Let's Find Larry!

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[Music] let's find Larry let's find [Music] Larry well hello there my name is my name is findo I love finding people it's fun let me introduce you to some of the controls go ahead and press a or D on your keyboard ah I see you just made the whole world spin that's great I feel like I'm going to hurl yeah rotating is great for finding New Perspective to look from only one more thing o I missed it hey down here it's me so if this looks familiar and this is let's fine Larry by the way it's made by the same people or person that made night of the consumers so that can give you a lot of an idea of the style it must be pretty tough to see me from all the way up there press right Mouse button to zoom in wow now click on me with the left Mouse button whoa you're a natural well you're all sent to go I'm going to I missed it again click on that bit old arrow in the corner and f f all right I will thank you findo have love what a beautiful day I went to go take a walk in the park and then I saw him I never forgot his face my best friend from high school Larry he's the Talk of the Town we haven't seen each other in years it's great to see you Larry it sure is is is that Larry is that supposed to be Larry not exactly hard to find joint you found Larry oh boy you know the longer you stare at Larry's face the more something um like a secondary face kind of appears thanks Larry I'll see you around buddy so um what happens if I don't find Larry that's not Larry well that's definitely not Larry well that's sure not Larry I don't know who that guy is oh there he is you found Larry it's a beautiful day isn't it sure is Larry I have a good feeling oh wow well this is you chubby cheek bastard look at you you are horrifying okay Larry Larry wow wait is that Larry is that that's not Larry is it no that just looks like Larry Larry Larry oh oh oh oh I see you you found I got you Larry all right I'll see you around if it wasn't clear this is one of those games that's probably going to take a dark turn and I eagerly look forward to it Larry where are you Larry Larry I got oh there he is I got to employ the technique that lifeguards do and just scan up and down constantly actually it's kind of the same uh thing I do when I play uh observation Duty where you at Larry where you at oh oh there you are I wouldn't have been able to find you from that perspective maybe if I just quickly swap swap swap what are you doing half buried in the ground there buddy you okay you okay pal there are a few more people that look like Larry but there's only one OG Larry that wouldn't be him would it [Music] no oh oh oh there oh there he is that should have been easier to find I don't know why it took me so long is that confetti or is that bacteria or something like that growing in the other screens there okay let me check the Outer Perimeter first okay check this circle uh that's not Larry oh of course right there you found Larry are you following me well yes absolutely do you have a problem with that are you going to have a problem with that because I'm going to have a problem with you oh that was easy you hi Larry what was that there was something in the bottom right corner right there something else I don't know what that was well this isn't exactly oh oh [Music] [Music] oh got him found Larry hi Larry you you're not looking so good you all right good great good to hear um okay what is that what is with you okay that's probably fine oh you're fine there all is well um he's a little trickier this time unless I'm just crazy this is a little UNC my goodness you are a be look at you uh again I I'm not a 100% sure what's going on with this guy here it's a little strange oh oh was it no that's not him in there you can't hide Larry I'm going to find you oh oh there he is a I didn't suspect that he wouldn't be out of the buildings gotcha you found Larry hey quit it I don't think I will and even if I could I I don't know how oh well this is peculiar um well you guys don't seem like Larry but there is a Larry right there you found Larry stop following me or I'll call the fuzz something tells me you won't something tells me there's a dark secret to you that you don't want the police to know about oh well let's a little [Music] convenient you found Larry help somebody stalker stalker probably actually you know this does seem I didn't I didn't ask a question of why I was going to do this you found Larry [Music] please mhm is that the mall I love the mall and I love consumption you found Larry I [Music] did mhm okay this wouldn't be Larry wearing this mask here would it you're not Larry are [Music] you oh oh wait a minute Larry you thought you could hide you found Larry not today Larry not today not when I'm in charge am I in charge probably not oh hi Larry you found Larry I did man the the populace is getting a little oh uh-huh I can't rotate in this one oh ah uh-huh oh uh-huh oh wait was that Larry over there gotcha you found Larry no I don't know who them is but I'm me and I did that take two presses to do hi Larry what you doing in there won you found Larry I did I feel like that maybe oh thought I saw Larry for a second there okay well this going to be slightly trickier huh that oh I got him I got him I got him ah ah ah oh uh you all right Larry you found Larry okay you know you can't hide from the floating de that's circling over ahead uh no matter how much you try always going to find [Music] you oh all right you in one of these windows [Music] Larry Larry Larry oh oh oh I can't oh I can't I don't want to zoom in really don't want to oh I can't zoom out oh oh oh hi Larry oh where you going buddy uh I don't think that's how cars work but what do I know ah is this the them I've heard so much about [Music] uh-huh oh I still can't rotate oh hi hello how are you good you're the one that I saw on the ah [Music] okay hi my what lovely gums you have ah yes notice you've been keeping a close eye on somebody yep we like finding people too recognize this right oh nice guy Larry once again the popular local middlewood resident is being honored by the mayor for his several acts of kindness read more about it on page two I know he's close I can smell him we would like a little word with him he's a slippery s so proven to be difficult to track down but you seem to be doing just fine I'm not somebody who wants to upset stay on his tail if you know what's good for me you will lead us right to him thanks um lar oh oh weird oh Larry's that's oh yeah mhm well bye Larry oh boy I need to be I hear that uh pizza for breakfast pizza for breakfast Larry Larry listen Larry ah I have something to tell you graffiti graffiti nice I have something to tell you Larry I really need to talk to you some serious business is going down oh ah I see uhhuh interesting Larry you think you can hide this isn't how this goes Larry isn't here Larry isn't here there he was oh Larry this is unto Ward [Music] H Larry isn't here weird Larry isn't here no fascinating that's a lot of x's I feel like that's more X's than any one person could possibly handle hey wait a minute hi Larry you saw them didn't you listen they they took my family they took them I don't know what they've done and now they're coming for me they're Relentless anywhere I go they always follow me they'll never stop no no no no no there's no Escape help me please I'm going to die all right calm down there buddy they're here well if you ask nicely I suppose I can't help it help you oh oh oh SS like I know where they're going to be uh yeah Larry I don't know how I can help you they kind of seem to have point out where he's hiding do it now or what you know I may not like this Larry guy but you're not the boss of me I don't take orders from nobody Larry is right there he's in there in there looking at boobies and stuff oh drinking triple XX moonshine I can't believe [Music] it Larry man I just don't know where Larry could be well I guess there's nothing else to do huh Larry you found Larry oh boy hi Larry Hey listen it's nothing personal um I I I tried the whole going into the strip club thing it didn't work oh goodbye oh we're in in hi hello hey what's up how are yall doing fine evening here lovely lovely evening hi Larry you found Larry yes I did hi Larry listen um I know you're having a good time in the pile uh but there's some fine folks that want to have a word with you uh so if you could just step out into the open I would be able to go on with my day where are you Larry Larry [Music] Larry oh Larry Larry good God all right thanks Larry [Music] sorry uh-huh this is um is that blood I got more questions but I mean I know it said there was like 15 X's outside but at the same time I feel like this is far too many uh-huh okay Larry it's a bit of an overreaction at this point you know if they took your family and they want to take you I'm assuming that means you're going to go to where your family is isn't that kind of like what you want come on Larry think about it you found Larry I sure did Larry oh I see you there Larry um so what's the deal Larry you found Larry Larry this is getting a little embarrassing for both of us it's mostly for you hi Larry oh hi good job thanks the fool has ran into a building up ahead we got him trapped on the rooftop this is the night boys you'll be able to get a nice clean shot on him from up there take this you found 50 caliber sniper rifle I sure did uh uh interesting yep all right [Laughter] uh ah I see um hi Larry listen um this is hardly what I would call personal click clack where are you going Larry where are you going where are you Larry you're not running around are you Wham clack clack click wow Larry listen you bastard all right oh boy I know where he is I know oh clack clack click click nice one kid uh-huh you don't know how long we've been after this mother uh-huh we got you trapped now no Escape you've been hiding for long enough I've dedicated half of my life to hunting you down time's up Wily Mac Willy Mac but I'm just Larry cut the take it off you son of a when I heard the fuzz caught you and put you behind bars it was the worst day of my life cuz I thought this moment would never come out the moment where I put a bullet through your sick skull clack clack Larry click click Larry [Applause] w oh I I probably should have taken another shot I guess yeah I guess that was was that like a quick time thing where I was supposed to take another Kaboom uh cuz I could have and I thought about it but I what is with the big Arrow I I don't know what that's about okay oh good very opportune light okay you couldn't just leave me alone could you Larry Larry it's me your friend from high school I thought I had a good thing on until you came along and ruined everything looks like I need to close eyes I wonder if you scream is my seat oh oh oh hey waa Larry oh oh wait a minute now this isn't fair wait a minute wait a minute hold on a second wait a minute I I don't agree I didn't scream as much as he distressing news coming from the quiet town of middlewood this morning yeah where a dismembered body of a man was discovered today in middlewood Park uhhuh the police cordoned off the park and discovered trash bags that had been buried underground uhhuh trash bags containing severed body parts uhhuh attempts to identify the body have proven difficult as the authorities state that the face of the man had been removed yeah the police are asking for anyone to step forward with any information or anyone who might have seen or heard anything middlewood Park between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. the extreme graphic nature of this crime Bears an uncanny resemblance to the wiie mack murders that haunted the town for many years uhuh Willie Mack notorious for the murder and mutilation of 17 people between 1996 and 1999 some of the most graphic of the murders committed in the town of middlewood in the year 2001 he was apprehended and sentenced to life in prison uhhuh although only last year Mr Mack was presumed dead when a prisoner transport vehicle relocating him crashed and burst into flames ah the middlewood police will be issuing a statement shortly but for now we go over to Tom for the weather away Tom Tom I hate this job okay uh Tom oh yes thanks Jerry it's it's going to be a beautiful day folks Sunny spells all around yeah all right well hey it's a good ending I don't know if there's multiple endings cuz I don't really think there was anything else for me to do except maybe take that shot but I even then I don't know if I could have but hey there you [Music] go uh-oh [Music] uh what was that lixian analyze analyze harder analyze harder and come to a conclusion come on
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,424,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's find larry, scary games, lets find larry game, wheres waldo, wheres waldo creepypasta, creepy, scary, horror, gaming, gameplay, markiplier, markiplier scary games, markiplier lets find larry
Id: 8OQ1WX8_bQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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