Markiplier Makes: LEGO

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*dead inside* MARKIMOO?! M: Hello everybody! M: my name is markiplier M: this is tyler M: who are you? E: heypass M: heepass? T: haha E: HAHA E: haha yeah thats me E: good ol heapass (oh) *hehe time with markimoo* M: we gonna make leg-oh *lego noises* M: thasswhat we got right here *more lego noises* *stop the legonoises.mp3* M: were gonna be makin lego we each have different lego baxes M: bUuUUUUuUuuUuT! M: we dont know what they look like M: we never seen these before M: you guys can see what we are trying to make right now (i cant?) M: 'cause ill put a graphic of it later ill put it in insert shot(oh shit) M: of us holdin up the baxes or somthin like that M: but we dont know what they look like M: all we kinda know is that theyre cars M: *looks at Tyler* T: *yes boss* M: MAYBE M: it might be something else M: its up to the invention and imagination ME: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) M: but these are supposed to work these are the type of legos that are actually supposed to move so...... E: On their own? (worrying) M: Yeah (Worry intensifies) E: huh M and E: (Laughing) M: Heapass T: Heapass! E: Heapass!! E: You've know me for 3 or 4 years now and you don't know my name M: wanna step on the gas, you call heapass M: turn that shit to glass, you call heapass M: you wanna smoke some grass, you call heapass T: wanna test the pass, you don't call heapass E: (Mimics the action of eating ass) M: eat ass, drive fast, smoke grass M: eat ass, heapass M: I was in the middle of a bit. T: damnit M: you see when I am talking in my bit and then you talk that is not how that works M: MY BIT MY BIT and MY BIT is ruined its all gone E: You know you really made heapass angry (angry heapass sound) E: You won't like it when heapass gets angry (giggling like idiots) M: So a little history of legos, I think these are legos, are these legos M: Yeah I'm getting confirmation from the studio these are legos E: Is playmobile made by lego M: Lemme get a confirmation on that one M: we don't know T: Lego Group M: alright these are legos M: so a little backstory on legos M: legos were originally made by a Nasa scientist M: when he was trying to make a more portable form of brick M: bricks big heavy, we want small, so he took a normal brick and put it in a microwave and it magically started congealing into a tiny itty bitty brick M: and then he gave it to his kid or something and his kid was like WOW this is super fun, this is great, I love this dad I finally have some reason to love you M: and the dad was well shit like I have to microwave some more bricks I don't know how to make my kid love me other than this so he started microwaving bricks and eventually he came up with this M: Legos T: by the way it was a special NASA microwave T don't try microwaving bricks at home M: you can microwave a brick at home what's wrong with that T: it might have metal in it and make big boom M: brick don't have metal in them T: they could M: kids microwave bricks right now M: go to your house, take a hammer, smash a brick out of your house M; grab that brick, pop that badboy in a microwave M: see what happens M: I Bet it won't blow up E: see what happens I bet your parents will lose their deposit if they're renting the house M: yeah exactly M: you wanna live fast, follow heapass rules M: microwave a brick M: fuck M: heapass don't know what heapass is doing M: heapass lives life on the edge M: yeah this is bizarre because I don't have wheels M: Don't start, what are you doing T: (Silence) M: No explain what were you doing T: I was putting a tire on... M: your bowl is in the way, you can't M: recycling M: yeah so take it off M: alright that's really funny and clever and frankly that's why everyone loves you M: but please stop it right now M: what are you doing E: don't you dare talk to heapass like that M: you're right, I apologise M: what are you doing E: I'm building a car M: well could you stop?? E: alright E: (Light giggling) M: take em out (First slam and yell) (Another slam and yell) (Slow mo slam and yell) (Confused Tyler) M: ok, so I say 15 minutes is a good amount of time to try to build a lego thing M: and whoever is closest to the design, whoever is most true to what it is M: and whosevers works the best is the winner M: makes sense M: 15 minutes, put it on the clock we will go on your go M: ok so I am starting out by figuring out what pieces look like other pieces M: because I am assuming this has some sort of symmetry right? E: what do you think yours is, if you dont have wheels M: wait i got wheels M: wait they are tiny M: why are my wheels tiny? E: listen its not about the size of the wheels M: yours are really big E: Oh it's a boat E: It's a w- E: Youre building a duck boat! M: I'm just worried that like they got you like Sweet awesome teenage... like level Legos And I got some whimpy baby Legos T: I don't know your's said "power" E: Teenage "level" legos?? E: What are "teenage level" legos? M: It is a boat! E: (Laughing) M: 'Cause this says "boat"! (Ethan and Tyler laugh as Mark is happy at his own realization of this) T: I think mine's a police... car 'Cause it says (Looks for word again) M: 'Cause it says "lice" (as in police) T: Lice (again, as in police) E: I think mine says... A truck (?) E: 'cause it's got a licence plate- M: you're losing a piece M, a little more panicked: you're losing a piece Etha- ETHAN ETHAN!!! (panicky mark) E: OOoooHHHHHhhhhHH NnnnnNNNN ooooOOOoooOO!!!!! E: fuck (he got it) E: do you smell the pies? they smell good M: (shushes) don't talk about the pies! We can't talk about how we efficiently stacked these recording like in television you (new topic) if you wanna be a Youtuber and you're trying to get a lot of videos out Try to stack your recording days all in one and then you can get a lot done in a little bit of time and if you stack them even if you need to wait on one video start another video wouldn't be so bad And that's a little Markiplier tip for all you- burgeoning (is that a word?) YouTubers out there Tell them the definition of "burgeoning" (oh i guess that is a word) E: Burgeoning: the-... One who burgeons In the fieeeeld (thinking pause) One who... likes to Burgeon themselves to (can't bs this effectively) E: burgeon M: I just- I'm so glad E: Shush. Burgeon M: I'm so glad I paid for all your improv lessons E: You're welcome M: How much time we got? M: Boy E: I've done nothing E: (laughs) M and T: (Laughing) E: I dont understand how there's so many pieces
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,179,507
Rating: 4.9724936 out of 5
Keywords: lego, legos, lego toy, lego sets, toy, toys, lego cars, lego building, markiplier, markiplier makes, markiplier makes lego, funny, collab, crafting, how to, how to build lego, how to lego
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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