah it got to a point where international products we were actually losing money making sales because somebody would place like a nine dollar order and then the shipping would be fifteen dollars would be out like six bucks yeah yeah it's sometimes you just gotta do that sometimes do i look like i don't have hair i feel i i just got real self-conscious because it looks like i don't know i don't i don't know australia shut down their international mail because of the virus that must not be named at least don't be afraid to say his name it's cove [Laughter] no i'm not cultural appropriating by using my crappy i i gotta smoke i gotta use crap that was harry potter that was harry potter voice you're allowed to use harry potter voice it's the brits don't get offended they're unoffendable i don't really care they're unoffendable f bombs a normal one kilogram rectangle package i think the u.s still has import restrictions because of covet how y'all doing anyway we're on our fourth wave we're doing all right i mean we're like almost 800k dead but we're all right like we personally are all right we are okay we are vaccinated we got it twice and then we got the vaccine because after having it twice we realized that it is a problem we had it twice and we completely isolated our family members who we couldn't stay away from gave it to us because they couldn't stay contained so yeah we don't care about your political opinions keep them to yourself yeah copenhagen sucks we've had it twice okay then cherry or apple pie apple cherry sure it's got to be like a fresh delicious apple pie with like vanilla bean ice cream on top that's where it's at also apple pie is not an american pie this saying as american as apple pie is not true watch tasting history with i don't remember what his name is tasting history tasting history he's got one on apple pie and he goes over the history of apple pie uh question should woocommerce listing descriptions be different than ones on etsy for seo and whatnot etsy don't worry about seo optimizing your description on etsy um descriptions yeah uh etsy doesn't read them google does but google isn't gonna rank a singular listing in search um you're not gonna outdo people who are actually optimizing for google uh website though yes you should seo optimize your descriptions for your woocommerce uh so i would try to be more keyword conscious with your descriptions on your own website etsy it doesn't matter as much uh cater towards the person who's actually reading the listing more and i mean do that on both your website and etsy but you don't have to worry about keyword optimizing your descriptions as much on that see etsy don't read descriptions they read tags and titles [Music] wow it got way down there there we go i heard about a recent etsy survey you're way down here i heard something about tricking your etsy with etsy ads by turning them on for a day for x amount of money and then turning it off and it causes more sales is that a thing almost anything that sounds too good to be true it usually is and trying to do things that trick an algorithm is a sure-fire way to get banned from a platform so i would be careful with that yeah i don't know about that i mean you it's it's one of those things where even if it is like an exploit yeah exploitation of a system is for sure against terms of service on literally any website so i wouldn't do it even if it does work yeah if uh excuse me even if it works that's you'll find out that it's working and then you could get penalized later for it by getting it they might just knock you off the platform yay you want to stay in the white hat tactics you don't want to go into the black hat tactics those are the ones that are that are sketchy we get one dislike oh oh no no nobody's a baby what we got uh choose the social media platform that your ideal customers are on if you could only choose one yes target market what should i do when a listing that was a best seller and then all of a sudden no sales at all did you change it um sometimes it is based on seasonality and if it drops off to no sales at all how long has it had no sales at all has it had no sales for a couple days couple months uh were they buying it for an occasion is there a similar occasion coming up you know maybe something was selling really well for mother's day and then it stopped selling but christmas is also a gifting occasion so um i it just depends on how long if it's been like a year i mean you could probably afford to go in there and start tweaking things around a little bit just golden cell and so different in dutch i didn't even realize you were saying that good try though golden road currency mean meaning golden and drock meaning dragon i'm pretty sure that's what they were going for with the name was golden dragon got a picture of like a viking ship with a golden dragon head on the front the ram on the front uh i have a potty somebody somebody said potty mouths yeah potty mouths have higher iqs there are actual like studies on that because it's unrestriction of the mind i watch uh one of my favorite like public speakers and business coaches is kerwin ray um and he he curses non-stop at his live seminars he is a fantastic public speaker but once he starts cursing people immediately stand up and start to leave and he had he had somebody like call him out like actually what is it called when you're yelling at people from heckler heckler he had somebody heckling him while he was on stage and he said if i were to stand here and try to censor myself while trying to send this message to you i would have to stop and think and the message would not come across as strong because i would spend more time i'd spend more time trying to censor myself than i would be just speaking freely and giving the message so if a bad word is so offensive to you that you literally can't hear the message through it then you don't need to be here um we are trying to be conscious because we know a lot of you have children in the room yeah but but i mean i i still don't really care i do it because of the algorithm it's a it's a form of being offended by curse words as a form of societal censorship and you shouldn't do it censorship is not okay in any way shape or form that's my opinion on that but continuing don't get spicy now don't get spicy don't censor me daddy oo don't get it you can only send priority mail express to australia right now and that yeah uh usps just blocks sent no excuse just sent our money back my australian customers say it's usasu usa says it's australia that typical uh i think you guys are awesome mark you're reminding me of son-in-law and that's a compliment well good means we're young uh i have a nikon coolpix l330 anyone have that camera question mark not very happy with it but what could be the user me not the camera i have no idea we use the l820 oh my god i just sent out three packages yesterday to australia confused with global shipping programs so confused now i'm sorry yeah i'm sorry i had no idea don't censor mark hashtag don't get spicy i'm always spicy hashtag don't censor mark let's start let's start a movement there there are some like if some of y'all could hear the way that i talk in real life so you'd have a stroke for the ones shipping to the uk to the usa and paying fortunes check this company named transglobal express you'll start paying half the royal mail all right feel free to write that down guys uh i don't do black friday sales but get lots of sales because the volume of shoppers on etsy yes lucy said what's offensive from a plowed military family lost several family members serving and never heard anything but kind words good i try to be kind just no nonsense so is it okay to use the same description on both you totally can yeah on on on your website and etsy yeah you totally can we're almost to the bottom like use the website description and just paste on etsy then sure sure so you're not gonna get penalized for it charlie probably sent that like 10 minutes ago but we love you anyway okay gotta run yeah save me a lot of work pinterest issues why does pinterest post that i post on my business pinterest page show up as sold out oh i'm sure that's a weird one does pinterest have a support you here's here's my advice for every weird thing that goes with social media platforms google it and then look for a reddit thread reddit is the best place to find answers because people will always have like solutions listed if there are one so i would say um pinterest uh pinterest business page shows sold out and and try googling that and see if you can find someone with a similar issue also tricking the algorithm thing i heard it from another etsy coach and i have a hard time believing anyone else but you guys yeah don't follow coaches who talk about trying to trick algorithms don't yeah don't i'm not going to say not to follow them because maybe they'll have some good advice here or there but anytime anything sounds too good to be true it usually is i'm workhorse creators like we don't that's why we say that you know it's up to you i've had i've had people tell me that i am an etsy bootlicker that i believe everything that etsy says but etsy does dumb crap all the time but they i've also had people say oh you can't trust etsy because that's he lies they can't lie it's illegal yeah it's literally illegal that used to be the big thing like oh etsy's just picking on me etsy makes money off of you they want you to sell stuff they're trying to put new systems in place and the systems are going awry amber marie accidentally got her her shop shut down a couple weeks ago she didn't do she didn't do anything wrong like but they got she got her shop back up and running it's just you have to get to etsy support when things go wrong you have to be persistent yeah etsy's they're trying to test out new things they're trying to make their platform better things go wrong as you improve and then you have to fix the things that go wrong that's how website updating works um have you ever like if you guys who have websites have you ever like fixed like one little piece of code and then it messed up everything and then you had to go fix it it's the similar thing um so i believe that etsy is working towards a better platform it's just we're having to deal with a lot of crap until we actually get there i'm not happy with all the choices that etsy makes but we also have to use our heads a little bit and not um not do things that you can tell etsy isn't wanting us to do yeah because then they they have a reason to penalize us later you know you don't want to give them a reason to penalize you well i see earrings and they seem to sell well in cycles or as you probably said they sell sometimes the triangles sell and there will be consistent triangle sales and then another style will sell and then it will sell consistently did you continue that comment yeah i think that was i think that was the gist of it i was just making sure there wasn't a question attached to it could be a trend it could just be yeah i got told all for swearing too much at the day job yesterday i mean i understand it some people want it to be prim and proper but that's just remnants of a society long gone we gotta get rid of all that stuff and stop being afraid of words progression that goes into something somebody else had said about people people victimizing themselves victimization is like the way that people get anything that they want to notice jalapeno oh i love that like marklow with a with a pepper but the pepper is the thing like like the kid that people put on the back of their trucks and the peppers like peeing on censorship that sounds like a lot of work that i don't want to do [Laughter] daddy hulu lmao yeah right uh also wait the algorithm marie forleo swears a town on youtube youtube doesn't like it when you swear is she marie forleo might not be i actually you know i don't think that swearing causes it depends it depends on what you're doing if you're swearing a lot i think there's a there's an amount i want to say it's like 20 words in a video or something like there's a specific amount you have to mark your videos as uh 18 plus you can still be sponsor or you can still get ads on 18 plus but it's less is she monetized yeah more monetized we're monetized we do everything that we can to not upset the etsy algorithm and believe it or not as much as we don't like censorship some people really like have a stick up their butt about curse words and i don't want we don't want to offend those people so yeah we're trying to be inclusive even if we don't agree with the fact that we have to be or i don't uh i heard it no longer hurts one's shop to have listings that are not popular sellers in your shop it's not gonna hurt your shop to not have things that aren't popular sellers um what you want is to have a couple of your your pack leaders you want to have a couple listings in your shop that are best sellers that help to bring traffic to your shop as a whole because the things that are selling well are the ones that are going to rank the highest in search because they have the highest listing quality scores someone finds one of those listings in search maybe they want to buy that but they want to check your shop to see if there's anything that they like more or something else that they want to add to their cart and then they see your listings that aren't performing as well in search it's not that it hurts your shop um most shops have listings that perform better than others but obviously you want to if you've got listings that aren't performing at all you always want to work towards improving them when possible just but starla's big seo tips for before the holidays don't go change all your listings at the same time don't don't change your seo right now it's a really bad time to do that because it takes 60 to 90 days for etsy to fully catalog the changes and begin ranking you for those changes it's a little too late to do that don't change any listings that are performing well if they're already performing don't touch your seo at all um it only takes one keyword swap to make that whole listing collapse and search and then it has to take its time to work back up yeah um so don't touch best-selling listings don't edit a bunch of listings at the same time and maybe don't change seo right now wait till after the holidays we got about 10 minutes so okay we found out and then we'll go get some lunch and then we got oh we've got our car appointment at three uh-oh uh how would you suggest hiring or finding a production company i need help producing all of my items ooh that's a hard one i'm not sure it depends i think it depends on the item i know that um my friend ruth does um at mouse loves pig and she hired i guess it just depends on how you want to do it because she hired please someone correct me because i feel like i'm going to be wrong and then i'm going to feel bad but i believe that she hired women in africa and she works with them and they make money helping her and then she's also giving jobs to women i believe it's africa um i think that that's fantastic that's a really cool way to do it but obviously that's probably a lot harder than just finding a production company um i'm not an expert because i've never done it so that might be a good question for the handmade alpha facebook community because i know that there are alphas who have done it it just depends on what you're producing see here tailwind customer support is super helpful too for pinterest questions anthony boyd graphics is a great website for free mock-ups for posters cool phone hates me what do you think a new payment reserve system or payment reserve program they rolled out don't like it don't like it don't like that they're holding funds um not a big fan of it understand why they're doing it doesn't mean i agree with it for people that are screwing up and doing stuff that they shouldn't do i'm cool with it it protects the customer but to randomly like there's a lot of people that it's just happening too randomly and i'm not i'm not cool with that yeah not a fan with it it's just another one of those etsy things that we don't like you know we we are big etsy supporters and we are etsy educators but we don't agree with everything that they do we don't work for etsy we don't have to agree with we're not sheep yeah we don't have to agree with everything that they do and i'm not a fan of that at all starla please say mark lapino again ma mark marco peno mark i think cussing taboo is very marketed here and it is self-victimization being offended by things that have nothing to do with you is is about as immature as it gets in ohio i think we live in ohio and it's one of the most like swearing states out of all of them i think that we're the we're the most potty-mouthed they're just weird i'm just you guys don't see that side of me but i'm just as bad as he is if not worse at times i'm i'm really bad constantly any time any small thing happens is f this especially if i hurt myself it's real bad i yell uh i joined in a little late sorry if this question was asked or etsy is good to use right now i've used in the past i wasn't getting a good return but maybe things have changed yeah um the thing about etsy ads is they're only as good as your listings are you can't take uh something that nobody wants and put money behind it and make people want it that's not what an ad does as always my recommendation if you want to do etsy ads this season is advertise your best sellers i had somebody bring this up a couple days ago where they were like why wouldn't you advertise the items that aren't selling well the things that aren't selling aren't proven to work therefore putting money behind them isn't going to make them work if they don't already work you can't take a broken toy and put batteries in it and expect it to work it's still not going to work if you take you know a listing that you already know is performing well and you put money behind it it's like going to the horse races and putting your money on the horse that's most likely to win races because you're going to you're going to ensure that you're actually getting a return on that it's already performing well what if the traffic that it already gets were to double or triple by putting a little bit of ad revenue behind it so promote your best sellers they're already proven to work and it's they're a safe bet when you say not to change keywords right now do you also mean the keywords in the title of the product that's kind of all we mean tags and titles tags and titles your description doesn't matter yeah your description doesn't affect your seo don't touch your tags and titles right now um if you've got listings that have like no visibility at all like they're not getting any views it's not really gonna hurt anything but um honestly i would just wait until after the holidays if you're gonna do some seo work um you you don't need to touch them right now because it's gonna take forever for them to rank back up even if you do make those changes it's not going to hurt anything if you're doing listings that aren't performing at all just don't touch anything that's getting traffic 16 to 90 days you don't have that much time nope and that's it we are at the very end all right guys um we've got a couple goodies down below for i know a couple of you joined late but there's a black friday toolbox down there it's got 74 free graphics that you can use in ipici canva uh i know some of you like i've never used that one uh photoshop wherever you edit photos you can use the graphics pack ssa or swipe files there's a checklist that will tell you exactly what to do next week and black friday week how to prepare for black friday you want to get that as soon as possible because the checklist like dates are about to begin so you can actually print it out and start checking things off um there are video tutorials how to use your graphics pack my black friday double dip strategy video that helped me to make between six thousand and ten thousand dollars on black friday over the last nine years um there are so many goodies in there so that's linked down below it is completely free also guys if you enjoy mine that well mainly mine mark's not in the videos and handmade almost look i'm not if you enjoy my teaching style though handmade alpha academy is a structured step-by-step course i've had a lot of people ask me how haa is different than our videos here on youtube this is a discussion we're chatting we're hanging out we're drinking we're drinking coffee together and having a talk across the coffee table handmade alpha academy is akin to taking a college course it is step by step click here do this do this here's an action step here's the psychology behind it here's what you need to do it is a to z how to get your business rolling if you are not seeing the results that you want on etsy we start at the most basic foundational level of building or improving an existing target audience then we help you to build up your social media build up a funnel build up an uh email list that way you don't only have to rely on your seo to drive traffic and then we also teach you how to seo optimize your shop that way you're not just having seo traffic you're also having traffic that you send directly to your shop we teach you how to create a viral following we teach you how to do your marketing no matter what platform you're marketing on uh once you join handmade alpha academy you're in for life there is no cap on your your time you are forever in there you have mind and marks email addresses uh and we're going to be making a bunch of improvements next year we're going to be adding some things uh we're going to record re-record the entire thing with better audio stuff it sounds fine but we've got a better mic this year so we want to i know more about audio production it's been several years yeah i was only 25 when i recorded haa and i'm almost 30 now my voice is a little different i've got a little bit more experience talking so we're going to re-record it but our video stuff's all better you'll be able to see things a little bit easier we'll be able to edit things a little bit better and we're going to cut things apart a little bit more yeah but you guys can join in in december and you'll get all the new stuff too so you'll get the existing stuff but you also get the new stuff so you get both things and everybody who's already in ha you also get the new things and you've already experienced the old things so um but you get it all and yeah you get lifetime support there's a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee all you got to do shoot me an email i'll ask you if there's anything you want to comment on and if not then i'll just refund your money we've got a lot of we've got paypal we got stripe whatever whatever you're comfortable with h.a is very step by step it's nice and straight forward aja goes way more in depth on things that her free or than her videos cover yes awesome guys thanks so much for hanging out we hope that you all have fantastic black friday sales um we will be here next friday but this is our last like big black friday shabang video so this gives you plenty of time to work to work through the toolbox to get your checklists to start your reels get advertising i've got a ton more videos on my channel if you want to watch some of the the other real video it gives a more like detailed example lots of fun so guys if you you got more oh go do it do your thing if you want more help on social media than just what we provide you can head over get our uh public facebook group is linked down below you can follow us both on instagram your instagram is starla k the letter k more starla letter k more mine is big underscore mark m-a-r-c-m big underscore mark m you can also follow me on twitter at burn mark music b-u-r-n-m-a-r-c music and i've got a book coming out january 14th called explore the channel if you like the idea of cybernetics and a little bit of romance and some crazy crazy neon noir inspired cyberpunky fantasy then that will be coming out very soon it's what i've been dedicating a lot of my time to i would appreciate it a whole bunch if you want to explore the channel dot com sign up for the waiting list and uh pre-ordered that book when it comes out i think pre-orders are actually gonna start this month so it'll be available hardcover she said more and more yes more guys you can follow me on only fans that bezos is my daddy 45. i don't think so i don't think you have an only fans no i would i'll subscribe guys thanks for hanging out we love you guys make sure you like the video subscribe do all that fun stuff drink some water call your mom have a happy holiday and love you guys
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 2,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy tips for beginners, etsy tips and tricks, the friday bean, handmade alphas, starla moore, get more etsy sales, etsy earn money, start a home business, home based business, starting your own business, grow my etsy shop, etsy holiday prep, etsy black friday, etsy black friday sale, get more sales on etsy, make more money on etsy, how to make money on etsy, etsy christmas, etsy holiday 2021, etsy cyber week, etsy cyber monday 2021, etsy black friday 2021, etsy help
Id: bk3s-FCm9Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 46sec (7126 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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