Annual LIVE Alpha Holiday Party - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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hmm foreign oh wow hey there we are good morning good afternoon good evening how is everyone i'm having fun with those intros i uh i've been throwing those together in canva and um funny funny story about me making that particular video intro last night i wasn't gonna tell them but i probably should because it's it's too funny not to share i was i was creating that intro last night going through you know just random christmas stock footage with my canva pro membership and i typed in santa and i had all these you know dancing santa and the one that you guys saw and then there was um there was like santa dancing on a beach there was santa like no no no and uh then there was one of santa taking selfies going and i was like oh that's funny i'll do santa doing selfies everyone will think that's funny he did a very very inappropriate gesture with two fingers and his mouth yeah he started pretty funny and i was like oh no so i was really happy that i watched that not that you guys wouldn't have found it funny but if you've got little ones watching like instant demonetized yeah did i mod oh yeah i did monetize this video um guys we have done how many episodes this year let's see we've done almost 50 episodes of the friday bean this year a lot yeah that is a lot a lot um so we decided that because the holidays are here we've hit that kind of weird point where most of you were pretty much done with your holiday shipping even big retailers have announced that items probably won't arrive by christmas if ordered now a lot of you have your shops on vacation mode and most of us are just like we're ready to rest so every year we do a holiday party where we play games we don't do anything really you know super etsy related crazy yeah we we just have fun and hang out with you guys and this year i want to give away like you know some maybe some alpha merch do some fun stuff um just give away some give some stuff away let's have some fun we don't have anything important to talk about so um unless you guys have some kind of like you know pressing questions that you want to bring to the holiday party you're free to do that we'll try to answer them but let's let's chill let's have some fun let's do some crazy stuff um amber are you here in the chat you are she is she complimented the fade which is wonderful i've now got like the actual fade going on i had my barber do me upright this time oh yeah oh yeah time first time for some uh viking beads going down the hair i think yeah it'll look it'll look more like a viking thing as soon as he gets that ponytail a little longer my beard's already long enough i just i wouldn't i would have to do one of the full like capsule beads that would take the entire front of the beard and that's a little much i want to do like one on top yesterday when we left his barber his barber was like you want me to tie your hair up for you and he's like yeah you know we're going to shopping he cranked it back so tight his eyebrows were like yeah he like freaking just and he looked like you know when you have a baby right and you tie their hair in a little tiny ponytail before they have enough hair to tie in a ponytail and they just have that like little like pebbles from the flintstones that's what he looked like leaving the barber yesterday and i'm like can you just loosen that just a little bit he wanted to join the party and bubba is he gonna join the party so the first thing that we're gonna do hopefully amber what is your availability for um this crazy thing that we're planning on doing um because if you're not able to do it live we can always do the more complicated part after the episode airs for everybody who's watching that doesn't make any sense but we're going to play a game where we're going to design a shirt based on you guys just kind of guiding our hands needs to be christmas themed needs to be ugly i'm thinking like ugly sweater style but we're going to go into canva and design a shirt and you guys are just going to randomly give us suggestions and we're going to try to make the ugliest shirt ever and then we're going to put that shirt in the alpha dap shop for the weekend if you end up wanting it but i'm thinking we should give one away too so no guarantees that it'll arrive by christmas if you're doing that yeah more than likely will not no but still you guys can get a nice ugly shirt from the alphas if you're interested in winning it since so many many of you enjoyed the uh the ugly bean product he says i want to ruin your sweater that's pitch black on camera oh you can't really i'm gonna make people actually see your torso look how dark you are i know that's the magic of camera all right so let's go ahead let me um get into canva before we switch our screen startup ai start up a blank document here up a blank make sure no search results pop up for nothing no searching or don't click in there and do exactly the opposite of what i asked you to do that's fine that's not this is canva yeah except things pop up in there like recent searches you don't want them to know your recent searches do you no i don't i also don't want you to know the things that i've been searching for you for christmas oh you've been searching canva for christmas you don't have to search things on canva for things to pop up and auto populate you hear him you don't know how the internet works do you hear this man right now you don't know how the internet works do you hear this man right now she don't know how the internet works you hear him going on all right now before we get into that um are you ready for selfless plug let's see i can do most things just signing into canva and printful except right now yes that's that's all that's all it should require before we get started i know you guys were like getting sick of me marketing handmade alpha academy which we only do it twice a year uh it's closed now no one can get in doors are locked we did have two people message us and say i missed it every year i swear ten days we talk about it non-stop for ten days to the point where you guys are like okay we know it's open and then the last day we send like four emails and some and we still had two people we were like i didn't make it in i'm like i'm sorry it closed um but this is the only other thing that i'm gonna market all year just because i'm so excited are you guys ready are you ready hold on a minute fun you guys know what these are you guys know what these are this is my book my book is available now well it's it's on pre-order but you guys can go to amazon or barnes noble or nook or kindle or i think the only one that we're not in is books a million um and you can pre-order my book and if you pre-order it it will arrive either to your door or on your kindle device when it releases on uh january 14th so yes yes uh i've got it in hardback i have ebook i have paper book paper paper paperback paperback um not super happy with the prints on the paperback we're actually gonna get with them and tell them that i'm not as happy with it but um yeah so go go order my book guys it would make me very very happy as of right now i've only got 10 pre-orders for it so text is mirrored backwards yes it is yes it's if you do that because people get upset when i flip the screen and flip us around so we can keep it matchy um but it's called the channel you can search the channel by starla moore to find it um there's hardback ebook paperback and uh i also have a fan club on facebook called the uh channel jumpers so yeah you can if you want to be super dope go to your local barnes and nobles and request it to be on the shelves there and they'll they'll do it if they get enough requests yeah you can also walk into a barnes noble and ask to buy it and they'll say we don't currently have it in stock but we can order it for you and you can get it ordered in store but if like if i were to get like 600 people to go into a barnes noble and request it um they would actually possibly start carrying it but um yeah i don't know if that's going to be possible but there's maps there's um maps and arts and art and cool things and yeah and a bonus chapter from my next book from book two in the series so um this is the first book i've ever written i never imagined i'd end up with a book but when my grandma passed away last year i was really pressed and i did not want to be like of this world for a couple months so i dedicated that time into creating my own world um it is a science fiction book and i would consider it probably ex it's suitable for maybe ages like 16 and up if you've got a teenager um then it should be okay there's like there's nothing too sexually explicit but there is a lot of cursing and um and things like that so uh yeah the channel star more go look it up look it up are we ready to design a shirt no no yeah we're ready okay let's go to canva we're super tiny in the corner so they can actually see us all right i was waiting until we were super tiny to scratch my nose so let's go into elements i'll probably need you to do a lot of typing look oh that's the santa that's the knot the santa we're not going to show no we'll only we'll only show him taking selfies because it starts the clip like halfway through yeah all right guys um give us some ideas for some some graphics i want to do something kind of christmassy something funny for a shirt let's not do backgrounds first no no let's start with how how are we going to what are we going to use a shape what are we going to do here yeah this is going to be community driven so this is going to require you guys to interact yep and if we don't we'll just go eat cookies oh well or we'll just design something else hilarious it's just going to be a butt look at all you guys talking about my book i wish that many people would go uh a gnome well that's one person just slow down well search gnome first let's let's let a few ideas get into here and then we can take like a general well yeah but let's look and see what the possibilities are let's just start with a gnome okay um which gnome do you like i wish we could zoom in but we can't yeah that's cause i can't see very well we got this little o oh my i don't know if i like him i kind of like this one okay delete this guy just hit delete on the keyboard all right and then let's do him in like how many people are gonna say poop a poop you guys want up all right so results flamingos with santa hats reindeer something cat related evil elf snowman okay metal eye hobbies poop a poop and this person said a poop a t-rex santa the wizard dude that with a knife yeah all are so random okay once alpha shoes i'd take some alpha sheets yeah we can do shoes uh i feel a new mug coming to me yes they have the shoes now a cat mythical creature naughty gingerbread oh naughty gingerbread man that's that's an alpha's after dark when i would do that for sure uh santa chasing gingerbread cookies with an arm bitten off that would be a wonderful if i could get the discord going that would be a hilarious live stream to do on discord doing alphas after dark like one of these but super inappropriate uh santa chasing gingerbread cookie with his arm bitten off or with an arm bitten off well let's just do um okay so let's do it like a christmas party with all of our characters so give me we've got that character what else do we have in the chat uh see let's find something random that does not mix with a gnome at all one person said a lizard and another person said something with a t-rex well give me a t-rex real quick and we can christmas him up okay um need something to kind of match it well or we can just go completely against the theme too yeah likes like kind of mildly realistic there let me let me see like a couple different i don't like the cartoon you don't like the cards all right now because if we're gonna do a cartoony elf it needs to be really stupid that's like the whole point of this let's do like a realistic looking t-rex with the gnome all right we can always flip and manipulate manipulating why don't you make him smaller so he can put more elements on the screen he's going to be in the background maybe he's helping to decorate a christmas tree he could be put a little tiny ornament in his tiny little crappy t-rex hands and his mouth like okay let's start give me a tree let's do the tree okay chris a christmas tree hungover elf how am i supposed to portray an elf being on over click in there again okay and then um you know what too detailed on the tree because all right and then we'll send this to back okay and then oh he's putting little presents under the tree he's putting little presents under the tree and then are we able to color change that homie the dinosaur or the little guy the little guy yeah all right let's see what other colors they've got available for this all of them any color but he's multiple colors what color do you want what color you want his outfit to be well i'm saying like we could duplicate it and make like four or five of these little homies down below you know what i mean like a little gag of elves well we've got all these other suggestions let's start working through those first what other characters he's trying to reach the star but he can't reach it oh that's that's perfect he wants to i don't know we'd have to make his arm like we'd have that's that's too much manipulation that's what he's doing he's trying to reach it or he's putting presents under the tree i think he's putting presents under the tree which is equally as funny give me another character and i'll stick it in his mouth this search thing needs to go later and the rain garland in his mouth okay we could do that okay so do uh garland all right and then let's do um like this one oh that's animated all right delete that um let's go into graphics and we will make sure that we are sorting by static okay um any of these are gonna look right hanging out of his mouth ugly that's really ugly it does not look christmassy at all give me a santa hat let's put a hat on him yeah yeah there we go need an anti-valentine's day shirt why is there is there a current cultural significance to anti-valentine's day i mean there has been for a while is there yeah okay i'll leave in the comments alone on that one oh just let people like what they like yeah there we go let's make it comically small comically small that looks size appropriate there we go all right what else do we have it's got to be printed on something where like texture doesn't matter otherwise that's just gonna be a little red bubble on his head somebody had said bubbers with uh with antlers do cat i don't have a picture of bubbers readily accessible with the background removed this one which one's bubbers fat one yeah that's not even remotely what he looks like what's this one that one isn't either no it's not he's not a gray cat he's kidding he he's not he's black he's black and brown he's gray enough oh my god how about this one then that bubbles this is which is more bubbers to you the blue one for sure all right because at least that one's an unnatural color all right and then we need some antlers all right antlers i'm trying to also interact with our audience that we're ignoring copy the tree crop it's only the red present and put that dino hand and move the dino away from the tree a tad bit so like actually crop the make it look like he's moving the present do what now i will read it one more time copy the tree crop it to only the red present and put that in the dino hands and move the dino away from the tree a little bit so he's actually holding a present oh i don't need to do all that just give me a present i'll just give him a different one uh here there we go there he's got his own now all right who else is going on the who else is going on here dreidels and soldiers playing with them um stack elves in his mouth i could get one screaming that would be preferred so it looks like he's falling down in his mouth like this little guy he's like he's like oh trying to turn him a little bit so he's actually like going down the mouth you don't go down a mouth by the yeah there you go and then i will send him to back okay now all right what's next the eyes on that little one but that's okay santa hat is hilariously tiny i agree but it's it's appropriate a cartoon wolf type in a wolf you don't need to type in cartoon uh let's see which wolf do we like they're all awful they're all the same artists just give me wolf by itself and see if it changes at all oh what what is this i like this guy he's like dancing he's here he's dancing at the christmas party look right on top of that present he's putting stuff on the tree but yeah do that and then put a put a ornament okay you need to put a christmas ornament oh no you killed him oh here wait hold on i can there you go there you go okay all right and then we'll just uh here you know oh it's got an outline stupid no outline no outlines here we go okay there we go there it's it's way more realistic than ever said googly eyes everything needs googly eyes i agree googly eyes i don't know if we'll get anything if we type googly eyes maybe just eyes i they said give them a blue ornament a blue ornament yeah because there is there's quite a bit of green on this picture already okay my mouse is very fast on this glass so it's very hard to click i'm noticing that this ornament here a little bit there you go right here okay uh what else do we need the flamingo needs to eat someone's eyeballs why you guys really want to play okay give me your violent give me a full mango and it can eat an eyeball flamingo only if we can make it look right comfortable making with mouth open is not gonna be a common thing you're going to find yeah um oh i like these because they just look like plastic lawn flamingos oh there's there's shadows oh all right what about um what do you have in your if you're making stock art don't put shadows on the stock art block i don't want to copy and paste all right i don't like that one yeah you might end up pasting something that's not appropriate for the crowd if you do that so be careful don't copy things that aren't appropriate the look that look all right um and then do give me eyeballs just eyeball and then let's just like i don't think ball wasn't at this area i would have probably been fine but i want like the actual like eyeball ball i like the eyeball ball you know what i mean like if you give me if you do eyes it might give you actual like here let me oh this is a hot mess guys you guys got a promise to like order one of these realistic looking character let's see uh let's do this red one oh it's so big uh you know what you just give me this for a minute i'm giving him a mountain of eyeballs to stand on that's fine i don't like what you're doing here where did that go you're messing up my art no i'm not oh he's he's swagging look at that oh that's amazing all right dylan because i'm a freaking meme lord delete the other eyeballs leave them just canvas zoom is trash yeah there you go that's beautiful yeah there you go make it his whole head an eyeball yeah all right now delete the other eyeballs yeah let me let me get in on here because i thought i created the wonderful miracle that was smart glow and all right i guess mr moore he can take over someone said popcorn popcorn let's see um tina said that if i delete it or if i did the erase background on the lawn flamingos that the shadow should have went away do the spilled one oh no it's it's got outlined i like them with 3d 3d glasses with them see that on this one put the bottom on it you got a bottom on you let's see which i guess that's no that no you don't like the giant pocket i don't want the bottom on it okay that's stupid no no no inappropriate let's make this three it's going on a shirt have you ever seen a shirt where they try to make it like 3d it always looks stupid like that's stupid we've got a t-rex eating an elf and that's that's what that's got an unnecessary shadow all right outline i guess that's fine because it's a popcorn container all right give it to the give it to the flamingo yeah there we go all right it's a com look comically hold on gotta highlight them you gotta like yeah but the t-rex is in the front so i can't all right here give me a minute just i can do it for you it's fine dog that's fine there you go i got this dog he's taking his job really seriously somebody said comic sans writing and then someone said set something on fire okay so what should we set on fire because i like that and then what should we write in comic sans bottom text top text and bottom text oh just bottom text let us know what to put in dumpster fire needs a fruit cake oh can you do a fruitcake and set it on fire nobody likes christmas fruitcake it's awful see if there's a fruitcake yes so we need like an actual the one that we got this dog same art style too heck yeah i don't want it too far away because this is going on a shirt right yeah yeah yeah there you go now set it on fire put the fire behind the trash can or behind the uh yeah i was gonna like put it in here and then like duplicate the layer so it's like in the trash can and out but i'm not as good at that stuff as you are so oh yeah it needs to be dramatic there's a realistic yeah where's the realistic fire for the top top right yeah that's an actual yeah nobody likes fruitcake tastes awful it's sad fruitcake needs to go up just a little bit let's see um gnome colors are kind of light can it be different colors that are brighter yeah because that's not going to show up very okay click the gnome and uh give him a red red hat how do i pick just the hat just you you're in the hat and then click up top see the gray and then yeah that's oh okay so the white needs to be slightly darker otherwise it's not gonna it's gonna get erased with the background we do like yeah there we go and then uh make his shirt gray yeah the gray change that to like i don't know blue or something blue yeah there we go okay there's a little homie there we go all right now from thomas christmas party in quotes i think this is fun i like how let's do outfits this is alpha's christmas party okay so do that as our text so text none of these are googly eyes it's not gonna you gotta just sit like silly eyes or something hey i don't know the actual name is googly eye now you just typed i did i did pipe silly no oh see and you didn't even type in you can't hardly see what i'm looking at and that's not going to help me either i wanted to put like one little googly eye like right where his eye is i like him how he is i mean googly eyes on everything i do i would just do eyeball and then just pick a let me look at one i like that really low res one like right up in the top middle down no down one more that one yeah yeah how do i flip it top top toolbar to the left to the left there you go oh no don't make it too small or it won't print well yeah i think that's perfect just how it is and it needs to be like coming out the top just a little bit there we go all right i'm saying yeah that's good that's good okay yeah um all right go to text next i can't see yeah yeah and then uh let's pick one of these fonts like do the uh feeling cute or something or the beach please i like feeling cute all right and then alpha christmas party or holiday party i guess let's do let's do holiday that way we're being more inclusive with our holidays holiday yeah there you go stretch it uh i think so all right then change the colors oh i think you got to change the whole line can't do like now you'll have to change the whole line so there's two because it's in it because it's a color template what color should we dino hat needs to be bigger no it's comically small because he's so big that's what makes it funny what colors are we doing what not think i can do multi colors when i do this uh pick a color and see what it changes it changes the outline just the outline yeah and the interior stays the same unless i can no oh can't change the interior oh okay i actually kind of dig that pink of blue though that actually doesn't look bad they said uh the gnome needs some of those thug life uh shades what's it uh hold on you're doing the wrong thing you're in text i am you're right you're not gonna find anything this ain't google no like west side hands no you need um you need uh just do sunglasses or 8-bit sunglasses you're not gonna find anything give them sunglasses yeah give them some cool shades dude no no no yeah there we go oh yeah oh there we go oh yeah he's a cool little dude i kind of like him off to the side it's like he's looking at the cat that's perfect leave it just how it is i was just gonna friggin erase the thing that's fine so yeah eggnog yeah let's see oh hold up beer glass no no beer i'll give them a beer i was gonna see if they had anything oh that you could change the color to make it look like eggnog search eggnog there right there might be yeah but eggnog ain't gonna be foamy ooh i like the one with the uh straw in it yeah or cinnamon stick have you used that proportional thing before that's perfect it does look like a beer doesn't it looks like a beer with a straw he needs head grip these are awful these are awful i like it how it is it just fl i like it floating there it's good enough all right can we move the fruitcake trash can just like to the horizon of the image maybe even behind the dinosaur no no behind the dinosaur like yeah yeah it's almost like he pooped a fruitcake okay i could give it a little stinky i wish you could zoom out increments less than a hundred percent of this tail that's fine i like it no just leave it leave it out it is actually yeah that's actually okay can i duplicate this layer all right top top right why wouldn't they just put that option yeah there you go okay no it's like actually but all right somebody said somebody said viking santa yeah go ahead and leave me alone appreciate it they're calling about your car's extended warranty why would you make it that big it's going to make the rest of the image on the shirt super tiny oh okay we can we can make it smaller put it just let go let go i wanted it in the middle why that would be in the middle of the shirt if you put that on a shirt right now that would be almost directly in the middle it'll tell you where the middle is that's why i was making sure there it is there you go okay yeah it was almost perfect you're dangling all right dangling today y'all i i'm just a little bit of a digger no one looks like zz top and then we will make sure that it is as big as we can get it yes um then you need to make that holiday alpha party thing in the middle again because that would have taken it way out of the middle yeah it did yeah okay can you change the bubbles to coffee beans can you give us a uh coffee bean just put a just put a couple coffee beans onto the tree top right one is perfect it's same style a little cartoony yeah just cover the tree in those then just duplicate it a bunch of times there you go help them a little bit too so they're not all just in one yeah there you go perfect this is the best t-shirt ever all right um some hyper-realistic coffee beans under the tree no you're messing no you're messing it up you got rid of the t-rex you gotta undo everything it's so hard to control z i think those are well proportioned coffee beans i think all right snowman hanging from the t-rex that's a little much i think i think any more and we're gonna be this is ridiculous um i love this so much amber if you're on yeah give him a christmas hat real quick um amber could you do me a flavor and um after he adds the hat a wizard hat that's not christmasy neither is a t-rex needing an l needs to be flipped the other way though because the swirly needs to be facing down um when he's done could you export this and uh get this on a uh either a gildan or a bella canvas star do that do the gildan that way we can get up to 5x um in the sizing all right let it go that way amber can actually save it without us messing with anything somebody said that we need to change the style topper and i wholeheartedly agree i'm trying to jump ahead okay we're only 30 minutes into the stream we don't have to rush this thing dawg okay change the star what are we changing it to what are we changing the star to give it a little kawaii face make it super cute i just want to what do we get with it look at the little cute faces i like it i like i'm getting but i'm not using it i don't get nothing when i type oo and that makes me very sad that's probably because everything gets let's see you can put an ugly bean on the stove oh god i can get the ugly bean if you need me to i have it do you want smart clock yeah i'll take it to maine face so we don't show anything oh you don't have to no it's fine they can wait okay because it's it'll probably be in uploads no well it'll be in don't don't get it yet amber we're not done yeah give us just a minute this is coming it's all coming unhinged all right now i gotta find smarkla we couldn't save your design i swear to god if that got rid of that whole design no no it didn't okay cool all right and then i need to find let's see we gotta find smarkla um you're way too far you're all the way into not up in the friday we can collaborate bmg reviews was right there and that was way way way after any of this stuff oh sweetie see because we released a smartphone which was way after i did my game review stuff no i just saw it on a mug look we have it on a mug which means you'd already designed it probably deleted it i have not deleted it i would never let's um let's see if i can just steal it from an existing design stop stop do not just stop for a minute please it's fine no because it's going to end up crashing and we're going to lose this whole thing i'm going to lose it it's fine if you if you sh look it's this freaking easy now i have a screenshot okay continue now okay good god okay we'll go back to screen share okay okay let's just reload the page done it's because amber's in there at the same time most likely amber get up get out of the page amber you're messing it up you're killing it um let's see our uploads i swear can you type in like ugly bee i feel like it's not nothing inappropriate in there there it is this is the one that's got a background that's the one with the vampire fangs you know what i don't even care it's got the white the white border on it maybe we can erase the background and it might get rid of it might get rid of the whole damn thing it did nothing that actually made it look worse yeah hit ctrl z i can hit cancel that's all right i think that it should just be like this i think that makes it better it makes it better it would have made me much happier to have the the ugly bean peeing coffee into a mug but we can't do that oh you can't do that all right yeah i think that's as good as i think this is i think this is it we've already we've already um it needs a date to commemorate this a date like okay uh what's here type the type the date in oh hold on a minute let's just do 20 21. all right okay and then we will let's do our like alpha font it needs it should be comic sans oh okay you probably have to type in factual highlight thanks sorry i'm trying to be helpful but you're not is there no comic sans comic relief okay put the date on the trash can it won't be visible when it's printed on a shirt though i don't think yeah sure well let's not do blue though let's just do black so it actually shows there we go all right are we done 2021 was a fruitcake dumpster fire so yeah it was so that's that's fine all right i'm gonna um i'm gonna step away from this so go ahead and uh we're we're good amber let me go ahead and download this okay you can amber okay you can go ahead and switch back to back to us all right main face and amber when you're done could you put in a png of one of the uh mock-ups for me that way they can see how the mock-up of the tee looks pretty pretty please though and then let me know when you've done it and then we'll switch the screen over um i love this thanks so much and i think that we should off camera make this into a banner and make it the uh the facebook banner for like a week oh no that's a terrible idea all right um that shirt will be available shortly amber thank you thank you for putting up with us we love you she's probably like i hate them all right what's next what's next on our list all right um next on our list hold on i have i do have a list before windows forces an update on me since that just popped up okay um so i had two ideas for a game and we probably only have time for one of them okay one of them is they give us short we did this last year during the holiday party they give us short uh sentences but they can only use emojis or you when i compete together in canva using only the stock videos in canva to create a short film and we only have one minute to do it no you don't want to do that one no because i'm not i can't come up with stuff on the spot like that okay uh then let's do um being stupid let's do the emoji sentences and in order to do this we might need to show the chat on the screen share otherwise if they're watching via mobile on replay they won't see like what the emojis are i can do that i can't get it i just bring it over here yeah that's fine okay are we ready all right guys so give us and give us a sentence related to something christmasy um something that we would understand obviously something that you know that is in reference to something like a song lyric for example if you did like jingle bells or jingle bell rock and you did like a bell and then a mountain the thing with us competing doing the videos is that we now know that canva has like things that could get us in trouble on youtube so us doing that it could be dangerous not to mention we also have to watch the videos to be able to like see what we're putting into our thing so unless we're just typing and dragging little clips over but that we could end up showing something inappropriate so yeah i didn't i don't want to risk that i didn't realize that canva had any videos that had anything um moderately inappropriate in them so ooh i have one all right um all right so are we doing the emoji game yeah let's do the emoji game let's do the emoji game all right so tree walk up isn't uploads thank you put that on a shirt and uh some people wanted mugs because not everybody wears these stupid shirts mug is i think probably better than shirt go ahead and screen share canva for me real quick this might be like not visible even let me see if it's not can i zoom in on this i can not this yet take this away go back to canva for me okay okay and then go yeah am i going to just screenshot canva yes i just need you to screen share and then i need you to oh my god let me let me go into canva y'all and then i'm gonna grab okay the mock-up is in canva so let's pop back in add a page uploads oh that's beautiful we'll screen it guys this is magnificent amber let us know when this is available to purchase um in the in the elf adapt shop because i know for sure in fact let me do let's see do um photos and then we'll do i don't know type in uh type in christmas okay there you go amber maybe stick this as our thumbnail for the listing and just price it at whatever whatever you want try to make it actually bigger so you can see the design there you go okay okay all right all right all right guys amber will let us know when it's ready and you guys can can order it all right let's do um the chat let's do our our christmas christmas sentences all of them are getting blocked yeah and you guys don't i'll have my mouse on screen so you guys don't have to um resubmit them resubmit them yeah okay so go ahead and share all right let's do um lucy is uh i saw mommy kissing santa claus he's just making us bigger on the screen yeah all right lucy was definitely i saw mommy kissing a kiss in santa claus all right um sharon's uh car house tree powerhouse tree her driving i'll be home for christmas i'll be home for driving home for christmas i'll be home for christmas driving home for driving home for christmas uh one horse open sleigh bells oh one horse slay one horse sleigh bells on a horse uh grandma got run over by a reindeer um i love christmas hippos i love christmas hippos uh um it's too small too freaking cold no uh um jack is a jack frost no because there would be a nose there yeah um blue christmas a blue christmas is it blue christmas is it blue christmas um chris charlie says chris rice we don't know who that is santa claus is coming to town yeah yes um so rocking around the christmas tree yes rocking around the christmas tree i want a hippopotamus for christmas i want a hippopotamus for christmas i'm sure it was a song we should know that because we're in ohio and we have fiona the hippo santa baby don't stop now all right it's a blue christmas we got you got christmas okay which one haven't we gotten right if it's a if it's like an obscure christmas song there's a very good chance that we won't uh jingle bells jingle bells jingle bells yeah if it's an obscure song there's a good chance we won't get it because we're weird yeah we're we're not we're not up to on the hip young culture or not let's see both are active in the store oh did you put it on above you all right guys you can go down below if you click open the show more on the video um on the in the description you'll see that the friday beam collection is available now that'll lead you to our shop just click that and you can purchase the shirts and uh amber who works way too hard to you know pull off these crazy feats for us um the shop is linked directly to her account that way we can um help make up all the expenses that she spent while she was here buying pointless items in ohio and eating food that was ridiculously expensive apple crumbleston i love that name first of all all i want for christmas is my two front teeth yeah i know that one santa runs soon houses santa's santa's coming to town santa is running santa uh oh charlie i don't know um santa jillian said it's not jingle bells it's not jingle bells jingle all the way ring-a-ling ding uh driving home for christmas is great son i'm sure it is but i've never heard it and i don't know who chris rhee is or ray uh let's see oh no y'all are stumping us this year we did good last year um chris said yeah so we got hit okay sold out so uh i don't know what the one with the keys is can anybody guess the one with the keys other than the person that posted it yeah yeah other than the one who posted it what's the one with the keys and the one with the cross and the horse it it horse it cross horse i don't know um y'all are making me need to cheat carol of the bells scroll down some more oh so the one that says it was supposed to be an italian flag oh okay i still don't get it though oh italian italian christmas italian stallion yes let's see we got this one all of the actual italians are offended by that mr legitimately my my real last name is supposed to be marinetti so you're aware i am legitimately italian we had we legitimately italian we had a bomb drop a couple years ago found out that his grandpa isn't really his grandpa no it's not my grandma remarried like right after her first husband passed away which was my dad's real dad and he found that out for christmas and it was very awkward for me to sit in on let's see you got it no no not stallion then what was it a top italian horse italian horse italian italian horse song rudolph the red-nosed reindeer yeah we got that one that's that one's not bad yes silent night ring-a-ling dang okay oh ringling ding rudolph the red-nosed reindeer little drummer boy the italian christmas donkey the heck is the italian christmas donkey is that a song yeah that's rudolph that's a little drummer what's priscilla's with the dragon the heck is that assuming that's supposed to be a russian flag are you russian uh sleigh bell's ring are you listening i'm good i tell this she's a lot better at this than i am uh i don't know what i don't know what i don't know what that one is charlie's beard man making babies on christmas what babe a lot of these aren't displaying correctly july 17th christmas in july hint for the key one k nko tv think green monster for the oh the grinch stole christmas oh the grinch stole christmas got it i was like dragon that's like is eric i'm sure there's a christmas dragon song out there dominic the italian christmas donkey i've never what sure i have never heard that in my life they have appeared manny hall show white christmas christmas white christmas that there's like there there's so many like there's the blue christmas there's white christmas 12 days of christmas 12 days of christmas got it got it so uh you did the the grinch yeah okay we suck at these we're we're bad we're really bad at these we did okay last year yeah you have to look it up guys it's iconic you know i totally would on stream if youtube wouldn't immediately shut the stream down all right dominic is fun are we just not christmasy is that's what's happening because we haven't gotten like half of these apparently we just don't have the christmas spirit no we don't we don't have we don't have it whatever you guys have we just listen to it live we can't because oh yeah copyright copyright music if i would have put it in the description beforehand it would be a big deal but i can't you know what we can do though is i can pull up the lyrics what's the i'm just gonna four shirts left only four people are slamming these shirts yeah did you put a mug in there as well amber if so if not could we put one put a mug in the shop as well okay what i think she does even all right leslie is that are you all a bot is this a bot spamming because this is the second person that's put that exact thing in there i don't understand yeah leslie let me know if you're not a bot but i'm deleting that comment for now because i don't know what it is all right here's you wanna you wanna go ahead and full screen us again yes okay that was awful that was awful guys everything about it was awesome i am said she did okay um so i did find the lyrics for the um dominic the italian christmas donkey um we can't play it because we will get in trouble by youtube but here is if you want to take a little it looks like it it it looks like a christmas song i don't know if reading it will get us something either because don't read it just look just read it just i have never once heard this this it doesn't even strike a bell with me it doesn't even strike a bell not at all all right oh ginger had one chestnut's roasting on an open fire yes all right um okay now we need to give away um a shirt so some stuff i didn't figure out how to give anything away i didn't think of a way to give anything away we'll just have to do it we'll just have to pick it here and then have them email us well yeah that's what i'm saying but like i don't know how like are they gonna win it are we gonna do like a game are we gonna do like a trivia are we gonna oh i don't know what do you what do you guys think are we just gonna just randomly pick a name out of the chat or do you guys have a game you'd like us to do to have people we could do it like we could do it like pictionary where we could pull it by picky and start drawing something and whoever guesses what we're drawing first that's not fair though because there's a delay that'll be some some people get stuff before you know what i mean like it's it starts playing at different times for different people okay what do you guys think let us know let us know random random all right yeah we'll do it random um how many shirts do you want to give away math problems hey amber how much do the shirts cost for us to buy them so i know that i'm not like over budgeting giveaways people are saying random pick okay how much do the shirts cost for us because i know the gildan and the bella canvas are different pick the people who like the video we can't view that we can't view that no unfortunately youtube doesn't let us do that yeah we'll see how much there's no math oh god no pull up a random math equation and make everyone solve it first nobody gets a shirt everyone do algebra how about this everyone go and buy the channel by star level also just be aware if it's like not legal for you to enter contests like this in your country we haven't gotten with like legal people ahead of time if there are like dues and stuff available when we ship it to you um don't get mad at us because we're not paying those so so please there's no way for us too if we send you stuff so please be aware if it's not legal for you to enter this contest in your country which won't apply to most of you please don't enter it if it's not legal amber said depends on the size yeah it's like but it's like here i can zoom this back over here yeah just give me like for like a a large tell me like the size for like a or the price for like a large and then like i know that it'll either be like a little less than that or a little more than that i just need a ballpark so i know how many that i can potentially afford to give away without my accountant getting mad he's trying to figure it all out guys no i'm trying to zoom out it wasn't letting me zoom out you go wait do we pay shipping no we'll pay to ship it to you i'm saying if there's a duty fee when it gets to you that there's nothing else we can do about it yeah if you live in a country where you guys get like duty fees then you'll have to pay we don't have those we don't have we don't i have for i have a couple of times for like tech stuff yeah all right um so i'm thinking in order to draw winners curious how did the aja sign ups go this year it's good it was a little bit slower than previous years but it was a crappy year for just about everybody so we're really not surprised it was quite a few yeah we'll we'll be able to eat this year yeah um we'll be fed we're good um all right so what i'm thinking is everybody can post the wolf emoji in the chat duty feed if you want to enter and you can enter we'll have everybody post the the wolf emoji yeah and then we will randomly funky funky christmas oh i didn't know that funky okay i get that if you would have done like a like something stinky it would have been that might have gotten me like funky christmas i don't i've never heard that song either so put the price in canva as a new design oh thank you amber you're awesome how very considerate of you okay i can't see that so so this is how much they'll be which it's of course it's not in u.s dollars so this is based on okay just like add two bucks to all those yeah it'll be like 12 for us 13 13-ish okay for each i want to do like how many one it doesn't matter how many do you want to do that's five five into five give away five that'll be about fifty sixty bucks five you guys two five five people geek i don't do emojis copy and paste somebody else's that's already in here yeah type in the word wolf type in the word wolf there you go yeah that's fine you can type the word wolf in all right we'll let it uh we'll let it sit for a minute and then we'll do we'll do five please don't multi-post yeah well we'll know if you do we see it right now yeah can legitimately see everything that people are posting we see you we see you when you're sleeping we know when you eat cake we know when you've been bad or good so be bad for goodness sake oh yeah i added an elephant on accident at first it still still counts it's fine getting all those wolves and uh make sure that you like the video also go like we can't see it but you know it doesn't doesn't hurt your karma your winning karma also sorry for multiple things my wife and i are on the same it's fine that's fine it's fine we just don't want people posted in here like five times like galactic gallery michael don't do that deleting your second stinker you stinker let's see all right you think we're good yes okay all right all right so um five at random how are you going to do that you're gonna just gonna zoom up and down as fast as i can until it's enough why don't you show them what we're gonna rather not do that because okay i have to do other things too so okay up and down and up and down all right so all right winner was our first one all right whimsical muse uh send us an email to starla at with your shipping address who's next drop everything studios is to drop everything studios go and send me an email at starla whoever this is that's andrea with a picture of the palm trees just andrea with a picture of the palm trees drop us an email at starla at handmade and we got one more and dixie marie 63. dixie marie dixiemarie63 drop us an email at all starla at and made alpha awesome yay congrats uh you guys are awesome okay i sent you the message a message on facebook uh amber i don't look at facebook we do not get facebook she said we've sold five shirts and a mug guys if you want one and you didn't win one make sure that you uh go down below and get one if you did win one and you bought one anyway congrats you get two let's see yes make sure you include your shirt size in your email yeah i think we can go up to 5x i think is our is the sizes i think we can go up to five five x yeah can you click on it and make sure so after i post the shop yeah here's the shop if anybody wants to go buy anything scroll down into the shop and i wanna see the sizes because i don't wanna up to the top it's right there hard to miss and then don't worry about color yeah 3x okay okay we can go as big as 3x okay so let us know i personally um like to get the big ones and wear it like a night shirt so if you don't actually want to wear this out in public because it's so hideous get the bigger size and wear it like like your sleep shirt because it's so nice mug is amazing i might need to buy the mug for us i might want to give away a mug too that's up to you do you want to give away a month um yeah somebody want a mug all right guys post a coffee um make sure that there's a coffee there is yeah post coffee cup i'll post it first that way you can copy it if you need to yeah post the coffee cup emoji and we'll also give you one you want to show it to them real quick yeah screenshot screecher there's there it looks like wow that is quite a nice mug thanks for slapping the the shadow on there real quick amber i think it's on the mock-up oh is it in the mock-up okay great job amber phenomenal editing skills we love you um yes give us the mug emojis yeah give us a mug emoji or type the word mug and i will zoom through and pick somebody and you will get a mug if you want one a mug hopefully our accountant doesn't yell at us oh that's a flan but that works yeah i play a flam a flan i like plan that's a plan that's a white girl at a mexican restaurant i can i have the flan please and and the quesadilla and yeah i'm going to have to go somewhere where i can get flan now i love it she doesn't like it i love it while we're waiting on you guys to get your mugs in a couple quick things are our end of episode news this is our last episode of the friday being until i think this is 22 i think right yeah the 7th of january see you next year yeah see you guys next year um 7th of january in the next few weeks while we're on holiday break i'm going to be working on the 2022 holiday marketing calendars for the year so those should be available soon if you're not on my email list already there are tons of freebies down below just sign up for one of them you'll be on the email list and then you'll get the marketing calendars as well but i'll also make posts about it if you're not on the list or you just want to wait um those should be available before january if you're in handmade alpha academy if you recently signed up for handmade academy please be aware that we will be starting next week we won't be online as much in the group but if you need us for an emergency just send us a quick email you guys know what our our personal private emails are and if you don't it's pinned to the top of the student campus on facebook you can also hit the contact button in the top right corner of and get our email addresses but send us an email put emergency in the subject line so we know that it's important and that we can like step away from the holiday festivities to get back with you especially if it has to do with billing or anything um and then uh last bit of news guys my my book's available on amazon if you're interested in getting it it is a science fiction um kind of inter-dimensional multi-dimensional adventure uh there is a little bit of romance and i would read it probably ages 16 and up due to a lot of uh wordy turds but if you want to get a glimpse inside my crazy crazy mind you can get the channel on amazon on for paperback and hardback and ebook yes you can also go to you can't click it if you don't yeah yeah there you go that's yeah there you go there we go links to the book uh there's that or you can just google it or google it on amazon you can you can do a search on amazon for it yeah mark just posted the link that goes to my website it will include all of the links where you can buy it it's on apple books it's on google play now it's on um it's on a bunch of sites you want to follow us for our stuff what's your instagram starlet a more no a y right yeah there's starlose and i didn't that's fine there's a slash in there it doesn't matter and then mine is big underscore mark m that's our instagram and there's also an explore the channel when i explore the channel at explore the channel to follow her book stuff yeah and the cool thing about the books guys um just even if you're not interested in reading it you should follow my instagram because especially haa students in our marketing mountain timeline i talk a lot about hyper marketing and what you do as you're actually boiling down to the week of a launch um i do the same thing with my book i am currently in the um in the pre-marketing phase of the marketing mountain where i'm working on getting people on my email list i'm working on getting those pre-orders um and then i'm gonna shift into the hyper marketing where i'm posting literally every single day i'm doing the countdowns and things like that it's all the same things that i teach you guys about uh in marketing it's just i do it for everything that i do whether it's e-rank whether it's you know merch for his band whether it's elf adapt whether it's aja whether it's my book um i do that as well not to mention i also form brand planets you know for everything that i do so uh the channel has its own brand planet and when you go to the instagram you can see it and you can feel it and you can experience it and understand exactly the type of target audience that i that i'm trying to attract all right so let me go ahead and pick out the um let me zoom up and down you want to go ahead and uh screen us oh yeah i guess i could full screen us i don't know i should have done that a long time ago i'm sorry that's okay all right random mug leona creative knits i love the green tea one leona at creative with a k creativeness um i'm assuming that your name is either leona or lyanna go ahead and email us starla at and we will get you a mug can you do me a favor and make sure that you put mug either in the subject line or the message so i get a lot of emails over there that way i know that you're not waiting for a shirt that you're that you won the mug um yeah guys the fantastic companies that we've signed up for for only business things through that email address has signed us up for or sold our information to someone so we get spam emails like freaking crazy over there now all right we lived in the uk so we could sue everybody for breaking gdpr you uk people you should be suing everybody on email lists i didn't sign up for um all right um do we have any end of your news is this it are we done i think that's it i'm working on some new music hoping to have something out by the new year but it's me so we'll see you can put anything or do anything you put your mind to as long as you actually follow through like i'm like most musicians i don't like putting my music out there in the world i didn't like putting this out there in the world this this this is one of those things where i'm so like i love this story but i am so not sure if the world's gonna like this story that i'm just like yeah you guys might like it it's my here's this thing that i spent over a year of my life working on and editing and and spending like thousands of dollars making possible um fun fact i get like a dollar sixty every time i sell one of these these i get like three dollars every time i sell one and the ebook i get six dollars yeah we're not we're not worried about it amber isn't that crazy that's not a big deal no oh yeah yeah i'm not worried about it yeah it's fine we'll find them we'll keep an eye get cold calls we get each of us we probably get four or five cold calls a day oh all right it's awful it's pretty bad because somebody bought a godaddy website and didn't buy the production yeah if you guys go if you guys ever buy the 99 cents godaddy um uh domains where they run those deals always pay for the 18 insurance on it otherwise you don't go through godaddy it's not worth it don't don't use godaddy i'm a fan of google domains personally i like google domains you can get your domains directly through to like domain hosts like sitegrounds and they'll give you all like stuff included for free your ssl is free with it like just do it all right let's give it like five minutes guys you have any last-minute questions for us do you have anything that you need to know um if you're an aja do you have any questions for us before we you know start our holiday break anything you want to know um do you yeah yeah yeah yeah we got a few minutes maybe do a couple minutes just if you guys have anything you want to ask if you have any questions about my boy um we one of our alphas michelle badger you guys might remember her she was uh michelle harris a couple years ago she came onto our channel and did lots of tax q and a's because she was an accountant um at the time she is amazing and she did all of my formatting and editing and everything for my book for me um you can find her at four eyed books on instagram she's just starting her editing business but she's not she's teaching people how to do self-publishing um and how to basically do everything that i did and get your book pushed wide until like barnes and noble and things like that so she's great go daddy renewed my email and website when i opted out not a fan ooh all right and i will say just because it's a that died for some reason isn't it plugged in probably overheated oh okay i mean they can still yeah charlie oh one question strong female characters in the book it it's mark it is well the main character vivian um at the beginning of the book she's absolutely just the worst um she has chronic anxiety which you guys probably know that i have anxiety um and she is kind of she develops as a character throughout the book but because there's a part two a lot more of her actual character development is going to take place in the second book um yes at this point she is very very emotionally distraught throughout most of the book basically vivian um ends up in a strange like in between dimensions don't spoil it yeah she ends up she ends up in between dimensions in a world that exists in between dimensions and kind of you just did exactly what your mom does where i tell you not to spoil things too much and then you go yeah yeah and then you come back at them and then you do exactly i'm telling them what if they go to amazon they will learn exactly that um she ends up in this central heart of all dimensions and she there's a lot of like found family if you guys like that trope um there is a bit of a complicated romance if you guys enjoy that trope there is a lot of mental health issues everybody needs therapy so it's not a party until the power goes out right that's just when the party gets fun what's the amazing editor's name um her name is michelle badger her instagram is yeah uh her instagram is four at four eyed books four eyed books yeah and tell her starla sent you yes the the christmas lights are still on you mean these yeah you mean these because that's a different layer can you talk about my gopro was not plugged in all the way so it died can you talk about about marketing confidence and how to build your confidence constant be constant you will never there is nothing that you can read there is no training you can do there is no book that will teach you how to be confident you have to just put yourself out there and feel really really uncomfortable for a while um you really do have to build some don't give a crapitude like you you really do and you only get that by doing it over and over again and don't don't be afraid about what people think that's like with us on our live streams here we get better like as we learn to not care you have to really like obviously take can take into consideration what your customers say but don't be afraid of criticism because either criticism is either going to be stupid which 99 of the time it's gonna be stupid because those aren't people you want to to support anyway or it's going to be good criticism that you can take to heart and change your change your editing style like yeah yeah if you guys go back to our channel and watch our very first tech fridays with he and i they're they're awful they're terrible that was what our our q and a's were before it was the friday being it was tech friday watched like the first ones from like four or five years ago they're so bad um we didn't we didn't feel comfortable on camera yet because we hadn't done it that much same with me public speaking you know i uh not all criticism is going to be good criticism either oh yeah we've had so much criticism not everyone knows best for you yeah we have we've got a lot of people who are like oh look into the camera we can't look we don't care we can't look into the camera for two hours right yeah no no way no way amber could you uh could you do some parody hold music for me for for what specifically i totally will i totally 100 will do a song about anything i thought about doing um kind of what uh homie from lightest kid you know did doing like those stupid trevor moore doing some of those like stupid style songs oh my god amber and mark and i we watched she loved it if you guys like raunchy comedy and if you like um what's his name about burnham bo burnham bober and i'm working he does it's a lot worse than bo burnham yeah if you guys like bo burnham and how he does the musical skits i highly recommend trevor just passed away they found him dead in his yard but he was like one of my favorite comedians as a teenager and we just sat and watched uh the story of our times and um what's the other one high in church high in church they're both hilarious not appropriate for children please god they're so inappropriate but yeah they i amber and and uh scott and we we watched them multiple times while they were here the story of our times is much funnier it's much more funny that's the one that's live oh yeah story of our times you always say hi and church is funnier but no it's uh yeah the the oh my god it's it's so funny if you guys want something just so super raunchy and you're not you know easily offended i highly recommend watching those yeah it's not appropriate even at all so you if you don't like raunchy comedy it's not going to be for you the the connie watson song is connie watson connie watson it's the best song monkey bona monkey is also a good one yeah trevor moore he was from uh that one was high at church i think though bought a monkey that's like the one funny skit on that one no bottom monkey was in uh was it yeah we're just rambling at this point it's our last stream of the year so we're just kind of goofing off got nothing to do i'm going to go upstairs and play assassin's creed when we're down here so i'm going to finish uh reading my court of thorns and roses series uh i started listening to a new style of music that is actually the reason that i said i was going to put a song out by the end of the year turns out i'm really really good still at doing electronic music and i cannot think of his name because of course i can't sullivan king i found a stupid brand on that was recommended to me on facebook called scummy bears scummy bears and they do like festival edm clothing and i came across this guy called sullivan king and he does like metal mixed with edm music and it's really really good like it's some of the coolest music i've ever heard um unbound is there's a song i definitely recommend people check out honey where you at tonight are you at panera bread shirt with cats on it the cat said rolling the roll of toilet paper and it says let the good times roll you guys you guys have to watch it and you have to message us on instagram message me on instagram and let me know if you enjoyed it the the the um the high end church it's so funny it's so funny i would legitimately so i'll finish i will get the discord somebody asked about alphas after dark we haven't done another one of those because i don't like doing them on youtube it puts us at risk um so we're gonna probably start doing them sullivan king i'll type that in here uh you can find him on youtube music uh i typed it in the description there sullivan king uh but he does a lot of stuff with excision and all that stuff but for alphas after dark um i've got a discord set up now it's not completely set up i want to make sure permissions and everything work and that everything is as safe as it can be for everybody and we'll probably start streaming on discord if you don't have a discord i'm sorry but youtube is just not a place for that kind of stuff so i'll try to have that set up by the end of the year if not we'll have it done by the beginning ish of the year and uh we'll start doing stuff over there and then we can also have channels for like safe work not safe for work all that kind of stuff where people can get in there and actually discuss stuff in real time without having to post to facebook people that don't like facebook especially discord is a really really cool place because you can kind of say whatever you want as long as it's like without reason yeah we'll mod our modern discord but like for our alphas who sell 18 plus products like we know it's not fair because facebook flags you you're not able to ask questions you it's hard on youtube because we can't help you unless it's in a private stream and then we can still get flagged yeah and then and then it'll always be live like i can always be in discord and if something pops up and it's an emergency we can we can have different stuff for that we can do voice chat and all different all different kinds of stuff but yeah metal i hobby said that i'm about that life yeah me too yeah the song unbound it's it's pretty what he does is pretty uh interesting the vantablack album is not very good but it's pretty interesting music you put my my favorite song right now my brights are a blind side by day shell blind side by day shell there you go type it in it's one word blind side you've talked about like every live stream no i haven't they show blindside yeah the bandit stay shell the song is blindside i could listen to that song like on repeat because yeah everybody have fun on your holidays be safe please don't drink and drive please have a plan uber call somebody uber i'm i'm okay i drink and drive all the time so i'm good at it is not an excuse that's not how the human body works please don't drink and drive mr mora uh my best friend was killed by a head-on accident along with four other people in the car that was one of the only people i was excited about coming home to ohio too so i don't take that crap yeah don't drinking and driving you you don't get good at drinking and driving don't do it please uh zelfa's after dark already a thing and where can i find it or is it something that you are working on it is already a thing we have a couple of live streams we don't send them out after the fact or have them public just we only have some we only have two uh they're they're listening the second one there were only like 15 people that showed up yeah it's haa students you guys have access to them in the resources guide for everybody else if you want to sign up for the email list just to stay updated on it i haven't sent anything out in a long time um but if you go to my instagram the starla letter k more can you type that in um and then click the link in my bio you'll get to my um you know my link tree type thing with all the buttons that lead to all my freebies and stuff there's alpha after alphas after dark button click that button i'm sending in and it'll take you to a page where you sign up for the office after dark email list we have not sent anything out in a very long time and probably won't for a while until it's ready and it'll probably be on discord when we do because it's the safest place where nobody can tell us what we can and can't post there yeah we got to make sure that we're able to help our 18 classes it is an 18 plus no kink shaming kind of like positive community yeah absolutely no holds barred yeah all right guys thanks so much for hanging out with this absolute insane live stream for helping us design a shirt um giving amber a little bit of spending money thank you amber for putting up with us we love you um you guys maybe for the weekend you can get the mug and the alpha tea in the shop i'll probably deactivate them on sunday so if you want one make sure you get it uh for those of you who won make sure that you send that email to starla handmade alpha academy with your shirt size other than the one person who won the mug just let us know that you won the mug and uh yeah guys thanks for hanging out this was a lot of fun and we will see you uh we'll see you in january happy holidays happy holidays merry christmas happy hanukkah mary kwanza those are all the holidays that i know uh winter solstice yeah uh for all you witchy folk out there um and i don't know any other ones all the other ones all the other ones happy holidays i hope you get lots of presents and you get good and fat on food
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starla moore, handmade alphas, the friday bean, selling on etsy in 2021, etsy seller tips, etsy beginner tips, etsy business, grow on etsy, grow etsy business, how to grow your small business on etsy, how to grow your etsy business, etsy marketing 2021, handmade business tips, handmade business at home, etsy tips and tricks 2021, etsy tips for beginners, etsy shop tips 2020, etsy customers, etsy 2021, etsy shop examples
Id: yNJvnWGr6h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 13sec (5293 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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