10 Etsy MYTHS that are Harmful for your business - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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and we're live yes he is sandwich man i am sandwich man oh man people your email go out what yeah you guys hey y'all did you guys get my email today about the friday bean because we've noticed a couple issues with our email so please let us know please let us know if you didn't get our email unless you didn't unless you're not on our email list in which case don't let me know don't let us know just because we don't want to know if you're not yeah don't don't tell us it'll hurt my feelings and i'll cry and i try to not i try to not send you guys too many emails but i know that sometimes your inboxes just get too full so well i just wanted to make sure it wasn't a problem like with the uh alphas after dark episode yeah but that was my fault that's what i'm saying oh you think i messed it up is what you're saying yeah there's 40 people here all right guys you start i wonder what you were going to say next about the peanut butter between the toast now until the next after after dark episode yeah alpha's after dark peanut butter between the toes and no it's it's more that he likes to dance and we he loves to dance and you know rather than wearing socks and greasing up the kitchen floor he finds it more effective to have me cover the bottoms of his feet with extra creamy jiff peanut butter that way he can just twirl and twirl and twirl around with his hands up in the air holding bubbles and going can you guys picture that i hope that one of you is a wonderful like portrait artist because what i would really love is for someone to run with that idea draw a picture of your channel spill your coffee i'm gonna not catch my cat on fire is what i'm gonna do draw draw a picture of him in like a ballerina outfit and maybe bubba's dancing beside him and he's just got like a jar of peanut butter in his hands and peanut butter feet that's that is what i want i want that for i want that for my birthday so that my birthday is not until february you have plenty of time for our random artists out there mark ballerina mark with peanut butter between his toes all right guys today we're going to talk about etsy myths we've done these videos in the past so a couple of the 10 points some of you might have heard if you've been watching my channel for a while um there are a couple seo myths in here and i know that we do videos specifically on seo myths so if you want more seo related things i do have some episodes of the friday bean that cover those specifically but this one is more recent um i've been seeing a lot of myths popping up this year and i think it's because there's so many new sellers on the platform the unfortunate thing about that is that these new sellers are hopping on youtube looking for you know etsy videos to help them on their journey like we all do when we first start out but i think that some of them might be watching like outdated videos and not checking on the dates when those videos were posted just not knowing um i'm guilty of having a couple outdated videos on my channel but if something is completely outdated and like to the point where it's harmful i usually put outdated in the title i do get recommended to your videos that are like three four five years old yeah like your oldest videos yeah and because they have so many views but i've put like outdated on them because i don't want to remove them simply because they've got they're some of our best performing videos in the past and i hope if someone finds them in search they'll see that it's outdated and then use that you know video to go look at some of my more updated content but anyway that's that's besides the point i think that all of these new sellers are either you know just watching outdated content or i know that there are quite a few etsy gurus out there who are still teaching this stuff in fact we had somebody who was interested in enrolling in handmade alpha academy and if you're in the comments feel free to let us know if it was you or or don't if you don't want people to know their names um but someone emailed us and said that they wanted to join handmade alpha academy but they were worried because they had just bought a course from somebody who told them that it was okay to do like a lot of the things that we're gonna talk about today and i'm like you don't have to enroll in in my program but stop listening to the person that you're listening to right now and get a refund if you can because yeah if it sounds too good to be true or it sounds like it could get you in trouble it probably is or will yeah because a lot of a lot of these things aren't just you know oh you you do them you do them and you look silly a lot of them are you do them and etsy doesn't like index your shop properly or you start building a negative listing quality score which can keep you off of search pages so this is all really important stuff um so that's what we're going to talk about today if you want more etsy myths i've got tons of videos on my channel i've got a couple new ones on here but this seems to be the 10 most prominent myths that i see that just don't go away i think that a lot of them were true at one time or maybe they weren't true but etsy never told us that they weren't true so we just went on believing it for example before etsy told us that uh they don't you know they don't read descriptions i was one of those people who said make sure that your keyword optimizing your descriptions because like 10 years ago we didn't know etsy didn't tell us not to keyword optimize our descriptions in fact i think that they told us to but they didn't specify that it wasn't them reading them it was google so we'll get more into that in a few minutes um looks like we've got 105 here so real quick i wanted to just make a couple of quick announcements before we get into our our list handmade alpha academy is my personal training course it will be opening on monday it only opens twice a year once in june and then once in december it'll be open for only 10 days enrollment period but once you're in you're in for life completely self-paced uh it is a nine module course around 16 to 19 hours of uh content and it's an a to z course if if you're confused about etsy seo branding the psychology of marketing and an actual marketing strategy to get your business running we have that course coming uh on monday and that will be open until the 24th and we're also gonna have a free master class most of you guys who have been around for a long time have already taken it the climbing the mountain master class um that's going to be on saturday the 19th and that's free for everybody we like to do the free webinar during haa enrollment that way if anybody's new if they haven't experienced my teaching style and they want to know kind of like a a little sample of what they can expect from my teaching while also still getting to watch a webinar and learning some things because this isn't just a bs you know webinar i actually am teaching um there's a link down below you can sign up for that i'm not going to be sending emails about it until aja is already open but i figured i'd go ahead and give you guys the link early so you can make sure that you're registered for it that will be public on the channel for the first time we normally do these in like a private video um we've decided to do it public on the channel but it will only be available while handmade all the academy is open so if you want to watch the replay you'll only have until the 24th and then we're going to be taking it down so that's on the 19th and then our last little announcement most of you guys saw it already but wes from where are you here wes wes from it's new arcadia metal and works but i believe that your etsy shop is just new arcadia metal correct wes is our 2021 alpha of the year i was supposed to announce it today but i got impatient and announced it last night because i saw that he was online so that's super duper exciting we've only had two past alphas of the year because handmade alpha academy is three years old three years we're going on year four i think three yeah so we've got amber and lori and now wes is our first our first dude he's our first he's our first bro alpha so thanks wes for entering and for all the handmade alpha academy students who entered that's one of the perks of joining haa is you get to enter our super cool alpha of the year contest and we send you an 800 camera and some fun stuff so wes i'll be getting with you soon about that because i also need your wall of flame interview now hold on for a second oh yeah rest your lungs okay midwest seller asked if she could split between a couple of different accounts when it when aha actually opens just message starla at handmadealphacademy.com and i'll we'll set something up for you yeah is he is he the penis guy no wes he makes metal demonetizing the stream there oh it's it's a body part it's not a bad word yeah it's not a body part no um that's that's johnny um wes it does the metal roses and metal wall art so i'll be posting his shop too but he's also tagged his his page is tagged in there when do i learn the secret handshake that's again that is another alphas after dark all right are we good we're good we're ready to we're ready to start wes that comment is amazing i want a screenshot of that you could be both wes you could you could smith for this without without an apron if you know what i mean for those who don't know uh johnny makes little um phallic covers for pranks that you put over like your what are they called your valve your your air valve for your tire and you can just like swap it out for a little it's it's fine charlie a little appendage while your friend's not looking his shop is ingenious i i love the his shop um all right guys let's talk about etsy myths i've got ten of them and then one bonus method and then we'll yeah we'll do it yeah i'm gonna drink my coffee you can keep saying you're in a talking kind of mood today all right so the first one is one that you if you've been on my channel for a while you know i've got a whole video about it but i just recently had someone email me and tell me that their coach told them to do it and that is to renew all of your listings every single day to take advantage of etsy's organic boost um for those who don't know new listings on etsy get a small boost in search etsy does that that way they can gauge how shoppers will interact with that listing within the first 60 to 90 days and then etsy will assign it a listing quality score based on that activity so your placement in search for the first 60 to 90 days is not your permanent placement you have to wait until people start engaging with that listing clicking on it buying it favoriting it after find it finding it organically in search you can't you can't just send it to all your friends and say hey go favorite my listing we'll talk about that in a minute too but if they find it organically in search then all of these things positively affect your listing quality score and once etsy has enough data on how shoppers interact with that listing you get your listing quality score that's that's more permanent and then etsy knows where to put you in search now the problem is that people assume that if they renew their listings every day that etsy's going to keep them boosted now in reality what that really means is that etsy seeing that you are renewing that listing every day and people still aren't buying it and it might work for a couple of your of your renews but after a while what tends to happen is you start to lose your listing quality score there because nobody's buying this thing and you're piling 20 cents a day into your listings refreshing them all and nothing's happening people still aren't buying and this sends really bad signals to etsy um so anybody who tells you to renew your listings every single day this is really really outdated information we use yeah it used to work yeah it used to do a lot of stuff for your shop but that was before etsy kind of had what i think their current version of seo is fleshed out their algorithm yeah before they had their algorithm fully fleshed out because back in the day i'm assuming it was more like a restart switch on that little bump boost you get when you upload and their system saw it as that but now it it's a little more uh right advanced and and not to mention you know if it takes 69 to 90 days for etsy to fully index your listing and it restarts every time that you renew that's very counter-intuitive if you're restarting that you want them to index your listing you want to know where your listing is going to be you want to have a permanent you know nice little place carved out in search you don't want to have to restart it all the time because then you you're not able to gather data you're never able to know how good your seo is and you you can't improve so making sure that you do your seo get get your keywords in there and then let them have a test period you need to do your seo and then let them sit um we did an episode of the friday bean a few weeks ago that was just called how to do keyword research in seo with e-rank i believe um and that one will teach you if you don't know how to do keyword research and how to check on your listings and you know how to track them within e-rank so you can see how they're performing we cover all that in this video but just make sure that you're doing your seo and then giving time for those listings to really set and if you've got a listing that's doing really really bad and you know that you want to change your seo you've already waited and you're ready to you know add some new keywords you can totally renew that one listing so etsy recognizes those changes faster if you're just doing it to to say hey you know i made some changes i would like you to you know re-index me for these new keywords can you can you please notice that i've made these changes sure you made the 20 cents and renew that listing just don't go in and do it every day and don't do it to all of your listings there's no there's no there's literally no point yeah it it can be very harmful in the long run um next thing is another e-rank and seo related myth and that is going directly to etsy going to the etsy search bar typing in a few keywords related to your product and trying to find your product in etsy search to see where you rank this is completely subjective because etsy factors in uh localization and personalization features yes so unless you find yourself shopping from yourself which you shouldn't because that's uh illegal shilling um you're not gonna find yourself in search because everybody's search results are going to be different based on things like your location like your past search history and things like that etsy's going to recommend to you products that think that you're going to like and they're going to recommend to mark products they think he's going to like and recommend products to me that they think i'm going to like they're also going to recommend things that people that live around me like exactly trends have a tendency to be big in areas not just with certain small groups of people usually you'll have like your little you'll have your societal like trends where everybody's looking at things and then you'll have your group trends which facebook groups and and fan trends and things like that and then you'll have your personal trends but then you'll have your your local trends like you you probably noticed this if you've ever gone on vacation anywhere there's like one thing that you see everywhere like if you go down to like tennessee there's the the wood sculpture buildings they're friggin everywhere because it's something that everybody does down there so that that's how the personalization data works it gives you stuff that everybody wants to see it gives you stuff that you want to see and it gives you stuff that people in your area want to see which is why you're using something like a vpn doesn't help you because you're going to be getting the the the information influencing from the area that the vpn is based off of using an incognito window doesn't work because basically what an incognito window is is just like it's like opening a different browser that you've never used before it doesn't have any of your search history in it it doesn't have anything like that but the ip address is the same your internet service provider still sees it as the same etsy still sees it as the same as you it doesn't change anything so right there you go sorry so don't and we used to be able to look for our rank yes by going to etsy search that this is more outdated information it used to be the same for everybody but etsy's algorithm has gotten smarter and that's a good thing right we want if if we have a very specific type of product we want etsy to recommend it to the people who are more likely to buy if you've ever run like a facebook targeted ad you know what that's like where you have to put in like interests related to what you're promoting and then they will take your ad and show it to people who are interested in the type of thing that you're selling that's what you want to do that's smart advertising now if you are just trying to see how good your seo is erank.com once again has a tool to do that yep the answer to your question the e-rank rank checker will show you what page and position you would land on if there was no personalization and this isn't just a guess this isn't an estimate this is data this is a fact it is from etsy's api it is directly from etsy yeah because etsy can't tell us the personalization for everybody right it's different for every person but what they can give to e-rank is the api data that tells us where we would be with all of that stripped so what we can do with that information is look at the listings that are ranking on you know pages one two three and know that for one we don't need to touch those listings those listings are doing the very best that they could possibly do for the keywords that we're trying to rank for right but what we can do is go look at the listings that aren't doing too well the ones that are way back on like page 10 and then we know where to start we know where we need to actually start improving our seo and trying to get our listings to rank a little bit higher i usually think pages one two three and maybe even four if you're trying to rank for a really really competitive keyword those are prime spaces once you start getting back to pages five six seven it gets a little bit harder but i've noticed that etsy shoppers they seem to do a little bit more digging than what you would on google you know google you go to page one of the search page and you never go to page two right unless you absolutely can't find what you're looking for etsy's different if people are shopping uh they'll usually dive a couple pages in so pages one two three and maybe four are ideal to me i think that those are some prime spaces i mean i'd asked a question yeah does the lower listing score also apply to listings that haven't sold in four months is it better to copy the listing publish it as new and delete the old one no not necessarily not if they've never sold um and keep in mind that right now is the slowest time of year i would not be making any changes based on the data that you see through um i would say may june july and even august it's exceptionally slow so summers are usually slow but it is an exceptionally slow summer and the reason for that is everything's opening up so people who didn't get to go out last year finally getting to go out um so i wouldn't make any drastic changes right now um i would say that if that listing has sales and positive reviews it probably still has a decent listing quality score um but if it's never ever sold and it's ranking really low um i might start you know considering doing some keyword research there and just seeing if you can improve anything and then rather you don't need to copy and and you know recreate the listing unless you're positive that it's not due to just slow traffic on etsy because any past sales and past reviews that you've gotten have helped your listing quality score those are things that that help it this is an interesting one i'm not sure with re-indexing if you change just one keyword for example is etsy just taking the 60-day window to re-index for that one keyword or is it the whole listing from what we understand it's any changes to your seo if you were to just swap out a single little word they still have to have time to notice you for that word for that word but we don't know if it resets the entire counter for the whole listing i would say probably not anthony wolff tells us that if we have a listing that is performing well that we should not take anything we should just leave it alone even even if you have something stupid in there if it's doing really really well just leave it alone so that's and anthony is probably the smartest etsy seo guy out there so that's all for questions so far all right cool so um we talked about not renewing listings we talked about uh how to check your rank or without you know going directly to etsy search third thing is that like ladders can help your visibility this one's really outdated and i still see it and you know the etsy groups that like don't have moderators and admins and everybody just runs wild and does whatever the heck they want most etsy groups i see this almost every single day in these groups and it's it's hey let's support each other here's my shop link i i'm going to go like all of the pages that are posted under mine so make sure that that you come in and give favorites to all my items and then i'll give favorites to all your items and then you gotta favorite everybody under your post to post their shops no that's not how it works favoriting items does not help you at all unless those listings are found organically through a search so if somebody is shopping for an opel engagement ring and they type opal engagement ring into etsy and then on page three they find one that they like and they favored it that could help that listing if that same person took their opel engagement ring and posted it in an etsy group and said everybody go favorite my opal engagement ring etsy knows that that traffic came from an external source and it's not going to count the same like ladders are nothing but a waste of time and not only that but if you're somebody who follows your conversion rates very carefully it's going to mess them up because everybody's going to be going to that listing and no one's going to buy it that doesn't help all these little seller games that you see um etsy smarter than that etsy is way smarter than any of us will ever be their algorithm is very smart and they know when you're trying to game their system it's it's a mentality that i think comes from early sellers that a lot and not everybody but a lot of sellers will start out in like the mlm yeah like and that's the kind of activity that you see in those kind of things where you just get your friends to get in on it and like it and buy it and at the end of the day yeah you make a couple of sales off of doing things like that with those people that are coming to your shop and liking it i never have i've never made sense it doesn't build repeat customers it doesn't really do anything for you other than like the quick buck with your friends buying yourself i'm saying with like friends and stuff like that yeah it doesn't do anything for you in the long term and i just it's a waste of time you can be putting your energy into places that actually make a difference for your business we had two questions if you want to if you want to but those games are called like ladders anything that feels like you're trying to game the etsy system is probably not a good idea it's either not going to work or it's going to get you in trouble exactly neither of which is good uh is it worth adding products right now yeah why absolutely 60 to 90 days to index your listings and uh we will begin seeing shoppers return to the platform as early as august we usually see holiday shoppers start coming in around september and then october and november are our busy seasons i would say that right now is a fantastic time to start adding products in fact i think that right now would be a great time to start working on holiday products and i know that that sounds absurd especially if you live in a place where it's like 100 degrees outside assuming that we're talking about freedom units um but if it's 100c outside we're in trouble but but really i i think that right now is a fantastic time to start working on products like this because it takes a long time and if you go to a craft store right now i don't know if anybody you know has been into like a hobby lobby recently um their thanksgiving stuff's already out it's it's out already so yeah i don't know why because it's a good story no it's because it's a meme every year they do it or and it's been like this for like the last five years every year they've done it like two or three weeks earlier and now it's like barely even summer it's not summer yet yeah it's not even technically summer and they had the stuff out for fall and like last year it was like middle of summer they had the stuff for like halloween out and now it's like it's already out like why did we did we get this one uh i don't have to wait before ranking is accurate indexing takes 60 to 90 days yeah there's no there's no like there's no specific number i'm sure some people it's probably even earlier than 60 to 90 days if it's solid concrete enough yeah 60 60 to 90 days is what we know um i would just check your rank with the rank checker and just kind of keep an eye on things amber said i don't even know what my top seller is right now you know i think for for the type of store that you run not having like you you have a niche but you have so many different products for so many different kinds of of people so many different types of dog lovers and animal lovers and stuff like that but it's it's probably normal for your kind of shop to not really have a best seller all right we'll do igneetas and then we'll go ahead and keep going with the list what percentage is considered a good listing quality score you don't know your listing that is an invisible score that the etsy keeps that we do not know um unfortunately you don't know what your your listing quality score is and you do not know what your customer and marketplace experience score is but you know when you have a good one because those are the listings the ones who just seem to sell like you you have a best seller out of nowhere and it feels like when it sells it all it always sells again right afterwards have you guys ever had that happen to you something will sell and then that same exact item will mysteriously sell like the same day or the next day and it happens it's really eerie it's because there's a good listing quality score there because etsy recognizes yeah it's he recognizes that somebody bought it and if and if you're doing everything right for that listing like you've got all the seo hammered out all your pictures are filled out everything is filled out correctly you just made a sale maybe you've got an ad running on that particular product as well it's just pushed to the absolute forefront of whatever that industry is all right i'm gonna keep going because that that question let's try to get through it though because i don't want these questions to get those that's fine that one isn't related to anything that we're talking about all right um next one a lot of people ask this i haven't really seen anybody post that this that this is true so this is more of a question that we get a lot of people have asked me if adding listing videos helps your search ranking the answer to that as of right now is no but i and this is how i explained it yesterday during the e-rank q a if somebody comes up to you and says i have 11 lottery tickets here and i'm gonna give them all to you and and one of them is a winner you don't know which one but one of them's a winner and here's all 11 and you say oh okay i'll take one that no if i'm offering you 11 and i'm telling you that one wins you're gonna take all of them right you want all the lottery tickets that's how i feel about the 10 listing photo slots plus the one video yes um if you're about to buy a new car and somebody's got three or four pictures of the car online but they've also got a walk around where they show every little part of the car which like you're gonna want to watch the video to see how the car actually looks in person right and i feel the same way about the videos i love when shops have videos and it doesn't do anything for your seo it the video helps your listing about as much as another picture helps your listing it's not really gonna do anything for you but it's it's for the customer it's another opportunity to convince the customer to buy absolutely and it shows that you're putting in the effort because a lot of shops don't use the videos like a lot of shops and if you're if you're not good at making videos and you think that your video is going to be just absolutely but awful fine watch some videos and learn but i think they help yeah okay that's my opinion you can even do like a little slide show video there's so many things that you can do we talk about uh different like the motion leap app that we we talked about is a free tool and we we discussed that during last week's episode of the friday bean there's so many things that you can do but it's not going to help your search ranking it's just going to you know be another thing that could push a shopper potentially over the edge and get them to buy so if you've got time over the summer if your sales are slow like most people are get those listing videos done now that way they'll already be in your shop by the time traffic starts picking back up just remember that the videos do not have audio yes they do not have audio not yet next thing is that etsy will file copyright claims against your shop that is not etsy's job everybody i see people who are like etsy isn't taking i see all these disney shops and etsy isn't taking them down etsy can't he can't that's their job etsy cannot take down let's shop copy copyright has to be filed by either the person that it belongs to or an organization representing the individual or the business and in order to be representing them they have to be like a paid organization that's like what you see with music with youtube copyrights and things it's usually because that person is under a label or they have a certain company that they upload their music through and that company is responsible for security on those things it's the same thing with etsy etsy doesn't represent its sellers yes so basically what happens is big companies like disney for example will have an entire team of lawyers yep and there are those people's jobs will be to sit and watch and if you've got one or two sales and you've got like a little disney themed shop you're not a threat they're probably not going to come after you right away but they're going to watch and they're going to wait and they're going to wait until you make a little bit of money and wait until you have a little bit of traction and then they're going to come after you because they're going to have a nice big case against you where you've made several thousand dollars using their intellectual property so you have to be extremely careful and yes i know that tons of sellers do it this is one of those things where most of them get caught eventually and a lot of the ones that don't are in places like china where they're not going to respond to disney copyright claims and they'll just start up a new shop yeah so yeah um let me see next one is uh we kind of touched on this brief briefly it's keyword optimize your descriptions etsy tells us that you can keyword optimize your descriptions but it is not etsy that looks at them it is google and the unfortunate thing about google is that if you've ever seen a listing for etsy on google it doesn't lead to a product it almost always leads to a search page related to a query so for example if i was looking for i don't know judge judy mugg um on on google i might get a little search page from etsy that has all of the judge judy mugs on it but that's not going to take me to a singular listing with a judge judy mugg um you can keyword optimize your descriptions but i wouldn't do any of the old tactics like copying your entire title and pasting it in the description that's something that we used to do i've actually got a video that i did one of my very first videos i talked about that because it used to be one of those tactics that everybody did um now it's already been proven that it doesn't it does it doesn't do anything it looks silly so don't don't do that um but if you're already writing a good description you'll find that it's easy to put your major keywords in there if i'm selling a judge judy mug i'm going to say something like i guess i need to turn it so you guys can see that it's judge duty if i'm going to sell this mug i'm going to put something on it like you know this judge judy mug holds 16 ounces of your favorite beverage or whatever i'm sticking in my description but i've already used my main keywords there right so just write your description as accurately as possible and cater it to the shopper not to an algorithm because etsy's not going to look at them and your chances of ranking on google are not very high unfortunately google and etsy are two entirely different animals um hello mr animal he's he seems very happy yes he likes being snuggled next one this this is one that i hate it's that if you run out of space in your tags you can put your extra tags into your materials i get so mad when i go to a listing and then i see my materials list like their materials listed as gift for mom gift for dad great gifts for grandma i'm like those are not materials etsy doesn't read the materials that you have listed there is no reason whatsoever to put extra keywords into your materials in fact it looks really silly and it's a major disservice to your shoppers who are trying to see what your products are made out of and you've just got extra keywords in there etsy doesn't read material so if you're putting tags extra tags in your materials you're wasting your time and you're probably confusing people who need to know what your products are made of especially if you're selling something like jewelry where people need to know the materials in order to make sure that they're not allergic um i yeah i really hate this one um you let's see we've got four three more so let's let's pan out a couple of questions and then we'll okay way up yeah a lot of comments do you think we need a new store for a different type of product i sell shirts but i want to sell templates as well unfortunately that's really subjective i i can't tell you what you should do um if you're i mean niche yes i i would say that the most important thing is that you have a consistent target audience and there is a consistent theme that if someone goes into your shop they understand what they're looking at um you should make sure that you have an ideal customer in mind and you can define your target market i've got several videos on target market we teach target markets and handmade alpha academy we have an entire like building a target customer profile in handmade alpha academy um the the problem really comes from shops that have a bunch of random things that just don't make sense does it make sense and if not can you make it make sense so that that would be my my big question and one is shirts and they sell templates if you're talking about like shirt templates i wouldn't sell the shirts and the templates in the same store i would sell them in different places we have we have other sellers that will sell their shirts and then we'll sell all but they're like best seller images that they get on their shirts as things on the side so it's totally it's kind of up to you okay i listed something yesterday today i checked via listing on an e-rank saw which tags were good which ones weren't then i replaced the bad ones with research ones today will that affect my listing indexing does it matter if it's only been one day i mean yeah it's but it's only a day every time that you change something etsy has to have time to recognize those changes yeah it's only been a day so it's going to make it's going to matter the time frame of a day so um i mean you could try renewing it i don't know i it's such such a specific question i i if it were me and i made changes i would renew the listing so in the future oh yeah in the future okay it's december 26th time to take down the christmas stuff and put up the christmas stuff yeah basically uh do you think this year buyers will start christmas shopping even earlier because of last year's shipping delays which are likely to become the new normal uh yes actually i have a bit of a prediction with this one and i can't guarantee that it'll be true or if it'll reflect on etsy if y'all haven't noticed in pretty much every industry where things are popular scalping is the new thing pokemon cards pokemon cards anything technology related computer parts game consoles video games everything people are buying them with the with the purpose of reselling them and i think i don't think it's that people are going to be shopping early because they want to i think it's because companies are going to release stuff early scalpers are going to buy it and you're going to have to pay exorbitant prices for things online so yes i do think people are going to start shopping early for christmases here because they won't have a choice but i don't know if that will reflect over into the etsy market i know for a fact that it's going to happen in every other market but etsy isn't a place that gets scalped so i don't know i think that i think it'll stay pretty consistent we usually start to see shoppers come back around august september is when we start to see like christmas shopping specifically it's all it's i think it's all going to reflect on whether or not companies respond to the scalping by releasing products early or trying to control the situation because i could see a lot of companies releasing stuff in like september in order for it to just sell out yeah hey sharon go scroll back down sharon said i thought as he did read materials is extra tags no they read attributes as attributes as extra tags not the material section where you type them in yourself if you're selecting materials from a list of attributes that is what they read as extra tags i'm talking about where you type in your materials down under your description and by your by your tag section they do not read those only the attributes which is the set of drop down menus that are under your title when you're filling out your listing oh all the people saying that they get buys yeah getting repeat buyers does that help your etsy scores um any sales help your c score i don't know if they help more than than just you know if two different people were to buy yeah i don't know but i know that that purchases of singular listings repeat purchases of listings help those listing quality scores i honestly love having a video option for my jewelry there's just no way to fully show off the beauty of sparkly jet exactly um do you think a video of me cutting the soap i make would be a good video yeah i think so i think that's a good way to show the dimensions of the soap videos have a better uh a better time showing like the aspect of size with things so like because i i used only bar soap other than for my hair sierra um you know tic toc like the soap cutting is super trendy right now too i'm sure you guys there's no noise though there's no noise with the etsy videos noise with soap cutting it's the asmr are you sure there is just no just the just the watching you just i think that it i think it would be a good idea i totally experiment with experiment with camera angles maybe show a couple of your friends and ask them which one's like the most satisfying i would definitely maybe look up some satisfying cutting videos and try to see what angles they use it's big right now uh do you think of oh that was the same one got a question about reviews if we want to share good reviews on social media do we need to ask the customers nope you don't but it's good practice um otherwise i would just get rid of their name and their profile page yeah i would if you're gonna display their name it's a polite thing to do but for one it's public so you technically don't have to it's publicly displayed for anyone without a user account logged login to see and it's your shop that the review is on so your discretion entirely but it is the polite way to go yeah or just blur blur out their picture and name yeah or their last name if you just want to share their first name there's a lot of different ways that you can do it um question what are your thoughts about free shipping versus not i ship from europe to usa is it better to attract customers with lower price than surprise of shipping or include the product price um here's the thing there's no such thing as free shipping shipping is always getting paid for by the customer whether you're looping it into your product total or you're adding it as a shipping price if you're selling to a market outside of your country where the shipping price is going to be higher we typically know that we're going to be paying a higher shipping cost we know that if we're buying something from overseas the shipping cost is going to be higher just like if you were buying something from the us you would expect the shipping price to be higher um i my view on the free shipping guarantee thing that etsy pushed is that if you can do it great cool it's probably pretty easy for people who sell things like sticker sheets and and stuff like that if you can't afford it don't do it um i have not seen anybody say man this free shipping guarantee has killed my shop people aren't filtering buy free shipping and etsy they said that they were going to prioritize listings that shipped free but if you do any search query on etsy right now and you click on a couple listings on on the first page not all of them are going to have free shipping which tells us that etsy decided that that probably wasn't a good idea otherwise all of the listings on the first page of the search query would ship free now it will it will affect people who are filtering to only see listings that ship free most people don't filter at all yeah they search what they want to search for if they don't find it they reword their what they're searching for and then try again yeah i don't i don't i don't filter by free shipping when i shop because i know that i'm paying the shipping it's just part of the product price it's a good one do you ever get really fed up answering the same questions over and over again you seem to be so patient i used to not really when and the justification i think is because we our audience is always changing like there are there are quite a few of you that i'm sure have been here since day one and there's a few people that's they're probably their first time ever watching this and we'll have some people watch the the replay that have never caught a live stream the audience always changes and the answers change from time to time you have to consider that etsy changes platforms change social media companies come and go or they change or they reflect or they're bought by somebody else that like what the answer isn't always the same even if the questions are for everybody for the parents out there remember when you first had a kid and like the first few nights it was just like oh god this is uh this is awful but then you just got used to it and then it was just nothing like you woke your kid wakes you up in the middle of the night and it's like oh well kid dumps a cup of juice on the floor and it's like oh well that's you know i think that that's how it started out i i at first i was like man i'm answering the same things now i kind of get excited when it's a question that i know the answer to because i've said the answer so many times every time i say a new answer i'm able to craft it in a different way sometimes i'm able to build on it and now i've got a lot of really cool metaphors that i can use so much teaching has gotten more effective right that and most of the people here are artists of one one type or another whether you're a digital artist you paint you draw how often do you come across the technique that you forgot about or a way of doing something that you haven't done and being reminded of that skill inspires you to want to do the right thing with your art or to do something different with your art or redo something with your art simply because you just forgot that technique and you're learning about it it's the same thing with this somebody said it's nice to be reminded that's exactly it like there might be something that you're doing that you heard two years ago that we said that you just forgot and it's it's good to be reminded of things every once in a while let's see if we created items for a tv show can we use it under the tags for people that search it i'm conflicted since the tv show belongs to warner brothers and obviously not us okay so she's the one who um who had her armor on lucifer i saw um if you have i'm sure you have some sort of contact with somebody that got a hold of you or purchased it or whatever i would seriously get a hold of them first because again warner brothers is one of those ones that you don't want to screw with yeah harry potter is good proof of that yeah so if you have any contact at all with anybody at the company or the even just the person that purchased it from you i would reach out to them through etsy unless you have personal in emails from them from another time reach out to them and make sure it's okay to use the logo otherwise i would excuse me i would say probably not until then she means like under the tags yeah no i i understand that even if you're going to use imagery words it doesn't it doesn't really matter you could also they probably also have a media package well they probably also have a pr team or uh an hr team or somebody that you can reach out to within the company to make sure that or even just their copyright department they might have a copyright department you can get a hold of and let them know the situation yeah because how rad would it be for you to take like a screenshot from the episode where he's wearing the armor and put it in a freaking listing photo no i meant like put it as your like your shop banner that that would be so cool even if it's just an as seen on like anything like that is is great for publicity yeah i would i would that would be what i would have done like first thing i would reach out immediately to them still sat here waiting for ps5s to come available turns calpers yeah i don't even want to talk about how much i had to pay for my 30 90. it's it's it's the scalping is getting out of hand if you buy stuff to sell that's fine but if you're one of these people that's like buying 50 of the same thing to sell it for exorbitant prices especially if it's a kid's toy shame on you our shop favorite's good for your shop score yeah we we actually covered that already a few minutes ago uh favorites don't help your shop score if they have been linked directly to your product if you go on facebook and post a link to a product and you say everybody go favorite my product it's not going to do anything if a shopper types a few keywords into etsy stumbles across your listing organically and favorite it as he says that that favorite does help your listing is it true that putting day by day listing help your activity on etsy's eyes or is it better to upload everything at once i would upload listings like one at a time on different days let's do this to see activity listing things frequently is one form of activity that etsy likes um but it's not the only thing that you can do a lot of people just go in and they change their shop announcement or they post a new shop update or they uh they you know edit some outdated pictures you're in handmade alpha academy though and what's going to be more effective is building a solid marketing plan with a funnel where you're directing your own traffic rather than only relying on etsy seo that's a great strategy if you just don't want to do social media and you don't want to like work you know on your business in that way and you don't want to build like a funnel and an audience if you just want people to find you organically and stumble across you that's fine um but building collection launches doing things very organized having a marketing plan uh being able to direct your own traffic i find that to be a significantly more effective strategy and that's why big businesses like tiffany and co for example do it they do a collection launch they promote their launch and they drive traffic we kind of already answered this does editing a listing affect your search ranking every time we have to edit uh several listings at a time our sales drop drastically yeah it's because they're being replaced and they're etsy's figuring out well it depends on what you're editing if you're just editing thumbnails no if you're editing your description no if you're touching your tags titles or attributes yes as he's going to need to kind of reindex you in search cat's being stupid sorry guys i had specific colors of my items that are not available in the attributes in my materials section for example teal lavender et cetera should i stop doing that since ez doesn't use it for searches yeah i wouldn't do that there's there's no reason to because red is not a material you know and etsy's not reading that at all i would use it um i if you if they're good keywords and their people are actually searching for them you could use them in your tag section but i wouldn't use them in your materials okay we are caught up i believe all right um so let's where did we leave off we left off if uh if you run out of space in your tags put extra keywords in your materials that is a myth don't do that there's no reason to do it next one is that new shops cannot succeed on etsy because etsy's market is too saturated this is untrue every year when handmade alpha academy opens we have a couple students who will join who don't have shops yet and we have seen significant results what matters is having a plan the shops that don't succeed the new shops that don't succeed are the ones who just start without knowing what they're doing which is how most of us start right if you actually treat this like a business you prioritize doing seo you make sure that your photos are fantastic you work to build a social media following you go where the people are on platforms like tick tock and instagram you drive traffic you do it right you start an email list you build incentives for your fan base to follow you you will succeed on etsy as long as you have a product that you've researched that is in demand and you put in the work yeah so most of us when we start when we all started on etsy you know we we didn't know what we were doing right i didn't i just i made things and i thought of a funny title like you know dragon of dreams key nephes and nobody's searching for that in tags i would just guess i'd be like dragon dragon necklace key skeleton key absolutely god-awful tags that i just sat and thought of um one or two photos that i took with my phone and didn't edit at all and they were they were terrible that was started out right um that that's why new shops tend to struggle or if you create a product that just i i see this a lot with print on demand shops a product that just isn't phenomenal it isn't astounding um if i have to see another print onto man t-shirt shop with t-shirts that say live laugh love on them i'm gonna scream you know you have to be original you have to be original you have to do a little bit of research there are plenty of print-on-demand t-shirt shops that are insanely successful but it's because they're innovative they're not just doing what everybody else is doing you have to be imaginative and try to bring something new to the marketplace so no it is not impossible for new shops to succeed we see it happen all the time but you have to be willing to want to put in the work to plan things out before you just jump in don't just say oh wow i could list products right now and maybe make money no think things through a little bit first get good photos up start building good listing quality scores right from the beginning build yourself an off site advertising platform get yourself social media facebook instagram pinterest friggin tick tock if you want to get yourself an email list going there are so many ways to be successful on etsy and the thing is the more of a saturated market you're in that just means that you have to put in more work it doesn't mean that you can't succeed if you are selling live laugh love t-shirts you just need to a make sure they're good make sure that they're shipping in decent amounts of times and they're not all just shipping from china and taking 60 to 70 days to get to your customers and you're gonna probably have to rely on offside advertising unless you're one of those shops that has like 5 000 listings and then it's inevitable that you're going to sell them anyway so it just depends on what type of market you're in if you're selling truly handmade products try to sell something that's original if it's not original understand that you're going to have to do stuff that's not on the platform to succeed right or or you're going to need to do some targeted uh actual paid like facebook ads and things like that you're gonna have to find your market but etsy is a fantastic platform when it comes to search ranking i think that this whole uh getting that initial boost to build your listing quality scores that's going to help keep the platform nice and level etsy's done a lot of declumping on the first page that means that we're not seeing just the same shops listed over and over again on the first page of search um they're getting smarter their algorithm is getting smarter and it's helping sellers who are a little bit newer to actually build some traction and it will continue to go that way if you're one of the sellers that makes a lot of sales on very minimal work your sales are probably going to start to trail down right you're going to have to be one of those shops that that stays on the forefront of the information that etsy is putting out that's he etsy releases what they do right as he says that almost all of the changes that they make are public right and the only ones that aren't public are the ones that they don't want you to know because then you can just cheat the system right and you know this is a lot of people asking like handmade alpha academy like oh you teach seo i'm like yeah i definitely teach seo we we are great on seo but the other thing that i teach is that you shouldn't only rely on seo you've got seo is one source of traffic but then you've got your own funnel as another source of traffic these are this is your social media following your email list all the people that you've collected because if for some reason you know you're driving your kid to school and you blow a tire and you don't have any money to to pay to you know get your tire fixed and it's a catastrophe how great would it be to hop on you know your mailing list real quick send out a flash sale like today only we're doing a 50 flash sale i never do these so make sure that if you've been waiting you hurry up because things might sell out and you get your audience super duper excited and you promote that scarcity you can make money when you need to make money and when you want to make money you can direct traffic to your etsy shop which is a lot different than relying on people to find you organically sure you can run a sale in your shop and people can find you organically but if they're not looking for you they're not gonna find you if you're sending that email directly to them and posting on your social media platforms and they've kind of been stalking you silently just waiting for a reason to buy and you present to them that wonderful reason they're gonna make that purchase same with if you create new products sending out an email to everybody saying wow you know i just released my new line of judge judy mugs and they get super stoked because maybe they love judge judy they're going to be so excited to go buy your new thing give your customers a reason to want to buy your products from the bottom up make sure everything is the highest quality that you can possibly do exactly so new shops absolutely can succeed on etsy you just have to put the work in you have to make sure that you're treating this like a business and you're doing your research first etsy has never been a make money quick kind of place and it's always had the perception that it is yeah and it drives me nuts even when she first started on it i was super stoked like yeah we're gonna make a bunch of money and then it like took forever and i was like okay maybe this isn't a good idea we almost quit several times yeah absolutely okay um all right so next one is that your most important tags should be entered first etsy does not care what order you enter your tags etsy is going to broad match them which means they're going to mix and match them all together to make little keyword phrases and they're going to exact match them which means they're going to read tags on their own as you know singular terms like skeleton key as one keyword combo and necklace and then they'll read them together as skeleton key necklace and it'll also read that as key necklace and skeleton necklace and skeleton necklace and etsy smart it doesn't matter what order you enter your tags but when doing your title you should put your most important keywords first in the title we do know that but make sure that you're picking terms that make sense i i really hate when i'm looking on etsy and i see like i don't know maybe i'm shopping for him for father's day and i find a cool pocket knife and a cool i i'm thinking thinking of dad things a cool pocket knife and the bad thing the the first thing i see in the title is cool gifts for dad whoa a cool gift for dad well it looks like a pocket knife to me i i want to see what the product is first and that's how you should be titling your product yes please god please the most important keywords should go first in your title but they should also be the thing that tells you what the product is and so uh you don't need to enter your first your your most important tags first and then our our last one is that uh don't repeat keywords in multiple listings or you'll compete with yourself oh my god you guys if i have to hear this phrase one more time this one drives me nuts so asked us sharon asked us if we got sick of answering the same questions over and over again no not i don't get sick of answering the same questions over and over again except for this one oh you can't use the same keywords in all your listings or you'll compete with yourself that's not a thing that doesn't exist you can't compete with yourself you cannot if if that if that were the case then you could not rank more than once for a single search so if in my shop all i sell are different judge judy mugs i'm going to want to put judge judy mugs in all of my tags and titles right because that's all i sell they're just maybe they're all different colors in all different judge judy faces if that's all i sell i want to be found in search for judge judy mugs and the thing is if you could compete with yourself that would mean that your listings would only show up in one search query one time that's not true you can show up multiple times in a single search query how dare i show up on page two i'm gonna i'm gonna go over to page two kick my own ass that's not how it works be on page one i wanna be on page two i wanna be on page three i want that shopper to just continuously see me i wanna follow them and stalk them throughout their shopping journey i want them to see my listings like every five minutes i i always want to be there there's no such thing as competing with yourself it's not a thing it doesn't exist i don't even i can't i can't wrap my head around what people think is happening you can disprove it you can do a search query right now for something and find multiple listings from the same shop if you browse through the pages it's not a thing so wipe that from your memory it's the only it's the only question that drives me bonkers because i don't understand it i don't understand where it came from i don't know why people still talk about it i don't know why coaches still say it it doesn't make sense you cannot compete with yourself there's no possible way and then i'm going to throw in my my my 11th etsy myth my little snarky one before we get into uh questions guys go ahead and start getting your questions in the chat they don't need to be about the topics that we've talked about they can be about etsy seo they can be about handmade alpha academy if you're interested in rolling when it opens on monday if there's anything else you've heard that might be a myth that you want us to clear up yeah if you've heard any myths floating around if you need to us to debunk something let us know but the very last thing is that you can't make a living on etsy alone and this is absolutely not true because we have so many sellers within handmade alpha academy who do just that we have sellers who have quit their day jobs we have sellers who have we have one seller who does dog food she has a dog food shop and she was able to open a storefront in hawaii we have sellers who have their products freaking used in the filming of lucifer we have so many successful students and when people are just like yeah etsy just that's not the place it's not nobody is successful on etsy anymore that's just not true and the thing is is like we even have some students that have made it so that like they won't even see them in our live streams anymore because they're so busy and have made so much money that they literally can't afford to do anything else yeah we have we have sellers that make 30 grand 40 grand 50 grand we have sellers that make over 100 grand a year and i'm not saying that that everyone's capable of doing that there is a not necessarily a glass ceiling but there there is a ceiling on some businesses that you can do working by yourself a lot of businesses until you get to a point where you're comfortable hiring or working with manufacturing there is a ceiling but that ceiling is usually high enough for people to be able to to to live if they live normally that's not assuming you've got 50 000 a year in medical expenses but if you're if you're living a normal life most industries can support a lifestyle making more money than a damn day job that's that is to me success if you can make more money than what you would working for somebody else even if you've got to do more hours but you pick when the hours are i mean i work significantly more hours working for myself than i ever did working for a day job but i can take a day off when i want to like yesterday i was trying to work on handmade alpha academy and taylor wanted to go out and swim in her in her pool and i'm just like okay you know what i can set my work aside i can stay up late and do do what i need to do so i can let her go out and swim if i was working in a day job i couldn't just take off work and go take my kid outside they don't care about me so that to me is success it's just about making sure that for one you're not setting the bar too high it does take time and it takes a lot of work and i can tell the sellers who are willing to put in the work and the ones who are just like ah you know i just want to make some money here and there that's fine you can absolutely make it work for you though and etsy doesn't have to be your only traffic source you know you can have etsy you can have your own website you can use etsy as a funnel to get people like onto an email list where they can later shop on a website there are so many things that you can do to build success you could do etsy you could do you know if you want like additional revenue you can have multiple income streams you could do amazon affiliate links maybe you you know maybe you have a specific type maybe you sell patterns you sell uh you know cross stitch patterns but then you've got amazon affiliate links available for like the hoops that you you know recommend and things like that there's so much that you can do guys um i just hate when people say that you can't make a living on etsy because i'm it's it's a flat out lie we do we see we we did we did we helped sellers do it all the dang time so dang all the dang dang time see me me skipping carefully around the monetization like oh i said i said a dirty word earlier you said one that's not a dirty word but it is an eighteen plus word okay i'll reach out again initially the costuming department person told me that i was allowed to share on social media once the episode aired here's the thing the costume department person isn't the person in charge of copyright they're not the lawyer so it's one of those things that like it's probably you could probably take that if you had that email and show it to etsy like once the copyright strike happened but it's just a battle you don't want to have you know find the legal team and show them that show them the thing from the costume department just cover cover all your bases it's not worth potentially a lawsuit or something like that over you know companies get desperate they can you never know they might have a lawsuit that they're trying to make money back from sharon i love this one uh i did a video of a tiara for facebook and used dancing with sugarplum fairy from that name the nutcracker and horner bros at ask facebook to mute my video because they own the rights to the music sharon music is a whole different thing we normally make around like you guys probably didn't know this we normally make around fifty dollars every episode of the friday being because our channel is monetized in ad revenue one time i hummed not even 30 seconds of let it go from frozen and facebook took all of my or not facebook youtube took all of my ad revenue for that video and yep because i hop they didn't youtube didn't take it the company yeah yeah yeah they had so they have they have youtube has has ai that listens through things as they stream and as they play as they're rendered and whatnot that will listen for copyright music especially big baller like disney and stuff like that copyright and if it sees it it just immediately takes it like there's not even a person behind it it just does it if you guys want free music we recommend bensound.com binge it's free you just have to credit them yep uh question how can i set up a coupon code this one's a bit of a long one okay meets the meets these criteria 30 off only for specific listings never expires and also has to meet a 20 quantity i tried etsy on sale and it doesn't allow for this level of specificity i don't think you can i don't think there's any unless somebody knows of a tool that's that's a pretty advanced level of sale that's like something you'd have to program on your own website yeah i don't think that that's possible unfortunately i wish it was i always wanted to do like buy one get one or buy one get one fifty percent off sales and there's no way it drives me nuts that that's not available on etsy like why yeah it sucks etsy does things that are questionable sometimes and this is one of them like they they just do not have the site set up for for coupons properly yeah and it drives me freaking crazy more sale options just more more ways to do sales i want buy one get one sales and coupons and like repeat buyer coupons you make a purchase and like how a lot of websites will you'll make a purchase and it'll immediately give you like 10 off your next sale you can do that yep i know but through etsy and not you no i'm saying you can do that it'll send you yeah they'll send a coupon but who knows if the person will use it right or one of those pop-ups yeah or a pop-up when you buy something it has a pop-up like oh you can get this 20 off if you do it now and then you click it and it purchases it some people don't like that i think it's neat i love that i do that for vista print i always order less business cards than i know that i need on vista brand because because they're gonna offer it to you at like half price yeah that little that will take a pop up and it'll say quick for the next 30 minutes you can get double the business cards for 50 off like hell yes double the business cards for 50 off pro tip pro tips so considering a collection launch should we preload the listing allowing 60 to 90 days to index or look at the launch as a good kick off to the indexing period uh look at the launch as a good kick off to the indexing period computer just froze oh are we oh you won't know because your whole computer just froze oh no let me see if we're still live this one over here work okay this one over here works give me a sec guys we'll get it all figured out you can make you can make breakfast no no i already told her too that's fine i'm gonna have to oh it's working yes i know it's working but i have to kill google chrome oh oh is it back it's back yay okay holy crap everything's now this doesn't even make any sense there we go all right sorry about that her computer likes to freeze for like a solid 30 seconds and think we're going to have to do stuff okay back on track here um but yeah uh you can't like put your listings in draft and and be indexed they are not live until they're live so you've just gotta you know kind of put but that's great if you're doing a collection launch assuming that you've got like a social media following you've hyped up your launch you've got people excited for it and then you you launch your products um i think that that is a fantastic way to start building a listing quality score because if you're hyping up your launch and people are buying on the first day the products are listed etsy loves that they love to see that you listed brand new products and people came right over to buy them that's a fantastic way to start immediately building good listing quality scores and start building your rank and getting good reviews for those purchases my ssar swipe file strategy the five star customer service review strategy that's for free down below if you click see more i know that most of you already have it but getting five-star reviews also helps your search ranking and this is like a a cool little totally etsy legal way to do that a lot of people saying that we weren't frozen no it was we have two separate computers one actually streams and the other one is the one that we use that way we're not taking up too much you got well you guys can always see behind like the screen when we when we uh have something go wrong and we think that we're not live and we're like oh no are we are we live are we yeah because if this computer freezes we can't tell so we usually just stop what we're doing you guys see us panicked it's it's better for us to just stop because then if we have to repeat ourselves we won't be as enthusiastic the second time around hi guys i respect your opinion and i was wondering how you feel about people who sell animal parts on etsy i saw some parrot feet and it traumatized me as a parrot rescuer and trainer um i would say that for one you there are a lot of animal parts that you can't sell on etsy um i a lot of you guys don't know this i used to restore vintage taxidermy i used to take like you know those nightmare taxidermy pieces that you saw from like the 50s and 60s before people knew how to they're just awful and they're awful i used to restore those i've got a lot of taxidermy restoration in our house uh we're not we love animals we are not for like farming of animals we're absolutely not but i am into kind of the the oddities like niche and i know quite a bit about what is and isn't allowed um parrot feet that's really confusing to me because i don't believe that you're allowed to sell parrot parts at all it's really going to depend on what country they're selling from and i would say i don't think that that's legal i know that there are some animal parts that are completely legal to sell and then there are others that aren't you can't for example there are a lot of bird feathers that you can't sell even if you find them and they fell off of a bird you can't sell owl feathers in the united states for example because they're raptors you cannot sell any anything any raptor parts uh you cannot sell any bird parts that are protected under the migratory bird act uh which means most you know like feathers and things that you find in your backyard you technically aren't even allowed to keep them but i know a lot of people do so for those who are worried it says they source them from villagers and i worry they get them from people killing them yeah they probably do to be honest with you but there's no real way to prove that you see that with bats a lot there are a lot of caves right now that are completely running dry they're native uh native bat species in remote countries because the uh the people they're basically capturing all the bats and freeze drying them for taxidermy crafts yeah because they realize that it's a way that they can make money with very very little effort exactly um that's why you see a lot of petrified bats for sale right now there are places where you can get ethically sourced bats um but most of the time when you see cheap taxidermy and things like that it's because they got it from dirty means exactly bats uh ducklings chicks uh those are usually things that you wouldn't if you're like into those things you don't want to buy them cheap on etsy you want to make sure that the the person that you're purchasing from is ethically sourcing their their materials yes so because that goes with any any kind of industry you should always be sourcing ethically exactly no no animal labor no slave labor no no no killing involved yeah that's one of the things we were talking about doing a friday bean coffee for you guys where you can actually buy our coffee bean blend i am big on ethically sourced foods i'm really big on like a lot of people don't know this but vanilla extract and vanilla beans that is that is a big big thing because most of the companies that you buy at most grocery stores are not ethically sourced they use slave labor or animal labor or something like that yeah so always always check into things if you're confused if you know it comes from a native country make sure it's ethically sourced or do your best to find out that it is yeah um definitely need your funnel to get sales and prove to etsy you're a trustworthy seller with sales and get good reviews for them to promote you funnels are where it's at building those fantastic listing quality scores and customer and market experience scores if it were if it's something that any industry has to do it's probably something that you have to do funnels are big not competitive with yourself but it's like repeat marketing do you guys split payments for aja we do six monthly payments or one upfront payment yeah we've got a six month payment plan uh can we have a class on how to optimize on just complete on just competing with ourselves i'm all about that just racing just racing yourself yeah just get one of those like the speed bags that you box and put your face within hitting distance of it and hit it and let it come back and hit you just over and over again just beat the crap out of yourself and do that until the the phrase compete with yourselves is no longer in your memory or you just forget how to say it uh how do you make the image of yourself like in the cupcakes on the ads i'm trying to get better at my ads and videos and would love to be able to do this thank you um layering it's a it's a lot of things such a technique you got to remove the you got to find an image you got to remove the background from no not our image um if you go to my ipicky uh playlist my my photo editing playlist on my channel way back when i did a video called how to create jaw-dropping marketing um that'll kind of teach you a little bit on how to do complex layers and things like that using ipicy i do it all for free using ipicy i don't own photoshop um but it does take a lot of time and a lot of practice um i have a lesson in handmade alpha academy or a bonus called photo clipper where i go into the specifics of that but um there are some videos on my channel i would check out the jaw dropping marketing video from like four years ago i found that no one has a way to help one-of-a-kind items in shops i don't find that to be true yeah in fact i just did a one-of-a-kind video not that long ago that talked about all the things that one-of-a-kind sellers can do marla and so check marlin so check it out uh i think that it's called does etsy hate one-of-a-kind sellers um i yeah one-of-a-kind sellers are definitely at a disadvantage but there are things that you can do so i would check that video out it's a short one it's it's not a hour-long friday name uh what sale percentage do you think helps bring more sales i've been told 25 and under is completely pointless uh i doubt this but does it help running a sale help your views there is a there is a low bar uh 15 15 i think i've what book is it priceology yeah i think you've talked about that before priceology i believe i can't remember the author i'm usually pretty is it over there biology priceology martin lindstrom um that might not even be the book but 15 is where i read it somewhere that under anything under 15 people tend to not notice unless the item is very expensive if you're selling you know a piece of furniture obviously 15 is gonna be a decent amount um think about the amount that you're actually that you're actually taking off from the item don't necessarily think about the percentage itself that's that's the big thing with it like i think in any industry five percent like i've seen five percent it's offensive don't even offer a discount if you're gonna do five percent but like with expensive things really expensive stuff 10 to me is a big deal just look at the amount of money you're actually taking off like if if you're if you're selling a 100 item 10 is 10 that doesn't really feel like a whole lot of money 15 percent that feel 15 that feels a lot more than the solid number like 10 does 25 would feel great on 100 item and the more expensive that is though i think the more you can get away with doing a lower discount because like five percent off of a hundred dollar item versus five percent off of a thousand dollar item is a significant difference between the two yeah when mark was in the military one of the things that you know they always tell you is make sure that you ask for your military discount and we did that when we were traveling to ohio oh my god he was in uniform because he had to wear his uniform while we were going he was in uniform and we just stopped to grab lunch real quick at a diner and the bill was only like 30 but he asked for a military discount and they're like yeah we can give you five percent like don't even offer it at that point it's offensive like like i don't that's the thing i don't even care if places don't offer a military discount it's you're not obligated to do so like in any way and no veteran and no good veteran will say that you're obligated to give a military discount but if you're gonna do it at least make it worth my time to ask right like i already feel like a jerk asking for it i still do but anyway fifteen percent is the percentage that most people say is the standard if you're selling you know a product that i'm assuming is under like a hundred dollars uh is putting your shop in vacation mode a bad thing got a video on that as well so it's not about putting your shop on vacation mode it is about having items dormant putting your shop on vacation mode would be the same as those items being deactivated basically in order to maintain a listing quality score people have to engage with that listing they need to be able to click on it they need to be able to favorite it they need to be able to find it in search they need to be able to buy it they need to be able to leave reviews for it when you are on vacation mode the only thing that they could do is leave a review they can't interact with your listings they can't favor them they can't make purchases they can't they can't find them organically in the search and the longer that you are keeping those listings down you know the longer that those listings aren't available the more time that people aren't able to engage and you start to lose your listing quality score you start to drop in search so if you go on vacation mode for a month yeah that's a month that people weren't able to engage but it wouldn't be any different than if you took one listing and deactivated it for a month that listing would have just as much trouble if you were to go on vacation mode for a day it wouldn't have any effect probably at all because a day isn't really long enough for you know it's not going to matter if people don't interact with you for a day um so does vacation mode hurt your shop yeah kinda um but it's not something that's permanent you just have to if you're coming back from vacation mode start showing etsy that you're active add some new products run a sale post on social media and try to get people into your store being active so that etsy can start you know recognizing that you're back basically i've got a full video on this that i created last year though i think it's called those vacation mode hurt my shop so feel free to watch that it's another short one uh i'm an aha and my business is my income now and samantha does stamped keychains and things so it's not like she's selling you know six thousand dollar coffee tables like she she makes a fantastic living doing something very tangible with her hands and i think that that's amazing hey i love the videos by the way thank you i make pom pom earrings and the product isn't really in demand right now so how do i find uh make or find products that are in demand but still make the thing i like um excuse me sorry is there any way that you can make your current pom pom-pom earrings trendy for example it's pride month you know you can make some pride pom-poms yeah rainbow pom-poms or just use tags that you know relate back to that um what holidays are coming up you know we've got summer you could do some like maybe little boho style pom pom earrings then we're gonna have fall you could do some fall color pom pom earrings we've got christmas coming up you could do winter themed pom pom earrings if you want to keep doing those but if you're looking for something new to do i would recommend going to erank.com going to the reports tab and checking out the trend reports check out the uh what was hot uh yesterday the daily trend report that's going to tell you like the most searched items on etsy yesterday and then look at the most searched items last month on etsy to see what is super trendy and make sure that you look in your niche you know in particular look in the jewelry nation see what's trending and see what you can do there snow raven did she oh okay are there videos in ha or is it all paper based it's mostly videos it's all videos it's videos with worksheets to help you out yeah there's there are you get some things that you can print out you can make a binder or you can you know write it on your own notebook paper um but yeah it's it's all video content it's it's just like watching a normal like instructional video on youtube it's in-depth it's to the point there's no banter step-by-step step-by-step direct here's this download this print it out this that and the other it's it's right it's to the point i well i used to be a preschool teacher so i treat it the same as if i was building a curriculum i know people think like oh preschool what you don't do a curriculum in preschool you yeah you do yeah you do yeah you do full lesson plans and everything right i use that structure when building it and for those of you who are about to sign up and those of you who are currently in haa we will be fully re-recording the course to be finished by the end of this year hopefully yeah um the videos are still applicable but we just want to improve the audio yeah we did it when we were both still kind of amateurs at what we were doing and now i'm basically an audio professional and i edit all the videos and we have equipment to put things up at like 4k i think they're currently at 720p i think we actually output them at 480p so we we just want to make them higher quality the content itself is still fine uh we're two years in etsy and now we make more than we ever did working our full-time day jobs in the film industry awesome target market has always been hard for me i can help others but not myself can you help me with some ideas for soft soldered gemstone jewelry not off the top of our heads i was gonna say we can't be the knowers of everybody's target market unfortunately um that's something that you need to deep dive into my suggestion would be to go and look at who's purchased your jewelry in the past go to their profiles on etsy see if they've got profile photos see if they have any other profile figure you know filled out and see what they've favorited in the past um you can really figure out who your buyers are and you know focus on what you see the majority of if you notice that the majority are women write that down if you notice that the majority are a little older maybe you know maybe you've got a will say like 45 to 60 is your like you know you kind of observe and you can see that they look like they're in that age range write that down and it doesn't mean that you're alienating the people who don't fall into that target market for example i'm sure that when i bought hold up your mug no when i bought that mug for mark i'm sure he was not the seller's target audience nope um i am for sure but but you know it does it didn't alienate him you're not alienating somebody by defining who your target audience is just you got to define them please give us some mr print tips i gave you kind of the only one that we really could pay attention to the emails that they send out they send out pretty decent coupons and always check if you buy cards and things like that they usually include a coupon in there too that's usually pretty good they do sales pretty often make sure that you have the honey browser extension as well yeah because they've always got coupons going yeah honey will scan for every coupon out there and apply it to your vista purchase um so that's that's what i do or i check retailmenot if honey isn't finding you know anything every once in a while i'll double check me retailmenot [Music] how to be successful on etsy a lot of different ways whoo maybe maybe gotta be less broad with your question maybe check out my channel sell things there's lots of videos on my channel i would just dive into a topic and start there [Music] can you do the link for climbing the mountain again i can't find it it's down below it's down below in the description for the video yeah there's like a little reds like police siren next to it yeah there might there might if you're on mobile there might be a little thing you have to tap to actually get it to open the description you gotta do that on desktop too you gotta click they've made it a pain in the butt read more or show more or something like that thanks guys i reported it but it's still up last i checked it must be a loophole or they just haven't gotten into it yet the the birds oh yeah if you do ethically source being can you help us get to find a way to get around palm oil ooh i'm not the person to ask about that i know that the the um have you seen all the videos of the poor little orangutans that are all burned up from the how they're doing the palm oil and all that it's it's bad i'm just the kind of person that says if there's no way to ethically source it it's just fun to do anything else do without it without it finds to find another product that you can use yeah ethically sourced is the only way to go destroying habitats or ruining lives is not worth whatever it is it's not worth anything it's i mean it's it's it's destroying habitat life life lives on and we want to make sure that it can so i saw a clever way to drive repeat sales on a custom listing add variation options called custom sera or custom heather and price each according to your rate versus making separate custom listings oh that's pretty cool yeah that's a building building a listing quality score for a custom listing yeah that that's actually not a bad idea i don't know if that's cheating the system in some way so just be careful keep an eye out on the rules but yeah would you consider doing an up-to-date video on how to create marketing like starla in a teacup maybe um here's the thing it's that stuff is very hard and it it's not necessarily uh i teach you how to do it you go do it it's i teach you how to do it and you spend years practicing it until you get as good as i am it's not a quick thing that you learn really quick yeah she's been editing pictures for friggin ever trying to get better at um you can watch my i turn myself into a pizza video i posted that one was recent yeah that was recent i just did that one i turned myself into a pizza using ipicy.com i just found a stock pizza and put my face in it um and you can kind of see exactly how i did that um that's a harder one though starla starling a teacup was is a is a more complex layering thing because i have to cut out myself the teacup my hand is a separate layer that goes over the teacup then i have to find a vector of a shadow to put under my hand so that it looks three-dimensional it's it's a whole big that's a process don't just try to do it with like your listings like if you've got free time and you do are like out of work to do just play around with it yeah get yourself an idea and try to do it i mean i could totally do a video like that i just i don't know i don't know how useful it would be to everybody feel free to let me know i believe you said in a video at some point that you recommend that we have to be prepared for h.a as far as a binder and such can you go over that one more time or do you uh say when we get into aha oh yeah no you you don't have to have one i just that that's what i recommend having i like going you know because right now we're going to be able to see all the new school supplies and stuff starting yeah being organized helps yeah i recommend you don't even have to have it but i recommend a binder a hole punch or sleeve protectors if you prefer to you know as long as you can get the pages into the binder um and if you've got a printer that's really useful if you want to print out your your worksheets but you don't have to do that we've got plenty of students who just bought a notebook and wrote everything out on their own the thing about what you're basically going to be building is a alpha like your marketing binder that you can reflect back on so if you don't want to go back to the course to remember a certain part which you totally can you're you're in for life you can go back and listen to it as many times as you want but you'll also have your binder there that you can reflect back on especially when it comes to building like the marketing timeline and knowing when to market when to post this when to post that when to start teasing a product launch uh when to when to launch when to start promoting singular products from your launch things like that it's useful to be able to flip back out uh handmade alpha academy students in the chat feel free to let me know how you use your your alpha journals that you have it's also good for especially if you're like our target target audience is what do we found out the other day looking at our demographics it's like 25 to 45 i think is our main demographic that's like 55 percent of our audience and then the rest is like 45 plus a lot of you have been out of school for a while and not used to being organized to education and stuff like that so having a binder and getting yourself re-used to organizing it can be a good way to just remind yourself how to do that which can help reflect back onto your business when it comes to a point where you're so busy that like organization becomes a problem because it does get to a point where organization can become a problem super fun too yes i have so much more i have so like my desk is covered in colored pens and notebooks and things because i only write in fun colored pens i i love going school supply shopping i get all the lisa frank notebooks and all that crazy stuff just because it makes note taking more fun any time i read a business book or a psychology book or a marketing book i take notes every time so that's that's pretty much all the questions um yeah all right i think we're caught up any last-minute questions here why be normal said that she's busy moving into her new house today thanks to aha course sells itself y'all awesome see that's it there are no more questions all right guys well uh go ahead if you've got any more last minute ones feel free to uh feel free to get those into the chat if you're curious about handmade alpha academy if you have any questions about it feel free to get those in the chat it will be opening on monday there's a waiting list down below make sure that you sign up for that signing up doesn't obligate you to buy but it does ensure that you get the discount you get the notification when we open uh we usually open doors at 8 a.m eastern time and once you enroll you can get started the second that you enroll um the good thing about enrolling in during our summer class is if you're to dedicate one hour a day to working on handmade alpha academy most of our students can get at least enough of the course done to be fully prepared for the holiday season or just to to you know be able to have their first big blowout holiday sale and i know you guys see it especially if you've been around for a while you see our handmade alpha academy students in the group posting like oh we just had a six figure black friday and then everybody else is like how did you do it so um this is really the best time to join we do open again december 1st but that's more of like our new year's resolution opening because you won't be able to apply anything in time for like any of that big christmas rush june enrollment is my favorite enrollment time because this is the time when you can actually like get ready for what will be a big holiday season and it's elect less hectic time of year like sometimes yeah signing up for aha right before christmas when you're gonna be up like burned into stuff most people can't even start till january no exactly and this gives you time to actually get like into the material yeah dulce asked us shop favorites help your shop score on it so we answered this one earlier but not really no they yeah we've answered your question twice have you been listening where have you been no uh only if they find you organically in search if you link your product on facebook and all your friends go and favorite it it's not gonna help if somebody does a keyword query and they find you organically in search and favorite your product then it will have a little bit of a positive effect but it's not going to be something huge um the best way for you to build a good listing quality score is to get sales and reviews of a product is there an email to ask a bunch of questions about h.a yes starla handmadealphacademy.com yeah very good chance that it'll actually be me answering your questions but um and a lot of the questions we've got like a huge we have the biggest enrollment page ever he hates it i freaking hate it yeah if you're signing up for ha and you get to the page to sign up for it and you don't see the sale thing just keep scrolling for like 45 solid minutes until you get to the bottom i freaking hate it nobody reads it i tried to answer all the questions that you guys have on the page if you just hate it maybe i'll change it this year let me know after aja closes this year and if you hate it page i'll try to condense it it makes sense because it answers literally like almost any question and it saves us the trouble because because we will usually have somewhere between like 75 and 120 sign ups which means that there's probably like a thousand or two thousand people that actually come and look at right page and that saves me from having to answer like 1500 emails yeah so but if you if you want to ask us before it opens if you really need to know then feel free to feel free to email me and i'll make microphone or maybe we'll just make like the vip sales page the the the discount sales page we'll make that we'll make that one short okay yeah def definitely make sure you're on the email list though because if you don't you're going to end up we did we have had a couple of times people pay full price for the course and that if you want to pay double fine yeah but totally man i'm cool with it i got lots of guitars i want to get uh yep so i started aja last june and i was more than prepared for the holiday season branding was done mailing list was ready and target customer was stalked i love that yeah starla misspoke on that one was six figure black friday she meant to say five figure black friday ain't nobody making a hundred thousand dollars in a day oh no yeah no five figure black fridays six we have that we we totally have had people make um six figure years six figure years five figure black friday i think paula hoss was like the record right it's like 20 something i thought 10 000 10 000 10 000 on black friday i think it was paula haas at clean and dirty natural skincare is all forced to be reckoned with she she messaged me about handmade alpha academy and was like hey i really want to join your course but i already have good sales i just want to make six figures and i was like well um yeah do you have a marketing strategy do you have this do you have that okay well um totally join it there might be stuff you already know because it looks like you're already doing really well and then she joined and she had like this insane year that first year she made like six thousand dollars on black friday and i think it was the year after that she made 10 and she just keeps making more and more every year that's why she's not here to hear she's she's freaking busy she's got employees she's her marketing is so good she's she's got herself to a point where it's uh is she even on nancy anymore is she okay she she has etsy and a website so i figured but she is she's look at that clean and dirty natural skincare it's uh c-l-n d-r-t-y d-r-t-y find her on social media because when it comes to like picture perfect social media marketing paula is probably my favorite i cannot i see her ads and i think that she's like a big like ulta skincare company in order to get to the aha sales page you have to use the same code during the nintendo game contract yeah the konami code up up down down left right left right ba start yeah yeah it's the secret it's how you get to the bottom of the page you can't actually ever reach the true bottom of the page it's the secret mortal kombat combo that you gotta you gotta punch in you only get five seconds to do it is there is there a difference between search find item favorite and a customer who has favorited your shop and sees a new item thingy that etsy sends them then favorites the item i mean those are all different types of okay if someone finds your listing organically in search they have typed in some words they find your product and they favorite it etsy tells us that that's a good sign if they get linked to your product from an external source it really doesn't do anything if they favored it um i don't know if etsy sends them a customer whose favorite your shop and sees a new item that etsy sends them then favorites the item i'm not sure i don't know um etsy doesn't tell us that unfortunately i it's not gonna hurt but i don't know if it's gonna help and keep in mind people liking your products that's like the lowest lowest level of things that can help your your listing quality score um purchases and positive reviews are are the best things that help your listing quality score yeah mo said can i come back they got busy after signing up you have lifetime act we're not i hate saying lifetime access because like if if we bite the bullet for some reason and the website goes down obviously you won't have access anymore but until like we're incapable of running the website you'll have access so you can come back if you don't know what your username is if you don't know what email address you signed up with contact me uh i don't want to say that my support email here so just starlighthamad alphaacademy.com i'll get back to you as soon as i can and get you figured out go to the contact page on handmadealphacademy.com that you have access to and our private emails are there as well yes um but yeah you can you can complete it anytime we've got we had an alpha that that enrolled in like 2019 and she just now like got started because life got in the way and she's like what happens we've a lot of our sellers will start get like halfway through the course and then their business is too busy for them to actually like finish it finish it when you save for life you mean for the life of the program yeah i should just put that in like the terms of use so nobody sues us when i'm like 95 years old we uh you know what's crazy is we have a plan for if one of us dies like we have actually made plans in the event that like i die what he used to do if he dies what i'm to do we have thought that part ahead we have not thought ahead to if we were to both die but we're both very healthy and we don't leave the house so i think that we're we're good for a while i'm i'm not even 30 yet i'm trying to work out the uk start time for your webinar using the converter you link to but it's saying san fran ptd which is isn't the two time zones you've given can you please help it'll be the exact same time that the friday be nearest whatever time you normally watch the friday bean is the time that the webinar will be yes so whatever time on the day that the webinar is yes it'll be a saturday next saturday not tomorrow but next saturday west said i'm only in the middle of module four and i can hardly find time to sleep let alone sit much i was gonna say wes just won alpha of the year and he saw me on module four and he wes you joined last december right so yeah we've got so many alphas who say that they they only get to apply like a small percentage of the course and then they get so busy that they can't even get it finished because their shop blows up oh yeah i get in-person sales using square that's linked to my etsy does this help my ranking um if it's selling from your listings through etsy i believe that it does actually i think i think pam told me that i think pam looked into it um i believe that it does i'm i'm speaking based on what might be a fever dream uh your best bet would be to contact etsy and ask but i believe that if it subtracts from a listing like the quantity from that listing that it counts as a sale so i believe that it should do you have a video on how to respond to a negative or low star review or suggestions context is going to matter there yeah why you got the review i do have a video on how to prevent bad reviews um usually when you get a negative review what i recommend doing is if you don't know what the problem is message the person directly and say hey you know thanks for your honest review um i'm always eager to improve my shop i'm har so sorry you had this experience would you mind sharing with me uh what your negative experience was so i can make sure that i fix it and is there any way that i could uh improve this experience for you i you know maybe you if their thing arrived broken or something you replace it for them and then after you've resolved the issue you could ask them politely if they would be willing to update their review i i know how how icky it is to ask to update a review but these things do negatively affect our shops and etsy tells us that we can they say that we can you know try to resolve the situation and see if the review will be updated and if it's like a genuine bad review you messed something up that's sometimes we screw up and you might have to bite the bullet on it yeah and you know one one bad review isn't gonna it's not gonna kill you if it's like your first sale it might take you some time to bounce back yeah just give bubbers your passwords as your backup plan if you both kick it we tried to do a photo shoot for haa with bubbers and i couldn't hardly use any of the photos because he's just like he's his mouth is wide open and he's screaming at me in all of the photos he's a vocal cat he doesn't do it much here but like he he talks yeah non-stop i've been in office since the beginning i've watched all the videos and just now starting to re-watch and apply the information into my shop now awesome cool beans all right i think that's gonna do it all right guys thanks so much for hanging out there are freebies down below my 2021 marketing calendars i recommend you get those now if you haven't um because like i said august september and then october and november those are the seasons when we're going to start kind of seeing traffic return to etsy and my marketing calendars are going to teach you holidays to optimize for key marketing dates dates when it's a good idea to start planning new collections getting products out little tips from me those are free down below to download there is also my ssar swipe file series that's my five star customer service marketing strategy um those are going to help you to get more five star reviews they're gonna help you to prevent bad reviews and they're going to help your search ranking because like i said positive reviews are going to help your listing quality scores which is going to rank you higher in search so that's all part of seo right we want to rank higher and be seen by more people those are free down below um my summer survival guide if you're experiencing really slow summer sales right now and you want some ideas to uh you know just kind of market through the summer to help you survive while also preparing for when things get busy i've got a little checklist that you can grab down below and amber marie has created for you guys a wholesale cheat sheet that is going to be basically a cool spreadsheet that you can send out to people who want to uh work with you and who want to sell your products so if you're interested in doing any type of wholesale deals make sure you check that out be sure to watch the video that is included otherwise you won't know how to download the cheat sheet yes if you email us and say can you give me access to this document then we will know that you did not watch the video watch the freaking video there is also a free master class the five big picture steps that are essential for etsy success this is like a bird's eye view of the five most important things in my opinion that a seller needs to accomplish when building their etsy shop to success and how these things all work together like gears in a machine and they turn together i always have people who ask me like what's the most important thing i need to do or where do i start there's not really a starting point if you've got a machine and only one gear is turning it's not making the machine function the gears all have to lock together and turn in unison for the machine to run properly so that's what this webinar is going to cover uh it's completely free it's going to give you a little taste of my teaching style so you can kind of get an idea of what it's like to learn from me that way if you decide to enroll in my own handmade alpha academy which will be opened from june 14th through june 24th only 10 days uh you'll already have an idea of what to expect from my teaching speaking of which handmade alpha academy waiting list is down below as well signing up sign up for that it's not going to obligate to you to buy but it's going to ensure that you get a little bit more information about the course than our general email list people you're going to get a invitation right when doors open you're going to get a thousand dollar discount on the price of the course and we're doing a ton of bonuses this year i didn't even mention that we are doing all of our normal bonuses plus you guys get one year of e-rank pro that's 120 value that we're going to pay for for you and you're also going to get our brand new graphics pack that mark and i worked freaking hours floors on basically it's going to be a drag-and-drop graphics pack that you can use for your marketing all you got to do is grab the graphics and drag them onto your images using canva or ipicy and you don't have to do any of the work super easy so that's going to be a new freebie and current students you guys get that too um that should be in the bonuses vault sometime this weekend so congrats on business insider oh yeah uh we got featured in business insider it was a while ago oh okay i was like i don't know what you're talking about yeah it was it was a couple okay i don't pay attention no we got featured our channel got featured in business insider and i posted the comment about spreading peanut butter and jelly on your feet and and said i don't know why business insider featured us i can't imagine why they would do that uh if we're signed up to your email list already do we need to sign up for the waiting list might still be a silly question normal email list members will get the email um the waiting list is like our extra layer of security to ensure that you get the invitation but waiting list members are going to get like a couple extra like emails yeah it's just it doesn't it doesn't hurt at the end of the day when the email list is it merges with our master list so yeah you won't you won't get signed up twice if that's what you're asking will they get duplicates nope nope nope i haven't set up so they shouldn't get any unless they've signed up for like two different ones yeah other than that that's that's pretty much it if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you hit the subscribe button down below hit the like button if you haven't already there's only 53 likes there's 106 of you here so i know some of you haven't hit it so hit that like button for us it does us it does us a a big favor hey there's do us a big favor that's for can you request feedback on your thank you message when item is sold yeah totally ask for when you know that that notification say like hey if you love your product it would be really helpful if you gave me a look into our swipe files yeah oh yeah my swipe files do that too that's free down below yes all right guys thanks so much for hanging out for some of you we hope to see you on monday bright and early not excited to wake up super early but we're night owls but we get up early for you guys we'll do it for you um you know that anxiety when you have a launch when like nothing sells in like the first five minutes of the launch oh yeah we can get that to open it we'll be like is something broke why is nobody signing up and then we remember people gotta like go to the website and scroll for 45 minutes and then click on the and then click on the link and then fill out all the info and then you know how i imagine like the people who just scroll to the enrollment buttons i imagine it like a little guy free falling like falling down the page i wonder if we could just add a like like a like a call to action on the page that zips them down to the bottom like a click click here to go to the bottom don't care about anything starla has to say go to the bottom yeah open enrollment is the 14th yes 14th to the 24th at 11 59 pm yeah we always have people who are like yeah that's a that's a crazy marketing tactic no we don't have clean underwear we do not have clean underwear we cannot live another week with no clean underwear that's that's literally why we don't leave it up because you got to imagine the amount of support that goes in when you have your own website and you have something that it's not just a place where people go buy stuff it's a website where people do things so there's website upkeep and making sure that the website doesn't crash which does happen during our launches sometimes where like a thousand people will go to the website at the same time and our server's like nah not today and it just dies and then i have to contact siteground and be like hey what the heck and then then they're like your pictures are too big on the webs to be like no just bring my website back up and then and then we've got emails like i'm trying to enroll and i can't i missed enrollment i'm like no you didn't it just opened don't die calm down calm down calm down everybody all right leave on a funny note we love you guys and we will see you on monday they'll well yeah we'll see them on monday if they're gonna come to the website you're gonna at least come look at it come look at it at least don't be selfish we do it for you and so we can eat yeah and so we can eat we can eat it by judge judy mugs and drink coffee [Music] goodbye
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 3,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starla moore, handmade alphas, the friday bean, selling on etsy in 2021, etsy seller tips, etsy beginner tips, etsy business, grow on etsy, grow etsy business, how to grow your small business on etsy, how to grow your etsy business, etsy marketing 2021, handmade business tips, handmade business at home, etsy tips and tricks 2021, mistakes etsy sellers make, etsy myths, etsy mistakes, etsy lies, etsy tips for beginners, etsy shop tips 2020, etsy customers, etsy 2021
Id: bH3Cxt8J1E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 6sec (7086 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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