Markiplier Tries: KOREAN CANDY

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안녕하세요 (Hello!) (Pause for dramatic effect) Uh... *In korean* My name is Mark... iplier. How are you? I'm in Korea and I...did the most unoriginal thing I could possibly think of while I was in Korea, and I got a bunch of Korean candy to try on camera because... I'm unoriginal...(oh really) Hi Mom! Mom: We're not going to be on TV. On camera! Mark: TV? Mom: No camera. Mark: How popular do you think I am? *VERY* So if you couldn't tell, I'm at my family's house. My halmeoni's house *Mark attempts to say "I'm at my grandma's house" in Korean* *Mom corrects Mark* *Mark gets it right* *abuses table* I'm at my grandma's house. As you can hear rustling beneath me I have a bunch of Korean candies, down here, that I'm gonna be trying. And to help me I'm gonna bring in various members of my family in here Uh, to assist me with this because well, I can't even read half of these labels. So *stares into soul* I have no idea what's in them Oh, hello. Come on. Yeah, come on in. So now the room is full of people all watching me Not creepy at all. Usually I record in my room alone, but now got the room of uhh, seven people here watching me *THWACK* (By donating a dollar you can stop table abuse today) (whispers) Sorry I can't break anything here usually- Person: *Korean* Be quiet! Mark: Waahhh?? *repeats in Korean for Mark* Mark:ChuUujnngyyehHH??? I can't break anything here. This is my grandma's house. If I break anything here, I will be thrown out into the street (again) and I'll be devoured by wolves. (again) This is Chong hap.. (pauses) kya...(pauses again) la (and again) mel. Oh! *1st accomplishment in his life* kya-la-mel Caramel? *intense guessing* I'm getting a lot of nodding heads and no "yes"es *crinkling* *Littering* Candy Umm... I can only assume that it's not any different than anything I've ever tried in America. *sniff* They smell... There is a smell. I don't like that this says "bio-peach" because in America if something was "bio-peach" that suggests it's radioactive. What does radioactive mean in Korean? Mom: Radioactive. *Laughs* Someone tell Imagine Dragons they don't have to translate their song. (They see this, they'll know) I'll go with that one, it called to me. Tastes like peach. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) There's really nothing amazing about this. It's just candy. It's just a video of me eating candy. *ASMR intensifies* Almost marginally better than the video of me eating pretzels, I guess. (Hell's worst nightmare was annoyed) This one says "bio-rum" (drink up, me hearties), no, "bio-plum", sorry "bio-pineapple". Why does it say "bio"? bah-ee-oh ta-doo-mat *good job* Why does it say "bio"? It says "bio" everywhere. On the label it wasn't even "bio". Oh, no! Bah-ee-oh Why? (Wae?) Bah-ee-oh Ohhhh *sexy realization* It's the brand.(really?) (Litters again) GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP Alright, so tell me with the next one, I'm gonna introduce my first guest. Tomo People: Tomo? Who is it? Tomo? Mom: In Japan I've been calling you Tomo this whole time. *Laughter* That's what you introduced me as. You respond to Tomo when I said "Tomo". Tomo(?): Is in Japan. *NEW CHALLENGER* You responded though. Every time I'm like, "Hey, Tomo," you go, "Hey, yes?" Mom: Tomo is on his way. You can't blame mEe Tomo is GONE. *Intensiplier* I am so sorry This is embarrassing for me (mark's life) because I've been here for four days now, and it's been "Tomo" every day Mom: He said "I told you" You didn't *stutter* - you- you didn't tell me! Mom: Come on. It's okay. Mark: It's not okay! K, So what is your name? Tomo(?): My name is Park Soo Young I don't trust you. *Laughter* Soo Young: Is really! I am Park Soo Young. It is? Ok, come here. *dat wave doh* This is Soo Young. Soo Young: Hello. So I'll let you pick - whoever you are - what candy Mark: Uh, uh, uh, uh *Korean* How many candy Mom: *Korean* Which. Mark: *Korean* Which! *le rip* It's like Warheads! Ah-ee-shuh Le-mon mat and bok-soong-ah mat? Mom: Lemon taste, peach taste. Mark: Oh Mom: Do you know what "Ah-ee-shuh" mean? Sour? Mom: *dramatic whisper* Sour! According-- You couldn't see this, but my mom went, " 'Ah-ee-shuh' means *even more dramatic gasp* Sour!" Heeeey-what-sek? Soo Young: Boon-hong-sek. ("Pink" in Korean) Mark: Hyong-sek. Soo Young: Boon-hong-sek. ("Pink" in Korean) Mark: Boo-nong? Soo Young: Boon-hong. Mark: I can't trust a word you say. So, you wanna try this at the same time? Soo Young: Yeah. I trust. Mark: You trust? Me? Soo Young: Yeah. I trust you. Oh, that's so sweet. And naïve. Okay. *Oof* candy saved Cheers. Soo Young: *CRUNCH* *mark does the curiousity* *crunch crunch* *hushed laughter from family* How strong are your teeth? You didn't make it last, though. Too fast! *Crunch* *intense mark breaking teeth* *crunch* Soo Young: Are you okay? Mark: How do you say broken? Soo Young: Boo-suh-jee-dah Mark: So that was um, some kind of sour candy. Not quite equivalent to Warheads, but pretty good, I liked those *more shoves* Mark: All right, please leave whoever you are Soo Young: Ah, ok. Thank you. *ninjaing* *Mark.exe has stopped unexpectedly* I am so sorry. Why is everyone been letting me get away with calling him "Tomo" this whole time? *facepalm-a-SMACK* Tom: Because it was funny !!! Oh, as if you knew! Did you know? Tom: ...No Yeah, get up here, you're next. Hyung-bae, you wait. *laughs from ipliers* All right, Thomas. Oh, this is my brother Thomas. Thomas: Hello. Mark: Jason. It's funny, everyone here calls you Jason. 'Cuz you didn't change your name to Thomas until after you came to Korea. Thomas: Yup. Mark: Yeah. Wait, when did you start going by Thomas? Thomas: Uh, first or second grade. Very early. Mark: First or second grade. Yeah. Okay, so you're Jason now. Thomas: Yeah, that's how they know me. Mark: That's how they know you now. Mark: No one's gonna call you Tom. Thomas: Aw. Mark: I'm sorry. Anyway, this is Tom. So, you get to pick another candy. Thomas: Whatever this is. Mark: Okay, the squirty one. Thomas: You'll have to read it. Mark: Why do I have to read it? Jja suh muk nun Jel-ly man-dul-gi Man-dul-gi. Man-dul-gi. I know that. What does it- Mom: Make. Mark: Oh, man-dul-gi. You make jelly? Mark: Jja seo muk... Mark: Jja seo muk... Mom: JJA SEOK. Thomas: Is this an activity? Squeeze. I think that's... Yeah, of course it's an activity. gotta SQUoozE It Mark: There's a lot of Korean candies that involve some sort of 'squooozing' *P L O P P* Mark: Open it. *Mark claps* *Mark's family claps with him* *Mark's the only one clapping. Insistently.* *Mark's family claps again* *CLAPIPLIER* Thomas: They got gummies. I guess you put this on that? Mark: I mean, I dunno what else you would put it on. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Thomas: They got a little hole. Mark: Okay. *squoozeage* *sad claps from markimoo* Thomas: There you go. Mark: Oh. Thomas: Now you. *more squoozing* *more squoozing* *even more squoozing, but more intense this time* *chewage* *Face intensifies* Mark: I don't like it. Thomas: I like it. Mark: Why?? Thomas: It's good. Mark: In what world is this good? Thomas: It's very good! Mark: That was not good! Thomas: Yeah! Mark: That was awful. Mark: It tastes like grease. (made from a grill?) Mark: Maybe it's because I put a lot on mine. Thomas: You did put a lot. Mark: But mine tastes suspiciously like... Petroleum. (petroleum jelly...?) Mark: That's not what - hang on, wait. Mark: Are these any good, then? Mark: Here, have this. Thomas: Thanks. *RIP candy* ♫I will remember you♫ *bamboozled* Mark: Got it. Thomas: What do you do? Mark: Don't put it- put it where people can see it, where people can appreciate the texture of it. *gummy reveal* I guess I... guess I was I got what I asked for. (indeed) So it's like there was a couple of these and these are juicy drops with other kind of squeezed flavor *mark pondering existence* And I guess I have to try it *intense ripping* *too intense, causing gummy massacre* ♫dramatic opera music♫ [i'd like to take a moment to mention that these subtitles are meant for accesibility and are for those who are hard of hearing and perhaps have never heard words before. please respect those, and use these captions for captioning, not jokes. jokes can be places in a separate language setting, and referenced at the beginning of a video only. thank you.] *Thomas claps* *Mark's family claps with him* Mark: I'm so sorry Mark: Oh, no.. Okay, so maybe this one's gonna be marginally different than the other one Why isn't there some sort of safety thing? There's not a lot of, like, sanitary precautions in a lot of food that I've seen. I was at the grocery store and there was hamburger meat that was just sitting open in, like, a tub next to this guy that was shouting into a microphone at the grocery store! You know, the guy in the meat department just shouting into a microphone, like "We got meat! Come get meat!" except in Korean You know, he was saying that. I- I know Korean, he was saying exactly that. Mark: Anyway, let's try this. Thomas: All right. *Moonch* *smack smack* Thomas: Yeah. Good. Mark: In what world is that good??? Thomas: *Laughs* Bye *Mark claps and family joins* Alright, let me do one by myself. And then.. You two. I know.. Unless you're gonna tell me that your name ain't Hyung-bae, we're gonna have a big problem. All right. So this one jumped out at us It's called Pine Needle Candy, and I've heard of pine nuts. Is that the same kind of deal? No different? Pine nuts aren't from pine cones? Are pine nuts from pine cones? Mom: I think it's pine... Pine needle flavored I bet... my money You bet your mo- How much money? *momiplier sigh* A lot 1,000! Won. *laugh* (1000 won is about $1) I'll take that bet. I got- I got you. *ka-ching* Okay, not that I've ever eaten a pine needle before, but I got you. Alright, Mom, you can- you come up here. You volunteered for this. Why are you dancing your way in?? I don't think anyone saw it, but it was just this sashay, just like, "Ah~ la la la~" Mom: I was waiting for this moment, that's why. Mark: Oh, ok. Where's your money? Mom: Oh... Do you take credit card? Mark: All right, whatever. Mom: I don't need to put money here because I know I'm gonna win this one. Mark: All right, sure. I mean, it's not exactly an unsafe bet. This- it has pine cones and pine needles on it. I'm assuming... *sniff* That doesn't smell good *sniff* Mmm~ How's my hair? Good? *Korean* Pretty? *clapping* Mmm~ Mark: I don't- what- Wait, I didn't say go. Mom: Oh, sorry. Mark: Well, don't spit it back out! Mark: Okay, here we go.. Mark: Doesn't really taste like pine needles. Mom: Mmm~ I'm not lying, I feel. Mom: Pine needle. Mark: What, now you feel the pine needle after I say it doesn't taste like pine needles? Mom: Mmm~ *Korean* This is mine. Mom: *English* This is mine! Mark: Everyone can tell you just said- no- what- no! Th-th-that's not decided! ..Just take it and leave. Mom: You know why? You have no idea what it's like, the pine needles smell like. So if I said this is like it, It is like it. Bye~ ♫Money money money!♫ *Mark's family claps* *crunch* *spits out candy* Mmm~ Hyung-bae. Alright, this is Hyung-bae. Hyung-bae: Hi, my name is Hyung-bae Shin. Nice to meet you. Mark: Mm. He speaks English real good. Hyung-bae: Ah, thank you. Mark: All right. So which one of these.. would you like? Hyung-bae: Dino's candy. Mark: Dino's candy? Really. What is this? Hyung-bae: Toy. Mark: Ahh, toy. Low-boat- geeng??? Hyung-bae: Lo-bot-king Mark: Ohh! Robot king? Mark: Gong yong hap... che... Hyung-bae: Gong-yong hap-chae. Dino's... Hyung-bae: *Korean* What is hap-chae? Dino... Mark: Wha? Person: *Korean* Try pulling your hair down, like this Hyung-bae: *Korean* It's fine. Person: *Korean* I think you need to put it down a little. Mark: What is it? Hyung-bae: What is hap- eh? Soo Young: It's "blend". Hyung-bae: No- no hair. I- you- *laughter* Mark: Back to the dinosaur Mark: I'll let you open it. Hyung-bae: Okay, thank you. Mark: Oh, *Korean* thank you. Hyung-bae: It's ok, no problem, and don't..? Mark: Ah, "you're welcome" Mark: "Don't worry about it." Hyung-bae: Ah, don't worry about it. Mark: I taught him that. I told them it was real fancy, which it is *wink of gods* Mark: Oh, there's candy? Hyung-bae: Strawberry. Mark: I don't believe you. Hyung-bae: You first. Ok. You eating. *disgust* Hyung-bae: No, no! Don't eat! Mark: Oh, wow! Hyung-bae: Yeah. Strawberry. Mark: Strawberry. Hyung-bae: Yeah. Ddal-gi ("strawberry" in Korean) Mark: Ddal-gi? Hyung-bae: Yeah. Ddal-gi. *Hyung-bae with no emotion as markiplier fills with disgust* Mom: Sour? Hyung-bae: Sour. Mark: No. Bad. It tastes like a worse Flintstone vitamin Here. *throw* Okay. Really- oh? Hang on- oh? Uh.. Mark: No, not broke. No, no, no, no... Hyung-bae: Good, good. Success. Mark: Is it done? It's got a little finger- haha It's got a little "eey" *laughs* He's got little finger guns! Mark: Oh, he's so cute. Here you go. Hyung-bae: Ha. Thank you. Mark: You're welcome. Mark & Hyung-bae: *Korean* Thank you. Mark: Jinx. Anyway, Hyung-bae... We have pictures together when we were Little babies. Uh.. Mark: Oh nyun.. Hyung-bae: Da-suh-sal Mark: Da-suh-sal Hyung-bae: Five years old. Mark: Five..? Mom: *Korean* "When we were around 5 years old" Mark: Tiny bit. Here. Here they are. Pictures. *edit magic* Mark: *whisper* I'm gonna add 'em in later. Mark: There they are. Hyung-bae: Picture? Mark: Many pictures. Hyung-bae: Ah, many picture. Mark: Yeah, see? They're going by right now. *finger guns into existence* Mark: There's another. Kachow! And another one. Hyung-bae: Wow. Mark: Oh, found one here. Mark: Thank you. I've got one more guest People: Yeo-jin Mark: Yeo-jin... Has your name changed? Introduce yourself! Yeo-jin: My name is Yeo-jin. Mark: Here, pick this one. How's my hair? Mom: She's a hair dresser Mark: Something's wrong with this head. See? See that? Oh Where was the candy? Well, I'll work on this then... ♫I will remember you♫ Got it! Oh, Maltese? Yeo-jin: *Korean* Do we have to make this? Mark: That's basically Maltese. And is gonna take a while. ♫calm, nintendogs-esque music♫ *finishes* Mark: There it goes. Mark: There you go. Yeo-jin: Thank you. Mark: You're welcome. Yeo-jin: Thank you. Mark: You're welcome. *laughter* *intense claps* So We've made it through a lot of candy. I think we ran out of special guests So I guess I gotta carry this on myself, which really reflects my personality because the next one I picked was this minion one Just 'cuz it really fascinated me with the fact there was minion in this *house reveal 3.0* So when we first got here there was this guy ♫dramatic chord pitching up♫ ▀▖┗▛▄▖▜▚┣ ▜▚┗┣┗┫┓┏┓ ▛▄▖┅┗▖. ┣┗┏▛▄▖▜┏┣ ▚ ▖▞┣┗▖┗┣. ┣┗▖┃▀▚▗┏┏┓. ▖┛▀┗▞┃┏▄ ▛┏┗▄▖▜▚┣ ┅▖┗━▖ ▖┓┫▞┣ ▚ ▛▄┅┗▖ ▚ ▖▞┣┗▖┗┣ ▚┛▘▞━▖┅ So I was like, hey, it's my favorite. And it was Wade's favorite, of course so I had to get it. But I don't think it'll be actually any different, so I'm assuming it's just like *swoosh* *RIP Mark's funny bone* Yeow *sprays* *disgusted expression* *more of the disgust* Mmm! There's really nothing different. This says megamouth strawberry flavor, and I don't know what strawberries they drew this from I think they just diluted down some cough syrup and put it into a spray bottle. Anybody want? Spray? Hyung-bae, get over here. Just open your mouth. Say "Aah" *intense spraying* *mmm intesifies* *he goes* Alright, so that's just as bad as it would be in America. *CLUNK* That was a trash can. Minecraft knockoff called Sandbox Friends [high-pitched, singsongy] Copyright infringement~ Guuuuum! Gum? Gum. Not good. So uh, ripoff, but a little bit of gum. I've got... whatever this is. Choco-bi. Jeal-ly... Chocolate jelly??? Why? Why would you need the make cho- Well, I guess the chocolate pudding is a thing, and that's not too far off. Uh Oh Eeugh Soo Young: Disgusting. Mom: What's that? Mom: Fungus! Fungus? Mom: Look like fungus. Mark: That does? Mom: Yeah. Mom: Look like a rat. Fungus. Rat? A fungus? Wait, you can't just keep saying words and expect that to mean anything. Mom: [quietly] i'm sorry! you don't know fungus? I know fungus! Mom: You don't know rat? *table slam* I know fungus and I know rat. Mom: I'm sorry do I need a glass? Where's my glass. Mom, you're hilarious, but hang on. Do you think it's actually covered in fungus or do you think it just looks- Mom: Yeah, looks that way from this distance. Mom: You're brave. *confusion* *disgust* Mom: I wanna see his face! Mark: whoever you are. You wanna try? Mark: Here you go. Soo Young: It taste like... Soo Young: *Korean* What's rubber in English? People: *Korean* Rubber? Mom: Roober! Soo-Young: Roober! Mark: Rubber! Ah, rubber, okay. Yeah, I would equate it to that. Yeah. Bad! Soo Young: I'll trash it. Mark: Trash it? Good idea. Amy: Wait, I wanna try one. *off screen disgust* Mark: Yeah, I know. Who else wants to try 'em? Hyung-bae? It's all gonna give us food poisoning. There. Thomas, here. Tom: That's good Thomas, shut up. Mark: Alright, thank you. Soo Young: Thank you. Mark: Thank you. Soo Young: *Korean* Thank you. Mark: *Korean* Thank you. Alright. Pumpkin? What are you smiling at over there? My brother's just smiling over there. *judgiplier* You never smile. Also, this is bad. Eh, it's not that bad. Eh, it's pretty bad. Oh, now I'm getting the caramel. Gettin' a little pumpkin. *CRUNCH* Ow, I bit my lip. *smack* Not that bad, not that good. I've got some more candy here, but I'm not even gonna bother it because I- I think I'm about done I wanted to end it on *ploop* *falls* *RIP* I wanted to end it with something that I'm familiar with because I just wanted to see how it changed when it came down to umm being in Korea. If this was made in Korea, then that's good. Gan-chi gi-nah, gong-bu Gong-bu? I know what "study" is.. I was marveling why "study" was in here Dung-san oon-dong hal-dae Un-jae, Uh-dee-suh nah What does it mean? *Appluase* Why are you clapping? Mom: Activity snack! Mom: Wow, wonderful! *scared mark... we can save you* Oh. Okay, so in Korea, it's a study snack? Tastes like Snickers... Okay. So that'll wrap it up. Ummmmm Conclusion. I went out of my way to pick the weird ones So I think the fact that I did that means that I didn't enjoy some of them But a lot of them just taste like candy So I don't know what I expected out of this, and I have no conclusions to draw one way or another. I'm not gonna make any comparisons because I can't say one's better than the other. So... What's the moral of the story here? *Extremely intense* Try different experiences, learn new things, study other cultures through their candy, and you'll have a good life. Snack activity with family, right? *Painfully awkward silence* ...Right...? Family: Yaaayy!!! *Applause* So thank you everybody so much for watching. If you ever want to go to Korea, I recommend it I've been having a great time with my family, been learning a lot of things, Uh.. got a lot of stories to tell that I'll tell later, but thanks everybody so much, and check out my... ...various relative's and cousin's... Instagrams or ...other social media in the description below. I'll put there. *he didn't* Thank you everybody so much for watching, and as always, *end music starts* I'll see you... in the next video. Buh-bye! Family: whOOOOoooOOO!!!!! Family: whOOOOoooOOO!!!!! Buh-bye~! ...okay. ♫Bouncy Outro Music♫
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 8,249,343
Rating: 4.9727855 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, korean candy, foreign candy, foregin food, trying korean candy, tasting candy, candy, food, funny, funny videos, markiplier tries korean candy, markiplier's mom, markiplier's brother, momiplier
Id: JNEC8VvqEwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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