How To Fence

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[Music] I'm about to get stabbed all right so we're here at the what is this place called Beverly Hills fencers Club and as you can see there aren't any other fencers in here I didn't know I needed to bring my own I'm gonna call Ethan and I'm gonna see if he's free he is on the other side of town so I have no idea Tyler's out of town ride I'd ask him it's 953 I bet he's not awake didn't even answer god damn it okay so I don't have any other friends okay um so Carla I don't have anyone at the moment like you wouldn't stab me yeah you would you mind being the person that stabs me oh no not at all honestly no one wants me to play with them you know you're the one that's gonna be teaching me so I assume you know I do so I'm gonna be teaching you the sport of the epic fencing okay and FA is the modern-day rapier and it's a three-sided blade made out of steel and it has a button on the very end of it the depresses sending electrical current through here into here you have a wire you're attached to a fencing strip and when the button depresses on the soccer meaty parts of you a light will go off don't want to point the weapon at somebody who is not wearing a face protection mask like you just did yes so I'm gonna do is give you a basic lesson in fencing so we'll start with the footwork and the positioning what you might want to stretch out a little bit have you done I'm so limber you are Solan yeah I did silk dancing last week so I'm pretty good a little bit of stretching out maybe and this one's a bit one where you cross your one foot over the other and just reach down and touch okay yeah well I have a have a natural like a I've got a mental block of putting both hands down okay it's not a physical inability it's just like hey I don't want to like I'm afraid of these pants are very fragile that's a good thing to relieve stress as you're stabbing somebody with the sword it's very relaxed I don't imagine I'm gonna be actually stabbing anybody today I imagine I'm getting stabbed no no no I'll give you a nice little lesson and you'll get to stab me oh okay so that'll be five back combing over there oh yeah much fun to stab as me because I can fight back so that should be more fun for you doesn't sound fun oh yeah that'll be fun you know I like beating up on defenseless people okay let me show you the first basic positions and that's and you're right-handed right so you take your right foot and you place it one way like this and then you bring your back foot up this is called the ready position your hands are down and you're preparing to salute to your opponent how you salute is you extend your sword arm to your opponent mm-hmm you raise it up to the sky and then sweep down position was pretty easy all you do is take a step forward with just your front foot and place it down and now bend both knees and Center your weight hey relax fencing is really a loose limber sport and then it relaxed not that much there you go so basically you're on the on guard position like this I really have my wrist just well the reason is you don't want it in front of your body you want to keep it back behind your shoulders slightly but not too much so it's uncomfortable and so this way when you extend your arm you'll be able to it's a combat sport and if a is first blood so you're not actually going to believe but it used to be first blood so from the top of your head to the soles of your feet is a valid target Oh so whoever hits first wins so you wouldn't want to put your full chest forward like this because you're a bigger target so you're trying to keep your target areas small so that when you reach and extend your opponent doesn't have a larger target right maximize make sense I'll give you okay good so your front toe is always facing straight and forward and when you want to take a step forward you just walk forward like this one to just watch boy that's a lunge actually recover up oh yeah so you know how I saw you walking you just I dunno how to walk okay so your feet need to be separated about 12 inches apart your heels are going underneath your shoulders now just take a step like this one - that's it yeah that's called an advance when you're moving you want to try to move really smoothly so you sit down on your legs bend your knees okay don't stick out your butt there you go they're somewhere in between them okay I don't know what to do so now when I take a step forward you take a step back now you step back and I took a step back and you take a step forward there you go you're advancing I'm retreating and now I take a step board and you retreat in all events what we try to do is hit each other from these stances so I'll come forward and try to stab you and as you extend your arm you can try to stab me so we're moving back and forth that's right and that's it yeah it's it's kind of it you see these panels here and they have long port each of these ports are a port for two people backwards and when I take a step backwards to take a step forward okay yes already scared yes no it's mine I don't think I was nervous going into this because I'm like pensive just seems like one of those supports where like everything thrives on such a small margin of error that I'm just like in a panic the entire time um yeah that happens with people sometimes when they first go but you won't have to worry about that why I'm not going to be scary you're scary right now sometimes you can't hit somebody by just moving back and forth of course because they'll just step away from your plate so you do something called the lunge so that means you extend your sword arm first like this lift up your front toes slightly and take a big step forward like that now we're comedy guy okay so it goes like this relax all you have to do is extend your arm straight the dip your front toe and take a big step your back hand goes down like this that's it yeah there's one thing that I've noticed on all these skills that have done force back riding silks spinning and now fencing they use the interior leg muscles lunging back like this is just all inner thigh muscle yeah also if you notice me frowning this whole time it's just because I had my wisdom teeth taken out like last week and my cheeks are still puffy and I can't really move my job okay good it's not that I'm just like yo this whole time it's it's just because that's it this is my smile thank you recover head stays up it's not advanced fine if you lift up your head like this the blade could go and hit you in the throat so you want to make sure that your chin is level not down then you're recovered and then when you extend drop your back hand down like this there you go perfect why the backhand like a swim like pushing through there that's it yeah just sort of like that backwards see you say scary things like that it's just teasing hey it's gonna be fine you'll see them next week okay this is called an underarm protector or a plaster on and this helps to protect the sword arm put this over your head like this oh not like that sorry over your head and then stick your arm in there it's like a bib kind of like your jack shirt on it's just a nice flannel I know you're gonna be very warm I'm fine I'm a naturally sweaty man you tell me to relax I literally don't you look a little stressed I'm a little bit yeah but don't worry it's super fun fencing is really fun that's what you keep saying perfect do I look good handsome handsome the medium pretty much across the board except for my head my head is had gigantic it is I got like a triple XL head whoa do you not have a triple XL mask okay so the fencing mask is covering your ears and your face and your throat right but it's not covering it all the back of your head what's illegal in fencing is turning around and running are you sure about that I'm totally possible why is it illegal because it's dangerous we don't want to get hit in the back of the head with a sword right I mean my back in my head is my strongest part so I'm pretty sure they're capable of withstanding the most punishment what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this over the back of your head like this pull it down either flip I told you okay I'm gonna have to adjust it all your face out it's fine I keep saying it's fine you're like me whenever something goes horribly wrong bleeding yet I mean at all ever there we go okay nice big head thank you how's that it's is it's not comfortable I'll tell you that no no I my extra special extra special oh boy oh that is much better don't mean to torture you Rania you know you say that but the tone of your voice suggests that you you are meaning to torture I can't scratch my nose why does it seem like you're getting a lot more armor than I am although I do like to tell you that but I'm not going - so much I'm going to let you hit me and then something wrong what I'm gonna do a lot wrong because I've never done it before that's too bad so you have a way with words that mix everything you say we just not pressed it so let me give you your sword this should fit your hand they come in different sizes so if it doesn't feel comfortable that's fine I'm not too particular at this point yes but we might not be able to fit what's wrong with my hand they ain't gonna die I'm pretty sure she's brought me or to kill me and the rain is gonna wash away my blood there are holes in the floor for blood to leak through I'm gonna die try this your hand goes here all your fingers so want two fingers one here one there and one here and you have a light and the thumb wraps around like that so you're holding it like this like a gun yes exactly actually good die it's called a pistol grip so I had to tell you it's not swashbuckling you know wah wah it's small quick precise actions with the point of the blade moving forward because I took off my glasses so no no it's fine I'll just be in a disadvantage that you are and not necessarily like a fencing mask I'm good without it no I'm fine that are worrisome well you said this is like martial arts so it's like you got it you got a school y'all louder you are the faster you go okay those are touching then straight through the sky all you don't lean into it or anything like that just reach out and hit me push and when you push your hand goes up slightly keep your knees ready I come not really a good judge of distance right now wait look it's Dennis here and then wait for music a few tips for you to go back on larger extend your armpit there perfect very good now you're gonna try it with a lunch so I'm gonna step back a little further extend your arm now aim up here so it's a blobby area and your knees lift up your front toe take a big step forward and hit me boom and put your back hand down now look in the mirror how beautiful you look beautiful now I step okay step back step back now I open up my sword like this foolishly and step forward just extend your arm do I not step forward what I'm doing um no if I step forward just extend your arm so now I try to block you because you've stabbed me many times so as you extend your arm I try to block you see uh-huh instead of pushing back you just go underneath and stab me just to get like a gauge of progress so then I have something internalized so people at home can get a skill-based I'm gonna do this like on the age of the person that I could beat at this point I feel like I could beat a one-year-old at this point because they put in the worldΓ­s or exactly so we're gonna go one year old two year old you get up to ten yeah and then if I could beat I I bet there's some pretty skilled ten year olds at fencing there are yeah around me but I want to get through those childhood years because I feel like there's some babies that could really beat down okay all right that sounds good in a creepy way probably disengage extend your arm oh you have to use your fingers to twirl the blade underneath so it's like just a wrist movement I know it's a finger movement actually so your wrist doesn't actually move it's the fingers rolling the point of the blade that's on wiggling my fingers yeah so if I press this way you just see how fast that is well if I press that way what if you lose your grip on it I'll stab you three three you have to go around it before you step Rodi right don't you stay but to die extend good lunch good back fingers hurt my shoulders a5 my fingers just trying to squeeze this thing it's it's actually my fencing master that taught me how to fence he said it's like holding a bird in your hand you don't want to crush the bird but you don't want to let it fly either in between there so it's not a really it's not a death grip because your fingers need to move faster beat attack okay so the blade away from me so I snap it and I extended hit oh you said Alba for Irish no the wrists ready I was holding my bird my burden dad so it's a little snap and then an extension see we'll make a little X here see and then you're gonna and it's and hit me okay ready very good now we're gonna try what we call a counter-attack mm-hmm so now I'm attacking you and I foolishly drop my point and you just extend so because the arm is out forward yes because I drop you can extend and hit me before I reach you see so is every mistake foolish yes okay you have to be very patient is a slower than weapons because there are no rules there is no judge saying oh you made this like this hit whoever hits first wins right throw it no you can't throw your sword because then yes but if you throw it what will you protect yourself with when you miss me well what if I don't miss you're going down beat attack lunch lunch recover disengage tip retreat I do to you extend retreat I always got to be mindful of the distance yes killer so do you want to try a little fancy I mean I'm gonna lose but yeah your this is your starting line right here and you want to stand in the middle of the fencing strip so you want to come forward [Music] between these two was that your [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah let's do one more for just fun [Music] let me say good about good bout you're barely sweaty oh okay I don't believe in water okay only beer now I can't drink beer either well there you have it yeah I just I want you to go as if you were in a real battle I just want to experiment a fire saying that but I don't I want people to know what it's really like no matter what you do even try it's gonna destroy me so oh I can see now I've got the advantage [Music] [Music] it's really terrifying change no no do all the fancy stuff I know you don't want to but [Music] I feel I should have done a lot of things yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] No [Music] [Music] you know maybe for your sake are you you're okay yeah why what do you see you know I have no deep breathing exercises really that's good for practice we practice like this for about two hours of bowden with a normal group how long we've been going like three and a half four hours probably picked that up well you can always come back tonight and sense with the guys oh yeah well the 10 year old ok so just give me another 30 minutes I'll be up to there a long time I'm more sweaty than I was when I did the silk spinning I tell you that oh yeah yeah all right well thank you so much how I will use these skills to protect myself on the streets I mean what's faster calling 9-1-1 er yeah yeah as long as I don't tell them I'm about to do it oh yeah that's true you don't say here I come why did I literally say here I come no I think going from a long distance is never a good I was an aim of the school here I'm Beverly Hills fencers Club guys if you want to learn fencing go to Beverly Hills fencers Club Website will be in the description go check it out Carla cause I was gonna say Carla your favorite and starker Marla will show you the business and if you're lucky you can wear my jacket if you want my residual sweat I think we'll be washing it this is where the prodigy started the 29 year old prodigy we started fencing late I'm really gonna dominate the geriatrics bracket well you all have to wait until you're 44 that got a lot of time to practice yeah a lot of time to practice pretty well today actually I think you should take it out really yeah you did pretty well you sure I'm except for those minors stabbing things where you threw your body on my blade but beyond that I have this martyr complex I just can't help it yeah that's really good but I think you didn't work well I think you you know you're coordinated and you can move easily and you didn't look that careful yeah yeah thank you well the mask was really blocking a lot and it not being able to see me without your glasses I suppose oh yeah yeah just imagine there was like a monster in front of me if you want to see more stuff that I try in the future let me know down the comments again all the link is in the description below to check it out if you want to try fencing for yourself thank you so much and as always I'll see you in the next one thank you bye bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,243,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fence, fencing guide, fencing tricks, learn to fence, markiplier, markiplier tries, markiplier makes, guide, how to, funny, hilarious, laughing, fail, comedy, funny videos, fencing, fencing basics
Id: sF8QJ2DVCm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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