Top 10 Etsy SEO mistakes sellers make - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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very loudly we're back good morning how is everyone she's eating sorry for that little noise there how do we look trying some new things today like every day sorry i'm eating and when i was a kid if i chewed with my mouth open talked with food in my mouth or chewed too loudly um i got yelled at are we backwards so we we are backwards from how we usually are because i'm using a new not new streaming software but new software for my camera we're backwards they're seeing us how we actually are now because when broadcast does its thing it's actually upside down and and normal and i have to spin it right way around it does look like we're green screen doesn't it man you know what that means that all of your shirts are gonna be say stuff back backdrop looks further away than previously it's exactly the same as it always has been and the lighting is exactly the same you can really see the wrinkles in that backdrop though not it's not as bad as it usually is guys you are going to be our guinea pigs over the next few weeks because we're going to be testing all all the things all the things all the things will be tested this backdrop's going to go away i'm going to be replaced by some just plain gray curtains this desk is moving more lights sharp quality awesome swapped places nope actually we're sitting in the same place just the cameras being goofy because i'm using nvidia broadcast now all right you guys are in the wrong chairs nope nope same chairs same place i would i don't think i'm the type of person that like i can't sleep if we switch spots on the bed so i apologize that we're gonna be backwards and setting off your guys's ocd oh you know what i used to like having the friday bean thing over my belly now you can i don't have it now i've got it yeah now you can see my pooch let me cover my pooch happy friday guys today we're going to be talking about etsy seo but first at around um 10 o'clock at night 10 30 at night for those of you who were awake i turned myself into a pizza and i posted the video on youtube so when you're done with this if you want to watch two minutes of me editing myself into a pizza that's available on my channel it's um the balance is off yes i'm sorry i don't maybe we're testing things out for twitch i don't know oh yeah i i hadn't gotten to that part yet i'm working too so um go watch me turning myself into a pizza if it tickles your fancy and then mark and i are finally going to be streaming on twitch for all of our gaming alphas who have asked us to please do some type of fun thing non-etsy related we do have a twitch channel already it is called just okay i guess yes not spelled letters the letter's okay here let's just it sounds like just okie guess just okay i guess so if you're on twitch feel free to follow us over there uh we're probably going to be playing what are we playing outriders yeah we're so to if we do it it'll be either be today or tomorrow once we get everything set up we probably won't be doing very much like actual playing right away it's just going to be we've never used twitch so it's just gonna be uh us figuring out what we're figuring out the software figuring out how to get two webcams to work on my computer that doesn't have the space for two webcams um yeah so go follow us on twitch uh i'll post somewhere probably on my instagram you can follow me uh can you type it starla the letter k and more if you want to find us follow us if you're watching the uh the replay of this and you want to find me on instagram it's starla just the letter k and more so all right guys today we are going to be talking about etsy mistakes etsy seo mistakes um mark and i we have been running an etsy shop for nine years uh me and amber marie are currently building another etsy shop because my current etsy shop has been on vacation mode since around uh december of 2020 because swarovski crystals have recalled all of their not recalled but they have just stopped distribution of diy components for crafting uh and that was my primarily their primary you know supply so if you're interested in that topic if you rely on swarovski crystals make sure that you watch the video that i did a few weeks ago on that because you're not going to be able to get your hands on them anymore so i had to park that etsy shop for a little while while i try to figure out what i'm doing with it and where it's going to go but in the meantime ever since around november amber marie and i have been building another etsy shop which is going to be launching on may 8th so if you're interested in seeing how we build a brand from bottom up and how we market and how we send emails and how we build anticipation make sure that you sign up down below for the alpha adapt link there is there's a black heart and a red question mark and another black cart and that link is down in the description so sign up for that if you want to learn more about what we're launching uh this isn't so much us trying to sell to you but it's us trying to show you how we would market a mysterious collection that has yet to be revealed so um but that being said i'm gonna have to be doing a lot of seo in a territory that i've never done seo in because this i've you know i have a jewelry shop and this is not a jewelry shop that we are going to be opening uh not only that but i work for e-rank i have been working for e-rank for the last year mark is a data analyst for e-rank and video editor yeah that's that's new position um and with the data analyst one of his jobs is to kind of look at what people are doing don't worry i can't see anything private no or anything specific i can just see like what terms and things you're using right we can see what what users are kind of doing and we can see when they leave us feedback um a lot of the times the feedback they leave is feedback that's linked to them not using something correctly so almost always actually yeah so um it's almost like for example a couple weeks ago or no it was maybe it was sooner than that we had someone leave a bit of feedback that said that e-rank like messed their shop up and they got less sales and i'm like that's impossible that's like saying that that you were building a house and you were using a hammer and you leave a bad review on the hammer and say that that that your house fell apart no you just misused the hammer you can't it's it's data you know it's it's numbers it's it's raw data from from the source if you misuse the data yeah you could probably do something wrong but data can't mess up your etsy shop it's how you apply that data and it's how you use the hammer to build your house if you if you use a hammer incorrectly then yeah your house might fall apart but you can't blame the hammer it's so funny the whole time it will be funny because you're not probably how do you use a hammer wrong i don't know ask a dad ask a dad yeah um so what we'd like to do today is talk about the top 10 mistakes that we've noticed etsy sellers making with their seo based on some of the things that we notice uh on e-ranks some of the questions that we get from alphas and some of the things that we just see in etsy shops now we've done videos like this in the past um but i feel like this one is a refresher and it's got a couple new things in it we'll probably do these frequently and change our top 10 frequently because we see new like mistakes pretty often a few of them a few of them don't change but we see quite a few different things yeah so all right let's move on and get on with our list i don't know what can you click into this box so it's not showing eyes and it's showing numbers there we go all right number one is editing your listings that are performing well if you have a listing that is selling and a lot of people say can you define selling selling is whatever is good for you if you have listings like if all of your listings sell but most of your listings sell a hundred times a day but then you have one listing that only sells once a day then that would be your listing that isn't selling right but if you have you know a a bunch of listings that never sell or maybe they sold once last year then that's not selling unless the one that sold last you know once last year basically based off your prices if you're selling thousand dollar items once a year is probably okay right exactly so basically you've got to kind of define what selling well is for you obviously you probably know what your best sellers are um and you probably know which listings you don't see any traffic towards you don't see anybody favoriting it you don't see anybody buying it that's probably the listing that it's okay to go in and tweak but you should never ever touch the tags or the titles of listings that are performing well i like to think of it like a table with four legs okay if one of those keywords one of those legs is the leg that's supporting your table and you pull it out the whole table could collapse and you don't want that to happen and you might think that that keyword isn't the one that's bringing you traffic but it's best to just not test it when it comes to listings that are performing well because you never know what keyword it is that's supporting the whole listing now what you can edit are things like your description those have no impact on rank if you need to refresh or add photos those have no impact on rank if you need to update your your shipping times or your pricing that has no impact on rank so you don't need to worry about things like that just don't touch your tags and your titles of listings that are doing well even if e rank says that they have like an e grade okay this isn't let's get into that later yeah we'll talk about grades in a few minutes um it's not school you don't have to aim for straight a's most of my best sellers had like d grades in e-rank and i didn't even look at the grades so don't worry about that don't touch listings that are performing well ever okay so um they shouldn't even be able to hear that now so oh really you guys can't heard the turd flipper we've heard the turd flipper you can't hurt they shouldn't be able to hear it anymore as long as my broadcast is actually running still um all right the next one now the dogs are barking at the turd flipper well your mom's dog started it stop it come here all right go ahead you do number two all right not waiting 60 to 90 days for changes to be indexed within etsy we see this quite often because people will change their listings wait like two days no my listing isn't selling oh my god i just changed it and nothing has happened yeah it takes time yeah it takes 60 to 90 days roughly for a listing to actually build up that seo with an etsy for it to be indexed with an etsy for etsy to see it figure out what it is and put it where it needs to go and a lot of people will change just continuously change over and over and over and over again and etsy doesn't have time to do what the algorithm is meant to do when you first list a new product it takes etsy time to help figure out where that product belongs you have to build a listing quality score based on the way that people engage with that listing so when you list a new product it can take 60 to 90 days just for etsy to build a listing quality score um when you first list a product you do get a slight boost in search but that boost is only in place so that etsy can figure out where to put you and if you can constantly change your seo you're not going to actually accumulate that listing quality score because you're basically just starting the process from the bottom over again and etsy has to you know put you back in the queue to be analyzed so um don't constantly go in and tweak give things time and make sure that if you're using e-rank that you go into the changes tool within the listings tab and track changes that you're making to your listings otherwise you're not going to know if the changes that you're making are actually resulting in more or less views favorites and sales you are so loud she's snorting because you're not paying attention to her can you guys hear this is my mom this is my mom's chihuahua her name is jojo and she is a spoiled rotten brat she is a princess our chihuahua is not nearly as much of a princess as this one but this one she will just sit and stare and snore and eventually get to a point where she'll just bark at you if you're not paying attention to her she's also a leaf barker yeah if she sees a leaf she barks at it all right they can hear her snoring so put her down all right you go play with it too loud okay only using one or excuse me no not refreshing your e-rank data yeah so if you've ever noticed that like your e-rank doesn't seem up-to-date and it looks a little funky um don't hit the blue feedback button for that we have a feedback button on e-rank don't don't reach out to support for that it's very likely that all you need to do is look up at the top right corner of your e-rank screen there's a little orange refresh data button a lot of times we have people who will say um that their their data seems out of sync and e-rank support will say go refresh and they'll just click the refresh button on their browser that's not the same thing it's not the same thing yeah so when you first log into e-rank sometimes a pop-up will will come up and you'll get a little prompt to refresh your data exactly make sure that you're hitting that every time e-rank doesn't pull your data like in real time that would take way too much power and it would slow the site down and yeah we can do it manually i can refresh people's data manually yeah if if they for some reason can't do it but just make sure that you're going in there and doing that otherwise you're working with old data you're not working with the most current data and that's really important when you're trying to monitor the progress of your seo i don't know what other etsy seo tools have how they do it but with e-rank we want to pull the data that is the absolute freshest and i know that some data tools will do it like every 24 hours i would rather have the ability to do it by myself so i can have the data from that very minute you know what i mean rather than waiting 24 hours because then you got to wake up every morning and do it samantha city rank always has a pop-up to refresh every time you log in yeah we're more referring to those people who like just refresh their browser i don't know because there's and i know this happens because there's quite a few people when i'll view like search history and stuff like that what people are doing and say that they haven't re refreshed their data in like three months yeah so i know that some people have a way around that it might even be people using pop-up blocker i don't know if that affects that or not no not not the type of pop-up that we build within e-rank i think that it's just people i think it's just people they see a pop-up and they close it because it's a cta right yeah yeah i figured i uh if i see a pop-up on a website sometimes i won't even look at it i'll just close it out so elaine said oops i just went in yesterday and changed a tag on my best seller yesterday i took out a two-word tag that had those words in other tags the thing is having the word in there that is contained within other tags isn't gonna hurt you so there really wasn't a reason to take it out um so if it's something like that don't don't worry about it um just keep an eye on that listing you might want to pop into the the changes tracker tool if you use e-rank and monitor how those changes have affected uh that listing it should be okay but like i said i i don't recommend going in there and touching tags and titles of those listings so all right uh number four is only using one tool when performing keyword research you should be using a variety of different tools when you're doing your keyword research um i personally recommend going into erank's keyword tool first the keyword tool is going to show you what other sellers are using the most common tags that other sellers use in their listings and find success with okay so start there in order to find a good lead it's almost like you're sniffing for clues that's also going to help you to identify the country in which those tags are most popular it's going to help you identify common price points uh that way you can make sure that you're pricing your product you know within your industry it's going to show you common processing time so you can make sure that you're shipping within you know as quickly as you possibly can in competition with those who are also shipping similar products to yours it's going to show you similar listings and and a bunch of other data so just make sure that you start with the keyword tool and then i like to take the data that i've gotten from the keyword tool or the keywords that i've found in the keyword tool and go into the keyword explorer so i can see how sellers or how how shoppers are responding to those keywords so yes starting with what sellers are using is great because typically if a lot of sellers are using a keyword it generally means that that's a pretty good keyword that they've found success with but then you can go into the keyword explorer and see things like search trends what time of year does this keyword get searched you can look at things like search volume how many people are actually searching for this term and we go based on the data of last month so how many people last month searched for this particular term you can see things like the click through rate how many people who search for this term are actually click clicking on listings that contain that term and you can see uh the cost per click for google which means that if other companies are betting on that term for marketing on google you can see how much they pay and if they're paying a high dollar amount you know that that's usually a better term to use if people are willing to pay for that to get ranked on google it usually means that that is an in-demand term that you're going to find success with so when you're looking at cost per click that has nothing to do with you paying anything it has nothing to do with with what you know like you what you would pay for marketing you're looking at what other people are paying it's almost like if you go to like a race track and everybody is betting on one horse and you see everybody betting on this horse and all these all these like really smart people who are experts in horse race uh horse racing are putting their money on it that's probably the horse that you're gonna put your money on too right because you know that these smart people who are experts in horse races are putting their money on that horse listen to the experts so if you see that most people are betting their money on a specific keyword that's a good indicator that that's a good keyword to use so i see quite a few people only using competition as well where they will specifically just look at all of their competition and i can't make any assumptions well i mean i can make assumptions based on that but i can't say exactly what they're doing but i mean for the most part i know the people that excuse you people that are doing that are pulling keywords directly from competition looking at the listing and just trying to use exactly what they're using don't don't explicitly do that i mean it's okay to get ideas if you can or use some of them or use some of them but don't don't copy listings directly and i know there's a lot of people that do that okay next one's gonna be relying too much on grades stop it yeah please stop it so um i can't use any specifics obviously because of white work for e-rank but a lot of we do have people that will quit because the grade system has changed to having to look at the listings individually and for one grades don't matter that much a lot of people place a huge huge emphasis on making sure gotta have that a grade gotta have that a grade man i wish i could still see the grades are not indicative of how your listing is performing on etsy it's just a measure of how well your listing conforms to etsy's best practices that's it etsy has a list of best practices and e-rank has that list of best practices and can look at your listing and say which of these are you following which of these aren't you and etsy's best practices are a good place to start but they're not the end-all be-all for how your listing is going to perform will that be that way for a couple of people absolutely some people the grades will be enough but for most people it's not enough you have to do your actual seo research and you have to build your listings based off of other things other than just the grades so please don't use grades as an indicator for how your listings are performing we have at least one person every week that quits e-rank that messages to let us know which means there's several more that are still doing it and it's it's not it's not worth doing that yeah you could you could follow etsy's best practices perfectly and stuff your listings with keywords that absolutely no one is searching for and still get an a grade while you've got a competitor out there who has like a d grade who doesn't follow etsy's best practices but they're using keywords that people are actually searching for therefore they're ranking higher so don't rely on grades they're a great starting point if you're if you're creating a listing from scratch and you want to see how well that that listing that you've created is following its best practices that's great if you've got a listing that isn't selling and you want to perfect it and you want to make sure that it's following etsy's best practices sure start start there but if you've got a listing that's selling once again don't sit and try to tweak it just to get an a grade like i said previously most of my listings even my best sellers listings that have brought me i believe like i have one listing the the one dragon set brought has brought in over like 10 000 and it's a d grade so don't focus so hard on getting that a grade uh like i said before it's it's just a measure of you know if you if you tick all of etsy's special little boxes but it doesn't necessarily mean that you're gonna rank and making sure that you have an a grade does not mean that you're gonna get sales or any more visibility or search ranking so all right next one assuming that your rank is static so in the rank checker tool yeah so i'm a little bit more if it's better explaining i'm a little bit more better um i'm a little bit better at explaining how this is so when you search for something on etsy let's say you you have a listing it says that's on page one so we'll think of this just really bad really bad example but think of it kind of like a digestive tract right it's not just going to spit out page one takes a little while goes through a few different processes so when somebody searches for something it's etsy says okay this listing is on page one now what does this person frequently search for if they searched on the platform or if etsy buys search data from other companies which most companies do they say okay what does this person search for let's apply that to what you've searched for okay say we have a limited amount of data or maybe etsy stacks this on top of it what do people in your area search for what do people in your city your county your state your country search for and let's take all of these different variables let's mash them together and finally we'll spit out what we think you want to look for so if somebody's looking for your listing say it here in ohio if somebody else searches it in california they're not going to get the same page of results a lot of them probably will be the same but they're not going to get the same results and a lot of people try to use things like vpns and incognito browser which for one all incognito browser is is it keeps it from saving into your browser history that's it it doesn't hide anything from your internet bro uh provider it doesn't keep you safe from viruses it doesn't do any of that and all of epn does is make you look like you're coming from a different place so when you search with a vpn you're applying personalization data for wherever that ip address is located so if it's in france it's you'll get whatever people in france are in that area of france search for you cannot get raw search from etsy the only place you can get that is through e-rank because e-rank gets that data direct from the api yeah directly from etsy system before any of that personalization data is applied we have a lot of people that will quit and will cancel your rank because the data isn't accurate specific excuse me it's for that specific reason and it's just because they don't understand that urank is correct it is impossible for them to be incorrect with information that's coming directly from etsy and it's impossible for them to be able to give data on personalization factors when every single person has their own because it's personalization well etsy has it yeah etsy etsy probably reads off of some sort of algorithm that tells them that but they don't give people like e-rank or companies like e-rank access to that that would ruin the fun right that would give you rank too much power to show people exactly what they need to do to be on number one all the time so so if you want to be fair if you want to use the rank checker the the correct way and you want to make sure that you're actually using this really great tool because e-rank is a great way to see if your seo is good if your keywords are good if you are showing on page one for some people who fit your bucket you know who who fit all of the personalization factors that you would fit into um i don't know if we've thrown out the disclaimer yet we both work for e-rank but we are not affiliates and don't get paid to recommend it yeah it's just we just work it's the best seo tool out there so we have to talk about it when we talk about seo and we've been offered jobs at other companies so yeah um so basically the rank checker is going to show you what page and position you would be on if personalization was not a factor this is data direct from etsy telling you where you would be before the personalization okay so what you can do is check your search ranking see where your listings are showing up and if you've got listings showing up on page one two or even page three it's probably a safe bet that you don't need to work on those listings you don't need to really touch them as much you don't need to uh tweak the seo on those listings but if you see some that are showing up maybe like back on page 10 you'll know that those are the listings that you need to work on editing first those are the ones that could use a little bit of improvement and that you could work on you know your tags and titles for to try to improve their search ranking as we said in step one make sure that you aren't editing listings that are performing well as we said in step two make sure that you're waiting around 60 to 90 days after making changes for etsy to actually index those changes but start at the bottom start with your lowest ranking product in fact i would put looking at your ranking and working on lowest ranking products above working on products with low letter grades but you can use those in sync with each other i would start with the listings that have the lowest rank and the lowest letter grade within the listing audit because that's really going to show you what your what your like i don't know your worst listings are those two things stacked on top of each other so start there um so that's rank there's no way to see exactly where you would be on a search page minus personalization and as we've said many many times don't use a vpn on etsy they don't like it uh if you're a buyer it probably isn't that bad but as a seller etsy does not want to see your location constantly changing because then they are very likely to shut your account down especially if you end up with sharing an ip address with somebody who has in the past had an etsy shop that got shut down it's a it's a very it's a very slim chance but you got to be careful so don't use a vpn as he doesn't like to see you bouncing all over the place and i'm not a big fan of that i'm not a big fan of their policy on that but it's their policy you don't get to choose sorry guys okay starting your keyword research too narrow or specific yeah so um what number is that number seven sorry guys i've got like really bad allergies right now so starting your keyword research by searching very very specific terms rather than starting with a nice broad term and then narrowing it down as you go if i were to go into we'll say the keyword explorer and type in i don't know tall blue ceramic mug i probably wouldn't find a lot of results right that's a really specific thing to search and that might discourage me that might make me feel like nobody wants to buy my tall blue ceramic mug nobody's searching for it when in reality there are probably people who would buy something like this i just need to start my search a little bit more broad and find a keyword that is going to be more uh more common for people to actually type into their etsy search bar so i might just start my query with mug and then within the keyword explorer if you scroll down the page erank actually recommends to you a list of different keywords that contain the words mug so you might see blue mug tall mug mug for mom mug for grandma and you can sort through those and find keywords that you never even thought of you can also maybe you know use it to refine down even more if you see that you're selling a blue mug you search mug you scroll down and you see that blue mug is one of those related searches you could click on the term blue mug and see what related searches come up for blue mug and maybe there's maybe blue mug for grandma has thousands of searches you never know so just make sure that you start start very broad you're not wrong start very broad and then narrow your way down because one of the biggest issues that he sees on the on the the bug side of things is people going through and searching for things that are just insanely specific blue mug for grandma with blonde hair that likes cats yeah people like just bring it cut to cut that whole end part off of there people will search things that just i'm sure it makes a lot of sense to them but it's so specific that it's really hard to think of a buyer who's driving it you have you have a little bit of a bias when using a tool like this because you're assuming you're going to get the kind of performance that you get out of something like google which is which is to be honest i think that there's probably a psychological reason behind that but you're used to using tools like google that can literally spit you in the first link what you're searching for almost any time regardless of how specific or narrow your search is or what combination you put the words in and yeah and we're working on that it's very hard to and i was i was discussing this with anthony i think it's something that and please nobody take offense to this i think it's something that the older audience has a little bit more trouble understanding and that anthony didn't even really catch right off the bat is that there's a million different ways to say the same thing when you're searching for something but it's very hard for a search engine to take all of those different things and spit back the same result no matter what you're typing in so they're working on that and that's going to take time but you're you're used to using search engines like that and e-rank like most seo tools is very specific in what it wants you to look for it's not necessarily rudimentary but it's not there yet it takes a lot of power to be able to push something that advanced because it's looking at what you say and trying to break that whole sentence apart and figure out what the context of that sentence is and then give you back results that make sense so so being too specific makes the system say okay well they want this exact thing and being too narrow it doesn't have it has a harder time of narrowing down exactly what you're looking for so it may spit back no results it may spit back way too many results you keep doing these hand gestures like right i'm not gonna i'm not gonna hit you on your camera yeah i'm so nervous shut all up yeah guessing keywords rather than using well hold on bluebird asked him hold on ask the question is rank free is e-rank free kinda e-rank has a free membership and i recommend that everybody start there if you don't have e-rank don't rush off and immediately go buy the most expensive plan okay start with the free plan get yourself used to the tools that are free poke around a little bit and start getting and developing an seo mindset start doing some some easy keyword research we have quotas on all of the tools um and your quotas are going to be a lot lower with a free plan use up all your quotas come back the next day your quotas will refresh and once you feel like you've got a grip on what you're supposed to be doing when it comes to seo research that's when i would say to upgrade your plan to the basic plan it's it's 5.99 and that's gonna for most sellers that's going to be enough unless you're in there every single day um for our more advanced sellers there's also the the 999 a month plan which is still cheaper than any other etsy seo less than two cups of coffee from starbucks yeah so highly recommend the basic plan though when you're able to get there but please start with free um and like mark said before we don't get paid to recommend e-rank but it is something that we used for four years before still do yeah i still recommend it it's something we used for four years before we ever worked for e-rank um us working for e-rank just kind of allows us to teach about it better because we're kind of on the front lines of everything it's also pretty wild how many people complain that it's too expensive it's the cheapest it's literally one of the cheapest seo tools out there and for one it's one of those things where like if a 599 tool to make your business run better is too expensive then your priority probably shouldn't be a homemade business it should probably be getting yourself stable first yeah i mean there there are so many like i i would recommend it over like paying for facebook ads for example i think facebook ads are a waste of time let's be honest i recommend it over having a pattern etsy shop i recommend it over having etsy plus there are so many other things that i think that we pay for and i think that making sure 79 is nothing making sure that our seo should be number one and like i said if you can't afford that that's fine start with the free plan because that is still going to help you struggle with it start with the free plan and like just keep a regular job if you if you can't afford a 599 tool to keep an etsy shop performing at its best then the etsy shop might not be the number one priority yeah um anyway did we do number eight yes okay so guessing keywords rather than using a keyword research tool now i will say some people are good at this some people are good at understanding trends without needing to use a keyword research tool but they'll never know the exact numbers but most of you here are not that person i'm not um it's not an intelligence thing some people just have a knack for this kind of thing people are are data-minded they can look at a page full of listings say they search blue mug they can look at a page full of listings and without even needing to see the numbers they know which ones are performing well if they look at the shops that are making sales and stuff most people don't have that skill you should you need to be using a tool that helps you helps you do that helps you do that math that you're not inclined to do and not only that but e-rank updates every month so what something that worked really really well a few months ago we'll use face masks for example last april face masks was the number one searched item on etsy and that lasted for several months and it's still showing up in the top 100 searches on etsy yes everybody searched for face masks on etsy but now everybody has masks the pandemic is starting to get more and more under control people are getting their vaccines everybody has a bunch of masks already and you can get masks right and you can get masks pretty much anywhere so we're not seeing as many people searching for it so all these people who were doing really really great selling just masks are now having to figure out other things to do and that keyword is not as reliable you need to make sure that you're really looking every single month at how the trends change what time of year does this does this product trend and is this a one-off trend where it's only going to trend for a short time and then never trend again or is it something that trends around the same time every year so you know i i doubt that for christmas flip-flops are trending but i'm sure around the summer lots of people are searching for flip-flops right so it doesn't mean that you should not make flip-flops it just means that you should make sure that you're making flip-flops at the appropriate time of year so don't guess your keywords it's what we used to do before we had tools like e-rank uh we would also i use tools that were meant for google and it's like well yeah serps i'm like well if it worked for google then it will probably be trending on etsy but wouldn't you rather have data that's actually etsy data mm-hmm no it did but that was back it worked but it was one of those things where even etsy's algorithm was still kind of rudimentary so it was pretty easy to beat etsy system back in the day y'all that are new to etsy really you all missed out on how easy etsy used to be to push the used to just be pay the 10 cents to renew your listing and you and then you were on or 20 cents whatever and then you were on page one for a day yep uh we should all have holiday flip-flops uh we're in ohio so i wear flip-flops all year round um i'm sorry if this was already asked as you rank something you cover in h-a-a it is and h-a-a members also get a whole year of e-rank paid new new new haa members those of you who like enrolled several years ago this is a newer thing that we offer and we can't go back because we pay for it and if everybody everybody from the past all like ganged up and all wanted e-rank we would have to sell the house so sorry for everybody else we love you and we appreciate you and we have lots of other great things added to aha for you but um everybody who's going to enroll this june you guys get a year of e-rank we have updated seo section within h a a now so you'll get a huge update that we did last december was that before december enrollment yeah yeah yeah yeah we have a big seo dominance uh lesson so and i'll be revamping the site at some point between the june and december launch oh and deborah asked what's the difference between the 599 and 9.99 plan i don't remember offhand higher quotas yeah pretty much just higher quotas head over to plans yes and it's liter it's all in on a chart like laid out for you to see yep just higher quotas if you uh if you notice yourself hitting your your quota limit on your basic plan and you don't want to hit that quota limit you can get the pro plan and then it's got even higher quotas but if you're if you're already on a basic plan and you never hit your quotas you're probably not ready for uh for a pro plan amber said i'll bring my flip flip-flops with me when i come visit definitely bring some regular shoes because it's going to be cold when you get here yeah uh let's see here using etsy search bar as your primary keyword research tool what kind of covered this knock this a little bit so don't do that the etsy search bar up at the top there's no data behind that okay that's going that's meant for shoppers to kind of sift through the assorted categories and types of products you guys have probably done it if you go to etsy and you start typing in um i don't know gemstone or uh necklace it'll start populating results like necklace for mom gold bar necklace necklace with diamonds it's going to give you ideas there and at one time that was like the best way to find keywords before we had tools like e-rank we just kind of pulled what we saw in that search bar and stuck it in our tags and titles but that isn't driven based on people searching for those terms that's etsy recommending those terms to shoppers and sure that's a great place to start if you start with the with the etsy search bar and then you take those you know those results that etsy's giving you or those suggestions etsy's giving you and plug them into e-rank then you've got a powerful combination that can probably do you some good but if you're just using those things on your or on their own there's no way to tell if people are actually searching for the things that etsy is suggesting so make sure that you're actually taking those terms into the keyword explorer to make sure that people are searching for the things that etsy's suggesting because etsy despite the fact that they're suggesting them it doesn't it doesn't mean that people are searching for those things right so okay and then the last one this is i'm it's i'm gonna do a little bit more than not just checking your plurals so check your plurals and check your spelling and check how you're actually typing things in okay so this is probably one of the number one reasons that i see people quit e-rank why they refund e-rank whatever people will search for a term in the wrong way and i what i mean is let's take the word earring for example i've seen people search for specifically just the word earring and they get no data back and then they get upset and then they oh this tool sucks there's no data nobody's searching for your ring that can't be right right but if you were to add an s your rings all the data suddenly pops up and there's hundreds of thousands of searches and this that and the other same thing with combining words like that some people will spell it ear ring separate words that's not how erank sees it so we get the data back and right now and we're again we're working on the plural issue too it's kind of a complicated one um and e-rank will spit you back the data in a little in a literal way so if there is no data for ear ring because nobody usually searches for just one earring it's not going to give you any data back and the same thing goes for like themed products okay so let's say i think mermaid earrings was one so we'll say mermaid earrings we'll have somebody will search for mermaid earrings in the middle of december because they're planning their spring launch or whatever and they get no results back and instead of taking mermaid or mermaids off of there they just immediately refund and quit and it might not necessarily let's see it's it's it's kind of hard to ex to explain what i'm going for let me let me let me run with this story go ahead because i'm having trouble kind of piecing together what i'm trying to say all right so erank gets data based on what people are typing into the etsy search bar it's getting data for earring and earrings it's getting data for everybody who types in earring everybody who types in earrings everybody who types in ear ring everybody who types in ear rings so what you're requesting is data based on that exact combinations or combination of words if you type in earring e-rank is going to show you data for people who have typed in ear ring if you type in earrings e-rank is going to give you data on everybody who has typed in ear rings but etsy puts those things together yes so that's that answers barbara's question there so etsy puts those things together etsy knows that if you're searching for earrings that you're also searching for earrings so it doesn't matter if if you put an ear ring in your listing etsy will still rank you for ear rings okay but you should still go with whichever one e rank shows the most search volume for because you'll get an exact match for that okay so if you're with your ring and you notice nobody's searching for it on uh through e-rank and earrings people are searching for it you'll still show in searches for people who are searching for earring because etsy combines them yes yes e-rank does not always go with the one that has more searches when it comes to plurals and if you think that nobody is searching for the thing that you have typed in make sure that you try plurals make sure that you try different variations try the singular version of it and also try splitting things up like a lot of the time it's usually just be people and this goes back to the previous one it's usually just people being too specific like we'll have somebody say they want the blue boho pearl mermaid necklaces and it's just it's just too much you're putting too much into the system and even with that even with some of those very very specific keyword searches throwing an s on the end of it is is the difference between no data and data so just give give each search a couple of different tries if you're not going to be giving any data or getting back any data from e-rank try it a couple of different ways it doesn't mean that you rank is always going to have data for everything that's not how it works if nobody's searching for something nobody's searching for something but try splitting it up if you're searching for boho earrings search boho see what people are getting people see what people are actually looking for through boho if boho earrings gives you nothing back just search earrings and see what the top things hitting on earrings are and then narrow down your search from there what pam said too yeah also in international spelling personalized versus personalized we're working on that too i've actually got a list of a couple hundred terms and i don't know what else i can say with the data and stuff or you rank so i'll just leave that at that we're working on it yeah we're working on the international spelling part you uk stuff you guys will probably come first followed by you german and french folks out there yeah and another thing is to make sure that if the word changes drastically like earrings and earrings that's just adding an s but if we're talking about wolf versus wolves the word almost completely changes so you need to also make sure that you're thinking in in scenarios like that wolf doesn't turn into wolves and etsy i'm pretty sure when it comes to plurals they might be able to recognize wolf and wolves but because those have changed so much at their core yeah etsy might see those separately it's still a stretch so it's best it's best to go off of like okay like she was kind of saying earlier if you sell like a singular earring and earrings is the one that has the data for it as long as there's data for one of them you're okay using either but something like wolves and wolf that's a little too specific go with the one that's being searched for more absolutely uh but that that's our 10 guys that's our list of 10 for now so feel free yeah we'll probably update it because we've got several videos like this sorry that we are sounding a little sick today our allergies have been awful because we've had it was like 80 degrees and then we had snow it snowed two days in a row and it stuck yeah it was 40 degrees outside and it snowed so much that it stuck we had like it was like almost three inches of snow sitting on our table outside yeah so we've we're we're a little sick and we're a little woozy today but um if you have questions about etsy seo we're here to answer we've also got pam in the chat and pam also works for e-wrap pam so make sure that you go to pam's channel and subscribe as well she has tons of etsy seo etsy videos e-rank videos all on her channel and she'll be streaming on sunday if for some reason you think of a question over the weekend you want to hang out with her she'll be streaming around the same time that we stream usually it'll be an hour earlier than what we stream on friday so 11 a.m eastern time is when she streams you know it's funny what i know my mustache is uh blonde because in low quality mode i can't even see it on our stream and it's thick mustache boy mustache boy i understand that you said not to worry about e-rank grades but what about the exclamatory red icon when we use highly searched tags wait what the reason i'm not listening at all there no i did what's the for instance continue for instance kid socks is super popular and i assume competitive is it still a good idea to include that tag regardless of high usage yeah so here's the thing when it comes to high competition on any keyword whoever has the best overall customer and marketplace experience score is going to be able to rank higher i recommend using a combination of both high competition keywords and keywords that are a little less competitive but still have decent searches and the reason for that is because if you have a lot of people who are shopping from you who are leaving positive reviews who are finding you organically in search you don't have cases against your shop and you have a good standing with etsy that typically means that your listing quality scores are good your customer marketplace experience score is good and the number of competition isn't going to matter as much because if you're listing quality scores and customer and marketplace experience score is higher than those competitors you're going to rank above them so your best bet is to go ahead and get a couple high competition keywords on the radar get a couple of them in your listings because someday your goal is to be able to fit the shoes right someday you could rank for those words and wouldn't it be nice to be able to rank for those really high competitions and and not to mention the keywords that are the keywords that are higher competition are going to mix and match with other keywords that you've also used in your listing for broad matching purposes so if you know that sterling silver earrings earrings your air ranks we're out of it today guys if you know that sterling silver earrings is a high competition term and you're not you're probably not going to be able to rank for it but it defines exactly what your products are they are sterling silver earrings go ahead and put sterling silver earrings in your listing because if you also have natural gemstone jewelry as a tag sterling silver earrings will broad match with natural gemstone jewelry in a number of combinations etsy's going to mix them and match them you're going to get natural sterling silver gemstone earrings you're going to get natural gemstones sterling silver jewelry and any variation of that um if this is confusing to you make sure that you go back and watch my etsy seo game show episode of the friday being because i go way more in depth into broad matching and exact matching your keywords and that would be a really good resource for you um but don't be afraid to use a couple high competition keywords just don't make your entire listing high competition uh keywords if if possible i want to go ahead and shout out our uh our twitch thing for tonight while we're at peak audience before people start to to bounce out we are going to be streaming on twitch uh casual guys casual guys yeah um if you're you don't like your kiddos hearing dirty words um i probably wouldn't have it on or maybe wear headphones because we probably will not be filtering we're not filtering we're not filtering ourselves at all we'll probably have a couple of drinks and just kind of hang out our first stream will be either tonight or tomorrow it's not planned and it's just for like testing stuff we might play a couple of rounds we'll be playing outriders for a little while and then we'll probably move on to some other stuff so it's right twitch.i just pulled the link up it's right over there tv yeah so i'll go ahead and post the link to it so if you guys want to yeah this is we've got a lot of alphas who have asked us to stream our gaming on twitch and we finally decided to do it because honestly we need we need some anxiety relief and we need some social we haven't had a lot of social interaction since the pandemic has started and we would like to hang out with you guys in an environment that isn't so businessy so if you're cool with uh saying uh wordy dirts lots and lots of them and you want to watch me make a fool out of myself playing a game that i'm not very good at and see how we interact as a couple when we're not on camera i get very angry when i'm playing feel free to hang yeah all right go ahead and go go follow us over there it'll probably be just us in each corner playing and it'll probably be my screen being captured right away until we get a capture computer built yeah anyway all right let's get into questions guys give me some i don't want to how do you use e-rank to plan products to make ooh that's a good one that is a good one i don't think we actually do that but so it can yeah so if you all right if you already have an etsy shop obviously you need to kind of stay within your your theme if you are a jewelry shop don't just go and make you know shoes because you see that they're trending um but i recommend going into the trend buzz report under the reports tab and look at what is trending in the top 100 keywords for your category do a bit of research into you know some of the things that are super duper trending at the time and make sure that you're also looking at keyword data for products that you're thinking about making before you make them go into the keyword explorer and type in a couple words related to the thing that you want to make look at the trend graph to see what time of year people are searching for the specific type of product that you're trying to make and make sure that you're not too specific about the keywords that you're typing in because um for example sterling silver and turquoise earrings might not be trending and you might feel discouraged to make sterling silver and turquoise earrings but if you were to pop in there and just search turquoise or turquoise jewelry you might see that a lot of people are searching for that term which means that your sterling silver turquoise earrings are probably pretty trendy if people are searching for those other terms so just make sure that you're checking all variations but if you want to see the top 100 things that are trending in your industry trend buzz is the place to go e-rank question keywords that are quote-unquote maybe long tail could you explain them maybe i've had a hard time deciding if to use them or not so the long tail indicator on the far right side of e-rank we we do our best to figure out if the term is long tail but it's not always right um long tail keywords basically just point to a very specific type of product usually uh identifiable by having more than one word okay but for example women's tank top that's three words but i wouldn't consider it a long tail keyword because it's not very specific it's just who it's for and then the product even though it's three words one two of the words are what the product is so women's tank top isn't really a long tail keyword even though it has three words but if i were to say um wool uh women's wool tank top that's four words that's pointing to a very specific type of product um do you want to give me an example of of what your if you have a if you have a keyword plus one out there we'll take a look at it yeah because um long tail keywords it's almost you just kind of got to put your thinking cap on and decide whether or not the keyword combination points to a very specific type of product or if it you know could allude to several types of product uh for example what's another good one ah i can't think of anything off the handle oh maybe like a acrylic phone case that's three but you could probably get it even more narrow than that i guess i guess that would be a long tail keyword i would need examples boho jewelry um i think that that one could be niched down more boho jewelry gift for friend gift for friend again it's really broad and it's not really pointing to a specific type of product what you want to look for is purchase intent okay so think in the mind of a shopper if they're typing gift for friend into etsy they don't know what they want they want to see a big search page of a different of a bunch of different types of product but they have no idea what they want to buy that typically isn't a keyword that's going to have a lot of purchase intent it's great to throw it into your listing for the people who are just browsing especially if you can't think of any other keywords to put in your listing but gift for friend does not point to a specific type of product therefore nobody who's searching for it knows exactly what they want to buy and the people who find you probably don't have a lot of purchase intent boho jewelry that's getting a little bit more specific but what type of boho jewelry what what specifically is the type of boho jewelry you can still put it in your listings i'm not saying it's not a good keyword to use but you could probably add a little bit to it still rank for boho jewelry and get extra keywords in there for example maybe you're trying to rank for boho jewelry you could maybe make it i don't know boho jewelry for summer music festivals i don't know i'm just thinking about how summer music festivals are probably going to be returning this year and that might be a way to still use boho jewelry but turn it into a longer long tail keyword blue gemstone boho necklace yeah blue gemstone boho necklace and boho necklace on its own isn't necessarily super long tail but pam made a good comment too she said uh look at the other metrics uh search and uh click through rate et cetera as well as well as the long tail keyword absolutely pair the data don't just look at one piece of data that's why we give you so much and i know that it seems super overwhelming but you got to stack these things onto each other and if you've got e-rank basic or pro you have access to the keyword list feature it's down in the bottom left corner when you're performing keyword research you can click the little gray stars next to any keyword to add them to your list add all those keywords to a keyword list and then you'll have them all on one page where you can compare them and really choose which ones you want to test in your own listings and you can see all of that data side by side got a lot of tools at your disposal you can't get to the location using just the gps you got to turn the car on and drive there too it's good that's it that's a good one that's a good one i just came up with that because i'm tired what happened to alpha's after dark never got a link see every time we start planning it we just get so passionate and we never actually follow through we've got we have one up we did one episode of alphas after dark we're we're still trying to figure out where we want to go with it we just haven't had another episode if you're on the email list for alphas after dark um you will be notified when we do another one we're trying to think of what the heck to do with it because we've got a lot of 18 plus categories that people want um some of those are of like adult nature some of those are of the um of the 420 nature and we don't know how to best help everybody in a way that's going to make the most sense because that also stays within youtube's realm of legality so because we we also risk our channel too so we're not stopping alphas after dark we're just figuring it out yeah for those who don't know what that is we've got a lot of sellers in the 18 plus category you do shout out to y'all freaks to the freaks we've got you know alphas who do like bdsm products and things and we need to be able to help them because it's not fair that we can talk about candles and jewelry and and talk openly and answer your guys's questions but then we have sellers who are in adult industries who don't get any help and there are no channels that specialize in it um we just don't know where we want to take that content and how to best help them and how to make it any different than what we already give here because a lot of our advice can be directed over but some people need specific advice so anyway feel free to uh shoot us an email starla if you are a part of the alphas after dark community and you have some suggestions for content that you'd like to see so we can get an another episode on the calendar yes all right well we got erotic writer girl uh one of my other shops is a gothic greeting card store want to optimize my quote-unquote item bar any suggestions i was thinking something like gothic valentine gothic christmas etc yeah goo i mean look it up in e-rank because etsy tells us that each individual shop section is going to count almost like its own little landing page and that they can be keyword optimized don't keep yourself up at night trying to keyword optimize them i would use keywords that you already know work um it but don't spend too much time on it because ultimately it has weight but it doesn't have a tremendous amount of weight just do what's going to be best for your buyers sort by if if you're doing gothic greeting cards store sort by holiday if i know that i'm like my mom is still a little goth kid like me if i know that my mom's birthday is coming up and i go to a gothic greeting card shop i don't want to look at christmas cards and valentine's day cards i just want to sort to birthday cards a little goth kid like me she says wearing leggings and a yellow tweed plaid shirt hey goth isn't a look yes it is yes it is goth is a mindset okay okay we need to post we should post our trip pants pictures in the group for our you should you should just be like a european gothic be like a classic hungarian goth hello i'm a hungry god i haven't finished my quest far yet after office after dark sounds perfect for the cocktail stream too yeah we thought about doing that etsy or etsy youtube doesn't like it when you drink on camera they just demonetize it oh we don't monetize it anyway um let's see here do i have to be a niche to be successful with your etsy shop i can't figure out one specific thing to make and sell you don't have to be but it makes it a heck of a lot easier um here's the thing you're speaking as a seller and you're trying to appeal to your needs i can't figure out what i want to do i can't figure out what is going to make me happy what you should be asking yourself is what's going to make my customers happy what is it that my customers are going to want me to make what void in the marketplace am i going to fill with my product you got to start kind of thinking like a business and i know that that's hard but when i see these like passion sellers who i i mean you should be passionate definitely but these passion crafters who are like oh i i don't care if i sell anything i just want to make jewelry and shoes and purses and wall art and and clocks and desks and yeah i'm just naming everything in the room but they want to make all these things but when someone arrives at their shop they're like oh i don't know what who this shop is meant for there's no there's no emotion there there's no way to tell me as a shopper that that storefront is meant for me we just talked about a seller who makes gothic greeting cards i immediately knew who that was for and i had a recipient in mind i'm like oh yeah my mom my mom would love a gothic birthday card but if someone goes into your storefront and there's nothing cohesive that holds it all together it's just a commodity shop and people tend to not see as much value in products like that that are looped into a commodity that aren't held together with a cohesive element now as i say so many times you only need a theme to hold it together if you do print on demand and you make blankets and hoodies and t-shirts and mugs and clocks and coasters and all these things but they all have a similar style of print maybe like like i like to use you only print things with chihuahuas on them and chihuahuas is your theme then you don't have to have all the same products you just need to make sure that all your products have chihuahuas on them because chihuahuas is the overwhelming theme of your shop so if you make a lot of things who's the target customer you could make a ton of different products for a you know bohemian home where everything is you know i don't know macrame macrame is the theme but you make macaroni wall art and macrame earrings and mac mac remain plant hangers but it's a lot of different products but they're held together cohesively so what is the cohesive element who are you trying to sell to what problem are you trying to solve for them and from there it makes your life easier because you're more marketable and people see you as your products being worth more because they see you as the specialist in that industry i said only a non-goth would say goth is just a look after your turn 18 it is because i was way more goth than this girl ever was i was emo i'm gonna post all my little emo pictures yeah uh i never did the scene kid thing though no i never did the scene kid thing and when emo started to be a thing that's when i started to beat people up can you he was a mean little boy no i wasn't i was the guy that stuck up for everybody that's a joke um can you still see your competition sales in the 599 plan in e-rank i i don't think you get the only benefit for the 9.99 over the 599 i believe is just quotas i don't think you get access to any other tools yeah you don't get any there are no extra tools with pro plan you just get correct as if we're wrong pam because i feel like maybe we're missing something but i'm pretty sure it's just increased quotas yeah that that that's the only difference um um i have a pair of earrings that are boho and they have leather druzy and appetizing gemstones and i have a hard time with keywords for them that i actually describe it don't try to just yeah don't try to describe it make sure that you put in there that what it is but then after that stop trying to describe it yeah there you that i i i would never search any of that i i will search things like i would still have it in there just so people know what it is when they're clicking on it yeah but don't don't make your entire title and tags out of that yeah i would i would try things you know i would try things that are more related to the the target customer that you're trying to appeal to rather than trying to find a million ways to describe the materials that you're using customers don't search via materials sellers search via materials customers don't search via materials they want to just know the the vibe that the product gives off they maybe they're searching leather earrings by itself or gemstone earrings by itself but that combination it's going to be really hard to aim for um yeah yeah how do we get on the office after dark list if we didn't get the link go to my instagram username is starla the letter k and more starla k more thank you mark and uh go into my link tree in my bio all of my links including alphas after dark elf i posted it alphadapt which is the the etsy shop the brand that amber and i are building all of our freebies they're all linked within there so if you ever need a link for anything my instagram bio is where i hide everything oh boy hi guys what's going on with etsy for the first time in seven months i haven't had two sales man you ain't the only one that's he's slow right now etsy they have a lull every year and this year just happens to be a year after a pandemic is kind of winding down so there it's especially slow check out my video uh from uh i think two weeks ago we did an episode of the friday bean called brace yourself for slow etsy sales this happens every year though uh spring and stuff it's just an especially bad one yep spring and summer are slow and if you joined in 2020 you joined during uh a historical high for etsy just because everybody was home because of the pandemic and everyone was online shopping now things have regulated they're going back to normal you can anticipate every spring and summer on etsy unless you sell like wedding things or flip-flops or bikinis or something that you know birthdays where every people have birthdays no matter what time of year it is but you can anticipate a slower sales season september though is when things start to climb back up so use the next few months to prep because starting in september people start thinking about the holidays believe it or not and that's when we start to see the very first searches for holiday products so use this time to prepare for the flood any tips specifically for digital product sellers i mean totally but i gotta i gotta get a little bit more specific because the thing is is like overall it's not much different than a physical product seller i mean obviously you don't have to ship anything um i mean there there's infinity tips for for digital product sellers i need to specific do you mean seo do you mean in getting people to buy do you mean in uh you know displaying your products i'll give you my number one tip for digital product sellers and uh that is to make sure that on your thumbnail you have right on that thumbnail photo that they are receiving a digital product yeah i have so many alphas who get a bad review um because they have you know somebody who buys it and thinks that they're gonna receive something in the mail and then they they never do so just make sure that you have that right on your thumbnail photo and uh my last little piece for digital sellers is to even though you could list your quantity as 999 list a lower quantity than what you have it helps to build the scarcity and you can always re-list more you can always add more to the quantity but try listing one or two or three you know and just see if that helps your sales at all because if people see that there's only three left they get that little alert from etsy that says oh there's only three left and a hundred people have it in their cart right now they're gonna race off to buy that thing because maybe they think that you won't restock it i i know that that sounds like a dirty thing to do but every business does that so i make jewelry embroidered and polymer clay and beaded three different styles of jewelry is it okay to put them in one shop as long as the cohesive theme is the same yeah yeah i mean here's the thing i don't want to go through the because i know that this is gonna start a chain reaction of people sending me i make this this this and this can they fit in the shop i don't know until i see it i would have to look at it and and even me that's just my opinion on its own i you should never go based on one person's opinion you should if you're if you're gonna look at it take a step back look at the shop and say you know does it does it feel like i'm shopping it like a truck stop like you know like you know like when you go to like a truck stop or you go to like one of those what are they called one of those one of those markets where they sell like everything and you look at it you say i don't know what they sell here like it's this is just a mishmash of everything if it feels like that then it's too much if it feels cohesive and it feels like they know that like you specialize in this thing not just jewelry but like do they specialize in this theme do they specialize in this type of product do they specialize in this kind of jewelry as long as it's cohesive and if and it doesn't feel like you're just trying to do everything then you're probably okay and that goes for every product category yeah feel free if you if you want to like panel some people post product photos in the handmade alpha facebook community that's linked down below in the description um post a couple photos and say hey do these products feel like they go together does this feel cohesive to you guys and let one of you know or i said one but let our 9 000 alphas give you feedback on how your products fit together or don't fit together and how you could potentially make them fit together so excuse me jen said thank you starla mark and pam and everyone here my cells have been chugging along growth has been good this year and that's all because of your tutelage you're very welcome and congrats uh since it's slow right now is this a good time to launch a new shop there's never a good time to launch a new shop never a good or bad time i would say do it now yeah because it takes 60 to 90 days for your seo and your keywords to really kick in which means right around the end of summer as long as things pick up like they usually do then it'll be the perfect time yeah we get this question quite a lot and it's kind of like investing we can't really tell you if it's going to be a good time do i wish i would have invested in doge two years ago hell yeah i do but we can't we can't we can't tell you when a good time is going to be is it probably going to be a good time in about 90 days based on that last few years yeah probably yeah but uh there's no right or wrong time just start just start just get it out there as soon as you can and start goodness all right i'm sorry i hope you ordered a lot i meant about oh so this is the one that was asking about digital stuff i meant about digital products seo is it worth to put a tag like printable planner because it's not it's overflowing with competition i add some more specific tags but still this one is the main also does the order of how i put the tags and keywords matter all right so let's let's start with the first with the first question um if it's a printable planner then you need to despite what the competition is state what the product is if it is a printable planner you should absolutely put printable planner in there what you don't need to do is repeat printable you don't need to say printable planner uh printable planner for women printable planner for you only need to put printable planner in there once and then i would recommend trying to find other keywords uh printable planner organization tools for the home i i don't know make sure that you're doing your keyword research obviously um but yeah even even if something is high competition if the keywords 100 accurately describe what your product is don't worry as much about the competition because in time through repeat sales through getting positive reviews through having a good standing with etsy uh hopefully your listing quality scores will grow that is basically etsy ranking you hire in search um and putting you above those competitors after you've kind of proven yourself to etsy as a reliable source you don't have to work as hard once etsy kind of sees you as reliable source they tend to rank you higher so get a couple high competition terms in there that describe exactly what your products are and then try to get a couple you know medium competition terms terms that might not have as many searches but might be you know a little bit more narrow and just it's all about balance and testing there's no way that i can say this term will do well because i can't see into the future what you need to do is test use the erect change tracker to see how the changes you make to your listings affect your views and favorites and sales over 60 to 90 days and then if you notice that things aren't working for you take some keywords out and test again and try again 60 to 90 days i i know that it seems like a long time to wait for for a test period but that's how computers work that's how search algorithms work so you've got to give it a little bit of time um and then you said does the order of how i put my tags and keywords matter or doesn't matter tags order tags doesn't matter does not matter if you can exact match you know some phrases within a tag that's fine but the order that you actually type them in to your tag section doesn't matter titles etsy tells us that we should put our most the keywords that most accurately describe what our products are should be towards the front of our title because that's what shoppers are going to see in search if they type in that they want to find a printable planner and the very first keyword that they see on your listing is gifts for mom they're going to be really confused okay so you want to make sure that whatever your product is that's the keyword that i would lead your title with because you only get to see like a little bit of your title on a search page lead with whatever your product is so that sellers aren't or shoppers aren't put off i hope that makes sense uh what about the seasonal wreaths that that sell should i expect we don't know once again we don't have we can't we can't we can't predict on on other industries we can't predict what the future is going to look like if you have questions please go watch our slow sales video because that's going to help a lot and it's going i mean only you can tell us if your sales have slowed down then yeah i you probably anticipate some some slower sales over the next few months especially since there's not a lot of holidays for seasonal wreaths i mean maybe fourth of july if you live within the us but other than that things will probably slow down for wreaths i'm assuming but like i said it's just an assumption so if any algorithms take 60 days should we start listing items for halloween and christmas in july to be a step ahead not necessarily a lot of people do though yeah i mean a lot of people do i mean here's the thing like with an established shop when it comes to holiday specific items you're probably not going to be relying a lot on on organic seo anyways you're going to be advertising your christmas launches and things to your already established hopefully off platform social media audience email list and those people and a lot of your sales will probably be coming from that um i mean posting stuff for halloween 60 days beforehand yeah of course and then if you post stuff around halloween that's supposed to sell for christmas yeah in terms of etsy yeah you you'll probably do a little bit better in terms of the algorithm by listing those products as early as possible you might not make a lot of sales for them right away there's no real way to tell what the better thing to do because it is 100 percent dependent on for one your overall customer and marketplace experience score and where etsy's ranking you and if they're putting you in front of customers who are searching for the type of products they are selling for two it's going to depend on your audience do you have a following off platform do you have an email list do you have a social media following who's going to be purchasing your products directly and three do your target customers typically buy those types of products early for example if somebody makes uh if someone sells fabric with holiday prints on them they are likely going to start selling those products way before the holiday because anybody who's buying christmas fabric is doing it so they can make a christmas craft and they need to make that christmas craft well in advance of the holiday so that type of shop should list months and months and months in advance if you're doing christmas party decor i doubt anybody's going to be shopping for christmas party decor in july um unless they're doing like a christmas in july thing but it really is a matter of testing and that's all etsy seo is it is a science experiment that's going to vary depending on every single unique shop owner based on things like their customer market place experience score like their listing quality scores and the only way that you're going to know what's going to work for you is to test and track test it and then track it with the changes tracker tool and if you're if you're worried about it maybe just list one just try listing one and track the changes for it and see how people are engaging with the listing yeah i'm starting to get to that space out point yeah we start to kind of tire out after a while can i link a youtube video uh channel on etsy's description so customers can watch a short video instead of reading yeah absolutely there's nothing wrong with that not a lot of people are going to do that so don't be upset well don't don't don't do that and then not write a description yeah definitely if you're going to do that you need to do both yeah do do both um but etsy tells us that we can do like for example if you need to put like directions on how to use a product or like maybe like wash instructions and things etsy says that we can put youtube links we just can't send them to a website where they can buy the product elsewhere so if you've got like your own standalone website where you sell the products you can't link your website to the product you know where they could buy it off of etsy because then you're competing with etsy what is too large of a price range for an etsy shop that that tree fitty that is not an obstacle it's not when it comes to an etsy shop top 10 of your competition right it comes it boils down to what you sell if you sell pencils you probably can't sell your pencils for over maybe fifteen dollars at most um look at your competition if your quality is up to par with your competition and you gotta be honest with yourself and maybe have a friend that's like brutally honest like it will tell you if a product sucks or not that's really crappy to say i always get hate for saying things like that but be honest with yourself and then look at your competition find the top 10 percent ish of people that are in your industry and price around what they're pricing at be fair about it don't just price at the top highest possible price possible um unless unless you're you know you know your products are the best right and also make sure that everything aligns do your photos look just as good as those people who are who are at the top make sure that you match up perfectly to them in terms of aesthetics because i've said this before your products are and some people might disagree with me but your products are only as good as the picture that you post up that's true the the perception of what your product is going to look like will stick regardless of what it looks like when you open it it's going to stick and it should be one of those things where your picture should almost be better than what the product looks like when they get it because it's going to give them this perception that they're receiving something that's absolutely amazing and you want that you want your buyer to have that kind of experience they open it they're excited to open it they open it but your product should also meet that expectation yeah so that's why i said you need to be brutally honest with yourself if you can't be brutally honest with yourself then this is probably not going to be the industry for you and uh in handmade alpha academy we test this theory about uh designer styling and photography where i do an entire photo shoot with a cheez-it to show you guys how i could i could really the cheddar collection and i do this beautiful photo shoot with a cheez-it to show my my my designer cheez-it and the alphas still talk about the designer cheez-it because you can display your product at top tier pricing or you can align your products with top tier pricing as long as you brand it as being valuable and you display it in that way so yes a conversation taking place here that's good good i'm not sure what the time limit is for etsy product videos though etsy product that you mean i mean like like the listing videos i think they tell you it's like 10 seconds isn't it five seconds pam are you camera you pam knows pam pam if not if not go to uh blog and we have a blog about listing videos in there look for that and i'm sure that the time frame is in there but there's a lot of examples if you want to see a bunch of people's listing videos we've got little gifs and videos like right in the blog post go check it out he said 16 seconds 16 perfect cool chantelle said i'll be brutally honest for anyone that needs it i used to be that way but then people started hating me so i don't i'm not brutally honest anymore i'm a lot more i'm a lot more brutal than she is though he was in the military guys you gotta everybody was so mean tomorrow it's so crazy how much hate you get for just being honest people hate honesty well he was everybody saying 15 seconds 15 sure 15. something like that i love the chat i just made one that was 28 seconds oh i thought mine was longer okay well that's the end of the end of the question guys we've got links down below free stuff free resources pdfs they come off a lot more organized than what mark and i have been today we apologize we have been very sick yeah what our deal is today down below we've got uh we've got the summer survival guide if you need help with summer sales because summer sales slow down make sure that you get that checklist that's going to teach you what to do to help optimize your sales during the summer and it's going to teach you what you can do in the meantime to prepare for the busy season or season which typically starts in september we've also got amber marie's wholesale cheat sheet that's going to help you to send out a really nice spreadsheet to potential wholesalers that you want to work with or potential people who want to wholesale your products in their stores it's basically going to be a nice organized order form that you can customize with your own branding you can send it to them and it's even going to add up an invoice for those people now make sure that you watch the video that is on that page because if you try to request access to edit that document i will not do it for you because that's not how you use it watch the video watch the video don't be lazy watch the video it tells you exactly what to do and everybody is not watching the video so watch the video that way you can get that nice freebie that amber has made for you uh also down below are oh wait what uh uh 2021 marketing calendars if you want to know when to market when to launch collections when the best time to host a sale is uh holidays to optimize for holidays that you shouldn't put mark do any marketing for because they're not good holidays to market on uh holidays that you should plan in advance for and good days to do things like giveaways on social media make sure that you grab those calendars we are already halfway through more than halfway through hey there almost done with april so we've still got march or no wait may may june july august september october november and december's calendars grab those down below and start using them pin them up in your office somewhere and then we've also got my five-star customer service strategy those are my swipe files that thousands of alphas use in order to gain more five star reviews and keep in mind five-star reviews are important because they help your listing quality scores and your customer and marketplace experience score which helps you to rank higher in search that helps your search ranking that is a part of seo so make sure that you grab those uh all the information about them is down below lastly amber marie and i are building a new etsy shop swarovski crystal has put me in quite the position uh with my my etsy shop that i've been running for nine years because they have gotten rid of all diy components which was my primary supply that i used for my jewelry but we're alphas we adapt so we're launching a new brand called alphadapt we've been marketing it all for the i think the last three weeks now we've been working on this since november we haven't even revealed what we're making for you guys but i hope that you'll sign up for the list uh because i want you guys to really study the tactics that we're using study study the emails that we said study the photos that we send study our marketing study our wording study things like the countdown timers and follow me on social media at uh my facebook page is starla and the handmade alphas look at the type of marketing that i'm doing for these products because you can steal my ideas steal my ideas and use them we are actually following handmade alpha academy to a t to launch these collections and this is the course that i sell so we're following literally what i teach and showing you how it works um and and lastly guys handmade alpha academy will be opening on june 14th it only only opens for 10 days we open it twice a year once june 14th and once on december 1st 10 days per enrollment that's only 20 days out of the year that you can enroll uh if you are on any of my email lists you will get a thousand dollar discount making the price of the course from uh it would be one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven dollars but you can get it for 997 dollars that's a one-time payment and you're in for life or you can opt for our six-month payment plan which with the discount is 199 per month for six months and then after that you are also in for life that course is self-paced uh you can take it on your own time you can come back to it whenever you want to if you want to start it in june and then you can't get to it until january you can start anytime not to mention alphas who enroll in haa in june are ready for the holidays if they dedicate one hour a day for around 60 days you can typically complete the course and be holiday ready and those are our alphas that you see that have massive black friday launches for example paula haas the year after enrolling uh she did june enrollment for handmade alpha academy and then for black friday had a ten 10 000 launch come on guys so you got to get in there you got to work really hard there is no magic success button it is going to be a lot of work um but if you get in there and work really hard those results will pay off uh and then guys this weekend either tonight or tomorrow mark and i are going to be gaming we're going to be yeah gaming on twitch we we've never done that before we're super excited slash just okay i guess yeah come come follow us on twitch because they're just okay i guess just okay i guess we're going to and i've got branding over there if you guys want to see how i branded it we don't know if that's good yet it's literally our first time on on twitch so we'll figure it out yeah but but check it out come watch this game we're probably going to say a lot of bad words i'm going to shoot some shoot some people in uh out i don't say that like that on our main channel because they've probably already demonetized for that not real people game people you just say the word shoot and that's enough oh shoot oh shoot we're gonna go play a violent video game we are we'll probably play lots of different violent video games hell we might even get in vr a little bit but uh you can laugh at me because i'm not very good at video games and mark's very good like pro level pro level gamer so that means i'm a nerd and no we're not going to be playing things like call of duty or any of the other stupid drop-in shooter games because they're trash yeah i would just die that would be fun um the alpha dap do we sign up for something or do we just follow it i'm not seeing the link but i got in late it's down below it's in its own little compartment look for there's a black heart emoji a red question mark emoji and another black heart emoji um i think that i just say we're working on something or see what amber and i are up to uh that's where you sign up for that but you do need to sign up otherwise you won't know anything about it did you guys have your shots yet not yet but we are we're waiting until the line isn't like an hour long there are tons of places in our area but like don't go anywhere yeah we don't do anything i would rather not be exposed to somebody who is sick waiting in line and just wait for the lines to get shorter to get i think literally the only place that i'm around other people other than dropping our kid off is band practice and uh the only one that's not vaccinated so but we're planning on it we just want to wait until the lines get a little shorter so we're not sitting in the car for two hours um uh-huh and that's pretty much it right uh adriana can i see my my etsy rank on e-rank you can and we talked about it in this video so when this concludes watch yeah make sure that you go back and watch the replay and if you haven't yet go ahead and uh click the subscribe button down below and then click the little bell icon so you're notified every time we go live and when we upload a video hit the hit that thumbs up button hit the thumbs up if you haven't hit the thumbs up button hit it because there's only 46 likes and there's 140 of you here so there can be at least 100 more yeah guys come on we dedicate we dedicate an hour and a half almost every friday and we have for the last four years and all we want is you to click something just give us a like and i turned 30 in a week man mark's birthday episode that's next friday yeah we haven't decided on what we're going to do yet mark mark's going to do the birthday bean this friday that would probably just be another regular bean another she wants to make it exciting but that ain't my thing you all know me birthday bean birthday bean birthday beans you can make an appointment online i did that and they were ready for me time i signed up you should be able to make an appointment online it might be different in your area so i don't know we haven't bothered because we don't go anywhere we're going to we're going to don't worry we're not we're not anti-vaxxers i'm actually anti-anti-vaxxer so so no worry no worries there dog we just we're very anti-social and i would like to wait until the lines aren't so long so i clicked for scratches yes click just click the likes for scritches we're just we're just delaying the stream yeah guys um we hope that you enjoyed this sorry that we weren't feeling very well but hopefully by next week we're feeling better and see if we have any followers yet oh do we have followers i want to know if we have followers who followed us you followed us on twitch anybody follow it we have one follower wow guys yay go follow us on twitch slash just okay i guess okay i just posted it like a second ago yeah but that wasn't clickable because the http wasn't in it that's the that's the wrong chat because the chat looks exactly the same as youtube slash just okay i guess go follow us on twitch if you want to watch us have drinks and play video games and yell and be inappropriate we don't we don't drink so so it'll probably be pretty silly we don't drink it we're going to claw it up dog we don't drink it all and we're gonna just go get some white claws and try to play video games because um i work too much for those who don't know and she never friggin relaxes so i've been forcing her to sit down and play video games even when i even when i say i'm gonna go relax i start a new project or i start a new business to relax so he's making me play video games and relax yes even though they're like the least relaxing video games on the planet all right we love you guys we'll see you guys over on twitch either tonight or tomorrow bye guys have a good weekend go watch me turn myself into a pizza [Laughter]
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 3,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handmade alphas, etsy seller tips, grow your etsy shop, grow your etsy business, grow on etsy in 2021, selling on etsy in 2021, starla moore, make more money on etsy, make more sales on etsy, how to be successful on etsy, etsy shop tips 2021, what does seo mean on etsy, how to optimize seo on etsy, how etsy seo works, what does etsy seo mean, how long does it take for etsy seo to work, how to do etsy seo, how to improve etsy seo, etsy seo mistakes, how to seo on etsy, erank
Id: sVMeis4q3P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 20sec (5960 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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