How to do Etsy Keyword Research and Etsy SEO with eRank - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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three two one gap we're not fully set up yet but we're here we're hanging out we're keeping calm we're a little bit late but that's okay um in short in short no it's noise cancelling oh cool in short the reason why we're late is because the very very expensive streaming software that we purchased had an update and uh apparently that update doesn't work youtube doesn't like it youtube doesn't like it and everybody is experiencing this same problem so when we're done with the stream we're going to contact this service youtube was straight up declining me putting in the stream in the software which which sucks because yeah it's it's a it's an absolute freaking mess i'm not here yet guys you gotta give me a minute he's he's he's not here he is in the world of tech fighting the gremlins in his mind but hopefully today um if all goes well we will be able to keyword optimize the listing we had to basically take my monitor and plug it in over at his pc so we're running off of his pc with my monitor it's craziness it's craziness guys i hope that your week is starting off uh weekend weekend is starting off better than ours has and that you have had your adequate amount of coffee uh last week we tried to do this stream and the screen share wasn't cooperating i think that we've got that working so as long as that works we should still be able to do this live um but last week we talked about some really really basic tags title and attribute features for your listings because when it comes to etsy seo tags titles and attributes are the three areas that you need to worry about if anybody tells you that you need to keyword optimize your descriptions they're probably working on very very outdated information and i mean like six to seven years ago outdated so it still baffles me that there are coaches out there who recommend it now you can keyword optimize your descriptions for google but if you've ever done a search on google and you see etsy in your google search results maybe search for like i don't know valentine's day mug or something very specific uh what you'll often find is a search page which is you know the same as if you were to hop on etsy and type something into the search bar and it generates a page of queries right what you're going to see in one of those links that google gives us is a search page where your product may or may not be rather than directing customers to a singular listing now if you were to be selling something very very specific for example if i decided to list a big portrait of my face and i labeled it as starla more autographed portrait there's no nowhere online sells those right it that doesn't exist anywhere online uh e-rank and etsy okay i'm gonna have to do this a bunch of different ways because it's also not cooperating this way either okay but um anyway if you were to type in those those very specific keywords like starla more autograph portrait that's not available anywhere else on the internet those keywords aren't going to pull queries from anywhere else other than etsy assuming that i only have my beautiful framed portrait on etsy which that could help with your optimization but in that case google would still be able to see your your title and your tags and hopefully if you're selling a very specific one-of-a-kind product um you're putting specific one-of-a-kind style keywords in your tags and titles that are going to indicate the very specific thing that you're selling now this usually isn't the case and unless you have a really breakout um insanely unique innovative ideas which let's let's be real guys new inventions don't happen very much and they usually it's usually not people like us who invent something new and when people like us do invent something new um there's like a very small chance that it's actually gonna take off it happens trust me it happens inventions inventions do take off all the time but it's not like you know a few years ago where there were all these possibilities and technology and people could uh oh boy you see here's the thing you're on my etsy so you're gonna not be able to type literally anything into the search bar i'm no no no no no i gotta i gotta log into the elf adapt one okay you got it yeah um you tried to use your mouse you goofball i did my mouse i'm gonna take my mouse and put it because i'm gonna keep trying to use it um but anyway what i was saying was that descriptions are not important for for ranking the three areas that you need to focus on and what we're gonna be focusing focusing on today focusing on are tags titles and attributes and the way that you do that is you find a handy dandy keyword tool that tells you how many people on etsy are actually searching for the specific thing that you're selling and and hopefully you're using a keyword tool that updates monthly because as we know trends change for example uh this time last year masks were the number one searched item on etsy but if you look now masks have uh kind of fallen off the face of etsy mainly because everybody either already has one or they live in an area where covid restrictions are being lifted i know that for our area of the world we live in ohio right now you do not have to wear a mask if you have been vaccinated and the mask mandate will be lifted for everybody on june 2nd so we're not going to be seeing as many successful mask sellers and i will say that for the few of you i know that there aren't a lot of you but for the few of you who decided to start selling on etsy specifically to sell masks and that's all you sell now is the time to pivot okay now is the time to take the creative things that you've learned how to do whether that be sewing whether that be i don't know maybe you do print on demand masks and try to apply those skills to other areas for example you could begin working on adding some designs to t-shirts and using a service like printful and trying to work on some print-on-demand products you could start selling i don't know handbags or pencil cases or things that you know children could carry to school and you know even though masks are going to be lifted i still anticipate this year especially with kids going back to school that we're going to see a high demand for things like uh you know those little key chains that you can put their their hand sanitizer in that they can carry on their backpacks and and you know just small things like that so there are still plenty of things that you can you know use these skills for that you've acquired i just got really nervous when i saw all these new sellers that said yeah masks i'm making hundreds of thousands of dollars on masks and i'm just like oh cool what's your backup plan that's not gonna last oh look happy mark's here are you working on it how's your blood pressure yeah dude i could power a hospital do you need some coffee yeah actually that's startling yourself all my camera settings are all goofed there we go now i'm sexy again and then my eyes should be nice and blue okay are we however the gopro switched its thing over man just one of them days man you ever have one of them days where just like nothing goes right okay now here's the thing the thing it's the entirety of the screen including your bar up here so if you don't want them to see anything you need to switch it before you type it got it if there's any like confidential work stuff or anything like that when you're gonna be typing into the bar we get logged into etsy okay they're not we're not up on there yet so yeah let me get logged in to etsy luscious locks are gone i ain't got no luscious locks it's not gone they're not gone they're in here so i'm just steaming couple do you want to do our e-rank disclaimer while i take care of logging into hyunyang erect and summer oh yeah we both work for e-rank uh we're not paid to talk nicely about e-rank and you know anthony anthony knows that we say what we want when we want so he's a good dude yeah yeah keep talking keep talking i need to look up that's pretty much it another another little hint same thing with the etsy search bar yeah i got you to type in there because this is my computer yeah anyway yes totally those are walking on a straight surface as a challenge without tripping over our feet yeah it's it's been one of them days man getting the software running youtube was just straight up like nope not happening this is not oh this is the shop okay yeah i can't remember she can never remember password i'm trying my best my coffee good lord nothing is going right today guys so and then and then this one's even updated and it doesn't have the capability to just capture it like it doesn't like more than one monitor i don't know man i'm gonna what should i do what should i do what should i do what should i do i was loving the hair i know it's luscious it's almost there it still looks a little goofy when i got it tied back because i didn't get it cut to have it tied back yet i swear we're gonna keyword optimize a listing as soon as she figures out what the one of million passwords she uses is ah she chicken picks her keyboard so it takes her a minute to type things in i still chicken pack but i chicken pack very fast i'm just having to scratch paper paper and pen what do you mean paper and pen okay okay we're signed into e-rank too cause that's gonna need to be done no okay i know my password for that i imagine bubbers is far far away from the area actually no he's right up there and a minute ago when i was going over there getting my hat he was uh about to step on my power strip and turn my computer off all right let's get into can we do the can can we can we do can we do the show yeah give me one one one one moment all right do me a favor and just type just just click in there okay yeah it's not gonna okay yeah you're good okay are we good it's working yeah just click the little arrow which one a little arrow the only one yeah there it goes okay okay just don't move the window video liked i appreciate it thanks i need it today guys like for the heart attack the the chest pains the stress take it out on a punching bag at the gym does our gym have a punching bag there's a bunch of punching bags yeah oh you can see she uses her gym membership often i do all the time every day i'm ripped yo so today we're going to be optimizing some imaginary listings because obviously uh i'm in we are in between collections at alph adapt but for those who weren't aware we did open a new shop with amber marie uh there is a link down below this video if you're interested in getting yourself some alpha merch such as the sweatshirt that i'm currently wearing um so not not a sales pitch but we basically needed to have a shop where we could run experiments where we could do live demos where i wasn't worried about things like you know everybody going to watch what we're doing and messing up our conversion rates and things like that plus you guys wanted alpha merch so we've got alpha merch um but what we're going to be we got from mike um thank you mike thank you mike hashtag swolemates we used to be we man you guys should have seen how beefy we was all right so to start what i would like to do is maybe just make a quick duplicate of a listing that we already have and i'm going to grab um let's see i'm thinking i'll just do this one and and a couple little things guys notice how we have used all of our listing photos i know a lot of you guys struggle with that especially when you sell print on demand but along with our mocks or mock-ups that we use we try to take our own photos we give a little bit of information about the products we also put what sizes we are wearing um that way you know you can kind of decide if you're a mark in amber or a starla in terms of body size um so if you feel like going through and snooping our shop feel free to do that if you want to look more um but what i'm going to actually do is the tape that you've i didn't see that picture amber did that yeah amber added that on there we're going to make a copy of this listing and i'm just gonna delete i'm just gonna delete nothing in here where they can no i'm deleting so we can optimize it okay okay this isn't one that's sold well i made a copy of it i'm not here right now baby you got to keep up with we're not publishing this it's an imaginary listing sweetie i'm not here y'all my my morning's the morning of a bean are nothing but stress until i start the bean because nothing ever goes right [Laughter] all right guys so today we're gonna be using to optimize our t-shirt listing and we're just gonna we're just gonna pretend that this isn't an alpha t-shirt with an alpha logo we're just gonna pretend that it's a t-shirt that has anything on it you guys can you guys can pretend what what does it have on it it could be any design we just want to show you how to optimize these listings based on what you sell so the first thing that you want to make sure that you do um is go through and choose your categories and your attributes first when you're listing a new product and i know that that sounds kind of weird especially if when you skip your description or i mean your title it turns red like it's oh you need to enter this title you can fill out everything else and come back to that because i feel that filling out your categories might help you to gather some keyword ideas that you otherwise wouldn't have thought of so for example when we're listing our t-shirt i'll go ahead and just can i close that out there we go you have all different options now at one time on etsy you had to type out your own category so they kind of auto populate these for you um so you can start by typing in something specific like shirt in our case and it'll give you some suggestions shirts in graphic tees shirts and t-shirts tops and tees shorts and t-shirts tops and tees what's the difference between that one and this one unisex adult clothing ah okay women's clothing season tie accessories unisex kids gotcha so we'll grab this one and then sizing you can choose your sizing scale there we do uh genderless sizing because it's a shirt so uh primary color obviously if you have a singular color that you're offering you want to make sure that you fill this out because these attributes count like little bonus tags so if you are selling a black shirt you can put this into your attributes and it almost counts as a keyboard keyword for example if somebody is searching specifically for a cotton black shirt with a geometric wolf on it um then you can get you know that that little bit of seo brownie points for having black in here secondary color um i put white because the embroidery is white clothing style this is a gray shirt though it just it's what the gray it's not you left it black um it but we're just pretending but it's not it's gray be real i'm a sucker for realism okay we'll get to your question here in a little bit jennifer yep all right utility um this is one that i'm always really confused by make sure that you research what what the utility or the utility the style of your clothing is i put utility because it's a very basic t-shirt i feel like it's very utilitarian however you don't want to miscategorize your products for example uh i don't want to put mine under lolita i think that that would be really i don't know big t-shirt tiny girl well yeah but it's only big if you order a size too big like i did you're like five foot two that's true anything is big on you like western and cowboy obviously not just make sure that just make sure that you do a little bit of research into what you're selling because you want to make sure that if someone is searching for utility they are able to find your product but just be realistic with it like if you make it if you make a style of clothing for one it's for that style of clothing it's not for anything else don't if if you have a false idea for what your product might be used for in your head other people might not necessarily see it that way so try to see it from an outside perspective if you're confused as to what your clothing is i think utility is a good all-rounder right i mean utility i think is technically supposed to be for like workshop clothing like it's kind of what we've created yeah so so that it fits that category um occasion this is one where a lot of people get confused because we've staggered what what was that etsy so this is an area where a lot of people get confused because just an fyi the drop down options don't show to us get on me for interrupting you oh you know why because that's a separate window sorry guys we'll just have to read them out you get the general idea they understand okay well when typing an occasion a lot of people i see will put like for example if i'm selling this t-shirt and it's around christmas time i might be tempted to put it as you know christmas as the occasion or you know oh this shirt could be given for a birthday i'll select not back to school i'll select birthday as the occasion but this would be miscategorizing it if you are putting birthday as the occasion that shirt needs to say happy birthday on it it needs to be a shirt that is about a birthday if you put christmas as the occasion you need to make sure that there is like a christmas tree on that shirt somebody who is searching for a christmas shirt is not going to want to buy my shirt and the best case scenario if you can't find anything on your drop down menu that fits your occasion holiday whatever is to just not choose anything you're not going to lose brownie points for not choosing something okay so if it doesn't apply to you these sections are optional you want to fill them out the best that you can if you're able to and if they fit your product but if not just skip them so we're going to skip occasion celebration oh celebration is where the holidays are uh we're going to skip celebration as well got all the major holidays on there cool uh sleeve length this is obviously only going to apply for shirts when i'm working within my jewelry shop it's something totally different and then neckline is crude neck crew neck uh we got two quick questions yeah let's get the questions if you have any questions about attributes give me those first and so jennifer said uh any advice on how to create those informational pictures you use what's a good software for that so the ones that you have up at the top yeah yeah i uh i use canva excuse me i i have a camo pro membership uh what which removes the backgrounds from the images that we take uh i used to cut them out by hand but canva pro has been a lifesaver it's it's well worth paying i think it's like over a hundred a little over a hundred dollars a year and for the time it saved me it was worth it for me uh if you want to cut out your own images you can use ipicy and use the eraser tool which is what i used to use and then for the backgrounds and everything i used uh canva canva pro and i think that canva the free version still you'll be able to do a ton with it you just won't be able to erase backgrounds i've lost a lot of weight just since that photo shoot you have you have i got the dad going right now let's see and then charlie said how did you get all those categories to come up including men's clothing and women's clothing she's referring to this right here it's when you fill out your category here your primary category will give you subcategories yeah it'll give you subcategories so basically if you list your shirt if i'm listing my shirt in t-shirts it's going to appear in searches for clothing men's clothing shirts and tees t-shirts women's clothing and tops and tees so these are all the related searches that my t-shirts will be found in so when you're selecting jewelry for example if you choose uh pendants then it says like gemstone pendants uh i don't know i can't remember offhand what some of the others are but basically fill the one out that feels the most right to you and then it will appear in all of its corresponding subcategories as well etsy uh puts these down here for us okay and then [Music] april said oh no i've definitely been putting occasions that i think my items would make a good gift for and i'll have to go in and take those out i mean it's probably not hurting you no i don't think it'll hurt it's just additional info i honestly would probably just leave them in there to be to be 100 honest with you yeah just it's one of it's more one of those things where if you're doing it it's it's more of a waste of time because if someone finds you in that search they might be confused yeah and then uh bun but if we sell bow ties can we put weddings for the occasion yeah if it's something you think somebody would wear for a wedding sure sure that that would be i think that that would fit the key the key with this kind of stuff is to really not like think think smart but don't think too hard if that makes any sense it's it's it's not as confusing as it makes itself out to be it's just a lot to do let's see charlie said the eraser tool and my picky didn't work until about a month ago it's html5 they're switching over from flash it's had all kinds of different problems for all different kinds of people i really like using canva so you don't need to repeat any of those subcategories in your tags now that unless they are your superstar keywords don't don't put the cart before the horse we'll get there i'll talk a little bit more about that too um let's see what if you want to appear and say doll adult and the child shirt category we can only work within the categories that etsy gives us so if that's not one of the categories you might want to create a separate listing for adult and child sizes because i didn't see a combined uh option i didn't either and if you're stuck having to use just one listing for any particular reason i would probably just stick with the t-shirt category because this one gives you men's clothing women's clothing and all that but it also just gives you clothing as a category and that's better than having nothing um when you purchase mock-ups for print-on-demand items can you still use canva to edit smart layers or in other words is there a feature where one can add patterns to black products on canvas or canva um i don't buy my mock-up so i'll be that that's the first thing i wanted to mention i use all of the free ones that are provided by printful um but you cannot go in unless you've got some really mad editing skills you can't go in and change what is on the shirts it's not gonna work like uh like a mock-up where you can actually change it i mean you can if you've got a blank shirt and you just put the vector over top of it but it's not going to look realistic it's going to just look like the vector is sitting on top of it unfortunately that would be more of a photoshop feature so the attributes changed too i didn't know extra choices had been added until going into a listing to update it go through your listings often and make sure you're not missing anything yeah absolutely you should be checking most aspects of your shop once at least every couple of weeks because they add stuff take stuff away you never know canva pros best instruments your regrets on that my subscription just renewed yeah she's been using it and it's great for just about anything all right last two um let's see sharon if you select an occasion or style or something are you limiting yourself to just searches that fall into those categories no you're not you're just getting extra brownie points for those categories but you're not limiting yourself to them they can only help but they cannot hurt um what free mock-up did you mention oh i just use the ones that printful provides printful gives us free mock-ups um but i we try to take photos of our own products because we want to test every product before we launch it we've got a couple that we haven't tested in certain colors but for the most part we try to buy one of each thing that way we know a little bit more about it and we can actually you know know that it's a good quality product that we're selling so all right if you guys have more questions about attributes you can type those in but we're going to go ahead and keep moving because let's get to the bread and butter of your listing and the main thing that counts when it comes to keyword optimization and that's the keywords right we want to make sure that we are getting our title which is right here and our tags filled out these are the areas that are going to matter the most for our seo now i'm going to pop into my e-rank account and like we had said previously mark and i do work for e-rank we don't get paid to recommend it i will be using e-rank pro today which is their 9.99 a month plan highly recommend it for most of you you can probably get by using the basic membership which is 5.99 a month uh if you're using the free membership your quotas are gonna really become an obstacle it's it's a really great tool to kind of start your seo journey with and learn a little bit more about it at the very least even if you don't quite understand seo it's a good way to get ideas for what you can you can add to your listings right and and it has more capabilities than any other seo tool currently available for etsy sellers so that's why we use it but when you first log into your e-rank account make sure that you click the refresh data button otherwise e-rank will not be able to pull uh the data from your shop we don't do that automatically we only do it when you tell us to so make sure that we hit that we have anthony in a little van that's this is a fun thing about hitting your refresh data button guys every time oh they changed it every it used to be a different vehicle well they did it in a usps truck because if it ever goes slow you're used to it oh no there it goes [Laughter] you know what's funny is i just had oily make a bunch more of those so those images those images might change a little bit but you'll get a different image hopefully every time you refresh all right so this is your dashboard on whether you have a free basic or pro membership it should look a little bit like this as long as you have your etsy shop connected and just a quick reminder guys um it doesn't matter how many etsy shops you have you can go ahead and connect more than one up here in the top right corner by clicking connect another shop so currently we are working within elf adapt but i do have two shops connected um look at our inventory value that's the downside of doing print on demand is you've got you just updated it and it went up by like seven grand yeah you have nearly infinite infinite inventory so we're going to be doing a lot of work within the keyword tool in the keyword explorer today i do want to give a quick disclaimer that these tools are under construction right now because we're hoping to be improving them and possibly combining them in the near future that way they can be accessed all from one page but for those who are unfamiliar with e-rank the keyword tool is going to tell you common things that fellow etsy sellers are tagging their products as this is going to help you to see if there is demand for your product and if if you see that nobody is listing anything like what you're selling it's a pretty good indication that that thing isn't popular you want to see competition not an insane amount of competition but you want to see some competition because if nobody's trying to sell it usually means that nobody wants to buy it either so we're going to use the keyword tool to look at some prices and see if we can you know look at what you know the industry standard is for our t-shirts and then we're going to go into the keyword explorer and we are going to begin um doing some keyword research since one is planner kate not number one what she's number five wow i mean she still got 839 sales yesterday yeah if you guys want to hate yourself go to most sales yesterday and look at these people who made a thousand sales they all sell like stickers and charms and little things and they have thousands of listings yeah could you imagine having to pack all those orders yeah you gotta have a warehouse of people doing it for you so starting out we're gonna start within the keyword tool and we're gonna do a little bit of research into what other sellers are doing before we jump in and we begin uh really optimizing our listings and this is this is just assuming that you don't know anything about your industry right this is assuming that you're a newbie if you already know common price points and you know the average processing time for products like yours you can skip this step um half you know i would say halfway through your your etsy journey is you'll you'll decide that you don't really need to use this tool as much unless you're creating totally new products but if you list products that are kind of the same you'll almost memorize this information but in the meantime uh let's just search um then well let's just start with shirt we'll just start with t-shirt now you want to start with a very broad term when doing keyword research and through that through you know searching for that broad term you can refine down you want to work on refining down because that's the same journey that your shoppers are going to go on right if you're stop shopping for a t-shirt you might just start on etsy by shopping for shirts you just type in shirts and then you look at some of the shirts and you see you know you see things that you like you see things that you don't like but by seeing the things that you do like you realize oh that's the style i like i like minimalist shirts so then you type in minimalist shirts and then you realize that you like minimalist shirts that are 100 cotton so then you refine your search again to 100 cotton minimalist shirts and then you find the shirt that you're ultimately going to buy as a seller we kind of have to go down the same journey we start with a very broad term and then we see what rabbit holes that broad term leads us down so let's take a look at just t-shirt you know it's a good stream and something people needed when nobody is saying anything for several minutes is that because the chat's not working or is that because that's because they're they're uh immersed are you guys immersed immersed are you immersed all right so it looks like t-shirts is actually not a super popular term on its own take ee this is a this is a thing that i commonly have an issue with on e-rank not getting a lot of data for this so like let's let's try different ways of doing this now i will say i don't think it matters if there's a hyphen in there or not a space it counts it as a space so you don't really need to worry about that try it anyway because you never know if that's going to change and voila look the data changed there's a whole crapload more stuff so if you're not getting something let's let's use another example sticker and stickers no before this even they're just throwing an s shirts on there and see what happens look at that look at that even less data so you gonna go through and collaborate because this is and we're working on this i don't know how much i can actually say but we're working on making it where this data is like collaborative so you're not getting mixed results for all things that should be the exact same thing right and and guys on etsy's side etsy doesn't care if there's an s etsy doesn't care if you're using plurals it's just e-rank it's it's it's a lot more difficult than you think to make because that was three different ways to say the exact same thing but e-rank is based on what people are typing in to search so eric isn't combining everything together that's easy but it will be right we're working all right so we've seen a couple different options we've got t-shirt t-shirt and t-shirt and it looks like uh this is the most common way that people type in t-shirts let's you know what for fun let's do a compare keywords let's do t shirt well our e-rank pro membership expire june 1st if you signed up or if you got the free membership with uh handmade alpha academy in december then it's a year isn't it yeah so if she is a year if you signed up in june of last year then it'll expire on the on the one year mark t-shirts it's not gonna like delete your account or anything though you just gotta go back in and start it back up let's compare guys compare keywords is a fun is a fun one that we can use if we wanna see how these measure up side by side oh what's which one was this t-shirt t-shirt no t-shirt yes i got her guys yes i know that it is a t-shirt no shut up i'm i'm happy now [Laughter] so competition is high on all these but that's okay guys don't freak out about competition if you can find something with lower competition that's great that's good for you see the thing is this tool was invented when there were significantly fewer people on etsy and most terms are going to be maxed out on that competition it tops out it's a lot more than 50 100 that's just where it bottoms out yeah that's it but the things that i want to look at the things that i want to focus on since competition it's like if you get low competition that's wow good for you um but got to do comparative analysis exactly so looking here t-shirts has 13 000 searches that's people who want to buy t-shirts the average clicks are 7 six hundred and seventy two that's really good seven over seven thousand almost eight thousand people are clicking on listings under t-shirts the click-through rate is 59 that's not too bad that's that's a good number so i'm actually really liking this this option for t-shirts here and because we're looking at terms that are all basically the same thing you look at t-shirt the top want here let me have the mouse real quick that way you're not the only one doing this you're looking at this one as well this one also has good search it has good clicks and it has a good click-through rate etsy well i would i personally would use this one if if you're selling more a pack than more than one be honest about what you're selling too but etsy will see this as one thing so if you're selling just a singular t-shirt you can get away with t-shirt and you'll still get the same result that you would for getting t-shirts right from the search so but that's that you can basically need to combine these together is what you need to be looking at because these are going to be the exact same thing you don't have to do this for every everything that you search it's not all going to be like this and it's not always going to do things like this some things are a little less specific the t-shirt just has a lot of different ways that you can spell it a lot of different ways that you can say it so i'm happy with t-shirts um and when you're doing these compare keywords you can also just go and click directly in and take a look here and it'll take us into the keyword tool this is going to tell us a little bit about what other sellers are doing and some of the etsy searches by country so it looks like united states takes up 58 of the pie then the uk is taking up around 25 percent next up we've got canada australia germany and then other is going to be combined other countries that are that are searching so vpns and things that people have where they're not identifiable uh most people are are pricing their t-shirts at around 19 and 98 cents so let's take a look at where our oh well i don't know what the conversion is what's the 26 i don't know like 30 something 30 35 32 35 so we're so we're on the higher end but that's because we're trying to to stand out lifestyle brown lifestyle brand um total views we've got some some views for people who use this keyword in their listings um you can see some popular tags and the most popular ones are going to be bigger so let's see shirt alignment tool obviously that's for people making shirts matching shirts dad shirt christmas shirt father's day shirt uh women's easter shirt obviously that's from last month holidays we've got popular categories it looks like the unisex adult clothing is the most popular out of the categories which is what we've listed in so that's good and then we can see some keyword ideas which is a really fun thing to to use to try to gather you know some additional ideas that you might not have thought of so we've got obviously we don't want christmas shirts also quick disclaimer with with uh us using e-rank on the screen kiddos that can read there's a small potential that something inappropriate might pop up in our little uh our little box here we don't have any control over that oh just just wanted to put that out there i can't i can't filter through all this stuff youtube doesn't care but i figured i'd warn you that's why we do alphas well we haven't done it for a long time but that's why we do alphas after dark so we can do keyword research on 18 plus products for our sellers who who sell 18 plus let's see mama shirt looky there mama shirt probably mother's day you can hover over the bars and see where historically um dog shirt oh it's not it's not very if you're not if you're not in the us we have a lot of we have a lot of off holidays as well just random things that we celebrate here so if something looks like it spikes and it doesn't make sense there's probably a holiday for it so what i'm gonna do guys because we've got a lot of really great ideas here and i don't want to i don't want to lose any of these great ideas i want to keep these i don't i don't want to forget about them right i might want to put i don't know if i want to put them in my listings yet i'm still doing a little bit of research so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go under tools go into keyword lists and i'm going to make it an open and new tab if you couldn't see that oh and i'm going to make myself a new keyword list so you guys can see where i've been doing some research for elf adapt i'm just gonna do t-shirt and i'm gonna call this test so i know that this isn't i still just find it so weird that t-e-e isn't is your like default way to spell t-shirt i've never once written or spelled it like that and i'm going to add a red color flag to this that way i know that this let me let me add greens to these so i know that these are the ones that i'm actually using these color flags you can use however you want i just like them because they're pretty they're pretty okay so go ahead and do a quick refresh on this that way i can generate my new list i want to select my t-shirt list from down here there we go so now we can see that we're adding keywords to our t-shirt list and let's let's take a little look here we've got obviously i want to save t-shirts so i'm going to click this little gray star that's going to add it into my keyword list so i can keep track of it um let's see [Music] funny shirts teacher shirt mama shirt dog shirt t-shirt men might save that one you are the t-shirt man the t-shirt man long-sleeve shirt i'll keep that one t-shirts for women i'll keep that one [Music] um let's see we're getting into almost no average searches yeah you're right okay so we've got a couple ideas from there let's try minim mo list clothing i don't know if this is going to give me any results and minnie malice no no results man nobody's searching minimalist clothing however take clothing off of there ah now you're stinking and guys if you feel like uh it takes you forever to do keyword research i the reason i wanted to do this demo is i want to show you that it takes me forever too it takes everybody forever sometimes you just kind of mess around so are you to use keywords that are 50 000 or more or do you want the lower count one if you can find ones that are that are lower for the etsy competition that's great but there are so many people on etsy now that it's nearly impossible for any i don't even know why we keep that number on there to be honest and then because this is just specifically minimalist this is this is this is daddy tricks and mama don't that mama don't do so this is a good i don't know if this one specific specifically will do it but you can see if you're if you're trying to appeal to the minimalist crowd you can literally just type in minimalist and then you can go down here and see what what they're searching for and then i'll do that and then voila you want to tell them what you just did though so they know i clicked up here you can filter by uh most to least up here click it and then you get average this is the first one that you want to look at average searches because if i go down here and i look at this kind of stuff okay so like minimus minimalist t-shirt but this is t-shirt together so you got to keep that in mind and there's basically nobody searching for this but then we go up here and say we say oh yeah i make minimalist jewelry cool there's actually good a good amount of people searching for that and there's actually a really decent amount for a click-through rate a minimalistic core doesn't really have that great of a click through it i still wouldn't call that a failure that's that's better than nothing people buy decor less than they buy clothes so but yeah so i wouldn't i wouldn't use middle minimalist shirt what if we just did we do shirt by itself should we pay yeah should we pay attention to the click-through rate yeah yeah no i do click-through rate's important click-through rate is basically telling us here and guys make sure that you hover over these uh because they'll tell you these little orange question marks the ratio of clicks uh clicks to search is on etsy shown as percentage so basically the average number of people who clicked after making that search yeah so what i like to do when looking at these is let's get one that's a little yeah like this so average search is going to be the interest in that particular type of product right and then if we go down here so we have one that's got like this is a pretty this one right here it's like girl shirt a lot of people searched for that but then realized that searching for that wasn't going to get them what they wanted right almost nobody actually clicked through for it so we know that this probably isn't going to be a good one to use this one i would honestly probably say the same thing it has a high click-through rate but it's got a very very low average search i actually like that one sure i think that one looks nice that that looks that is a promising number yeah it's up to you but then you go up here mother's day shirt almost nothing on the click-through rate and an insanely high average search so it's it's like a choose your uh choose your risk level kind of thing use the average search to see the interest and the average clicks to see if that's something that people are actually once they get that search result back if they're actually going to continue looking through the listings if they if because when you when you search for something you see the page and if what you initially see isn't even close to your interest you're more likely to click right back in that search box and search for something else so if it's got very very low average clicks like funny shirt does got average searches is really high but only 93 clicks that means people are searching funny search a lot or a funny shirt a lot but then when they actually get there they're like i need to be more specific and they're going right back up to the top so it's not a good term to use now i found embroidered shirt which is what my shirts are and that this is some these are these are some decent numbers i really like the results that i'm seeing there um and what was the other one bella canvas shirt that's what my shirt is it's bella canvas brand so bella canvas uh shirt is looking okay average click-through rate isn't fantastic but it doesn't look terrible and make sure that you're also looking at the trend graph we can see that the most popular time for my shirt seems to be well well it was may of last year when everything was kind of trending so i wouldn't use that as my uh my guiding light but it looks like my next spike for bella canvas shirts will be oh come on september i can expect to see some more traffic for that let's see uh that's very specific so don't if you're do if you're doing very specific searchings like for something like bella canvas most people don't have a preference to the type of shirt they're receiving all right i think that we've gotten some good ones let's um let me try something else let's try there's a wolf on my shirt right so let's try wolf and see what we get because obviously we've got the the wolf logos on our t's we'll try with crystal said uh thanks i have several keywords that are lower on the searches but the click-through rate is very high that's fine this is you're not going to find like high click-through rate high search you're not going to get the perfect words for every single thing you're going to have to stuff it with things occasionally and it's better to do that with things you know are going to at least perform well if they're searched for on the trend graph how did you know it was may um they're very small we've hover your hover your mouse and leave it there for a second yeah if you hover your mouse i don't think i don't know if it'll show for them or not yeah i don't think that they can see the little pop-up you if you hover over your mouse over the little bar that you're searching for and just give it a second it'll pop up the the month of the year yeah um so let's see wolf maybe we should make that more apparent i'm going to take that down um we've already requested that it's it the thing is if we make it any bigger it's going to blow out the size of the table so we haven't figured out an intelligent way to do that yet it's been an ongoing thing though that we've requested let's uh filter by searches so we can see what's actually most searched see now wolf shirt specifically uh to me yeah that's good it's great and competition is low it doesn't have like an insane amount of searches but the competition is extremely low so we can take advantage of that i like that this is uh not in the right category we found an anomaly from pakistan working as a virtual assistant you guys are doing a great job i just joined this appreciate it all right let's see we've got faux fur pom pom wolf decor wolf carving okay so it looks like we found our our our sweets are inappropriate terms at the bottom just don't scroll to the bottom of course okay so i think we found a good one there um i think we've got enough that we could do a little bit of work for our shirt and obviously guys the shirt that we're listing it hopefully you guys have something really outstanding that that you can describe if you've got something that says like i don't know um if you have something that says like i love camping you could do things like you know camp camping shirt uh summer shirt summer field trip summer camp there's there's plenty of things that attach to something like that with the alphas it's a little bit harder because we know that there aren't there isn't like an influx of people out on etsy searching specifically for offspring exactly why i just searched that and saw that there was absolutely nobody searching for it so yes all right so let's go ahead and work within i don't want to alphas alpha alpha alpha alpha delta pi it's literally just you guys should start searching alphas on etsy that or elf adapt all right so let's go into our t-shirt keyword list and see which ones we have we've got bella canvas shirt embroidered shirt long sleeve shirt screen print shirt so let's start trying to build a decent title with you filter that by average searches just so it's easier to keep up with we know what our what our hot boys are do it the other way there you go that was just for my ocd sorry our hot boys top boys so we've got wolf shirt i think is the one that i i'm really liking how it looks um it doesn't have an insane amount of searches but i'm really happy with the competition level here now this is not a screen print shirt um so i'm actually gonna save this one for maybe a future design i'll go ahead and put a red on this so i know that i'm not using it right now t-shirts for women um it looks i like that i think it's not 35 percent click through it's not bad i looks okay that's like that's like i use it if we don't run out of terms to use kind of term maybe i'll put a yellow on that um i really liked embroidered shirt yeah i think i want to use a decent t-shirt men can we go back and actually just find see if there's a better oh see this is why we do this search search search search search you should have done the comparison i'm gonna run up that quota hi if we ran up my quota i'll reset it i was gonna say i would just message anthony and tell him to reset it for me because i have all the power the power that's that's yeah see that's still not that should be our disclaimer is that we have as e-rank employees when we're doing little tests and things we can have access to unlimited quotas see that's interesting literally just the space maybe it's because men are lazy and they don't put the space in no i think it's because when you're actually searching for a t-shirt you're thinking of being more specific but when you're typing something out looking for something specific you're just like men's t-shirt and you're not you don't worry about it as much so this one actually has search data but this is this one how's this one doing can you hurry up love please it's a lot of data to pull t-shirt t-shirt men's gift men's clothing funny t-shirt yeah people don't shop for men on etsy what's wrong with y'all i like shirts too well we'll go ahead we'll we'll give you one there you go that one has better data than the other one does no all right i'll go ahead and refresh so we've got your new shirt on there there's the quota for pro basic is 100 4 pro it's 200 right i think so yeah duble 200 which i hope is enough because that's a lot that is a lot any more than that you should take a break go on a walk all right um so if we use wolf t-shirt we will also be using wolf okay so this these almost cancel each other out so we know that we'll be using wolf just like if we use wolf shirt we also know that we'll be using embroidered so if we did embroidered wolf shirt t-shirt t-shirt embroidered wolf tee space sure t space shirt we're hitting used all of ours we just hit all of them together all right so i might call this uh embroidered wolf boop sorry i'm having this that's that chicken peckin t-shirt is that how they did it just t in the space t without a space works too but etsy knows that didn't that's he'll put it together okay so i've used um i've used embroidered shirt so i'm gonna add this into my listing tags as well and i'll show you what to do with these but i know that i've used that one so i'll add it i used t-shirt i've used wolf shirt um you could even put four men on there and kill that off that that t-shirt man or men's t-shirt i guess it would take both of those out embroidered wolf t-shirt that's not what this is though yes that's not just for men yeah you're right embroidered wolf bella canvas t-shirt so i got an exact match for what it is pelican no i didn't t isn't in there so that wouldn't be an exact match but that's okay so i'll add bella canvas shirt would you put unisex in there uh i might actually put for men and women and then that's gonna give us t-shirts for women is there a character count for the what's the character count for the title what's the character count for the title it is uh because if you need to save space i would for sure use an ampersand i've got eight because etsy can 100 and ampersand looks better that's he can tell the difference between and ampersand i'm sure don't get mad at me if you break a listing switching to ampersand but all right um and it's not long-sleeved screen print shirt it's not a screen print and we've already got wolf in there does it matter if there's a dash or a space t-shirt no no as you can see the difference most most websites recognize ada the the hyphen as uh just the space right um so obviously if i were like for for our listings that are in our alph adapt shop if we pull up the original one oh no cancel you freak out when it there's an easy thing right in front of you you can't open another listing why can't i open another listing there we go so when i listed mine uh for the alphas because we're doing most of our external marketing and we don't have to rely heavily on seo but we listed it as ultra soft handmade alpha embroidered t-shirt in dark colors um and the key words here that we were hitting were handmade alpha because obviously anyone who is searching handmade alpha knows us they they wouldn't search that if they didn't know us uh we hit embroidered t-shirt because we know that this little hyphen won't be counted so we did get embroidered t-shirt in there and dark colors um that is more just representative of our listing so this title is probably even better optimized than the one that we originally put in our listing but like i said since we're directing most of our traffic and people who find us organically aren't going to connect with our brand because they don't know what the heck this logo means they're not likely to buy anyway we're doing this for you guys but if i were optimizing for the general public i might say embroidered a wolf bella canvas t-shirt for men and women okay um you can do longer titles if you like to do the keyword stuff style titles just make sure that if you choose to go that route you separate things out for example with it for example if i did research and found that um you know maybe gray uh short sleeve tee was a popular search term i might put that in there it's probably spam and add in my little forward slash it doesn't matter if you're using commas it doesn't matter if you're using dashes uh etsy's going to read those all the same i'm a fan of forward slashes just because i think that they look nice that's that's just me personally but either way in terms of the algorithm etsy isn't going to give any extra brownie points either way it just depends on how many keywords you're trying to hit you tend to get more exact match terms which is uh matching exactly with what someone's typing into search which are these words exactly how we see them here you can usually fit in more exact match terms when you're doing this but obviously like i said if you want to do those short concise sentences that that sound nice and clean like we've done here with ultra soft handmade alpha and brighter t-shirt and dark colors um you can also go with the shorter sentence as well seller dealer services they wanted to talk to me about my extended warranty on my 2011 kia soul wow you know you really want to buy an extended warranty for a vehicle that's 10 years old 10 years old embroidered wolf bella canvas t-shirt for men and women and uh we'll go ahead and get rid of gray short sleeve tee we'll just keep it short for for the sake of our listing now obviously guys i'm not going to sit here and spend hours and hours doing keyword research i'm sure that there are more keywords out there that i could use for this but we would be here all night this does take time that's why i highly recommend making sure that you're utilizing keyword lists and creating lists to uh really sort your keywords and keep track of the ones that you want to use okay now remember when we were adding things with this little add button over here it's putting them right here into our listing tags builder so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click to copy my listing tags and then i can take those directly down to our tags and paste them in and you see that it adds them automatically into our listings now one thing i will say and one thing that etsy tells us is that if we have already said the word shirt for example we don't need to use the word shirt twice we don't get extra sharp points for most using shirt multiple ties shirt shirt you don't get extra points for saying shirt shirt i have a surety shirt shirt so technically embroidered shirt and t-shirts and wolf shirt is redundant however if we want to hit an exact match for these terms uh you can repeat them if you have some terms that you really want to be known for if i really wanted to be known for wolfsher then it would be okay to add it in there multiple times but if you're one of those people who has the the wonderful gift of lots and lots of keywords that could fit your product and you know that you could hit more types of products and you could get more unique keywords in there by combining some of these that's fine as well because either way etsy will broad match them by mixing them all together etsy will read embroidered wolf bella canvas t-shirts for women etsy will read men's t-shirt uh embroidered t-shirts yeah etsy can we'll mix and match these okay so for the sake of hurrying along so we can get on to to a little bit more i'm just going to add in the ones that i know are a given like handmade alpha alpha jaws alp jaws handmade alpjaz would you also consider the title to describe your item in more detail such as sizes materials colors etc uh only if people were searching for those things oh my goodness another one upstairs i'm gonna yell dirty words only if only if people are searching for things by the size the color uh and the details that that are on there um for example if you were specializing in plus size clothing i would definitely put plus size in your title because i think that anybody who you know shops within plus sizes knows that they kind of have to add that in there otherwise they're just going to get things that are like you know way too small right so in that case yes um but if your product is offered in size you know small and medium and large i wouldn't put something like a small medium and large in my title does that make sense um make sure that people are actually searching for what you're putting in your title that your title is very very important and you want to make sure that your keyword optimizing it with things that people are actually typing into search so um so we'll do handmade alphas just for fun we'll do starla more assuming you guys love me enough to search for me directly and we'll do amber marie because she's famous uh we'll do alpha logo just these are random keywords that i'm sure nobody is actually searching other than you guys maybe we'll do friday bean for fun and short sleeve tease and i don't know cotton shirt all right now please don't guess your keywords i'm doing that to save us all some time so that you don't have to sit and watch me for hours and hours and hours okay so tags titles and attributes those are the three areas that we want to optimize for our seo okay guys so make sure that those are the areas that you're focusing on when you're doing your keyword research now assuming that we've keyword optimize this uh this product to our liking we can publish it um and once you publish it what you also want to do and what i highly recommend doing is going into and going into the changes tool what this is going to do is it's going to allow you to see how the changes you make to your seo affect your views favorites and sales when you're listing new products it's going to give you kind of a leg up so you can see how those products perform over a short period of time and if you decide that you need to make some changes because you know seo takes 60 to 90 days to really kick in so you want to give them 60 to 90 days to settle in but you might want to track them in the meantime just to see how they're doing so far now you're when you go into changes you're not going to be able to track from there you need to start active listings and then choose the items that you want to track so for example i might click track changes here which i've already got 20 listings tracked so i've hit my quota i should ask anthony to get me unlimited quota but what you want to do is hit the button that says track changes don't say that i'm going to get a bunch of freaking emails and people say i want a limited quota you won't get it no don't do that um but you go in here you click track changes and then you can either click show changes on specific listings or we can go into our changes tool now i haven't looked at this yet amber and i started tracking these the day that we published them which was what day did we launch the eighth the eighth i yeah i think we launched our shop on the eighth so we're gonna see it together let's see we will look at where's our raspberry hoodie let's look at it show changes for raspberry hoodie so on day one we got seven views plus seven views so 106 views total that doesn't make any sense because they tracked for a day and then it was seven on top seven seven yeah gotcha let's see 109 111 and we haven't made any changes to this listing so so that doesn't make any sense because we sold one of these i specifically tried to choose one two pages the second page oh that wasn't the first day but he's the dingleberry this is the first day which they're still it still isn't showing it's still not showing the that's favorites quantity available maybe it's because we relisted one amber are you here did you relist one right after it sold is it automatic all right we'll go in back into changes we'll we'll pick let's pick a different one let's find something else that sold um let me go into what do i say uh looks like looks like the stickers have been our most popular and that's the one that we're not tracking good job we'll do the hat looks like two people have purchased hats so we'll do we'll do we'll do hats that was the one i didn't think would ever sell the hat that's it was on that okay no it's this one it's the distressed hat distress oh okay so we got a little that one's working so let's go to our starting date negative two that means that on the second day of being listed two of our hats sold so when you see the red negative number and quantity available it would make that green that's a that's a good thing you want to see negative two you want to see negative because that means something has sold total views are just going up that's fantastic we had to relist as when you only have one variant it auto picks it got it gotcha oh that's right okay gotcha so looking good looking good oh we added a bunch we got lots of hats did we somebody buy our hats we got too many hats too many hats too many hats there's hats everywhere amber you can't breathe amber did you add more hats or did a different color variant become available on i'm assuming that's what it is because she added 13 and there's 26 now and there were 13 which probably means there's a new variant i don't know what's going on but anyway guys uh this is going to be a good indicator to just see the progress if you're seeing a lot of like green and hopefully some negatives in the quantity available assuming that you're just like not delisting them because if you de-list them it will also show as negative if your total views has a negative you'd be alarmed because the universe is imploding on itself yeah so you want to make sure that you're seeing lots of green these this is good good signs for me i like seeing things like this um i want to go and see if there's anything that has good things good i like good things see good things good for me is anything not selling is there anything that hasn't gotten any let's try the bomber jack are those numbers accumulative um are you which numbers are you talking like the total views yeah it'll show your total views on the regular number and then it'll have a little plus however many to show you what the new what the added is so we've got like that one seven on the first day plus one brings it up to eight you get both the cumulative number and the increase number ten so that was plus two eleven that's plus one and then it's kind of beneficial he's looked at it he says you hate us so nobody's looked at us this will update every 24 ish hours it takes this is a snapshot basically guys it takes daily snapshot it tells you um what has changed over the period of 24 hours so if ever if everybody were to go to the bomber jacket listing right now and go check it out and favorite it um i wouldn't see those changes in my track changes until tomorrow so now everybody's going to go do that just to mess with me so um that's fine it makes our shop look better we're getting more people looking at the shop yeah go look at it but this this is my favorite tool for just you know seeing how those changes affect what i've what i've done and another really cool thing is if i decided to go in and change some keywords if i decided to go in and add a new keyword i would be able to see those changes here i would be able to see a little red highlight that shows me what i took out and what i added in so you can if you make a change that makes everything plummet it makes your views plummet it makes your favorites plummet uh it results in like no sales at all you can see where you made that change that way you can go and change it back so that's another really useful thing about the uh the changes tool so um guys if you i i this is just a quick overview of how i personally do my keyword research and really i rush through it when i keyword optimize listings um my initial research usually takes a lot of time but then i'm able to take what i found to work so for example with our uh our t-shirt here i have a lot of t-shirts right i've got this t-shirt and then i also have this t-shirt this t-shirt this t-shirt i've got all of these i think they're all in lupus i've got all of these t-shirts right you can use these keywords i know that these keywords are already tested and proven i know that that the letter t and shirt is most searched so i can reuse those across multiple listings and save myself a whole lot of time especially when i'm listing a lot of products that are similar so for example this is a blue acid wash t-shirt right so i can change it up by putting blue in the title blue acid wash t-shirt but then i've also got it in green and i've got it in red so i can list it as red acid wash t-shirt but in terms of the acid wash uh t-shirt handmade alphas that's all the same and it's a big time saver if i just want to make some copies of listings and then use a lot of the same tags other than the things that are obviously different like the color so um guys guys if you have any questions about etsy seo feel free to type those into the chat let us know uh if you have any questions about the the new shop and how we've set that up if you have any questions about our our photos our pricing our sizing or anything like that um yeah feel free to let us know we're we're trying to pop the questions trying to do some stuff on a more newbie level so and are you done with screen share or keep it up for just a minute in case they have questions about e-rank let's go ahead and pop into certainly couldn't go back and turn it back on oh no no never never pro tip while you're getting your questions in the phone call i just received was from uh from a loan agency i don't have any loans and they were trying to do a collection um i now know the full first and last name of a person that has a loan collection out on them because they just said it are you this person so don't don't don't take sketchy loans because i have they're calling my phone number she used my phone number so not only do i know her name i know the area code from where she's from yikes so no sketchy loans guys let's see here i can't figure out how to select a list to track changes on i searched on e-rank and i can't find it all right so if you're starting from your dashboard go slow because you go really fast let's start from your dashboard okay you might be impulse to go to changes that's not where you want to go to track it okay you want to go into active listings this will show all the listings in your shop and then you want to hit track changes right here okay how do you get to the list of changes so you hit track changes obviously we've already maxed out our quota so we'll just pretend that we tracked it and then you can either click show changes directly from this page or you can go up to your listings tab go to changes and then you'll see all of the listings that you are currently tracking there should be you know multiple pages if you have a lot of listings tracked and then you can click show changes from there and you can start seeing the daily snapshots of those changes but you're welcome john to track them initially you need to go into active listings so i can't find where to copy a listing to make a copy of a listing there's a couple places that you can go you can go directly from your storefront click on a listing and then right up here you can click to copy it and it will copy all of the information over uh you can also do it from your active listings page within your uh seller account so on the on the seller side i don't want to show you any of amber's you know personal personal info so i won't do that but uh where does uh what does e-rank mean when it posts a banner on my dashboard saying quote unquote you sold more than 92 percent of other shops on etsy i know this can't be possible so what does this mean you know how many sellers are on etsy that is absolutely popular and there are like uh quite a few uh shops on etsy that don't even have any listings or have never posted listings that's that that means that you are in that top percentile top eight percent and if i were to switch here to art by star lamore which has been on vacation mode for a long time obviously because of our swarovski debacle oh look i'm out of oh no i am in the top one percent still so um mine is in the top one percent so yeah that's that's exactly what that means pat yourself on the back it it is a very getting into those top percents is hard um i know that it doesn't feel like it for those of you who are really close but hitting the actual top one person is very difficult yeah give yourself a little bit of benefit even if you say like oh i've only had x amount of sales or i've only been on etsy for x amount of time yeah well there are people that have been on etsy for like five years that haven't made a single sale exactly like i know it's not as hard as people make it out to be for a lot but it's you give yourself give yourself some credit yeah absolutely we hit we're in top 57 amber yay uh is there any way to check on e-rank in what category is a competitor's listing um i'm not sure let me uh he asked it too fast these are all these are all haa students so these are not my competitors um but i'll pick on laurie she's our sold score is it by country i'm in canada no it's it's all uh it's all of etsy all the betsy together is this gonna pull up her shop or is it gonna pull up her page top 1 is about is about 3 400 sales right now there are over 4 million sellers and a lot have zero sales yeah i think there are more that have zero sales than there aren't okay so can we see what category um it doesn't look like it i don't think so we can see things like jewelry necklaces is that the category collectible sculptures and there it is there it is cool so and guys go give laurie some love she's like a stuff is dope i love laurie i have this wolf jar laurie's amazing i think i've ever seen her jewelry in person but i can her pottery stuff is oh yeah it's on point so um yeah this you can add uh competitors to track if there's some people you want to keep an eye on it's completely anonymous they have no idea that you're tracking them if you want to keep an eye on them if you guys want to track alpha adapt and see how we're doing you're free to do that feel free to snoop on us bring it on bro bring it on bro we've only got 17 sales right now but but that's up to you guys to to help us boost those numbers up but yeah um i i love the the competition tracker tool i personally in my both of the shops now don't really have any competition but i think it's a really useful tool for everybody who's in a saturated niche question about the hot button honestly rank do you use it to check trends use it to get ideas etc and then use the keywords in your listings if you want to yeah sometimes we can it's not the i don't really use trends for um i don't use the yeah not specifically like i wouldn't pull a keyword right out of here because this doesn't tell you anything about the keyword right this is just showing you what people are searching the very very most and what was the hottest the hot button is going to show you what was the hottest yesterday if you want to look at the monthly trends you can go here into our our trend buzz report and this is going to show you what was popular uh this month or last month on etsy so why was father's day get so hot go back because father's day is this month oh is it i thought it already happened this year no june it's next month so uh yeah you can and you can sort by categories as well but daily trend is just going to show you what was hot yesterday so on on etsy amazon and ebay nobody buying bikinis on etsy i bet there's some sick bikinis on etsy lawn games were hot yesterday outdoor was apparently hot but down by seven 2k clothing what it's all about i'm assuming maybe that's a brand i think it's 90s being popular and that by 2k yeah y'all remember that when everybody thought the whole world was going to collapse because because computers yeah we were only like two years old [Laughter] it was [Laughter] uh let's see the only thing i don't like is that etsy records a sale as one sale regardless of quantity sold right if somebody bought but then it's fair because it does that for everybody so yeah exactly it's it is all of the items that sold within that purchase it's an unfair metric but it's a fair scale because it does it's the same for everybody um i still don't believe it though because that was within three months of opening my shop i went gangbusters for three or four months but haven't done more than 30 sales in the last seven months which is normal it's it's it's your total cumulative sales it's not saying like you're better than all these shops it's saying you have more sales than 92 percent of shops on etsy which is probably true it is true because it is data it is from etsy's api it's math you don't have to believe it but it's numbers that we've pulled directly from etsy so if you don't think that it's correct feel free to reach out to to our support teammate right now but uh i was surprised about quote unquote handmade jewelry and hot being hot for a while so i thought why not use it if it's very genetic why not use it even if it is very generic should be one generally used handmade as a keyword if you see it trending then yeah why not let's let's even we'll if it's made with your hands like let's pop into the keyword explorer and see type in a handmade jewelry just to see you've got the keyboard hi sarah b hello all right let's see oh yeah um 2020 it seems to have been doing well and then last month look at that oh my god i am old y2k yeah i feel ya it's not too bad not too bad uh general or the average click-through rate isn't the best but average clicks are okay doesn't seem like a terrible keyword high competition obviously but is e-rank live data no no um e-rank so e-rank works in a lot of different ways okay the first area is making sure you click your refresh data button which controls how we pull stuff directly from your shop okay so in order to make sure that we have the most up-to-date data for your shop you need to click refresh data yes okay so that's just for your shop then we have the things that come in daily we have the the etsy data that comes in every single day for example changes right the changes this is a daily thing we we do it day by day um hot this is day by day we're showing you what was hot yesterday and then we also have monthly trend trends which was everything that was popular last month the top 100 searches for last month um it really just depends on what you're using but nothing is working like immediately keywords are a monthly thing keywords are a monthly other than hot other than hot well that because that's not from our keywords i'm talking about like keyword research keywords yeah those are monthly and anybody that says they get them live is either a liar or a billionaire because the data is expensive it's like a lot more zeros than most people would be comfortable spending on anything expensive and it's monthly yeah so to to buy that data daily and actually get it from companies daily and incorporate it daily would be impossible for any company that isn't like google yeah and some companies i'm sure do update it more frequently but i don't not for etsy not brazzy no most companies that are doing a france you don't have the money to be doing something like that so yeah anyway let's see here uh i haven't figured it out how to use my feet for it yet what feet pics i'm just kidding uh how long right now i'm trying to understand long tail keywords questions uh long tail keywords are basically a more specific type of keyword how much of the stream did you watch did you just join us so if i were to want to find a strong long tail keyword that points to a very specific type of product i would start with what we call a head keyword this is a keyword that is short it explains what your product is but it isn't super specific so if i'm trying to sell my embroidered wolf shirt i would start with the head keyword shirt okay shirt is the head keyword it doesn't point to a specific type of product and there's not a lot of purchase intent now what that means is that someone who types in shirt probably doesn't know what they're looking for therefore they're less likely to buy long tail keywords point to a very specific type of product and they tell us that someone who's typing that that keyword in knows what they want to buy so we start with our head keyword shirt and then we look to find strong long tail keywords now a lot of these say no um however i actually don't use this long tail graph i kind of go based on my my own understanding of because it's not it's not correct all the time um for example let's see okay we'll say vintage t-shirt i would say that vintage t-shirt probably is not a long tail keyword because i think that it could be more specific than that uh however uh fourth of july shirt that might be a little bit closer um trying to find ones that aren't anthony bourdain shirt anthony bourdain's shirt like that's that's very specific um because it's because you filtered by yeah alphabetical uh big little shirt um bride shirt says yes that is not a long tail keyword um so i i'm not a big fan of the long tail keyword uh indicators here but basically it's a word that typically has three to four to more words within it it's a phrase that's fully descriptive yeah that points to a very specific type of product that is your long tail shirt isn't descriptive t-shirt isn't descriptive dragon t-shirt is a little more descriptive black dragon t-shirt is descriptive right exactly that makes sense yeah if you can if you can fully understand the concept of it then it's that it's a yeah you just found us last night well whoa welcome hello i hope you like us i hope you didn't see the beginning of the stream when everything was broke yeah well that's not our fault though watch the replay and we do a little bit more uh more diving in uh thanks for your help to clarify something else if i want to be brad pitt etsy will mix and match words within my tags but four matches but if i want an exact match i have to have a specific parade yes exactly exactly it sounds complicated but it's exactly what it means exact match means it matches exactly means it matches broadly right and we talk about that during the etsy seo game show episode of the friday bean so if you need to learn a little bit more about exact matching keywords versus broad matching keywords uh check out the etsy seo game show episode of the friday bean it was a couple weeks ago and then if you want to learn more about um etsy seo and why some of the biggest sellers on etsy have terrible seo watch our brad pitt episode the how to be the brad pitt of etsy episode of the friday mean because we also talk about seo there i saw a tab called related searches in the keyword tool i think could you please explain what to do with that and what it shows so let's pop into the keyword tool this turned into an all things e-rank video we'll type in flower earring you banning shame shame shame shame shame hackers shame it's not a hacker it's just a loser shame shame spammers shame everybody it's like game of thrones the lady the shame shame ringing the bell i need to make sure this stays at the bottom because there's usually more than one and that happens anyway okay um so related searches oh i think that it was the keyword explorer you were talking about not keyword tool let's go into keyword explorer okay so basically related searches are just this is just e-rank telling you more ideas maybe flower earrings doesn't have the results that you want and you're like okay well flower earrings isn't doing it for me what what are people searching for related searches is going to help to give you more ideas with you know things that might be related to what you're selling so if you're trying to sell flower earrings but you're not finding any good keywords uh it might give you some recommendations i don't think that this was the best option to use let's do i mean i said oh sorry it could be no you know the thing is is that that helps me because i'm kind of one of the guys that identifies how people are using tools wrong and not that you're using tools wrong but it's just more evidence that people take a look towards the keyword tool and think that that's the one that they need to use because it's called the keyword tool or they need to use the keyword explorer and think that's the only thing that they need to use and they need to be joined yeah together so sterling silver uh maybe that that's our keyword that we type in and we want to see some things related to that so we type in sterling silver and then we sort through our list and maybe we find that oh sterling silver earring studs is popular not almost not only is this a good keyword to possibly use in your listings if you are selling you know study maybe you might think oh stud earrings is what i should list but people are actually searching for sterling silver earring studs i wouldn't think to to put the tags in or in the keywords in that combination but apparently that's how people are searching for it uh it's also a really great idea to help you come up with ideas if you're trying to think man i know that i want to make something out of sterling silver but i don't know what's popular you can look and see for yourself what's the most popular oh i don't make sterling silver stud earrings maybe i could start adding those to my shop because i see that a lot of people are interested in those but that's what related searches are for cursed by design joggers is in sweatpants joggers are not sweatpants joggers are fitted joggers tape joggers are for jogging sweatpants make you too sweaty if you jog in them no yeah joggers are tapered they they grip at the ankles so you can jog in them it's comfortable and sweat pants will hang yeah sweatpants are loose ours are ours are sweatpants material but they are jogger cut i mean i said guilty as charged no that's totally fine my job is to look at the people that refund and figure out why they refund and nine times out of ten it's because it was something that they were doing wrong so i like to i like to see people actually like sticking with it and attempting to figure it out because you know there are resources out there like us who answer questions every friday anyway uh that's my first introduction to etsy well welcome to etsy you've mentioned before that buyers don't search for materials just how the item looks does it mean that i should use silver in the title and not tarnish resistant silver well let's that we can answer that question for you right now um one thing i will say though is that that's not always the case some people will search by materials you have but most of the time they don't especially very specific materials but you can answer these questions yourself by going to e-rank and looking nobody's looking for that no there's not even any data for that um and there's not even anything in the related searches now what i would do because this is very specific this is what i would consider a long tail keyword it's not really in the same realm but yeah see nobody's really certain there's a lot of people that are listing it but no average searches at least for the data that we have yeah there's no there's no searches yeah and then our related searches we get weather resistant pillows so no i wouldn't i wouldn't use turner's resistance now if you're using silver and you're okay with it being a broad match it's not a bad idea to have that in there for people that are concerned about it it's not necessarily going to hurt you because people are still searching for silver well look here at non-tarnish gold necklace tarnish free non-tarnish it seems that non-tarnish is a more popular word than tartish resistance so try it first tarnish free no try non-tarnish i've got a keyboard when it's sideways is weird non-tarnish seems to be the word it already already has significantly more and then if we maybe non-tarnishing sometimes you just gotta experiment so no non-tarnish seems to be the word for you and then dang it no tarnish no nope it's a non-tarnish people are now now if we look at that it doesn't necessarily mean that that combined with silver will non-tarnish rings non-tarnish gold necklace non-tarnishing ring non-tarnished silver chain but look at that click-through rate 100 100 everyone that searched for non-tarnished silver chain clicked through that's odd that's a that's a rare one you almost never see a hundred percent this one has ignore these ones that have a more click average clicks than average searches that's that's a data anomaly no tarnish non-tarnished necklace so so yeah if you're gonna use it non-tarnish is better for you i would still attempt to like i would still attempt to exact match silver with whatever else you're using before you worry about throwing that in there though because it's still not gonna do you much so use it if you need to fill out space do you like using the listing builder a fellow seller said it broke up a long tail keyword and only had the word you as the second keyword in our listing it's not perfect i i personally don't use it for that reason um it saves time if you know that your keywords aren't going to be broken up and you're okay with going in and fixing them up um but i personally would rather just go ahead and type them in myself yeah i would use it if i was maybe like building a bunch of those things in bulk and just needed to like cram stuff together real quick but have i used it yeah but i also i keep an eye on it because like you said i don't want to have just a single word lingering keyword like you i really appreciate you rank more since i listened to you guys explaining it no it's totally awesome most people like i said most people that refund or quit the platform do it because they don't understand the tools and we this is not like it seems common sense when it's explained to you but if you've never done anything they can't hear it if they've never done anything like this it's understandable that you don't know how to use the tool it's not this is a this is kind of a form of analysis it's data analysis it's it's it's building things from nothing and most people don't have jobs or things that they do that require this kind of skill so don't feel silly if you don't know how to do this mark mark was a military data analyst and he struggled the first time he used it if you've never done it before it's a skill you don't have it's totally understandable and with our main demographic being somewhere in like 35 to 65 yeah it is 35 to 65. it's fully understandable because you haven't been using computers as long as people that are younger right it's fully understandable that you wouldn't have a skill like this don't don't feel bad yeah this is it's hard it is hard we're not we struggle with it it is very hard and we work for you right um but sometimes doing it the right way still doesn't help you it's it's a game it's a science experiment it's a science of science experiment and it's a game that's why we have track changes we have to track what we've done to make sure that it works and if it doesn't within 60 to 90 days you know because it takes around 60 to 90 days for etsy to really index you for those keywords uh that's when you can start making some changes and make them slowly one listing at a time keeping track of the changes that you're making anything else non-tarnish is indeed good for when people are searching for high quality materials and surgical steel yeah i like that when i buy steel stuff i usually will throw in surgical i'm spelling that right or am i being stupid you spelled it right that's surgical right yeah a lot of competition with it though wow that's that's good to combo with other things but anyway let's switch back to the main camera view just for now all right we're back wow we're big okay so that was probably really loud sorry about your ears feel free to get your etsy seo and e-rank questions into the chat for us if we need to go back to the e-rank screen we totally can we're here to chat we're here to help thanks the numbers were confusing because there were no searches but a good click-through rate searches is going to be for me is like the primary thing that you want to look at because that'll be that's going to show interest is there an interest in this product and click through is are people actually buying this are people actually go finding what they're finding what they're looking for and being happy with what they're purchasing that's that's how i look at it um i open embroidery shop on may 1st if the stats in etsy show the etsy search and etsy marketing and seo is the lowest category for views does this mean i should focus on changing titles not not if you just opened on may 1st it takes 60 to 90 days for you to rank in search and for etsy to fully index you so there you haven't given it enough time it's not time yet yeah 60 to 90 days i would in fact i would definitely say 90 days i would give it enough time i just opened a shop on may 8th that's the shop that we've been uh looking at and i haven't even looked at my stats until just now live with you guys because um i know that it's not time yet it's not something i want to focus on uh if i choose a keyword that has so much competition and good searches will it not be difficult for my listing to rank on page one since the competition is so high there are a lot of factors that play into ranking and your seo is not you could have the greatest seo in the world you could steal all of the keywords from all from the listing that is on page one position one and basically make a carbon copy of their listing and you would not rank beside them because you don't have listing quality scores listing quality scores are built through making sales of a singular listing and getting reviews for that listing this is why one-of-a-kind products have a bit of a disadvantage and i have a full video about that if you make one of a kind go check out my does etsy hate one-of-a-kind sellers video but it will always be difficult to rank on page one for a high competition term but you can do it you just have to build that listing quality score in fact i like to put some very high in the sky way up there high competition keywords in my listings that way i can work my way up to them i have to grow into those shoes just because i'm not ranking for them now it doesn't mean i won't rank for them later so i put them in there and i work towards them because the more sales that i make the more reviews that i get the more credibility that i have the more likely it is that someday i will be able to rank for those higher competition terms okay so um it is possible it just probably won't happen right away if you don't have the sales to support it and if you need some help with this or you don't quite understand how these listing quality scores work i've got quite a few videos about listing quality scores i have one that says what contributes to rank on etsy talks about the the seven factors that we know of that etsy uses to rank us in search um but it also i've also got a video called how to be the brad pitt of etsy that we did a couple weeks ago where i talk about listing quality scores and why some sellers who are at the very top of etsy on page one position one why they have terrible seo and how they're able to maintain those positions so uh i think this person's asking is doing etsy at the seo a one kind of a career yeah i mean you you can do etsy seo as a as a job if you're if you're good at it we usually tell people not to pay into that yeah i'm very against uh people paying someone to do their etsy seo you're a small business there's no reason to pay for something that's so easy to do for yourself well and not only that but if that singular worker that singular person who you've hired to do your etsy seo works with a network of shops and one of those shops gets uh you know uh they've violated etsy's terms of service because you're all connected through that singular ip address all the shops get banned yeah all of the shops can get and it's it's not like uh if it happens it's more of a when yeah so this lighting thing it's more of a when it happens kind of thing um if we hand sew something should we say handmade or hand sewn we kind of answered this similar question already pop into pop into e-rank and see which one of them works better yeah yeah you need to we can't tell you which one has more searches without searching it we would have to search it um but you guys can do that on your own time just pop it into e-rank see which one does better i you should really be basing these on numbers not which one sounds you know sounds better to the ear because sometimes the thing that sounds better to the ear like spelling out t-e-e for t-shirt that's not what people are searching for they're just searching the letter t and then shirt can you give a quick overview of how to put info like signing up for an email list as a canva graphic and listing photos i think it might be a good way to use all 10 photo spots like if you need an extra photo i would have to pop i mean i can i might be able to pop into no i can't um [Music] i can show you guys i don't have our email list in our photo slots here um they're not screen sharing right now i know where just hit this no click on the screen chair and then click that okay there you go so obviously i i can't show you our email list here because we don't have that option um yet because we haven't decided what we want to do yet with that but i just create a branded graphic uh all you need to do is get your eep url um and because that's such a nice short concise link put something in there that says paste or not paste dot put this code type this code into your browser to join our our email list i can't show you an example because i don't have one right now to show you unfortunately but hopefully that helps right just brand it right now go quick and switch back oh okay all right um slightly unrelated that's fine we're here to answer questions uh just to confirm listing videos are not counted in ranking no they're not i still use them because they show gem sparkling and they're not a must for ranking right no but it's still nice to have them right yeah totally that could be the factor that causes somebody to make that purchase i feel like i've asked this a million times but i still don't feel like i know the answer that's fine can i combine words in a single tag that don't necessarily go together for example anniversary birthday yeah anniversary yeah for broad matching absolutely a broad match yeah you won't get an exact match out of that unless somebody's yeah you're you has a very specific birthday anniversary yeah um for example when i'm doing like gifts for i'll make one one tag that says uh maybe like gifts for and then in another town i'll put mom grandma and then you know gifts4 is still a tag and then like dad uncle and etsy's gonna read that as gifts for mom gifts for grandma gifts for dad gifts for uncle because they will broad match those together uh if i send someone my shop link and they use it to buy something do i get boost for the keywords from the listing that they purchased it's the listing itself okay so couple things if someone finds you organically in search while shopping on etsy not you linking them directly they find you organically in search and they were to favorite your listing etsy has told us that this does have a positive effect on you so all those ladders that you see where everyone's like let's help each other let's all here's my listing link everybody go to my listing and favorite my listing and i'll favorite your listing that does nothing if anything it hurts your conversion rate because that's ease just seeing people are seeing your listing and not buying it right it's just a natural kill for your right so but if they find it organically in search while shopping and they favorite it that can help you not a whole lot but just a little itty bitty bit but if you send someone your shop link and they purchase from you that is still the same as if they found you organically in search you still that is the best way to get your listing quality scores up is making sales of that listing and getting positive reviews on that listing that is how you can build your listing quality score and remember it has to be a singular listing it can't be a copy of that listing it can't be a listing that you deactivated and made a new version of it needs to be that same listing that can sell over and over again hence why one-of-a-kind sellers have trouble like i said if you make one-of-a-kind products make sure that you check out my one-of-a-kind video that we uh published a couple months ago or a couple weeks ago um because i go into the details of the disadvantages of one-of-a-kind but what you can do if you sell one-of-a-kind to help your overall listing quality scores man this camera just does not like how much you move around sorry oh let's see what's your experience with using listing videos has it given a leg up that it justifies turning some listing images into videos it doesn't really do anything additional for you listing videos don't really it's just a way to show off your product in a different way if if someone came up to you and they said i have six lottery tickets and one of them is a winner how many lottery tickets would you like to scratch off you can scratch off as many as you want you would say six right you wouldn't say oh no give me five of them you would take all six opportunities to win no five so if you know that adding a listing video to your listing could help to make that sale wouldn't you do it i would it's not going to hurt you it's not going to etsy's not going to contribute it you know to ranking but it could be the one thing that converts that one person into a customer so if you've got the time to do it sure start start slow and add one listing video a day or something like that we haven't done it without adapt yet but we plan to we just you know it's one of those things that when we get to it and that's how it should be for you set a put a date on the calendar and decide which listings on that day you're going to record videos for you guys have helped me get to the top 20 of etsy sales thank you so very much you're so very welcome on e-rank all the way down when you scroll you get a related search on that top 100 if you get on off your list sorry words threw me off there if you get one off your list if you get off your list does it count anything or is it just to let us know i don't know exactly what you're asking you might have to reword that does it count any yeah i'm not quite sure language barrier i'm sorry you're going to have to reword that for us i don't quite know what you're uh what you're asking either way if you're ju those related searches are just so you know how many people have searched those things it's not going to help you any if you're not using them uh i know some shops are doing more sales without using e-rank how is that possible okay couple different reasons for one some shops have been around for a long time and have made a lot of sales and they don't need to use seo to make themselves found listing quality scores two and probably the most common reason people do off-site advertising they have gigantic email lists they have social followings they have instagrams they have pinterest they have whatever social platform their people are hanging out on email lists and they have a ton of followers they don't need an email list because they've established themselves and they have followers the audience builds itself after a certain certain growth yeah go back to our video once again the the brad pitt of etsy episode of the friday being from three or four weeks ago go back and watch that because i explained that throughout the that whole video you guys are really helpful what is your profession can i know yes you're looking at it we are etsy coaches etsy coaches and twice a year we open an etsy course with a lot more advanced stuff which we will talk about at the end of this video after we answer questions so don't go on your tangent now there's a little waiting list link down below opening june 14. i'm marketing i miss that about a one-of-a-kind video you've done good luck look back to the channel it was like what two weeks ago two or three weeks ago it says does etsy hate one-of-a-kind and it's got me frowning at the camera they don't um spoiler well when i do new listings i'll get a copy of order listings and then edit it in drafts i change the name and tags does that count as a new listing when i activate it yes it's a copy of the old listing but it doesn't carry any of the data behind it any of the listing quality score any any of that stuff it doesn't carry it with it okay guys get in those last minute etsy seo and e-rank sales pitch um guys alpha academy is my personal training course it is a nine module course that you can take at your own pace you can enroll in any time you can take it as slow or as fast as you would like to as long as you like the sound of my voice because obviously i'm going to be talking a lot in that course than it might be for you we have over 600 students many of which have hit a hundred thousand sales just since joining are not hundred thousand dollars hundred thousand dollars not a hundred thousand sales a hundred thousand they say good god really i didn't know that no charge more they've been we've got six figure sellers in haa who have hit six figures just since joining the program obviously we can't guarantee those results but we know that it's possible because so many students have done it you just have to put in the work it is not an easy program however i used to be a preschool teacher and i use the exact same uh curriculum structure that i used when teaching my preschool students and i basically cover everything from a to z where to click how to do it step by step you kind of do the entire process with me we talk about starting your shop building your dream customer how to create the perfect target audience for your product we talk about creating expert listings fantastic product photography that you can do on a zero dollar budget we talk about marketing on the different social media platforms and how to make great ad photos we talk about etsy seo in depth and i give you my proven formula my super secret proven formula that you can use step by step to optimize your listings we talk about building an email list and we talk about how to generate subscribers and fanatical fans for your brand who are willing to buy from you over and over again we also talk about how to build a raving facebook community for your brand and how to get members in that group to engage with you about your product so if that is something that is interesting to you there is a waiting list link down below uh opting into that does not obligate you to buy however it does ensure that you get a huge discount when doors open also 30 day money back guarantee no questions asked we don't make you turn in homework or do any of the other stupid crap that other coaches make you do if you want your money back we'll give you your money back as long as it's within 30 days yes uh and uh for those who are wondering how much it costs i know that a lot of course creators are not transparent about their pricing but we try to be different than all those poo poo heads so if you're interested in joining make sure that you're on the email list because you'll get a thousand dollar discount normally the course is 1997 for lifetime enrollment however if you join using the link that will send you via email on june 14th when we open uh you will only be paying 997 for lifetime access plus you get updates for life you get support for life you get mine and mark's personal email addresses and uh you anything that we add to the course you get in the future it's it all is included with that you also get access to the handmade alpha academy student campus where you can talk and work with other students um and we also have a payment plan option available for also have direct contact either of us she helps course content i help with technology yeah and uh there's a payment plan a six month payment plan that is 199 a month for six months but either way if you choose the payment plan you still get access to the full course so full course and it is for life i get that question a lot it is actually for the um probably shouldn't say for life for the extent that we're capable of having the website up and running if for any reason the whole world explodes no i can't continue to give you but or that then obviously you've got it until the world registrar shuts us down but i don't think that's gonna happen i don't think that's gonna happen we'll be long we will be around as long as the internet is around or or you know maybe when we're like 99 we'll give it to our daughter to run anyway alpha of course is amazing starla is a wonderful teacher she's pretty great she's a good wife too let's see here uh sometimes most of the time sometimes yeah you recommend ha course for beginner sellers advanced sellers or everyone all very free so it's great for beginners we do walk you through the process of starting an etsy shop but you can skip that part if you are um already an advanced seller we've had people who have not even known what they planned to sell they knew that they just wanted to sell something and they've been able to develop their product lines with haa but we've also had people who have joined like paula haas who already had great sales but she really didn't she wanted the email list in the rave following and the year that she joined haa she hit six figures which is the goal that she was trying to reach so it really doesn't matter where you are uh haa can help you and if you join and you decide that it doesn't help you just contact us within 30 days refund refund no questions asked you can just send us an email that says refund songs are nice if you mean i'll just say no yeah yeah don't don't don't call us names don't be mean i can be mean back we'll refund you but we might cry no i just won't i'm not obligated to do anything unrelated to seo but is it currently possible to get a facebook pixel on an etsy shop i actually don't know um i may use pixel in a while i have i don't have it i would know because it's in my browser window but i'm not using my pc right now we're cooked up to yours oops i'm not sure i don't know on top of my head does anybody know can you use facebook pixel on etsy i think so feel free to google it love aha joined in december 2020 and i've been so busy with my shopping sales i haven't been able to finish the course yet we hear that a lot and that's that's not just me being salesy we legitimately hear that a lot most of our alphas who who get successful say that they haven't been able to make it through the course because they get like halfway through and then they're like okay i gotta do my work is it downloadable i don't always have internet access yes all the videos are downloadable and there's a bunch of stuff to download yeah yep yep yep you cannot use facebook pixel with etsy well i was wrong then damn oh shoot all right guys well it looks like there's uh only 95 of you left but we appreciate you hanging out for as long as you did we hope you learned a ton and for uh current handmade alpha academy students since i see a couple of you in the chat right now make sure that you get your health of the year videos and please no one has submitted videos yet and we're giving away a 800 dslr camera so i gotta pay taxes on everything else on it too it ends up costing me like a grand so if you submit you get a freaking camera we're not judging you based on video quality take a quick video with your phone it doesn't have to look good as long as i can understand like who you are and understand your voice that's fine i can make it sound pretty yep just uh handmade alpha academy students you have received an email about the rules of entry but there's also a pin post at the top of the student campus on facebook so you can look there as well for everybody else we hope to see you uh in june enrollment will be opening only for 10 days june 14th through the 24th so make sure that you keep your eyes peeled for that because students who enroll in june are the ones who tend to have the most successful holiday seasons out of all of our students because they buckle down and they use the time in between june and september to gear up for the big holiday and then starting in september uh october and especially november they see those phenomenal sales numbers rolling in so we hope that that is something that interests you and if it does make sure that you're on that list down below and uh check out health adapt guys check out our etsy shop that we've been showing off this entire time if you want some cool alpha hoodies we've got some t-shirts we've got these really cool cozy champion uh sweatshirts we've got book bags and hats and lots of other things and we will have another collection coming very soon we should do an alien collection aliens yeah did anybody say that the the us government like fully admitted that ufos like that defy physics and do things are are real like they've officially get said that they're real yeah anybody anybody see that we should do a collection for that do it real quick they're just they're real whenever i'll i'm excited for it i'm excited to see where it goes we uh i'm a freak about aliens man we've only got 90 of you here so we're just hanging out for a few minutes we'll do well no i want to do quick story time we have story time i love doing quick stories before we send you off for the weekend i can't wait for the one person that calls us a liar in the comment section yeah oh you know it'll happen so mark and i for those of you who don't know mark was in the military and we were still we were stationed in california yes and uh our family lived in ohio so there were a couple occasions where we needed to drive from ohio to california how long that's a sick uh it's a lot it's it's like 40 something hours i can't remember off the top of my head with that with actual traffic and having to make stops and the obligatory she's a girl and has to stop to pee every 15 minutes i was uh six months pregnant on our way that's not when that happened yes no it's not it happened when we were on our way back when i got out of the military oh well either way seeing through utah anybody from utah in the comments salt lake city we just gotten out of salt lake city and it was late it was like two in the morning yeah we were passing through utah and we were quiet we had the radio on and we were just kind of we'd been driving for hours and hours we were zoning out looking through the windshield it was dark completely clear beautiful night and over the crust of some i wouldn't call them mountains they were more like some some some buttes over some buttes we saw three little lights like in a perfect triangle and mark and i we saw them separately neither of us then called it out and then they just did their they went yeah literally just shot just did and we hadn't discussed the fact that we were both looking at it yet and then we we immediately looked at each other and were like did you see that because i thought i was crazy yeah i thought we were i thought we were nuts and i'm about 99 sure that's what we saw i'm in the military i've seen a lot of crazy crap i was an intel like i've i know weapon systems from all around the world and i know all kinds he knows all the planes i know i it wasn't anything we have because nothing will like go in one direction and then just change its mind and then fire off in the other missiles don't even do that and uh yeah when we were we did a little bit of research there's a lot of similar sightings especially in utah in the deserts and some of the the information that they gave when they declassified the the ufo information we were in it was the area we drove through and the guy was like imagine something that can go how many g's it was like 800 something g's something ridiculous i think it was exaggerating something ridiculous can and they can go through the water and through and possibly through space he said like yeah yeah it's it was creepy it was it was pretty creepy yeah there was a there was a time growing up as a matter of fact this is funny story time because we're at the end of it there was a story uh i remember from my childhood my parents were on vacation and then there were there were a bunch of orbs traveling following down through the highway that were just like zipping and stopping and my parents were on their way back from tennessee i believe and the whole highway was on a stop and everybody had gotten out of their cars to like and this was before cell phones and obviously nobody has freaking pictures of this but everybody on the highway had stopped all the major radio stations were talking about it because there were these friggin orbs that were just shooting down the highway stopping shooting off and there was tons of them they were following all all the way up through i think it was 70 highway 70 or something like that and sure enough like an hour later there they go zipping on through ohio i do believe in aliens i just don't think that we're uh we're significant to check out but you know my thing and what a lot of people say is that they're probably so much more advanced than we are that yeah we could be we could be common we could be like you know we could though we both have the ability to communicate we could be like monkeys are to us you know where we can see that they are intelligent and that they're able to do things but there's really not a lot of communication so there are videos you can go and watch on youtube that break down like mathematically what they could want to visit us for obviously studying us but it really wouldn't it's a society that advanced it wouldn't take them that long to figure out everything that we have here the only particular resource that we can offer are resources that the earth has that they can't find anywhere else which is very little water is one water is a very hard to find resource in just in visible space it's hard to find we know it exists in other places and then there are uh organic materials that are hard to find that are here they have iron they have gold all that kind of stuff is more easily available there are whole like planet-sized rocks that are just diamond so the resources food that's no joke one of them and then free labor we are living beings who are significantly less intelligent than them slave labor those are literally like the three only reasons they could want to be here water and then food and free labor mathematically so enjoy that freak out enjoy the nightmares guys anyway we'll get we'll get off that would be cool i'd love some aliens and my thing for any of you nerds out there that play mass effect like that would be my thing how cool it would be to just propel us forward like a couple thousand years technologically like i told our kiddo this the other day how cool would it be like we're dreaming of going to mars but then like somebody shows up gives us the technology and we're just in other universes tomorrow like how or other other galaxies tomorrow how cool would that be anyway i'm a space nerd i think okay so i just wrote this down because i was thinking of products the seo ufo would that be a fun collection we could do seo ufo collection i want to do an seo ufo collection but i mean this is this is all real stuff now the the government has straight up just declassified that this is real there are straight up ufos that defy the laws of physics as we know them and they've admitted that now look at this playing some mass effect this week too i know i'm almost through one yes seo ufo i'll talk to anthony and be like hey yeah okay curse by design we use horses as free labor and animals as pets we could just be on under advanced pets i don't want to be they've been they've been probing butts for years could be china or russia we are significantly more technologically advanced in almost every aspect and that's not just me being from the u.s and being like we are literally significantly more technologically advanced in most ways than either of those countries that was his job they don't have anything like that i can say on within a shadow of a doubt not having even worked on that kind of stuff there's no way they would have something that more advanced than us yeah and the only way that they would is if it was given to them from somebody else that had it right anyway star trek was probably right on a lot of things a lot yeah all right guys thanks so much for hanging out with me hanging out being goofy with us for a little bit yeah we needed that after uh the stress of getting the stream up and running guys there's a lot of free stuff down below as well i know that we talked about elf adapt with uh obviously you'd have to buy the the merch there if you want it and we talked about handmade alpha academy which is a paid course but there's a ton of free stuff down in the description below this video we've got marketing calendars for etsy sellers that talk about great times to list products host giveaways run new product collections and things like that we've got a wholesale cheat sheet that amber marie has created that you can use to work with wholesale suppliers uh that will calculate out all of your your shipping costs or your i'm sorry your your product costs for them we have the ssar swipe files which are going to help you to generate more five star reviews and help build your listing quality scores which will help you to rank higher in search and we also have my summer survival guide summer is always slow on etsy it is a natural occurrence unless you sell something like weddings and bikinis and flip flops you're probably going to see slower sales during the summer but i've got a summer survival guide that will teach you some of the things that you can do in the meantime to help generate sales and things that you can do to help prepare for when things speed back up because sales will yeah sales will start returning in september so all of those resources are free down below him what's it what's it hurt you never know all right guys thanks so much for hanging out and we cannot wait to see you next week when we talk about who knows who knows what maybe maybe we'll have the aliens and next week we'll be streaming from mars maybe if wirecast can get their crap together we'll stream from box next week all right we love you guys we'll see you guys next week bye
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 6,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy seo tool, erank for etsy, erank tutorial, how to use erank for etsy 2021, etsy seo 2021, etsy seo tutorial, etsy seo for beginners, what is etsy seo, etsy rank keyword tool, erank keyword tool, etsy seo keywords, etsy keyword research, etsy marketing and seo, etsy shop ranking, best keywords for etsy, etsy seo help, etsy search engine optimization, improve etsy seo, shop title etsy example, etsy seo optimization, handmade alphas, starla moore, the friday bean
Id: mH8UUibjePA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 12sec (7992 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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